ROVE'S QUEEN. it l'vc is I'I: , iHIip' too nid;: old ,rrhaliililnil"ar' j, ',,. rr. ana ' :iw',,li,i"iH-Hiiyri,t-"r i i fii'lK ' .t;ir. 1 .. -I. il liAII'Js pon'"w '..'rf.-rl grace. A Bail Road Lines, &c. V Ceri'l Sup'toiOfTTcfe, Wl LM INGTON, COLUMBIA JKd AU- GUST A RAILUUAD. - jWilinington, N. C, June 1, 1577. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Steamship Lines, &c. j - affiV.invall.nll!- ,,!lltli'l'vcnl-v!1:,,ls '". i Ik- ilc summer liww. :h; on nvKH.nt nhts. . ,7,-h thv U-Hutrous form ri,T;-hi,d wirn'- ' 'jf.luill iiiu' not'down -5"1- . . n "i'-i fi'r h!mv; ';,,! '', .mneand wear thy crovn., 1 ?or andouccnofloYc! t v realm cwnplH. yAVnMhy fret. Viewlf BI rlriT Couple ,u.-li.'r! l"Uii the Lansing ' ...iin" hi- -a Uranu River car Liu Ins rert pw. Iic sai'l as.he jerked ,1'VV. . " , . , .. -'jiir.'iet me hoKl ycr hand, jest lor "... lw nlcr.di'il. i Z l):n't yuu s'-'c lI'O' arc 1 '"kins J - rliis'Pri'l. . ' fh:! he replied, looking up .the car. ''Weil, now, I'm going n u't , .lie rrsrtn ri't arounM-yc, ami ii any ' . dares t it crooked 1'il "' ' ... !. llixir with him until 1 ;',. tin to his shoulder-blades ri'i-: li;un Jc'll t ).! ivnr and thfl other : arm reuiww -..v., - -- .--en looketi as soieum n voy ob tucir way nonie uum iuuvm.j. Vc Frets. . , . ; .'If'rin i :l siitnmer cpis(xh'; as iU litilo Johnny: -fist summer i-'lVAy'r was a lyin in the sun a ".J.juj.. t ut the Hies was that bad cos he h id to cctth cm. and ',a lv lit n his hed, and was .-,'Miit like I he dg was. hisn. L-rV li'-'l hi 1k-1 still, and when the acl'jsc to liisiuose lowscr winked ke he Mid you sec what this duffer i:3 thinks I'm a lilly ' of the 1 rnliich isn't open yet. but you just :il bl syii and yrtii will sec some -urc ciait T'-wscr opened his ir.ry !o so as not to fritcn the bes, :.l went into 'fowscr'ts mouth. , T c s'net hU eyes dreamy,' riMiith, too, and had begun to i n'.iceflc smile wen the bee stung vmu never see a hlly ot tnc ral Ini ia all your life." On and after Sundar, June 3d, the fullow ing arhcdlulc trill be run on this road: DAY Kxl'RESS AND MAIL TKAI,(dailT j except Suaday,)- ? -'J7 Leare Wilmington..;.......:....... ... 12 13 J M Arrive at; Florence 5 00 J' M Leave Florence.......: "12 30 P M Arrive at Wilmington......... 5 20 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington ;.. G 00 H Al Leave Florence 10 0$ P 11 Arrive at Columbia...... 1 11A M Arrive at Augusta.... 4 32 AM Leave Augusta 8 23T M Leave Columbia.. ...;............:...;.ll 39PM Leave Florence 2 45 A M Arrive at Wilmington. C 40 A M This Train will only stop at "Fleming ton, Whitcville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timmonsvillc, Sumter and Eastover between Wilmington and Columbia. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Daily, ex- cept Sundays. ) Leave Wilmington...... 2 30 P M Leave Florence 2 20 AM Arrive at Columbia... 10 10 AaM Leave Columbia...... 4 00 P M Leave Florence...:... i. ....... 4 30 A M Arrive at Wilmington ... 12 00 M IPS" Passengers for Augusta and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wil mington, i ' Sfr Thrugb Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charleston and Augusta. I JAMES ANDERSON, ) juno General Superintendent. S. C. Hall, j AND JOB PRINTER. iltl, AT TUE'llEAUtlN PRINTING' ' ' ' . I III I I' Ki. on ,m ili ?lu'lr j"ur(:itcrc:t; gi re me a it!t v n u r ('.-ii'iuhv; vou continue V- lOYELTy STORE, 21 MARKET STREET- n II. ANU S i; L IX' TE I) STOCK, t-.jiin in '.art of Ci ears, Tobacco, sariis, Xcniapcrs, Rook?. Pcriod-Unnm-U.. Ac. JU-. ibi"h will W sol.l at pijces never ''M'd iq tliis city.. . niav 2 New Design. HtttfoUF CLOCKS or .outtel j'-'vaj li4iju,t been revived and arc v " vxtrcindv low . figures ; also a U T m ':f. bA DIES' WATCH ES, j . .'.'r ll't ltll m U ill ln nmllr "Ujkuf the Public is to give me ?: ,:. , J. II. ALLEN. "atchuuKiT and Jeweller ros Exchange MNHKENTLV changed haudj is i, "b f"r iumu)odation uf the lltil ft rwniv- uiits aril MmiCct0 c nauts of Gue?t3, iu7 t U K0OM i' op and the 1 fr to tiic Patrons of the fv april 7. Thj Molina Farmer. 4 t tJXEl) will resume tic 1": '' ''- CAKOUXA FARMER, )l iVl,f eptvinbcr next, with Mr. "J-N V MlELAN a. Associate Edi- WILMINGTON & WELDON KAILROAD COMPANY I OKFICK OF GEN'f. SLTKiUNTKNDKNT ) Wilmington, N. C, June I, 1S77. J On and after Sunday, June 3d, 1877i the passenger trains on the Wilmington 4 Wcldon Kailroad will run as follows : t. DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINi V Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at..... 7 00 AAI Arrive at Weldcn at 12 50 PM Leave Weldon daily at i 11 40 AM Arrive atlWiluiington, Front St. ' Depot at 5 10 P M AND' n , -:W .- u., STEAMSHIP LINE. vvnmingto Miscellaneous. f .iN'V.TSBA:-,-: Tact earner a.5 0 y Miscellaneous. PROSPECTUS FOR 1877. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE, AK 1LUST11ATLD ' MONTH LV 't Popnlar Literature, Science and Arl. Miscellaneous. ... THE HIGHEST HOWS AT THE CEHTENNIAL EXHIBITION Anuouncement for 1877. REVO! P , J). Foley, Capt. Trice, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON SATURDAY, MARCH 24. To bc'fucccedud by Stu;tv : o :- CAPT OLIVER, On Wednesday, March 28, and thereafter sailing from HaUiinorc every WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. NIGHT JklAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depotf at .., Arrive at Weldon at Leave Wdldon, daily at Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at.. -1 I 5 35 PM 2 20 A M 3 45 A M i 12 08. M The Dai Train makes close connection at Weldon tor all points North via Bay Line daily, (except Sunday ) and daily, via Rich mond and jail rail routes. Night train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. ; Pullman s Palace Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains, and run through from Wil mington t Kicumond. .. JOrliN t. Dl 1JN i fc, j Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing of steamers as advertised. "5v I Through Bills of Xiading given to and from Philadelphia, and "Prompt Dispatch ' guaranteed. For Freight Engagements apply t A. Z. CAZAUS, Agent, Wilmington, 3M. C. L. S. RELDEN, Soliciting Agent. REUREN FOSTER, -General Agent; Corner Lcc and Light Street.-, Baltimore, mch 21 CLYDE'S Mew York -AND - W i I m i n gto n , W , C . , SX3ZVXI -WSS K JiY Steamship Line, The Steamer Prime Enjoyment for a Year, Less Than Four Cents a Week. MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE . RV INTRODUCING THE SATUHOAY EVENING POST, Which for more than 55 Years- has been the STORY, SKETCH AND FAMILY PAPER, as is well kpown all over the United States. It is published weekly contains eight large pages, clcajrly printed on good paper, tilled with the choicest stories and sbetches; by the best wiiter's; not sensational trash, but such aa a mother is Avilling to have her children read. The! whole tone of the paper ia pure and elevating. It also ccintains HLslorical and Biographical articles ; Scientific ; Agricultural and House hold Departments ; Fashion Article weekly, fresh and unexcelled ; Humorous Notes ; Lit erary Reviews; News Notes; Boys' and Girls' Columns ; ind Strong and Sparkling Edito rials, e(c, J ju'sf supl a paper as every body lore's jto read, and th price is only , TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. Sample coy containing club ratt, etcJ, sent on receipt $f a y-ccnt stamp. Address, i W Om 9 1 8 UENNKIT & F11CH, 276 Ransom Street, Philadelphia, P4t N. B. Bio sure and affix the number 018 before ENN TT t 'ITPR, bo that we may npw tflrfi4gti wnat paper ine suDscripnon comes. JS77 t n k 1877 INDEX-APPEAL, (laily aud Weekly,) Published In J'ctcrstturg, v a., Ls devoted to current neVks, local and foreign; di.-scn.ion of political uiul topics ud free and feurless sultwiu y of the rights and interests of the peowloi Its commercial reports are hnscdiKmiactual transactions, aiul may be relifl uiKniisis accurate. The ablest journal istic talent kf the Htate is in its employ; a vigilant anil reliable corps of correspondents '-ilLR i. . ' 'tfu V""c issued monthly, in "-'; thirf n 11 liaidjome cover,' and ,! Htn,K-V' 0 rages-f reading mat- !r: S I f W nu uf Farmers and f.. I. l Carolina Th t rrttv. ;ll b!?,rhith formerly dUtin 'I'tion : One vear. M.M) r ' i.WI l. - - ' ' 'beB -i " ie months, 50 cents. 4 hitlcrl. f T.. r 1 k:i JNO. T. VAWWQ 3i' Market St. Vl'L f ' r,tos- Subscriptions f trfite1 nunbcr. The old ' wfgtont K. C. Ruby" Cigar t ette JTHnvi,a, 1 1 b CENT Cigar AlwWhi por Hire. C0K WASUEa AND Ircncr Motuemald. Also, AQoo lPP'j to PAYIP CQWAN, At Court nouse; contribute the latest news and znssi all iinport tint ventres, &inl nq t;urt jsspari rts miikeMt'atlrst-cla'Umuvuewsmntfr. Ai' The Index-Anneal hasa larger citr ami rauntry cicriuathmfhan. any other pjux-r m Southide irglula, and the largest circuia- tim. in V.rri i Vmlinft of ah v Virsinin. ivitier SUlWCKIPTiON : A Wews Paper, s published. every ersni&f , Saladay eacepte -AT- $5 A Or 50 cents a-month, not strictly in advance io :- BENEFACTOR, CAPT. JONB ' WILL SAIL FRO M S E Y .YORK': () N SATURDAY, MARCH 24. To be succeeded' bv Steainer 9 CAPT. WAKSLEY, On Wc dries Tay, IVIarch 28. Shippers can. rely upo-n the 1 HiiJ't sailing of Steatnevs auerised. " SAlLlXir- -tof tvfr-Mix'jox .vr.v- iU lM.V )EJiXKSIA )'. For Freight Engagements-apply to A. D. CAZAUS. Agent, Wilmington, W. C. L. S. - RELDEN, Soliciting Agent. WM. P. CLYDE A- CO.. (Jeneral Agents," 6 Bowling Green, or .Pier l'-, N. RM - New Y'ork. " - teb 1) NEW- YORK WEEKLY HERaLD. JAMES GORDON BENNETT j p ii u i ; i i: r ii i;. i' us t At; i: ! 1: i: . 1 ONE DOLL VR DAILY (omyear) . 4x months -threp months one inonth WEEKLY one year) tiix monins 1 t6 (0 3 00 1 50 50 f2 00 1 00 1XKSTAUR IUII'AH). Ml order4 for stibscriDtiou must be acccua- panle-l by the vasli. fiJ per annum. ; 1 " ' " ' TSend lor specimen eopv. r'lS'DEX-APrKAL Pt'B. CO..... lVersbiirg, a. TJotioe. LL PEKSUS iJlUUiU against the County of New Hanover, in War. rants, Ac, Issued previous to the 1st of Janu ary, 1877, are requested to present a list of the same to hc Special Board of Audit vrith out delay. The luts must epecifv the Date and Xrsn and AMOcat of each Warrant, together with" the name of the person to whom issued and br whom held: Action will be taken on each claim, as pre: tented, in accordance with- the la ?f creaung vna n vn fir sa n n i ' mch 14 WM. L. DsROSSET, Chairaan. vi-Ai yi;ah. 50 Cats for Sis IV! oath 3. An extra cop" to every dub of ten. THE NEW YORK DAILY HERALD , Published fiery dy 4J the j tU', rosTAGi: 'bv: :. $10 pays for one year, Sundays included. $B pavs for ono year, without Sundays. $5 pays for six-months, Sundays included. $4 pays for six months, without Sundays. $2 pays for one year for any specified day 0? the week. $1 pavs for six months fur any epecitied day o'f the week. . . . " $1 pays for one month. Sundays isc'udeu. XE s SUEALEIiS SU1TL1LD POSTAGE FREE. Dalr Edition. ..Two and a half cU. per copy VMit5rn . Four' rpnts nr rrinv Citucwj - - - - r r j- Weeklr Edition ,..,.Two ccnu per copy J Adclrei;, ' NEW YORK HERALD, eci? Rraodwav and Ann &t.,New Yo tk The Reading Public are respectfullr inform ed that it shall be the constant aim of the pro prietor to furnish them with A LIVE NEWSPAPER, containing the latest news of the dav, and en dearoring to keep its reader full j informs in regard to events of interest and importance occurring in every quarter of the world, OUR DAILY MARKET REPORTS ... 'V ill full and correct, and will oe kept opcn'until he latest Possible moment. Mer chants in the citr and countrv mav rest as sured that they vf ill be thoronghlj reliable. The News Columns Will contain the reports, bota -of news and markets, received here each day at noon, and the Ii O C L U K V A II T M E N T I ia.s been placed 'in careful and experienced haj. ds. Friends in the sectioa of country con nce'ed with this city, will greatly oblige the Editor, a&d wili contribute additional inter est to thctc column! by forwarding any items of news that may occur in their respective localities, ALL (OliRESrON'DENCE, On matters of grneral interest will be gladly received, but our friends must bear in mimd that thev mq?t TTriU" only oa -ae'side of the paper; that thy must forbear usrless verbi age, must correct their own manuscript and must avoid abusive personalities, A re liable name must be furnished with each com munication, as the Editor will not be held ac countable for the vi-s or language of cor respondents. The number f-T January begins the nine teenth volume of this Magazine, and while its past record will it is hoped be deemed a sufficent guarantee tf future excellence, r.n effort will be spared to diversify its attract ions and to provide an increased supply of POPULAR L E AD IX G IX THE PEST AXD MOST EMPJfA TIO SEXSE The great object and constant aim of the conductors will be tofurnish the" tublic with Literary Entertainment of a Refined and Varied Chapter, as well a3 to present in a graphic and strikingmanncr the most recent information and soundest view on subject? of' General Intrest ; in a word to render Lippiu cott's Magazine strikingly distinctive iz THOSE FEATURES THAT 'a RE MOST ATTRACTIVE IN MAGAZINE LITERATURE. The contributions now on hand, o especially engaged, embrace a highly attractive list of" Tales, Short Stories, Descriptive Sketches, Narratives, Papers on Science arid Art, Poems, Popular Essays, Lit- - crary Criticisms, Etc., Etc., BY TALENTED AND WELL KXuWX WRITEKS. A large proportion of the articles,vspccially those descriptive of travel, will be rilOFL'SELY AND BEAUTIFULLY " ILLUSTRATED. The pictorial cmbelishmcnts of the Magazine constitute one of its attractive feature.-. In addition to the General Attractions of Lippincott's Magazine, the Publisher would invite attention to the follow ins SPECIE FEATURES FOR 1877. 1. A new serial story, , "The XVXarauis of Iiossic," by George MacDonald, author of ''Malcolm, "Alec Forbes," "Robert Faltoner,?;ctc. : To those ofour readers who arc familiar with "Malcolm," this new story from the pun of this distinguished writer w ill need no re commendation, and his reputation is a guaran tee to others of .a deeply interesting, and powerful story. It began in the November number, which issue, with the December part, will be furnished graits to all new subscribers for 1877. - 2. A prof llustratcd scried of sketches' of Swedish Scenery and Life, by rrof. Willard Friik, author of Cornell University, who is throughly fatnilar with Sweden and its people from personal oWcrv'a- jn. : 3. A scries of popular papers on rt and Art Matters, . -'i he judges ..-iiiiauiuij'jfly i ccoramcndth MENDELSSOHN "31 Iriahd s lei: Tin: Diploma of; Honor and Medal cf Merit. Placing them in the Front Rank Without a SuDerior- PRICES 11 by Edward Strahau (Earl Sbiun), author of " A ne iNew Hyperion, etc. 4. Illustrated Sketches of Travel, - v v title Pictures from Spain, by Edward King, author of the "Great So o-th"' etc. n 5. Mrs. Lucy II. Hooper's lntcrcssinir ihd l Kiuant 1 i Papers and Letters from Paris will be continued through the vear. 6. The Beauties of the Rhine ; will be described in a richly illustrated terjes of papers. 7. During the year w ill appear a. number of handsomely illustrated short article.-', de scriptive of Life, Travel, and Adventure in the United States, England, South America, Japan, Mongolia, and other couulries. FOR SALE BY "ALL BOOK AND NEWS DEALERS. PRICE, :)o CENTS. Tst.hs.- Year Subscription, Two cop ies, $7; Three copies, $10; Five copies, !?lfJ ; Ten copies, $;0; with a 'copy gratis to the perBon procuring the club, hir.'glc number 35 cents. NonCE-The November and December Num bers containing the earlier chapters of "The Marquis ofLousic'will be presented to all new annual subscribers for lb i 7. Specimen Number mailed, postage, .paid, to anv address,. on. receipt of 20 cents. y lo Agents a Liberal Couiim-.-ion will be allowed. Address. J. B. LIPPINCOTT, A; (J .; Ptihlisliei, 710 ami 717 Market ht., lhiladclthia.' jan 5 For etrictly first rlars instruments. $000 for ' $GG0 for $275. $700 Jbr :i0O. $700 for $325. S0O lor $:::,o. .v'joO for $400 . $1000 for $100. U Nu Coimjiissi'-n to Agents. Nu Di-cuiiiits to 'iVadicrs. No Dcvialivn in Price'-. The Mendelssohn GRAfiD, SQUARE & UPRIGHT Piainios Contain -valuable patent and iuiprot.cmcnts Tievcr.beforc introduced. MATH U SHE it'S Ni.w Patlm Dti-LE-v, UvLi-.srui-.xtt Scale, L the grcatctadaucc in the historv of Pia- uo making, producing the most astonishing power, rienncss ana depth, ot tone, and a shm- . taining singing quality never before attained, beins a "Graud Piano in a Square case." The Mendelssohn Upri(?hts ARE THE FINEST L AMERICA. Tliey- ate pronounced the "Pianos of th : Future". M ami acik v. A WAntKuoMo : Aos. io, 19 i. 4U4.--i'JG'A. tun West 6tth SC. loth Avenue: PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL. Illustrated and descriptive Catalogue mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., Vy. 00 Broadtail, X. JV feb 'Jl ) 3000 Welstcr's UHalriugei Dictionary FOR THE SCHOOL R . 3,0('U Erigr'aviug.s ; 1.10 .PagiM- Qar(n. Price $12. s A TAT ID W FZIATtrnZS. i Seroig-Machiner OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, Even before a type was set for the tirst issue, was. an exceedingly flattering one, and is probably the largest bona tide 'list with which any newspaper in North Carolina ever before increase, eipecially on the rarious railroad lines. MOZART SALOON, X7o. X Granite How, Front St. mHE OLD RELIABLE HOt'SE is -till J began publicaUon, and is now rapidly o the making improvement and has now means of eoppiylng our customers t ith Ice Cold Lager treshly tapped. The following genuine im ported ' Rhcin Wines MarcoL.i uner, RnjKie sntnjcr 0 iersfciacr, GrisenhcimeiT and Fejr Southern Drinks a specialty, y1- "way 18 JOHN HAAR, Jr., PrpV I jonzx. t 5X- Office on Second street, between Pria se and CkPtj Br U. l4Ce- To tin-::, Of) IllutrationiJici ctolorc in Web- ' stcr's'Unabriflged, wchave added four.pagea o! colored: Illustrations, ' erg:. i led rxpj-csaly r at Tt vipecse. . Nearly every. State Superintendent of Public Instruction in tho ' Union, or corres ponding ofhT, where such an one exists, has recommended Webster's Dictionary in the strongest terms. Among them arc those of Eastern, Northern. Middle, Southern, and Western States TWENTT-EIOIIT in all. . The State of NEW YORK has placed 10,000 copies of Webster's Unabridged in as many of her Public School?. The State ..f WISCONSIN about 3,0Q0 neat I y "every school. - - The State of NEW JERSEY 1,500 near every school. - The State of MICHIGAN made provision for all her school?. The State of MASSACU UTETTS has fuj-. piied her schools neatly all. The State of IOWA has supplied her schools. , The State of CONNECTICUT hu made, provision for her schools. erOv,r3.W0 school in INDIANA were supplied during the year Is72, andmaar more in l?7.'i and ls74. In other States many copies have been pur chased for supplying schools of cities, coun ties and towns. ' What b:ttcr iuTcstmcut can he made for 1 schools? " More than ti n times a-s many are sold of Webster's Dictionaries as of any other series in this country. At least oir-'fi rns of all the school-book publieLcd in thid i ountry own Webster at their standard, and of the remainder few ac knowledge ant standard. . Pttifehcdby. G. k V. MERRIAM, . dec Springfield Mass. $600 PIANOS FOB 250L And all other tjlc-'in theaHe proportio, including Grand, Square and Uprightalt Fifct-CLA sold direvt to the' People at Fa-iokv PHk.i. N agents: no mmmL feions ; no discounts. These Pianos mad one rT. Jitir "5, 1STL WK CLAIM FOB THE IMri:oVt! WHITNEY SEWING MACHINES The following specific points of snperiority: 1 Great Simplicity in Construction. 2 Durability. 3 Exceedingly Light Running - 4 Still Running. Noiseless. 6 Perfbrins all Varieties of Work. 6 Beauty of Finish and Workman. ..f.V... i. ...... . ., . .-T". " T GREAT REDUCTION in Fricc. Y " ; "T? L"-1 ZJ- - luc,Wn, Exbi- Machinea sent on trial before pay men t. is re-1 7 Cmau r3& i - , . u s 1 vi.o. iinr JiaBit quired ; written guarantee to keep nat bines in order for five years giroo with cath ma chine. Wit f Pa Old Prices ? For circulars and particular-. Address, THE WHITNEY MF C CO., dee 29 Patcrjon, N. J. Washington Nois, gOOT AND JiHOE MAKER AND Repairer. Second atreet, two daors from Mar ket. Price Medrat1n J TUst References. iat factory one of the largest and hnest in the world. 1 he Square Grands contain Math ushek' new patent Duplex Overstrung Sca, the greatest iutproveucat in Uie hiTtorj of piano lu-kiflg. The Upright arc the Fix est in Aatnu A. Doat fail to write for Illustra ted, and Descriptive Catalogac-, mtild free MENDELSOHN VI AXO 00., apl. 14 No. 5G Broadway, N. Y. A DYXRTISE IN TDK DAILY REVlt;W i