WILl OATS. uill' charming piece ofVordirm- dW Mnzinc. H attributed -iillifH-u-Ww j ouusi liul I" iiptrri'sarcBnn, iY"rt- ...i i he world away; ' l'T i ntllfl'" ltl1-. . ., ....iirvr. tail. Vf viff uuria ioM, lad, W! thJwhrrls run down, V" S Jj take your place IImto. '""ntan'l jnairucd among- ;. "'ni vou nnd a face there, JH!r'h then !fvu icerc yw0- ( ' - BOILED DOW'5, - .f .-.u-r Williams. .Sanscrit pro- Vovfonl; couplers that emli- ir.il U'V-s here " J"r l'""'" -iir:uHll,c coolly by c.nvn ,!f through the head Uln? clothes of w 0 , were stolen by a spiteful i iJltliTcremoiiy had to b nost Vlhmtil iii-irc cuuKI U made..-. uN IJiUr has hurried oft with a BiM-rscto th '-ast tu litirscl her IIU on Rail Boad Idnes&c. Gen7! Sup?tsOffice, i , 5 ? Miscellaneous. : mm h tTHEr fancy if 1... f, i.l ;i Ir'.dMn" I . t.l .. - II lit !' I "0 . . f .i . .Un'!'' (l,mL- (his rinrllii "" is at oik tioon a history l-Cilin d Waf. WHICH win hih;u lb' V . I III 1.,. T.lll.'Uhffl 4' . I . .. 1. 1.' ....1 ...!. Ilili in .i!:.in'jjtrfiy in rreucu, ii'iiiu?,.,""",i pi.Mi-CiilluM-h-stule money Iroin.lus tl;.. bmisvillc. and gambled it away; 1 fk'n reproved for it, ha took a club -1 broke 0,000 worm oi ijiimoio m mu iiu'iJJjrniturc store. . . - Tut Kmpcior W illiam visual tiie uattie- iLiirouuu iMti., . ..v .... !LeC"lt.ic hcoccupica Aug 10, ioio, J,nrnt iimc time in Uic room wncre ... . . r e i;tal lni lesi:ucu oi vicioi . iWfivc years of a-e having stolen a a -I milk, his niuther twk him to task i mural suasion, and- wound up her uusc by exclaiming, "Wliat in the ?U :; you going to do AVitli the -sl.'"':l wa'-'ing to Meal a i!og-to -:.kit.:: : fiic Afiicau i'.i'lor;itio!i seLeme iu- ca Ly the Kin's of the Hoigians haa n ivamily taken up in nearly every ..-.nti-y, ami committees in aid ot it have fcrrucil, which arc presided over in j,tevcrv ca-by a member ol the ijj I'iniily. Mrs. Pcan's ftuir habits at a biiLh, in . were notice a few days ago. i futliii i very proud and drunk ulrtii b- was met by 'a newspaper reporter, kI i.ul ; in ilmnk unc), and, brgorali, m :m piinV that, tin, for a man ' who niV'hi't ccU'bralc four babies at once is a te!e ami mfidi'l.'' Ic Alrialiro '(ft'.scrilrt's a beautiful ttu' wfii-.li is tul-c raia-J to Titian this yir,tli? J'HItl) anniversary of his birth, u..tk liltlc lowuof 1'iovc di Uidore, his p!i.liGC; 'I'Uo looks toward the xu-krp i(c w.js bj-ii. on tbJ walls of tradition in 3' tli.it hi earliest '..).... '".ijit.iii. bc!,tii tra'Io lM,, itctl from tho i'-'-l'iciiili Treat v . !' 18GU far more 4lui Kn-Una has. Jn fifteen years the wiinip.vi, into l-rauco irom Urcat u:n h lie only risen livnl 1,000,000 1 WW0 , w hilu those from France nnuiii nave risen irom fJo.uuu.- ie..!r.iltitcc of U .scicntifb societies 0i" 'li;ii.kt!,lcil tlrat. in fntuip inl'or- V l;c jsci'4' to jhfj Vijriou.s coal iu. uiiiutry ol any sudden or WIyltlieatiiot;phciio prcRsure, as HI. lliC.tlilWeift nu.fp,,rnlnmr:il ions. It. is thought that uch b nave great mlltience on gases WIL1UXOTO.V; COLUMlilA AXO AU GUST A KAILIiOAD. Wiliniugtcri, -N. C, Jbuv 1, 1S77. CHANGE OF, SCHEDULE: On and! after Sundav, Juue ."d, the follow ! j ..t..i..i :i 1 il.: .1. i DAY, E.4' U IuSii A X D M A 1 L TB AI N, (daily , except rfut:ia. ) Leave Wjlminton.::.!. '12 15 P il Arrive atiFlorence.......... 5 00 T M Leave Florence............... .'. 12. 30 I5 -M Arrive atjWilmington 20 I il NIGHT EXPKESS TRAIN. (Dally )i Leave Wilmington...: J 00.P Al Leave Florence... ............10 05 1' l Arrive atjColumbia. 1 11AM Arrive at Augusta...;.................. 4 32 A M Leave Atigusta...................;...... 8 23 I'.M Leave Columbia ..11 39 P M Leave Florence 2 45 A il Arrive ati Wilmington.......... C 40 A ll This Train will only stop at Flcmingtorij Whiteville, Fajr liluff, jrarion, Florence, Timmonsiji!le, Sumter and liastovcr between Wilmington and Columbia. 7 THROUGH FREIGHT" TRAIN (Daily, ex j cet Sundays.) Leave Wilmington................. ,2 30' J M Leave Florence.......................... .2 20 A W Arrive at Columbia....... 10 10 A W Leave Collumbia...... .4 00 P H Leave Florence 4 U0 A A! Arriveat Wilmington.. 1- 00 M 3 Passengers for .Augusta and beyond ehould takjc Night Express Train from Vil- minjton f 1 li uo;li -deeping Cars on nigtit trains for Charleston and Augusta. Ueneral huperintenaent. juue WILMINGTON & WELDOh RAIL2.0AD COMPANY. 1 . m ' - OfFICB OF Gen'l Si I'FIUN TliNDIiNr ) Wilmington, N. C, June 1, 1S77. j On and' iafter Sunday, June T.d, 1877, tne passenjger trains on the Wilmington A Wcldon Riiilr-o'ad will run as follows : day Mail and express train, Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at.J....J....'... " 00 A M Arrive at Wcldon at T.. ........... 12 50 P AI Leave WebW daiLy at................ 11 40 A AJ Arrive at Wilmington; Front St. Depotjat., 5 10P Al NIGHT AtAIL AN D EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington, Front St.- ' Depot iat... 5 35P A1 Arrive at Weldon at.... 2 20 A Al Leave Weldon, daily at 45 A Al Arrive at Wilmington, Front St, Depot at 12 00. Al Tlje Day JTrain makes cjosp connection at Wcldon iof nl points North via Day Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily,. via Rich mond and all rail routes. Night traiin makes, close ' connections at WeJdon fqr all points nouth'via llichmod. 'Pullman';: Palace Sleeping Oars attached to all Night Trains, and run through from Wil mington to Richmond. V JOHN F. DIVINE, juiu 2- General SaDeiinteiulent. Steamship Lines,&e7 alt -imor ' . AND Wilmington, . STEAMSHIP LINE." 7 '1 er Et- ?, 7 .7 -Miscellaneous. PROSPECTUS FOR 1877. UPPINQOTT'S MAGAZINE, AN. 1LUSTKATLD MONTHLY UK Fcpnlar Literature, Scicnci and Art. Announcement for 1877. Capt. Price, WILL1' SAIL FROAI BALTIMORE ON A Mews '.'Paper, 8 published ever e'jning, Suunday eicopte SATURDAY, MASCH ; To be succeeded hy Stmr. 24, ) - AT MOONSHINE. 'tMvcrth a million is utterly i ' . : , " ''' ".r'j'raifi'r UimteL valuable to pfceibouldkwp it. - 'OlMr-rimm 1,,1-f.. 1- N hair shingled, and now 4-o'uu cai:s lum her "docked ''! l1. v should never, get iljp 1 C:'b and what lie can- "lui i I srx ' itl ' :,a'N,s ;l eontcmporary. U.CUril(.u ;l c;lt U u A. u b.ick n ymposo.1 of half a brick. . r'-h)tvn nun i l... '.. KSvt,ruua,liCl1 ailerwards that he ' . .'WorsaU to tbn w-Mrl.nr llo k w"tl to Ikj a stop to the nrgro u iatct U mule's tail - over .i feme. ThcXsnll atten- 4L Tv . "erul 1,0x1 dayShowcdthat Vwatcarcif he did twist the It I-,' . UT yvulU illvcJ $1.50 in a i,i ; nrni to discover "How to an- t. Cll'l Sitll.. " rr. . . , -CRtKi i "o rccijMJ wuicn i in I V-Mrt'lul 'd, was short, VL aca'iy uudcrbtoml? Al hl i T,uuUl-bc ldiilojiopber has i 1 bctc tl... f f- Uulfo 'the country wcie b ay llcy are ut of f....ir vuc-"fc vo dc cagcu Dsiorc . -uiucrsuch startling discovery. i?:utiv m'rgyiuao named r' ul,. ' 'Z?n sebackone stormy iun, a t il a loosc cloak of large . ..T"M "aviuff a broad Rrnrlrl UT tl... . v " -w Miscollanoous. oi'Ficiv or, :t : , . . OUR LIVINp AND OUR DEAD. IN ORDEli TO SUPPLY. OUR SU13SCRI bers vritfi numbecs due them, w'S c-hall rc sume t'e publication of OUR LIVING; ANJ) OUR i)EAp ou'AIivrpU LHh.and complete the lVth 'V'4lumo in monthly parts. No new subscribers ivill be taken except for the bound volumes turcc of whit'h "have been issued and the IVth will be ready in June. We can sup ply our old jpubscribers with any back num hers, execptj September and October, 1,7 should they need any tot complete their files. 1'1111'ES fOR UOL'.NU VOLUMES : Iu Cloth 2100 each, IL.'.f Utft Mucin Historical lonMy, This Alagaizine, two numbers of which have been printed, will occupy the tame relation to the entlnj South that OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAL did to North Carolina, and, in all respect,?, will be as worthy of confidenc and support. For detailed description of this Alonthly aairt for the opinions of those who have the initial number, we refer to larger circular, "yjjubseriptiqns are solicited. On Wednesday,; March 28, and thereafter sailing froar. Baltimore every "WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Or 50 cents a month, not strietiv iu advance .Terms 12 months S-0.H Address, SOUTHERN Invariably in" AfcyJUYi: : ! C. rv.nih:' tZ) (U feb 21 ; HISTORICAL A10NTIJLY, Raleigh, X. C. Gardening for Profit ! If you wish to become a ''Commercial Floryt, . .. "' read Practical riorticulturc ! i If you ivishlto-luardjii f r Ju ne u.ss only ' " ' ' " r Gr'ar dining for 2?lcasuro !-.-" a'1 W Peter llendersor.. Pi;iec l.oOcach, postpaid, by mail. -' The Reading Public are rcr-yeclfullv inform ed that it shall be the constant aha of the' pro prietor to furnish theui A live newsMper, ; containing the latest news of tha'day, and en dcavoring to keep its readers'-fuli'y informe in regard to .events of interest-ami importance occurring in every quarter cf be Viorid, OUR DAILY MARKET BEFORTS Viftii full and correcf, a:i.l iviil uj. h I t open until he latest pos-ibie moment.' Mer chants iu the city and country may rt; surcd that Uv will K$. tu,!.fv.vi.nghjf retiable. The ews Columns jPd' Shippers can reTy upon theprosnpt Sailing of steamers as advertised. Through Sills of fading- given to afid from ' Philadelphia, "and -roinpt Dispatch guaranteed. L .For Freight Engagements apply, to" IL. 33. CiLSilU, Agent., Wilmington, SSV'C, L. S. DEL DEN, Soliciting Agent. REU DEN FOSTER, General Agent. Coiner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore; inch 21 AXD- &.si3- : ' .a ! r -w - - - - - Try V irm Steasnslisp; Line Tho Steamer r. r a- WILL SAIL FROAJ W YORK OX S ATUE D AY, fMAROH 24. Tq La succeeded! by S learner our. Coinbiiicu CATALOGUE OF : for 1S77. EVERYTHiSlG i j VP.R THE Numbering 175 pages, with I colored plate, sent 11? ac;i0, of the wind the Si,nSah0lltin all dirertinn. rr'-sntm all directions. t k.. . --m imk inreir inn f k.:i lcWak of vonrt irnnM r.:l. C.J Vi? i wntlrman. - -You o all custotiers of past years, or to those ho have purchased any of the above books ip others on receipt of 25 cent. ' 'Plain Pl4nt or Seed Catalogues without plate free to applicants. . PETER HENDERSON A CO.. Seedsmen, Market Gardeners aqd Florists' 4i Cortlandt tt., New York. jan l'i . Brock's Exchange HAVINf UECEN TLV changed bands is ow open for the accmatnodatiori o." the ,'it-o HO t'SE, 1iaj been Uiorougtuj? ,Tent Tinted throughout and the UOOAIS are neatly and comfortably furnished., n V '-Al Po'ito an4 accommodating attendants arc always on hand to sec to the wants of Guests. Ihe BILLIARD ROOM is open and the TABLES aire free to the' Patrons of the House. ;-r : . V; april 7.ii Will contain the reports. boti of no. v. and markets, received here each d-iy :,t lit-K-n, ! and the ; L i) V-J L U b !' A K T M E N T Has been placed in careful aid experienced bauds, Fi iends in the section of country con nected with this city, will greatly oblige Ike j Editor, and will yo,;;UU,ie additional inter est to these columns by forwarding . any it;ms of Hews that m iy occur in the'r resiseetii'e , localities. ALL COillilI'OXDKNCi:,- On Wednesday, Ttlarch 2. Shippers can rpiv ujton' tliy piOlu;t sailing of Steamers advertised, -ti SAILIXG FllObr trAjjL.vaat.v. iiY-t WEDNESDAY. for Freight Engagements apply to IL. D. CiLZAXJS. Agent, i Wilmington, IS. G. f L. S. RELDEN, Soliciting Agent. WALT. CLYDE & CO., .General -Iger.ts, ( Howling Green, or Pier ', N. R., New ork. feb 9 m YORK SDELt IM1 JAMcS iOBBOH r k o r -k i e i o iv. . ;o: ' ' ; - V O S T V (J E 1; n i: i: . ONE DOLLAR riii: yeah. On matters of general interest will be- laQly j An extra c.-v to cvrrv club of ten. rccdvcd.iuMirnw, -., b,- m f flg NEW YORK DAILY-HERALD that they must writ-Vocly on one fide of the ; i - paper ; that they must to: bear useless 'yerbi- j age, must correct tTiclr o vn i;aiK:svi i;;.t and must avoid abusive personalities. A re liable name must be furi.i-hed uith each com munication, as the Editor will not be held ac countable for the views or language of ccl respondents. fi! . jOUBSCIUBfi TO TnE , 0 OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, F.vcn before1 type was tet forhe lirsr issue, was an exceedingly flattering i one, and , is probably the largest booa fida list with which any'neM'spapcr in North Carolina ever before began publication, and is now rapidly oa the increase, especially oa the various railroad lines. - , JOSH. .T. JAX&HS, - Editor i.io PaopaiKTOK, Published every day in thcyer. in'iM ' v v-''vr' . 1 UJl.VV! Ii l' Huii- : $10 pays fcr unz year. SundavK included. $a payj for one year, without Sundays. $5 pays for six 'months, Sundays included. 4 pays for six month, without Sundays. p;ivs for oneyear fur any speeilied day of the week; $1 pays for six months for any soecinV-i day of the week.- $1 pays for-one iGih. Sundays iccladed. XEWSDEALEKS SUri'LlED , POSTAGE FREE. DaiU- Edition. ..Two and a h!af etc. per copj Sunday Edition.. .....Four cents per cory Weekly Edition .....Two cents per copy Address, NEW YORK HERALD, dec"27 BroodwaV and Ann t.,New York i-' yv '" '"1" Tf ?""fU'-' ' '?""'' '"'.rt.- l "jOlEce on Se'cbad street, between Prin esse and' Chcsnui, near the roaloffice. ew oesEsn. N INVOICE OF CLOCKS of entirely new designs has just Jxen received and are bcic sold at extremely low ugurt-s ; alo a fine assortment of LADIES'. WATCHES. SEAL and PLAIN GOLD RINGS asd LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S CHAINS. ork Iclt with ine wul be neatly exe ited. All I ask of the Public is to-gi re me J. IL ALLEN. feb27 vv atchmaker and Jeweller , cuted. a trial. B Washington TJois, QQT AND SHOE 1IAKEK ArD Repairer. Second strest, two doors from Alar keL Prices Jloderatejand Best R iferences. T:e"nuiuber for January begins the nine teenth volume of this Alagazine, and w hile its past record w ill it is hoped be deemed a su ilicent guarantee c f future excellence, no elibrt will be spared to diversify its attract ions and to provide aa increased supply of P OPULAR LEADING IN THE LEST AND, MOST EMPHA TIC SENSE. The great object and constant aim of the conductors will be to furnish the public with Literary Entertainment of a Refined and Varied Chapter, as w ell as to present in a graphic and strikingmanner the most recent information and soundest view on subjects of General In treat j in a word to render Lipipin cott's Alagazine strikingly distinctive in ! THOSE FEATURES THAT A HE MOST ATTRACTIVE IN MAGAZINE LITERATURE. The contributions now on hand, or specially engaged, embrace a highly attractiveJist of Talcs, Short Stories, Descriptive Sketches, Narratives, Papers "on Science and Art, Poems, Popular Essays, Lit- erary .Criticisms, Etc., Etc., j IJY TALENTED AND WELL KNOWN wiiiTEiis. J: A large proportion of the articles, especially those descriptive of travel, will be . " I ritOFUSELY AND BEAUTIFULLY j ILLUSTRATED. ' The pictorial embelishmcntsof the Alagazine constitute one of its attractive features. ! In addition to the General Attractions of Lippincott's Alagazine, the Publishers would invite attention to the following " ' SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1877. 1.. A new serial story, Miscellaneous. .TUFJ HIGHEST HOIJOIIS " AT THE CEHTENNIAL EXHIBITION The judges unanimously recommend th . MENDELSSOHN IPpainioSa- . FORl'fUB Dinloia ofiHoner and Medal of Merit. Placing'them in the Front Rank Without a CQUPETITIOn The IVIarauis of Iiossic." by. George AlacDonald, author of ''Malcolm, "Alec Forbes," "Robert Falconer,"ctc. . To those of our readers who are familiar with "Alalcolm," tliisncw story from the pen of this distinguished writer will need Ino re commendation, and his reputation is a guaran tee to others of a deeply interesting and powerful story. It began in the November number, which issue, with the December part, will be furnished graits to all new subscribers for 1877. J. A prof llut'tra ted series of sketches of Swedish Scenery and Iiife by Prof. Willard Frisk, author of Cornell University, who is throughly f'amilar with Sweden and its people from pcrsonaiobserva tlon; . A series of popular papers on : rt and iln IVTattcrs, by Edward Strahan (Earl Shinn), author of "Ihe New Hyperion," etc. 1. Illustrated Sketches of Travel, e n title Pictures from Spain, by Edward King, author of the "GreatSoath" ctC. - : " ; ' 5. Airs. Lucy IL Hooptu's 'Interesting and I'itiuaiit " " ' i ' Papers and betters from Paris Will be continued through the year. '' . T,hc Ecautics of the Rhine will be described in a richly illustrated series of papers. : 7. During the year will appear a number of handsomely illustrated short articles, de scriptive of Life, Travel, and Adventure in tho United States, England, South America, Japan, Mongolia, and other countries. FOB SALE BY ALL BOOK AND NEWS DEALERS; .rnictf, ao okkts. Ti:nM. Year Subscription, $4; Two cop ies, $7; Three copies, $10; Five copies, Sl'i ; Ten copies, 'S'JOj with a copy gratis to the person procuring the club. Single number 3j cents. Noiicc-The November and December Num bers containing the earlier chapters of "The Alai-fjuis ofLossic,"will be presented to all new annual subscribers for 1877. Sri.iiJii"N Number mailed, postage paid, to any address, on receipt of 20 cerit. To Agents a Liberal Comuiishiopnyill be .allowed. .Address. jj B. LUTINCOTT, ev CO., j Publishers, 7 1 " ami 717 Market bt., Philadelphia. For strictly first-class instruments. $000 for $2.30. $G50 for $275. $700 for $800.' $750 for $025. $800 for $350. $000 for $400 , $1000 for $450. No Cuiumisbion to' Agents. No Discounts to Teachers.- No Deviation in l'rice. The EVlendelssohn GRAND) SQUARE & UPRIGHT Piano s Contain valuable patents and improvements never before introduced. i IVJATHUSHEIC'S i New Patent Dctlea'j Oversteunu Scale,. Is the greatest advance in the history of Pia no making, producing the most astonishing power, richness and depth of tone, and a sus taining singing quality never before attained, bcinn: a "Grand Piano in a Sauare case." Tho- Mendelssohn Uprights ARE THE FINEST IN AAIERICA. -They arc pronounced the "Pianos of ih Future.'. AIasui ACioa.y A.WAUEKoojis : IVos. 490, 492,5 44. 4i)G &. 4VS Weslt 57th St. Nos, 858, 8G0, 862," 80 8G8, Ae, 870 lOtli Avenue. j PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL Illustrated and desc!iptive Catalogue mailed free.. ' ! . .' - MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO. business oFi ic:-: : No. 50 Broadway, N. . feb 21 SeTring-Uachinc. MARK f. , Patb. Jctr 25, IViX. ! WE CLAIM TOR THE IMTRGVE WHITNEY SEWING MACHINES - - The following ecine points of superiority: 1 Oreat Simplicity in Construction. 2 Durability; 3 Exceedingly Llplit KunMnfc. A Still Kunning. Noiseless. 5 Performs all Varieties of Work. G Ileautyof Finish and Workman ship. . ... 7-GRCAT REDUCTION in Price. Machines gent on trial before payment is re quired ; written guarantee to keep machines in order for five veart given with each ma chine. Wht Pat Oia Psicxs ? For circulars and particulars, Address, THE WljlTEV HJtG CO. dee 2t - Patcrson. X. J. A FEAira h: dabby, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, ixmrrrm. Webster's . Oiialultoj-. DicHonary fob the school ?: J,000 Engravings"; I,F40 Pages- Quart".'' Price $12, To the 3,03 Illustrationsjheretofore in Web5- TT ,1 : .1 i . I I l. l r : of Colored. Illustrations, ciigiaved expressly for the.wbrk at large expense. NcaiTy every State Superintendent ; of i uunc xnstrucnon in me union, or corrcs- ! ponding officer, where such an one exists, has rrrnftmmrndpH W.liatr'.i Dicltnnirv an tli Eastern, Northern, Aliddle, Southern, and Western States TWENTY-EIGHT in all. The State of NEW YORK has placed 10,000 copies of Webster's Unabridged in as many of her Public Schools. ? The State cf WISCONSIN about 5,000-v ncarly every school. . . ' The Stite of NEW JERSEY 1,500 nearly every echool. The State of MICHIGAN made provision for all hcr-schools. . The State of MASSACHUTETTS has snp piied her schools nearly all. . ' The State of IOWA has supplied her The" SUtbf CONNECTICUT has made provision for" her schools. - were supplied during Uic year lb72, and many more in 1873 and 1874. In other States many copies have been por chased for supplying schools of cities, conn ties and towns. v nat Detter investment can oe . maae lor schools ? More than ten times as many are Isold of Webster's Dictionaries as of any other series in this country. At least roca-Firms of all Hie school-books , published in this country own- Webster aa their standard, and of the remainder few ac knowledge Asr standard. Polished by ii. A C. MERBIAM, dec: HorincrfioM f 8600 PIANOS FOB 0250. And all other styles iu the same proportion, including Grand. Scuare and Uiriffhi all FlR!t-Cl.lIS gold tltrprt in ih Piamf w v . m J-actort Fkices.! agents:, no commis sions ; no discounts. These Pianos made oae of the finest displays at the Centennial Exhi bition, and were unanimously rccomoendedf for the HIGHEST UONOIW. Xew Manu factory one if the Largest and finest in Hie world. The Square Grand contain Ma th ashek's new patent Duplex Overstrung ScaJe, the greatest improvement in the history of piano making. The Uprights are the Fixtsr is America. Dont fail to write for Illustra ted asd Descriptive Catalogue, mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., apL 14 No. 56 Broadwar, X. Y. ' jf Ofiice in Journal Bailding, Prin cess street, Wilmington, X. C. aplli ADVERTISE Cl. IX THE DAILY REVIEW. DAILY REVIEW y

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