(V. . f- i '-.V-'. " ' V vi,' - Xliflcollanoous. STATE OF 1 ORTII CAROLDf A, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, .' Ui'i' SUPERIOR COURT. Tbe First National Dank of Y Wilmington. North Caroh- AttacLmcnL na, Against1 Leopold Cohn. J IXtllS ACTION THE PLAINTIFF claims Jadgnient against the defendant fer Fifteen Hundred and devcnty-Six and 3 100 DoUartiiitfl Interest thereon at Six per ecaL per annum from the 1st day of Novem ber, 1875,' the same being the balance of prin cipal and interest due and unpaid, on a - cer tain bill of exchange or draft drawn by B. Weill, by A. Weill, Attorney, ion the 1st day ef October, A. D. 1U74, requiring the defend aatfLecvold Cobo, to pay to tho order of said lUWeillThree Thousand aid Six Hundred Dollars, one year after said date and accepted by ald Defeadant and afterwards indorsed aad dslirered to the Plain till for value re etiTcd br the said drawer by his said Attor ney, A. Weill, who at the game timc?indorsed the Mid bill of exchange individually in his own name. The warrant of Attach incnt is retursabU to the next Term of the said Court of the County of New Hanover tobe held at the Court House in Wilmington on the Fourth Monday in June, A. D. lS77,and the defendant is summoned to appear at the said Term of said Court to be held at the Court House in Wil mington on the Fourth Monday in June A. D. 1877, as ' aforesaid, . to answer the com pUlat filed in this action. p , I,- jP & J- DEVANE,' ' fakfii ' 1 I'laintiTs Attorney'. Lst Notice. I WILL ATTEND, at the COMMISSION ERS ROOM (Court House), DAILY , From 10 o'clock A. M. to 1 P. M. 'l ; From' 3 o'clock P. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesdays and Saturday s until b P. M. for the purpose of Listing Ileal and Personal Propery, and thall positively cloc the Books Jlf bnth 20th Inst., whenall delinquents will bo liable to Double Tax and all the penalties.: JlOr! I . S. YaxAMIUXGK, Tax'Liiter for Wilmington Township. june64t 6 o 11 16 c J THE Mi u ' HIGHEST HONORS T AT THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION .'jpi! hi k i. 1 The Judges unanimously reconiuiond th MENDELSSOHN S j n jrk im Q muTa !y.r roniTiiE Djrlofla ofcHonor aiid Medal of Merit. Placlng'them in the Front Kauk Without a Superior. PRICES BELOW COMPETITION rj TFor ttrlctlj first-class instruments. 8050 for $275. $750 for $325. -,$CPQ or, ,$25f.' $?0a&r:$300. $800 for $350. $900 for $100.. $1000 for $150. No Cpmni!8sion to gcutfc. ; ; t- tXo'DitiCouuU to Teachers. No Deviation in Price. f GHAKD, SQUARE & UPRIGHT JCtsUin trainable patents and iiuproTemcnts f)-y t nerer;before introduced. rJATHUSHEK'S JTiwPAKMT DcrLEX, OVERSTRlNa SCAtt, Is the greatest advanco In the history of Pia . npinaalnp, producioff" the niodt astonishing power, richness and depth of tone, and a sus taining singing quality never beforc'atUined, t btinz "Grand Piano in a Square cae." .Tho tlondolssokn Uprights J ARt THE FINEST IN AMERICA. . ' i " They 'are pronounced the "Pianos of th 1 Future." j ' MijfcricioaT A Wakebooms : Not. 490, 402,' 49-1, 490 Jt 198.Woest 67th St. Nos, 858, 8CO, SG2," 8G I - 8(8, 870 .7'jfl!rf lOtli ATCiiue; , PIAKOS SENT ON TRIAL. Illustrated and descriptire CaUlogue ,i mailed free. f v . c.MEKDELSSOlIJ'lANO CO., BUSINESS OFFICII : Ac. 5G JJroqJicat, X. '. otice. .;,"A lii ' PERSONS HOLDING CLAIMS against the County of New IianoTcr, in War- rants, Ac, issued prerious to the 1st of Jan u r ary, 1877j are requested to present a list of , ' the same to the Special Doard of Audit with- trat delay. !,-.. - , tr ' The lists must specify the Date andJguxuBa and Ahockt of each Y arrant, together with thaame of the person to j whom issued and ky whom held. Action will be taken on each claim, as pre sented, In Accordance with tbe law creating the Hoard of Audit 1 WM. L. DsROSSET, nchli Chairman. COELUBECIAL NEWS. WILMUiaTOK MARKET, 1 JtiSK 123 P. M. ) rUUTTB TURr2ITt!fE-iirm at cviiUper gallon. Sales of 250 aflka at that ROsHH-Markci firm at II. 45 and 11 50 tor sUtttlaed aud Gd gtralaed. ales of W bbh tiood,8tralned at SI 50 aud ,bbls No latSl 8 per bbl. TAK-ln demaud at II W pr bbl. -3 UslUUIETURrENTlE--UiKliand. We qU Mard at f I 35, Tellowr Uip 2 10 aud Tirglsi p 30. Sides of day's receipts at quotations. COTTON Market firm. No kalcS. reported- Tbe fallowing arc the official quotations. : Ordinari. .........,'Ji Good Ordinary 4 Strict Good Ordinary. Low Middling...... Middling ........... Good Middlin .,10 ..I0?i Centa. Daily Ucccifts. iyOiion..... Spirits Turpentine.. Tar.. J ... Crude Turpentine 1 bales 51S casks 1,333 bbls 3 bbls 52(J bbls MARINE NEWS. j ARRIVED. KteainrOov Worth, Worth, Faycttcville Worth A .Worth. . r , , .steamer A P "Hurt, Jones, 1 nyctteyille Worth dt Worth. - tt , V Kteamer Juniper, Itobcson, Jriiyettevllle, Williams & Murchison. I Steamer North East, Paddlson, Toint Cas well, II M Foard. Steamer Colville, Henry, Danuermau s Urldge, A H VanBokkelen. Steamer Underhill, Tlatt, Smilhville, O G Parbley & Co. j j CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Joues, Fayeltevillo. Worth & Worth. , Steamer Junlpeh Rolx-son, Fayettevillc, William t Murchison. . Steamer North East, Paddlson, Point Cas well, H.M Foard.' Steamer Underhill, Plutt, Smithville, O G Parsley & Uj. 12 d) 13 TOOLBSAM rillCSS. The following quotations reprcsent.tSie wholesale price generally. In making up small orders higher prices haTe to be charged. IjAGGIa G Gunny.... Double Anchor. Double Anchor "A" Standard Domestic......... BACON North Carolina, Hams, f? lb Shoulders, V lb Sides, f? ib. , Western Smoked Hami. ......... ......... Sides, V tt..:..... hnouldcrs... Drv Salted 3ides, V lb. Shoulders, V tt BEEF On the hoof....... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each...: 1 75 New York,each, new. 2 00 BEESWAX lb............. 28 BRICKS Wilmington, fi il 8 00 li 11 lO; 8 (u 7 6 CO- 15 11 y 10 8 8 00 50 30 Northern . BUTTER North Carolina lb Northern, i lb .. CANDLES Sperm 1? lb....... Tallow, M m. QAdamantine, V -t-- CHEESE Northern Factory, lb Dairy cream, y lb State, V lb COFFEE Jara, y lb......... KiO, 1 lb.. 00 15 25 25 CO 12 3 2 i2 10 00 (3)14 Off Lagaara, y lb CORN MEAI 4? bushel... -y lb...... 17 16. 00 30 yj 00 & & dp & 20 35 40 00 13 18 17 33 2 New Advertisements. DECLINE IN FLOUR SAVE MONEY AND GET YOUR FLOUIt FKOM CEO. MYERS, 11 & 13 SOUTH mONT ST- FERTILIZERS. -IN FERTILI2EHS, for COTTON TIES DOMESTIC SheeUng, 4-4 y yard ! IVi Yarn, y bunch 05 u Mackerel, No. 1, y bbl. ...16 00 No. 1, y K hbl 9 50 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl.... 13 150 750 ...00 00 Fruit Dealers and Owners of Orchards. WE sold Peaches, Ac, last jear to extent. At this early day wc have enquiry lor Peaches and Apples. We write to say, send your fruit in crates per Express. Will iiiake prompt and proluabic returns Wc Flour Rice, areioftering bargains in Glue, Meats', Lard, Dried Fruit, Corn, Tobacco, Butter. Ac. Fill orders for all descriptions Of merchant disc. Orders and consignments solicited. Orders! from up-couutry merchants have the advantage of this market! Communicate with us whether you wish to buy or sell, and we will cheerfully give any iiilormatibn of the market. ' I'ETTEWAY & SUI1UEKEN, Brokers and Commission.Merchantt-. junc 6 coniE RIGHT ALONG ! 00 00 00 No. 2, y U bbl... Mackerel, No. 3 y bbl. Mullets, bbl ... 'N. C. Herring, y bbl..... Dry Cod, y lb FLOUR Fine, y bbl Super, Northern, y bbl. Extra do " y bbl. Family " y bbl. Citv Mill Super i bbl. Extra V W1... 0 " Family y bbl... 0 " Ex. Family V bbl... 0 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, y 2000lbs.70 00 Dauch's Phosphate " " 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer Ground Done, lione Meal " " Flour " Navassa Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann's l'hospha.te ' Wando I'hosphate,' " Derger&Rrutz'elios. Wilcox, Gibb & Co., ma nipulated Guano... .......55 CO 20 00 0 00 00 00 & 0 00 (310 50 3 50 4 00 5 00 , 8 00 1 0 0 00 , 8 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 10 00 11 00" 12 00 0 00 9 00 10 00 l 00 12 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 C5 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 None. 55 1 00 rr I 9 1 10 ' 95 80 00 We Expect You I (1 UR NEW GOODS are ready to welcome ou as you will welcome them when you sec tjie line assortment and the remaVTia bly LOW and PRICES wc c&n afl'ord to sell at. WHITE SHIRTS all made at 93 cents. ULUE FLANNEL SUIT?, at Mi.OO upwards.- CASS 1M ERE SUITS from 7.'0', up. COTTONADE SUITS from -l.oOjup. Also full line of GENTS'. FURNISHING GOODS "t Prices to suit all. 27 00 25 00 23 00 J5 00 SOL. may 5 BEAR & BROS., 18 & 20 Market St. COLD TEA SUMMER II Hi. Try the He-No Tea, Y CHOICE BLENDING OF THK v Very Finest Imported Teas, Equal to the most expensive Tea. In orisnapackagcJ, pounds and half pounds. Sold! CHAfc. 5 dt june 11 only by . D. MYERS & CO., 7 ITorth Front St. OFFICE OF OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD. IN ORDER TO SUPPLY OUIt SURSCIil bers with numbers due them, tv shall re sume the pubUcation of OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD on March 15th. and complete the IVth Volume in monthly part. No new subscribers will be taken except for the bound volumes three of which hare been iued and the IVth will be ready in Junc. Wc can sup ply our old subscribers with any back'num bers, except September and October, 1874, should thejr need any to complete their hies. ' raiCES ron bocxd volcmks : In Cloth $2.00 each. Half Calf $z!so. - - - . SoutliBrn Historical Hontlily This Magazine, two numbers of which bare been printed, will occupy the same relation to the entire South that OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD did to North Carolina, and. in all respects, will be as worthy of confidenc and support For detailed description of this Monthly and for the opinions of those who hare the initial number, we refer to larger circular. Subscriptions Te solicited. . , , , Teems, Ixvaeuilt is Advasce : 12 months f 4.00. ? v : 6 months $2.00 Address, i SOUTHERN HISTORICAL MONTHLY, IUleifh. N. C. feb 24 GLUE V lb GRAIN Corn,store, y 5Gibo Corn, cargo, y 5li lbs Corn, yel., y bush! Oats, j? bushel. ......... Peas, cow, y bushel.. HIDES Green, y lb .. Dry,1? lb... UAY-T-Eastcrn, y 100 lbs... North River, tf 100 lbs.... HOOP IRON y .'ton.... LARD Northern y lb....... 1VA North Carolina y lb 00 IJ.ME 3? bbl 1 10 0 LUMUKli Citv steam sa' wd Ship stuff, rcsawed, JM ft. 21 00 Roughcdeplank,VMft.22 00 West India cargo, record ing to quality, y M ft... 20 00 Dressed flooring,seasoned. 20 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, y M ft........ 15 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhdVKl 40 Cuba, bbls., y gal 45 Sugar house, hhds. y gal. " " bbls. l gal Sugar Syrup, bbls. y gal. NAILS Cut,4d to 20d,k'g OILS Kerosene, J gal...... Lard, w jgai 1 Linseed, y gal.... Jiosin, $ cat .PEANUTS y bushel POTATOES - Sweet, y hus. Irish, Northern, y bbl..... PORK Northern, city 11 ess. 17 Thin, y bbl ...... Prime, y bbl (extra). Rump, y bbl RICE Carolina, lb.. East India, y lb. Rough, y iAA RAGS Country, lb. citv, y .lb uope SALT Alum, y bushel Liverpool, y sack...:.. American sack ...... Cadiz y sack SUGAR Cuba, y lb Porto Rico, y lb.... A Coffee, y lb..... B y lb..... c y ExC-UIb Crushed'? lb SOAP Northern, ) SHINGLES Contract, yi,l 1 - Common, y M 2 Cypress saps y "M G Cvprees hearts, t) M 0 15 77 GO' 10 8 20 05 12 00 45 25 21) 10 00 ;)o 70 V3 50 00 .00 00 ..00 00 ..00 00 c .. 00 20 00 48 53 5 40 00 00 30 45 10 40 00 00 75 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 23 . 1 1 1 1 4 1 lb.. l VA 0 00 85 00 75: 'J'A 10 A 00 7 O0 o0 00 3 00 00 00 50 50 50 00 00 10 00 13 12 UA 11 14 WA G 00 3 00 0 00 0 00 STAVES W. O. bbl. y M.20 oa R O hhd. y E 00 00 Cvpress. y M ........13 CO T aLlow y lb y TIMUER-Shipping y M ...17 CO Mill, prime per M ..13 00 Mill, fair. per M . 8 50 Inferior to Ordinarv,perM 4 00 WHISKEY Norton, per gl 1 40 North Caro ina, per gal ... 1 75 WOOL Unwashed, per lb... 18 Wtsshed, per lb (35 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 14 00 10 00 G 00 5 00 2 5'0 20' 35 Miscellaneous. Painting. T7IIERE YOU CAN GET vv YOUR Pain t neatu'js.s and in done with dispatch, at reasonable rates is at C. C. PARKER'S PAINT SHOP, one door North of Old Jail building on Prin cess street. HOUSE, SHIP and SIGN Painting done and sat;sfaction gua'auteCd. Great care is given to small jobs, mav 1G Free Lunch. I T THE CENTENNIAL, No! 12, Market XX. street, eve-y day. Turtle soup from 11 to 1 o'clock. Ales, Wines, Whiskey and Cigars for a consideration, mav 1 JOHN CARROLL. & 1 n ' CjQT a day scbe made bj JXv H y)wti Agents selling our Chro mos, Craron5, and Reward, Motto, Scriptare Text, Transparerti Picture and Chrorao Cards. IOO samples, worth $4, sent postpaid for 75 cents.' Illustrated Catalogue free. J. U. DUFFOKD'S SONS, BOSTON, may 14 . Established 1830. Street Caro. ReGRADiNG OF TRACK HAS DEEN finished, aul Cars now tun regularly each way every Fifteen Minutes. P. A. FORE, . . jaoe 9 Superintendent. Save 1.00 per bbl. 100 bbU. )Ukt , in. o0 Cases Trciierved Apples. 50 " " Peaches. 15 Tubs' BEST I5UTTEK IX THE WORLD. - Col man's Imported Mustard, Spices, Sardine.?, Lobsters, Preserves, Jelly, Jams. Oraugcs, Lemon?, Delicate Cream, Milk, and Soda Crackers. The Choicest and Cheapest 'Stuck -o- o- THE IX FERTILIZER TILCOX, GIBBS & GO 'S aim Spy Baled IS OFFERED ON THE FOLLOWING L!3 IE ON CI1EDIT TO 1st NOVEMBER, It77, Rt 70.00 jtr to,.. Paying in Cotton, on the basis of 15 cents or Middling, dolivtrc l ;u depot, (Plautcr paying expenses on Guano to destination.) To the Farmer in brivfnjr oiUhcse teriiisis-'plain, as he -will kv,vv vh'.t j. k of (Jrocerics, Wines, Teasand Liipiors iti Guano, that 407 pounds Cotton( Middling) will pay for a ton, n.Vjnaii,.r 1,. J? the State kt price may be, ami can make hi calculations accordingly. ! . . . ' ' : " ' ! - THE QUALITY OF THIS GUANO IS GEO. MYERS', 11 & 13 Front Street. may III 1 Keystone Printing Ink Co MANUFACTURbRS OF PRINTING INKSe BOOK ! AND NEWS' BLACK A as hfis been thoroughly established by the use of tho many thousand sold. Our Agents sell on same terms. 15; Wilcox 2. 17 Worth rifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 ! rUR INKS ARE OF A SUPERIOR V qualityj being made frourthe best ingre dients and under the personal supervision' of a practical printer and pressman, therefore we will guarantee every pound of Ink sold to 5 VjuutKJ nVii XXtZF OUTERS AND SEALSIIS Z2M GUANO, ' . .. " I---. . Charleston. S. C., and Savannah, Ga. -o- J&g Wre do not publish certificates, as the MANIULATLD. ' .TJ AXo is swdj known from its lonr aud extensive use, that it is tin necessary ( Li k. Tkreii hardly any section hi South Carolina, Georgia. North Kiroliua, ur AUIaiiu, vhen be of a Superior Jet lilack, Quick Drying, it is not used, and instead of giving certificates we v.'oiild refer you to tlit? ft-oten and entirely free from setting-oil". Our prices are from 30 to 50 per cent, low ei than any other Inks manufactured in the United States. A. trial 01 a sample Keg will convince any printer that he Las boon paying nearly double what ne should lor Ins Inks in tunes past, Put up in kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. Address. 1 KEYSTONE PRINTING INK CO., ' 17 North Fifth Street, dec 13 j Philadelphia, I'a. m your immediate neighborhood who -have, used it", who can Hestifv permiilytoiu' value. J AS. T. PETTE WA Y, Ag t., jan!5 " WIIl3VlIEJGgOM, W. C- HRCHAL & MITE WML Gom" and "Ruby" Cigar ettes ANl) THE WORST FIVE CENT Cigar in the city. ! Also Whitlock's Model Ten Cent Cigar, on their merits at j JNO. T. VANN'S, may '31 . j . ' MA Market St. Ithos. b7carr & SON, : i ! Dentists, 38 Market Street. j ui'JsiiAliUi war ranted, and performed in the same SUBSTANTIAL manner as done by the oenoir member of the lirm during the last thirty years. Refer confidently to persons still enjoying the bet: cJ;t of work executed by him in thi. city, over twenty years since. The Handsomest, the Best Tone, the ftlost Durable Pianos Made. They are Beautiful Koacwood, .Seven and one-third Octaves, witii eve y . litti-Dvcujcci and fully guaranteed. Their modcrato price and uuiAUrm saojuio Si ue v;oa . for them the position of a Standard of Economy and I) ind.iiity.; Acknowledged by all Musicians to bo the Best. OVER fl O Fhfffft MOW IW USE. EVEJiY COUNTV-. ADD1IK.SS, AGENTS WANTED 9 IN MARCHAL & SMITH PIANO .CJ TE3T1I EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. 230 Rest Tooth Paste constantlv on hand and for. sale at 50 cents per box. may 12 - BINFORD, CROW & CO., OFFER FOR SALE Hhds and :t 'I ' Bblc FLOUR, liblij SUGAR, ' Rags COFFEE, Boxes CI R. SIDES, Boxes TOBACCO, (Old work.) Bbls N. O. and CUBA MOLASSES. 100 500 25 75 50 100 North Carolina Hams, Buckets, Broome, Candles, Matche?, Candy, Starch, Soap, niacKcrei, sc., ac. may ol Mortgage Sale. BY virtue of and in pursuance of the pro visions of a deed of mortgage made to Joseph J. Ellis by David L. Hale and Amanda b. Hale, his wife, dated April 18th, 1872, am registered in the Register's office of Ner Hanover county, in Book E. E. E., page 3U1 302 and we will, on Tuesday, the 26th day otJune, A. D. 1877, sell at public auc- t.ion,Tit the Court House door in the city of llmmgton, A. C, the land and tenements uescribed in said deed lying and situate in the county of Pender and at present occupied by said David L. Hale, beginning at a pine stump in Wm. 8. Larkins' line, then S. CO, E. 70 poles crossing mill-branch to a stake in Gricc's line, then S. 11, E 2'J poles to a stake, then bV, t,t 111 poles to a pine, then S. 69, E. luo poles to a stake, then S. 18 poles to jiaon a ime, tnen w . 21 poles to a stake by a "" "u otu, men. o. o, r.. 4j poles to a gum in a pond, thcrf S. 85, W. 77 poles to a stake, formerly Jones' corner, then S. 60, W. 15G poles to Wm. S. Larkins' corner, thence im ni3 nne 4o, . st pole? to his corners, 4U i - ... . . licence nu Dis nne again JN. 157 poles to a stake in the Uauiaiock Brach, thence to the beginning, containing by cttiraation, be the tame more or less, ot three hundred and two acres, together with all and singular the tene ment?, hereditaments and appurtenances juercio Dclongmg or in any wise appertain- Reinforcoments to tho Front. rpUE UNDERSIGNED takes pleasure in announcing to his many patroui and friends, that be has secured the services ot tw;o urst class Nev York Barbers and is now running five chairs. Call and get a iirst-class shave for 10 cents, or stylish hair cut for 25 cents, mustache dyed lor i. cents, shaKipoo lor 25 cents. All done in silence ami in the latest styletoo. I. FUUMANSKI. may 2u - , - 1877 ! 1877 INDEX APPEAL, ' ' (Dailj' and Weekly.) Published in Petersbm-j?, Via. Is devoted to current news, local and foreign: disenssion of political and social topics, and a free and fearless advocacy of the rights and interests of the people. Its commercial rcixjrts are uasedipon actual transactions, ami may be relied upon as accurate. The ablest journal istic talent of the Ktatc is In its einnlo-: a vigilant and reliable corps of correspondents contribute the latest news and uossin from all important centres, and no effort is pared to make it a lirst-class lamily newsiviner. The Index-Anneal luts a lanrcrcit v and country circulation than any other paper in Kouthside Virginia, and the largest circula tion in JNorui Carolina or any Virginia piper SUIViCKlFTIOK : DAILY (one year) - - - - " six months --'.-' tlireemontlui -" one montli - v . - WEEKLY (one year) ! ? - - - six montns - POSTAGK PUil'AIb. ' All orders for subscriDtion must m itccom- panied by the cash. ;. . Clubs of six Will be f urnishl at tire m.tt of f3) per annum. iaenu lor specimnn copy. IXDEX-APl'iSAL PUII.-CO., '..'- -.reterslmr-ya. or, Robert v. smith, Agent, 47 University lace, NewYork i aprii o .... . Polk filler & Go's JTA LI A N I XS EC f VO EB I WrrJ- ed to kilt Koachw IT, A'f Moth. Croton Bu-s, lied Uar, Ma-iait-w, Chk Lice, Flower Bu-, Qm Lu-', and U species of Insects. . . jST Not poisonous to kumaa buinsw mesfic animals or fo'.vU. p Friine Enajizzent for a Year. L,ess Thau Four Cents a MAKE HOME ATTRA5Ii i-y TVTiionUClXG TUG siiiiiiiiiv mm Which for mo e than 55 Yci" his be ntlCfl STOIiV, SKETCU AND FA5IiarE as is well kn-vva all uUr tl.c It id publisbi'd wwkir, c:,LlJ , ."V, ra?e, clearly print--1 " U with th choicest st-ri--s au- f;VJfat V beotw itsri; nots?r.iatri as a mother, i willis l"T'ye read. The wbulc l-a-- - V1 r and derating. i . 0Tt$& It abo coutaios Hi.i :xh jS articlea ; tfcieutMic ; ujr; cttU " hold Dt partnaiitJ ? 1 at;i.a s ta;U fresh and unexcclM ; lul'V'ii t V,,rt Notes: li'Jj f r Column ; and Strong -an' -rt rial, etc., etr. t'gu&J ' u m a oo 1 50 oO 2 00 1 Of) S. C. Hall, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. THE HEAD IN PKIXTIXG gTILL AT and lowest in priccsl If you will fitadj your interest, gire ine a Terms of eale will b inail k nnnrn fin Aav I call with The sale will take place at 12 o'clock M. KEKCHXEK & CALUEK BROS. june G-tda No Old Goods to Work Ofll ElYlGM.HJllMP. DO NOT SUFFO CATS WITH HEAT when mo nn hiriln t:-- l- jobj contracts elgewherc. miy 12 0600 PIANOS FOR 8250. And all other etrlea in the same proportion. including Grand, Square .and Upright all Fi&st-Cukss sold direct to the PEori.E at Pirrner Pum. - No ' irnt -nn m m a- When TOUCan birtlniM nrlinn I KIATtfl na AilUfinntA- Th(W l'iinni mrfa 'nn( so cheap. i , I of the finest displays at th Ccntecnial Ex'ui- r, ... I bition, and were unanimoasly recommendedf Ureat inducements in White Vest. Whit for the HIGHEST HONORS: Xw Mann- and Brown Linen Coats, and Pants. I fctory-one of the largest and finest in the n i ( I froria ne oqnare u rands contain Jiatn- Caii and see our Nainsook Undershirts, the I oshek's new patent Duplex Orerstrung Sca!c, most c:mforUble garment made, to wear in summer. 4 - : ' A. DAVID, iune5 . 27 Market SL piano making. The Uprights are the Fixest isAxEfticA. Uon t fad to write for lllastra ted and Descriptive Catalogue, mailed free. UENDETSOnN PIANO CO., pU li - No. 6S Broadway, K. Y. TWO DOLLARS A Sample cj cUbi c!"1' Wo. 918 '270 Szntom hlreci, i rf before IJE.VNETT 4 HTLJ, knowthrou-li I-i ' ' jA come?. i,! fiT'. "DON'T 0r.w J. J. an be hand PAINTINGGLA : LIPPITT'S Ice Cream ;P rnred with choicest fraiii' tbe season. arM i ,a gc andlosewi &Jfct can ne Procured locitbau1 , ton markets. Xream r0 citr in fluarti and ff- fot i charge. A" ordi:n 1 5. muft leftSatard n rJ-' trance to raior apt z