i -- this paper- ;cry afternoon, Sunday, ex ,. r. JAM ES, JS AND rKOl'BIETOK. j nAGEPAnv llf $i:3; 0a monlb50 ccnts -nid by carrieri, 'iBaar part of tbc city; at the ' 13 cents per week. tci low and liberal - bcri please rcpvr- j ,biCrl,r.iTe their papers regularly. - . a m V A n V . ii... I'.ittr.i'Mi silk mills in i"- - - The f.tihirc of the Kock- r it VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY JUNE 22, 1877 NO. 130. ,s ; ,nk is complete and the nt lizc 20 ccnl 0n tl,C ' ctvi-kiie nut i ..... . I ;,, hirers i" Montreal on u- outof aetrikc V..r the .ucL-;i ol mo cuicr- t.hccatTlicllasuo.pn Wol . Kit" cf itTic Netherlands, f .,e i.f Oran-e, rcprcseuwunyo vi , r!- aJ immense concourse ;f-sMI.ca the- curiae. 7 - It ., t,l th.it rauliuc Lucca, me op ''j R,a!l.. licr hist appearance fClvlt Prague, in'" Ia Hugae- 11 MUi Ncil.'oii, (Jen. Elijah .lwi c(r.anl Mr. P. T. Bar , m. Jacob Astor sailed r.p.x. Wed lies. lay in. me Mtamur ' 'm. .1. Ucst lias been ap- ri.C;vcr of the Gcrmm Sav- , " Dmk of M urio-uia. r -'. Dr. . ja rp plivician 'ol Lxctcr, ; ecntr, III,, was . killed by iMA'M-yw of a-e, Suuday. .lit'cMary of War has received a -tt3tw fivm'leadivooil, saying j:rih:inilit.try protect mi vr tuc jlinteicbts cf the ttlack; Hills :xiU'V'!!- TJ, fcfetiry refer- l; c-.tpim:! 'lent to , ucn. LiooK. L Ikrfka prcriui'v aaint Ilymau, ..LjJi.ulliisl-o'nl as Internal' Kcvc- t C axLji to the Second North Caro-i i ;.:r; -i. Kar. rcsponJs feebily .i-Iliioaa lire. Mr. L.yard, ! ,1viih.si;vh'r to tin Porte, has ::f the Sultaiw Vo 'make peace im .i;!y, All . tie ministevtf, except ,r.i -lu.' -Minister vi War,' favor ieacc. U i. Ic. T. Kane has been nomiua- . i Majvr 'A UaUinicrc'.by the Demo- i Kr, Kane was Marshal of Ualti JiiM.i' tlji i.uly part of (lie yar, i- ;it .. :thiic in Torts Lafayette V.yiir. ; 'oImi (.'. Gorman, of - ;i.Cirk!i:w. who v.ms yebterdav a"p- . i ll I K;pt;fy C.l Iccjor for that 'vik arrcsleil chargo.l with ' ' ii uTiicle, j uMiohed in the Xalion- il.n'ilb.ni ve.-tinlay, againss speciaj ::. ij I kkr, of the Department of 11c ai tide was . written .over .;i,Lofj' Tar 111' . 4- The -uf Cai t. Willi r, of the 21st Infan T, j a.Lliimc'1 at .General Howard's -i'xtcr. . The Scrriau govern- j MA; vto jtho i,orlheastcrn ; ;'! ;..' Servian ivil and military c-.uvir.ant wi'ih the ltussian The fcl.iietnciit that the !rv' a of TurkUh lerritorjy by Au&? "J is iiiiiiiincnt ii denied in enjes The mobilisation of an ..r :. ., . . . i l- ij aisy ucuicu. . The Mails. The Mails close ami arrive at: the City I'obtoftice as lollows : . , . i fljTtHF. - Northern " Ihrlugh mails - - - 4M P M Vnrihprn tliroiieh and way mails. (i:15 A M Mails for the N. C. and A. A N. C. llailroads, and routes supplied thorofmm - . . ----- - 4:4.1 P M Southern mails for all points South, . ci any u.vw x. Hi Western malls (C. C R. AV.) daily - - Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Hun - L . - - 1.-00 P M L Malls for points along line of Che- ' ' ' raw iningion ii iv - - ji;.ju jpi FarettevlUe by (J. 0. It. W. daily, (except Sundays) - - - 6:00 A M Mails for points between Florence and Charleston ------ 11:30 A M Onslow C. H.and Intermediate of- ttraanvprV Vrldav - - - 6."00 A 31 Sniithville mails, by steamboat. dally, (excepi aunaays; - - o.w a ml MalLs-for Easy Hill, Town Creek, every r riaay at - - - - - - o:w a m A RRIVK. Northern through malls - - 12:15 PM Northern through and way mails. 5:50 P M Southern malls - - - - r - 7.D0AM Carolina Central Railway at - - 6:30 A M Malls delivered irom o:w . a. io .w x M.t and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. utjimnOfflmnnpn Imm X A. AI. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order and llegisier xwpari.menui open same s eiuip oftice. " stAtnns for sale at ccneral delivery when stamp office is ciosed. . Mails collected from street boxes every day 3:15 P. M. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. i. Jew'ett Magazines for Jaly. S. VnAmrisgk Tax Listing Notice. ; See-ad Lost. " v One more day for listing , taxes. " And again no bcssrqn of the City Court to-day. . Please hand in church notices before 1 o'clock to-morrow. . The Galorious Fourth comes on one wcck foni ncit AVTednesd3y. Tlev. A.lv. Watson; U. Djof this city, was in Charlotte on Wednesday. . Unmailablcjctter in the Tostoflke for C. F. Cook, Fort Mills V. O., &. C. j &br. Ann L Valentine, -Potter, 'from this port j arrived at Havana on the lth inst. pis- ail quarters show 2. move- t 3 (X. H.) dispatch &iys I "C,.'a' C'y wa ' -des-Vaca and children are in Kir 1 1 i'l for bread. ,'.(c.-T(e!;cii in hscrvi.i. is nub- ;. S V U J aa important cliaDge in ratc-y. Tho Czar ig gTCatly -4 u in ihA 1.4. r--mw ; w iaii; qi JlODlcncgrO. i 51 iv.- t!. e S crviau representative "W rricvcd his declaration of lf -'"liiy. Uc denies that the Scr- u 6'cntwill allow the IU;s-chthiousbsicrvia. Sensible Advice. every day through tLe v. t 11 irrj f rtn ntf m 11.... LpttctL:'ugfor IDyspeisia and ""jo, r ntlljat.you know nothing ."raged - sjKuding i 1 1 1 1 1 supepss. lii:;''Uct,y troof thatGnEEH'a r-M eureyou of Dys Cvinphiut with all its K V 1,r Stomach;- Sick llcad lZ y'oticzs, ralpitatioh of fr. "eart-bnrn Vfr 1mj1i a . ?:a- ?iis OR0- 10 your Druggist Fi;.?1;6 little of Green's Au f,'r 10 cents and trv it. or V fr To cents; two doses Toil. ' . ; - itw: .T1 I K'J, 0W IOC a few Tinr In-t-oiir obligations to which 'jit. f-ae-.l k t..7l - , iav, "v umeran excursion f Cl-U KnJcr 10 lb ladies who rV2.t fci , out so successfully hrfent 5ir. i I am dad to 'Sry,:! Review that the net !l4;lllcs8 aU -Pf tho ladies, ' t h.,r. who labored so N's Wno was Thede, i Siberian pnocl) is the ccol delicacy' that has superseded .Roman punch at fashiona ble restaurants. ' Fans made 0 flowers are coming to the front. They are used for fanning fra grance and flirtation. ' i T- .1 Sshr. Iknry Adtlbert, Meade, rtrrived at Bath, Me. j on the 17th inst., to load with ice for this port. New fan holders are silk cords that pass around the waist, and have an elaborated chatclaiuc of passementexip. v Brig Gcoryia, loaded with iron for' W. & W. 11. II., was sighted off cw Inlet Bar yesterday afternoon. I The Hanover Light Infantry will cele brate the"Fourth" with an excursion down the river on the steamer Underbill. .'T ; ' " The majority of young men have taken their cue from the jard time?, and do not decorate' as many billiard tables as of 1 yore. The' bottoms of dress skirt are. cut in gallops with plisse undsrucalh, cither the same shade or thef color of the bows amMrimmings. ! Crabs and cucumbers aro forming a corner on colic." Sce-ihat those you pur chase are fresh, and don't mix them in' Jarge quantities. A careful observer may detect a gleam of substantial satisfaction playing about the "rave features of the city undertakers. Grecu fruit is'now in market. The steamship liar, Capt. Robeson, but in an appearance hep this morning after an absence of. several months at Fayetteville where she has boon undergo ing repairs. ; - ; A thunder cloud from the South caine up a little after noon to-day and the result was a very refreshing rain and a diminu tion of several degrees in the beat of the atmosphere. The Sunny Sotilh made its appearance, beginning a re w volume, jesterdaj. The little paper has just beer runuiug six months, and by its able management has cow a warm place in the hearts of the boys and girls of the State, Long may It wave . r . ' ' - : ' , IT IS SAID BY THOSE WHO $S OW Doouey &Bbqtheb e lajpauetwrtrs of the justiy celebrated and well known Yeast Powder which bears tbjir . .name, have the largest and most complete estab lishment of the kind in the world. The capacity of their mammoth factcry is simply marvelous, "reaching the immense quantity of five millions of ponnds anmi- The Review for the Summer. -Persons Leaving the city fur the vari ous watering places, country residences or resorts, or those going" abroad-, .can have the Daily Review mailed -to any addess by ordering the same at this cilice, at - 15 cents for one .week, 2 j .cents for two weeks, 40 Cts for three weeks.. o0 cent's for one month, $1.50 for three months, $3, for six months, payable1 in advance at this office-; United States postage prepaid. Summer Encampment. Opt. Walter Coney, of the Wilmington-Light Infantry, .yesterday -received a communication from A commillcc from the two Fayetteville ; 00m panics propos ing a joint encampment at Sniithville some time duing the latter 'part of this month or" early in July, tobo participated in by all of the companies comprising the Second Batalion N. C. S. G. The propo sition will be laid before the cxupanjcs in thiscity. - The Wave. " ' The Fayetteville Gazette says r "Capt. W. A. Robinson's steamer, the XYace, of the Express Steamboat Co. Js line, swung loose from her wharf last Monday morn ing, and glided down 'the river as 'hand some a craft as has rested on the -bosom' of the Cape Fear in many a 'long day. The arc- was formerly run entirely as a reight boat, but for the past fo jvceks she has been on "the ways" being" repaired and remodeled; and now, with a. bright dress 6f paint and new cabins ; and. state rooms, presided over by the clever and courteous captain, the ( a've can offer as pleasant accomodations to the wayfarer between Fayetteville and Wilmington- as any pf popular competitors for public favor on-the river." This is Friday, yet the Wave .hasn't put in an appearance here yet. She was probably on a trial trip at t he tuns spoken of by the Qazette. 1 ' I 4 " t -' - ' Report on Municipal Afl'airs. We have received from Ex-Mayor Canaday a handsomely printed copy (got ten put by Sam Hall, the champion job pointer) of the "Reports of the Municipal Ofricers of. the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, May 31st, 1ST7," embracing the icports of the i; Mayor, the Marshal, the Clerk and Treasurer., the Chief of the l'irc Department and the SupoVintemU-nt o? Health. The' Report is Uks lengthy fur one publication in the Review, ..'but .we propose to-noticc it more at length here-, after. It- is certainly complimentary to Mr. Canaday ?s administration - uf affairs, and we make bold to ayijsi much no witbstandipg thp fact that wc are glad jhat Mr. Canaday Y party has passed out of power 'here. The EMayov makes comparisons with the lust year of his ad ministration and the year 1 S7l , and the showing is invariably in his favor, not only as regards a reduction of 'expenses but in the way of substantial j-:vru'ovv-ments made. V'c havvi said v. c pro- fn n nt ice. ihc. rcnort in detail'! here- alter. ..; .. The qalaxy. Ira the July number, just published, the first place is given to Titus Munson CL-an, whose fctudy ou tho theory of culture sug gested by Matthew Arnold is worthy of allpraise. An essay upon Charlotte Bronte follows, evidently the work .of. a loving hand ; and then comesaTCiflaikabicjcssay on Mme. GcQrgo Sand, from the'-pen of Henry James, Jr. In a curious article, entitled "The Embroidery of History Mr. Gorg E. Pond dashes' to the ground some of our favorite idols in history and literature, "Mr. C. P. Metcalfe contributes a very short article upon the prescn1 financial depression, taking the ground that it is severely felt only in the Northern States, and that the, recent thrifty man agement of Southern affairs, the introduc tion, of manufactures and raising of breadstuff's in the Gulf States, has had much to do with Northern degression and Southern prosperity. Mr. C. B. Lewis (M. Quad) gives the result of a practical study on the subject 6f dreams he once made by trying experiments on the patients iu ajhosprtal. Richard Grant White contributes a very readable English sketch cntiUedTb.3 Heart of England.' In the department of fiction! we find the magazine uncommonly strong this month. Nora Terry writes a midsummer love tale called "Our Ice Man," Mrs. Richardson an excitins and mysterious story about a monkey ; and there is an exquisite sketch of life on the Hudson. There are but two.poems this month, and both are good, Miss Emma Lazarus and Miss Mary Ainge DeVere being the poets. Tbc departments of Science, Literature, and current gossip are well filled and ctQrm ing zst usual. The days are now 14 hours and 55 min utes long. From henceforth they will continue to grow shorter, until next De cember 21st, when they will be at their 'minimum, 9 hours and 44 minutes, a dif ference of 4 hours and 51 minutes. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the following report of the thcrmometcras taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, 77; Charleston, 81; Corsh cana, 73 Galveston, '82; Jack sonville, 82; Key West, 82; Mobile, 81; Montgomery, 77 ; New Orleans, 60; Norfolk, 77 ; Punta Rassa, 85 ; Savannah 80: St. Marks, 77 ; 'Wilmington, 82. Honors Borne Off by a Wilmington Jan. It is with much pleasure that we record the fact that one of our young Wilming ton ians bore off the highest honors at the recent commencement exercises at tho University of Chapel Hill. Oui1 j'ouug townsman, Mr. Frank M. Fremont not only received the highest honors as a graduate, but ako bore off the palm in. oratory. The two surviving daughters of the late distinguished Senator Wiley P. Mangum, of this State, who was one of the greatest orators North Carolina ever produced, have" established a memorial fund at the University, out of which is to be purchased a handsome-gold medal to be awarded to the. best' orator of the graduating class each year. The medal bears an appropriate inscription upon it. The idea is certainly a pretty one and the deed bears With it the beautiful devotion and affection of two dutiful children to the grateful memorj' of a deceased parent. ... The last commencement was the first occasion in which the medal was ever awarded and it was presented by Governor Vance in a neat little speech, in which the great War Governor of North Carolina did not forget tq pay a just tribute to; the J memory of the illustrious Carolinian. We congratulate Mr. Fremont not only upon his welt earned honors,, but also upon the fact of lhaving been the first for tunate rccipientf of this much coveted . - - prize.- !- ' Some ! Suggestions. ; The Fayetteville Gazelle complains bitterly i of the waut of proper mail fa ciltics between that: town and Northern cities. It says jlifat "the mail that leaves Nev York on Friday morning reaches Raleigh , in 30 hchirs and 'Wilmington in 31 hours, while it arrives at Fayetteville, &(j miles further ihan Raleigh, and about the" same distance as Wilmington, only after the expiration of 100 hours actual ly not getting here until Tuesday morn ing following!" V It is bat a 25. hours ride now' 'between Wilmington anct 'New York but the fast m. gets here at night while that which brings the papers is received at 12 o'clock of each day making, say about 30 hours. If the Postmaster at Fayetteville can make arrangements for the reception of the through Northern mail via Wilmington he can get it in half of the time it now takes.' .Letters mailed in New York on Friday afternoon reach here Saturday afternoon at 6 o'clock and . the ! matter for Fayetteville, if it passed here, could go up on the C. C. R. W. train at 7 o'clock of the same evening and would therefore bo received in Fayetteville on Sunday lurcTng about 37 hours after it left New York, while tiw New York papers of Friday morningi received here on Satur day noon, coaid be taken up. on the steamer which leaves here at 2 o'clock of the same day and be received in Fayette ville on Sunbfty morning, in 48 hours from New. York. We don't charge any thing for these suggestions but merely throw them out in the interest of suffering humanity. Quarterly Meetings. Third round of appointments as made by Rev. William S. Black, Presiding Elder, for the AVilmington District, Meth odist E. Church, Sojith. WilmSgUri, at Fifth Street, June 9, 10 Magnolia, at Carlton Chapel, June 10, 17 Waccamaw Mis., Pine Log,... June 16, 1 BUden, at Center.. June 23, 24 White viile, Fair BimTJune 30 & July 1st Onslow, at Gam Branch. . . - July 7, KenansviUe, atRichlands. . . - July 14, 15 Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs, July 10, 20 Smithville, at SmitbviUe. . . .July 23, 29 Cokesbury and Coharie Mis- sion at Black's Chapel..... Aug 4, 5 Clinton at IIopewelL . - .......Aug 11, Vi Wilmington at Front Street... Aj 1 1. Topsail at Rocky IVut, (DU ! trict Ccn(c?;ceX 23, 26 m HE DAILY BKV1KV7 if. foniLsbe4 to 1 City SabserinenI at 60 cents & aMd Error. " In our. market report yesterday, there were sales of 425 casks spirits turpentine at 28 which should have been 28 J . We intended to say 28 on the copy. New Advertisements. Magazines for July pRAN LESLIE'S Popular Monthly, 25c. St Nicholas for Girls and Boy ?, 25c. Scribnere,'3oc. At ' V , S. JEWETT'S, June 22 Book store. Lost. YE3TERDAY AFTERNOON, a Ladies' Portemonaie, containins; a few 'dollars in - ! money. The finder will be suitably rewarded on, leaving it at this office. :. june 22 TAX LISTING NOTICE. rjIHE TAX LISTING WILL CLOSE TO MORROW, at Citj Hail, Saturday the 23d, at 8' r. M. Uoure 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. and 3 to 8 P. M. Conimence making out the ab stract and DELINQUENT list on MONDAY the .25th inst. ' . june 22 S. VanAMIUNGE, . Tax Lister. The Excursion and Pic Nic Season Continues AND ALL GENTLEMEN WISHING first-class work done should call at No. South Frtfnt street. Shaving 10 cents ; Hair Cutting 25 cents. Even at- these prices no lard or pig's fat used, only fine oils, beau tilierSi perfumeries and bay rum. June 21 : JNO. WERNER. Spectacles and Glasses. rpHE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER offered iu this city at price3 ranging from 25 cent3 to $ld. " .''. ' ' Call and examine for yourielvee. june 10 J. H. ALLEN. TEA V l"i'M For Rent- OCTOBER NEXT, that valuable property known aj tho "PURCELL HOUSE." This HOTEL, witli its great advantage', SO WELL KNOWN TO THE PUBLIC, wilL.b2 rented upon exceedingly farorable terms. Apply to june 13 WRIGHT i STEDMAN. LWAYS ON HAND AND CONSTANTLY RECEIVING. a full line of Drugs, Medicines, Chemical, Fancy Articles, Ac. Our Cigars are un:urpaced. JAMES C. MUNDS, ' june 15 ' Third St., apposite City Hall. N. THE PUBLIC SAY : OT THE WORST, BUT THE BEST CIGAR can he bad at No. ZVA Market Street for S cents Another lot of those .1 X Ii XX T ' Received per express: this day at VANN'S TOBACCO STORE, june 16 Market Street. COFFEE, LARD, CORN, &C. 150 Bags Coffee, 50 Tubs Lard, 5000 Bushels Corn, 50 Boxes Meat, r &c, &c, &c. For sale by OINFORD, CROW & CO. jnne 15 : JUST RECEIVED, A SAMPLE LOT OF E. ' A II. BOLLMAN'S VINEGARS, as Wkitc Wine, Pickling and Cider Vinegar." Also, samples of 1 CZZOZCZ3 CIi-aHETS. It pays to give me j a call before purcLa ingeWheje. W. J. BUUMANN, jane 20 Lippitf Row, South Front st. TH0S. J. SOUTHERLAND, JIVERY AND SALE STABLES, Comer Third and Princess Street, f Wilmiagkw, N. C Horses and Vehicle for kire at rea sonable rates. ' Bxcvsicm parties to the Sound and coaatry acctmxaodated. - may 2 VJachington rJoic, B OOT AND SHOE HAKES A51) RepaSiw. 8eeoai itrest, two doprs from liar ket. Friees lXodrateaad Cest Rcrerencea. "We will be glad to recti re cot:3rrIrpilc 1 from our Criends on aay and all nbjtctl cf general interest bmU H.t l f The name, of the writer out aIwiti ta furnished to the Editor. 1 ; f T Commniunu'osa must.bewrittfafcsly ea one side of the paper.; ' ' Personalities mast be avoided, - -; Andit is especially and part let larly mxdar stood that &e editor' does not always edorsa the views of correspondents', anlecs a to ftatsi : in the editorial columns. ' . f , ' ' - New Advertisementa. Notice. Orrica of Board of AcmVakd IisAaxK Citi or WiLjiieroBf Jane 19iltT7. J HEREAFTER ALL BILLS against the City must be rendered to the Clerkv of this Board who will be found in office at City Hall formerly occupied by the Marshal, be twecn the hours of 10 and 1 o'clock, each morning. ' T . . Until further notice the regular meeting o( Board of Audit and Finance, will be held ia said office on the First and Third Mondays of each month at 4 o'clock, p. m. "- ' t " -NORWOOD GILES, Chairman Board Audit kA Fiilict. June 20. ; : - , - - : t : ' Notice. "i rpUE LISTING OF TS FOBIIasW boro and Harnett 'townships wUl cVntuittex at the office of W. W. Harrbs, J. P., xaext '-.' - .-I.. 7.,'- --:-'-. East of the Court Home, until the liaita- tion of time fixed by law. . JOHN G.' WAGNER, C Tax LUtcr for Masonboro township -A. R;f BLACK,' ' r june 19) Tax Lister for Harnett township. No Old Goods to Work OH EmilGM.llOH: T0 NOT SUFF0CAT25 WITH HEAT when vou can buv alnaca or linen m 0 r so cheap; coats Great inducements in White Vests, White and Brown Linen Coats and Pants." ' M' Call and see our Nainsook .Undershirts, the - . . i .-.--;- 1 most ccmfortable garment made, to wear ia, - . . summer, june 20 A. DAVID, ' 27 Market 8 1 V The Tax Lioto. For the state, county and cttt will be taken in future at the Marshal's Ofice. City Hall Building. Hours, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M., and 3 to 5 P. M. CRONLY & MORRIS, r.i je 8 . ' Reeeivera, Painting.' 5 . 1' 1 , WHERE YOU CAN GETJ YOUR Paint ing done with dispatch, neatness and' at reasonable rates is at f . , C.C PARKER'S PAINT SHOP,". one door North of Old Jail building on Prin cess street. HOUSE 8HIP and :tilQS Painting done and satisfaction guaranteed.,! Great care is given to small jobs. ' . V 1 may 16 , it . -it - -, ' Pure Cofifeeo niESII GROUXD and boasted; '. TO OUDEB AS WANTED. i 1 Best Grades Green " GcCzzOr' Strictly A. 1, Old Government Java. v t- Dallet & Bliss' - " - ' . . ' . First Grade Laguyra. ( Prime to Ordinary " EI0 AND SAN DOMHTGOCS We have the goods to sell and are offering the Lowest Cash Trices ou'all , , Family Supplies. r UIiblli and DUMtJatlKJJ- - chas. d iiyers cd;! I 5 Cl 7 Z7orth Front Ot. jane 18 ; . -.- - Don't Foreet It 1 ARPER'S WEEKLY AND BAZAAB, H Frank Leslie's Illustrated Papers, Chimney Corner and all the leading Illustrated Papers, ; 10 cents each ; Ledger, Weekly, Fire Cide Companion and Saturday Nigfet, eta, each: , Scientific American, 8 cents ; all the Boys Weeklies, h cents each ; Magazines for July. Harpers' 25 cents ; Godey's 2 cents ; Frank Leslie's Sunday, 25 cents. Stationery,' Con fectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac, at bottom ' Erice. A lot of splits for making, fancy has- . cts, wall pockets, Ac. jmne IS T. U. HEATH, Market 8t Free lncli , AT THE CENTENNIAL, So. 13, Mxrkcl street, evejfy day. Turtle soap from 11 to 1 i tfdock. Alei, Wines, Whikyand Cigars-- for a consideration may I JOHN CABr.OLL FBA17K H. DAUBY, - A TTORNEY-AT-LATr, .'" XX. ' ' . j - ' Office ia Journal Bsi!Ilg Pria s cess street, Wilmington, N. C . DVEBTIE in Tni: DAILY T.ZWZV. A - . i