It tit. k 'it. V . III rnoon, Sundays ex- . , . c'rr etc 1 11 a - ri:"J'KiETOK. ,Iir7'rsTA(iKrAllV i V; Uuc month, 50 cciiti. -Vr-iW. lea-report. -7 viri A? t WTHOM 4 ' VOL. 2. WILMINGTON-, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1877. NO. l.u PLEASE 2TOIIC2I 1 flic MaiH- 1 :i r i i v. "l ll,c v J .ui- Counterfeit Bill. tetter 'from-Mai. Enzelhar.i t .. i r: x . J ..1 T v.ii V I ;ri . y it i. f - inuuicric: u.u-uuuar um uu txxc i mc lOUOWlDC CCinmuincr.'tiun 1iVm - 4:1 T M Second National Bank of Boston has been Maj. J. A.' Engelhard , jo C r. C. I). '''Siai''!' way 'maii. 0:15 A M put into circulation. It may 1 detected j Myers, which we lave been rbmitied tu hr ii '.; ;u,;Piiei y a perceptible paleness m the red: seal publish, will sn&cient!y cxpKiii-itself: ovcrjbe right hand end of the bill, or the J flAs"1' PM game feature in the numbering note. The (f-1;11'. - - 5.00 P M paper on which the bill is printed is in Raleigh, June 20i!i, i8T7. i .4 .. V , of Che- " sheets pastfcd together. The Virginian. Mr Dear Sir The report comes to. me so frequently and so well '"Authenticated tlila tin many portions of the lower Cae Fea- section J am blamed, either .direct! v ,oj fn directly, or most of the. grievances of whieh' our friends complain in regard tu t!j uppuiut mont of Radical and negro ibagisi rates, I have reluctantly conseutetV to notice them. These charges ."again; t mc1, for such they really are, may be mnined up 0M A cLn,i ;, under three heads, viz: - . u: "' i? . '.;;5;W.yCV. i;v'.dall!''C:WAM ' The NiVrfulk Jrgiman, we "are pleased tJS'Vriwt-t i'kireurc M to learn, is prospering finely. No better lI'f.'tjld'liTtc.rnM u":te ff- evidence of this is needel .than the fact 4 .-ury ,ri,,,';' taiulioat,--' i- that it has recently donned a new dress, "'l' ,', i'ir,M"nn (Vrrk ' 1 for if a newspaper man ever .makes any We will be gltd to reedre; cpaauiettican from our friend on any and aU 'nbjects of general interest but : . . " " , , n , r. i t'.t iff : The name, of the writer matt always be furnished to the Editor. , ; i If j CommunicaUons.niMt.b written only on bne side of thepaper.; ' " ' 1 i rrsonalities must be avoided. ' Audit is especUUy and partieaJarU stood that. &e editor - does not alwajf eadorae thefiews'of correpondenti, unless so ctated in the editorial columns. ' Now Advertisements. ' - . ..r Wotice. .l'l''r" r I U'i ... .... 1 .,1 . r.Inn HUnnan I . .M,.,r...i'J. iMMil- - f m 1 wsw iiicMv vuau Kadical magistrates in certain Cuunties. ;,,rH u.p"'.,1' 7-(i)AM on the success which has attended his en- ! 2d. That I -was responsible for the se- 'p0 U1 7 ewnanover appointments. - teprise ami labors .and bop 3 -that the lection of the ltodicals, white and black, "g 11- received a f .' v Vl fmm :' A. -to . 1 i ' i r '-i t- i . v - who were adpointed malratcs in the p y l0m Mv' ifc0Dm8n, given above, I ?hfOW.of thu HrfM,W "ev"Srow o7wihSon. oU aiC- " feared to act. Instead of seven ('""."V'1 i. i. Mnrv order and less. ' r . o,i 'rLi.Tw(;((,i n :;f, r Republican magistrates m Wilmington I ; . . . uou wiiwi-anu ue committee were only -Magistrate's Court uiuuj, iui luui uteres Lu coraincic luc i n- ir . .. lists as.agrecd upon. u l'-KS tbc cx-rcnitcnUariaa, was J soon learn that the list for the City of before Jutico. Gardner this mornin- to ii iiuiiuiuii. ii men wns pni i. pii u i rirmni i uuanLi in r.n runrnn -, i i : . , i magistrates, contained seven Republican and pistol from EsnnirnW 1 E oi nRD OF Aro,T AKD FxA .) name, and four of them among the most 1! ? S Cr,n MlV 0l WnlyiNQrox, Jane 19, 1877 . offensive partizan's within-the limits of the f0' Ibc result of the inves- r terl ftfti at t ptttq 'r'.i.r city, viz.: Cassidey, Gardner, Van Am- Ration was that Weeks was committed J"l BILLS .gainst tbe nnge and W. H. Moore, to Jail in, default of a bond of $500 for SitJ" mnst bc rendered to the Clerk of tbl Under-these disadvantages I undertook- annpjran n k 4 4. , . H0? who wil1 b found in office at Citr alone, to change the purpose of the k ,7 lt ' 0I.1.Vm- f3Ji0er7 occap b ihe MlinhlJ' b- mittee, assisted -rent lv L Thn ',lnr mal Col,rt- V'0 hoU18 10 and 1 o'clock, each rmd emphatic telegriims which were re- . Sunstroke" - ceived by myself and others from the u. Yl)l, p ,r ' f l . leading citizens of Wilmington, and after , . ' Aatllaa R; Mayer, . of this city, a hard struggle, I had the list from New tookkeepce for Messrs. BrunhilJ Ar.'Brbs. Hanover and Pender reconsidered and re- received a .'severe sunstroke yesterday ferred to special committees. The Pender about 'II o'clock - : ! " ' appointments, at my request, were refer- rr AI,V(1 ,,' , - , . , , . ; red to those better acmiamrJ Uh Mr mycr adjust returned from a wishes than myself. I took personal I Ions walk in the sun and fell in a fain, mornino'. Latil further notice the regular tteetinirof Bojrd of Audit and Finance, will bo held n said oftiee on the First and Third Mondatf of each month at 4 o'clock, p. m. - r, KORWOOD OtLIS, P Chairman Board Audit and' Finance, june 20 , Notice. in his office. Dr. Bellamv was r.-ltl i Tl11E LISTISO OF TAXES FOR ltuo. his aid and wo are glad to learn that he now much better. is iVprimctits uihmi fcnmeuH btamp " , . :..:. :,t cih-ral delivery when 4.'I!I" I 1 . . ,1! ,V is CIM l' at all hours, day and A' North East Wind. certain pemdcrals for those reccom'meh for magistrates in the Ward ineetin -.'.! t .l fr"in s'trc t livxcs every day aiit night the vind yeerel around to the City of Wilmington, the Northeast and tlis morning the atmo's- I am sure it is not necessary f; 7aoA had the number reduced to four, just one- The Review for the Summer. Persons Leaving the city . for the vari- L( GAL NEWS. fifth of the wholes! nnmrmr incfo-,l in I -A. 41, j?.."..7i ' t .- -i I OUS Wnt.nnnor nhnna I ' 1 nivi o man yne-imruj as 1 iounci it.- I -v""o wuuuy reisiueuces or T ,nh1," inrr of i-a 1 i of nn r. - 1 I rpsnrfa i . '. l 1 . br me to l u "" "" 00 'olcvu uxjou uy i , "wov; goiug auroau, can nave lite tuujuiitiec, x lounu mac U. H.-130W- the JJatly Review mnlUl f n A rp. . . . auj auuws this office, at 15 cents for two boro and Harnett to wnehlps will continue . - ' i ' at the office of W. IV. Harms, J. P., next East of the Court House, unUl the limit. Uon of time fixed by law. . : ... . JOHN O. WAGNER' Tax Lister for Masonboro township. A. R; BLACK, . New Advertisements. tiluu k Co-l'urc Cofl'ccs. .1. Itwifc-Utua'awn ju ih-va?. . JwiTirMa?aziu for Julj. eii Aiucuj! ilt'.'tin'. .r.;: r i S'lifLKEN 1'oult V, fcc. ; ; been made in the names, of J. L. Cant- fecks, 40 cts for three weeks, 50 cents for June 19 Tax Lister for Harnett township. nv . nnnb ,.f XWntlc hut at that Assembly had referred the selection of masr- '' i Nir tV t' . , " worm pc monin, lor three months. fTi, '.... v pherej report lL! 1 uubuuuugo is pruny jjeuwai ure uuuvu , ..jC ray te well topi Atlantic coast. There is no report from say With; the statement that the Uener; anv i,,t north of Norfolk but at that Assembly had referred thcselectiohof mag- ur V' norm ruioum, 5,1.00 lor three months, $3, Th a T!m,' jn-rr.- . istrates to a ioint solnrt rnmmitirn UA"uie- x resiorea ine names for six months .,i,i ; .i : -wiuwwu iuu iu XI 1C place, at Wilmington, Charleston ana ... .: r.m .a.' , , n" 71,1; i i ' 1 ot Messrs. Cantwe and Worth and r y-;--"autCat mis - L ll-. ... tbolwind from tho K S Z tt t ', f', . "asod the Itadicals. I struck S. t ito- Uo.ted Ktates postage prepaid. , SeaSOD Continues i ...1.:.- i 'jLLnttn nn,rron- I Mo' Kiwi r m.u.,,-,.!,.,., 1,&c 1110 nace ot b. V an Amnnse and sub-; I II . 1 r . 1 , I Oi.ltULL.L4 I.IJB IIILIIIC III I l I nmir 1 ntrtnrr 1 lit.4l 1 . - nab it was from the East. appointca irom mat party, and the CD, , " r f Ti.:...r r - . . I a .l ,worK one siiouid call at rio. KepuWjcan . members should .have the nW .: "X rr - 4"vTi;u L v 4ri,Wiuwiiiuiiis as .made ifnirr'T.- o- oirtftu navmg iu cents; T" n nln l "0V. NV ilham S. Black, Presiding no lard or fT Ci. iivni hula y. v. xaiii. who nan neon i r, n ., . . i a " . u uijcts, penumencs and bay rum. .5 JXO. WERXEB.-- nes for July LESLIE'S Popular iConthly, 25c. for , Girls and Boy i, 25c. V At . ;'. S. JEWETT'S, . Book Store. The Thermometer. & . . . pri vilege to make such selectioi v r 1 ' . 1 1 . , , . iinfr irrn rn -a-kiv- 1 v 4-1 .-- - a i 1 : M...:Mvru.u,r,. tu 1 louqul i tlio-'lTnited States Si-nal Oftice at A.u bUW ",su cua'u wul named hv Mr . Tlohfn ;n .w. r' V.u MUCV 1(jr luc Wilmington JJistrict.'AIeth- , ,t.v . . : 7 . 4.,, . 4 lnac i am mc only person, not a member ' 4, T- 1 ' odist E Church ASnntb ' "UB1' .!. - this place we obtain the following report ofthc rgislaturrwho appeared before f jeady on the list and were per- kvhUKh'tll' v n7T lNli,u,:,K,,t, in llellevue Gcnictery of the thermometer, as taken this morn- this ; committee, tl oppose the selection of remain. llieir terms of service Pto Street, June' 0, 10 lUiagaZl ' ' nMor- mXa- - r y.. ,7,. were fixed m duration m accordance with jMagnoha, at Carlton Chapel. June 10; 17 0 : ' ' m""1? M -re named, ffjccynaW Mis., Pine Log,.. June 1C; 17 FRANK. IVarcgcttmsbo the general .'""S"a "ar'"lon i- by. Uepblicaus ."fn the, Legisla- 11 JQTS' PWhitlnT, lS XTr? 2i Nicholas . . 0 . ; . I cana. 74? Galveston. 82: .Tank- ,i:-:J.4.- ,r .. n,. ' 0 . Howe lor two years. h vmtqville. Jbair lilufl. Junn P,0 X- Jnlv icf t J'. sonville, 82; Key West, 84 ; Mobile, 80; of :EadicaI magistrates allotted to , "7, end, you, hOTO a sucdoet fiS?0r' ' 0 Bndi.-...Ju1y 7, s Scribncr'.Mc. .:,,,,i,,c,,,t i, the guard Louse Montgomery, 77 ; KW , 0rleanS, 81; . county byf the eomSnttee, and the feSSKS'iS L5 '. "1 Scip 1UH.: Xorfolk, CO ; Ptlnta Earn, 79; Savannah fW I'''!!""1, select trates. Unde tbS ISmithville, at SmiAvfl b " ' Jn ft It' , , a.. Wmfctii of anin.h of rain fell 70i St- MarkA 77 i (iila after 11 o'clock. ""uu") " t a.;. ...u.. L :.- j ..... , tiaiua. uuueriaKen ac VOUr rftnnPKf. nnH Wilmington, 70. . H S' IZ, " " at of ottw gentlemen of WiSiin. estary and .Coharie Mis- . - Tv,w v4t4, u r . . f. , j. - - sion at Black's C.K a.. . I lor' rrnflpr t m ati-cr nt thnso vrnrkttiSi.o- r : " 1.414 uun nuuui:- . ttug 'i. ii Pender Court Honse. Lost. r.,. t i i4i 41 . a - . J- 4i si InXZd:YTli KIT'!'"! ligd. Cf'UPd1-;- Aug 11 12 YiTRUAY AFTEBKOO.V, , L.dU. i W .i r .i -.1 i , flilr frinnrta in Pnnrlor orn Ul-olw fn lim-o I . .n. .il..iimi. . im ..iitr i . a u i.tL t....i I Li . . . 11.11 va li a k a a i.ivai.i uil i n i . i . a j ijia i i. v i. - i. .v ill M iiiiim uvi'imii inn r I r i. . " ..!. - 1- -i- i: xi.1.V4Jj 4.:.- A -.J..:k' r Li4- . ' 4- 41. . r estly and so laboriously to save the nennlAi Aopsau at t .. d'- lie . ij.I-atii,- name of drunk- iiveiy.urae over uie mooieu question 01 cdFvudiu.u iui iuu wieuuuu 01 me f E fc North firnlina from trict .1 - 0 ..: rvi. '1-4 tL :.i4. articular persons appo nbl ' ns Tlrticni ?l f,atcrn xsorth Carolina from . the con-1 14 I LILU UUUUIV J511C. X LIU 1HL ljcs ISIH L lire IJT- I 1 . 4. . "X X .av.a . rtf lr4 .1 . .v? 1 I MHM - I .: . . " T . T ... ."I 1 fYinffistrstPS frtr TrW Ifftnnvr.r A fffii. i-.n- I fc ui iuuiaui auu uurtMPv OUiCiaiS, ana . '.. ' I dered a new election which homes': off on I D . i . . i , . ' . . . J I after so stubborn nnrl nnn-ironHw cn v.t . I rc ti urs arp. I ; .r i earnest iiffut in uenait or mv peon n v- I . . - Vr,.r,..Tf(V.,, 9W uv w i 18, 19 j ..i it ii' s :-:iv tlicir i 1 1 l" i aij'l the)' cannot help r. T..j i.i.rf;;(iit5 in Vine Forest Cemc- . i v i if :r 1 1 in : i if i i - . . - v t the first Thursday in August next. The fore the committee, and" bavins secured Kf68 5 ad witnessed thevconsum- law confines' the selection of the site to j for them these e nortion of tbo W W Tlnllronrl in Mr. C. If .Robin IJ.A . . ... I I - Bocky Point (Dis- cmonaie, containing a few dollars ia Conference).. ....Aug 23, 2G money. . The finder will be suitably rewarded ffffffffB I on learinirit Htthis.oflW. i t :i i:i en. 41. . : i it PencTrr. TTnlcs somn. onrt lar f cl fnr uwruJau oi iJemoc -www w WW -'MVW V V'V WV M f 111 1" I T . 1 -- . W w'ltli , one adult and a majority of aiUhe Votes cast, it 3M the nuXr S S will remain by law at South Washington, trates reduced,, and would be allowed to We take no side in this local contest of S8Iect tuenr antl requested lum to our young sister county, but maintain an ?amc the fice. Ica,st objectionable Kepub- thisj precaution in the hope of still sceptions, I telegraphed A "iZ r a J ' son, officiallv, . hS .bcinir S?7 the adoption of the Amendments t V.- -r-. . I tJ I UB VyOUSi ILllLlOn. II. WAS lnilrprt a I lAlltU IjAtUUlIVL' I New Advertisements. -T i-;:. I. if an nnmailablo letter in the v -''ix ji-l IroiscJ to Jas. Spear & Co., 1 'Ul't.;, Wilmington, N. C. i. armed, neutrality.- l'he Wilmington & j iqq of love for me to attempt to secure the most important of all the advantages which the amended Constitution bestowed a Jong suffering people. , I had con gratulated myself that while my success ... 1 T was oniy partial, mine, of man',. were the omy euorts in any degree successful. And I ' 1)1 s I I I I f T Wcldon Railroad offers the followins . in- further reducing the numb- which i rlln,y',iqi; not beheve that any person i V M)!wur4 who will preside at the duceroents as set forth , in the letter of d. he 'follow (ug'U.a copy of the i tele m .penor ure, wnicn com- President Cridgcrs to Dr. Satchwell,whici gram : ' - Uhy, is in the City.. " is as follows : ' R-allrhi. March 1 . 17 7 tAcuUMart Kccnan .tud. Gip- WiLJiixctoN, N. C, June 18, '-'' ' -'Itri-iii; repairs and improve- I VR ' Satchwell, :- : will ' s.kii be ready for use. j car Sir : The Wilmington & . ' f - . - - I don Railroad ComnAihr. for .mH in i I . , . j .17 X J . "i I . ' !ic (.cmctcry, there -were two eration of a sixpence, agrees to sell to the three to-day. Fear few Radicals will ;,-'i-.f:.ts ih-ring tbo week, ouc infant county of Pender seventy-three (73) acres be insisted on. Xamc five most accenla irum Tinmininvillr. nn.l -,ih Qf land oh the East side of said Railroad We. in order of choice. McQuigg, Howe. ...VA.V. I.V.IA1.. I -,, i4 . .1 I TTM1 l.A "-I ' 4- .1 at iiurgaw siaiion as rcprescaceu oy me I u xim are least oojecuonaDie names in Southeastern iorth Ciirolina at least nor in any portion of the State, who had been a reader of the Wilmington Journal. or who had heard me on the stump, could '77. C. 11. Iiohmson,Ch'm, Ac, Ytl,n,.don : lavorcd- tbo appomt- AftnVnU j r i( 4- r , iiauiLtu magisiraics, or who did After a hard fight question referred to nnf fniV-n ncc-WKo. t u 4.i AV-C" Kl mlSl 'V r lbM- vVllson opppose any such movemet, come from nnswL and mvselr. for final action W o mr-nf nt I .i. A i . ' . i - " " i"v.v.u an i u ir, snnrrn ir. mirrnr. ight. Your friend, .'. Jot?. A. Env.'elhakd. To Cat, C. D. MrERs, Wilmington. tUtcuactcr'at 71 o'clock fester- I P 31st Marcn 1875, provided the present list.. Cassidey. Gardner, YanAm-1 t i ifiiIi rr , , . . . i "i ... I (four t Hou sc. is located at 13 urea w. The Jn ge, I will .defeit and fight all or neAirlv 1 : To ucoruw- 6j degrees, while Ulat net to include to Telegraph full v and p ' ". at tlio same hour, it was 70. Were sold several vears aso. beine between early. Show to parties who havo tele- prime - i Under graphed.' :,rt:.1,..ji ...... if I Muo ajm I ".uhuimu cm a l. . t xi.i" i.. -..n . i ,. . - iuv luuHgago uuuis uie tumpauy uas iun 'ollv;uJ : aim iuo proper ones power to convey such lands as arc not r J. a. i; 'lf--;Unt ti )ey arc put m proper or- .' : ie apd two acres in .quantity. iA.NiuKi.liAUL) f ' 4- i ..' I lh nantf rrm r t -v -., . ... t ..ul f. ! ' : e u.4 n i n " y,lJ lvr; l mis ini-iam 1 re Tl - V T w "d,u- t ceired,the following: ii the wish of the company to build up a I , . ,r prosperous town, the business of which! - - V ilmixqton, March 7, 1S77. y the iti nt car horses drobned oh I nonld be more valuable to the Road than I J- . Engelhard, Raleigh : r"rpositc th, Vrtir- Affiv. 'W saIe 01 laml- Wo will, during the Fight till the last gasp. It will hurt us - 1 ' WW i. L a . . . . . 1 1.1 4 at . . . , , M':inu" h; c. i,i ouaimer season, carry necessary materials awiully. Lieast objectionable live, Mc- ' hU: c 11 11 .-"X"" .. I i?r uuiiamga jail ana uouri uouse iree muigg, Joe iiill, llowe, 13. G. Rates, John 01 cosr. aiso, we win carry xor inuiviau- UNorwood, as during two Summers, building materU (Signed) C. II. Roli.vson , . Chairman It will bo seen that the only exception -uvKtsfr'ihoi. ir t als during two Summers, building materU lr'. w ; l , Uuu? wbo a!s at the tual cost of transportation, ; . ;i '"o"11 the street forj some We do not vris.b to mterfcre in, the ee- MM-wiili A Horrible Affair. rimus Moore, a colored man in the of his life, said to be only about 3-3 years old and a man of fine pbysicia proportions, died last night at 12 o'clock in the guard house from the .effects of whiskey. It seems that he had been drinking during the forenoon at the storo of Mr. F. W. Heyer, corner Market and Second strrets, and there are conflicting account;! as to the amouut he drank, some estimating it as high as twenty-two glasses of raw whiskey. During the ' C t . .11, . aucrnoon ne started nome and got a3 far REDUCTION INPRIEST GREATLY REDUCED PRICES j- 1 ix Merchant Tailoring Goods, At '11 MARKET ST. AT Give mcaeall before in. nr J i,0T THE WORST, 'BUT THE JJEST - - - . , uiuAK june 22 Spectacles and Glasses. rpHE LARGEST ; ASSORTMENT EVER offered i n this city at jTricca raaging from 25 cents to $10. . , 5 v . j Call and examine fur yourielvcs. june 13 J. H. ALLEN THE PUBLIC SAY : elsewhere', june;23" A. DAVID, Merchant Tailor Si Clothier. Pure Coffees FllESIi GROUND AND KOASTED f ZAaU7ZlA I relumed to thai insti- lection of the county site, but merely to I made to those named in this dispatch was -a3 Fourth strect between Market and s evening by Capt. DrocW Chief I hcIP-nc county... to developit and to see j the substitution of T. M. Smith for B. G. Princess, when tbo fumes of the liquor " cc- I tb county prosperous and ifi every , way 1 Bates, and the leaving out the name of overcame him and he sank helpless to the I .ri ... j ? if .i , I T.i -VT j i. e: i "V . - j i ouotesaiui, if ; - i s .-..a j i ioua yrvuwi,as ouiy iour iaaica s were nn,Tmnni -i.i;, w j :,tx i-,i,i T'. , . I it I i I. a A x t Ix? it i i riM i ipacmcnt. v. policeman wu passed . - . , - . ..ivu ii u w rpcciviniyi , .. uivi -i "wwi i . . .iivoinuLiou vx .s".t, s under the dirrction of A UtftljW l.V4X X441U144JUX WX4IX V UUIUII 'B I 44X4 4i IJ U J IJV1U 4 11U C 1,1 UO I i t II I iU il U1 , 1 ' 4l ' abput the centre of the county and is the Smith for Bates was done under the firm lberc Uurlug thc raul 8AW bmi ,viuS 011 to thc guard house. him proving una- . . . . . 1. . I . . . I x i i . r crvMcsiTs Ca; ' , u j.- I most eligible location on the itoad, at or j conviction on my jart that be was as -ae- j lUG siaewaiK ana procured a dray and !i-i i .. jf Ul .f AkU555J I near thecentre of the. county, lor a Uourt I ceptable to our. people as liates was, and earned him to the louse. 9 , .. , further, beause Smith's appointment was All attempts to arouse' Alsn wo trill wli-n ot Ktirtmw if tli I pnrtr.rKn as a ebnire amonor Unfllpil lnd ... . . . ..-w, ..w ..... o-" - i rr,.T . ------- ------r m(T nP w-vt n ircx t.l countvste sWntP.1 there. 'locations', for Mr. Kichardson. of Columbus, wm bil "9 ""6, v,uy inysician, Ol Cradlialrs at. I chilrrhs anA Kr-Yinnla rnfMrrll-M r.f flpnnm- I pntltlpil liimspf f fn rrrpnf. r(,nii,nntun ltr WIS SUHHaOUCu who tried V.lrlrt'l rrno W ' ' . A. V UV AA WUIkJ 1 . . a - - - Q - . . waaa,-.,. U(fUli 41 I --VA. ,AArW ji mi,u jaueu to relieve mm, fortunate man died last night, without having shown the consciousness of his condition. morning Coroner Hewlett held an that when I received your telegram &sb inmiest and a vprrHct woa .-x The People Want Prool: C W me to assist Senators Troy and &an- f, , h .... . , i m j . .. ,i - . , -7 . i V4.V uv-vvuuvu v4xi; mj ma ueain irom in- imixi'Tie 11. cMri Tfm'v).D ii,.f I Ptri;! rnmcfrofac whn tun rcr I llammation of the stomach and conrpstir.Ti i Frhinni i ::rt;:;iuJ 4f-it only -uu iurn wanner thd youn- r'trti amazingly As it is physicians, or sold by lirqggtsts, thatj lUdical magistrates, which was the hrst ,uf fat cool weather will set them I aries soc1 6vencc of ite-suocosS' ahdj Intimation I had that '.the persons reccm- of the brain, caused by the effects of alco- . I All AAA! rTI IT I TI 1 1 r A. ..I .VI.A.'II I A. a . A Al A . A . I W I I 1 A I I I I A I III' I TA I I A III 1 A I ! S I 11 T "J 1 N I I r . - I BULV1IUI liltUlW VX XIWOVUIlIl a VlIaXM.1 I BMVVV J II AAA . V AA W AAA A Al 1AUU I . . . ' ' Sir-. n .. ...."1 .. .i e i i . i I - r severe iougus, uolds settled on jcauntie wouia noi vc connrmea uy tue r . Consumption, or andiseasol Legislature, I found that those Senators - The History of Civilization cv i,ungs. a prooioiltnat ana pur otner irienas m ootn nouses, miu Iton in hn n-l fori 0 r.wwi. Strup for w a maJvcrtance a ridiculous fte.br1 v,"-a aTroip.i , .. -1 oi tne inroatan U .!Li . . c?v bhc M arrive here. ISamiilo Bottle 1 tfil Vt P dutiful new apparel superior effect l) "f-f 1... -1 I . . . I I' tmm 4. J.K Knvnn r . T - - - -r - wsr4v a i .1 j il;. . a e . . 1 . J I UUIWk, 1U II4U VtUXJklJ ilVUI I 44VC Udl or 10 cents and' trrMUl-XeW Hanover What herriw in articles t.i4 I . xi LT-TiJf..'j l7.j xll. 1 r ii,. I ftf r.i-wl Pfa : x f . rattup wuiriuK- knarefruiar 1 lawa. nou uikcu iut,-it ica vi iuy ixiiu-i v .vv. .-..v.j i -i,,v'iJtve iep is a pud . . ii;i.4i t T . I r!4 a L nu. ...i c f.j i-lu.. . ' . . . IU9 laiyij OQCn 4 r r i ".., f "u'r school . . ' fwirncd . . T and its wonderful cures are astonishing Uie committee- TMe same was true m re with proper care insures the mst drbvi rip y I " A. J VlV fkXXB U-V V W ' UWVyB TI 44X I IV WWW -- " M , j i w A. AA MUM 1'()VIIUVIV WICHUj UUCUltS, V3SlTj t 1 MsliAt Mn a... n A !0 ' I Pan9. fi f1 'nrnHtl-ilir -.fVinr th ht aI All I f 1 i ' I ; iviiviv Ulll ItxOvY XIJ Ik. . I 1 vivtkl nuu t'.vvwvi . wu.. vvuun.oi .vw. ... rl til., t - D I .1 .. Vfl V- TO PRDEIi AS WANTED., Best Grades Green Coffees. I Strictly A. 1, T Old Government Java, j Dallet A- Bliss' . j First Grade Laguyra. II Prime to Ordinary I' RIO AND SAN DOMINGOES AVe have t he goods to scl I ' and are offering the Lowest Cash Prices on all Family Supplies, F0REIGX and DOMESTIC. UHAS. U. JfcJYERS & CO., o y -Mortn Front at. jane 23 can be had at No, '31' Market Street fr 5 cents- Another lot of those J y t. tt m i Keceived per eiprcas this day at VANX'S TOBACCO STORE, J junelG , . Market Strett. .LWAIS O.V HAND A'D , ;, CONSTANTLY RECEIVING a full line OAf Drug, . Medicines, Chemical" ' ' . Fancy Article?, fccJ Oar Cigars I are unsnrpiiaeJ. ' ' I JAMES C. MCDS, junc 15 Third St., opporite CityHalL TUST KECEIVED, A SAMPLE LOT OF 9 I--. . f E- &, M. BOLLMAX'S VIXEGABS, at White Wine, Pickling and Cider Vinegar.' Alco, eamples of CZXOZCB CAZlSp0, . i r .. It ray to give me a call before p Arena ing elsewhere. W. J. BUUMAlVxY, Jne 2Q Lippitt'a Ror,- South Front at; Annual TJleeting- fTlIlE ADJOURXED MEETfvrx r u Children's Jfemorial AcsociaUoa will be held on 3I0XDAV AFTERXOO.V. the -25fh 1ML, at hit o'clpck, in the School Room of xiuses. iurr James, on Market Street next East of St. Jame's Church. ElecUoa v tar please copy. Poultry, Eggs, Etc. QONSTAXTLY RECEIV1XG and eelling Orown Fowlf, Tarkeys, Duck?, 4C. Spang Chicken, Eggs, Ac. Dried and Creen Fruit, Wool Hide, Wax, Ac, N. C. Hams, Lard, Butter, c. - Meati Soap, Tobacco, Ac I U apc? fi krdes. We close out daily. i WSTTEWAy" iSe SCHULKENi , Brokers and.CoromifMn Merchant;, june 23 1 i TH0S. J. S0TJTHEELA17D, jVlVERY AXD SALE STABLES, Corner Third and prineeea Street, Wilmington, N. C ' XS- Worses and Vehicles for hire at rei- onable rates. . Excursion parties to 'the 'Vm cvuntry accommodated. m..' Keystone Printing Ink Co. MAXCFACTOBfcBJJ OF ' O PRiwtiwc inKO; LOOK AND NEWS BLACK. A 17 Z7ortb Plfth atreet, ' Philadelphia, Pa. OUR IXKS ARE OF A SUPERIOR, Caalitr. beinr mad from fh bMt inim ''! dienta and under the personal cspcrrUIon of -a practical printer and preMman, therefore we will guarantee eTerr pound of Ink sold to 1 ' be of a Superior Jet Black. Quick Drrinir. and entirely free from tettinjr-olT, , , Our price are from 30 to 60 per cent: lo4 ' ' ei than any other Inks manufactured ja the - united atatea. r ... A trial of a aample ker will canrlnt im r7 printer that be ha been paying nearly double ; . what he should for his Inks in time past. Put up in keffs and barrels to init nnrrhiiL - Address. - , . . , ... . KEYSTONE rRLVTTXO INK CO. " ' " ' 17 XbrthFiftk Street dtcll Philadelphia, Pa. I