i : i i I ' "77.M T ' TTTiii iilliiiiniiim v.amrwv.M m m mm . mmm ww ij mmmt w w m i - - m-. i r 4 - w v . mm msmw mm mm . , , ' I i. ill liiiffitiii 1 1 ui fur. tAifeiii mi itiiiiuiiu his , CAROLINA. V Alphonson Young, of ChaHton rcrabred toMoganton. Tho McUcnburg Dragoons, of Chariot elect officers this afternoon. i. i .x,hiin' llic patent ll&ll lt&iroau i catcher, r flu. mdin? to Lincoluton on Ihc Chcfr ."fv.nmr Narrow Guuc Railway will bo mpleted by the fall. , A can which had an invincible- obi tUM tharn'r.lps t.vik possession lof I CU I W T I . Hickory the other day and succeeded .an clearing the streets. I . 'Rocltcy Mount Mail: A son of .Mr. James Scott of Ptowan Co., and. a iro boy .were playing with a piU . lho pistol accidcnlly tircl instantly killing the negro boy. Portsmouth ' Kntcrpritc : A negro nani- cd Tadd Dirk, from North Carolina, was kicked by a steer in IJrickhouse a cattle yard yesterday morning, an.l cut "in the right thigh by the boviue's hoof. TV.1 at the rcsMcncc of Mr. Bciij.uncn firiffin. in Nash County, on the Cth,of 1R77 in the oGth year of her ngc, Xfi,NanoT Hunt, afthcr a protracted k f r.-x Jnnth rorfftncmciit to her bed. Hickory frm : The finest specimen of ' wheat (Fulcli) that wc have seen thi.s sea ' son is from a farm one mile from town: Tbelicad before us is o inches long; six f if cliiatera Lave six grains in each, iu lvtn no "r.iing in all oti the head Who caa beat this ? Jeff. Davis rises to the magnitude or real greatness. In ability, ana in ui - lier dualities, Bavis was as lar superior w Lincoln as was Lee to urani. Kocky Mount Mail. t Our Position. f the true policy of liPfirArniift murnals is that thct should oppose Hayes only when he is wrdng, and when he is ngnt ici sueueo giv tuuw.uv. Do not mount the house-tops and pro claim that Hayes is the best and greatest mm in' America. If you do the great mass of our people will conclude that the Republican party is not so bad after all, and in the next election you may howl for your party and they will vote for the other. '. Do not write long editorials. bluQing those Who do not endorse him, charging tacm with extreme views and purposes. I f von do. vour naner is only an- adver tising mediHni published in behalf, of Haves, the champion-leader of the enemy in the last campaign, and the head of the He-publican party to-day, which party is composed of a band of the most unprin cipled politicians that ever disgraced any country. mall sales- WILMINGTON MARKET, "J f . , . JrXE 23-3 P. M.J SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 2SJ4 cents per gallon. Sales of 2s0 casks at tba figure. i . a ROSIN We hear of salcsof 1 bbls .Strain ed at SI 10 and 73 bbls Good Strained at 51 j Iter, 51 and 1 iVA askenl. Eales of 16- bbls (F) Good No 2 at SI 63, 3J bbls (M) 1 ale at S2 30. TAR Steady at fl 80 per bbl: C'RlJDrURPENTINE--Unchansed. We quote Hard at SI 23, Yellow Dip S2 10 and Virgin S2 30. Sales oWaf's receipts at quo tations. - - COTTON No sales reported and no quota tions. Daily Receipts. . bales :;87 disks 1.2HJ-- bbls 2 bbli Cotton- Spirits Turpentine Kosux..... Tar ... Crude Turpentine bbls MARINE NEWS. OFFICE OF OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD. TN ORDER TO SUPPiii UUtt &ujav;tti-bf-rs with numbers due them, we shall re sume thcpubUcaUon ofODR LIVING AND OUR DEAD on March 15th, and complete the IVth Volume in monthly parte. No new subscribers will be taken except for the bound Tolumea three of which hare been issued and the IVth will be readj in June. We can sup ply our old subscribers with any back nam bers, except September tnd October, 1874, should they need any to complete their files. PRICES FOR BOCXD VOLUMES : In Cloth $2.00 each. Half Cab $2.50. r. The Handsomest, the Best Ton the hare Hickory Press: Gen. Phillips, President of the Marietta and North Georgia 11. Pi., UlntisMn?? the work rapidly on. The rta mi ad wilt soon be in running jmlcr tor ii2 iles this Bide of Marietta. jKycry imli- crtion UUhat tho roafwill be completed into Nottb Carolina jit an early day. Ilickory Tress ifln an affray which oc curred near tbo Wilkes line in Alexander counnty last week-ron Mr. Ksley lven killed Mr. Thadius (Jawpbell, son f.f .Mr. Bplton Campbell Mr. Campbell was a man of good character, but as to the particulars of the difiicnHy wo have farneiiothiDg. Wilson Advance: It is certainly a good nisn of better tiroes to sec such a demand for cradles in our town, The incessant cry 9 t .11.. M,1 4 1 . Of UWrfiBSDCen lorcra. AVnrshin in the various chWrcjlies uf the supply paa uccnexuausicu. iuu uuiuauw i. , though, wa's for cradles for scythes, :;ot city toriiiorrow as follows; j for cries, fori the wheat harvest, not for stjqiix's ciiuncn', ; 0 une -J50i The.' Nativity 't3recnK39roratriot. liourbonisui. It is getting fashionable now with some of the papers to denounce what they .call Oourbonism, and yet this vary so-calle liburbonism has been the, salvation of this country. Had it not been for it, for the unli!n:Ling ttmd it took and held against the cncroachmcntsbf the lladical destroy ers, this country would be to-day com pletely in the hands of the worst and most revolutionary men on the continent. The liourionists fought against the dis franchisement of Southern men who par ticipated in the war of the Statds, agaiust the confiscation of their property, against civil rights, ag:.inst the total overthrow of the States and Converting them into one huge central despotism; in a ord"I)our bon;sm saved all wc had left of tnc ltc public after the four years' clash of arms, lieforc thev throw dirt at what they are pleased to call liourbonism theyj ought to rpr.vriiizn the debt thev owe it, and thank t f..T tlm liberty thev now cnioy, and the Stuffs it has rescued from the hands of tliclestroycr. v ' .' ' Chnrch Services. babies. A of St." John Vilsonlilteancc: A bec tree was cut tl,a isaptist Fourth Sunday after lnmty down 4 on tho plantation of Lmcrson Co ebration at 7 o'clock. I Morning Winstcad. a short time ago ana louuu ho irvlver.-at 11 o clocic. Evening rrayer at bo eight feet deep in honey, uur inioi mant. who is as reliable as any gentleman ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, .Garrason, 1'ayL tte ville Williams A Murebison. Steamer Underhill, Flatt, HmithviHe, O - cbrrSietta Hill, Hill, Elizabeth City, mm 1ncliol mm. It K Mitchell & Soil. .J m.v..j 1 . . - - , , ' - A. T - r. 1 I.-o ftmmllT I . I M I bushels corn, B F Mitchell & Son and J lu LrA fl lidvett. Lewis, Hyde county, 1,430 bushels corn, Ii F Mitchell fc . Son. fcjenr Missouri iV ljeaini yavi.-, ii.'v county, 950 bushels corn, J ijippiii. SchrKr raneis warn, jt.nzuJt:iii , -, bushels corn, Grant, Hinton Co. Brig Georgia, Terbune, Baltimore. r: throp A Cmumtiipr, Gl j tons steel rails, AN & W Kit. A. CLEARED. 1 -Steamship Ilateish, Mi-vcr, llaltiniore, A D Cuzaux. , ' .. ,, Rteamer D MurohLson. Garrason, tayttte ville, Williams Murchisny. ; "Steamer Underbill, l'latt, Sinilhville, O.G , l'arsiey & u. , Spanish Jirig Ilegina Urgelles, I lainburg, Anderson Lx?b. . - , IJBrbrigantine Eleanor, Tartelow, Glasgow, Scotland, Alex Sprunt & Son. Spanish brig Melania, Lander,. . Ilaniburi.':, X G Barkter & Co. Southern Historical- Honttly. Thi Munrarinp. two numbers of which the same relatioi to the entire South that OUR LIVING AND nrni nP4n f( to North Carolina, and, in all respects, will be a worthy of confidenc and support. For detailed description of this Monthly aad for the opinions of those who have tlie initial number, we refer to larger circular. Subscriptions are solicited. Terms. Is variably is Advance : :" 12 months L00. 6 months $2.00 Address, .,.' SOUTHERN HISTORICAL MONTHLY, Hakigh, N. C. . fcb'ii , " Most Durable Pianos Made. Tliey are Beautiful Uoscwood, Seven and one-third Octaves, with evcrv , . - j - i - . .. . ; ' and fully niarantced. Tbeirnodcrato price and uniform succc ; ; - j f for them the position of a Standard of Ecouomy and lurabi:;tr Acknowledged by all Musicians to bo the Best over n S 0QO wow iNUst AO ENTS WANTED IS EVEltV OOUSTl'. ADKKI.ss MARGUAL Is. SMITH PIANO Or, ROBERT W. SMITH, Agent, VJ UniTcrsity Place, U apru o I ; Exports. r FOUEIGX. Hamburg ininish brig Ilegina-J,70 rosin. , , , Spanish brjg Melania bbls roMn, 1M1 ln snirits. (Jlasgow, geotlan.a Br brigantine lileanor; 500 fcbls spirits, L',118 ao rosin. rJew Design. VN l.WUll'i'i UJ? -LiUlylVO oi ruvncij bcin- sold at extremely low figures; wo I tine aortinent 01 LiA.ulejO nAivuuo, SEAL and PLAIN GOLD RINGS and LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S CHAINS. JST Work left with me will be neatly exe cuted. All I ask of the Public is to give me a trial. J. H. ALLEN. feb"27 Watchmaker and Jeweller HEW YORK WEEKLY KM S. C. Hall, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. nTILL AT THE HEAD IN PRINTING and lowest in prices. : If tou will etadr raur interest, give me . L call with jour estimaies before you continue your contracts elsewhere, may 12 Polk C-liller &Cr TTALIAN INSECT r0WDER ed to kill Roaches, Flics, HClJ k, Croton Bugs, Bed IJuffs, Mo-ai,,' Lice, Flower Bugs, Melon Bii, species of Insects. ' -. Not poisonous to tUail2 . mestic animals or fowls. ";-' 1 Prime EaJormeiifirTr- L,C88 Than Four Centi t ir MAKE HOME Mm SATURDAY -:o; JAMES GORDON BENNETT3 r 11 o r.n 1 e t 0 r. $600 PIANOS (FOR $250. And all other styles in the same proportion. EZ5L4oto"tt Which for mor, ,bS3 Xah Factory Pkices. No agents; no commia- sions ; no discounts. These Pianos made one STORY, SKETCU A!0 FAMILY ftr pi uie iiues. FJ -on.,f u wen known all nror th. r.u , bition. ana were unwimuusi; Tt . ... , , - for the HIGHEST HONORS.1 New Manu- Itis published wecklr, cocuiiu ; o In the gtcte Kiys that it was the greatest quantity of honey ;hc had ever seen. It ras ccrtaihly a gool length of ...sweetness tromendously drawn out. Moganton Blade : Tho recent , rai ns pu the grountj id splendid conditon fpr sett ing out tho tobacco plants, and our farmers . hi a. 1. ; who raiso tho weed, were an uusy at oik the past week, availing themscivcs of the season. Wo arc confident there is much raoro attention paid to this crop than ever before in these parts, and that the yield will be far in excess of any prpius year. I Tho MnrTfln'ton VAadc is responsible for this: Mr. Lartlctt Sisk, in Upper Creek tomhin had "a hen which was observed to no throuzh all tho actions of lay in ea remilarlv evcrv day. She would eomo off tho nest, cacklingi in the usual wnr. Vint no ez?s could be found. Final ly, aceinir aho anncared to be incrcasin in sizoas thoush crowing v?ry fat, Mr. Sisk concluded he would kill and dissect hero ;Upon opcniDg her he found twelve perfect eggs. , iA. snecial from Greensboro to tho Char- Inffn iihxrrrr Hated the 2 1st. says': A larffo rheetinff of Our citizens was held to i nteht. and expressed in strong resolutions tK wnM flf tho community as to the efHciencv and worth of ColT C S. in Btcad. as collector of this district, --.with the urgent' reqnest that the President retain "f bo good v an . ollicer. The iM$ing was composed of citizens of both parties, and HaI Winstrnd was stron'rlv endorsed as an officer and a gentleman. . , Wilton Advance: A negro man. an Rwering to the flame of Nat Watkins, made quite a display of gold aud silver in NashTUle lasUvcck, and the lavish ex toenditure of same, together with the very . tin dotbj .worn, might have provoked tho Dclicf that ho was not making his lining by tho "sweat of hfs brow." And tho suspicion was well founded, for it happened that slr. John s. Louuica, jr., and brother heard that'a store in Warren ha1 liren robbed and rold. silver and tine clothes taken therefrom, anil upon ,cx- aniinaUon they found Nat to bo the thief, aud acccivcd tho SG0 re ward , G o'clock. Sunday bchool at p ociocK. ST. rAL;i;s'(EVAyU.) LUTllEitAN CHURCH, Comer of Sixth and Market streets. Ser vice; ibvthe Rcr.- F. P. Cook at 11 o'clock a. in ) and 8 p. m Regular monthly meetJii" of the Christian Association at 4' p. m. Sunday scnooi at o p. uj. FIRST BArTIST CHUliCH, cornci- of larkct and Fifth streets, kev. Janies li. Taylor, pastor. Services to morrow nt 11 a m. and - 8 p. m., Her. II. A. Drown, of 1'ayqttcVilIe will - conduct the momtng services. Sun day iSehool at 0i am. )oung mens iir.iver meetirtir Tuesday night at 8 o cloct. licgular. eifurch prayer meeting Thursday at 8 o clock. j . FlllST- rilESBYTLIlIAN CHUliCH, nil J 1 r . 4-o 1'nr .Tnc corner imm auu uuiuu aiiv ,R. Wilson, D. D., pastor. Services a 11 a m. and 0 p. m. List or Vessels in Port June 18th, '1877; RARKS. Nancy Holt, Ur., 318 tons, out, Williams & Jliuchiion Wilheliu Kiesker, Ger, 397tons, lUrmeister, Ed'eschau & Wester nian Augusta, Span, 373 tons, 13crica, E Peschau & Wci-terman Dc8eD":ana, 350 tohs, Lafez, .Li resciiau & ciierm ir.n ; BRIGS. ; Eleanor, Br, 299 tons, Partclow, Williams jiurcnison Melania, Sran, 258 tons, Landa, Master Itcgina, Span, 330 ton?, Urgelles, Anacrson a uuuu Carlotta, Span, 257 tons, Garcia, VYiuiams & iiurcaison Hnldinir. Xor. 273 tons, Jercmscn, O . ' . - , c I ii. oprunt & pon. Alkor, Nor, 271 tons, Wilhelmsen, Eva Tarker, Br, 250 tons, Slocumb, ' . 1.' t. 1. l!r.'2 SCHOONERS. Luola Murchison, Am, 335 tons, dabriel, Williams & Murchison Lucie Wheatlcy, Am, l9,tons, Lollis, narriss & nowcn The Tax Lists, SEAMEN S BETlfEL, on Dock between Front and Water streets-. Rev. J. h. Keen, chaplain. Services every Snmlav afternoon at 1 o clock. welcome. - Scats tree. : SECOND lMlE.SDYTEKIAN CUUKC.ll, corner of Fourth and Campbell, streets, 1W r. Af Pavne vnastor. Services at 11 ' - 'J J. . . . , r i an.! 8 n. m. Sabbatll SCHOOL CCC For the state, county and city will be taken inffuture at the Marshal's Ollice, City Hall Buildino:. . llours, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M., and 3 to 5 P. M. CUOXLY & MORH1S, All arc jc 8 Receivers. p a ST A G E F RE E . ONE DOLLAR l'ER . YEAR. 5 3 Cnts for Six ZUXonths. An extra copy to every club of ten, THE NEW YORK DAILY HERALD Published every day in the year. POSTAGE FREE. $10 pavs for one year, Sundays included. S8 pays for one year,. without Sundays. . $5 pays for six months, Sundays included. $4 pays for six months, without Sundays. $2 pays for one year for. any specified day of tho week. , 1 pays for six months for any specified day ot tnc wees. $1 pays for one month. Sundays included. NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED POSTAGE FREE. Daily Edition...Two and a nan cts. per copy Sunilay Edition ..Four cents per copy Weekly Edition. .....Two cents per copy Address, NEW YORK HJiKALU, dec27 Broodway and Ann st.,New York factorv one of the largest ana nnesiin wo f.6i,w..j w KWNpipaiJ worldf The Square jGrahds contain Math- with the choicest etories and hA,fc ushek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, best writers K not sensational trifc' the ir n reaUst improvement in the history of as a mother is willing to hive hc piano making. Tne upngnis are me tii j , l""c mS f fan writ for I lustra- and elerahng. ted and Descriptive Catalog-mailed free. It also contains Historical and MENDELSSUiiiN fiAi w.r x hoia Departments ; Fashion ArtHet. apl. 14 No. 66 Uroaaway, sx. i iresn ana unexcelled ; uamorouiSata-.U uoiumns: ana fttrong ana pvtis'iir rials, etc., etc. Is just such aripauer 1 1 1 1 j'J At ' . uuujr luvea w reau, auu me price DENTISTRY! THE JUNIOR MEMBER OF this firm has just returned from rprrr ftnT.T.A'R.S A YTl? New York with a lot of new and A WU WIaIaAXS, ILUL improvea instrument Jl Sample copy containinr club rat ttr . qperapons are .uuuuj pimu, -ceir)t Vf a 3-ccnt sUiin. iddr, No. 918 hcult operations are and with lit. 1a nin to the patient. Dentistry practiced in JlH. its branches, and all work warranted. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. fl&T Best Tooth Paste constantly on hand. Prices to suit the times. 1 . TH0S. B. CARR & SON, june 13 No. 38 Market St a. Prayer" meeting Wednesday, 8 II i p . rn. p.. m. - FKONT fSTUKKT 31. K. CllCRCH SOUTH, J. E. Maim mb'tof. Service every b:ith .it 11 a m aud r m. School at u p'm. l irXH TUKKT .M. E. CHUKClI SpUTlJ, tivi..l ...i Fifth., between rsiin ana Churt li streets, Hqv. J. M. Rhodes pastor. Sab-1 Sabbath Services- at 11 dm and i '. p m. baObath, School at 9a a 'in. . : M". THO 31 As' (C.VTnOLK) CHLUCH, Dock street, between Second and Third tvnot Mormnir services at i aua iu a m. at Vespers at 1 p m. buuday fecliool 0 a m. ' aSEi'OND . .".VI'.TISsT CHLTvCll on Gth between Church and. Cattle streets, rrcachins at 11 a m arid 7J p'm. bv Kev. W.-S. Mclvin. Sundiiy School at 3 pm. llcgniar prayer mcctins Tuesday eveninsr at o clock. cu a'news- i'nd :c have KllzabctU Clty Ecouori.bt. 1 . Jeff Davis. Jcfif Daiis twverty has be! paptf waif of 8CTcral wcckii, been expecting to see it made to point a moral by sornc of his senseless' foes. lint it turns out that if it vaS; truc of Jell. Davis, lately, that lie waspoqr, he is poor no longer, f jr the Supreme Cjourt of Mis sissippi has recently made aj decision, by which a plantation, valucdj at 70,000 becomes his property. But Jeff Davis can never bpeome poor. He is enshrined in the hearts of all who lore tho patriot and admire the statesman. Ho Is a representative of the purity, the ability, tho culture and tho dignity of our earlier and better public life. His name is linked in our history with the fortunes of a lost cause ; but a cause that is loved tbo' lost, and loved the more, because embalmed in our affections by the blood of tho best and bravest of our countrymen. Jeff. Davis is its great living head aud representative. Let those disparage him, who measure greatness simply by success. But those who taVef a broader view will oOencr, perhaps, finti greatness struggling with adveristv and counled with defeat. But,', measured by all tho standards of true greatness, by fidelity to trust, by mr tegrity in the discharge of every obligation, by fertility in, resources, and by compari 'son with co-actors upon tho theatre of life, Painting. . WHERE YOU CAN GETYOUR 1'aint ing done.' with dispatch, neatness and at reasonable rates is at C. C. PARKER'S PAINT SHOP, one door North of Old Jail building on Prin cess etrect. HOUSE, SHIP and . SIGN Painting done and satisfaction guaranteed. Great care is given to small jobs. may 16 . ; Don't Forget It ! - JJARPER'S WEEKLY AND BAZAAR, Frank Leslie's Idustrated Papers, Chimney Corner and all the leading Illustrated Papers, 10 cents each 5 Ledger, Weekly, Fire Side Companion and Saturday Night, 6 ets. each; Scientific American , 8 cents ; all the Boys' Weeklies, 5 cents each ; Magazines lor July, narpersl 35 cents : Godey's 23 cents ; Frank Leslie's Sundav. 25 centi. Stationery, Con fectionery, Ciglrs, Tobacco, Ac, at bottom nrices. A. lot of splits lor making iancy oa- keta, wall pocket?, &c.- june T. H.- HtATll, Market &t- Brock's Exchange pjAVlXG RECENTLY changed bands is now open for the accommodation of the public i The HOUSE has been thoroughly reno vated throughout and the ROOMS are neatly and comfortably furnished. PoTte and accommodating attendants are always on hand to see to the want3 of Guests. The BILLIARD ROOM is open and the TABLES are free to the ltrpns" of the House. ' april7. Gardening for Profit ! i If you Swish, io become a Commercial Florist, read Practical Florticulture ! If you wish to Garden for home use only ra Ctardcning- for Pleasure ! All by Peter Henderson. PrieejSl.oOeach, postpaid, by mail. 11 L 13 SOUTH FRONT ST- l Just in receipt oif 100 Barrels of the CELEBRATED EMPIRE FLOUR, 89 75 Per Barrel, TaIGHT. white AKD SWEET ! beaN'ett nu t ' 276 Sansom Street, Philadclj-ii.!, Ft N. B. Be sure and aflix th? nntEV'91 , before BEXNETT & FITGII. So that ' know through wuat papcf tlic iufccr.?tia comes. ' J "DON'T FORGET" j. j. s hep Any can be found ON NORTH SIDEMARKETSL 1 Betwecn&ccond and Third Si-., Ready and willing to d all kicdi i PAINTING, GLAZING, fc A hew line of CRACKERS AND BISCUITS, i.. ..-...! J : , ' Tho tM'wnle little Wiiter Cr.ickcrs are LIPPITT'S Ice Cream Parlor. . Lr trrnvr.liil T71LL HE 01'KLU UJ" ti---VV : inL 1 Tare Cras vored with choicest fruiti wiU bekef! the'season. I STBA.Wiit.iu"" WajendlMcilu8wi'ibekeptJw h.nr in rithertbisor tiie uff gems. can De procureu m - iu ton markets, uream eeni w uj - . marts and canons All orders for Cream v A dozen Leincnis and a Bottle of Claret r t' , . - 7 ' Wiue for 75c. s charire. . . . i . must be ieitaaturaajs. . . Entrance tol'aior can-: apf24 Mortgage Sale. BY virtue of and in VZt visions of a deed of nwr P Joseph J. Ellis by Wt-u . 4 S. Hale, nis wiie, aaici "Y"' j y Onr Combined CATALOGUE OF lor 1877. i IT MfLLIMRY 111 FANCY MS "3 t FIRST FREEWILL BaVPUst ciirncn, "L Ser- corncr Fourth and Dawjjon streets. vices at 11a m. and 7J p m. ' SE. MAUK'J foOIon.Kl) EPISCOrAL CIIURCJIj ivinior of Sixth and Mulberrv streets. TrriYcr at 11 o'clock. Evcnin; Pr.ivcr at 5 o'clock. Sunday School at,S. Barnabas' School House at 3i p ra. Oom- Lfirmation Class at 0 p. m. . beats tree. r. Paul's church, (ErrscorAL.) comer of Fourth and Orange streets. Rev. T. I. Ambler, rector. Services at 11am and 3 p m. Seats free. ST. JAMES' CHURCH,! ! ' ; corner -of Market and Third street, Rer. A. Av Watson, D. D. rector.t Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock ; Evening Prayer ato o'clqck . Sunday School a 4 p ni. AYISG l'URCIIASED T11E 'ENTIRE' interest f the Millinery and Fancy De partment Jn tlie building known as the " Ex change CtrnerA" recently occupied by Mrs. A- D. Brownj I lain now ready and willing io serve my friends and the public in this line. 1 will exert myself to give satisfaction in alf respects, IfRICES NOT EXCEPTED. Customers may be sure that they will re ceive everr attention. Not only myself, tut all thoic cinployed in the 'business will exert themselves to please and satisfy all. " A full line f NEW MILLINERY GOODS3 - STYLISH AND CIIKAP. A'fuilline of FANCV GOODS alwavs on hand. I ' '''"! -VI june 13 N. U. SPRUNT. TAX LISTING NOTICE. rpuE tax listing will close to- Refreshing and Pleasant. JIOUROW, at CitT flail, Saturday the 23d, rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAS HIS BATH furnish warm, cold or shower baths as may oeaesired. We can also furnish a first-class share for 10 cents; stylish hair eut.for 23 cents; mustache dyed for 25 cents; shampoo for 25 cents. All done in silence and in the latest style too. june 13 n ' ' ,1. FUMANSK1. at SP. M. Hours 10 A. to 1 3 to 8 P. Mti Cutuaicoce making out the ab stract.and DELINQUENT liston, MONDAY the 23th inst. june 22 s. vasamrige, Tax Lister. SUBSCIRBK TO THE DAILY REVIEW EVERYTHING . FOR THE c3Lom- Numbering 173 pages, with 1 colored plate, sent 302 and 3UJ, we win, , n.,'i&t day of June, A. D. 1877, idl J gf tion, at tne tounuu- , on, . v., me ,ai& Wilmington described in said deed lying 50-Uoxcs Sweet Oranges, 50 do. Lemons, registered in the Bejrister'i V ., HanorercottBty.iniJookr--- Five cans 3 lb. Elegant lble Peaches $1. HutterL Lard, Cheese, Corn Beef, V'vc Haras, all at rxpalar prices, i GEO. MYEES', - 11 & 13 Front Street. . June 16 , " ' .'-- jZ county of Pender and at PS said David L. Hate, be K"? I ? in Wm.S.,Lakin hne.-Uicn 5 mvm t nm TrrnnTT rr mtrti 1 im o all cuSt5S5rB oFFastTearsTor to those who I THK. LAol W1M MU Jhh LMi 1 .1.. J W A. K.AA. ft-VATAT. V, M k I ' MahK line, then W. 21 poles J M large kiln bed, then b. K U L ir, . t.nnd. then iv " J . others on receipt of 25 cents, l'lain riant or Seed Catalogues without plate, free to applicants. ( PETER HENDERSON A CO., Scedaincn, Market Gardeners and Florists 35 Cortlandt sU, New York. : j;lU 13 rpAX-LISTING this week, and as an abstract has to be cub- 3 156 poles 10 n m. o. - , wAM v;th hia line agam . NOTICE I WILL CLOSE duiinz . . stake in tae uanuij".-. . s, berfnnin,:, conUining by-jj uuiH W ha-Ia, vv-- w " . w. nv thr With Sl D 2d rfmrrfuwi fflrst Monday i li'wUJ Ixi imnoa- lacn? "C.nij ai j : m. I ' " I menu. ucitw- - auo wduiuou nuaraai, tn tlnA tU time. w o r,?rj AU Vto to ire Object to donble tax, Kershaw county, and has an eztensire dre-r 1 and to indictment for misaemeanorpenaity, lation among the Merchants, Farmers Andj all I'fine or imprisonment classes 01 nusiness men in tne county. ' p lc at Citr Hali f rom 10 A, M. to 1 P. itioners to ine juercnanuot vy liminirtoii a I t r.Mi. ei u r.mnM. A It a . .a. 1 " AI. ftUU 11V1U V W W . AA A " M W W V VP uffiiiituic meuiuui lur aurerusin, ut OOuntTT I ro.f. , , c in wnicn it circulates,, being connected wiu I ;nn( mat cur dt steame- ra tne Watered rirer, I june 18 m W s. vakamrinoe; "-' 1 Tax Lister. thence with bis nne fi''" V,; .Uke in the BamJiock nd JTBS meaU, hereiancu thereto belonging ui - - iajr. . . ... i -.MBS4 Terms of sale win i u. ill take rUce at jane 6 tds 'nd the Wilmington.- Columbia, and Innuts nauruau. Liberal terms will be made with those de siring to adTcruse. Subscription price $2 60 per annum. Address FRANTHAM A HAY, Editors and Proprietors. LL Notice. PERSONS HOLDING CLAIMS For Rent. FROM THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, that raluable :-' . : ' !.' " property known aa the M ! COFFEE, LARD I U 1 1 O TTTT Tlft 1 f. It ' Ttia HOTEL, with its reat; advantages, A against the County of New Hanoter, in War- g0 XTELh j KNOWN TO ' THE V PUBLIC, rauu, &c.f lsuea p re t io us io tne m oi dana ary,-1877, are requested t-,a oxax A A 1 " 1 T I fct cu; iu me opcvimi ouuu vi , auk wiu i terms. Apply, to.. The lists must specify the Ditt andKi V Jel& WBitlHT A 8TEDMAN, ano; amocxt of each Warrant, together with j A ffa - v., M X V the name of the Derson to whom imied. and irnillOTail L JOlOa ii held. I ' t y' --.. W , us to the 1st of Janit- i 1 ' . i --'.c- ': to present a list of wUI bj tented PO11. eaceedingly farorable Joard of t Audit with- terme., Apply4to ; by whom Action sented, in accordance with the law creatin Action will be taken on each claim, aa tire-1 T OOT AHB SHOE MAKER a J . ... . ' I B-V AND the Board of Audit. 7?! inch 14 WM. L. DeROSSET, Chairman pairer; Second street,1 Iwo doori from, Mar et Prices Moderate'and Best References. j8 150 Bags Coffee, 50 Tubs Lard, 5000 Bushels Cor j. 50 Boxes Far sale by n . DHIFORD, CROV n.. CrtTOM, ana -'.. js4 Vy J, Text, - Trnrth -tKb for 7S Bts J. 11- maylt CardW loqP "Zl rCltSXs.

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