'1 - inisrArEii j ,j c7,rr afternoon Sunday! cx- . PLEASE 50TICE. " ' We will be slid to tecelreTcoBiiitiicttieai from oar friend on an j and all imkjetla f 'I 1'.! JAWo ' . . .. i irol'EIETOK. r i .T. Hi iJixnionthf, $250 j Three !' fl 25? 0nc month, 60 cent. " Jill be delivered by carrier?, H or licenser wee. , " f .' - low and liberal. . HT";h,ri wiJi please report any and PrE TC their paper, regularly name of the writer mnit alircn VOL. 2. . WILMINGTON , N. (J.; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1877. NO. J 34 aiiu luuns uiue nu arrire at tii rtv 7 . A CliatA.bout Trecs-l'hc Pines. ((.lift. Ill'"-' 1 J .V'i i.wv. yesterday ij Hie rpstoflice as follows : close.-, ivortiicrn through mails by far the most extensive application. It The furnished to the Editor. Communications musU , writtea caJj en one eide of the paper.: rersonalitiea aauat be aTOided. t , Andit U especiaUy and partleIarl Kafier stood that e editor does not alwari'tslom the riews of eorreapondents, taleW rW tattd m the editorial eolnans. " 1 - f nt t ft i: P m t .' I.,',lnn tvifli "tirnlwhlv forSdZfe A M tem North Carolina it i, almost jjooiuiv io csuruaic. Ul the 'comih in now many ways the forests of Dines wonl'.I infprf , r:.i have subserved the-health and wealth of era to Wrow a work from- some medical Decision In the Price Case. A decision in the case of Geo. W. Price As a matter of interest "tntf'sherifli Railroads, and routes supplied ? . .!.-:. frriin cron euu u;i ijiu- i souuiernmauaror AiinnintKrtnth ; i " iic iite or oi lug . uti nwlin the memory o. WeStern mails C. Ck It W.) dally ' wu WU1 not "w speak, but turn our the farther we get ''. ' ; L, ; (except Sunday) i SK P-M attention to its- botinicnl nnil rrr- mi life TirrCittini ; - p ',.,r l H-irkc of ewbern yteTiiief and offices on Cape - f0,f. . u. .liry 0'ai,l features. . . 1 J" . ' 1 V IK t s.i , ,nnimrr in Cliicvasro j.'Mditioii 'of r.'.irrrrr : I ni Ci . li'itirrtw'l T in liftM ., ri.ni:l S 1 I limiiui., . ijiausior points along line of Che- ' "1U "' "iciuut species oi nines We to-div - c i. . , v.JSffif? 110 A M growing in thi vicinitv. cf wKi.-l n4wC; EU?lsh. thc first Part of -fjun uj i,. u u, v. uauy, l i c i. v,-aii. o. j. jsaamtt s address rprrntlv .In 31alUJbrpointebetw,n fw T 7. 1 " w UJL rcai' livered before the Assor.iation f nffl .1 .... w . .IJ- HAt-f ')- .. . I ,. V"VM uuu narieston - - - - i t w i""""". ura irvcs aicai i io a vprv a- i . i t . .v.i Mr I Onslow c.i H. niMi wt.w.ita v w . I.- viic, A ii i ret i sjii'X uii'i'-"? tii iwiuav i . , -----"t ii- - ,- j i ereac ace. 'rowiir in !,;,.! :,v r.-uribljn.ciit. ju uuiauun is Smithville mails, . . rnticil. - , uay, except , lwii:nrkr: Mr. Jraei iurncr has every Friday l . .1. . r l ' tv noli in n i i . n i I lit I M Utll-o, " u ivii lit i W'" to WW. reliance fa (H, Poss'on fDaclCTks "c Stati, wc adl iheir ...t ccial placeJ in fti. remedy, and, ,vhat i, rather momiin "o of tUl 5 lU'3 10 Pd 7 ti, !t, X.S imnf Bimtfafc-. :. ' - ' . nrmo0m utor or tbc defendant. As was hslaturo in tesard tonmi ' be issued to a couhtv nn 1 vJ j uvr wKi ku w each defendant, as heretofore, away from the place of the Supreme Court German Pic isic. : issued to , . . t 0 A pic-nic is tb be given this afternoon I WD,cn summons is to be read to the de- and to-night at the Wilmington Gardp'ni: IenUant instead of servins Ullflpi1 t.lrt 01IOri(. vf If.i J TV 1- f 1 ' "-i'.io vi nuwaru xtciiei r ire Ivnorlrirt f.-. .1 . '. K..C. Regiment, on the ,7 T , ' Pres to be - . I larcelv attended anrl a o-Anf7 w v VIUIV IO OU1U liU are there. I i I i n 1 1 I 1 c ' : 1 , ny. steamboat. ------ appearances 13 kteri In. Th..;,- in. . " be had 1 v nil wt, SundavKt - - Rim i - vr I ' " . UokrT which will ?o.n . :-r .1 Hill, Town Creek. suootaeep into the soil, -rendering tlicm , . , : : at- 6:00 AM okL ,r . ' " uipitaeu on Saturday; it will be found - I vuu.ilv Ul AUMLIIIUI" llll 111 ft -lir. it fT-. I I I v.u yuuu ae oi mis issue. Uoroncr Hewlett imr will b. They are six feet SpSfttS In5,ls ' ' 12:15 M bought.'' Singly" they give but'fittle shade jtiluHy l.c,cl. There are. Sa J because of their needle-shaped leaves, and 'V1 - Mails delivered from 6:00 A. M. to 7:00 P "eight at winch their branches are , W,, S. 1 1. William,, of " PrC: thoSb, nothbg S;,:c!,. Wu.bip this count.v, LTl Sf1 tb?u . U" f U'S t'li.thwofiicjtf yesterday a bunch office. , ' . r . monarchs of these virgin forests, inviting Correction. Wo were in error yesterday in stating that Mr. F. II. Darby was .admitted to practice in the Superior Court. We should bcfore Jay . to drive some hogs out of his Inquest. held an inquest this morning, about three miles from the city.. over ttie body of Benjamin Galloway, colored. Deceased frf. 1lr thie a codv- unrm him. When the defendant resides within the county from which the summon ' is sues, no seal is required :upoa Uho sum.' mons, but where he resides. ont f ' th county from which the snmmons issncs a seal is required. I ' ' Have Been on Exhibition for Two ; Days. u-r t. k j The prizes to be awarded ' td.thd winning yatchs in the race at WrightsVille, Soand 4 i ,1 III i.lt-i J I i " ----- abaliveH-tt .ice ...dies uigu--iiiii Utamp office isTio wcary traveller to repose upon the ,i . 'jiiis, licsavN a ia.r wuipic oi ev uoxes accessible at all hours, day and shiny ,browu needles which carpet the sur- i'fllV aii excellent one. 1' il . ' have said that Mr.J.TM, n field; not returning cf..u,i . 7 A r m, nave been on exhibiUon in . , . , . ' ""w " e. J J" the sho jnitted as an attorney of the court on the scarcn of him after daylight and found v window of the jewelry establish- .niny I'C said of the .'.whole iirr! Ill fact, the 3-- rM lteCt0d. frm stleet boxes every day Mace beneath their wide spreading branches. T HP A T XTT?iirc Vrr- r. . w; Uainc. chtc xj-j kj. AJtrrcStattti Treasury Department, tJk.i;Uii':i! pbytogrnphic picture of ujiiiii ftiic members of the .first Hce of- the Methodist Episcopal itfJi.'&uth, ever held in China.. It ri)t;.ini.cil 1 cccn'iber, 1870, by Bishon "avii:, asaisUrtl hy auumher of inission- riiasJift'W native preachers. hthlc Observer: Sunday evening 'Jri. W. V. Flemming returned from .Vaa;!,;tn:rCity bringing with him the d .')'.!' Mrv Joseph Thoniburg, who KVil'jut .x'Vt-.;: miles fiotri Dallas, Gas flt '!'!!i;!y, and who ; was convicted .of i it I;.rtiUii!g at the . A pril term : qj the . riii umi t m btatcsvule, and sentenced l.'illTKiinW'it fur nirrlit TYtnntlii!' 5 1 4l ;,.. .j.,,.,,.ivi npin mumiu in mju ri'l i ' '. t i :i;iv nil, aiul to a fine of S1000. L ; A "e Poiai croP promises a most auuua ! T . II . t t vsvillo , rjamwa'rfc: Grandfather f H"p y i;i:t.un is verf nlaiulv seen fmm ihn W A W vm V New Advertisements' S. J iw'KTx Magazines fpr JulyJ See ad Brock's Exchange. . Johm Caeboll The Centennial. A. David Reduction in Prices. German Pic-Nic at Wilmington Gardens. liuyjyou thpraometers pow before t'aey get ... . - - . nigncr, All the grass plots look recuperated by the rains. - ' . - : - . kL . Moonlight blue is the tiew shade for lawn dresses.;! ; ' : The pine tree is ?f more rarjid growth than would appear at first sight. The extensive area around our city, laid bare during the .war for militarv mirnnsw is 1 i. I 7 motiou oi Mr. i . II. Darby. Mr. Darby bas been an attorney of the court ever since his admission to the 13ar some years ago. Indian Remains'. nm ui ii LKuiv I nn to. inn f wo m id upward, 'the Tarck'ntl hc'mz uromi- 1 ti.e eyes deeply ,ci, the nose neakv itterayutli firmly closed.': Xo won-? ,1-rJic .Las Lccn -oappmg for many tains. Siiih lie is a tall old ?M,il-J , Kin;' 5,837 feet" in Lis snr.ks L't . i 1 1 I " r " : ' . "wiim, d.uHuuiurh; 11. 1. rope v, tsiuiw.' aoout -l nines from i HW in alieUof rve which was rye measuring 7 it as measured cut bv tlie Ai-uve the. '"roiiind. it i Kra t i that the actual heiaht. was not r, .11 .. . V P O ' Vl wcr tne Held vas about G jf- fivinn l n .. f 5 iv,ii.i.u l Ol.l.K UI t a::d 8 inches.-- "As j 'TJed glass is abut to dispute the field with blue. , . r Tl " ' Tight clinging bathing costumes will be fashionable. f The Breton is the favorite style for trav eling costumes1. . Tine apple short cake is among tlii n'cw? est refeotqry nqveHies.' The gJiish feminine ball shoe must be in "unison" with the dress. : ' ' - l i i m Bonaets composed entirely of flowers arc worn witli very dresFr toilets. r j , ,?r - ,.f- . . - y pumping up .water Irom an ov'eircharwd Last night was overpoweriugly warra soil " aiul cmittinjr it its h:vr; and sleeping was not exactly a luxury." folia ge and from abyled surfaccs. od Dfrk blup btinting is .Tn,0rc' in' ' vogue I The resinous exhalation: frqiu the pine than cream or Icarkt hues, or- even I tree has Idie property of oaoinininy the atmos2yicrc. 1 his now fast being covered again with. tle w ah 17- r ' ' . T. , ' . I "wuv OI JUT. UPft llnnnof lf..t..i mm ucatt in me edge of the field. Verdict strcet for thn If , i of the jury; Heart disease. Deceased was n 'n'a d Ft about 30 years of ae d tastjr' Wlth appropriato n : ' . . nautical designs edgraved or moulded ' on - "T.110; !? M?r Ande"n- tbctu and reflect credit upon! the taste of . c understand that Mai. James Ander- the committno rr. ' ' Tmf "k'n sm ni-.-.i. ' . .,' son. for-so m'nnv w" i, '-.ii.A.i Lfi.. - - .. - ' large .v, 4t, ucujugisi, ia cxpcciea - " J j-"1" rou. mo laiLuiui suvcriruit or flower stand gold-lined with taarrivc here to-morrow at 12 oclock for an cmcfent Superintendent of the Wril- handles of 'sUvbr mermaids ; Trjo seerad the purpose of visiting Ex-Sheriff Black's mlDSton, Coluubia cv Augusta K. Ill, and prize is a tandsome nicki Vfi Uu .... ent species from the first growth, but I Plantation on the Sound where he will ex- uarIotte Coluubia & Augusta R. U. has glass bottles. There u nofAinTiMd;l always of healthy and vigorous trees. amine the human remains recently un- tenctcrccl ; resignation as such t take nautical about the stand, but these pickles ' " After estimating carefully the value of earthed there. A. scientific friend of ours, cffect on JuIJ. 15th. It is also understood are good after vou drink mn A w all4 the many beautiful trees'. which adorn to ' some of the bones have been tuat MaJ- Andersoa will accept thej.posi- onade. Thd third is a handm tlW-. exhibited, 'thinks that they are relics of oi superintendent, of the Spartanbiirg & goblet, gold lined,with old Neptune ridinff - uu mv iuvi wuiauuu is ine site - xriU1y appiuauuiu majestically on the back of adolbh vy " nan i) .i.i . uuiu iiu iiicii.in mirvinor young trees, . ,in niaujy instances of differ our forosts, them among jiho p;ne stands peerless iall for its health giving virtues. Its seed takes lodgment in the poorest soil, bringing forth in the course of ten years .trees fifteen feet in height and more. As compared with imported trees, we may take the one which has round. completion. His successor on the W. O. & A-. and C. C. & A. Koadhas not yet been determined upon. i . un. c.t t " The closing exercises of Misses. Ken Cant. Brork nri ti, , A " " v"Wi WUU8H w aa Th.fp : V - cna jast eveniog, in the school room ori ?L SCarClty. f ?fterDS' rd t, by, a soiree girentbj the AViH Leave Us. We understand that Col. J. K. Davis, proprietor of the Pnrr.pl 1 TTm.cn in th;a been most highly, lauded the Eucahmtus. nU i. v.i -...i ' . , .. - - v " ' wvi luaauu mu xatoiuai notci, in and we will find the advantage all in la- Norfolk, which will be opened by him in tot of the former. . The chief obstacle to the Fall, the house, in th mrantifnn the introduction of the latter .is that it undergoing thorough repairs. V will not flourish in a climate in which the ' This will necessitate Col. Davis'' rernnv- orangc tree does not thrive in the open Ul from our midst and the rfvin n nf fire "districts in "the city plentifully' sun. air, and for this reason will practically I the Furcell Ilduse, which has iustl v rank- Plied with water, and which duty, we un- rtOlrPf rrTTTiO Itl'fTfc nnACif inn nItl .-vtiH It-.- I .,1 T I fticinA.1 1. 1 r . m . . "Mvmw oxuxwut p.uva. en, tinucr nis management, as one of the Yvlo,"uu Jie nau iaLiniully performed. D'AIhp.f M.invr: irltL venat points South of v,s, notably, Al- best kept hotels in the South. Onr r!H- 0ur chief object was to direct the attrr,. v.n t ' 1 hanv CJil . llin pvnjinmnnf , f rnorinrr -l,i'l :n . . I firin il , ... 1 ' '. ? '-';. j, , wrwiUjUw.. v inn . iunis win om us in coruialiv rcTrrtfinT wx k"u lJlui'er aiunoniies to the nr eucalyptus has been a failure. Col. Davis' removal from amnn liie useful -iiropcrtics of thc.iine tree may be stated in the order of their value, j me lnermpmeter. 1st. The roots are valuable drainers of the I rom thc United States Signal Office at 'too ,f fh r rr " -7 y 1 Prouns ladies of the "k Notmth. coo at the hre on Tuesdav mornin wp cfnn; u- : - j-i . . . , " -pi uum6 iua wireme warm tn tne ' room did not intend any reflection upon Cant, waa.fnll tnflflB,i - Brock, the Chief of ToHce, whose duty fri ,1? it .3 to hare the cisterns in the different The following tl. was observed on the occasioni it l PART I. ccssity for having more cisterns built. When wc wish to , make a complaint against any one we will do so in no am biguous terms. 1 j . ia Cil UUViVJLllf UUcil tins piaco we obtain the following report ( manner that he who runs may read and understand. may be proved by ex- , i-.nirljtte Obscr-er. tti About North Carolina. "fvm- interesting facts are col- bacfef ilsl"!.. ,;?.I,ort.(lf th -reaches come into market very slowly penments. a: - I oul.lcPI Jortn , w , . , , Brtn:n - v. First prepare paper, for the. Scl..?nbien. , I . X. J l.UV VJV111WUI1..V.M , I - - - - an: tLirty.eight nioin,tainS 5n vArHi crccn and; knotty. . ; T ! test ot osonc, " by. adding . ten parts of ,. "'0uit uian nnnf Ar,t.:- , I siarcn to parts oi water, -boiim-' and UdfflnsW Vrrr 'Trui"" The health of -the ritv is rrPortrd . , " - 1 " -i , utom ' " "PjVv.fNV?- fc" """-"'o iuwvx potassium. Spread this mste cvcnlv :;?SS: , witKabrush on. paper, dry Vapidly in thi Ciar'rp-31118, P": 1 " . ' ."Clacrrics red. and round, do now much dark, and put away in jars, excluding .liJif-"-- 15 nim'; 4: sec. abound." As Woodson has found to his the light. With this simple test one' can of the thermometer, as taken this morn- ing at 7:S1 o'clock ; . ; Augusta. 81; Charleston, 80: Corsicana! 78; Galveston, 83 Indianola, , 83 ; Jack sonville, 89 ; Key West; 85: Mobile. 83 : Montgomery, 82 ; New Orleans, 82;' Nor folk, 80; Punta llassa, 80 ; Savannah 01 : St, Marks, 78 ; -Wilmington 83. ' ' 4MifiPor in the River. A lariTO allirrafnr sint-krnl 1 i. eight feet Ion.' was imminV Jn.fcn,:". '. 8CCi 33'8n -impanncled - -o - - i tuaivu, The Ileaton Case. The. following is a digest of the opinion of the -Supreme, Court in the Heaton -case, recently decided against the appellant, the decision of the Criminal Court having been sustained, as we find it in thcKaleigh Arctcs : 18. Stoic vs. Jeaton. wa Kulling, Polka tUeganto Miss Grecnc- wald.: ;: , ' i". ;?"-')'' D'AIbert, A'alsc, Duettirisscs jJeBos- set and Bernard. :.- . t - . . ' . ' - i . . 1 ' i ' CAUSTIIEK ICS 'J' 'H 'j , Labitzky, Mephisto Galop-lii Tcn ken and Mr. Van Lacr. jii f. ' Abt, Far O'er the Stars GJoe dub; . Kinkcl, MarchMiss Smith:-'15 r- '.-... CALISTHENICS. V'"-'.-. Thompson, Gathering ?1ShcUs--GIce Club. ; --"'. :- v. ;.. -'i;.- .,n' Beyer, II Trovatorc- Hisse'1iiiUta' lb male vs. Jeaton; A grand-jjnry and Grecnwald l- 'l, ' as drawn as provided by liev. Code'cb c " - ; l' - Vdj -H ' L,scc, 33, .sworn impanncled and Idis- Starry Night-iss- FishblaW. -. CALISTHENICS 1 During the court and before lied, it was made to 1 an- Aschcr. Caseadn iIa Ve!lAitJl t Thc wharf was lined Pear that some of the grand: jury Were Kossct ' . ' ' ' V antl 80 dc- 49 sorrow. profound., !Wei wuuou. ; it-is Tlo - t5u Iji io icct ap. So it is while it is 218 lUilr.'TI,., i r . 1:"J lu r' '1U8 above . Pvaleigh ,vj Monroe -U? s?r' G,8 bow vlSalishury, ;..!,tT, ' !atC3v,11e and llli'below We sec it staffed that 127 mocking birds were received in Baltimare a. few days since from this city. An exchange says ,that "paper aud.sil ver are now shoulder to shou'der." This -ah rr.r..i : rr-" immm i ''ctlie " 1 Jkauroaav IS 762 J tlWAViJ uaa ei(Vc" our ijuiir ! I'irj;. : 'we at the. bridge ters of a dollar. k ? Vtral Bailroad, it is ,. -. i.ius rjz icci oe- easily determine for himself the -amount of ozone. r -But what is osowe that it should be so valuable ? Ozone is the great dis infectant. , Jt is a.u oxidizing agent of in tense power, capable of doing at ordinary bead.' temperatures what oxygen cannot do. Ozone will at an ordinary temperature co ivert carbonic oxide, a rnjpst deadly gas, yesterday afternoon opposite the foot of this case was calTed. it Miestnut street. The wharf wa withr'persons who were watching th .. i t i ii -i u..u oi nib ujjigaiorsmp, aua the - crack dictnW in thi rZ' i Burgmuller, Jnif VrLJrn- vmww CM AVUUUi UV . LI1H W J w Arf iBUIT iXLAS UC "the move. d,isinalified, whereupon they were idis- p', , c . , T tnc move- cLarged numr g , - Barnby, Sweet and Lo lUe Crack ,l,Vtr,,l. : u: . , . ..!. . liitrrrmnll.. T - T..:ff ROT? Low-KJleo Gubv b ioi oitne w. U, was out m a boat remainder of the jury, twelve in number. Cosset and" Mr. A'an Laer. rv,$m.Virusty nncin nand eager to uPn nis arrangement the defendant ChorusMiserera Glee net a , hot. nt l,im l,nf. f.w f- '-:..:i.i pleaded that one ofthn-inrv wliirl. Un . wuo ,.( T he deciued it prudent not to tho h ;r,; j- r i ne annual report and Award nf ; .i.., . u aulw;mgui' was - uibiiuaiinea, 1 , . , r r- uraw 3 r.; : j v; .. m muln m Mi. inu...i ..-' .iiu uia Laxeb. it appeared " uctwocu tuo two in evidence that the juror had paid part parts. The prize for the first: honor kt hLte rsb? Uined in deportmeht was kwaidoi lib. ri'l .. . . . . .. t vurjium iiumi LIN1CLL llr Ilir I r .n- T-w . . .... , t-.- imsj eil known and popular house of portion of the taxes of all the tax-navrni " -nieu first pnze'm scholar- Brock's exchange. 4 I t i v and nossessrn m.inv olhrr Tirnnrrtir; nhf UOUQ aroil becomm lucre is a letter- m the TK)stofnce at I .i.i. i ... . .,. iutoa comparatively innocent carbonic acid cutci tai,J ,ucut changed hands, Mr. othe county in a suit which was not sn,p Mlss Georgie Gore. Each'df these I T 1 v . . . . . I .nil I .1 I'll .ft. il . g. ... . J I I . . -r, ..- I' mg the proprietor a f1"1" " me taxes lor tnc year had young lauies received a prize for obUin tv i,. j :.. been collected. Held, . Objection was insr the highest number tWMiiihlA . '0l4 u&yV1ccrer Wcdto-Herndon Blacknall, m fic a; of o,ir long columns to-d.iy; Mr. Qaroll will keep the P Defendantdicted for failure llo V Dher 1 barhig lost 4 ' Wilmington, N. C, held for- the lack of nrpvni:nf iwPr,v wind, t,rr) very best of every thing at his bar and pay into treasury within thirty diva been late in attendance, durinS -tae'ses- rfi4u,idmark.rV:;;;: P. Ps- 1 abundant, a phenomcnen which exactly tbe BiUiard-Parlor ';wHt .be; free' to the feP4 vfxV license taxes; sion-, ' . VM.P - .llli-j ... "- . .. - .. . 1 .. .... ' . . J I ,-ri.i. : n-i , ... I -Ueienuant insisted that thr. fjilnrn -i.cr I wac m-oriU t: n m ro .rcent.jr,., tea : Unc real , eo.re.poads to tbeeflect3WbcaoCC breathe, "tv M" be. iau, W that no : nrlio TH "T "!"TVi' l. win rnpiinnp n i ...:iirui i v uuulii , uiu ia i rv pv i : rw piim fifth, Miss Gabrielle JpeEoseL ""tin? u-.. -M v- , . 1 rondentwho recchtlv ana gcxiness are not drawn cut too strong in the laboratory. . What; is w" v" u' ,,rwi Wl11 conunue as willfulness arose . from the non-payment Uc-' ; . oy. . HicQcc. of Mr'. Alexander ofthem untilthsy have been for a short known of it is svflicieDt to teach us that heretofore and 3r. aifojl -will --run boUi it being an act of omission and not of . Dmc Uolm ' fourth, Ifiss Iiottus Dsn- t -WH ail y . - a i - - I . - v cft ,7. luuny, ; says r ""lc ?.f:fef' Htlwrc in the-bean- bcau- ; new narrow : gauge" saw "snmnin . UV1T I'i) Us- m y ' c narrow m.i; .. " o o ow.f,rV?aw"lacrossa ;J th' i ,ucncc a distance hundred vnic lrsor.e vuougu i-tfC0LS' "nulled, nnr r;.i ?ui ? smc aQd 5tca tut .. l trlSter l and .water L - w is'tnrti i 5 as : conductor jr; 3J of u certainly a cri?ni .in-" "fleets 4. ppon tlj, ingenuity, of the 4 'jt. Ul-ntt has -v- i 1.- i Ua citc;r qown through 1 V Lr;f.v. , U1J sit . and tm u- .. o lUllh II,- . Jon ,.r .C ""imc. Apcrson- 3 Li lQCSC contriranr VrWeir construct im, 13 uuiu m hoi. water., , ,., ,v . v. ' .- - ' ' - " '-' . Experience teaches us hew tolo many things, hut when a' man sits down oa a bent pin experience has 'to take a oacK scat wnue instinct conies to tnc front. to "the "Arc these sdajs all one scent?" in quired: a lady yesterday of a juvenil, salesman :j in one of our stores. "No tna'ara, thcy'cr all ten cents' replied the innocent youngster. , the vcvqlutiofi of ozone is an impartant process, one very needful in , our climate. The experimenter may take his Scha-n- bein paper to the vicinity of one of our turpentine stills, and prove the unusual amount of ozone there as compared with a marshy region destitute of pines. Just after a thunder storm it is' also in1 noticable quantities, adding to the sweetness and freshness of the air. In 1875 the attention of hc British public was called to thc " Uses of Turpentine as a houses When, you hear a mother calling to her nbmfectaut.M through the Medical Times spn to;'come here and shut the shuK, J and Gazette, by a physician of our town, and near him respond. It is shut, moth- although this belief has been entertained er and I can't shut it any shatter," do you by the oldest residents here for many years, ever pause to aualyze thedelicate beauties The theory of the ozonizing power of tur- 01 onr language? - I rvntin. and il nrbdncri ia here -fnr 1ia What pcrplexes-a; philosophical fi" is J time perhaps made pnblic, and fur- to discover how, when bit is ehaktf 5 ts tar-1 ther mycsUgations we believe w ill fully pet with a little wftmantm tho othr end,! sustain this , opinion, j bo important t a thexan so'exaspcraUngly loldl cn, end I question as this should be iuveqtigatcil by snaKe, and shake, and jerk his end SZt Ci I c oj his hands, and call him butUr HngC I lhc mcdicirial rr fclOUCQ, products o( the pine reejthe oi.or spirit of turpentiriQ Lvia commission. Ield, That neglect to pay ! 7r,i,Qith5 e(luired br l' --being Honors in deportment -weWiirardsd - S 1 15 Prcsume? - willful Misses GabrieUu DaltoaaeiiflT ,xes nessand the -burden was on the defend- A1irfl n- p-SfSS? Mite Boxes Stolen. Some thieves have stolen tli niitr. 1 - , - : J vu IUU UClCUU- I" If I . "- left by the Ladies Benevolent Association ant to show the contrary. There is a AIlCC UoImcs' Ianmc pwOcCTgia at the grocery establishments of Messrs between ministerial acts (such Gorc Mvc, Susie Price and Annie C. D. Myers & Co. and Mai. T. If. Mcl 7Z 7 1 - , iaur "'- . - - t - : iit ui i,ft in in fri 1 ii? irn 1 v- n nr..ii 1 rrt - t Koy. 1 he boca were stolen ou Saturday and corruc t. ! niiiht aud ate sujmosed to havr Vml tWn I The defendant mnrrvl ; c.i or four dollars in them. There is no clue 'arrest of judgment 'becauSB.; the . 9Iec CIub' posed of a mbcrbf af to the, perpetrators of the theft. A -f nL """SS -5S ed on a private oSenucmen, was all that could to person of monejc have no hesitation in robbing the. rrave. . 6y assummfi: the act fbcine The muwe. vocal and irrf.ni.f ---IC Illiil . rendered by the young ladies, sisl ny tho1 who wouldSta,l such amouu UkerTbekw "and US, ...l from thc poorcf the citjwonld it tho defect is cured br Itau IteV chao KT" . CTlT-'caU0 Wsatufid jritli one 01 nis cusses. The cutlro In the Lock-Up. "One more onfortunatiJ, ( llaolily importunate"' Gone to thc sru&rd-lio use. t t'of Paddv'a H0II0W last niffbi 'ViCbl kai; makes manufacturers 1 1 w ftviv w adepts . adulteration. It also ouicklv l :T na enable, experts to detect adSterS' Brown & Son's jewelry store on ilarkct street. 7 ., in regard to the city of Wilmington,) to be entertainment was ope of nnalloyed en Vuc'r ID 5ona Pymcnt throaghout the evening: U1W."UCU' uy cuapier ana aate and its ma terial provisions incoraoratl in th un. A white woman who eot rxscsed of too 1 f"511 to to-day at 1 o'clock in Messrs.- Ti i7. . .. .. . . . 1 wuigca or tiuense no snouia make luuwu v 1 n e-f w, suiucwuer ia id: classic district aI0r rf?h? Wted. and ebl expd convcyca 10 ine guard houo where she Dooley Yeast Powuee, for sale by all 130011 15rjed . to Stcaewall; TzVro. now remains in the sohtude of one of the Sroeers, has stood the test of of analysis connty. It will be known as lit. V: jn:ufc mi wsihj upon, t&o wojuii Vv VV , -- va fcuu. siruiigess I JUOUgC. . . r ateaUcnJiPSa Ukinscf.'too " x-- , 1 vr; iou3 anq pastry oi I VI ,K " wiTcrn-i-ciacnis-i . .:ri;i all desenntious. - , 'm consche; much of the ardent. -f - t