1 1 t- 1 f I' .1 i . - i - m ' - i i iTho-Daily -Review; J ;'.;din i!s tars . a .TOSH. T. " J - ' ' i. 1 . i 4 f -4- ES. Ed. and Prop V WILMINGTON, N. C. wa3 removed to Richmond all State mili- . i i - it tarv and nrtvil rrmmissions TVCTC cancell ed, the officer generally rcceivingxrprn- ment corresponding to those new uy iuiiu whilo in thn TWlnrftl APrviCG- tin llmll'Vi f.r. Jnno 1RC1. CcOkC.w.li, V- AAV V v j missioned as a IacutenaniVin ue X. On the 5th of July, 18012, .liew52&rp- moted to a? Commander. In duly, i r '5inl distinguished scrvi mHmitW'Wre arm unara e i - - ; ?; nU gu5Couentiy cour- . - i r rt Hiii r inn i ii 11 iniu, iiiv v i 7 CwkeVtnr CPt. John -N. Manner rJ" 'bemat,e sound, l,c wa TTiettii wiror tn c a so ci a 1 1 o n o r o.m - TUURSD Iy. JUNE 28; 1SX7. 7 31E31PIIIAL ADDRESS cer o the. Third C. Infantrr- ( Tubllshcd by Hcffitfitioitof llu-Aoi -iraion, James Wallace 'Cookc-was lorn in ir. X'rtrtVi -r-iniliha. (in tho car lfVUU)VI w, w. 7 . - iaio TniftirAliis fatlirr: a native 01 rfiercnatvt orTfeaufort, Wsitctt -Npv ork. . Alltcr a brief absence, li&V k iiss.ic in " Wr.BUf.1 lnnd to his home.-- ft h? arrilvcd ; rr4VirAi'5uilFforu sunset; hut-an ' adverse .wind prevented her lrorn -cross 1 f,. .a 'Cantaincv ili.s lilt term ci umy w luu atm the Conledcracy as iu uuuiiuai. 1 baticrou the Potomac, vhcrchc rcnclcr e'l,cihcw?i;t service. From thence, ho was .,V--rcf to 2orloiK anupiaccu uiuuuiiuauvi . rii. ;,!.. A small steamer fittincr out ;tt the G osf)Oft Navy, Yarvl for duty W Albenrarle bound. , i tn tli'n stAamor's nassae through the noi r,n :i rn!.1 stormv!nicrht. the mnot was seized with eoiicpsy ana ien vjVr-bo- J . Thqieilcunibcred with a heavy UVvl"Jj vwvv the water actNat the 04m !'.; l.lCKCt ai 'I J I uoiisly sprari prevented ner irum - -r yT. " , , ,r, .w5tu aim- . ... w v . .itigh 1 mni , 1 a v 111 111a w , US .uySatte drowning man" For Som 0 the vessel was recked. : Ainoi thp-ar- " . - . 1 ... -1... Ii,'. mi liataTcxc pirowu,un'by the sea. on TAWut Ibcach " was found Mr. Coolcq s uicu doakrflndWcveral boxes malked with his ...,-im T ft Irs than a Year is wiic iuca. ' Icariqg tKc'r children, JamcsSnd Harriet, orphans. They . wercatfeptcd by an af - . 1: 1 i 41. ...... fectionato auni wno muii Aeration as hcr owu. '' ' . In 1828, at the age of six' ecu, James ' was appointed a midshipman in the U. 1 Navy, and immediately received .orders . A - . a I - S t .' . .... . 1.. ...... .1 .... n to, join, the jrigacj uucrria c, wmuu vu .v three! years'. cruise, in the Pacific Ocean; After an .absence of nearly four years he returned to the United States and iu 13 passed his cxaminafton, thereby obtaining his first step in ihc line of his prufessioii. -Mjtiisocmtioru withi Ccjko .coRimeuced on board, pf the frigate Comliiulion, when ? tfkV.nt a neonhvtc in the "riaVy. We rrtnucd - together in the Mediterranean- for throe year s and Btibsciuent!y for sev eral years in the West Indies. 1 . , . A(autual friendship was. engendered .ifiMT (bocainc destined to last through many years, encountering' the vicissitudes pf 1 civil cwar, of desolation, , sorrow and death. My friend was an cxcccVui-ly modest'and unobtrusive 'gentleman, gen- 1 J I - ,. . II Al t. 1 crous to a lauit, true in an unu.iiim tcnacisly punctilious regarding, points of honor, un uoaru 01 iuu iiiu uvt-V-i7Mo'omaof-'tho wild and thought ijess 'midsliip' men would occasionally 111 t iMit-iiA imoh Avhat the v termed his.ecccn- . ;triciticsvi;;Iti ws observable, however, y that riido hadiuagc wa never repeated, ' for vrhcrkthisrcfincd-scntlcnian of Xcrth Qxjfjelt that the border uf manly eti : nhctto was lnftingcd upon, the throttle 32JfDKaS'ffcncd and vtho engine of his wrath revolved with warning velocity. Years of close association strengthened pur friendship. Tha more intituato 1 le- Jcamowith Cookoj the 'stronger grew my miaTi2h'TjAhe man. His father's cs- laW gelded' quite' ,a handsome amount to - be dividVJ hctwcen his sister and himself. She rrJarncd In 1841 and with her bus- baud thoved to Alabama, a 'Iickic ior- fAllnnrnl fliom ntld i 111 llOriinioSlt V iuuu tvuu 11 .u ...... r affected their domestic comfort. Qui ar riving in Pcnsacoia from a. cruise in the Gnlf of Mexico," Cooke learned of the dis inftmfitnm thftT: ld aiinoved his sister. mviuMMiw ? - . , -m prompted I by affectionate ! generosity he' immeoiiueiy aaurussuu uis sisa-i hi I ; "My agent is this day directed tb trails- icr, ior your utucuijinu-umuoui j .v-i-sonal property. My honored father's .daughter cannot he permitted to sutler for want of means while her devoted brother has a shot in tho locker.' " ! -I1 ! This circumstance was indcxical of his general character forj'gcncrosity, for 110 friend ever appealed to him in vain when needing assistance. In 1648 Cooke mar tied in Portsmouth, Ya., jHovcly nml iii- iiM.i;nt'mnnrr lndv nf that citv. His IVkMHUg ,)0 J - . W married life proved to bo one of unusual ai entry into" the village was as exulting as a Roman Pro-Consul's, proud Teturn to the Eternal City with his spoils of war i. .VI. A t- nWir'. ar.elamation . " aiST)li 7 , , I.- brief, iron m ail snapes, iuiuuu ZCal, became a mania with the Command er On one occasion my friend! accepted an invitation to dinjjwith a Halifax gen- leman. On his way to ine - .. 1. v;. r i worKsnop. a" U1- pathway lay a number of st ray bolts. A i.h Natural idisyncrast,he picked up several and nuito unconsciously puixueui. -r silo sa'k-pocket. At the dinner tabir, 1.1 answering some question, .uc f "1 in soup, whose caloric quany tested, he scalded his mouth ; ncr vous. j f,rapin-the end of his handkerchief -4 ha. -Lt-fA- fr.-,m Li nocket. he ave lit a violent jerk, when to-the amused astpn ishmcnt of the host and hostess and young ladv visitors,' five or six holts were lkrted unon the table. is eccentricity wa, w u ui.., oil liii-rhpd heartilv. One ol KUOWll tui'i ""-'""o ' i Miscellaneous. SGRIBHER'S MONTHLY, Tonsorial. NEW B ARBEH SHOP. r HBpe yo ing lauies ut . i r r rffties, cxciaimuu j, 1.4-1 X 1;. but :fuu Wbcn'.Scribner ii?-uel its' f.inoui ji.vr Jiolidav Number in Jul , a f-r,n --aid nf it : i4U'c arc not .ure iVm. r ha.touchcd hisrh-water mark. A"v Jo'nf.t see what worlds are left to it to con quer." But the publishers do .not ct xjrratr that thev nave reacnea ino uiunui tuuiu cxcclleiiL-e tlicv believe 'there are vV.ii.-v woi-Lls to ( conquer, ' anvl they inor oic V ,-conq'uer theia." , ' '. " ; . . The prospectus lor ine nuv. .yo.uuie .;.; the titles of more than fifty paper. (uKtly illustrated), by writers of the highest isc-rit. L'uder the head of . i . ' . - ' " ' : : '.' - 11 arrfrttfultj.-.iirrmed fcif-l have upeneda "M ' 'M'" ' :t -I . ' - Miscellaneous. THE "0W at lowing hny-in-KVo h fcliUVir 10 COL. 15 --' ' ha:;;; - ' ave beeji adopted ? ' ; Hair Cutlia' V cents : put -5 ccnti. ' v f.i . o I . . . r . , . . . . . , ' iq- Ell Foreign 9 Vl i:i);rio:; -'i e- ;mn'firt:it"if. s'neli as ohstrncttng the nar rows and defending the marshes; the de fence of tho latter he sustained witn e er arument ha could command. . It. was ncglcc'tcdby the engineer, an through it llurnsideUlankcd. the .tonleue- rate batteries and captured tho. lslanu. h '.ninl. ivn h.U ps in Aloemario rsouui ..,.,1 ,-.ft'-l-. Kt 1 Cit-v. leuccicd mueu credit upon the personal .courage of all the Con federate ofticcrs therein engaged . With mere abjrt on for gunboat.-', illy ai-mc.i, and sparse of amrriuniti&n, they con Iron t ,.,V whhf.iit. liesitation. the, well couippci rfnl vessels of the North.' Even those" who, to prevent inevitable capture-. fired their steamer.'-, ioiignt ineirguns imu raging llamc'i and bauilers living, retreat ing at last with the stubbornness of the did Guard,' that were cVi.qucred but not subdued. Xo one won a mum enviable, reputation than thekallant Cooke. This defeat, like those of f'cw Orleans-and Port Royal, being inconsiderate jy weighed iii the sealesi of popukr estinitUioif, 'as a natural jscqiieiiee, t io iav was pro nounced! "short of wtight.:' .Success, is the vitaljspark that excites eoniidon-c and admiration. Without, the smiles of. good fortune all the ability man can pos.sibly be endowed with is uiUppreeiated.j- During a lull in nayal movements, jtlie bold and .enterprising IComniauder Wwd xcitcd the count ry's admiration by bravely boarding .from open: boats the Federal "imboats and caiturinr them. , - These dashing '-episodes -in our 'nayal history are welf worthy of rccord;j par ticularly when tho army of Yirginia was I X I ".1 I...!.. ...I .it surrounded wiiu sucii u iia;u 01 to excite unfavorable-comments upon the unlucky navy and place if at a decuTed discount with those who judged entirely by-results, find gave no consideration for cVmtingent- circumstances under which battles are fought. Unexpectedly the telegraph eleetrilied the South withan ac count of Admiral Buchanan's .magnificent triumph in Ilarjipton Roads, wherein: with i'.w.,W)inif vo-.ir shriv! - How enjoyable vitajjup . .. . -r inVpr1 ttm (li in his pocket acd iacc . x 1 .1 i 1. - ..ri ;.v ;.,!.- tioustv remarMCd inai imwoum. "-i. and bolt his dinner. , ' Tho building of the iron clad,, un.iei.au tile disadvantages of place and. circum stances, was. viewed by the .community as . :. 1.: J-..:! j ni;oiVrii;f . f (Jrcat Avaa the general aUoiuihnicnt-. when 11 ueeain known that' the indomitable Commainlcr, had conquered all obstacles and was about to launch his baftfliug. . On4heappointed vlav ''-tfook anil- Compatiy ' 'committed Lthci'r ."Nonesuch" to the turbid waters o the lloAuoke, thrKsteuiijg..nor, as sue gmieu from. the humch'mg ways, '-The good .ship Albemarle toilers, engine, rWtmg.ana. iron shield were to be Uttcd, etc the ' iron clad" would be rca-Jy.for service. AMnfc th:i finishing Vork was in progress, Com munication '.from General- Hoke, asking fi r a careful statement as to the exact tunc, with' increased facilities, that the Albe marle could - be depended upon lor assiat ,ancc iu an important military expedition. The Commander's response was quite laconic '"In fifteen days, with' ten addi-f;,,n-i! iMfchanies." The assistance '.was w. h.iv.tt ;A winter on the Silo" hy Gen. iClellan ; .".Sadnteringa About ConstAnt;:,-'- ph'."hvf (J ha lies iiu-alev Vt arner "oai ei Mv V.Tnliow atIodcow," by Eugune-c-hny-. !.. fAn Awerrt'sn in T.rkist:in' etc. Ihree sol ia El 5 r E-i ? i g - m i n f u -v n . e vJ cw svj .v - - w m . -, - - - s - . I : ' - - ' Uv,Uir. Iluil.ihd, the Emtiv wh.wo t(r'v of ''Sevl-noaks!'1 z a the higher satisfaction to the readers of the Monthly. The scene of this latent aoyel 45 laid 011 tne J UCi hS - - - ,- . . . v . ; - man who has bec alvavs-'',tie..l to a woman s aproa fti-rg-,Jf but Vhoyhy tl;e death of Ins i u o 1 1 1 e'r, isle ft al 11 e .1 ii ti i e v o r Id, t At r i 1 1 0 n the cqrreiit of lii'e,-rvit'i aloituie, buy with out afpur.pose. : ' ' , . '.. , AnoXhei aerial'IIi-s 1 uher'itance,. by M us Trafton, will be;'m on the completion TV. i'hat Lasio' J.owrie's,''-' by Mi , i lodgson. Ii 'Vnett. Mrs. liurhett's story beun in ..August, has a pathos and drama tie lSvr which haVc been a surprise to, the pub!tfJ . ' , ;, There is t;be a i-erif'H of oriiiaU.u"' v..,wU.K- i!!.i!li-:iti'.l ii;iinr:i or-"1 d'ei'Uhir -. ... . f ... - h p itii writisbn i.vi-o. ...j.i.- -. 'ii ti .r ii v i t M- ?.!..: vii -iijLii;iiiiaii':viik:M it Las lit' f.iiuHt;iail wis 01 uie L riUeUsia unit- ; 1 - : 1 x - v t ;'t'v i v:r i ,.vi:iTiii:t iilif illlW-l uiisi all, hiiVein-.lucvd Iho .etllLor auj; pno- j? !i i.-i(i.n. ita.l Lu isnuc iiitv.' txijtion eauiu tTli Li AAll-il ilCLVN o cf-iLnA. . " V itla.u iiio i.it ten .:uarsa.iio process oi iliscijvcrv.iii iiH-iy. ivpiiruas i t dii:iowiodgo has it)V;iiC ii liw'y ' Wv'TiT oi lviei-'viJCt nn.ilii- u. l :'.ti e - : . . . .r - ; . 1 - , i. . r - . I .... - 1 Up :JU:Veni. ;Ul oI;;iKilt:K:u: auiil: Jiivvo lete in'itc.'. There aife.to be, l i-mi ;-K;K, ca'.!iM.'ap.i.M:. l'varioe.-".pe;i I'"-i reiidbrld, iCooko was ordered to command the rain and -gui, 'ammunition and a few men arrived with a promise of the", bal ance of the crew in a few days. n order to avoid 'the . upper sln'als, CobkeUlroppcd down to Hamilton -and in spite of chilLs and fevers, ho was indefatigable.-in his exertions to prepare the vessel for service. 1 ; - (coXTlXi:iiJ.1 " 4 'Home Life and; 'Travel." Also, practical 'sugst'stions as to town and country life., village impn.'veuieut.--, etc., by well-known specialists. Mr- r. r. 11. it-ii's. articles l-n v.ii i ni i indut- rininCCmii llritaiii include the l.i.-l.urv of f'Souie Exprimciits in C't -t j t-t ;l ti n . , 'A iSeottish J(;;d' : Fi'Ctui y" iu the I A" veuibc-r jiutnber, amf'vToad Lane, ii.cadalo, ' iu l'e- f'e Vi Olf Voi -kin 'Mian's'. Home' 4". T. . it 1 1 ...... ,s.. 1 U' etc. icr "Tne itikb-h Sho-n Matron ti .vk t : !, A r lehly, ill tfs tra tf."J -ser ie: 'iAiueriean Sports by Fh various writers, am will oe cuch on a jtci; on l'bv liiict'CIit iuciiie. The subject n!liiim'!i(!!i :nit l.Jonje DcfcOX'ilt'ii-i Vill have a prominent place, whilst the latest productions of Aiiieriedu hamoih ts will ap pear from month to month. The list nf short er stories, biographical and other sketches, etc.-, is a loni; one. The edit ui.il department will continue to employ the ablest pens both at .home and abroad, there wiH be a series 01 leuars f 1:1. .! ,t. 5-.-.- Mr VV'A!- 'ford. ! The oacs of the maijazino wid be opon, heretqi'ore, so far as limited space wiii per-' iiiitj to-th.e discussiori of all thoiiies p.tlecth:g the social and religious life of the world, and specially to the freshest thought of the Christ ian thinkers and scholars of tins country. We :.ueau to. matco the ' magaiae sweeter and purer, higher a:id noble.-, more geniaj and generous in all its .utterance.- ami influ ence's, and a more welcome visiter than ever before in homes of refinement and culture. 3P IE TEEN MONTHS for S4. Scribner for December, 'now ready, and which ceahsins the opening , -hapters of 'Nicholas Minturn will b- re?.d with eager curiosity- and interest. Pcrhaj. S no more readable' number 'of this' magazine ha-yet been issued. The three nunibel s of Scribner for Augast,. Sptcnber, and? "October, con taining the opening chapters o ''That Lass o'Lcvrrie's," will be given to cvj ry new sub scriber ( who requests it), and whose suhscvip tioh begins with the Xovi!i::b.er number, f Subscription jriec, .$4 : a Teac-"5. cents a number. Special terms on bennd voluuic'.. Subsci ibo with .the nearest bookseller, or send a check or I'. O. monev order to I 1 SC'lUBXEli & CO., t - I tt, 4t i 11 ill I i L'liL'ft VfZ ri.iviltv r. ! ! . ilv.il Hil IU HtC lliOUMlIU--' ii:-' the t-o'ii xiuciKHj ; tuiil re A iifr, (..re-it v,uj s, ' fcml eou- thi:'-iruittul' iiiivi liot l ; 1 Mri !!iii. ;ui.'i!i 'i ; ' v se-'-i UC id i et ; .... .-.i 1 IsfeM.Atl v . v 1 f-iM ! r'l; Li i ri v t v - : 1! $: -.''l u-'-etilhir inonvenl. if l pi iciv:; r v 1 vi n r ;;. i m : 01 i. : ; . 1 1. . worn up.pe;avd, La-; !i;-W COiii'St; i UilUI activity lilts' been eomiiiela iaio'.v'itSdo.lu; lu-en nuv:o ;;;;!'!.' cxi-.'ioiv-r of-A-iVie;1.. . ' 'J'iic.t,TC;u J.'Lli-.'Ht rcviltd 'decado,'S:i.tfi the ii:attrai':; ..f t'.me, ; hayo , f'i'-oUfi ;h.-t 1UI0 miiltitiide C;f new Dion, wiJ-. e.t-u. our Vi W:'.s nl ;-.v.i tlio old 1 1 -i - -- ' j- :uul a. i-.ulilstrlui gf .gi-aphieal ii.-,: anteinu- .tat or tho'hipMJ! p-i.tlllC.' 3C(W :i iianiOs ure in cvj-i- oiu-'s J:i'-u:!,, itm-l v.'h lives ovrVoninStirroifsTir icnoVth'e fetTWnifT.s t ;n;at b:HUcts intv- ).. .-on -a'vii'irhi -Jipi'oe-Itiur'h-''j nJ'vfai :':. 4; 'iic.;'l tn ci uiils i'LS . i'j.U- '.' l' X I'd: IU p.l 1 l .- r i;i till- ti;i-;!i ::r H'oiiea! iim.xi lift? and v i; :e:i oiiUi iitAV' !:. !u l-iic porin.iitvnTund utiUu-hlK Li.-l-vn-y. j n i i' oarhf-. ti'io iv.-s.ii cdiuon for ee. in 5 "WAS Jl At tho Centennial rxliihhfnn, pw J,yt always carrel o-J Hie hizhca ul " -. wherever cihihitea. - Ai.COM PACT,: surpzv. DriUKu x.i Rht KunniEK'nr.d EFFICIENT "iSr STITCH." MACHINE. ADAPTEDtafr IVArJTS Of EVISKYBODY. The UftLt S E W J N G MAC Hi N Eva Ph&Sf tslent and Mechanical fcMU. It MACHINE, ia SIMPLE ia CONSlEfciw" &Uait.On ia Strer.gth anl Beau.T of DOING a wider rtutnfbl iriti i oe (.UH.).- l It Hi.; u:..' i: :iur;..;:ii i .'i to inc. biu 'rule s-, and 10 fi.riiiii .un :te- ia :wiC;!iet.'i 'of vveiy Irelia production in .iirnntn', j.ii't i tlnsiu-we.-c lnvemions m pru lieai a;'is,as vvifLi as t mat record oi'.uu; pro ;iveu'hucci!iet less i-olilical i- anil Vf A S II I XG TO X LETT: R . the iron-clad Wcrrimac he achieved a fr. I 1UI o felicity, for in his partner he -realized all that vf as affectionate and noble in woman. KatablUbing a home in Fairfax county, V., ther Mrert ;.oon surrounded by nn rocrous' Tfricrids who constantly eijjoycd Mrri(b5'3jbrb2htrand genial rendition or magnificent' hospitality. i Thii home wasonc of coutcntnicnt and totr cooyment, : vv ncn civu war , incm ' Trom i their peaceful abode, f!rvlc .liravrlr. followed the 'fortunes - . Ci 'i SO ' fi- ..i.i: 1 i ol ncr nusnana. ii.s rcputuiou te.aine .hefigloy 'hii siclaiess and sorrows cxei- hmr trndcT solicitude and wcmSelyde- '.i."," J last the angel jof death eojoienedhim ; from eariu wan uuur inn vrcicrnatinn &hn murmiirctl Invinc c - 1 o . ' prayers for his salvation, liko a noble HAdtWm'wifc in nartinrr with her South- Tcrri "Bejriusband. - When cthc political Hrcaofthe country became clouded by , t-tectiootlr animosity, niy friend watched ' V fmnncntlv exnresSctl to friends" t he ''nih tfiatisomc ratrlotie s.ivior might ariso'4 with power to rebuke the .disturbed cfemcnta. Audlsav "hush, be On lhA.i2d nfMat. IRfit . T mot (Jooke in th cltjr -6C- Woihiugton, 'orth Carolina still lingered In the Union and this circum-' . a(anck vrr) i arcc of worry aud per pTexity ' to rny" friend. Wc discussed at ..firgth, the annoyances of Ithc dav 'that vmro; cviucntiy cuimmatiug towards a .conflict pf ,arms. r As he was about to . leaTe, Jorf soni9, in a sorrowful tono ol 1 ivoico licTCraarked, thcrc is nothing go n lo"' ? to hope ; for; without a doubt wewill - met at fhilippi,' for as North Carolina ,cjcs 8o ilpcs' James V.; Cooke. God bless - . 'youi; Fariyipll. , . r . . fOntheltthof ifay, 1801, 'JamciW. Cooke , iesigned his, Fpcal Commission and was immediately' 'appointed, by Gov. Letcher " HAm.ll.Wl O.W .1 1 ' Vlll " ? Yfavr www to Superintend the re-moaV,-o Confederate t property from ?Uixanaria, which duty detained hi in! in ihat.city nctil its loccupatioa by iho Fed eral forces on the 24th of May, 1801. ' '."When Virginia ; became ( a part of tho Coafff 8 ,,ca of goYcrnmept srdendid navaPvictorv ! Ihen from dis- Itaiit seas came exhilarating news, coupled with howls lrorn the Aortin ine con federate banner lloatcd proudy from (the gift's of the Alabama, Florida, Georgia Snd $iGiiamhah, startling Kurops. by the: wholesale, distruction of Yankeca.'om mcrce by these Ishmcalitcs of the1 South, who, .Without ports,- friends or facilities, disregarded the Federal liavy atbey . lit up funeral pycrs of .theircommercial ves sfls from the'eouator to. the IAidies and I'aoitifi. ocean. Tiiesc lcrtiaikable suc- need the nconle that appliances and opportunity were all her naval ofiicers - : 1 1.....itf l.inrdl'i- fur fbil llVT-' retpllllAl x.Kt uai ii-jii lain vi. j" v.. .v.. federacv and render vital service mo ine , .. .-.... i i .. i cause, l ast deieats were conuoneu anu the blame for: them was placed where tne responsibility properly belonged and not with tic "pcivonncl of the navy, Coin mander 'Cooke was' paroled imme diate! v after the battle oil' Klizabeth City. A friend drove him in an open buggy, to iVrtsmoutli, Va., wheie his family resid ed.- Being caught m a heavy vam storm, without protection, dangjerous inilama tioti of his'v ounds iK'Curred, and for four months his physical "sufferings were very severe., When convalescent he .-was ex changed aud ordered by thJ government to. llalifiuv on the Uoanoke, ith instruc tions to improvise an intevA navy yard. This service he performed with hi Cus tomary y.caloits alacrity. In 1803 two patriotic citizens- residing near i:dvards- Terry, on tho llonoke to construct an iran-e lad. Their expe rience ' heretofore had been limited to H it boats, wit with the assistance of an intel ligent and practical naval officer, coupled with their own natural geuius, they dlft confident that the desired vessel could be built and rendered 'formidable for service. As Commander Cooke was near , at hand, the Secretary of tLe Navy ver- ju diciously directed him to aisuir,e control of the work for the construction of this earnestly desired vessel, whose proviuce was expected to be the rescue of Albe marle aud Vandied Sounds from the pos scjjsioil of the enemy. -.When aroused to action, Cooke was one of the most- indus trious and indefatigable ofticcrs in the navv. With hearty zeal n e'nbarked in the enterprise. Iron in . all shapei . was a necessity. Tu person Cooke rausackctl the county', gathering bolts and bars and the precious metal in any shape tnat admitted of ap plication to. his needs' by the manipula tion of the blacksmith. li greed for iron became amnsingly notorious At the Tredegar works in Richmond and the Clarendt a foundry a Wilmington, he was amusingly kuown as the "iron monger captain" j To varajf "up from refuse- pi!es Kcrvi'ceable pieces of machinery, afforded him execssiro delight. Erery'steani mill in the vicinity of Hal ifax was overhauled by the enterprising officer, in search'o( a boiIcfrr rVheni suc cess crowned these exertionsmV triomph- "WasuioTox, D. C, June 2G,'' 1ST7. Tho Prcsklent received a visit on Satur day from Mr? Keating, pne of the editors of the Memphis Ajwcal. The information givejn tho-i'resident was as to the pngrcss of education in thctSouth,andof the gain in material wealth, n various sections.; es pecially. Texas. - The President renewed his promise of a Visit to the South, and 1 see no reason to doubt that the So"itherii trip will be an extended one, and, will be concluded before Congress meets in Octo ber. In fact .the President considers this trio the best card in his game for securing the Speakership ol the House lor a iiaje& man. The Xortheru journey comn-euces to-dav. but I believe the time of return ! lias not- been definitely tixe.d, nor all the stopping places fin route. Speaking of the Speakership it is inter esting to know that the Democracy, ac cording to Clerk Adams' list, now coinpler ted, will have eight majority on the open ing ol the House.- That number of good men-, is ample to. save the organization of tho Lnlv. even under an administration whosemembers s'eenivwillnig to do.' any thing to secure the Speakership. If the number was seven instead of (fight I should not feel soSnuch confidence. t . - Commodore Goldsboro, a native o" tf,i city, an ofiicer in the Navy since died on. Friday last-. Some -ten of these veterans have died in the last year, all at a very advanced age, and all after more than a generation in the 'service of. their countrv. Hon". G. Wylie Wells, carpet-bagger .fronvMissisj-ippi-, isto lc appointed Consul Gpn-.'ral at China., ile was promised the Slicitorship of the Treasury.:- His later appeiatment. is one yhich illustrates Secretary Ivvarl's vaunt. d re f rat in . our cousjilar- service. It would bj unfair, perhaps, to" ask that the Consul General to China should speak the language- of tht cotm'r.y, Mr. Evart lirst po-osed, but a iair'k-.iowjedge'.of Knglish oti-ht to be insis'ed on-. ' ' . ' ' ';. Thi? Jews of jhiscity, wlio, by the-way, arc avi-y jijlcllfgeut and prosperous, part of our' population , i::c jii a fermciit. over tho cS'lni.i:i uf Stliirni:in fi on: a ho uv a-. t3..v.vi-igi. Tha the- proi)iictor of tUe: hotel did und !iihi'r:e:l events -1 ii,- -;.;; !: ii.-4 i)--'i' ii -;un :i:-r l.n e.5.r.-; u I preli' oaira-y h-ib-.a-, :u:tt witiilue isiosk i-.uipiu a-yjiiic' . s lur Ci-aryin' i'l on Wabue c. t.-:'ul tcmination. I - . " :oiie or l ho original sa rootype ilates havo hoc a UbOd, but o Very ihgis luw hv.tn printed on .! , i jic. i.ieed ;a', Willi a new L ycio- hunio plaa tiaiU coiupass as Us prc-a-s.ess.or, but v,'ita':j. Jargiviuer ljetui-i iary ' ex j.c-s:d i t i.rri ,. - ia -iv t ll i - Mich a-aprove- :o: save orcn ai'je'eM aeca ad euLaed Lnow- an ' i it r "iutedfor c.iiition JKivt; ec 'li ii'l Uroadwar. E5 555 . ITS All tli" la'Cit impaovem ;:as the organs and pi.iiu-4 ;h;na.".i 9 :ui:.cd ir.ta A by .' r i - 1 Was -,ttoii.' X-Z. i-J. nine in (every tf-.-n all this 'fus ai rv. The less century cxhibi a very unwisJ thitig, Vr.lericaus believe, and lid fury over it is uuaccessa- excitemeut tlie iiinelcehth is over such cxlulitiDiis of ancient '.prepulcc, the sooner such ex hibitions will. (ki.e. We wh ) have taken to our arms tije colored m i:i as a brother. ami-are every flay welcoming ..ship loads of I barbarism aii 1 prostitution from China, heed li.nx. revive the old'liatfjd ;f the son of A Li audia. There is a d.sp s.tioii an,og iafijtary men to ;;n;j;jv the ice-ait Indian '.distur bances. " I Von 1'ess to a hardness of heart To :d! v!: . f. l.i !"! WH w. f.r o I - I 'Tl tvul' nv o;: Jb..! ARTISTIC CaNSTKUI0H iieaulifuL Ficiilj and Sweet .Mufc'sS' Qui'ita'.-'. ouif jn.-jtruiiHTi.ti take -J rank with thosa of that CcIbM i Haanfactei 'Ay claim tlo -farorit:x::i r,n r mi . - , vrhlc 1 1 A iV liiO suke ia V):ctorJi!-i i-l v-att-r i lit v aval loi'cc to a'hey 'oiJibraeo on -n 1. :a a ccr.a.Ki edby luari' ci'e. The lUu-t.att loa the" lir.sl- l ; .up in occti a' 1'j.eit i:';u 1 h'cl, Vaa tua v..' a:'v;;a i tile cxria nation-:, jn.Vin? all braia-'nj.s aei :al liatiaal la.ston and'deviict the lao-t laiaons antl roniarJcabic h at i;ro;i oi' .-.C'.'iv.'i'v, iirel ii-ieeiao and art, a1 w-!l :is th.o ve.rhHi.-5 1 .5 ee:-.''-es oi .mechanic.; iait.1 anaaiaaci '.in.-. ytiiiifauli in! ended or instruction, rather t hail -cnaicl ILshinciit, no pains isave 1eeii spared t -iiisuro-: tiicir artistic excellence; ine eosi' their execution is e-iiorjao-'-S; aa-.l it- is l-ciae v. d thi-y will liad a welcome iveipi'ioa as-an admirj.tble feature of the Cve'ef: : .H-t, had v-.orthy of its -liijjii. ' T'H. Trill TTV r- without costing ONE CENTfor to'iEi lil tiie Manufacturo of this MACHINE it Vciy I5esfc lXatcrlals are-r;!-The EAltlNG l'AKTS are HARDENED and the Median" sra has been Caisiaxxd with the '.'special. viVu cf, prodacaij ts NOISELESS 2IACII1NE, adaptedtur i v.'KLL, for Coareo or One THELU),0jT. I TON, BILE or LINEN, SElvIG tm U 1 . .-.. . ir...)!..n T -1.1 l ..1 1 TEATllElt.' Such ConflHflnpftiira.1 1 . . 1 iMinxTCiri XI 1 - r 1 1 T t t a. in every MACHINE id lullj V. Warrautcd for Fire Yean. LITE AGENT.? traotcJ ia localities whex v. c arc not represented. .. - - ' Send for prices, anl famplcs of irorS)d.o en tne iiujii., or cau aianoi ourcaccs. LARK a GO abii eo'i iiis v.'i.-rlc I.; :-:-.;!" t ; --..i-:.b.c:-i b-j.i. " j.a ly, jay e oil uciive'.y oil'i-eii volume, i fe will oe niictvd iri --i-a. La-j o; iavo voiuaies. - 1 ., ...... . 1 1. - ; 1 1 .... j liKIl I Uil.iUillt... f. ' 1..; ki V (-..-... j Pirt'ed'wilh 'several thnusaiid V-.d i.aravj i-ngs,'and with !H;ii)e.rou--i'c,o2o:.d lal.hoi;rap .' ! ; ri f In oxti ;iOlotn,rer vdvi"' M i In Library, Lci.lher, per vol, i-i ;; Jo hdt'd'urkeylo roco, per vol. S' 0J:Ji: i iaif .llussial, eXtta ::iLt. or vol. t-s o.j; Hi i-'ait Moru , aat i'tuh, in i-aal Hasai ) e gilt, i)or vol, l-s 1 eill -('.'.te-. ief iel VOi, l'- (). . Tiiirteea-Vo! aa.--- iv :' y';"Ay vol u-i ties, -until' coiiiaklioa. v oneeiatv.'o i'irmfh. ' - .f';.-.jKrciiitca aue-s of th..; A.'j;: (a.oni.DiA. sIj j win:: !'lu! r. will bo seal :axtis, oii 'ijdieation Fir.-t-ClaSs l,aa'va:--iiii -Acal .s'accocdiaisr ;:ai;'A NT', '.ii ions, et'c ,-1 . . kVtht-i J. : Wat APal-KIO:: i: CO., i-3 UaoA-WAvr, W ATvJi I ;IA KElUy AND JKWiiLLEUS. Y . N .7 Mtr:-:a':str"ct, ' .:,'. . "-Y'ii :di g--,p, A. C. : .' ;-' .'.'' ; 1 s"i v . . aaa Aii-a; -ni-;r':.:o:i;v's- wuiitii V f.ir ev-c-ry- ar.tieio j.urcSjased of them'.-' ' , .UlOCK", t'c, kept ry tHght t 55 30 nnioafiipaTe,!SewTKi C4'7aiLi3gtoa Street, Boston, Mass. -- 1111 Second Ire,, Piitskrgi, ? ill Ctrji? Street, 'Ciicao HI. ' r ,v 21 South .5th Street, St. Lc-4.!i : 7 Ilerr -ilc-trjcnery St., Baa Francisco, Ul riTn"Hu i Y Ueum to ,Vou.6 ihs j 9r.5 - froui the effects oil Krrors ari BG3 13 Abuses m caMy une. ja- f ' TI of!i SiM S3 tr. Mnrr.l . fl'flinrfti. -XtfTT. t IS , ' Mi method-of- trcatoeut. 14 ll and- rcmarkatle lenefc.f feni --W 7Al-a nr-fl cimtUS tC&t UCC ; c 11 in sealed tnvclnpw. ".Aduie p5 K j Howabi) Assoc -.TWJV41? f SO i Ninth -St, Philad.ipfc. i. 1W 5 An iQgtitutionbatin; tb f reputation forje, 5 - es I duct ana proicM""Y - KSz2u23SKsab! E. ART1S, : Front Street, undru TV lllGlD?tpli. iT-,lr Tnttincr. Shavin- and SU-Y done in ..the highest style 0 f to Attentive and polite barber a-?'. to wait upon custopcrs. ' feb'24 V - ' TTcfriiSli.sried 1965. ..v . .. ;. . Successors to Chlpman, Hos3 . i 629 Fr Street,. Wfl Patents proctuect in all ffirfi granted. - Tvo fees ftr animations. No additional fcejg, 1 An .? I'. . . '. . cocsiahliv oh ha advrinee on l .v A.iren.ts i'ar' th !:.aao;i'.l -.Sj!ec.,.a Our countrv :': ie'eds uvs i:. viti.u pivea to Interference Cases Office, Extensions before CcnT ; Suits'in different States wyiS pertaininStoInventjoiiJr: T tts.j o-. rnnrtl SJldPpA Clalms-rrosecntedla the Soprei State. Court 01 o'- 1 to call and1 dec ,l:J MER&HAIDISE, CQMMISSiaS Oiir -ervtirj- minafacruders is iir Low Pries tnat Weiii h press: on were in .oi pow.p d tii a very sumniarv sun- i w Indian tliiturbanccs, it 1 but the judicious will scau wi.!i carp all army reports of Indian itoubie between -.this time and the time that Congress moeU. Xciiher uill the prudent citizen believe all th.tt is Ld of inimiucnt-troubTc in Utah 1 3 help to pro iiiotc a war with Mexico. There will be, as soon as Congress meets, a proposition to reduce the regular -inny of t!!i3 (United State5, . and the de cision of tlif qaeetion ought to be on its merits and f not be influenced by ficti fions or esag'gerated stories of tor Jer danr ger.- " 1 ' " .. GtJEixiE. Any mart who can pronounce the nnme of General Perokottfcnitzfosky U not only sober and industrious, bat an ornament to society. . " reduced to meeting . trie auiec. Ueterrnmed and at the iin t!ai that u-n r.,h - V 1 Uil f net i urai- reqaif-.enienls e-f the to liinj- i:ir;tru:i:entj WARHANT FOR FiVE YEARS, we invite correspondence that we tn.-ir have an onnortp.nift-t,i . 4. . . . ... - . OrirJ'lAXOS are f urabbed Avith t! Immi Frcncii Grand Actiaa (tha.rery bestin Gsea ittTrn f5'- UEX) LY STIlU.-..witU';th uupro red wire; and the cacs are of Siaidrosc wood -perfectly seasoned and i WARRANTED XOT TO CRj'c 'K"0R n WARP. '' ,; , ?-RCIAS ir.fcd" with '.aU.iie 6Tv 1c! adtirCi;fJa?fe --ecen tcabinet la-Send for1 IUastratcd Catalo- rnce last. Address. Jin 6 6 juc, and shin2ton.Ne?ir Jersey., j . .. ' .AND ; - t ojr b 3 L'a exhibdlcj.. sample;,- of t'offei, Hour, KIcc, lake orde for Meat,, Lard, Salt. dt-5, . A ire p roif. t!y a; U.-.-.U O.-Jwrs audcon- s.i?nmcntT; sojtcded. .-"r "..': f, .V. ;re '..-T-pwior'tho. sale of WILCOX, anathe -Isea.'l v (ottn Tie. , - t xil r, AY 8 0 1IU L K F, N" . " ' "1-- o' -'.? 3 72 W ' a -- ?! 1 i ? r- lie:, a . n v.: i-S o 1 . m ex . M'if United missloners , of Attn--f SlePe : AxieariefPiyS money from the 0 orern gtat amount of pa-"J Jtik close stamp, and a loll reply. wlU be given yoa free. ; engnuy.can ouuu- in 2 pensions are enttueaw- aaPjii.- stamp and in.tenn - - , fi j Contested LanS fta!Z2r ecuted before tne e?6;4 I partment of 'tne interior. THe list Eeport f1lSSS5- e'tSr-u nntstaaa13!- Iks. V, r.iih for them. Stod?i, r.: are ispew- m ts i TTI ATI v. r .Mtfl bureau, nenccaijc- cr fraf arr.nVpTndfrogjra and other offices eica fytt attorney., SSJ , for return poste 'r ; ill cJase ox Address i kie pleasure WeP - : o rr i o r t , d: wai P" ? . , , - - : --.'.-.'. - ' -8.-

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