FAIRIES tfh dvi:ll . r. i ..fill round s ni'oU-'r . . :! 'V ', ',,,. now vaiishr1- .'. .;iv pMUin-i''n, "-V,- t.-ll ;vs fU l I' ll . .' t-'v''11: , 'oftl.e.rie-, v-.... 'v'To. r w.Uwelorel..;;, ' ' . in i m vciir lKily, :'!'-!: m iI. .An! sweetly U II . '.l mystic Hory . ' ' 111 where iai.ricstlwcll. , ,. ; M' . j . t :i-i..I(t;l. W Steamships friges, &c. CLYDE?S! Mew foFk i AND Wilmington, N, C., Steamship Line. "; v.VvK.julv love: .!C:.,..:.i.l'rnclmnte.l. " '! i !,!. :i prison dov.-; &':!. ijits t. lack bef. lh yi'f ' . .V.'.i.t thsit- m.vstx if: i it- Ian ' v " - htorv in mv Hullliool, wa.sW aily Im' I'TilOlU ii, ...... f 11. V V. i I ' - - i i. . ...-.if HiilV VOU lell - :l II.. .k K Wl'll-I"' " "v ' t I I ( ' . ;!;;,;Vii,.r- fauu-Kdwen. iiKK ,SM IN THE HANKS. I,,;!, Privates who Kept Cool I'nrtcr Vive. ..' hi Pliilal.d:iiV Weekly 'Jiiih-. ' i : ; It !'.!::i'. willi iiit tdcutc of ,;.;inH lite I'.iifc . i' i'aVH.iv. I have space for Vt lira't I'adcricUsburg, jut (;.-.. 1 ui.i Brigade (under U V. !. el .Atlisisoii had v . (it. c! tl' t iw ? :'i i.i iWOOU.S Otl u'j.l !ii,U'!r inerr gaiuuib uasu ji (!! liiOu growling lyudlj l iv in" "I I it ..A ii Huii Irllowivtliat .hUi!' u.jiiM liave"lct .them Y.i:.!:i .-".into the 'liver:") a w . ) siciiili lo DC iiui uvcr had niadjj the l ! I; . liiC I 'i two mtd t' me. wini . ins itkiol, ami cxcla i i'.ii i j r iirtMiii,) jetiui, a i1.c;i., t.i tut oil' these tinkers 1 1'! . 1 i,''s"",! as yuu-ean.- ine .... i , ivt u a her ih wpe directly, 1 ... ' .'.,, I, I. .Hi1" I lii-nrni-fil t i ' it., l l ' it.ui lit' in. i I 1 1 1 : I' ll, III" Wi'Uliu a-- iiieoauu, l .y lmiied to. the. front .V.t.V-ku" 'ile;. th! "Jytli ol ' S rLcai.t ! rli aii.nin, the .: 1 ...1 ilwTliiitceiitli Virinia ln- u.v r.;; miiiktl A', nunibcrj of , ' lt""i'U?, btt .selaiuiiiig, n i.ill ii:r. I 1 will never ivo ,i...j; l.t I'-ii-lit; Uiitil ho jfell i , ,m 1 tli- li;t;4 wasttippetl-Jrpm .irwuul vl.ich li .had wrapped iinIo in l ;lu 'Uiia lu'i I nule In the '.. kWw I'AU'rhVuir'i; one ,'day, a sud t i iVvtTTr 1Uoi iiy luit oil and - U '.tvaT'u (lit- Uvu E.lnis..' Private ' hx J layer, ;f (J tu JtttO" 13lh Yir-r-i-rihiefii, ;;t eiA'c Jtcpj el tip and i 1 ' "t uy j.it fur 'inc. 1 pGreBip '0 li.i'L ilJ;);' :;(, as I knewjhe ; 1j;' wniill run iut. tUc fearless ; "ii Ii.a!"pL'!i red. ahul before Ion!? ,';:t. ''How dtl .y.uii with t :i i.' n 1 ticii;ii. uii . i t-lc trench leading to' our !!'' liJicd it in with apolc.': t :!:c V:iil.cts see yiu?" -'Oh! y .-ii i ;,t ine cilit or ten times; l-:p.t:iia.:o :. dnTerenec, so they did k;l!--.l'. Lra vdy iK.jngA his duty, I y,r riu ti, in the trenches at Tc w;iklii:ii:the thcll from the on- - rtars, tlu-y c.u'ne over, claun- l:in;a:Ur t.r.e as -my shell," 'y waiting fur the smoke from t" clear away before cagcr- 1 to rather tn the seat- ; 4 1 vvr to ther up the scat . :i '; -vlAK were suld to the ord : 'crf r;i (H- cents (Confcdcate v: l' ).l" :'l. . They i callpd shells - '!t l) the rear, ppuavtcrmas- .-7V iUi l.i.iio tlay a pliant fellow 1iru!Cf.s..,flcrsona Hanger' in his ,;ld: mounted the parapet, ! iii.uy sharpshooters, and :l"i.iliel tlut vas flying over, -V little further to the right. ' ".t'1" name of a worthy Wn yonder under the T: 1 livjf,"" 'i r,,cMon I,s.iw a good 113 , k JA "Ijns.somc meat 011 the side w ' 'ktl.eminnie balls of the .''". ''iJed all around ltn. v . ;' -!,u;k in his fjre, and threw '.' '"ej'n, wbcii ho quietly ' wd-.-of the lire, as if to .. t ( ;;;id wofiton with his cu J. , -i 0 l':'"'.v marking; l'lague , ' ' ' ; I pect they will also 'f..''.s ' hcfj'ro they quit I '1 ANI,'-; i.i: tai)Les, ' Wilmington, N. C. V - .j:i1 . 1 'j!'. . ' 1 11 iure at rca i ... parties to the ' iturii . ' f - - r " ' i-yiniaodated. 4. F. v PUBLIC- SAY : lito"; Wu!r, 1UT TlIE UCST tPn. . al Market Street Another bt of tW p1 -preH tl.B daj at Market Streft. 1 . . Egg s, Etc. T' l'rtt-... .' C .;i n . .. V .8 Lard' Juals "Pi Tobacco, Ac a;l 1 ffra 1... i::.!.. A. 4 close ontdtlr iud Commiiton Merchant. The Steamer WE FACTOR, . , . . ' . . . WILL SAIL - FROM NEW YORK nv SATURDAY, JUNE 30. 4 !. Hhippera can rely upon the prpnipt sailing of Steamera as advertised. ror Freight Engagctaents apply to A. B. CAZAUZ, Agent, Wilmington, Tl. C. L. S. liELDEX Soliciting Kgent. WM. V. f!l,YTK r.n rin.r'iff.'c Bowline Green, or Pier 13. N. R.. Xp1 iun , AND V ! 1 . Wilmington, W. C, STEAMSHIP LINE. Thcteamer R&L EDlnl , CAPT- OXiXVUXl, WILI, SAIL FROM. BALTIMORE ON Saturday, Juno 30. Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing' of steamers aa-ivertiaed. B Through Bills of aclin givea to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. i-2 'For Treight Engagements apply to v A. D. CAZAUZ, Agent, Wilmington, Iff C. L. S, liELDEN, Soliciting Agent, r REUBEN" FOSTER, General Agent. Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore. june tii) . . i COW1E RIGHT 1L0M! ! We Expect You D OUR NEW GOODS are ready, welt'omo you as yuu will weliiome them wjien . . ... . . j ii. - i. - you soe tnc tine aortmcni ana me rcinar. bly-LOW PRICES wc ciin afford to sell at. WITE SHIRTS all made atO-5 cent5. BLUE FLANNEL SUITS, at 6.00 and upwards.- CASSJMERE SUTS fre-m -.7.50 up. COTTON: A UE SUITS fiom $0 up. Also full line of 1 I GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS ' At Prices to suit all. ,.r r. SOL' BEAR & BROS., W ; !?q mftet. i . " ' ..).. 'may 5 " ' . '' ME Catawba Cq.f N. 0, I HKSE SPRINGS WERE OPEN FOR the reception of j;uet JimO lit are situated 55 miles North west ofCharlotte and 6 miles from Hickory Station, on Western N. C. Railroad, in the shade of the BlueRidgc. The ' Mineral Wateri embrabe Blue and White Sulphur and Chalybeate. I I . i . . t Arrangements hayc been made with Rail roads for Excursion TipVe a.t cents per iuile for round trip. ! Baths, both hot, coldandplunpecanbehad. Also all amusements,! such as Billiards, Ten Pins, Ac. Good stableand fine roads for drives. Tho proprietor takes, pleasure in stating that he has secured tne serTices of Mr W.' H. H. Gregory as an assistant. 1 For further particulars, tddrcs3 T. P ft. Kt.T.TOTT.or june J Mr. W Hi VL GREGORY T 0QT , AND SB05 ' , Af JKER j ANli Eail oad Lines, &c. Cen'l Sup'ts ptrice, VJLMlQTo.-, colujicia" a.i ac- GUSTA RAILROAD. 1 . Wilmington, N. C, June 1, iSTT. CHANGE OF SCIli:iVLE ; On and after Sun4ar, June the "fullow schedule wjll be run on this ruad: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAlJT, (daily except Sunda.) ! - Leare Wilmington...... 12 15iP 51 Arrive at Florence r 00 P Ji Leave Florence .x...'i'l JTO P 51 Arrive at Wilmington I 20 P5J NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily)! i.cave Wloungtoa.. Leave Florence...... Arrive at Oolufartw .... . ArrivWat AugHstal..;... Iave Augusta.... Leave Columbia.. Leave1 Florence..... '. Arrive at Wilmington.. This Train will onlv Whiteville. Fair llliiH" 7 . , i 11, Aimmonsvme, ftumter and hasto ver buv. aec Wilmington and Columbia. . ..' TIIDnTTfill Tnriniim m.. 1 ... , .. .. unuuv7ii rftLiuni liiAi-M (iaiiv, ex cept Sundays. ) Leave Wilmington ., Leave Florence. Arrive at Columbia Leave Colombia..... Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington.. JpS?' Passengers for should takcvNight Express Train l'roii' Wil mington. Threugb Sleeping CarJ on nili t trains for Charleston and Augusta. if J A 51 ES ANDERSON, . june 2 '' General Superintendent. . WILMINGTpiT TWELOOIs RAILROAD COMPANY; 1 4 J j Miscellaneous.. ... .; oo i' .v ...in 05 r.n ... 1 11 A 51 .. 4 32 A 51 .. :2:!P51 ...ii :;; P 51 ... 2 15 A 51 ... G 40 A 51 Fiermr.glfn, 5l.iri"ii, i- lorcaee', ::0 P 51 -0 A 51 10 10 A 5i I 00 P 51 1 A 51 ............. ii 00 - 51 A u g u t .1 a n 1 1. b e v c n d Office of Gen'i, Si i iviiin n..Noi;r Wilmington, N. C, June 1 OFFICE OF , . . OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD. TN ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR S0BSCRI X bers with numbers doe4 them, we shall re sume the publication of OUR LlVLXG AND OUR DEAD on March 15th. and complete the IYth Yolume in monthly parts. No new subscribers will be taken except for the bound volumes three of which have beenissued and the IYth will bejeadj in June. We can sup ply our old subscribers with any back num bers, except September and October. 1874. should they, need any to complete their files. PRICES FOR BOCSD V0IXJIES : " In Cloth S2.00 each. Half Calf $2.50. Soalliem Historical MantWy. This 5Iagazine, two numbers of which bave been printed, will occupy the same relation to the entire South that OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD did to North Carolina, and. in all respects, will be as worthy of confidenc and support. For detailed description of this 5Iohthly an4 for the-oDinions of those who Ihave the initial number, .we refer to- larger luiuiui. ijuustiipuuua are souciiea. Tebms, In variably is Advasce : 1- months ? 1.00. 6, months, $2.00 Address, SOUTHERN .HISTORICAL: MONTHLY, Raleigh, N. C. i b 21 . If Yd IEEY BIM 10A 51 f On and after Sunday, .Inn lOlli, 177, Passenger trains on the "Wiluiingtmi A Wel don Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EN P RES S T Ii A I N , daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. 'Depot at... d 5.VA 51 Arrive at Wcldcn at.. 12 10 P 53 Leave Weldon 11 Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 5 10 P 51 NIGHT 5IA1L AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. lieave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at........ '. i5 35 M 51 Arrive at Weldon at..,. 2 20 A 51 Leave Weldon, daily at... : 15 A ;51 Arrive at Wilmington, Front St.! ' I ""Depot at..., ..!..... 12 00 ;51 The Day Tiain makes close connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via? .Rich mond and all rail routes. ? , Night train makes close .conrieeiiojis iat Weldon for all points north via Richmond.!;! Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars-attached to all Night Trains, and run through fiom Wil mington to Richmond'. :, . ! ' JOHN F. DIVINE, ; june 11- . ' General SuDcrintendentj Keystone Printing Ink Co. . MANUFACTUlUJlliS Ol' ' I PRINTING I NkS.- BOOK AND NEWS BLACK A ' 2P o cia,lt 17 ITorth;rifth Street, .. P h i la d el p h ia P a O Jur prices urn from 0 to 50 per cent, low- ) Lave purchased anr of "'the above boos : to than any other Inks ie.mu!:'c;ut m the othcrs on receipt of 25 cents. !ll CJx..aAA ' I Repairer. Second strest. two doors front Mar UR INKS ARE OF A SUPERIOR "?cuaHt3', being made from tiie. best ingre dients and-undcr the personal supervision, of a practical printer and pressman, therefore we will guarantee cverv pound of Ink sold to be of a Superior Jet l.Iiek, Quie'k 'Drying, and entirely free from setting-oil. Our ei United States. A trial of a sample keg will convince anv printer that he bai been paving near v double what he should Tor his-Inks in time past. Put up in kegs and barrels tosuit!pun'.;aaers. KEYSTONE PUINTiNti INK VO.l' 1? North Fifth' Street, dc 13 Philadelphia, Pa, Prime Enjoyment lor a Year, , liess Than Four, Cents a Week. MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE BY INTRODUCING THE Saturday mm sir, Which for more than 55 Years-has been the. BEST STORY, SKETCH AND FAMILY PAPER,. as is well known ail over the United States. It is published weekly, contains eight large pages, clearly printed on good paper, lil ed with the choicest stories and th.ctelu.-s by the best writers; not sensational trash, but such as a mother is Willing to h ive her-children read. The whole tone of tbn: paper i-j.jre and elevating. ' It also contains Historical. nd Ilk-graphical articles Scientific; Agricultural and House hold Departments ; Fashion ArticK "weekly, frcsn and unexcelled ; Humoriris N'oies; Iit erary Reviews ; News Notes : l',o ?' and (Jit ls' Columns; and Strong and Sparklhig Edijo rials, etc., etc. Is jus; suvji a piper as -'very-body loves q rd the price is only TWO B0LLAKS A i YEAR Sample copy containing club rat-s, etc , .4 1 1 on receipt of a 3-ccnt stamp. Add: es?,f (Oa 918 UENNETT A lilt I, 276 Sansom Street,' Philadelphia Pai . Be sure and aflix thesnumbtr 018 before BENNETT A FITCH, so thst uiay know through what papr lue subscription . J . ,. . . r JAMES GORDON BENNETT. r nor ii i E t o k. .: 1 :o: '. 'V O S T A G E F II E E . One dollar 1'lTw year. 5 0 Cats for Six ZKEonths. An extra copy to evcry club of ten, THE NEW YORK DAILY HERALD Published every day in the year. POSTAGE "FREE. $10 pays for one year, Sundays included. $8 pays for one year, without Sundays. $5 pays for six months, Sundays 'included. ; $4 pays for six months; without Sundays. $2 pays for one year for any specified day ol tne week. $.1 pays for sax months for any. specified day of the week. $1 pays for one. month. Sundays included. NEWSDEALERS SU1TLIED POSTAGE FREE. Daily Edition. ..Two and a half cts. per copy Sunday Edition... ...Four cents per copy Weekly Edition............ .Two cents per copy Address, NEW YORK HERALD, dec27 llrdodwav and Ann st.,New. York U-ardeninjJor Profit ! If you wish to become a Commercial Florist, read ' Practical riorticultureJ if .you Vistn Garden Dr home 'use. only - ! - ' r a " ";,' ; .--' -. ; l G-ar.dcning for Pleasure ! '. All by Peter Henderson." Priec$L50 each, postpaid, by mail. Our Conibiued CATALOGUE OF . for" 1S77. EVERYTHING FOR THE Numbering 175 pages, with 1 eoloned platp, sent . PI ain Plant or Seed Catalogue without plate, free to applicants. PETER HENDERSON A CO., Seedsmen, 5Iarket Gardeners and Florists U5 Cortlandt st, New York. jan 1J . ' " - " " " : . PROSPECTUS .j ,; OF THE Maryland Medical Journal, RALT15IORE, 5ID.' X THE FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT, the undersigned w ill issue, in the city of Bal timore, tJie first number of Thk 51asylasd 5Ikuical Jol rnal. . It will be a monthly pub lication, devoted to the advancement of M'ed einc in all its branches. .. ' Each issue of the Journal will contain Origi nal articles, from representative men in the' profession. Careful selections from foreign and home journals wi.l be made with a special view to the requirements of the practitioner. "Reports of the progress of Surgery and 51edicine in their specialas well as general branches, int4udiD Disease of the -Eve and Ear, Diseases of thi Nervous System, Diseas es peculiar t Wfmen, and Diseases of the Tiroat and Chet. w ilt bc regularly given by men eminent in tbese several branches. These icports wil. be an exhibit in abstract form of thi 4nyicJ3 iu oaeii of these special depart ments during the yearj. . The proceedings of Medical Societies will be published as often and as fully as their im portance jus titi oo. , Prominence will be given to rare and inter esting cases in Hospital and Private Practice. New- Instruments and Appliances, Ne wReme dies and improved methods of managing dis ease will be specially treated. New K4icJ publication'', as they appear, wiU be. critically and impartially revtowfcd. . . No labcr or eip.uiAe, will be spared to ren- r tfc Notice. LL PERSONS HOLDING CLAIMS agaiHit the Ooua4y of New Hanover, ia War rnti, Ac, Usucd previous to the 1st of Janu ary, 1677, are reque:-ted to present a list of the same to the Special Board of Audit w ith out delay, j - The lists must specify the Date and Ni sieer and AMOtrsT of each Warrant, together with the name of the person to whom issued, and by whom held. ... f Action wiU be taken on each claim, as pre ented, In -aecoTdance vft?h tie lavf freating the Board' of Audit 4 ' 1 WM. L. DxROSSET, mrli 11 t' it 1 r inairraani . uumc. ADYERT1SK Maryland Medical Jocrval, a wel come -visitor to every phv'-;an desirous of keeping pace with the pfores of Medical Scicacfi as develoiied both abroad and at Contributions, an subjects of intorest to the profesiun, respectfully invited. . Each : lumber will contain not less than forty pages, printed from new type, on heavy cal endered papei of the finest quality. The subscription price will be $3 per an num, in rariably in advance1, delivered fiee of postage. . r T II. E. Tl MANNING, 51. D. T. A. ASHBY, M.D. march; 2G ' . I L ' -I WHERE VOU CAN QETTOUB Faint, ink done with dispatch, neatness and at reasonable rates is at tx -i."'-. -.hV -i-Jv C. p. PAUKERS TAINT SHOP,, one door) North of Old Jail bnilding on Prin cess rtrtet. ' ( HOUSE, SniP and SIGN Pain tin? done kndj ati5faetio-jrTanteed.' Great care u given to. raaU jobs, uhi 7W , mav 16 . -,f it . tu' ?r'i'r ki - Miscollanoous. PROSPECTUS JOR .1877. LIPPINCOTPS MAGAZINE, ', AN ILUSJIiATED MONTHLY oy Popnlar Litcratnrtt Science ani Art. Announcement for 1877. Tho number for January begins the nine teenth volume of this 51agazinc, and w hile its ipasi record will it is hoped; be deemed a Iguflicent guarantee r'f future eieelIenoi.,,'"no eflbrt will" be spared to divcrsif j its attract ions and t provide aa increased supply of T OVULAR HEAD IK G IX THE' BEST AND MOST EMPHATIC SEXSE. The great object and constant aim of the conductors will be to furnish the public with Literary Entertainment of a Refined and Varied Chapter, as well a? to present in a graphic and strikingmanner the most recent information and soundest view on subjects of General Intrest ; in a word to rende? Lippin- cott a Magazine strilcingly distinctive i- THOSE FEATURES THAT AllK 5IO.ST , ATTsRACTIVE IN .MAGAZINE "' LITERATURE. The contributions now on hand, or specially engaged, embrace a highly attractive list of" Talcf, Short Stories, Descriptive Sketches, .Narratives, l'apers on Science and : ' Art, Poems, Popular Essays, Lit- . erary Criticism?, Etc., Etc., BY TALENTED AND WELL KXOX WRITERS. A large proportion of the artieles,espccially those descriptive of travel, will be profusely and beautut'lly illustrated; v The pictorial embelishtnents of the 5Iagazinc constitute one of its attractive features. In addition to the General Attractions of Lippincott's 5Iagazine, the J.'ublisheis would invite attention to the following SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1877 1. A new serial c tor y, "The ZvZarauis of Iiossic," by George 5IacDonald, author of "51alcolm, "Alec ForbeV "Robert Faloner,"ete. lo those ol our readers who are familia with "5Ialcolm," this new story from the ie of this distinguished writgr will need no . re commendation, and his reputation is a guaran tee to others of a deeply interesting and powerful story. It began" in the November number, which issue, with the December part, will be furnished graits to all now subscribers for 1877. 2. A profj llustrated series of sketches of . " . . - . . .. ' Swedish Scenery and Life, by Prof. Willard Frisk, author of Cornell University, who is ihrousrblr familar with Sweden and its people Troin, personal observa tion. '"V 3. A series of popular papers on rt and Art Matters, by Edward Strahan (EarjL Shinn), authar of "The New Hyperion," etc. 4. Illustrated Sketches of Travel, e n title Pictures from Spain, by Edward King, author of the "Great So ath" etc. 5. Mrs. Lucv H. Hooper's Interessin and Piquant . Papers and Lcttci s from Paris will be continued through the vear.' 6. The Beauties of the Rhine will be described in a richly illustrated series of papers. 7. During the year will appear a number of handsomely illustrated short articles, de scriptive of Life, Travel, and Adventure in the United State?, England, South America, J apan, 5Iougolia, and other countries. ' i ; WeMefs nnaMugei Dictionary . FOR THE SCHOOL R , . 3,000 Ei-gravings ; 1,840 ' Pagw Quarto . Price $12. . L NEW PZ3ATTJHD. To the .1,00 Ulustrations heretofore la Web ster s Unabridged, we have added fottxjpages 7 Colored! Zllastrations, engraved . ex pressor for the work at larsre : expense. ' .. Nearly every '.State, Superintendent, of Public Instruction in the Uidon, ' or corres ponding officer, where such an one exists, bat recommended Webster's Dictionary in . the strongest terms. Among them ate those of Eastern, Northern, Middle, Southern, and Western States TWENTY-EIGHT in tJL The State of NEW YORK has placed 10,000 copies of Webster's Unabridged in as many of her Public Schools.' . me diate or niSUUSl. about 0,000 nearly every school. ; The State" of NEW JERSEY 1500 nearly every school. ' , ine tstate or,5IICUIGAN nade provision for all her schools. The State tf MASSACHUTETTS has sup plied her schools nearly all. " " schools. .. The ; State of CONNECTICUT has-made provision for her schools. ; . -S3 flrprJ nnn cwi. i. w-rkr a - Btsvsi0 iu . i. JLf Amlv were supplied during the year 1872, and many more in 1873 And 1874. ' In other States many copies have been pur chased for supplying schools of cities, conn- ties and .towns. .,- .. "What better investment can be made for Schools? jiorc tnan ten times as many aro sold1 of Webster's Dictionaries aBpf any other series At least Foua-rirTHs of all the school-books' published in this country own Webster as their standard, and of the remainder few ac knowledge any standard. . '.";'.... Published by ( I r. IfPPTJTAl decif Springfield Mass. THE highest Honoas AT THE ; - CEHTENNIAL EXHIBITION The judges unanimously recommend th . MENDELSSOHN .: .. , FOR. THE - ,. Dirloia oHonor M Heial of Ml. . - f Placing" them i the Front Rank . ..'.'... i Without a Siioerior FOR SALE BY ALL BOOK AND NEWS DEALERS. PRICE, Go CENTS. . Terms. Year Subscription, Si; Two cop ies, $7; Three copies, S10; Five copies, $hi ; Ten copies, $30: with a copy gratis to the person procuring the club. Single numbecJ 35 cents. . NoTiCE-The Novcmberjand December Num bers containing the earlier chapter- of "The Marquis ofLossie''Will be presented! to all new- annual subscribers for lq77. Sfecicen Nimbejb inailed, posta to anv address, on receipt of 20 cents. To Agents a LiUeral Commission will be allowed. Address. J. B. LIPITNCOTT, & CO.,. ; Publishers, 715 and 717 Market i.t.. Philadelphia jan 5 ... paid, ill "Xi. xj -y Scrin01Iacriine 1 Th C'--rr-ZN WK CLAIM fOa THE IMI'EOVEB WHITWEY SEWING H1ACHINES QTbe following fpeciSc point of superiority: 1 Great Simplicity in Construction. 2 Durability.-. 3 Exceedingly Light Running. 4 Still Running. Noiseless, j 6 Performs all Varieties of Work. 6 Beauty or Finish and Workman ship, i 7 GREAT REDUCTION in Price'. ; 5Iachines sent on trial before payment is re quired writtecraraatee to kee'p machines in order for five years given with each ma chine. "War Pat Otn Paicts ? For eircnlars and particulars Address, TAB WHITNEY MPC CO., , den 20 Patersoni N. J. Anr day scan made by Agents selling our Chro- 810 2 mos, Crayons, and Reward, Motto, Scriptare Text, UTaTaretrKicture ana jCaromo Cards. 100 samples, worth V, sent postpaid for -75 cents. Illustrated Catalognei free, i J. 1L RUFFORD'SSONS, BOSTON. may 14. h - - , Estabjished 1S30 PRICES coniii u For strictly first-class instruments. $600 for -$250.' . ' 4 $050 for $275. $700 for $.')00. $750 for $325, 800 for $350. .' $000 for $ 400, $1000 Jur $150. ; No Coiiinjisbion to Agentii. ' . - ' ''- - . . No "DLscoiuits to" Teachers. , No Deviation in Trice. The IVIendelssohn GRAND, SQUARE & UPRIGHT Contain valuable patents and improvements never before Introduced. .' . . . f -' '" - - ' - ivIATnUSHaU O New Patem Dlilex, OvtBsracsc Bciiti'. Is the grcatesfadvance in the history of Pis- no making, producing the most astonishing pow er, richness and depth of tone and- a sus tainintr Einrrinr nualitv never before attained. being a "Graud Piano in a Square case.' .- ", - . y ' ARE THE FINEST IN AMERICA. ... ''.- ." . "; . They are pronounced the 'Tianos of th . r J. UlUI i . tm 5Iaciactuky & Waeerooxs : os. 490, 102i;404400& 498 West 67th!St. " N05.5s.S8, SO.', 862,-804, 80S, & 870 loth Avenue.- PIANOS SENT ON TniAL .'."i-ti-" Illustrated and descriptive Catalogue mailed free. . . , ' '' i " MENDELSSOHN J'lANO CO., 1 ftb 21 ' EpINEsJJ OFFICE : Xo. 50 Browlwuy, N. Y. s Tho Carolina Farmer.! rjiIIEUNDERSlGNED will rerume the publication of the CAROLINA FARMER, 011 the 1st day of September nef, with Mr HAMILTON McMILLAN as Associate Zdi tor. " - : A . r ' : :. f r"; The FARMER wiU be usued monthly, itt . magazine form, with handsome cover, and will contain thirty-two pages of reading mat ter, adapted to the wants of the Farmers and Planters of .the two CaroUnas. The typo graphic excellence which formerly," distia guished it will be fuUy maintained. - - . Terms of Subscription : , One year, $1.50 ; . mnnthf. ft RA tVir mnnlhi Sft rcnli. There will be no club rates.1 Subscription pav'ab!e on receipt of first number ; Th oM ' friends of the FARM ER are requested to senl in their names. WM. II. llERNARI), , way 2d Wilmington, N. C. .... ' .., ',: . .,- v - ... I .. .... ...