at Jriiosao'j? THIS l-APE" t - please fcoiicti .rr Sandays ex- ft v;-Trc fi it I f 1 V ' ' We will be glad to reccirej coauaxuilcttlons from our friends on aay' and all sabkets tJ-. T. JAM E8, general interest, but : ..,Tf)K The ' name of the writer' sasifal tray's b furnbhed to the Editor. i -.V. 0DC month, 60 cents, Communicstions must btWritten only on ' -'' m&1 mi hedeUrcred by carrien, f I"1 ; ny part of the city, st the - r - , PersonaliUcs must be avoided ' 1 " . '! Andit is cspeciallv sud vsrtieclsrlv nad?-.' -K.' . V VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, JULY 2, 1877. jtertff, win please report any and ' Zs, erireirulariy; NO. J 38 stood that iie editor docs sot idirsys indotis ' the views of correspondents, unless so stated ' .11 -.11 & r.,, . - I W MM. "I ' " " J - t; n .. J!- 1 ! " ' "" -'' - - ".i -t". n ! i l ' i ; " ) ' nrink-ateri of Wit- ivit' sorts of water are vLwms of pollution deep sources of our hru The most com- -fnLlcnt trouble, ' however; was ffS mioeraltion 10 fmm solut on ol the conienis -;i,-v "f Wilmington is jwiqtfy fSm Vfaat of Raleigh, and its differ in tfteif tcrt wm'j ri-i. fniirtivinT analv- ot iWr general cbar- s ; : o : o : . - 13 ; bw Is 'p b O J 2 S 2 ' , - v- i ' '? ."." p jt i H r1 " '. . !t iik s: o i-1 o o a ; o r. t - v v O o'-i oo 25 7 1 f i-t HPP o i o o -J c." w c CJ W tn '. jr t i-: -t M -i KijOO os t3 . ' - - I . " I - i . I 1 - i. a. i ? It will lb noticed tliat tho mineral con st of tht;sc waters averages but little ive one-half of that faimd in the Kaleish iters S to 15. The. reason is . obvious. Tba forniatiuri upon which Wilmington is m may be described, in a general way. -ii sand bank; that is, tbe 'soluble' miu- nti fitters were washed and leached put a fit the most part. " lae detailed analyses are as follows . v . 2 sr2? -X2.A : 1 o i . tn ; c : : : : X- : : i o : : : c : ::: : : : b : ; at j ;, j B: : : : 5' : i 0 . :?.c?p,;o:j -.U-'?JB O ti "I m t . F o u c t- W " CJ 00 12 m B P J v- ; : " O 00 ' . -- P-X i . c . 06 B c. "3 lj " i 5 1 -5 , 2 1.22 ' U "1 Caultnftu ' l"e most com (i r 01 the waters i ipnunc add in n,. i iSS. but ally in the Mt. ?i tt? wouid render them unfit for Use, W reraafe laters "of Wilming- lii Better than . vf' irfeeryJllablc to oontamina- I ..-- ""ii-b ol pur,tT 1 w thai -.p5So3 5" 6 3.2.2. v its jf Vs 2 Li? o p S'i FlB -i t ' : r -s o jj" n : g o g B TO . Z - s : : : 00 o : r 2,; -3 : : : o " m S : ' 2 : : : o ,7 : : ; i : : : ': --- voin.neart hand, as pure iritet as is lWnd in the mMintaiap or otlier most favored regtoniy, when the time atrrt ves for public water works yto take the ptace of private springs and wells. .i . ; ' :G. '. The Maila. T The Malls close and arrive at the City Postofflce as follovra : Northern through v mails - - - 4:45 P..M piorthcra through and way-maiia. Kio A M Alalia for.the N. C. and A. fc H. C. Kailroadfl and routes eupplled therefrom - - - - 1:I5- P M Southern mails for all points South, ' Western mails (C. C. tt. W.) dally - (except Bunday) - - i- i5:O0 P M Fayetteville, and offices on Cape . ear jxiver, l uesaays ana n- -..'- Mails for points along line of Che- i raw & Darlington lilt - - - 11;30 A M Fayetteville by C. U. K. W. dally, i (except Sundays) . . - - - 6:00 A Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 11:30 A M Onslow C. H. and intermediate of- .M A At SmlthvilJe mails, by steamboat. i dally, (except Sundays) - - a M Maiis for Kasy Hill, Town Creek, every riday at - , -, . suTO. A M ' . ARRIVE. ' ' J ' Northern throujrh mails - -112:15 PM Northern through and way mails. 5:50 P M Southern mails - - - - - - - 7 .DO A M Carolina Central Railway at - - 6:30 A M Mails delivered from 6:00 A. M. to 7:00 P M., and on Hundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A.. M. Stamp umce open irom s a. m. to rz m.. nd from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order and Register Departments open same as stamp office. ! ''' Htamns for sale at general delivery when stamp office is ciosed. . Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. , Mails collected from street boxes every day U5 P. M. . LOCAL NEWS. ,- New Adverttseraents. S. J ewett Magazines for July. A. D. Cazaux New York and Baltimore S. S. Lines. ' : - .. --1"- ' T. Heath Silver and Gold. ( .' W. J. Bchmann Natural Mineral Waters W. E. King, 0. SHd'qrs Cape Fear Lt. Artillery. , - ' " ; Csqnlt & Morris Pine Apples t Auc tion. Seead "Fourth of Julyf'-vGrand Family Excursion. . . . ! I Tiuct! Scdi-vt .Tlfiinrinl and Rriftntifir. V ASbQ' "' .- Society. V 1 The sclfool -examinations heve ended. Croquet has met bunions, and they are ours. - -. -. ; -Thp sweetest pleasure is in impart- it. i Thecis a scarcity ,of prime beef in our market. : ' I -j- ; . T - . Celery is good for the nerves but these imcs salary is better. AVhat is that by losing an eye has noih- iug but a nose left A noise. The heart is the - same, whether under ouc or under another garment Suits of navy blue grenadine flecked with gold are imported for young ladies. The shadow of our pleasures is the ain that seems so surely, fp follow, hem. . .. ,. -; '; ' : , ' It is so hot is no longer insult- ins to .ten a. man to go auu uis. mo head. . ' ! ' . '. - ' Most of the new summer dresses are cut square in the nck andlled in with lace. - '. r- T' . The tree that is not larger than your self can, I nevertheless, put yon in the 1 ' "-..,.,. shade. I We arc iu favor of having 'tie silver dol lar restored. It has been numerously borrowed.! I ; Gilded tongs, two or three inches long for picking up . candies, come in French bon bonnieres. An excursion fromWilmington to Hen ry's is iri projection for some day in the latter part f this month. - , L : ; . : : : . Let "prudence always attend your pleasures J it is the, Avay to enjoy, the sweets of them and not ' be) afraid of the consequences. . .V$ V ! ; Twelve years ago a woman in her ? dress was like a clapper in a bell. Now' she fills out her clothes, and more, like light filling out a lamp globe. There will be a meeting of ,the Ladies Benevolent Association in the hall of the Hook & Ladder Company to-morrow evening at 6 o'clock.': : (Tuesday) It is understood that a young married couple of this ity are thinking of naming their first born "Nicsics," bceause he litUe chap wants, revictualling sb'oaen, The social Dry not; Of to-dar ii dishonesiTilno amon? merehanta ' 'and- inanuTactlt7: Tiet ua record a noble excention. 'DOOLE? Yeast Powdir, for baking Vi'" always lull weight,' ana maca ; oi ij purest chemical substances, its use say in mooey, . labor and delight, both f palate and stomach. V Bishop Atkinson confirmed one person, a gentteiBjeny at St. Tanl's P. E. Church last night. The candidate was -presented by lleT. , T. M. Ambler, Rector of the Parish, and the sermon was preached, by Rev." George , Patterson, D. 1)., of St. I John's. ;Tfn.s. Colonel Agent .. of Thomas D: Ixng, Special the rostoflicc Department for thirf State. will accent our ', thanks for the "United States Postal Guide," whAch contains a list of the postofficps in the United States, together with tho coKnty, State,'&c'.f-the chief regulations of the department, instructions to the public, and every matter of interest connected therewith. The Motithly Lecture. It is hoped, that all, or,at all events, nearly all of those privileged tobe presen t will hear Dr. Satch well's address this evening before the Historical & Scienttfic Society. There is no f man in North Caroliua better able to handfe the subject he has selected, that oi climatic influence, nd the paper which he will read will be well worth hearing. The address is to be made' in tlie library Room. ; " ' " ' , The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Jffice at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken' this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock ; . ! QAugusta, 82; Cairo;.80, Charleston, 84 ; Cincinnatr, 73; CorsicanaTi; Galyeston, 83 ; Indianola, 8o ; Jacksonville, 84 ; Key West, 8G;.Knoxvillc, - 78; Lynch burg, 84; Memphis, 83; Mobik, 81 ; Montgomery, - 83 ; Nashville, 87 ; New Orleans, 82; New Yorlc, 7U; Norfolk,, 86; Pittsburgh, 66; Punta Rassa, 82 ; Savan nah, 86 ; Shreveport, 77; St, Louis, 78; St. MarksK80 ; Yicksburg, 84; Washing ton, 75; Wilmington, 81. , X ity Court. The following cases were brought before the Mayor this 'morning and uisposed ef as follows : . . .. ' lrry Hill charged with larceny, tnrn cd oyer to Squire Harriss for magisterial investigation. i One. colored individual, charged with disorderly conduct, was fined $5.00 and ordered to , be confiued until the line is paid. '':".: :.-''' ' Ah unsophisticated white man Jrom the eountry became overloaded with ;the quantity he tried to carry and in cph sequence- was-unable, to navigate,-so the police helped, him to tho guardhouse, where after a night's lodging he gathered more strength when he was permitted to depart, ' after having forked over five dol lars into the' city treasury. No more business before the court, His'Honor step ped Jowa and out. - J - 5'.;--:-j:. 1 ..- : - , - Ftrinjr of Cannon. The report of cannon this morning made one think right away of the Turks and Russians on the bauks of. the historic Danube, but upon investigation it was found that the sound did not come from the above-named river, but was only echwl over the placid waters of , the old Cape year from . the German barque WOhdmfKitskcr, Capt;;Burmeisterbouno,! for Hamblirg, as? she glided on her way down the river towed by the steamer Waccamatc: The Captain of the barque seemed overjoyed at bis departure ami fired his guns and dipped his colors right and left; in this way he bade adieu to his seafaring friends in the harbor as he passed them. r " The above-named barque cleared from here some three, months ago for Hamburg with a cargo of naval stores, but was compelled to turn back and uudergo re pairs on, account of an iiccident she met with mcrwssinjf the bar. 'Trained petticoats are now a necessity, as hoops are no longer worn by people of fishSn. f They., are drwn together? m the back: as ciosciy as me is, auu ai fastened to it in several places wit stitches beneath the trimming to prevent irtTtin. This;has to be done after the dress is put on. An evening petticoat With flounces all the way down the back, is also a new style. Lc us discuss r says the Woman's JAnrnal. "the aucstion : why a woman w 1 f A . cau pin en a taaa's collar , the rflrst time tryingj ' whi P lf eneerrJlatowcWd";, double ;-np and run backwardsto stick in hii thumb." llersrs. Cronlj- & Morris will sell at their salesroom to-raorrow morning, in lots 13 suit, 50 dozen If ew Lodge DCixKtK r:: : The following is a list of tecently elected ofEcers in( ; various IcgCT'Jn ' this ; city; JsTOJ?EWALl LODU E JiOv -I K. OF 4.: - ' W. C. Farrow, C. C. 5 J. W. Hanby, Y. C. ' F. W. Foster, P. J. W. Zimmerman, M. of K. 7 Jos W, King, K. oR.k S.; to be installed with the appointive officers this evening. . , ;,'-.''""V cipE t'EAR LODGE KO 2,' ti O. 1 4 . R. G. lioss, N. G. ' ::;V?; ; JnoColviIle,"V. 6 . v W.E.Hill, R. S. j W. L, Smith, Jr. P . S. . Jno Maunder, T. ! i te be installed on Tuesday evening,: also appointive officers. WrOMIMI LODGE 4, IS1P., OBi M. T. W. Herring, T. A. T. Hewlett, S. ' C. C. Redd, S. S. ' T. W.l Howard, J . S. C. S. Craig, C. of R. w. s. to be ins Tuesday Hewlett, K. of W. A ailed, with appointive officers, on evening. - ORION LODGE SO. C?, I. o O. F. . W. S. Warrock, N.G. W. Hj Gerken, Y.-G. : Jno. L. Dudley, R. S. Jno. H. Pugli, p. s. ; W. J. lVnay, T. With appointive officers to be install on Wednesday evening. ! GERM A NLA LODGE NO. 4, Jno. Meyer, S. P.G.( 1 H. Kokowsky, C. C. K. OF C. F. YonKampen , Y . C Wra. Hertzog, P. F. Luhrs, M. at A. . puuuu jaaiatiauuii vi iub auove Lodge, to have takerice on Thursday evening, has beereoonsidered on account of -the illness ofone of the elective oflicers. The elective and appointive ; officers j will be installed in private on Thursday-evening. -' A ' , vV: ' : ' , CAROLINA LODGE 434. t i A t a meeting of Knights of Honor, Car olina Lodge, No. 434, held Saturdayeven ing, June 30, tlje folFowing gentlemen were elected for the ensuing year : Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy, D. , R. G. Ro3s,V. D. F. A . L. Cassidey, A . D. N. Jacobi, P. D. W. E. Hill, R. H:.P. West, F. R. N. Gillican, T. Saml. Northrop, Chaplain. Walter Coney, Guide. . H . C.1 Cassidey. G uardian . f-: M. McGo wan. Sentinel. Just the Thins;, j I ! The family excursion to be siven by i i the ladies of Oriana Lodge on the Fourth; will just exactly meet the require ments of those who ,wish to enjoy the thj in a pleasant and orderly; nanner with their wives and children; by a trip down the river. The steamer Waccdmaic, a thoroughly safe aad comfortable - boat, has been engaged and it Is proposed to go to sea for a short distance as well as to the forts. A fine string band will be on board for- the accommodation of dancers and refreshments will be served at city prices, i' ce advertisement for fhrtbeT and fuller particulars, i -j , Metcorogical summary- for June, I ' . 1877. ' j ... . From Mr: Seyboth, U. S. Sigual Officer at this poiut,wc have the following report for the month cf June; j Highest baromoler, 30.27inches; -lowest barometer, 20.CC inches; monthly range! of barometer, 0.C1 inches; highest1 tcm- pcrature, monthly 97; lowest temperature, 58; range of temperature, 39c greatest daily range of temperature, 26; mean of maximum temperatures, 8CQ.7; mean of minimum temperatures, 68.7; mean daily range of temperatures, 18; toUl rainfall, 7.48 inches; 'nrevailinz Wind. southwest: . total number of. miles ' traTcled, : 6,271; maximum velocity of wind j 26 miie per hour; number of cloudy days, other' than those on which rain fell 4; number of days on which rain or snow fell, 13; mean tbennometer,7Go mean barometer, 30.049 inches; mean humidity, 37.4 ; per j cent. . The excursion fiireu under the auspices of tho Ahsou Guards, trHch will run to Cleaveland Springs, leaves here to-morrow uiorningat 620 o'clock. Thcare for the round trip, nearly 450 miles in all, is only $6.00 and those who attend may be sure of a pleasant tine. . . ' "i ' See hew adveTtliebents ori fourth page. ed I''''''' ' ', s Captured. . t Some time ago a suit of clothes wer e stolen from Mr. Jacob Elsbatk and until yesterday he had no clue as to the iicrpc- trator or the theft. While he was out walking he espied a negro,Larry Niel, With the clothes on, and instructed a po lice, man tq arrest Larry whereupon the thief tried to take leg bail but the Knight of the Star was too fleet of foot for him and soon was marching him to the lock up'. The case will be adjudicated by Justice Harriss this afternoon. ' r ' , County Commissioners. The Board met this morning in regular session, present Mr. Wagner "the Chair man, arid Commissioners Wprth, Grainger and Holmes. DavidS. Sanders, CoiutnicsiuntV clcctj appeared and was qualified. . Petition of W; A. Wright, fur refund ing of taxes paid by. error ou tax lists was granted. X . . O. G. Parsley, s.xnd p:- G. Parsley, Jr.," having agreed to tura over the Ferry at ' Hilton to Duncan llolmcs, the transfer was made, by the Board, to take place as soon as the said Duncan Holmes shall have filed r a satisfactory bondjyith the Board.. J ' ; ' ' Report)f Conjmittee. ou Poor was re ceived nd ordered spread, ou1 the minutes and placed on file. RetwAt of City Treasurer for the mouths of May4md Juuc,also received and order ed as abqve.' Bond qf Jno. -f. Garrell j Supcriutcud ent of Pour House," for 2,000, was receiv ed and ordered on file. The Board then adjourned .' Meeting of the .Board of Commis sioners of Navigation and Pilotage, The newly elected Board consisting of Messrs.Jas. H.'Chaxlbouru, U. B. Eilcrs, James Spruut, D. G. Worth, p. .MacRae, of Wilmington, and M. C. duthrio and Edgar Grissom, ofjJSmithvillemct to-day at 91' o'clock a. m. at the office of Messrs. J. H. Chadbourn & Co., .and was duly sworn in by His Honor May or'Dawson. r Mr. Jas. H. Chadbourn was elected Chairman of tho Board a"nd D, MacRae was appointed temporary Secretary. , I1 The Chairman of the 'Board read the present financial condition of the 3oard, as shown by the report of the retiring Board, which was foimd to be satisfabtery and it was resolved that the balance on hand shall be deposited on interest hi the First National Bank of Wilmington. 1 An election wAs held for Harbor Master and upon tliCthirteenl Price was elected. th ballot Gat. Jjs. It was. Jtisoleed. That the L present Rules and Resulations of the Board be continued in force until amended. , It was also Iiesolved, that all Pilots who have not renewed their bonds are notified that they must do so between npv and next Mondav the 9th inst. i ',.,.-. Resolved. That the present Board of Examiners of applicants for Pilots' and apprentices be' requested to servei until further notice; - On motion, the Board idjourncd to meet again on Monday, 9th inst, at 9J o'clock I a. m. when a Clerk will be appointed, and a vacancy in the beard of Fort Warden 8 will be tilled. For the Itcvicw.i Pender Court House, i l- Mr. Editor : There- was a large at tendance at Rocky Toint tenday to wit ness the proceedings of the Republican County Convention on the Court House question.. The object of the Convention was to nominate a place to be run by the Republicans of Pender for the Court Honse. The proceedings were orderly and harmonious. Archey Walker was elected President and Levi Nixon Secre tary. There were twentv-seven delczates from the eight townships and the town of Lillington. It was decrJcd in the begin ning not to nominate any place until six ballots had been cast, bpon the sixtt ballot Burgaw distanced all competitors by a Urge majority, South Washington received one vote. Rocky rain, seven and I Burgaw nineteen votes. Burlaw then received the unanimous vote, of the whole twenty-seven delegates. Accord ing i to party usage this action of the Pender County Convention binds the Re publican party of Pender to the support of Burgaw for the county site. The Dem ocrats may or may not . take any public action on the Court House question. A number of them were present at Rocky Point frojm Tirious parts of the county. June 30, 1877. v Pexdeb. "I should i have no objection," said a henpecked uusband up town, "to , my wife! , having the last word, if I could only .be assured that it would. q Jbje Capt. ' Badqr' Savage was 1 elected City Clzsli asdTreasury on the fourth ballot this afternporj, and Mr. John J. Fowler AssisUnt Clerk and Treasnrjr on the first ballot. - . . XoL WaddeU at Wilson. . . t ne Raleigh Observer, which publishes "i a very interesting account 1 of tho Com ' mcnccmcnt Excrcwcs at Wilson, has this to say of Hon. A. M. Waddclland ' tbb address delivered by him on that occasion: CoL Waddellis a genuine oraton'tho gift waslbornjn him; of strikingly hand some appearance, of an; 4ncient lineage, unexceptional manners and great ability, his future is in his own .hands; ' always re garding bim above the average ol men I was not surprised at the applause his ad- dfess elicited I give below the best synopsis possible in the short time I have bdforo : the mail . closes: ' ; . ..'''..' : ' ;'' ' The subject of the speech was "Two Americans Mois'o aud '. Maury." It opened with a graphic description of th scene in, the Hall of the House of Repre sentatives at Washington; Jan. 16, 1872, ' when the memorial services: were held in honor of jMorsc, arid the telegraph instru ment, arranged lclow tho speaker's desk, . . brought Messages from all over the earth, ' thus making it a grand memorial meeting of the whole civilized world. Tljon followed ). a rapid review of tho progress of, learning ! from the carlcst period, :in which tho wonderful results accomplished in the last three centuries were set forth--cspccially in tho invention of the telegraph. The leading'facts of Morse's history were giy-' en ; the manner, time and place .of the in vention bis struggle throvgh poverty and ridicule to get it before the world, and his final triumph the honors and wealth heaped upon him by every civilized conn- try, and tho humble christian spirit which always actuated him. A Striking discus sion of the influence of the' telegraph on civilzation, jand ' a . picture of tho future, closed . thia part of the discussion. Then ho took up Maury, described the contrast - between : his. quiet deati and burial in Virginia, in tho samo ccmotery with Stonewall Jackson and Lcc, and tho pomp aud ceremony of MorsoV memorial services He said that he was proscribed, and couldn't : hold tho hum- blest office,; but and then followed such a . glowing tribute to his character and services, such a picture of how tho winds and sea would perpetuate his name, as. thrilled-tho audience, until its close, , when a burst of applause; testified to their feelings. A sketch of Maury's lio follow ed, and his. invaluable services were do- j; scribed. The honors bestowed by all for- eign governments were set forth,; his visit , to Europe and his work thcro was detail ed ; his return to America, and his last eflb'rts in behalf of tho, agricultural inter ests of the country were portrayed," arid then followed another splendid" tribute to him, superior even to tho first. Finally lie took Morse and Maury together aud closed" his speech, with a brilliant poetic figure, descriptive of the spirit of Morse, .' in the form kuoWn to sailors as St, Elmo's, fire, descending lo crdwn Maury's genius. ' Wc cannot blame Col. "Waddcll for decliu- -iu'g our offer to piiblibh tho spech, because ' he will doubtless 'deliver it at other places.' He certainly ought to,' for it 'will delight any intelligen t audience and wilLi atld greatly to his reputation. ' , .. ';t '. ; , I ' " i r-a ' , . Quarterly Meetings. T hird rouiid of appointments as -mado by Rev. William-, S. Black, I'rchidiDg Elder, for th Wilmingtou District, Jileth- ' odist E. Church, South. . i . Onslow,, at G uln ' Branch'. ; . . July , 7, . 8 Keriansvillc, at Richlands. .July 14, 15 Elizabeth, at Bladen SorinffsJulv 19.' 20 Sinithvilje, .-it fSmithvJlle. . . . July 28, ,29 Cokcsbury and Cohaqe MU- f. sion at Black's ChaptlT:. . . Aug , , 4t o Giuton at Uopcwdl. . . .....Aug 11, 42 Wilmington at Front Street.. .Aug 18, '10 ' Topsail atltocky TointJ (Dis, ...j'1,,. trict Conference) . ....i..V..'Aug it, g Thelteriew for the Hummer '!;''. Persons Leaving the. city for ' the""varl; I ous watering places, coliritry rcaidcnccs or resorts, or those going abroad can hate ' ' the Daii.v Review mailed to any addeis by ordering the same at this office at 15 cents fur one Week, 25 cents for two weeks, 40 cts for three weeks, 50 cents for one month, $1.50 for three months,1' for six monthspayable in advance at this ; ': bflicc. United States postage prepaid., t. Sensible Advice.' ' j 3 t : , You arc asked! every day through the columns of newspapers andbyybur Drug gist to use something for Dyspepsia and Liver complaint that you know. '"nothing j about; you get discouraged spending f money with butv little success. Now to 1 give you satisfactbryf proof that Carta's ; . Awgust Flowlu will cure you of Dys- pepsia and Liver Complaint with all its '; cflects, such as joUr Stomach, Sick Head- -1 ache, Habitual 'CofctivcncES, FalpitatioaJ' the Heart, Heart-burn, Water, bralv: coming up of food after eating, low spirits, &c, we ask) you to go to your Druggist ; ' O T r 4MVkWV V i gust Flower for 10 cents and tryj or a Regular Size for 75 cents; two doses. : j will relieve tou. f . .', . n ' " W IS... 1 1 ' DLED. On Bunday, July 1, at hftlf-pafct on? A. 3f., Mrs. HA1CAH K. CAXKOX, cid iA ycam-i; Tbe funeral took place h niornhis: at 1 . A. 31. at the First Baptist Church and thenccf. to Oakdale Cemeterj'. . ,