rA3lB AD DUTY. !-"'Vi iid if do. ,r; . rtf noisv bras -ltuMJ" ..-. iz hilt Ilie IJ1U1 s ....... l.rmun V . 7 1 lo to ix? -1 1 A initio to I ' !'':Vtn,bo i'irciianct; that they remain 'u'uoio : iJn.ir nrai.sc.is , irunu-s -. ' ? LlWii SVdo'an heir of endless llfii? 'SS?5" hlchcwh day is rife; vt5"' mc of action thou devise, i - . ; l rrActs as ronsclcnce tries, h live though dead COME RI6HT AlOHG ! ! We Expect You ! A v,, yfir.NKW GOODSVc ready . to . v.hi !s you will welcome thein when ' ,v.. I,. - a-oi tmcnt anJ the rcinarka yt l- " " I . . L,)VV j KICKS ween afford to sell at. THITE SUHiTS all ma'le at D cento. . jn-ljUN.MI SCIT3, ; at ii.VO and rA.di;!f scrrs from sr.:o, uP. . cl.y7'i"Al.'E Sl'ITvi fro:n ' S.1.50 up. full line of CENTS1 FURNISHING GOODS - . 1'iicca to suit all. Steamship. Linos, &c. CLYDE'S Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous. X one- cmra sraiiss, Catawba Co., N. C. HESE SPRINGS WERE. OPEN FOR the reception of guest June 1st. They , : - .. -AND , ltf 1 1 IT1 1 n fyffi n EVI O and miles from Hickory Station, on Western WWII III 1 1 g IU II 9 IU , Wif N. C: Railroad, in the shadeof the Blue Ridge. Steamship Line, The Steamer ' The Mineral Water3 embrace Blue and White Sulphur and Chalybeate. Arrangements hare been made with Rail roads for Excursion Tickets at a cent nr mile r sj i . r ir ruuuauip., Baths, both hot. cold and nlurifc ran hp had. IAlso all amusements, such as JUlliards, Ten Pin, Ac. Good stable and line roads for drives. fliat he haj secured the .prvirf nf Mr. W. IL a. Gregory as an assistant. .. CAPT. DOANE, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK ON SATURDAY, JULY 7. For further particulars, - ad june 7 J Dr. E. O. ELLlOfT, or .Mr. W. II JUJ GREGORY rets -': o - Shippers can rely upon the'prompt sailing of Steamers &s advertised, .-g tor ireight Engagements, apply to ' A. . CAZAtJZ. Agrent, Wilmington, XT, C. L. S. liELDEX; Soliciting Agent '" WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents 6 Bowling Green, or Pier 13, N. R., New lork. , july 2J BEAR & BROS., 18 & 20 Market Sti r.js ) CEO- MYERS, J! & 13 SOUTIX mOKT T- : '- - ' I ii riii il, nl 111 . IMS III 1111. CELEBRATED EMPIRE FLOUR, ' $9 75 Per Barrol, win rr. AND swjt ! A'hs w liiiv of -MiiMlu Utile W'akr Crackers A i ..nll:i1..;la.i.i ,t Ii...ttlc of Claret . iV'HP t,,r 7"i ..... w mv-t l-i-s Svvn'f lli ii. r.. -M .1.. T . lb. Klcg.in t TaMc lVachcs 1 . I;i!!,I.ar,!, Cliccse, Con! VeJ 1 . iuti.s, all at iupular prices. GEO. MYERS', ; U & 13 Front Street. Jie i'j . Ashing anrT Pleasant l hm- oui.NLii has ins bath !4fii-!ii Drieirfcct orJer now, and can Irei ' or sIlowcr baths' as may t tlR .1- r . . !. s shave for 10 mustache cents. All jc I: Ca5t! in latt,ft style too. I -PlIDlf IViJIi 1 tfls LARD, CORN. &C. T3.Lard, A000 Bushels Corn, . 50 Boxes Meat, "sti: i!vi"Tv,lrniih a "rst-clas, rt'-lf-'Tl rcut for 25 cents; e :.i 1u- inamnoo for '2a AND Wilmington, N. CM STEAMSHIP LINE. The -Steamer QUARANTINE NOTICE. QUARANTINE AVILL BS IN FORCE onthelstday ef Junc, 1877, and will con-1 tihue until further notice, as follows All vesswLi from ports South of 'Cape- Fear 1 '' ' ' . will come to at the lilting ba!im lor in- speclion. All vessels having sickness 6n' ariival, cr having had sickness during the ivovage, wil await inspection as above without regard to - . i ! the Port from whence" they sailed; Vessels not included lin the above classes will proceed without detention All persons interested will pleaje take no tice that Quarantine will be rigidly 'enforced during the coming hot seajon, under the pen- alties provided by. laV for the violation (f L A News Paper, Iliscollanoous. PROSPECTUS FOR 1877. LIPPINCOTPS MAGAZINE, : AN ILUSTRATED MONTHLY OF PfljuIaL Literature, Science and Art. Announcement for 1877. WeMert. Dnaliriiei ' Dictionary I VIi LIU CvUvUK IW . . ! 3,000 icgratings; 1,84 5 Pares Q a trio . " Price $U.. . A Z7I3W PZ3ASUXUI. . To the 3,00 IHustratlons'heretofort la Web ter'a Unabridged, we btTc added fourlpazef Colored: Xllustrationj. engraved cxpresaly for thawork at largt teenth volume of this Magazine, and 3ile its past record will it is honed be deemed a sufticent iru&rantefi nf future excellence, to effort will be ipar.ed to divcrjsif its attract- t Nearly every State Sapcrlntendent of ions and to provide aa increased supply of uhlic Instruction in the' Union, or corrtt- rOPULAlt READING IX THE BEST omnfentd ' SSuSSSl ' AND MOST EMPHATIC SEXSE. tronge8t term. Amon? them are ttote of - Eastern, .Northern, Middle, Sontheni, and The great object and constant aim of the oweti b.vii.HUllT la au. conductors will be to furnish the public with A.ne. J N LW ORK baa placed 1Q,0 Literary varied luctors will be to furnish the public with .uc. . w l uk. naapiacea ig,000 rarr EnterUinment of a Refined and Jre offhter'a Unabridged La ai aaaaj of ied Chapter, as well as to present in a heLl uhc bch-0.oJ- ' graphic and strikingmanner the most recent ineaute cmibC0SI5 about 5,000 information and soundest view on subjects of nc!y 'T7 "fi.0.?!-' General. Intres't ; in a word to render Lippin- The stfr;of LW JERSEY 1,600 nearlj cotfaMagMUie strikingly di.tinctive in ffir- .i. . ,,.. Tims: pp.ATnnvs tuat at? m r :nt rvu4W proiuion - . . ivrr an uit tvuooig. s published every eveninif Sadnday excepts ATTRACTIVE IN, MAGAZINE: The State of MASSACHUTETTS hajiun T.TTPP 1TITPP -. nilpd hop Hrhnnl. .11 )' wiijikmuxkJtM I r ntuuvi. urai ii II. ThecontribnUonsnow onhand! orsneciallv be. bttc. of IOWA har or rTI(rarriA nmYira la a tiiirlilir armeiifn IU rf I SCnOOI5. 1 Tales. Short Stories. De.crintiv Sk,trh,8. .,??fe.,.? ?f COX.VECTICUT, hai Dtd. Vt i ' pio i.Mon ior ner scnooi. Narratives, Papers on Science and r ()n.f ?nfw i i .rn. . 1 Art. Poems. Zonular EBrB..Lit. ."TfrA00(? ohl in INDIANA ' craryCriticEtc:, tc., : . more in 1873 and JSfl. JCr lb7,'.nd.tttar iJl lAlihA lrU AiSD ViiLL K.NUW.X In other States many coplca have been pur WRITERS. J chased for supplying school of ciUcs, ctrun- A large proportion of the artickespecially What better inref tmrni r i J.. .AT- those descriptive of travel: will be schools? i ' w IW riiOFUSEIY . AND BEAUTiKULLY w"0'e.b.Ti "any are old of Ti rmTP ATVTY . LJlw ox any oilier aeries gr I i iu iuu IUUUU J . , TheDictorial embeHshmrntnfUi M:na7!nf I At least rouR-rirTnof 11 lh oKvfv constitute one of its attractive features. published in this country own Webster aa am f yW7 - I . in aaoition to the General Attractions of ilu"r f lanaara, ana of .the remainder few ac ILSX ' A A -aTa L,ippincott's Magazine, the Publisher? ould Kn"wcagc ant standard. I , J) AA 1 U W (Si lTn invite a"ention to the follow ing PftWteLed by u. &, C. MERRIAM, SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1 , 1. . A new serial Btbrv, 877. the same. ; . W. (.;." CUliTI.S, Quarantine rhysiciaii Port of. Wilmington. may Id ; WOSPECTUS I '! . - , OF THE Or 50 cents . a month, strictly in advance Srrjpgficld MaaJ. THE 4 (f f The ZVXarauis of Lossic,' :o :- The Reading Public are respectfully inform- O.J, fo Bey, Cnpt. Price, WILL SAL FliOM BALTIMORE ON Saturday, July 7. s W- r VZSI Shippers can rely upon theprompt Sailing" of steamers" as advertised. Through Bills of Xiading given to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed.; For Freight Engagements apply to A. D. CAZAUZ, Agent, . . Wilmington, PT. C. L. S. B ELD EN, Soliciting Agent. : REUBEX FOSTER, General Agent. Comer, Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore..-; july 2 . by George MacDonald, author of "Malcolm, "Alec I orpeb," 'Robert Falconer.' etc. To those of our readers who are familiar With "Malcolm this new story from the pen of this1 distinguished writer will need no re commendation, and his reputation is a guaran tee to others of a deeply interesting and poweriui story, it Degan in the iVovember HIGHEST HOIJOES CEHTENNIAL EXHIBITION . BALTIMORE, MD; Notice Schedule B Tax. ALL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Mer chants are hereby notified that a .privil ege tax was levied bv the last Legislature of Five Dollars, (the same levied Jty county) in addition to theSchedule taxe3 proper. Wholesale dealers are also notified that in jrivinsr in their purchases the law now com pels payment on aU purchases, matfe within the State as well as out ot the btate, (incluaing timber, lumber, turpentine, spirits turpentine, rosin and naval stoves of any kind and cotton.) A'l hotels, boairding houses, restaurants and eating houses a ro required bjr law-to pay a tax of one-half per cent, on gross receipts. The tax Will be due July 1st and "payable , within the first, ten days thereafter, on all purchases since the 1st of. January 1S77. . All parties interested in the - payment ot Schedule B Taxes will save costs by attend ing to the same at, once as the law'will be strictly enforced. J. E. SAMPSON, june 28 Register of Deeds. Starjcopy Ct cod prietor to furnish them with 3 Maryland Medical Journal,- ed that it shall be the constant aim of the pro- n?1,er which issue, with the Deccmbcr.part, The judges unanimously recommend th . , y i 7 - I will be furnished graits to all new subscribers " r MENDELSSOHN for 1877. 2. ; A prof of . Ilustrated series of sketches Swedish Scenery and Life, J "fc- m tt r- ti t v a r i r -m u k t i ' rty - (J lutfuul ut l A LIVE NEWSPAPER, the undersigned will isue, in the city of Bal timore, the nrst number ot .1 ue q1asyland Medical Journal. It w ill be a monthly pub- lication, devote to the advancement of Med- containing the latest news of the day, and en cine in all its branches. ! 1 Each issue of the Journal will contain origi-. deavorinff to keep its readers fullv. informe nal articles, from representative men in the I ' , profession. iMn regard to events of interest and importance Careful selections from foreiern and home - journals will be made with a special view to occurring in every quarter of the world, xne requirjmenis oi me praciiuoner. Reports of the progress of Sutgery and Medicine in their special, as well as general OUR DAM MARKET REPORTS es peculiar to 'Wmen,. and Diseases of the. . . - 1 Throat and Chestwill be regularly given by men eminent in these several branches. These ffThS3S -'' tM d correct, .d Wm be kcPi Papers and letters from Paris ments duriDg the year . ,' c 1; ,. .! ... open until 'be latest possible" moment Mer-1 will be continued thmigli tbc year. Xlic ItrulCCUllllIS Ul .ucuRfli -uiauraiiim i i ui:. i i Ct. .J .' f ., 11 .. il.:.. ; I 3: may rcst .as- The Beauties of the Hhinc . n ill i I m prominence win do given to rarcianu inter by Prof. Willard Frisk, author of 'Cornell University, who i3 throughly fatnilar with Sweden and its PCODle from rersonal observa tion. I ' - I 3. A scrie of popular papers on rt and Art Matters, by Edward Strahan (Earl Shinn). author of .4. Illustrated Sketches of Travel, entitle Pictures from Spain, by Edward Kldg, author of the "Great Sath' P5ainio 6. Mrs. Lucv II. Hooncr's Intercom"- and xitiuant . . 1 &C.,i&C, &c. KFORD, CROW & C0.: i ocTr - J'.'-E?,T WANTED. W want ;xr-i. rWe-lan to mase a; personal r fv.4,-of lhis City andvicini StsJ SEW" V ORK CITY I1 uiCT0UY r just V43i kc?n,iM Ml and com as::ntVf al the importers; UFACrURERS, with r Ruuress. ii is, wiui- kand- of the anu-sells Per .copy, and allbrds tL,..r-: 1 .l compete, the -'-rk, ,l? Popular work r U2n Merchant, . M r'tuS1 n Mn needs it. It "mt hl(;. V-'. fr copy. ) .s., v" ouars per iiir:.i per day se'ljng ertnets, to 1 Place, New York. AHD P.YnP.T.T.PrlT niT&T PPY MGS AND TOBACCO . .AND GO TO iryfliimiiiiMi .. f :o: ': -.-. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, P 11 or 11 IE TO 11. -:o: P O S T A G. E V 11 E E . ONE DOLLAR PEP, YEAR. 5 0 Cats for. Sis BXonths. An extra copy to every club of ten, THE NEW YORK DAILY . HERALD Published every day in theyeac . POSTAGE FllEE. $10 pays for one year, Sundays included. $S pays for one year, without Sundays. $5 pays for six months, Sundays included. $1 pays for six month?, without Sundays. $2 pays for one year for any specified day of the wek. , $1 pays for sia months for any specified day - of the week. - $1 pays for one month, Sundays ncjded. NEWSDEALEKS SUPPLIED ; I ... POSTAGE FREE. Daily Edition...Tw o and a half cts. per ipopy Suntlay Editibn.. .....Four cents per fQjpy Weekly Edilibn........-..;..To eent3 per pflPT Address, NEW YORK UERAXdT dec'27 Broodwav and Ann st.New York esting cases in Hospital and Private Practice. New instruments anJ Appliances, Kew Kerne dies and improved methods of managing- dis ease will be. specially treated. ' NeV iaediel publication?, as they appear, vill ud critically and impartially re viewed. . No labor or expense will be spared to ren der the Mabtlaxp Medical J'ouniL, a wel come visitor to every ph-sician dbskous of keeping pace with the progress of Medical Science as developed both abroad .aud-' at home, . ' -' ''-j - Contributions, on subjects of interest tothe profession, respectfully invited. . ij Each number will contain not less than fort v pages, printed from3ew type, on heavy cal enaered paper of the finest quality. I The subscription price w ill be $3 per an num, invariably in advance, delivered free of postage. ' ' ' ! . II. E. T. MANNING, M: I, T. A. ASH BY, M.D-. marcli . sured that they will be thoroughly reliable. - ' ,. . ' , ' The (Mews Columns Will contain the reports bota of news and markets, received here each day at noon, and the ' will be described In a richly illustrated series of papers. I 7. During the year will appear a number Of handsomely illustrated short articles, de scriptive of Life, Travel, and Adventure in the United SttUcs, England, South Amenita, Japan, .Mongolia, and other . countries. . FOR SALE BY ALL BOOK AND NEWS pEALERS. PRICE, 35 CENTS. 1 Terms. Year Subscription, $4 Two cop ies, $7; Three copies, $10; Five copie?, $lb-; Ten copies, $30; with a copy-gratis to the OFFICE UF i OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD. - , -1 . -- - v IN ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR SUBSCRI bers -with numbers due them, wei shall re sume the publication of OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD on .March 15th, and complete the IVth Volume in monthly parts. No new gubscriberti will 'be taken except for the bonnd volumes three of which have V.eea issued and the IVth will Vie ready in June. We can sup ply our old subscribers with any back num bers. except September and October, 174, should they need any to complete theiRulc; FBICES rOR BOL'XD- VOLUMES : In Cloth $2.00 cach. . ' Half Cal Sonlhern Historical Monthly. This Magazine, two numbers oPwhich have been printed, will occupy the tame relation to the entire South .tlartUK LIVING AND OUR DEAD'did to North Carolina, and, in all respects, will be as worthy of contidenc and support.' For detailed description; of this Monthly aed for the opinions of thoe r.;y have the initial number, yre refer to largerl . 1 C - V. ..ind. n - a vt -..lw. ...... i I Circular. ,nm-Mi'uuujic ' TKts, IsvARiiBLY is Advaxce): 12 months $4.00. t) months $2.00 Address, j? I SOUTHERN HISTORICAL QNTHLY. ? RaleigVN. 0. V LOCAL D E P ART MEN T person Procuring, the club. Single ruimber on leuu. i NoncE-The November and December Nurn- e carlierfchapters of "The Has been placed in careful and experienced . oncE-The Noi I bers containing th Lauds. Friends in the seetioa of coun try con w icd with this city, will greatly oblige the Editor, and will contribute additional inter-I est to these columns by forwarding any items of aews that may loccur in their respective localities. ' i - IAK CUKlth&PONDENCE, On matters of ireneral interest will be gladly recti ved,vbut our friends must bear in mind that they must write only on one. side of the paper; that they must forbear Useless verbi age, must correct their own manuscript and must avoid abusive personalities. A re liable. name must he furnished with, caek eom munitatie. the Editor will not be held ac- countable for the views or language of tfor- Marquis . of Lo?aie," will be presented to all new annual.subscribers fyr.1877. . . I Specimkm Nt-ntKB mailed, postage raid. to any address, on receipt of 20 cents, j 3E$f To Agents a Liberal Commission will be allowed..) Address. r " -! J. B. LIPPINCO'lT, & CO., 5 Publisher, 715 ami 717 Market hi., PhiladelpbiaJ Jan 5 ' . . . ' I r "V w . w FOR THE niTlTmrTnT rTnnnp pnr! MpiIqI Inf ITprit' , ",l'wm" i UVUV1 UUU XJ1UUU1 VI iilUillt riacingHhem In the Front Rank Without a Suoerior PRICES BELOW CBUfETIfli U . , For strictly Crttrclass iwtrujneativ $700 for So00-. . ; $760 for $325. $800 for $:J50. $900 for $100. . ' $1000 for $450. . . , - . No Commission to Agents. No Discount.- to Teachers. " i. No Deviation in Trice, i The MerVdelssotih GRAND, ISQUARE & UPniGIIT reipondents. t S. C. Hal BOQK AND JOB PRIHTEn. gTILL AT THE HEAD IN PRINTING and lowest in prices. , -: ' . J' " If you will study your interest, give me , call with your estimates befoej'Ctt continue your contracts elsewhere. Jj may 12 QUBSCIRBB-TO THK DAILY REVIEW rs. Special. -TzJe. ARE OFFERING SPOT, V V North-Carolina Bacon Hams-, Sugar Cured Canvassed Bacon Hams, Sugar Cared Oaavassed Bacon Should Spiced Ribed Bacon Strips,. Bacon Strips, Plain, Ac, LardTab and Fancy Buckets, Molasses! Flour, Sugar House Syrup, Ac, Dried Apples, .Butter, uonee, . New Fresh caught Mackerel, ; Soapall grades. f Samples Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, Tobacco, Glue, Soaps, Lje, Potash Corn, Tobacco", Jkc., all grades. , . We guarantee auality, weight and prices. Send samples when re quested. Solicit orders which are promptly wired. v , . . ' . r v rFTTTEWAY & SCHULKEN, .. jane 29 , Brokers 4 Com. Merchant. OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, Evenbcfore a type -was set for the first issue, was an exceedlagljjftattering one, and U probably the largest bona fide list with which any newspaper in North Carolina ewer beforjB '"''. r .-I , " , ' began publication, and is now rapidly oa. the increase, especially on the jrious railroad lines. JOOXJ. 2. - ' ;;. : I - -- ;' Eiroa ARB Paorauioa, ' i . va.- Office on Second street, between Frin cess and Chesnut, near the Pestoflee. C) MARK Tn. Jew is, istC r we CLiu roK.Tai ncraoTE WHITWEY SEWING CJTbe following specific points of laperiority: 1 ireat simplicity in construction. 2 Durability." . I 3 Exceedingly Light Running. ! 4 Still Running. iVoUeless. 5 Performa all Varieties of Work. 6 Beauty or Pinish and Workman 7 g reaV reduction in Price. , Machines sent on trial before payment is re quired ; written guarantee to keep machines in order for fire years given with each ma chine. Why Pat Old Paxcxs T .' For circnlars and particular. Address, THE WHITNEY MFG CO.; r dee ;:s : ; ?i r Paterion, N.rJ. - FBA17KH. DABBY, 3r Office in Journal Building, Prin cess street, Wilmington, N. C. i apl 14 i Contain valuable patents and improrements . .' ' .' never before introduced. t , MAtHUSHEK'G New Patkm ptrLtxOvEUSTacsQ Bcilii Is the greatest advance in the history f FU--no making, producing the most astonishing power, richness and depth of tone, and a in taining singing quality never before attained, being a "Grand Piano in a Square case." ' Tho Mondolssohn Uprights j ARE THE F1NESTLV AMERICA. I 1 . ! ' ' ' They arc pronounced Hie "Pianos ef th Faturc."- . . 3Iascxctoet A Wikttoons'j " Abs. 4fK), .192,5: i04.'4Wr,&, 408 IVcIt 67tbj8t. . NosJ.8, 8(jO,'8C2,8G4( 868870 ;oth Arenue.. PIANOS SENT ON TOTAL. , "-fu Illustrated and descriptive Catalogue mailed free. 1 , ' ; . MENECSbOlINPIANO 0V;r hi'idstss office: feb 21 Poultry, EggGEtc. Q ONSTANTLY RECEIVING and selling ' Grown l oft Ij, Turkeys, Ducks, Ac. . Spile? Chicks, Eggz, Ac Dried and Green Fruif, Wool, Hides, Waa, Ac, N. C. Hams, Lanl, : Butter, Ac' T'SIeata, Stsp, Tobacco, Ac : . ' All shapes and grades. We close out daily, ' PETTEAVAY & SCTJULllEN, " " Brokers-and Commission MerchaBtiV. june 23 l , - ': Washington nolo, DOOT A5D SHOE 1IA.KEII AND Repairer. Second street, two doors from lilt ket. Prices Hoderate'and Best Rsfcrenecs.. Jans

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