The Daily' Review. f T iiS' if JOSIT. T. JAMES, Ed. and Prop WILMINGTON, I. C. TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1877. y gttiw a an - -- - The Empei'cr. af Russia lia'scvcnty-livc million of iubjects,and the SultKu of Turkey, about forty millions, iocruitn J the rx'P11 Ution oCSeryia, Montencrof Ilouinasiia, Kgypt and Rirbary. f . ? Tlie ftAcnncs of the KnglUi Kp'tecuftai bench araouct to $805,500, of which ,the ArchV.thop of Canterbury retired $2G-V 000, and the Archbishop of Voik ami the Bisuop of London 59,000. London is, on the whole, the healthiest capital in the world, its average anmwu mortality uot czceeding twenty-hour i-cr 1,000, but in some districts the mortality ranes from forty to bixty perl 1,000, the iucnase bcin- the result of filthy, foul air, and crowding. The population increases at the rate of '-40,000 a year, f ( f The Chiuamen iu S.m I'rau'clsc - have their religious' trial that ! of the. IIov. . SwInYBung.'for heresy. .iHc charactcr izcU his neighbors' joss as a lwrto thief. This excited the leaders If the abused congregation, aud, amid loud explosion's of firo crackers and bombs, the Kcv. Swang Bung has bceu suspended from the ministry. X cure fore bashfulness has bctii found " according to the following in the Ronton Journal of Chemistry: "Whatever may ' have been said about the effects vf t u-a on the human system, this much is cci tain, that it causes timid people," who are iks 'ualfyill at ease in society, aud parlieulai! so before straugcrs, to appear to grl advantage." i In a speech before the Victoria Duel ing's 'Association', Lord Bcaconificld said- 'Tha health cf the people i is really the foundation on which all their power and happiness as a State depend, aud its pro motion is, therefore, in his opinion, the first duty.of a statesman." The Lancct rejoices to learn this, but deplores that the holder, of the opinion should have -practically done so little to support it. Gladstone has contradicted an cm-ueous statement that he is in receipt of an cx Cabinct Minister's pension of $10,000 a year. Cabinet Ministers (with the excep tion of the Lord Chance1 lor, who receive 5,000 a year for life, no matter how brief his tenure of office) are entitled to 2,000 a year after three years' service, but they rarc1y.acccpt it. Lord Bcacoi! ficld was in receipt of such a pension while last out of office, but Gladstone has never taken it. ' Thoagh a, younger son, he had $500,000 from his father, aud Jiis .wife inherited , the extensive estates of her brother. At ono time, however, he was embarrassed by heavy lossss in an unpro ductive mine, aud ten years ago rumor as to his impecuniosity were circulated. He has a large family. . ' t ' rhiladelphia newspapers, dis2icascd be cause the million and a half loaned to the Exhibition Company had to be' returned, say the Government made a large profit out'of tho show. This is the argument: 'The $250,000 received by the Govern ment in payment 0f duties on exhibited articles is almost clear profit in the sense that the Governm? nt would have received but Tittle of it if the articles which paid duty had not been sent to tljie Kxhition. A few of the articles from foreign coun tries which were sold iu the Exhibition buildings possibly took the place cf arti cles which ; would otherwise have bceu imported and sold in the established stores bat the greater number were articles of virtue, decoration, bric-a-brac', and tinuec cssiries "generally thing3 that people with money buy when they sec them, but s:Idom - deliberately set to out buy. The duties paid on such article represent a rev enue due almost wholly to the Exhibition. llarphy, tho temperance agitator, is in CJucago. Gen: Sherman will remain ia Uio-AVcst . until fall. lxiruum Is iu Europe... Bob Iugersoll is having a lively limoin San Francisco lecturing agairst Christianity,' and being- answered by the clergymen. Prof. Bell, the telephone in ventor, is to be married soon,1 "and after ward wilbgo to Europe. iSrick Pomcroy is lecturing in Texts. Gen. McC'ellan has gone to Maine for a vacation. Mrs. U. C-Stowe will summet at live Jieaeb. WiUiam Lloyd Garrison is made much cf In London; Gcri. Comly's little daughter is lca4, and his yifc L very ill iu Wash ington Mayor Carrington.ct flichmcnd, Va., is dangerously ill. Secretary Schurz has moved to Edge wood, the former resi dence of Chief, Justice Chase. Jude iUoert-Oald,' !of Virginia, U at Lon ONE OF SHERMAN'S BUMMERS SLANDERS I&R. DAYIS. ' JWe regret to sec some of our Southern papers pubjishing (he Glanderous rtce in regard to cx-Prcsident- Davis' depart ure from lUcbraand which; appeared in a Philadelphia ;papcr some , weeks 'ago, written by one Yankee General, James II Wilson, a raider, and bummer of the samp sjripc and character as the notori ous Kilpatiick, who is doubtless now en joying the case and comfort which he pro cured by plundering and robbing the Southern people. ; - - We can honor and, repect a brave soldier no ' matter, whether he wore the blue or the grey;' But when it comes to such miteraUe .apologies as Kilpatrick and' the Allow Wilson, mentioned above, who have t-h'.v. n buch hyeua like princi ples, we care not whether he wore the grey or the blue, we have no respect for him whatever. . , To .believe-that. Jefferson. Davis acted the coward, and showed the timidity which the author of. this slanderous article by implication has asserted,. one Avill have to forget the time that Col. Davis at the head of his Mississippi regiment of rifles, on the field of ttuena. 'Vista, with his Lridre arm iu a slin from a wound that day ."received, charged the Mexican1" col tmins drivjng them before him, or aain by his famous V movement receiving their charge with an undaunted front.and contributing by his own personal valor as well as by the successful manu vcring of his regiment more pSblbly, than any other one "commander, to' tlievicory that that day perched upon' the American banner. The.artiele states that for many -weeks W'jie Lee's suner.der Mr. Davis had deeijlcd, in order to make a way of escape f.r himself and his principal officers,. that the Fhrnait'foa'i should be ordered to cruise oft" the coast of Florida to take the fugitives on boai d. and that these orders - r were sent to .the rebel , cruiser many davs before Lees lilies were broken. . How prcposteVo'us; wjhat-a. false showing upou the very face. What jripia Jacie cvideivce that the author is wilfully lying? With no means sof communication with the outfcidc' world whatever, every port having bceu closed scrne two montlis 'pre vious lo the evacuation ofjretcrsburg, and tho Sicnandoah in foreign' waters some 3.000 miles or more away, with no friendly European port to cuter, how' was it jiossiblc that Ca'pt. Waddell coidd have be'Jn communicated with ? Tii3 truth is, that kittle communication was there between the commander, of the Shenan- 'Ivah and his1 'own countrymen that it was i ninths after thedownfall of the Con iCLle.racy before tho Captain of this fa mous Confederate cHtiiser knew 'of. the downfall of the Confederacy-, and 'then it was only by chance that he learned of it. So great was the indignation expressed by many of 'our Xoithcrn brethren, for the destruction of property by the ShcnaJdaJt oft.n- MM ciirroniior hlt lk 1V.1S H mn!T time before the valiant Captain Waddell was permitted to return home. ' Hut why say anything more upon a subject which to ever)" candid, honest, un prejudiced mind in the country is uothhig but a base tlatultr of a pure, high-toned chivalrous gentlemen. We cannot but express our surprise, however, that such leading' papers as the C'jarlotte Observer and the Augusta Chronicle .iG Constitu tionalist should circulate sui:h a slander ous article. Either the Pension Office should be thor oughly cverhauled or this Baltimore pa-KTiflVr-heavilv for slanderipg officials. The statements will alfbc placed before Secretary Schurz, and he win proo- ltf.r l.l'o- inV-octi'ratinn- There WOUM afy order kin investigation : : seem to pc,no way oi ,vauius i J T A Ll ' 1t 1mo l?strrv of naitleS another iastanceof suicide like tqat ef tne liepuoiican parry in iuissi'i'i'- 'S, a vote of the State Committee, the pan? in effect, ceased to exist. Among indi viduals suicide is caused by remorse or despair. - All - the cases, are fouud Vo re sult from one of these two causes or 1 rem both. The student. of political hitory wiUhaveJittledifficulty in assigning a rea son for the suicide of the Republican par ty of Mississippi. But - the existence oi such a party in that State could not bene fit the party in" other States. It Avas weak and sickly. Its death may effect affairs in other sections, and in! that, res pect alone the action of the Committee is tmoortant. It may, as it was doubtless intended to do, .assist Butler and Blame and the rest in their fight against the ad ministration and a "Solid South." Simi lar 1 aetion; in 'other States may be looked for. - . G.rr.m;E.N WASHINGTON LETTER. Branch. Dr. W. V. Tattoo, of Chicago trili enter cn'tho datbsof President cf ilowlrd University,. Washington, in Sep tember. Edwin Booth may decide to rest next season. Senator Hill; A. S. Abcll, of the Baltimcro Sun, and cx-Gov. Walk er, of "Yirginia, are . at White Sulphur ifiinsh VTc3lyirginia, ' , - Wa-uin'.ton, D. C, July ll,j8J7. The Keening Shir only repeats what is on s very body s tongue when it suggests that some' other commauder be sent to light the fndicusin place of GcnJ. Howard. No one iiicst ion's the courage of the Gen eral, but he has betr; uniformly unfortu nate in the high commands and is. besides not-the .sort of man to suit the volunteers j who must cn'cvitablybc employed if the war reaches its thitatcnod proper tious. . The Xatibnal KfyiuMcim tb'u morning commenting on t lie failure of several Lite Insurance Comprios, alopts and com- tnends'the suggestion of your eoiTespon- dcat that each Company be compelled -by State Law to invest a fixed and con siderable portion of its assets ia United -States bono. Something must bo done to revive Jace ia ilui business of life iasnrancc, and this secnis to be as feasible a plan as any. A letter lroiu Dr. Cv.x, I resident of our Bo.'.rd of Health, to your correspondent, the death rate of ha District is nut on the incieasc; as has leen asserted by the Xew York ' Herald and other pa pers, but that the health of our people is universally go d. Ali &m prominent physicians unite is-a similar staterrut. The deaths among the white people" of the District aru to the rate of lo per " tmnum in every 10C0. Thu is a wonderfully lowj rate. Among colored peoplcjherc it is twice j as high, tut that is the tault of a vicious system of living. - . ; " A semi-official statement (if ilr. llayc' Jiroposed summer excursions indicates ihitthc trip to llichmond will be first undertaken, but no day is fixed for it. A Baltijmoro paper in. exposing what it calls frauds in the Pension Office Those so far mcuiioacd are in the 'special fcrvicis"' or detective branch. ! Instance ae given in whkh employees were absent for months under fergely increased pay as busily engaged iu the investigation of. va rious Pension claims but really enjoying themselves on the Coast of Maine, at Sara toga, Niagara Falis, Gettysburg,; ete. t fish I ro- the V The ' working class of Komnani i live almost entirely, ou egetablci. and a pcculiar'preparatipn of maize, supplement ed by a little chpse, buttermilk, sai and salt meat. This diet does net rlnrn nn pndiinn'' COnstitu'litioiJ , and population is for the most-.part an easy prey to fever, especially in childhood.. In ferior corn 'brandy, is 'the most ordr.ia'jy drink, aud is not wholesome. ., . - ( - Relationship of Brain ami Stomach Is a close one, indeed. Thcj' are eounected hy that woudrotis elastic link, the sympa thetic nerve, which communicates the ab normal sensations of the organ of digestion to that of thought. Now, if digestion is dis ordered, the brain, being the great local point of the nervous system, all t lie nerves are in some degree aticctsd. Hie main cause of nervous trouble is impaired digestion.aiKl, that is usually produced by weakness of the stomach, .llostettcr's fctonuich Bitters recti fies teLs, and overcomes nervous debility by infusing increased energy into tho operation of the orgjns of nutrition. Through the agency of this beneficent tonic, not only are the nerves vitalized', but the entire organism acquires vigor and esiilarity. HiscoUanoous. TonsoriaL SGRiBNER'S MONTHLY. A a I i : : r. i v a i : d T l l uiiT i: atedMaua z ! .n e Vi'hcn Scribner Issuedl Its famous -Midsum mer Holiday Number pa July, "a -friendly critic said of it : "Wc are not'sure but that Scribaer ha touched high-water mark. We do not see what worlds are left to it to con oin But the publishers do not consider Uiift thev have reached! the ulthna thule of escelleuee they belie vb "there are other worlds to coni'ucr, ahd the.y propose to conouer them." The prospectus for the new Toruine. gives thcfftles of more than fdfy papers (mostly illustrated), by writers of th( Under the head ot Ik "J f" Y PATRONS and the public generally ItJL are jrespectfttlljp informed tht I hare NKW1 BARBER SHOP, at So. 7, South Front street, where the fol lowing low-prices have been adopted : , Shaving 10 cents ; Hair Cutting 25 cents ; bhacipoo 25 cents. ;. Open on Sunday morning. ' . dec IS CIIAS. E. CLEAI'OUj laiscoiianoous, 'Foreien tA'PPLETON-'S1 e nisrnest meni. liYELOPIMi Travel," .T.Y K"VIS::i) KDITIUN-. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every subject, trintetl lroni-new type, tnd illustrated with fteveral.Tliousaud Koerravinzs ami laps iTi.u wi.rirritrinallv nublhilied under the title of THE Nh Y AM KK1CAX .VYIiCOl'-K m A was eonirdeted in 1613, since vrhich time the wide circulation which it has at- taiued in all parts of the United States ana the signal developments 'which, have taken place in every brance of science, literattre, and art, have induced the editor and pub lish 2r to submit it to an exact ana moruuea . ... i .. .. . i. .. whosjstorv of "rfevcno.iks" gave the highes revision, ana to issue a new eauion emiuea department pi Kilo wxeage roiK oi reierence am am we hare "A'' winter on the Nile," by Gen. Mc Clellan ; "Sauntcrintrs (About Constantino ple," by Charles Dudley Warner ; "Out of SIv Window at SiiscovN-,f'by Eugene Schuy ler ; "n American in Ttrkistan," etc. Three seiial stories arc announ;ced E7I . icnoias raiinturn, Bv t)r. Ilollaudi the Editor, j . 1 Miscellaneous. " Prime Enjoyment for a Year, Less Than Four Cents a . AVceli. , MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE " ; BY INTRODUCING TUB , SATURUAYjEVEXIXO ill, ' Which fr morelhaa 55 Yer.rr- been the STCRY, SKETCH AND FAMILY I'Ai'Ei:. as is well known all over the United States. It ia published weekly, contains eight large pages, clearly printed on good paper, .tilled with the choicest .stories and ghctches by the best writers ; not sensational tra.-h? but suth asamother willing to have her children read. The whole tone of the paper i i pure and elevating. It also contains Historical and Biographical articles; Scientific; Agricultural aud House hold Deoartments ; Fashion Article weekly, fresh and unexcelled ; Humorous Notes : Lit erary Reviews ; News Notes ; Boys' and Gitls' Columns; and Strong and Sparkling-Editorial, etc., etc. Isjusteuch a paper as every body loves to read, and the price i3 only TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. Sample copy containing clubrates, etc , sent on receipt of a 3-cent stamp. Address, Oa 918 BENNETT it. FITX'-I, v 276 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, J'a N. B. Be sure and affix the number 918 before BENNETT A FITCH, so that we may know through what paper the subscription comes. ' J- - PROSPECTUS -. QF THE Maryland Medical Jourrml, BALTIMORE, WI. V .' ; " QN THE FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT. the unaersigned will issue, in the eity of timorethe first number of The Masyla.nd Medical Journal. It will be a m'onthly pub lication, devoted to the advancement ol'Mcd-j cine iu all its branches. j Each issue of the Journal will contain origi nal articles, from representative men i iu the profession. I "Carefu 8.!etjors from foreign and home ournals wi'I made with ; special view to the requir men ts of the practitioner. Reports of the progress of Surge; y and Medicine in their special, as well as general branches, including1. Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Diseases of jtb.i iier rQ3 Systvin, iliseas es peculiar to tt omen, and Diicasei of the Thr3t&iiJ CfiQti wUt he regularly gh enby men eminent ih tuee several branches. These leports wiL be an exhibit in abstract form of the progresa in each of these special depar t ments daring the year. 1 he proceedings of Medical -Societies will be published as often and as fully as their iai Z rQrniteuve v u: t.? y cn to rare anu micr esrin cases in llOEViiv ar.i I'rivai Practice. Nev InstrumentatiKi App!;?nces, NewEeme aiej fcoaimprorea netnous ot cianagiDg uia ease will be p66a!ly treated. New medical publication., as they appwr, nill hecritically and impartially reviewed. No labor or expense will be spared to ren der th! MAartAND Medical JotRXAf., a wel come risitop to etcrp physician desirous of keepits: TC4 with the progress of Medical Science s destlqp;:d loth abroad and at home. : ." .1 : Contributions, on fubJeet-of inil-reS. the profesaion, respectfully invited. Each number will contain not Jess than forty page, printed from new type, on heavy cal endered paper cf tie freest quality. The Bubsetiptkm. pries i!lfce"$3 per an num, inrariably ia advance, clelivered free of postage. ' : - " . . . - JL E. Ti MANNING, M.'D. - 4 T. A, ASHBY, M. D-' - march 2S " ' ? ' j Natural Mineral Waters. 1 POLLlXlfciS TJTttfXNEN. and nONY XX, AD JANOS BI rTERWATEK, in Orig inal Packages kept , constantly on hand. - Orders ibr othfr,. rp)tahl hrnnda hllrd ymmptlj atTraporteri Prices. ; . fc m apron strin The scene of this hue's novel is laid on the dZVrii banks of the Hudson. 'l hc hero is a young JJSc a iiew vv maif who has been always "tied to a woman's perativo want:. l.iii a-?iV lit- nt'aih of his I 'I'Hq mnvniiiunt f t-irlitiil ?ifr!iir lin.v . tj . L It 1 1 V I ' . 111. V lAlV.Jlt. V . L . ........ M - w mother, is left alone in the world. to drift on I kept pace witii the.dia.coveries ol science and the current of Uii with a fortune, but wnn iueir iruiuui ajipui-ubiuu. wicuiuiuu n.'f i-mipnni antl "seful arts and the convenience and re- li 1 i n: i i .,.- Ktt Mis rinement of sooial life. Great wars, and con- Anothev penal, -Ins lu.ientancc, b AUss 8e( uent revolutions have occurred, involv- fraiton. will begin ou tiiLvcompiehon ot mat . ri.itnn!, ftianiros of iioculLir moment. Lass o' LoWTie't-, 'by Mi llOClt Ilodtrson iurnett. I 'ruo civil war of our country, which was at Mrs. Burhett's story,, begun in August, has a j its height when the last volume of the old pathos and dramatic 'power which have been I wrork appeared, lias happily enaeu, ana a of oiiginal and e5- acwvuy aas uee.u wiuiueuceu. 9 . i - a sarpnscno ine puunc. There is to he a-serhM quh-jtcly illustrated Science,-' by .ilrsj Jierri pletc in itself. There, are to be, ft um on pcrs ot knowledge have hcei'i made by ilio inuelati- . . Jill KJ II IV, Vh V AI.UI W .&VV. A-. tk, each paper com-1 crabie explorer of Africa. I t The great .political revolutions oi me lasi various pens, p,Tpcrs j decade, witli tho natural lesultolllie lapse I oi time, nave -urougui lnio puuiac view a 102110' " LsllO alQ JLraV0l. J every one's mouth, and of whose lives Un ir;1. f r nl sura-oS h,r as to town and! everv one is curious 10 kiiuw iho iai iicuiiu 4 ' muw imv;.,r,.t l.v ureaiuamc8 nave uceu lyuguv auu impui- well-known specialist.?. Mr. Barnard's article tries of Great Britain in S o m e E x p r i m en ts ' i n .Scottish Loaf-' Factory' number, au-i "Toad Lais cember. Other ' papers taut sieges maintained; of wnich the details a ni: A-..f jVrtiirviu 1 t lit I v- i 11 t li tii I'x-fc: lin i-wri t, on v.tiiuua lauua- or m tjiA trasient nublications ot the t av. 'elude the histofy of j and which ought now to take their iduoe in (Jo-operation. A permanent and autlicntic History, in the November In preparing the present edition for the Jiochdale ' in De- press,-it ua&. aecordiiigly been the aim of the "-kA i.r;,:,i, editors to bring down t lie information to the Workinghiaii Home' ) A Nation ot bhop- curate account f the most recent discoveries 'keepers," "Ila'peuny a. eck (or the Child, I science of every frehs production, ip. etc. I literaure.and ol tho. newest inventions in A richly iliustrato-d s-ii- s will be given on' the practical well as to give a succinct "American Snorts bv Flood and EiehL" by and original record of the progress iolitical various writers, rana taca theme. The subject of on a (.liferent and historical events. The work has been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the most fcIioa.p'iold amnionic.' Decoration I ample for carryhig it'on toasuo- r . ,1. -i . .i - I a. ssful tomin.'ition. wul ha-ve a prominent pi ace,- s oust me . i.aiesi. vft;,ont-,hnn,.i,n'nai nWri.iAfch!iv. productions ot American humorists will ap- boon lLsed but every page has been printed pear from month to month. 1 he list ot.short- on new type, forming, in fact, a new Cycl. er stories, biographical ana oiutr SKeicues, i pccaia, -witinuc sain-e plan and compass as etc. is a ton r one. j its predesessor, but witn a fargreater pecun- Tin- edit ui.u uei'artmL'nt will continue to I vApcuuuuie, wuu w ""i""' employ the ablest pens ooin aii omo ana "bV ToncLVLx1 incea ndenLIredlSow- ibroad. - 'llicre wnl.oe a series oi iciiers on i , . . w . literary inatters, tr&m London, by lr. V el- Tl illustrations which arc introduced for ford. - I tho first time in the present edition nave The . pa"e's of the magaiiin: wnl be open, as j been added not for the bake of pictorial ef- herctoforCj so far as liiuited space will per- iecr, out. 10 give greater mciauy a nu iorce to nut, to the discussion of hU themes affecting uie expiauauousiii me lext. Aiiey emurace ,LU' 1 . . .. . .... i,i 3 I all bminehos of wicnm -and natural hl.vf.nrv the social and religious ute oi trie wonu, anu , j- . , fnnllann,i Pomlrifi1t1 specially to the ireshest thought oi the jurist- I fpntnr-s of scniprv. nrehitrrnrft and nrt n ian-thinkers and scholar of thi3 country well as the various processes of mechanics We mean, to make tl magazine 'sweeter I and manufactures. Although Intended for and purer, higher and nobler, mvrre genial instruction rather than embellishment, no 'and generous in all it3 utterances aid influ- pains have been spared to insure their ences, and a more welcome visitor tWever artistic excellence; .the : cost of their execution ? ): ' r . e cJ ,f OT1,i r,i,trL is enormwis, and it is believed they will ttnd before m homes of refinement and culture. & welcome reCeption as an admirable feature F7"FTF,TW MONTHS for 4. of the Cyclopa-dla, and worthy of its high Scribner for December, now ready, and I This work irsod lscribers only, pay which contains the opening chapters of able on delivery of.each volume. It will be "Nicholas Jliuturn,' will be "read with eager completed in sixteen large octavo volumes. .J- -..r.-.i i..,.,,,, each containing about pages, fully illus- euivi v ?uu ieSi. c.o v t,atedwith several thousand Wood Engravf readable liumoer ot -thjis magazine has 3 et antl wiUl uumcrems colored Lithograp. been issued. 1 he three numbers of bcribner biclaps. . ' ' tor August, September,; and October, con- t - taining the opening chapters of "That Lass T) - j q Til -n A I -n n o'Lcwrie's," will De givin to every new sub- xTlCO aild btylO- 01 Binding. scriber (who requests it)l and whose subscrip- I ' tion begins with the NoVemher number. -'In extra Clotn.per vol, S3 00 ; In Library Subscription price, $i a vcar 35 cents a leather, per.vol, so-W;- Ju Half Turkey Mo number. .Special terms bn 'bonnd volumes. roc, ier vtl. 7 00 ; I11 Half lHaKmt extra K..Knribft wi.i. fl.nrlwwii., , cr,H 8!?t, per vol, IN); In u 11 Moroco,. antique. a chet or l. O. money order to I oor vr.i 10 ihi - ' ' 1 nirtcen volumes now ready. .Succeeding THE imY M v h i",, -mtm m mm m m . mm l m m & r m wm m m Mm OATTrl-Mvi HIT- -.1 I Wi.3 AWASDED 1113 K ' " J-V mmm mm m. m m - - III -t the Centennial Exhibition, lTfl, n i fc always carried off the liiKhCt liontn l wherever exhibited. A. AAllniim '. " f. vVJwrAui. siMrj.r.. -ZXt?,?? Mt.T "LOCK c a a & . n - ni r t I1IV I m. w. a - . iciS HO MI vcara einco tho ni.i rTi,. firrJ. z . . z' v ig ueii inv-ni:vr 11 1 talent and Mechanical fckllJ. all thd Knsentlal l'arta nrn. BUfJSlti.UK ia Strenoth and Bcaun TnvAcS3 Vte'Ung Part ana uctpi pf DOING a wider rang cl Work than 6(1 eewlng Machines. UwillliTO forrr without cosTisa ONE CENTfKr-V In .tho Manufacture ofthii MACHINE a "Very Best Material aru t$P The Leaking tauts aro haroemId. ana uie Jiecnanum naa ucca co.isrxccn; with the special f of producing jaasy xtunning, iiniji.1, tea Lmr NOI$ELIiSS MACHINE, adtptodrxru, weli. for Coargo or flno TUREil), CVT ton, 8ILK or lin ENfcSmrwo mo it JAahtest Mtulin to Memver C1 tl leather, such ContldeneeunxT in the INTRINSIC MERITS of C HOME SEWING. MACHINE tL&t every iiAwJLLuN-k' 13 juuy Warranted for Fire Tears. LIVE AGENTS wanted la localtlci vbtn wc arc not represented. Send for prices, and Mmplc of wr teu on the liUAii-, or call at any of our vaax JoHiisor;6iM&.Gol 30 Ualcn BqMrt, Kit Id C64 TTashinrton Street ..Boston, Mm. 1111 Becoad Ate., Plttiburrl, h 141 Stat Street, Chicago, HI. - 21 South 6th Etreet, St. Leu Ii 7 JIov IToatomery St.j Eaa rratcUco, Cil . " from theeffeCtaof Ertonoi f Abuaea in catly life. M-k j nnoD Kestohed. Impedimiiti -SI to Marriage remorcd. Hi method of treatment. and rcmarnaoie . rcmcaiw. r SCR iEi H fii Hooks and circnlir Kit trtt C2 1 1 in sealed cnrelopf. Addie X, M How aid Atsoniuox, u . ... .1 ox lL.'t..l-k; I'm An Institution hariajr a reputation for bonorible con- y duct and profesgional Vut ' E. ARTIS, cc 26 BXER & CO. 71J 'Broadway, N. rS". ' . 35 ,- es w volumes, until completion, i!l be issued once in two months. ' ' f i CLOPKDiA. showing type. Illustrations, etc., I Attentive an First-Class Canvassing Astnts "Wanted. Auuiybi tut? x uuiiiiutfxs, ' f D. ALTLETOX & CO., 17'ASHIOXALE I1AKBER, I1 From Street, under Pared h y. Hair Cuttin, Shifiae ,nein the bi-hest Btjle of theirt. J Attentive and polite jjaruo. v to wait upon customers. feb 2i 3atablish&l 1665. 510 .& 55 BitOADWAr. N. Y. Watchmakers, &c. All the latcct impa'.ve:v. the orija'ii and t iAn-s u:.n If lilin,8IAn W V BEVBE HIWC was ' ' L covuhine-I into '-! - u facta hy liA-Y-GT l iA.Mj we-CUM for ao eith'.r an OR rutlifuily say that W. BROWN &. SONS, WATCHMAKERS AND JE WELLE US. ' ' ' To. 37 Market atr?et, Wil m in gton, 3. , C. (Ectahlkhed 1823J Ai Jewell cona advance on Xev York coat. Ajrents for the Diamond Spectacle. Our countrv frienda are invited to call and Ece. : v , .. dec 13 JAS. T. PETIt'AV, GILMORE & CO., Attomejsal, flaeeesson f CWpmaa. H . 629 F Street, Washing 11 j Americw and tf Patents procured In all clh, a I Sten to Interferenca CSSr Office, Extenalona fSE 6uiu la different S'iW;; , pertauuns xoxnTrnuwi' UAHANTEK THE MONEY'S WORTH ifrimJtl xxTT rcxi. i elezant 8toek 6f 'tin wlTrhi: " wv, United BUtei COOT a' y, Silverware. Faner Good,. A . Claims pTOaecuted to tne i staitly on hand for sale at United States, wnxo.-, ARTISTIC CDNSTEUCTION L'caufuJ, kyect Mui?cal: . (ju&lmef, our iniiruniCDta tak rank with those of that Most Cclccrated HauflfuCte. Our on! v. ehiirn to favoritism ' nror orhnr . . . r . . . .1 exiiiDiUon. eamples of. Coffee, Flour, Kice. OU? I OwPpSpPC Molasses, ; Su-ar, Svrups-, Tobacco, Ac, Ac W v riCeS. .Aake ordersfor 2Ieau, Lard, Salt, Candles, reduced to rnccunjr tee requirements of the PU$fIl r.roSMP' P"b' c' - rimoc - - l. ,.r.;..i iire rromotlyall orders. Ordpmann. ider3oI anu ai use famj tiuie tarnishius: initruuicnU W ADR A MT Ens nuc.vcADo Veinvite corre?pondence tljat ttc mayi have auu uppurianiiy to prove Satiraetorily all that .it t . j .... J w. j. bumi anx. jalj.2 Iippltt's How, Souta Front SL xvd here assert Pur PIANOS are famished with tho ' ! Ispom Gmgj Actio?-.:, (the -crv best in use : : they arc alo HEAVILY STRl'.VG with the I inproveJ wire: and th? cases are of sclidrose wocd periVcti v seasoned and WARRANTED XOT TO CRACK OR - ' " - - WARP. - Our ORGANS are furnished with all the modern improvements, as toktaps, actiotiretc wLilev the i CASES are of he recen tcatiuet style, admirably suited for the parlor. - - TSead for Illastrate-i Catalogue, and rncc List.' ; mission ers oi oAuajLu y. tl vor fore the xecuUT Pepaxtaea f Par axl , c. h schulkeh war. or their heiri. rji MERCHANDISE, CflMnllSSIOD HSH Brokerage iHoiiseJ rnffi T . : I slignUy, can eoiaui i-r 11 t; stamp auu ww-"1 rs. United EUtei Gesewri a seated General Old uauarx rfnu ' General IdOiBCT.--" i-f immenu are imPerlVfc . to perfect Uiexa, , .hj- in a sepaxat bVJim. ... rr Br reason ef erruri ' for ax? iSded froaS CgV .v-. f"s eacn 7 nprtu" . - tuitous-wK 1 ntasolititeu. W e are art e are ag-enU for the nf U'n rnv "" -" "-.'J' votfon IKS. ; . '. r-i;iEVAy, .& sghulken.I dec 13 0) .1 'a 2. c S ti y 3 3 tt t-.- 3 ! i f c.a ci a 2 '''SB-' 88 -sg- wo, 5c w O i i Address, jan 6 -v ....- a Washington, NeTJersef."' - . mwmmmmwmm . . . ta an .?! n ' "'5' s- -SpsSs S. . .kr'. r law- ' pleasure i ttv- 5 9 2! Uw. Patent afiCoUec r . - - -