ILTiF MASONRY, ft h i U TTT? 1 ... If2 11 4UI tinWermore I il try to i, our 3-ou come at nig J i u l:-hat hour 3 . flf wno,i SfM my woe or weal T1?, on xv tb, the cM-scliuul rtji:,ffV .,. ' British Uornuropathic lf cwn. asd. incorreci to ' "r l.nniyatlnst.'V'Tl IXitb tfstrusC-antvill d . tkm into their fiildtiavo upon Sneftkir:vrror? and a tsr t ,-i 'J. JJ L -I. 11 ifcl Dronte as a Wife." i;.fiiut 61 interest iii the new I SSS - very strong hght tbrown rf wnurnVl Jfr. It ccrtoiulv seems S "rtWuUc Dronte - that she Kfk ri Wried.a man with aaaW . . r . : : n.if. h.irt me h5UIw wholly toward matters jJtt active usefulntss-so liU rtbiwiWtlie literary and contempia tre'tf. but it is very yhin that 't, '-1i,1 l.:irc been, if she had Ersf a: ibsulute annihilation of her litcr- Hini'uttiug aside all thought of her lijrr rh!fvincnt5; his whole auxiety rMxirfj ateiug almest entirely, from1 1. desire for her happiness was that she niv in 1m the author. ndikulJ become the busy, useful, .coii fi -;( i.r tii vLU.i"c clersvmen. It r!d be wroag to hide the fact that she rir min.lli-ltrt tUco a severe straiu up- g herstlf in wrdcr to comply with her Man-ls wishes: and ouce, as wc have her sLrL-nlh ot scf-ret)resion jrave 'iv and " "she .indulged iu the forbidden laiury c( work with the pen. Blood DrinklnR. The cfHcicrcf Wood drinkins for con- miptive, nervous aud dyspeptic invalids fc Kmg IresLly UcraWcU to uie : puDiic It a St. Louis paper. A visit to the uLnrh of Uutchcrtown" revealed to the ferxirtLr that during thete"ac a' Coffsider- ille DumltT of persons mainly cousump- - r !' T .1 - i'.r.l l.. -. Uflr?nily,auLl several prominent pbysi- nam ire aty teriny ineir ociiei in us Wkiil' cflects." At one time five, or vx patttrots were Ukiug this srtanjrc ra; fune at ucc "of the large slaughter-houses, cl it is said that after ' the lirst nausea 1 iTcrsion were overcome their desire nourishment was intense. Hut & intUation is rcrv hard, the ccnt to a ' . person hcipg , a lockiRg- one, v .ilto be repeated quitp often ere it ljviDdlass, knocked iu the head and i SUick,", ;.As the ,curreutl of life ifrob tbcgasH, the aipsr vessels to receive it and it r is drank in wnh all th warmth of healthy Si10 1,1,00 - l1 ls ?,one il an jpod, and as may bp readil "rn- J5? wiir some exercise of nerves it il i w Mq oix?ratigu. . The 1 taste lT w acquired, "liow- , ' ft tellttlT way wilh lhe tltk' attends 'its first" use: uPi W,ecf'ia tc, rcscmbliug fresh Patiett desires it ouite -as "7 stren- teulthy person would a Tr rKji wLi hungrv. It is far, from WMiTa inotferaic fop'dr a ,? u 'tuirod in a 'comparatively ' r!!!CJ?W3r 10 Bulject his patients, to it? ,e snrroi,Dj)g4 of liie slaugh- U J- ' m l'wtx' the freshljTdrawu a inlC4m"Warmevl bot am tueu 1 witli hot' water,' conveying AWr ar pok to tlic drinker. He t , a uumbcr tf . !curcs . ly ; th's t; v u. uf tl:e vvww : wu TZf 3 treated ih this manner its 1 I-hT , P05 eriou5 inroada' upon . the hll-la .T .1. . f -.1 .. ' r . WU 1UUUU j WWW. . ViU- castn of -wasting; of nervous er!'.v and - marasmus. Another h ?alr,lls S;u' btrength from in .J1 and abiomtioD of V the particles . . which I abouud tajosDltfiri,fJ,:f riii, vl:tn?litr. L.i.7- . LU-'r acm r5 Pertly fcifiu lbc aparttueut'.for cj lwo at tiuie iu thq ; luorniog ... J ' 'fclWJ r11" nILL HE. AlAUr iu tiSc,. V0 R!road Company for a new fJ;. five Shares of the' CPiUt 4r" nr i, KCH ARD Uj BMUU, 5 .Tr rm 1- a -. r7 " lil'Tor slam Uie aoor; . . to be ?""rn come at night. S. that All might bear: :j t,A .u?..lHxmjar aud impalpable ins snch cxceDtioual fue u.i? cttipaaTfitandiis5mth name v''rt W .1 DaviC in ? place of Bail Boad Lines. &c. WILM1NQTOX, COLUMBIA AND AU ; 4 r GUSTA RAILROAD.' , Wilmington, N. C, June 1, 1S77. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 3 ' On and after Sunday, June 3d,' the follow ing schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIX,(dailj r , except Sunday.) Leare Wilmington '. 12 15 P 3J Arrive at Florence j...' 5 00 P M Xcave FlorenCe.;....v. 12 30 P M Arrive at Wilmington..... 5 20 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily). LearerWilmington 6 00 P M LeaveTlorence : 10 05 P M Arrive at Columbia 1 11 A M Arrive at Augusta.. 4 32 A M Leave Augusta .' '.. 8 23 P M LcaTe Columbia 11 39 P M Leave Florence..... 2 45 AM Arrive at Wilmington ; 6 40 A M H TMs Train will only stop at Flemington, Whfterllle, Fair Uluff", Marion, Florence, Timmoniville, Sumter and Eaatovcr betwen Wilminston and Columbia! THROUGH FREIGHT TRXlN (Daily, ex. cept Sundays.) 1 Leave. Wilmington ..............t.. 2 30 P M Xeare Florence............ 2 20 AM Arrive at Columbia H 10 10 A M Leave Columbia 4 00 P M Leave Florence 4' 30 AM Arrive at Wilmington 12 00 M Ipgt' Passengers for Augusta and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wil mington. " Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charleston and Augusta. JAMES ANDERSON, june 2 , General Superintendent. 1 WILMINGTON & VELDON RAILROAD COMPANY. OrflCE OF Gen'l SurEBINTKNDLNT Wilmington, N. C, June 1), 1877. J On andafter Sunday, Jun 10th, 1877, T'n napn crpr traina on t.h Wilmini'ton A Wei. - w - - n - don Railroad will run as follows;' DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at. 6 55 AM Arrive at Weldcn at 12 40 P M T,av Weldon , 11 40 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. f 1A II II JJepot at o v r m NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 5 35 V M Arrive at Weldon at 2 20 A M Leave Weldon, dally at 3 15 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at , 12 00 M The Day Train makes close connection at WoMnn tfir 11 nninti North via Bar Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Rich- 11 ;i i.... mono ana an ran ruui. ( virLt rain TnnVrs close connections at Weld'on for all points north via Richmond. Pullman's ralace Sleeping cars auai ueu iu all Night Trains, and run through from Wil mington to Richmond. i , JOHN F. DIVINE, june 11- General Superintendent. Gardening for Profit ! If you xvioh to become a Commercial Florist, 1 read r radical riorticulture ! If you wish to Garden for home U3e only r a Gardening for Pleasure ! AU by Peter Henderson, i t Priee'$1.50 each, postpaid, by mail. ' CATALOGUE for 1S77. Combiuetl OF EVERYTHING FOR THE , Or ar don J.1 UUlLiVI lulf Lco, ' seni -ii r-, ot roars, or to those who have purchased any of the above books ; to otners on iecvipi vtii . ,,t piam 'Plant or Seed Catalugues without plate, free to applicants. P 4 PETER HENDERSON & CO., . Seedsmen, MarKei uaruenuis 35 Uoruanut eu, aew xot.. jan 13 $600 PIANOS FOR $250. And all other styles iu the &ame proportion. including Grand, Square and UP"?M-au FiRst-Ctiss sold direct 10 iue """--f Factory Parcts. No aSenUs ; np commu- fcions j no discounts. These Pianos w of the honest displays at the Centennial Lxhi biUon, and were unanimously recommendedf for the HIGHEST HONOBS. ew Manu factory-one of a ie - world, fine square wu . , . . itniav- ni-prstrun? Scale. the greatest improvement in the history ot piano making, ine uyn;" " ik A si e a i c a " Dont fail to write, fori" ted and Descriptive Catalogue, mailed free. -MENDELSSOHN PIANO CQ apllll . No. tfi lroad,way, X. Y Quarantine notice. w c iv vnwrrE ivUAUAXTlNt WiiJiJ x-i outheUtday f June, IbU, ana tinue until further notice, as folio jvs : All vessels from ports South or tape rear . . . ta .a!.. Air Sn will come to at the lsitm- oiauvu - i spection. All vt-iseU bavins .icknejon arrival, cr havin- had sickness during the voyage, wu await inspection as above without regard to the Port from whence they'sailed. Vessels not included in the abov classes will proceed without detention All penom interested will pl BO Uce tht Quarantine will be rigiy enforced during the coming ho tseason, under the pea alUproTided .W; f j iir jP W. G r- Quarantine Physiciaa Iort of . ., I i ii I.--.. mm - Miscellaneous. THE A News Paper, 8 published ever evening Sud iday excepte AT Or 50 cents a month, -ftric tly in advance :o : i The Reading Public are respectfully inform- ed that it shall be the constant aim jf the pro- prietor to furnish them with A LIVE NEWSPAPER, i j containing the lalst new 01 the day, and en deavorinff to keep its readers fully informe in recard to event3 of interest and importance occurring in every quarter of the world, 1 ODR DAILY MARKET REPORTS Will full and correct, ani will b tept I - i open until he latest possible moment. Mer chants in the city and countr r tray rest as- Sured that they will be thoronphlj reliable. The Mews Columns Will contain? the reports, beta of news ana i markets, received here each day st n?a, and th.e L O C A L' D E P A It TMENT 'i Has been placed in careful 'and experienced hands. Friend? in the section country con nected with this city, will greatly oblige the Editor, and will contribute additional inter est to these columns by forwAvdio any items f a that uiv occur in tier rreetiTe localities. , I ALL COHUESPONDENCE, On matters of enerUntirt-i wi ne gladly rpceiyed, but our friends must bear in mind7 that they must write onh- on one side of the paprr -, that they must forbear, useless verbi age, must correct tnelr own manuscript and must avoid abusive personalities'. A re liable namemst Vfnrnisficd w ith each com munication a the Editor will .'not be held ac counUblefoV be views or langua-e of cor- re.jpondenti. j OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST Even before a type was set for the tirst issue, waa an exceedingly nattering one, and ii probably the UrSe4t'u 6ie tot with hich any newspaper in rtb Carolina ever' before began publication, and is. now rapidly ch the line, ri' . " ' 'Eniroa A5D PaoraiTOB, to. Office nnd .treet, between Prin- i '-.I ; a. 51 y i i" 1 .o. . ( , , ' ' !"' I I ! S teamsl4pJi if . . . 4?.icd9aA jMjjoCI ' STEAMSIIlrVUlI 1 ' : . . .a f .-. " - ' . .'JLyiZl'dt HI' J '- t if ' .. .'nijJ! ' ' The Steamer . i .iji'j'-: WILL SAIL FROM kvlTOIOKE- QJ) Saturday, JuljrIni i .1 , ,,y(il) 11 ,y, i t. u A . ' i uj , . . ! J" Shippers caa rely upon thepronit)t sailing of steamers as advesed'glj Through Bills of iadkag it to and from PidladeTph'U''jlpt Dispatch guarantee x--ll'-iUi For; Freight ' BBgigOTrtto'.Appty?' ; Wilminoiirv.'.C. L. S. BELDENy"SolicitmgfAgenI;lt , REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent. Corner Lee and Light Stree altimoj. july I) ' - .' . : ,;;- CLYDE'S Wilmington, W; C Steamship Line. The 3teamer;; BEN .'.capt;: WILL SAIL FROM. NEW n'0fiK?' ON SATURDAY, JULY 14; Shippers can rely upon the'proinpt sailing of Steamers ait adttised.4 y ? For Freight Engagements apply to h A. D. CAZAUZ, i Agent; Wilmington, XJ C. L. S. BELDEN, SoliciUng; AgVnt H A ' W3i. P. CLYDE & CO., General AgeVts, 6 Bowling Green, or Pier 13, j N. jR., New York. 1 .''julyO OFFICE OF OUR LIVING AND OUR TN ORDER TO SUPPLY qtWSUBSCHl i bers .with nnmbersdue-theinV Ve. shall Re sume the publication, of ODR LIVING lAD OUR DEAD on Mrch. 15th,V and ncWpIete the IVth Volume in monthly parts. NO Hew subscribers will be. taken except for UielMirid volumes three of which have.beeii Issued And the I Vth will be ready in June.-We- can Rip ply our old subscribers with any; back' ntim' bers, except September and ' October vl$74, should they need any to complete; thelr'lfles. , TKICES yOB BOOD VGLVKS' if , j,rT In Cloth $2.00 each. ,'Half Calf $2;50. .'t Soaltern Historical, Monliij ' This Magazine, two numbeTB of which bkre ben printed, will occupy the' satto- .relation to the entire South thai OUR LIVING 'AND O U U U U AD did to North Carolina, and.' in all respects, will, be a worthy of confldtnc and support 1 1 1 For detailed description Of this Monthly and for thti.opinioBB tf.!thoW iho have the initial number, we irefer to" larger circular.. Subscriptions are solicited.' J ; , Term1, iNVAKiABLTiy AnvASK, 12 months $4.01).; ' Addrcsitj . V . -r - - ' - f t r . -'- T SOUTHERN HISTORICAL MONTHLY', . KaleisbiN. C. .!, . -".,r t"ocIl"' AGENT WANTEDjnt I i s jod, rclianie man to maae a pereonai issued. This work contains a lull anrt com plete damned Ust of all th IMPORTERS, JOBBERS-and MANK FACI VWljAtfjifr their SJeet arid NifaeiMdfe.drSftMiA out question, the imost complete, the hand somest, cheapest and popular work of the kind ever issued. Every Merchant, Manu facturer, or Bnsinesrf Man. needs it. It. sells rapidlv at One Dollar per copy, and afforda a handsome protrt to Agents, who. ire waking from Two to Ten pollari per day sc bug thesme. , f ' , ' ( ) Apply1"1 rtferentes, to kJ ' f WALTER UEUGH A CO., Publishers, june 30 Park Place, New "io". 7uST"KL;CiVEDA S;Ai3iI,LE'LOT OF i-0 lill UVtWWi JS m-.. j iE. A.M. BO LL MA X-S VV I XtUAli2i " m r - - - f trvnn Wiue.incHins and Cfder Vinegar. ,i Aim, samples of exxozes ciiAXinTO., v 1 1 para i give We. rsfoW jane W Lippitt's Row Sonth yrentpU i LWAYS ON HANIU J ? , A'. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING a fall line of Drugs, Medicjaea, Chemical, . J r f M 't ' Tatcy Articles, ;aVVPur CiS T'- :-i - tt:;?;XZt , -i i i yji i u van u-ns Mew1 0Fk DEAD icoUaiieous. PROSPECTUS; FOR 1877. iUPPHICOn'S MAGAZINE, SiA'tt6sTAT05TnLY OF IHmaiar-LiteratDxe, Science ani Art. ; Annoiihcsment for 1877. Tf.'ii::; l.The number for January begins the nine teenth volume of this Magazine, and w hile its past record will it is hoped be deemed a sufficent guarantee of future excellence, no &ttt-twili be pared to diversify iti attrVtr ions aiuLJL) nrovide aa increased uptly of pofitLMibAmxG - ix the best AXD ilOST EMPHA TIC SESSIy. ' 'The great object and constant aim of the conductors will be to furnish the public .with Literary Entertainment of a Refined and Yaried Chapter, as well as to present in a graphic and strikingmanner the most recent information andsoundest view on -subjects of General Intrest ; in a word to render Lippiii eott'8 Magazine strikingly-distinctive in THOSE FEATURES THAT aKK MOST ATTRACTIVE IN. MAGAZINE llTEIt ATU RE. , ' The contributions now on hand, orfpcciiUy engaged, embrace a, highly attractive list of Tales,' Short Stories, Descriptive Sketches, : Narratives, Papers on Science and Art, Poems, Popular Essays, Lit- i erarj Criticisms,, .Etc., BY TALENTED AND WELL KXOWX WK1TE11S. . A large proportion of the articles,especially those descriptive of travel, will be PROFUSELY AND BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The pictorial embelishments of the Magazine constitute one of its attractive features. In addition to the General Attractions i-f Lippincott's Magazine, the Publishers would invite attention to the folio wins SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1877. 1. A new aerial story, "Tho XVXarauis of Lossic," by George MacDonald, author of "Malcolm, "Alec Forbes," "Robert Faltoncr,"etc. ; ' To those of our readers who arc familiar with "Ma!colm,,, this new story from the'-pen of this distinguished writer will need no re--commendation, and his reputation i.s a guaran tee to others of ar deeply interesting aud powerful story. It began in the November number, which issue, with the December part, will be f urnished graits to afl new subscribers for 1SJ7. ' 2. A prof lluitratedserics of eketclu-s of ' Swedish Sccncrv and Life, by Prof. Willard Frisk, author of Cornell University, who is' throughly faruilar with Sweden and it? people from personal observa tion. ' 3. A series of popular papers on i rt ankjArt Matters, bv Edward Strahdn (Earl Sbinu), author oH xne-wew Hyperion," etc. , 4. Illustrated Sketches of TraVtl, u n title i - . .. - .' rioturcs torn Spain, by Edward King, author of the "Great Sua th" etc. ; 5. ' Mre. Lticy'H.' Hooper's Interesring and Piquant ' ' Papers and Iiettei s from Tari will be.-eontjiiued1 through theyear. : The Seauties of the Hhine will be detiClibed in a richly illustrated semi of papers. .! i. t9 I T il . ..'11 mimrtfir ' tKi xfuxius me year nui aj'tai tvuuiuv. Ofhandsomely illustrated thort article?, de- scnptigtot 4Jte lravei, ana Auveniure ip tne unitea states, tngiana, rsouin Arau-KK, Japan, Mongolia, and other countries.'. FOR SALE BY- ALL BOOK AND NEWS ;(itAEBi'.;PKldE, 35 CENTS. ' - Wrfa i-LVoar jSnharrintion. St: Two Cop- s. $7: Three conies. SlU: Five copies, $V ; Ten copies,, $30; ; wjth , a copy gratis to the persda-pOCurlflg the club. Single number Jo cents. 1 i , - 1 VnTicE-The November and December Num bers containing the earlier chapters of "The Marquis ofJjcasjejA'wilI bepresentcu to an new annual subscribers for 1677. SfeCimeh NUMBta maild, postage paid, to anv address, on receipt of 20 cents. . Jgy- To Agents a Liberal Commission will be allowed. Address. " J. B. iaiUNCOTT, ct CO., ' ' Publisher: ( Uh fciitf Tfrtirket t., rbilaJt-IpLia.-. jan 5 i WE CLAIM. rOE THE IMPROVE WHITWEY SEWING MACHINES The following specirlc points of superiority: 1 Great Simplicity in Construction. 2 Durability. , 3 Exceedingly Light Running. 4 Still Running. Nolsele. 6 Performs all Varieties of Work. 6 Beauty of Finish and Vvorkuian- nip. i 7-ilEAT REDUCTIOX In Price. Jiacnines seni on max oeiore pajiaru v qxured ; written guarantee to keep machines Si order for five vears given with each ma chine.rWHT Pat Old Paitta ? ' For circulars and particular Address, THE WHITNEY MFC CO. doeU - PaUrson. .J. irdtural1 Mineral Waters. a POLLINARIS BRUNNEN, and HUN Y A ADl JAN03 BITTEBWATEB, in Orig. inal Packages, kept constantly on hand. . Orders for - other reliable brands filled promptly at Importer' Prices, i m I W. J. BUnMANN, jjj j ' LippUt's Row, South Front St felsler's ' UDpriisei Dicli::an i FOU THE SCHOOL it ;. ' .i 3,W0 Engraving; 1, Taffw Quarto . . 1 Price tliti '- t::.ri - J a new rEATuiin. 1 U'm TotH- 3,00 Illu3tratinn'ercio'rrrei;lu TTeb iter's Unabridged, we have added fourjafi .' :') V -vet.-..! .? Colored: Illustrationii, cngravw! fur tneXworkf ll larg" expense. 'i . .Warly . every State SuperifettndVu t 1 it ' Public Instruction in the Union nt dorrea po nding olticcrJ n hcra such an ontjcicU. has recommemled Wtbstcr'a Dictionary la the strongest terms. Among i hem Jrfh6 tr Kastern, Northern. Middle, So titers and Weern Sutes TWK.NT Y-EIOHT Inyafl. Thejtate of NEW YORK has placed 10,COO copies of Webster's Unabridged la as many of ht-r Public Schools. " -, The State .f WKSC0XS1N about 5,000 nearly every school. . j- The State of NEW JERSEY 1,500-neatlj every school. , The State of MICHIGAN made prbvWoa for all her schools. 1 ' ' ' " - ' i The StaU? of MASSACHUTETTS'haj Up-" piled her schools nearly all. The State of llOWA haa lurplied bet schools. v ' The State of CONNECTICUT haj nade provision for her school. - JUT Over 3,000 schools in INDIANA were supplied during the year 1S7J. and many more in 1873 and 1574. In other States many copies have been pur chased for supplying achool of cities, ; coun ties and towns.' What better investment can be made for schools ? ; ' ' More than tew times as many ire told of Webster's Dictionaries as of any other aeries in this country. . j - .-.' At least r OCR-fifths of all the srhool-booke published in this country own Webster as. their standard, and of the remainder few ac knowledge any standard. ' ' Pttiiehcd by G. k C. M ERR I AM; . dcc Springfield Mas. ; THE ) I.-:. HIGHEST HOnlS Z.V. ti ' AT THE CEHTENNIAL EXHIBITION : ; I ; 1 1 . The judei urianimou.-ly recommend th '' MENDELSSOHN FOR THE . Diploma or Honor and Mai of Merit. ri cingthvm in the Fiont Rank 1 . , Without a SuDerior PRICES II ipiD lt strictly firct-class Instrumsnis. .$000 for $'2oQ.i $GoO for $275. $700 A.t $000.; . 7u0 for $325. $S00 fur $-J50. . $000 for, 400. $1000 for $450. No Coinmifm to Agents. No Dibconnts tj Teacher ;' , ' - r; No iation in Trice. Tho nnanrlolcCAhh ' : ' 1. .... I ; i ....... . GRAND, SQUARE & UPfllCJT i A , CSC, CVat.iu vaiua.Ua paUota 'aDd , iitpfOTtnicnts ifvcr before Jntroflhced.' 't " IVIATHUSHEK'O i . . ; . ..; v";ith inn. . Nlw I'AikM D uru,. TtiBmrtftUM the grcate.-t advance n xiliffVj ft makinz; rroducfnsr -tbe'moit asurnUulfijf ! f Is no power, richneBH and depth or too ana au (taininV; ringing qualrty merer befof a attained being a "Grand Piano ia tJoJiare ae'J.M.'i Tho MondolssoliiLUpnK ARE THE FINEST IN AMEBICii'" - They arc prcnounctd the "Piano UP lb i ' Future."; T c Ma.ii; AtToaT' A WatKaooasctrtri No?, too, vj'2, -la 1, 400 &a!Vvcst I 57 th St. tuft -I No5. 8.jH, 84, 8041 hGS, Ai B70 10th Avenue. . ...... j PIANOS SENT ON fniiL . illuMratcd and dricriptire Catalegue mailed free. M ENDELSiOJIX. PIANO 00.' Xv. 50 ErwWa'j. X.,Y, Down With High P4cc3v TS MY MOTTO. I am selllnj JToUoes fa1 1 Plain, Shaded, Spatter-Work, and Black Perforated Boards, at TEN. CENTS. SUrer Board and Chronjo Mottoes, sosaetblajf new very cheap. Alio, the Latest Style Uotto Frame. Silver and Gold Perforated Board, large size, only 20c. Call and Octe goodi, at T. U. UEATU'S, jaly o . U Market &L Painting.;':';., WHERE YOU CAN GETjYOUR Paint ing done with dispatch, neatness and at reasonable rate is at - C. C. FATHER'S PAINT SHOP, ; one door North of Old Jail -buUdirg C3 Prin cess street.. UOL'SE, 81IIP,ani rilGN Painting done and satisfaction guaranU-ttL Great eare is giren to small jobs. . may 15 may 10 (iljBSClitBK TO Ti IN THK DAILY BLVIKW. DAILY BOYISH 4

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