BY fcCOTT. , JiS .offi. once did gloss j ) o er, hipw. if Its beauty wrought. . L bloom i?r vr a1 mow' 2f LTE i&ese thomsof mine. , rthe DftnburyNews. 'T. a Tiiffcrence! t lcin- Send me a pocket bund- t.i.wvlvtotfio drawer to fe'ct ist8" .,rs the following w:-i and. while looking for it. r n note. .t i .nr tno WCUU1U I ln WtTlv . j,tpJ"w' Soul: iou will have cr,uti" ...ikerchicf. Your -be-" t,Cr !Li-Bii turned my head, this tiicW. g T f ot t0 , take pnev rrithf ehall KISS iuu iu.e pome Cimutes " i a thousand times when I fr9nitrclvc o'clock, and .then I. can "n. intiful ne. . I Ion- to fly cCXl iiK.msatjJ kisses' I send thee, H V, Vifc Yours tenderly, t J oils.; kt'&xe e bandkcr .r'rvm the Cincinnati Com me rc!al. . TVrreawct toot tlie rc- of Grant upon himself, and lv i . i- ..Ti.t:iiti to Oueenstown And Pier ce. !Lj Km by telegram to rfUaarptanj invitations. Anitl'i ,A thfl Krisadicr in attendan KLaet Grunt at Liverpool and put him "T.L TW greatest asony was to rfLr-.tli.di to receive bira as if lie . in,- and this 's wbcro the . laugh niie come in AVbcn the L.vityK!,il will probaly prove bB.e mt riuiculcns affair of the wej Graut tlocs not seem to have UninytliiDg about the talent that his IrrtUp&nin attendance aud the itlJ Miuister were displaying in of themselves, and the only rairsjfrnre'of the farco is the im pjunbk potmctal, close-mouthed fcoN tasffcf earnestness with which Grant ititfae practical jkc that was beiug rbfri oa bim. como of.tbo revolutionary. acti of last fall and .winterl'Inla government like ours," he said, "such fraud ul on t practices as were reported from New Orleans last No vember sooner or later most come to the light, and the (guilty parties with their practices must be made known. It was so with the frauds in New York; it has oecn me case to a certain extent in Wash ington, and a like result will follow in New Orleans. It is against the natural course of events that deeds of this kind should ultimntely fail of feeing brought to light in all tbeir 'enormities' AM this was said withv philosophic calmness and without any heat whatever. In regard to his own political future Mr. Tildcn had nothing to say except that he I could not see any possible contingency which could induce him'to be a candidate for, or to seek an election to, a scat in the United States Senate. j Miscellaneous. iC3,&C. Iliscollaneous THE U a Oft Sliiiil' iL: PEOSPECTUS FOB 1877. AND Sail Road Lines, &c. Pa Sly 1 I . Wilmington, H. C.v STEAMSHIP LINE. LiPPINCOH'S MAGAZINE, - i i AJT ILUSTKATXD 3yOXTULY OF Popular 'Literature, Science ani Art. The Steamer Announcement for 1877. jlxEodartVjrrespantlence.J t Ue Whip In Russian HospitalsA Doctor Whipping a Corpse. liJin" vesterdav where and on what tM I iball not tell I stayed at a wine &p to rest. Prescntl came in two y.flnS s Jdiers, wearied out, iuitcpcnni N, but cheetful. They bowed to me cd tat upon the bench With the. air men . l. t "r flijrsi uiaDuafng?,iooitye:ua 10 sleep. ot thprn a glass 'uf wine each, and kgn to talk through my interpreter. I asked how Hit health accum.t stood in ibe rccimeut, aad they answered sijrnifi- aatly that maDj were ill, but few in hospi Uls. Then the fairer and younger fellow ciLd; rather painfully, added: "The doc- one . of our 'iW lcY PArried him to :yii. iut'uutior came oul wuh btbipinJdccIarc-1 he was not dead, t weet tun, ot course over tho lees Ukm neat Stn PCS. Piiitllm mvr rlinn jarally sons, so everybody laughed at lukl, through my interpreter, that tho jMTunnia Dad on, but that they wcarcfaj in tilking thus to stran- "borne might believe you serious, TT 11 " 8cri,JUS as GckI knows," j wa acswcrel. "lho doctors always t-:can lerorc letting bim into tie rt,wanJaBr ripieiThe will die tin- - Lip.u A they spoke, a melan- 7V reicn lettered round the corner of 17- face was waxy and blood- rr1 rJ f swollen; his white shirt clung ca a th soaked with rain. He ,upoQ the bench ttry;P luootners answer- fcn b 7 lu at inau P11 ne 7"! Hospital, I suppose." to tie il . , VCry ,rCC,y ln lbt l?cctoral Commission he lver hadany real con ijrtfL aiP ration of a question be tot onlv r-J i.iL- . ana power -01 tue fW nu?ral,n. together with all r; t TkI uI J01 8 conne:teil 'Jil, "T1 aoagwl it in the past 4hU?&U rttain thc Admiuis- Tii l'HDt Q arbitra- .Uwr vf the Klco'oral Com- 'rW0' was vat m5S"t 'e uT? HJrinS tbc power and ?4V3ft 10 Uar tho polili ' fie f i1 bi finally cW 4. IQrttc:morc ncrrr libM thA "fpairjdple, bclievinc Wa! ?lrrclion of Democratic Gen'ISup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AO- -r r: . GUSTA RAILROAD. J I Wilniington, N. C, June 1, 1877. ! I ' : CHANGE OF SCHEDULEj On and after Sundav. June 3di the follow. ing schedule will be run ion this road: DAY! EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN,(daily except Sunday.) . Leare Wilmington j.i 12 15 P M Arrive at Florence....'. 5 DO P M Leave Florence.... J. 12 30 P W Arrive at Wilmington... 5 20 P M NIGHT 'EXPRESS TRAIN (Dailj).1 Leave Wilmington. 6 00 P M Leave Florence i ' 10 05 P M Arrive at Columbia 1 11 A M Arrive at Augusta 4 32 AM .keave Augusta 8 23 P M Leave Columbia 11 39 P M Leave Florence 2 45 A M Arrive at Wilmington 6 40 A M This Train will only stop at Flemington, Wbiteville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timmonsville, Sumter and Eastover between Wilmington and Columbia. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Dailj, ex cept bnndays. ) Leave Wilmington. Leave Florence Arrive at Columbia- Leave Columbia. Leave Florence 4 30 A M Arrive at Wilmington.: 12 00 1 M 1p3T- Passengers for Augusta and beyond should take jNigbt Express Train from Wil mington. , , ! Through Sleeping Cars on night traim for Charleston and Augusta. ! i JAMES ANDERSON,' June ueneral bupermtenaent. The number for January begins the nine teenth volume of this Magazine, and while its Pt record will it is honed be deemed a safficent guarantee of future excellence, co effort will be spared to diversify iu attract ions and to provide aa increased supply of POPULAR HEADING IX THE L EST AND MOST EMPHATIC SENSE. CAPT. OLIVER, A Wews Paper, i i published every evonin Sudu Jiy The great object and constant aim of the Mndnotnn trill fninM, kKt ..'-:). W ILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Literary Entertainment of a. Refined and ivariea Chapter, as well as to present in a Saturday, July 14. , I graphic and strikingmanner the most recent General Intrest ; in a word to render Lippin cott's Magazine strikinglv dutinctive ia Shippers can rely upon the prompt I THOSE FEATURES THAT aHE MOST cailincr of stcamera aa idrertWl. i I IX MAGAZINE a.aruugflAiiusOi Aiaamg- The contributions now on hand, or speciallv i j r ti.:i- j t i t bbm t . I A v. i. it . i . - tu auu iruia jruuaueipnia, ana y rOmPI I c"fccui embrace a aigmy atiracuvc liat oi JJlSDatch guaranteed. I Tales, Short Stories, Descriptive Sketches WeMefs UnalirijeI..,;Dicti::iri FOR TUE SCHOOL U 4 ,f v 3,000 Eograviogs ; 1,810 Price $12. l agts yttirto excepte -AT 5 A ' Year 9 2 30 P M 2 20 A M 10 10 A M 4 00 P M Or 50 cents a month', strictl y in .ri . , advance For Freight Engagements' apply to A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, Wilmington, IT. C. L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. -. j REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent. Corner Lee and Light Strect5, Baltimore. july p 1 , CLYDE'S MeM AND " Wilmington, N, C Steamship Line, i 1 .The Steamer f apers on bcience and if Popular Essavs, Lit- Vont The Reading Public are respectfully inform WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD COMPANY. ed that it shall be thc constant aim j prietor to furnish them with the pro- iirifW -' 'ration of a oiicstic "H"" lllcmcnt, 1 ik? W 'rom SCO Represen- rus one L vt.i Si ..ii1. l0WW3 OReen indi- ir .lV" lrsa from fiRccn indi- .,tilJw 2cdemcnt of chance, not l-j, .r loroogb a new election. of the . secrecy. ,mrrovidencc with which carried, through Rut the vporo to the nnriM nf ilia tv a I !iCh Tvere anxiona above all W iSot of almost anv kind, ik pricc wd " k was prc- 1 tS , bccam th rcprrr ca Cdriirw 0Q,-r representative of tha 1 - tun.?13 The events which W cm0 80 much Public attcn ,rrhxn!Q,and lh disclosures IWyolW, Mr. Tildcn only ns thc loSical out- Office of GenTl Siterintendent Wilmington, N. C, tjune l??- On and after Sunday, Jun 10th, 1877, Passenger trains on the Wilmington k Wel- don Railroad will runi as follows : j DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at ; b 35 AM Arrive at Weldcn at 12 40 P M Leave Weldon 11 40 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. I r Depot at J 5 40 P M NIGHT MAIL A5fP EXPRESS TRAIN. PAlLl EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 5 35 P M Arrive at Weldon t 2 2QA M Leave Weldon, daily t! Is A M Arrive at Wirmington. yroiit St, i ' ! , . TJepat at......?....... : I 12 00 M The Day Train makes close connection at Weldon for all poinita North via Bay Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Rich mond and all rail routes. Night train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. Pullman's Palace Sleeping Qts aced to all Nigb$ Trains, and. 'thrftug rm Wil- mipgtfin tQ ncftmo.aa. A LIVE PWSMPER, containing the latest news of the day, and en deavoring to keep its readers fullvjinfornie in regard to events of interest and importance occurring in every quarter of the world,- OUR DAILY MARKET REPORTS ! i jWill full and correct, andwil! "oj kept open until he latest possible moment. Mer- I ' chants in thc citr and cbuntrv mar r rct as- Narratives, Pa Art, Poems erary Criticisms, Etc., Etc., BY (TALENTED AND WELL KNOWN WRITERS. , A large proportion of thc articles;ispecially mose aesenpuve oi travel, will be PROFUSELY AND BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED The pictorial embclishments of thc Magazine constitute one of its attractive features. In addition to the General Attractions Lippincott's Magazine, the Publishers jivould invite alien u on to tnc loiion mg SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1877. I. A new icrial Etory, t The XHarauii of Lossic," by George MacDonald, author of "Malcolm, "Alec Forbci.," "Robert Faltoner'etc. To those of our readers who are familiar with "Malcolm," this new story from the pen of this distinguished writer will need no re commendation, and his reputation is a guaran- vec w uLucrs ui a uyepiy lnieresiltlg ami powerful story. It began in the -November number, which issue, with the December part, will be furnished graits to all new subscribers for 1877. . llutratcd s.trii tif yVi-tcho Of ?"Lr. BENE FACTO R, CAPT. JONES, ! WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK ON SATURDAY, JULY 14. Swedish Scencrv and Life, by Prof. Willard Frisk, author of Cornell University., who is throup-hlv familar with Sweden and its people from personal observa tion. I 3. A series of popular papers on rt and Art Matters, . by Edward Strahan (Earl Sbinn), author of "The New Hjperron' etc. 'gu Shippera-c&jn. rely upoa the'prorapt sailing of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to A. D. CAZAUI. Agent, Wilmington, XT. C. L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent ,M;.r -CLYDE A co., General Agents, Papers and tetters from Taris o iiuwiiug uxeen, or rier u, n. k., Aew lorK. 4. Illustrated Sketches of Travel, entitle by Edward King, authorof the "GrcatSoatb" etc. 5. Mrs. Lucy II. Hooper's Interesting and Piquant ' " 4aly 9 jun'e 11- JOUN F. DIVINE. General Sai,crintendent. Gardening for Profit ! If you wish to beconje z Cpimrtial Florist, t read i Practical Plorticnlturc If jou wish t Garden f jr home uss j only Gardening for Pleasure ! All by Peter Henderson. j Priee Sl-oO each, postpaid, by mall. sured that they will be f tiiable. The Wews Columns 9 V ill contain the reports., bota of news and at noon, markets, received here each day; and the LOCAL Di E P A R T M E N T Our. i Oonibined CATALOGUE EVERYTHING i FOR THE for Numbring 175 pages, with 1 colored ; plate, ! gent ! f o-all customers oi pasi years, or iu iuuc havo purchased any 'of the above boqks ; to qherg op receipt of 23 cents, I Plain Plant or &eea caiaiogues uuv plate, fre to applicanU. i PETER HENDERSON A CO.J Seedsmen, Market Gardehers and Florutj 35 Cortlandt et, Acw or, i jan 13 , j " j i G600 PIANOS FOR S250. in And all other styles in the same proportion, cludinjr Grand, Scuare and Upright all Fnut-Cmss sold direct to the PsorLK at Factor t Prices. No agents; no commu eiona : no discounts. Thee pianos mad one .... .i . i pl: OI U)0 tluesi aupiajs ai uie viecnit taui bition. and were nnauimoasly recommendedf for the HIGHEST IUONORS. New Manu factory one of the largest and finest in the world. The Square Grandd contain Aiatn ushek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement iu the history of piano making. The Uprights are the Fisux W Aviate. Dont fail to write for Illustra ted and Descriptive Catalogue, mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., apL 14 ' No. Broadway, Y. The Ceriterihia! rj THE COOLEST SALOON IN THE dry, and continues to faraiih forth refreshing drinks, fine cigar aad turtle, clam or jtgt fable aoup everj day. Come, je hangTr aaa eat for nothing and .ye Ibiritj aaa-drinx for a comideration. i , JOHN CARROLL, jane 27 , Proprietor. Has been rlaced in careful and experienced hand?. Friends in the section of country con- I ! i . nectcd with this city,, will greatly oblige the Editor, and will contribute additionalj int?r- I , i est to these columns by fcrwardicg any items ofaewsthat a7 occur ia their respective localities. all correspondence; On matters of general interest will be gladly received, but our friends must bear inmiod that thej must write only on one sde cf the paper; that they init forbear uielesis verbi age. mu3t correct their own manuscript and must avoid abusive personalities, j 8 A re liable name must be furnished w ith each com munication, as the Editor will not be held ac- countable for the view3 or language of cor- 'i ' -respondents, j , qffice of OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD. TN ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR SUBSCRI- J- bers with numbers due them, we shall re sume the publication of OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD on March I5th, and complete the IVth Volume in monthly parts. No new subscriber will be taken except for thg bound volumes three of which hare been issued and the IVth will be ready in June. We can sup ply our old subscribers with any back num bers, except September and .Oct&ber, 1874, should they need any (to complete their files. will be continued through thc year. :" e. J She Beauties of thc Rhine will be described in a richly illustrated series of papers. 7. During the year will appear a number of handsomely illustrated short article, de scriptive of Life, Travel, and Adventure in the United States, England, South America, Japan, Mongolia, and other countries. - a nbw rnAcuan. i To the .1,09 Ulustratlonsheretofore- U 'Web ster's Unabridged, wc hare added fourtfei Colored! Xlluitrationi, ccgrarvd expressly for the" work at largl expense. , ,x t, r!7 crcrr Sute Sepcrlntcndeat of I ubhe ln?truction in th TTnSnn. er mrttt. ponding officer, where such an oat txltU, baa recommended Webster's Dictioaarr. ia the strongest terms; Among them are UtOM of Eastern, Northern, Middle, Southern, amd estern States TWENTY-EIGHT Ja alL The State of NEW YOKKbaapUced 10,000 copies of Webster's Unabridged la ti many of her Public Schools. , - , The State cZ WISCONSIN about 1.000 nearly every school. . x. i Tho State of NEW JERSEY 1,600 aearir - . j - j . inoBUKoiaiuuiuaX made trorWot for all her schools. - The SUte of MASSACnUTETTS hlll.p- The State of IOWA hai school. , The State of CONNECTICUT haa made provision for her schools. f i ' I pgr Our 3,000 schools In INDIANA fere supplied during Hie year 1871, andnjanv more in lh73 and 1674. , .. In other SUtes many copies have been pur. chased for supply ing .chools of titles. coaa ties and towns. . , What better invcatmcnt can be siade for schools ? , ' Morc than ten times as many are told of ebter's Dictionaries as of any other aeries in this country. . . - At least roiR-ri Ffli! of all thn'arfirwT.tviA published in this country own Webster as their standard, and of the! remainder few ac knowledge ant standard.! H i Punched by G. A C. MERRIAM. f Springfield Mass. IOWA has supplied her dcc'J TIIEl HIGHEST HOIJOCS AT T1IK CENTENNIAL EXIIIBIIIOM. Li The judges unanimou.! recommend tb ' I ! " i MEMDELSSOHN rou Tin: '. ,f. Diploma of Honor and Heial of Unit. Placing them in the Front Rank Without a StiDerior Mi mm , TK1C?S fOa BOPJiP In Cloth $2.00 each. volumes: Half Calf $2.50. i OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, FOR SALE BY ALL BOOK AND NEWS DEALERS. TRICE, 33 CENTS. Terhs. Tear Subscription, $4; ' Two cop ies, $7; Three copies, $10; Five copies, $10' ; Ten copies, $30; with a copy gratis to the person procuring the club. Single number 35 cents. ' i NoTiCE-The November and December Num bers containing the earlier chapters of "The Marquis ofLossie'will be presented to all new annual subscribers for 1877. SrECiXEX Number mailed, -postage paid, to any address, on receipt of 20 cents. gsSS To Agents a Liberal Commission ill be allowed. Address. J. B. LirriNCOTT, & CO., Publtsherr:, 715 and 717 Market bt., Philadelphia, jan 5 . Sonlnem Historical Monthly. This Magazine, two numbers of which have been printed, will occupy the same relation to the entire South that OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD did to North Carolina, and, in all respects, will be as worthy of conndene and support. For detailed -description of this Monthly and for thc opinions of those who have the initial number, we refer to larger circular. Subscriptions are solicited. Terms, Invariably ix Advasce : I 12 months $4.C0J j 6 months $2.00 Addrew, I - SOUTHERN HISTORICAL MONTHLY, Raltigh, N. C. - ; - ' v. i LOCAL AGENT WANTED. We want a good, it liable man to make a personal and thorough c invas off this Citv and vicini ty, to 9e HAND'S LEW .YORK CITY BUSINESS 1) KKCTOkY, for 1877-8, just Lued. .This wor k contains a full and com plete classified lUt of all the IMPORTERS, JODUEKS and "MANUFACTURERS, with their Street and Number address. It is, witbJ out question, the most complete, the hand somest, cheapest end popular work of the kind ever issued Every Merchant, Manu fjrtnrpr. or Business Man needs it. It sells rapidlv at One Dollar per copy, ana uoru inf yVP1PV a handsome proGt to Agents, who are making I Wnl I l EL Y from Two to Ten Dollars per cUy wag ADnly.with rtforenees WALTER HEUGH A juneO ! Park ; ff -XV w Sefrfer3li5Ltne Fur tstriitly Crut-clas initrumeata. f s;00 fur SUoO. for 276. $700 for;S.'J00. $7fJ0 for $325.i $800 kr $.V,0. $900 for $400. $1000,f.jr J?l00.l :'" No Cu2j;mit.-:'ii. to Agents.- ' it j No DiKouhts to Ttaclicn. .. Nu Deviation, In Trice. The Mendelssohn! GRAND, SQUARE & UPlilGT. Pnamios:';: Coritain valuable ratcnts 'and Improt rmesUl never before Introduced. lt y WlATHUSHEIt'C: New Pate5t DtPLEi, Orcisracite Ecilx, Is thc greatest advance in the history of Pia no making, producing the most as ton LA Log power, richness and depth of tone, and a s? taining singing quality never before attained, being a "Grand Piano in a Square case." ' Tho Mondolssolin Upriffhta ARE THE FINEST I? AMERICaI ',;'.! They are pronounced the "Flinos of la 1 . . r i t m I t Hi MARK wi claix roa tdi ixrcovEd! to CO., Publishers, Place, rew lore. JUST RECEIVED, A E. A M. BOLLMAN Even before a type was cet for the first Lssae, was an exceedingly Cattering one, and is i i probably the largest bona fide li;t with which any newspaper in Ntrth Carolina ever before began publication, and u now rapidly oa the Increase, especiailj on the various railroad II" lines. . . JOG1X JAIiQS, - ' i Earroa Aho PmoraicToa, Office oa Second street, between Prin cea aad Cbesnat, near the roitofSoe. as SAMPLE LOT OF fS VINEGARS, White Wine, Pickling and Cider Vinegar, 1 Also camcles of ! cnoicu czLaxiziso. It pays to give me a cIl before putchas in- ebewbere. W. . BUHM ANN, i juncj 20 Lippitt's Row, South Front sL A LWAYS ON HANDAND CONSTANTLY BECEIYIKG I 1 " " - I ' a full line of Drugs, Medicines, Cfcenica!, jFacj Article, lei Oar Cigars are nnrarpasseiL ' . - 4 JAMES C. BUNDS. Third SL, opposite City UalL Ijalj 11 SEWING IN QThe following specific points of superiority: 1 Great Simplicity ln Construction. 2 Durability.' 3 Exceedingly Light Running. 4 Still Running. Noiseless. 6 Performs all Varieties of Work. 6 Beauty of Finish and Workman- ship. 7 GREAT REDUCTION in Price. Machines seat on trial before payment is re quired ; written guarantee to keep machines in order for five rears given with each ma chine. Wit Pat Ot Paxcaa T For circulars and particular, Address, THE WHITNEY MFG CO., daett: !: PaUrson. N. J. iMAscfAcv ar A Waksscoxj; ' ' Nos. 1I0, -193,: 404.4m A JOS.Wttl Nos. Ks, mo,bQ2 804 . SC3, li C70 loth Avenue.. PIANOS SENT 01J TCllLf i . .' "i-fc, IlluitrateJ and dcicriptire Cattiorat mailed free. ' i , : natural Mineral "Waters. A POLLINARI3 BRUNNEN, aad HUNY ii. AD1 JAN03 BITTER WATER, la Orig. inal Packages, kept constantly on band. Orders for other reliable brands filed promptly at Importer's Prices, W. J. BUHMANN, jalj3 Lippitt's Bow, Soxta Front St Mi:NDEI-S.SOIINriO CO.V uLi:;tia orrlcr. :. ; No. GO Lroadway, N. Y. it feb 21 , Dovn With High Prices IS MY MOTTO. I am .selling UoiUts ia lain, Shaded, Spatter-Work, and L'Uck Perforated Boards, at TEN CENTH. fcUrer Board and Chromo Mottoes, aonvetalsg' acv,' very cheap. Also, the Latest ti tyles 11 otta Frames. Silver and Gold Perforated Board lirge eiie, only 2ic Call and see these god, at T. U. II CAT IPS, july 3 II llarket EU -1 i Paintintj. WHERE YOU CAN GETYOURIVit Ing done with diipatcb,, neatnets a: J . at reasonable rates Is at ' CC PARKER'S PAINT 8U0V, , on door North of Old Jail ImilJ ea TtS-; cess rtreeU HOUSE, ELIIP anj UlG.f ; Painting done and satisfaction gnaraatecd. Great care If given to its all jobs.-cajlG