WOMAN 'stlnrfrrloiitf heaven, within bis tranced spell white wWd, Hi" "lumbering near ; .inrbfcf the sleeper's breast. u rt fts wf- ssand called it l xfwtoej n hits v nr ' - Chinee wme fctalns of rust Arl C rfflons yet remain, I poo hr Urk of tkxl ownInt. " 'mdlnsi11 Austria. .-.W officer contributes to a An A rran account of a duel which '.lneranaccouu tJ.r-:tiresti state Anfnin tf. , f Maria Theresa. ,1 ecii " i aur tftoev vhaac; Jionor trifled with has the rightof using Ss,titionn insult f i tc trial bj court-maTt.al. . ; - - - t M . . . .t.., I.,, nf M:iria Theresa is JfctslHt hi'1 l"at an officer who( 3 ttriick. cannot -be rehabilitated . ganuneotis; " tll-cr Words that the ;Jl) recti Tiro ... IS ir ffH'' ,tvv 1 .. i i tmta bullet throuirli iwrt without hesitation. 1 , ; 1 tit the 'arrlichtJoii: A few years ' . optain of hussars -.lived m one ; of S fast hotel of Vienna, xvnere his regi quartered. He was fire and HtTrarsof aSe, and bclongol to one Jtot&A fimitei'of Hungary; hr was li-Ttd ij " ' -j . - rnfTT T s 11. 'i 1 ' 1 i J i Qctfor.u he "was preparing to leave tbU'a ttpUiu of iotuitry, Barou U ca!lbilaad, ' though4 "Unknown tq Gont 1 , was received iu that fiund- lr manner usual between ofliccrs of tha Jlnstrianarmy.' After talking for some time.CuuntZ asked the baron the tjcct of lis vK-.it, who said that he was Jctfazoutfura ctrUiu lieutenant who uveJ Lira mouey, aul who,- he heard, was Ucppin? with the count. Couut ; defended his fricml, a warm conversation cngucd, and what followed no one knows. An hour later Barou 11 declared in ihe millUry cnc that he had .struck; texo Z- for threatcniog to turn him out vi Lis aparlnicufc. Comrades were nvt n aut 'wg to carry this talc to the young Hpcpmo, irbo ' said, "Gentlemen,' you laov mo H'e enough to be sure that if CarcQ If had struck rne'lie would nqt BAfekfttbarobnl'aIive.,' J jjjj Ut 1 ; Toinike aloiig Btory shortaduol was irrange'I an J theadvejsarics, who were to fight with pistols, .wcreplaced at twenty tirtpaccs distance from Dach other, with Vvtlo aJrance. pa' lh6' 'signal being given, both the officers stepped forward, CcGot Z without attempting to scrcon kicMclf from his enemy, and Baron H presraliog as small a front as possible to ksjatagonist; ; When the distance. had Wn redaccil to twelve paces the baron fired tad was. consequently, unarmed. Cat was strcched on the ground; rt bullet Ijad entered1 his stomcl) aud fsedoat close to bis spine. '. Sbwlj and without ostentation the barg es marched up to the barrier, still sholter--; himself as well as he could behind his fniaad lis pistpi; f Tfio XJood-' was nor' "igiu torrenUfrom the count's wound, tat with the aid of his hands he was cna Wcd to crawl up to the two sabres which i .-cm in te.i.ving tuai no sirucK mc. 91 . n ilrTsa; v. - The i ucstion wa J "l(ia'.coun, who lit fall his ris mnring;.,4lblj rraa is not vorth poffder! The baron .of course dis riml, au,i tno young hussar rccov ""ihij health and his commission, which T h resinctl until he could wipe out i A C? n t . m a JntUedtHiioeoflile, as the vigor of the y i8earl.viife H 'was irSrTger; the We Bird iolr.nl 1nf 11 l.tl.Kr o,l, j,, J Nothing, rvs'cxperlence t.howp,is to ntctter-s SlcmaaDltlers, Il ls a solace to the ngetl, and the best snfe- , T tan possibly uscasabist the lUbu ? U to vbwt " they 4 peculiar! j; tavlsorat the body and cheers Kbeo 3 Pnre ablo and effective, fr JD!ln, upihugo and pout arc mora ibTlIi deVcUrd in age'than tu youth r! ,lfc-! Hostettefs Bitters are an ex .Tv Mniy for those" gainful illsbnlers, Tbry0 fcrllfy the system against thenv JeniJ?1' rrcate undne excitement, aro Pflrtfm thlr actlon njl afe inflnitely ma'S ,1,e UDniteil Rtjmulahti of tiui. easily earneu in tnee time, . but it can bo made in tiiree months by any of either ho U vriiiT.. . m any part of the country tll7taentti S to work steadily at the cm. vhi T" Ult We fnrnlxh. fUM rr vopV in Choral !2wn Aoa nod not be away ow-nu vf? V"e workt or only your pare ui er toT? 8ent who are making uukVm . wqo engage at onoe rSwSM7 At the present time mjt fSSS?.1. l nwulo ko easily and ranidlr W hn.i. "US,U - It cofcts noth tiiR to drwu, i, yrmwia' Outflt free. piwiuie coniDaiariTS. g ivaismg piui Jjfcp and Eupportiug'himself with his wWl,tiith his right he tooKaim with ration. Unpardonable negligence coq's weapon was nucbckpd ? t"Lre tococt it l)rnwlf,a b,eW it out J '0of feiisccooJs ari(jt oll receiving it Bail Boad Linos, &c. Cen,l Supfs. Office, wiLMlNOTON", COLUMBIA5 AND AU GUSTA RAILROAD. , I ; j Wilmington, N. C., June 1, 1S77. , ; CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, Jane 3d, the follow ing schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN,(daily except Sunday.) Lcare Wilmington 12 15 I . 5 00 1' M Id M Arrive at tiorence Leave Florence 1 12 30 P Arrive at Wilmington 5 20 P a NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington C 00 P M Leave Florence 10 05 P M Arrive it Columbia 1 11 AM Arrive at Augusta... 4 32 A M Leave Augusta....1 3 23 P M Leave Columbia L 11 39 P M Leave Florence 2 45 A M Arrive at Wilmington 6 40 A M This Train will only stop at Flemington, Whlteville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timmonsville, Sumter and Eastover between Wilmington and Columbia. TUROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Daily, ex cept Sundays.) Leave Wilmington JjeaveTorence........ Arrive at Columbia Leave Columbia Leave Florence .". Arrive at Wilmington.... 2 30 P M 2 20 A M 10 10 A M 4 00 PM 4 30 A M 12 00 M IpST Passengers for Augusta and bevond should take Night Express Train from Wil mington. e Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charleston and Augusta. . JAMES ANDERSON, june 2 General Superintendent. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD COMPANY. - , 1 OrriCB or Gen'i. Superintendent t ) Wilmington, N. C, June D, 1877. J On and after Sunday, Jun 10th, 1877, Passenger trains on the Wilmington Wel don Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 6 55 A M Arrive at Weldcn at 12 40 P M Leave Weldon 11 40 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. , Depot at.. 5 40 P 31 NIGHT' MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. ' Depot at 5 35 P M Arrive at Weldon at 2 20 A M Leave Weldon, daily at i.... 3 15.A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 12 00 M The Day Train makes close c6nnection at Weldon for all points North via Ray Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Rich mond and all rail routes. Night train makes) close connection at Weldon for all point north via Richmond. Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains, and run through from Wil mington to Richmond.' ' JOHN F. DIVINE, june 11- I General Superintendent. :o:- JAMES GORDON BENNETT, i v n opr'ietor. o:- I O S T A G E F ft E E . ONE DOLLAR riUl YEAR. 50 Cats for Sis XVZonths. An extra copy to every club of ten? THE HEW' YORK ,DAlLY HERALD Published CTcry day in the year. Pp.STAGK FUSS! $10 pa-s for oqa year, Sundays included. ' $B nays for ono-year, without Sundays, $5 pays for six months, Sundays included. $4 pays for six months, without Sundays. $2 pay3 for one year for any specified day oFthc week. SI pays for six months for any specified day oi the week. . . $1 pays for one month, Sundays included. r ! NEYS1)EAIPS SUPPLIED Dailv Edtion...Tv'o and a half cts. rer copy Sunaay Edition Four cents per copy Weekly Edition Two cents per copy Addfc, - NEW YORK HERALD, dec27 Droodwav and Ann gtew orj Koystono Printing ! Ink Co : - : SIASUfACTURhRS OF POINTING IWKS. BOOK AND NKWS BLACK A ' ' 17 north Tifth fltrcot, Philadelphia, Pa- AimUVKSlAKK OF A SUPERIOR cuality, Deing mu" . " f traflfrua?.rX7cTcrr oand of 'ink .old to bof " uPoriorC Jot , BlLk, Quick Dr,ic, ei than any other Inks maaufactufed in the United btaics. i . .me a 1. i ,-;ii convince anv A trial Oi a sami'iu - printer that he has been paying nearly douDie what he should for hi Inks in times past. Put up in kega and barrels to suit purchaser. KEVSTONK PRINTING INK CO., 17 North Fifth Street, d 13 " Philadelphia. Pa. BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. QTILL AT " THE" HEAD . IN piNTING an3( lowest la rricc. ; , ... ' It Vcu will study your iatereitj give me a call ith your. timates before you conUnue your contract elsewhere. , M M ffMLY HERALD. Miscellaneous. THE as y : o :- A News Paper, a published every evynin SuJuJiy cicepte 5 A Year, Or 60 cents a month, sti ictly in a-lTancc The Reading Public are respectfully inform ed that it shall be the constant aim jf the pro prietor to furnish them with A LIVE NEWSPAPER, i containing the latest news of tha day, and en deavoring to keep its readers fully informe in regard to event3 ofinterest and importance occurring in every Quarter of the wurld, ( OUR DAILY MARKET REP0RTS: Wi.l full and correct, and will be kept open until he latest possible moment. Mer- i i ' ' chants in the citr and country irav rcot as sured that they will be thoronghly rHiaUk, i ' The News Columns i vV ill contain the reports, bota of rirws and markets, received here each day at noon, i and the ' LOCAL D P A 11 T '31 E NT lias been placed ( in careful and experienced hands. Friends in the section of country con nected wHh thU city, will greatly oblige the Editor, and will contribute additional inter est to these column.sby forwarding any it':ni3 of news that m iy occur in their respective localities. I I " ALL CO K 1 1 ES r O N f E N C E , On matters of general intereet w.iH be' gladly received, biH W frietua must bear , in miad that theT must 4'rite onlv on one side of the paper J that they niu;t forbear useless verbi age! must correct "their own luanuscrlpt and must avoid abusive personalities. j2lT A re liable name must be furnished with each com munication, as the Editor will not be held ac countable for the views or langua-ei of cor respondents. ""S-' OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST Even before a type was set for the first issue, was an exceedingly flattering one, and is probably the largest bona fide list with which any newspaper in North Carolina ever before began publication, and is now rapidly oa the increaseespecially cn the various railroad line- . I JOSII. T- JAMBS, ! - - Editor ad PaoraiKToa, .- . j . v 'teal Office on Second street, between Pr in eca'ud Chmut,ne the roetoffice, REVIEW Stoamsliip lines, &c. - - - - , - , t " 3 AND "i J. J a i i'Xf.4 Wilmington, XJ. 6., STEAMSHIP UNE. : The Steamer CAIT. .OLIVE!,. .' ; WILL SAIL HIOM BAlTIMOKE ON Saturday, July 14. jks$ Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing f steamers a3 advertised. tB ' Through Bills of Iiading given to and from , Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. , 1 . For Freight Engagements apply to - ' A. Z. Agent, Wilmington, XT. C. L. S. 13ELDEN", Soliciting Agent; . REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent. Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore. juiy o . r 1 I CLYDE'S Mew Vork -AXD- Wilmington, N, CM9 Steamship Liiie, IThe Steamer BEN Elf ACTOR, capt.jOnes, WILL SAIL 'FROM NEW YORK ON SATURDAY, JULY 14. Shippers can rely upon the'proinpt sailing of Steamers as advertised. "" For Freight Engagements apply to A. D. CAZAUZ. Agent, Wilmington, XT. C. L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. v WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, 6 Bowling Green, or Pier 13, N. R., New York. j J July 9 1 OFFICE OF ' OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD. TN ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR SUBSCRI- f J. bcrs with numbers due them, we shall re- I .i Li - - .rntin i Tiff vn i tt sume incpuDucauon or uuft miiu OUR DEAD on March 15th, and complete the IVth Volume in monthly parts. No new subscribers will be taken except for the bound volumes three of which have.been issued and the IVth will be ready in June. We can sup ply our old subscribers with any back num bcrs, except September and October, 1874, should they need any to complete their files. PRICES J'OR BOUND VOLUMES : In Cloth $2.00 each. Half Calf $2.50. SoDltern Historical Montily. This Magazine, two numbers of which have Ut n printed, will occupy the same relation to the entire South that OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD did to North Carolina, and, in all respects, will be as worthy of confidene and support. For detailed description of this Monthly aadfor the opinions of those who have the initial number, we, refer to larger circular -Subscription are solicited. rr t Terms, 1 n variably is Advance: 12 months $4.00. I 6 months $2.00 Address, ' ' i SOUTHERN HISTORICAL"; MONTHLY, feb 24 QUARANTINE NOTICE. a UARANTINE Wll.I. BK IS TOKCE on the lit day f June, 1877, and will con tinue until further notice, as fojlow3 '-. ' All vessels from ports South of Cape Fear wi'lcomejto at the ViciUng StaUon for in spection. All vessels having sickness cfl arrival, cr having had sickness during the vojage, wil await in?peciijm as above without regard to the Port from whence they sailed. Vcceelsnot included in the above classes will proceed without detention All persons interested will please Jake no tice that Quarantine will be rigieMj forced during the coming ho t season under Ue pen alties provided by law for the violation of the same. 1 . CURTIS, U ' Quarantine rhjsician Port of Wilmington. j $1Q S t2Agentsottrhro. mos, Crayons, and Reward, Motto, ScrfpUre hi . tr - . Picture and ynromo Carol lOO samples, worthjM, PPP for 75 cents. liiosTrarea A J. 1L JJGFFORD'S SOXS, BOS1W, n b714 ; iubliilxedl83a. f - - uXIiscoUaneous. PEOSPECTUS FOE 1877. UPPMCOTT'S MA&AZINE, . AN HUSTBATED M0STULY OF I Popidar Literature, Science and Art. Announcsmont for 1877. The number for Januarv begins the nine teenth volume of this Magazine, and while its past record will it is hoped be deemed a gufticent guarantee of future excellence, to effort -will be, spared to diversify its attract ions and to provide aa increased supply of POPULAR HEADIXG IX THE JJEST AND MOST EMPHA TIC SEXSE. The great object and constant aim of the conductors will be to furnish the public with Literary Entertainment of a Refined and Varied Chapter, as well as to present in a graphic and strikingmanner the ruost recent information and soundest view on subjects of General Intrest ; in a word to render Lippiu cott's Magazine strikingly distinctive in THOSE FEATURES THAT A TIE .MOST ATTRACTIVE IN MAGAZINE t ; - ; a: LITERATU UK. The contributions now on hand, or specially engaged, embrace a highly attractive list of Talcs, Short Stories, Descriptive Sketches, i Narratives, Papers on Science and j Art, Poems, Popular Essays, Lit- erary Criticisms, Etc., Etc., BY TALENTED ANDVELL KNOWN WKITEKS. ; I' ' A large proportion of the articles,especially those descriptive of, travel, will be profusely) and leIautifully , i ILLUSTRATED. The pictorial cmbelishments of the Magazine constitute one of its attractive features. In addition to the General Attractions of Lippincott's Magazine, the Publishers would invite attention to the following SPECIAL FEATURES FOR 1877. 1. A new serial story, "The lYIarauis of Iiossie," by George MaeDonald, author of "Malcolm, i'Alec Forbeb," "Robert Fakoncr,"etc. To those of our readers who ar6' familiar with "Malcolm," this new story from the irvn of this distinguished writer will need no re commendation, and his reputation is a guaran tee to others of a deeply interesting) and powerful story. It began in the November number, which issue, w ith the December part, will be furnished graits to all new subscribers for 1877. 2. A prof llustrated series of sketches of Swedish Sccncrv and Life, by Prof. Willard Frisk, author of Cornell University, who is fthroughly familar with Sweden and its people from personal observa tion. 3. A series of popular papers on Art and Art ZVXattcrs, by Edward Strahan TEarl Shinn), author of "The New Hyperion,' etc. 4. Illustrated Sketches of Travel, u d title Pictures from Spain, by Edward King, author of the "Great South" etc. ; - i 5. Mrs. Lucy tl. Hooper's Intercrelng and Piquant ' Papers and Letters from Paris will be continued through the year. 6. . . 1 ' ' The Beauties of the Rhine will be described in a richly illustrated series of papers. - 7. During the year' will appear a' number of handsomely illustrated short articles, de scriptive of Life, Travel, and Adventure in the United States, England, South America, Japan', Mongolia, and other countries. FOR SALE BY ALL LOOK AND NKWS DEALERS. PRICE, 03 CENTS. Terms. Year Subscription, $4; Two cop ies, $7; Three copies, $10; Five copies, J?1'J ; Ten copies, $30; with a copy gratis to the person procuring the club. Single number 35 cents. NoncE-The November and December Num bers containing the earlier chapters of "The Marquis ofLossie'will be presented to all new annual subscribers for 1877. j Specimen Ncmber mailed, postage paid, to anv address, on receipt of" 20 cent". jpf To Agents a Liberal ConiniiaHon u ill be allowed. Address. i J. 13. LIPriNCOTT, & CO., Publisher 7p and 717 Market rhiliulcl.llia. jan 5 i ScrteSSracJinier MARK Taxd. Jnr $5, 1STL i i we ctixic roa the ixraovrs WHITNEY SEWING IN The following specific points of superiority: 1 Great Simplicity in Construction. 2 Durability.' 3 Exceedingly Light Running. 4 Still Running. Noiseless. 5 Performs all Varieties of Work. 6 Beauty or Finish and Workman ship. 7 GREAT REDUCTION In Price. Machines sent on trial before payment u re quired ; written guarantee to keep machines in order for five Tears given with each ma chine. Why Pay Otn Paxcts'T For circulars and particular. Address, THE WHITNEY MFC CO., decW; Paterson, N. J. The Centennial rj THE COOLEST SALOON IX THE city, &nd continues to furnish forth refreshing drinks, fine dgars and turtle, clam or vege table soup every day. Come, ys hungry and eat for nothing and ye thirsty and drink for a consideration. - , -.. : , ; t JOHN CARROLL, jaae J7 . Proprietor. IT. 'N ForTUE school Rt;;,. 3,000 Engrariags ; 1,810 Psgts Qaarto. Price $ 13. - t A NEW ruATxriin.' J To the 3,00 Illustrationseretofora' la;Tfsb iter's Unabridged, wo haTe added foarjaS colored: Illustrations " f ccgravcJ expressly for thelwork. al laxg4 expense. . , .,.- ' Nearly every State Superintendenl,.of Public Instruction in the Union, or corres ponding officer, where such an one exists, has recommended Webster's Dictionary, la the strongest terms. Among them are thoM of Kastern, Northern, Middle, Southern, d Western States TWENTY-EIQI1T In alL The State of NEW YORK has placed 10,000 copies of Web? ter's Unabridged in as tasny of her Public Schools. ' The State cf WISCONSIN ahoat,000 nearly every school. ; The SUte of NEW JERSEY ljS0Oneaily ever v school. i ! Th'e State of MICUIQAN made provision fori all her schools. i . . . The State of MASSACUUTETTS L4 ap plied her schools nearly all. The State of. IOWA has suppliedner schools. - The State of CONNECTICUT has. pads provision for her schools. aer Over 3,000 schools In INDIANA were supplied during the year 167 J, and snany more in 1873 and 1874. ( ,(i..t In other States many copies hara been par chased for supplying schools of cities, toun ties and towns. : . - What better investment can be mads for schools ? - ; ; More than te v times as many are sold of Webster's Dictionaries as of anyother series in this country. . At least Focu-ririiis of all the ichool-bools published in this country own .Webster ss tlijeir standard, and of the remainder few ac knowledge any standard." r v I Putiiehedby O. & C. MERRIAM, dee Springfield Mass. THE - HIGHEST HOW AT THE, CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION The judges unanimously recommend th MENDELSSOHN . 1 for.tiie1;?,' ' Diuloma of Honor and Medal of Herit. ; PlacingHhem in the Front Ksik ' Without a Superior. For strictly first-class Instrnsncats. $(';00 fur 'Jo0. $C50 for $275. .700 fur $300 $b'00 for $S50 .$760 for $3'25. $900 for 5400. . $1000 for $150. ! " ? . Nu 0-'ii;iniiinn tu Acnlfi. . Nl l)i:,cU:iits tj Teachers., , ' No Deviation 'in 'Price. The Mendelssohn ! GRAND, SQUARE & HPltlDllf 4. Contain valuable patents land : ImprOTcmeaU never before introduced.' ' ni a t u i cur; r 'r?t i sirs ia w w a ' ..... New Patrnt Dctlex, OtcsbtrCXO Beit, Is the greatest advanco in the hlstor of : Pia no making, producing tho most astonlshiog power, richnesj and deth of toae, and i iu taining singing quality never before attained, being a "Ciraud Piano in a Square case." Tho Mcndolssohn, IJpnffhts a nr. Tirn fixtst in America, i They are pronounced the "Pianos f th' MAMcncToar & Wassbooms I ! . .' ;os. -190, ,40i, 494. 400 40$,Vest ' 67th St. Nos. S8, 8G0, 8C2, SC4. 8C8, A. S70 loth A venae, ( . 4, , . PIANOS SEUT-OM TrjAL. ' i 'i "' ... lii-cv. Illustrated and descriptire Csisiogus ... , mailed free. ... " ,(' M I-NDELSSOUN. PIANO CO; Dtpwi orricx : r - V Xv. GO JJroadtcay,.N. ,Y. i ftb 21 J J. SHE P can he found ., , ON NOItTII SIDE :MARIIirr.ST., Between Second and Third Sb.. :, Ready and willing to do all kind ot PAINTING, GZAZIUQiCiC. ." . ... i Spectacles and Glaczcav : t r : rpiIE LAXnEST AP30RT1IENT ' EVER offered In this city at pricva rangla from 2i cents to $10. Call and examine for yoorselm. jane 19 J. II. ALLEN, FltS If COulPETITIOn ilalne ' -ALLETT & CO.; POXt ... July, 6. . 1 7 1

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