i '"The Mallf. Thft Malls close and arrive at the City rofttofilce m follows : rrMt Northern through malls - - - 4:1? P M Northern throngE and way inalls. 0:1j A M Mail lor ua ix. u. anu a. . v.. Ballroads, and routes supplied thmfmm - -- -- -- - 11 1 1 Southern mails for all points South, tn . - - - - - o:w i Werterh malls (C. C. R. AV.) daily (exoept Sunday) - - - --,NJ 1 -1 rAwtterille. ana omces tm uui-j - l.DQ 1" A Fear Hirer, Tuesdays and I'ri r1- --- Mails for points along line of Cbe w A Darlinzton ll 11 - i - Fayetterilla by 0. C. It. W. daily. (except Sundays) - 0:00 A Mails foxjpointa between Florence &nd Charleston ------ 11::;: J a Onslow CH. and intermediate of fices every Friday - C:W A M Smithvllle malls, by steamboat, dally, (except Sundays) - - M Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek eTery Friday a V ------ I ARRIVE. Northern through malls Northern through and way mail. Southern mails - - f !arollna Central Railway at - - Malls delivered from 6:u0 A. M. to 7:m 1' M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to usw A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. t I-M., and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order and JWister Departments open same as stamp' office. 8tampsfor sale at general delivery when stamp office is cioscd. Kej Boxes accessible at all hours, day and Mails collected from street boxes every day P. M. o:0 J 1' M 12:1 P M ..K) P M 7M) A M li:: A M to tro CAROLINA. Best peaches $1 a bushel in Charlotte, reaches 10 cents a peck in lioefcy Mount. The Wilson City Physicians arc into organization as a Hoard of Health. Mr Almon llart, a prominent citizen of Edgecombe, died at his home on Tues day last. S. T. AVilfong, of Catawba county, made 82Gbushels of wheat this season 22 bushels to every one sowed. The Iredell Blues, of Statcsvillc, wil hare an excursion to Henry V, on Tues day, 7th of August, to raise funds to ena ble them to pay for their uniforms. Hickory Press : Ilev. II. X. Jovner, ofthil place, a Deacon in the Episcopal 'Church, 'will be advanced to the order of Priest, at Iho convocation in Morgan ton to-morrow. Jerry Everett, a half wilted colored fel low, was bruitally murdered by three nc Sro roughs at Rockingham, on Monday last. The murderers were captured and are now in jail Rocky Mount Mail; There is growing orrthe lawn at Cool Spring, the residence of Cant. T. W. Rattle, of Edgecombe, a Caladium Esculcntum, one leaf of which measures 401x30 inches. Wilson Advance : Wo have received a note from Mr. Alex Greene, who has just brought a supply of young shad for the Yadkin and Dan Rivers, who informed us that he has returned to Massachusetts for another lot of 200,000, which will be dis tributed in Tar River and Contentnea Creek. ? Rocky Mount Maill; Mr. I. II. Edwards, who lives in tho neighborhood of what is known as the "Mann" gold mine in' this county, was in town on Tuesday with rocks in which tho day, between one Hugh Reavis, of War ren county, and D. L. Stone, of Franklin. It seems that there had been something existing between these two men for some time, and on Saturday, they met at- the above named place, where the difficulty occurred. A, man named Frank Best, of Warren, took sides with Keavis, ana two men (brothers) Frank aad Tonnie Ed wards, from Granville, sympathized with Stone A general row ensued. Tonnie Edwards was very severely cut by liest, and it is thought "at this writing (Mon day) by his physicians that it is very serious, and that'he will not recover.- IVst received a very, severe blow on his beau just above the right eye, from a club in the hand of Frank Edwards., All the rest, as for as wc can learn, escaped un hurt. Xoue of them have, as yet, been arretted. s A Clever Cossack ami his Horse. Many storied arc told of the cleverness of the Cossacks in obtaining what they need for themselves or horses, and all tend to show that their morality is of a different type to that of European civiliza- tion generally, borne oi tne stories may possibly have been invented, but they how the general tone ot leehng, ana wnat COIIHERCIAL NEWS -WILMINGTON MARKET. joxt a a x jyx.t SPIRITS TURPENTINE Is officially quo ted at 30 cents, but is freety offered at that figure without buyers. J i ROSIN Firm at 1 35 and SI 10 per bbl. for Strained and Good Strained. sales of 720 bbls Strained at $1 35: 500 bbls Good Strained at II 40; 27 bbls (M) Tale at?3 2.j; 50 bbls (G) Low No. 1 at 81 75. TAR Steady at SI 85. gales of receipts at quotations. , CRUDE TURPENTINE We quote Hard at 51 25; Yellow Dip S2 10; Virgin $2 3V Sales of receipts at quotations. fmTnv T)n 1 1 and nominal.- No wiles to report, ....... ' 12 13 UX 9 11 7 6 13 1 l5 10 8 DAILY BECEIPTS. Cotton . Spirits Turpentine........... Rosin... ... .. t.... Tar Crude Turpentine - bales 409 casks 1.234 bb!s DDIS bbls 24 t oO ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette Vlllft. Wllltnmn A Murrhison. Steamer Underhill, Piatt, Smithvillc, O G parsley & (Jo. . Vz rvnnrfo.1 fmm khw flnaint tptVIms. Steamer is or tli Iast, l'audison, l ouu merry iroups. xa.&iiuii viuuuu -me streets of GalatZj the thin,wearj looking Iiorse of a Cossack fell suddenly, and lay appcarently lifeless on the ground. Its master was. moved even to tears, and bewailed the unhappy fate which had not only deprived him of a favorite, but left him horseless iust at the most intcrestinsfmoracnt of the war. A crowd gathered around, and in it were men whose kind hearts would not suffer them to leave the poor man without some prac tical, cxjiression of their pity. A subscrip tion was made and the man, taking the saddb from the lifejess animal, went on his way with dried tears, for he had actu ally ept. As the crowd were bending over the horso in pure spmpathy, a whistle was heard at the end of the street. The horse sprang to his feet, and, with a joyful neigh, jjuined his master, whose clever trick was much admired, even, by those who suffered by it. ! ' -t CLEARED. Steamer D Murchison. Garrason, Fayette- ville. Williams A Murchison. Steamer Underbill, Flatt, Smithville, O G Parsley & Co. Steamship Fanita, Doane, New York, A D caxaux. . i ftteamshin D J Folev. Price. Baltimore, A D Cazaux. .... Steamer North East, raddison, Toint Cus- well. HM Foard. Schr W II Knight, Duffy, Havana, Nor throp & LummiDg. s The following quotations represent the wholesale nrices generally. In makintr up small orders higher prices have to be charged. BAGGIA G Uunny...... Double Anchor. Double Anchor " A Standard Domestic BACON Xorth Carolina, Hams, ? m Shoulders, 3b.'. bides, i jd Western bmoked Hams..... Sides, 3b.. ....J fchouldera.. Dry Saltpd Sides, V 3b Shoulders, 3b BEEF On the hoof. BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each 1 75 New York,each, new 2 00 BEESWAX ? 3b..; 28 BRICKS Wilmington, t?M 8 00 Northern "-00 BUTTER North Carolina 3b 15 Northern, 3b.... CANDLES Spenn 3b. Tallow, $Mb... Adamantine, $ set. CHEESE- Northern Factory, ? 3b ... Dairy cream, lb State, ? 3b.. : COFFEE Java, "tf 3b Kio, y 3b... La.uara, 3b.... .... CORN MEAI f? bushel.... COTTON TIES y 3b DOMESTIC I a Mm mm. The Handsomest, the Best Tone, is rjlost Durable Planoo T.lade. " 2 They are Beautiful Rosewood, Seven and ono-third Octavea, with eTery r ' and fully guaranteed. rl heir moderate price and uniform" success fi j T v ....;.!x;sj:;.rt.,u;f-.. for them the position of a Standard of Ecbrjomy and Durability Acknowlodged by all Musicians to bo the Best w 6 8 00 2 1 50 30 10 00 14 09 OVER I rjpiV: in ugp 25 25 00 17 16 00 30 19 24 20 35 40 00 13K 18 17 13 33 22 AGENTS WANTED IN EVEUY COUNTY. 'ADDRESS, ' r M o r, Robert w. smith j Agent, 7 TXniYcrsity X?lacet Hewir 4 1XA 95 Exports. lOKEIGN. Havana Schr WMI Knlj lumber. ;nt 170,0-3'J feet specimen rocKs m wmcn tne precious metal can bo seen to sparkle. He thinks that on liia land there is a gold mine ol grcat richness. Charlotte Observer: Capt. II. Henry Smith, for many cras an allackc of the North Carolina llailroad, has been ap pointed train dispatcher at Greensboro for the Richmond & Danville Railroad and its branches, vice Capt. D. 1. Ligon, who died last week. Charlotte Democrat : Wc are informed that Mr. J. F. llall, of this county, had hia crop of wheat threshed last week with the following result : 18 dozen threshed oat 33 bushels of wheat, and 90 dozen 31 ; bushel?. The total, 13S dozen, pro duced 85 bushels -of wheat. The wheat was perfectly dry and heaped measure. AsheTille Citizen: Mr. Thomas Col lins, of Swain.who has been for some time confined in the jail at Franklin, on the charge of murder, was before His Honor Judge Cannon on the 17th at Webster, under a writ of habeas corpus. 'Hail was refused him, - although he had friends at hand ready to make a bond of $30,000. His friends took him from jail that night while the Sheriff was asleep. Hickory rressi W. II . Kerr, kon of Prof. W. C. Kerr, State Geologist, passed up the road last ' Saturday with about 70,000 young shad and put them in the Catawba river near. Bridge water. This will be about 150,000 that have been put in tne Uatawba in all, and as the dam at Granite Shoals is now fixed for their pass age .we hope our citizens will feel that they will some day realize the benefits cf this movement. At the railroad bridge near Salisbury the train was stopped aud about 40,000 were put in the' Yadkin riv er. Charlotte Observer : Yesterday about noon an iron bucket filled with fire was lowered into one of the shafts of the lludi sill Mine for the purpose of driving out tho foul air, when the fire in the bucket was communicated to the timber in the shaft. This caught fire, and the current being very strong, the flames soon shot out of the top of the shaft, and in a few moments all the timbers, ladders, Arc.,! amounting to about C,000 feet of lumber, f were burned. The loss is the worth of the lumber and the cost of replacing it. It is highly fortunate that the laborers ' were at dinner at the time the fire took place. The shaft is one hundred aud twenty-five feet deep. f lialcish Observer. The Difference. AT man was found guilty in the Federal Court of New York upon an indictment for frauds on the ballot by means of false naturalization papers, and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment therofor. Application was made to Mr: ' Hayes, ' as President of the United States, for a pardon for the man, wc presume on the usual grounds upon which such applications are based, and he refused it. We commend Mr. Hayes highly for this refusal. There can be no graver crime than the crime against the ballot box, for it strikes at the very roots of the government, and whenever men arc found guilty of it they ought to be surely punished and with severitv. liut low docs Mr. Haves reconcile it to his conscience to keep-this New, York man in the Fcntcutiary for ten years at the saniejiitne that hj places every ltadical member of the late 1 Florida Returning Joard in high and lucrative office; at the same time that he places one member of the .South Carolina Returning Board in high and lucrative oflice, and at the same time that he keens two members of the Louisiana Returning Board in Verily, in tho language of Cuffec "consistency thou art a jewelry." List of Vessels in Port July 24tli X K .1877.' .'" BARKS. Staubo, Nor. 321 tons, Gunderscn, Paterson, Downing & Co JLsther & Sophia, Ger, 270 tons, JJurmeister, Alex Sprunt & Son Sundsvall. Owed, 316 tons, Berrstrom, , RE Hcide Augusta Elsa, Span, , Garteiz, Paterson, Downing & Co Sesrunda Frienunfo, Span, VYsasi, Paterson, Downing & Co Ann, Ger, 312, Mohcditck, Parsley & Wiggins BRIGS. Prince LcBoo, Br, 240 tons, Morriss, Alex Sprunt &. Son SCHOONERS. 4; Yankee Blade, Am, 135 tons, Giling, Mat ter W H Knight, Am, 187 tons, Duffey, , Northrop & Gumming Susan, Am, 177 tons, Gardiner, Worth & Worth Sidney, C Tyler, Am, 233 tons, Barrett, ! llarriss & Howell Sheeting, 4-4 l yard. larn: w bunch ......... FISH i i Mackerel, No. 1, $ bbl. ...16 00. No. 1, y Kbbl 9 50 Mackerel, No. 2, ;bbl....l3 50 No. 2, y 14- bbl i 7 50 Mackerel, No. 3 y bbh....00 00 Mullets y bbl .i 3 50 N. C. Hcrrino-. V bbl 5 00 Drv Cod, y to......:.-........' 1 FLO IJR Fine, y bbl. 0 00 Super, Northern, y bbl J.. 0 00 Kxtrado ' y bbl J.. 0 00 Family " y bbl.. .10 50 Vitv Mi!l--Super y bbl... 0 00 IJxtra y bbl... U 00 Family bbl... 0 00 Ex. Family y bbl... 0 00 FERTILIZERS ! . Peruvian Guano, y 2000 lbs. 70 00 1XA a (i (t Baugh's Phosphate Carolina rerulizer Ground Bone, Bone Meal " Flour Navassa Guano, Complete Manure Whann's Phosphate Wando Phosphate, Berger&Brutz'sIios.: ' ' AVilcox, Gibb & Co., nipulated Guano.... ULUlu 1 ID i GRAIN-rCorn,store,p 561&3 Corn, cargo, y 56 lbs...... it 00 00 ".50 00 oo 06 " 00 00 " 00 00 55 P0 " 00 00 " 00 00 00 00 20 00 0 00 00 00 0 00 10 60 4 00 8 00 0 7 00 8 00 9 00j 11 00 9 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 65 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 65 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 THOS. J. SOUTHERLAND, f IVERY AND SALE STABLES, ! Corner Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, N. C. Horses and Vehicles for hire at rea sonable; rates. Excursion parties .to the Sound and country accommodated. may 26 I JTALIAN iySECX POWDER, Wtrrm ed to kill Koaches, Flics, FIm, A Croton Bugs, BBiSffi!? a Lice. Flower B a its. ufS species of Insect. 5600 PIAiroSFOIl cH somest, cheapest and popular work of thelw"r; Ane lwj Orands ediUU Mat. kind ever issued, s livery Mercnant, Manu facturer, or Business Man needs it. It sells rapidly iat One Dollar per copy, and affords a handsome profit to Agents, who are making from A wo to Ten i)ollars per day the same. J Apply, with references, to WALTER HEUGH & CO., Publishers, juneSO , , Park Place, New York. LOCAL AGENT WANTED. We want a good, reliable man to make a personal and thorough canvas of this City and vicini ty, to sell RAND'S NEW YORK C1TT BUSINESS DIRECTORY, for 1877-8, just issued. This work contains a full and com plete classified list of all the IMPORTERS, JOBBERS and MANUFACTURERS,, with out question, the most complete, the hand-1 "ra "J?1 al fl,et l ti somest, cheapest kind ever issued. sc'.linjr 00 00i 00 00 ma- f ; Corn.ycl., y bushel. 1 eas, ..55(00 ... I 9 00 op None. 55 1 25 l 10 1 10 95 80 00 70 00 Miscellaneous. khe utmost oflice? Mayo Church Services. Worship in the various churches ' of th city to-morrow as follows: !t. rAri:s (kvaxg.) luthekan cnuijcii, Corner of Sixth' ami Market streets. Ser vices by the Kev. F. P. Cook at 11 o'clock a. m. Sunday school at 5 p. in. t 1 IKST .L-APTIST CHURCH, corner of Iarket and Fifth streets, Kev. James J I. Taylor, pastor. Services to morrow at 11 a m. and 8 -p. m., Sunday School at 0 1 K. m. Young men's pra-cr mcctin Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. 1 lobular church prayer meeting Thursday niiiht at 8 o clock. . l imy ri;invTLi:iAX chuiich, corner Third and Orange streets, ller. Jos. It. Vilson, D. )., pastor. Services at 11 a in. and 0 'p. in. , m:ami:n"s bethel, on 1 vk between Front and Wa tor streets. Kev. J. Lj Jvcen, chaplain. Services every Suuday afternoon at 4 o'clock, f All are welcome. Seats free. i . T ECOXD PKESUYTEKIAN CHURCH, corner oi i ourtu ana uampoeii streets, Kev. 0. M. Payne pastor. No services at 11 a. m. Services at 8 p. m. by Tier. J. II. Wilson, IX D.( Sabbath School at 4 p. m. I'rayer meeting "Wednesday, 8 p. m. FilOXT STREET M. E. CUURCH SOUTH, corner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. J. K. Mann pastor. Servics every Sab bath at 11 a xn and 7 p m. Sabbath School at 3 p m.j l-'IFTIl" STREET M. E. CHURCH SOUTH, Mtuated" on Fifth, between Kna and Cliun h streets Kev. J. M. Khodcs pastor. Dissolution. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing under the firm name of liinfcjrd, Crow & Co., is this iay dissolved by inutal consent, J h. Crow withdrawing. W. B. BINFORD, J. E. CROW, v JAMES ANDERSON, july 25, 1877. J. LOEB. ! i mUE BUSINESS will be continued under JL the firm name of BINFORD, LOEB & CO., by the remaining1 partners, to whom all claims will be presented in liquidation a d to whom all debts due the old firm arc to be paid. The new firm respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage so' liberally ex- .tendea the old firm. w. li. BLNJb OKD, , - J. LOEB, julv 2C-Gt JAMES ANDERSON. -" 1 i 1 ' - 1 1 Natural Mineral Waters. A POLLINARIS BRTJNNEN. and HUNY X AD1 JANOS B1TTERWATER, in Orig inal Packages, kept constantly on hand, Orders for other reliable brands filled promptly at Importer's Prices. 00 00 Dusnei. ...... i cow, y bushel HIDES Green, y lb ; Dry, y lb..., HAY Eastern y 100 lbs... North Itiver, y 100 lbs.... HOOP IRON y ;ton.....;. LARD Northern y lb iS orth Carolina y lb....... LIME? bbl LUMBER Citv steam sa'wd Ship stuff, rcsawed, "?M ft. ?4 Rough edge plank, y M ft.22 VV est Inaia cargo, r.ccord-1 ing to quality, y M ft... 20 00 Dressed fiooring,seasoned.20 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, y M ft 15 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhdli?ffl 40 Cuba, bbls., y gal Sugar house, hhds. y gal. " " ' bbls. y gal... Sugar Syrup, bbls. y gal. NAILS Cut,4d to 20d,k'g OLS Kerosene, y gal...... Lard, y gai Linseed, y gal.j. Rosin, y gal...J...........U.. PEANUTS y bushel. POTATOES - Sweet,?? bus. insu, iorthcrn, y bbl lb 82 75 60 50 12 20 05 ny3 00 1 35 12 13 0 00 ushek's new patent Dnnl n.-..J-r. 2"f the greatest improvement in i,u? 2 piano making. The Uprights are the turn iw America. Dont fail to write for UmtZ ted and Descriptire Catalojte-mtael tni MENDELSOHN HAK0C0, apl. 14 No. 68 BroiJyV,y.Vt iiirriii d Spartanburg & A. ice Cream 'Parlor. uiufwug! Auui in. rare vreta I vored with choicest frtiU will be keptdarUr the season. Now Route to the Mountains ,arge dlMci0M winb4 kVt.b(iemlW n-m m I can De procured in either thte or the Cbark OI W CSieril n O. ta. I ton markets. Cream seat to aor cart ol tt citj in quarts . and gallons froien, free t charge. All orders tor Cream foe Sondjj must be left Satardars. , 3B- Entrance to Palor on Trincc! St. apl 24 45 PORK Northern, city iress.17 X Aim, ty DDI , Prime, y bbl (extra). lb. 35 45 25 20 10 00 30 70 i5 50 00 ..00 00 00 00 OOjOO ' ' 6 4 27 00 25 00 i- ' .. 23 00 (S35 00 23 00 41 57 38 40 60 00 30 45 10 40 80 00 75 rpiIIS NEW ROUTE IS NOW OPSN J to.the traveFling public. Passenger trains leave daily the Depot of the G. & C. R. R. in Columbia at 12:45 p. m., and arrive at ter minus of S. & A.I R. R. at 8 p. m., where lose connection is made with four-horse coaches for Flat Rock, Hendersonville, Asneville and Warm bprinjg. Passengers will have choice to go through or lie over at v'i rtijfl. l il. r ii x i resume their journey jcarly next morning and thereby enjoy some of the finest moun tain scenery on the Howard Gap turnpike, to be found in Western North Carolina. Arrangements have been made with the W. C. & A. R. R., for round trip tickets at the following rates From Wil. to Flat Rock and return, $15.85. return, $19.85. W. J. BUIIMANN, julv 2 Lippitt's Row, South Front St. BROUGHAM'S COOKE DM EATS RE THE BEST AND MOST RELIA- ble goods packed in this country. They are in use all over the World. Just the thing for I : Summer use. CM. D.IMS & CO. 5 & 7 North Front Street. jnly 12 , Painting. WHERE YOU CAN GET, YOUR Paint ing done with dispatch, neatnes.s aud at reasonable rates is at C C PARKER'S PAINT SHOP, one door North of Old Jail building on Prin cess street. HOUSE, SHIP and SIGN Painting done Sad satisfaction guaranteed. Great care is given to small jobs, may 16 , Rump, y bbl., RICE Carolina. W Jbast ln-Jia, y lb 00 Rough, y bushel I 20 RAGS Country, 1? lb'.. City, y lb ROPli-T.;. SALT Alum, y bushel. Liverpool, 0isack , American y sack Cadiz "il sack ' . SUGAlMCuba, y lb... I'orto liico, y lb....:.i. A Coffee, y lb B " lb. ........ c y ib Ex cy ib Crushed y lb SSUAP iS orthern, y lb...... SHINGLES Contract, yJsl 4 Vuiuuiuu, 'ff 1U Cypress saps y M... ......... 5 uyprcss hearts, t) U.....A 1 50 STAVES W. O. bbl. ?M:18 00 ROhhd. y E.....j.......:...oo oo Cvoress. .) ?!..'..'... ls no TALLOW-rP lb..... 9 TIMBER Shipping y M ...12 00 iuiu, prime per ji 50 Mill, fair per M 7 50 Inferior to Ordinarv,per M 4 00 WHISKEY Ncrth?n per gl I 9 1 4 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 2i 2 6 00 85 00 75 10K 00 00 5 00 60 50 7 00 30 23 00 00 00 10 00 12 IVA 11 14 6 00 3 00 0 00 0 00 u tc (t ia warm Springs and return, , $25.85. , ( i a tt t0 Hendersonville and return, 15 '85. Cant. S. S.Kirkland, of N. C, and for merly of the Air LipeR. R., will be present bn the arrival of thffrains at the terminus of the S. & A. R. RL to see that passengers are provided for andsent forward without de lay. On arrival of trains passengers are re quested to ask for Capt. Xirkland, Passenger tind Transportation Agent. Try this new route. I D. R. DUNCAN, Prcs't. juiy 12 1 -: i ;,: . 1852 1 1877 QUARTER CENTENNIAL "Warranted to give Entire Satis- . FACTION," i Prime Enojoent for a Tear. Less Than Four Cents a Week. MAKE HOME ATTnACTIi'E BY INTRODUCING THE Which for mere than 55 Ttm'hit beet ti buss? ' as is well known all orer the United But. 1 It is published weeklr, co&Uiu eight urgt pages, clearly printed oa rood paper, IUe4 mm vm WAS PUBLISHED AS the with the choicest stories aai ratchet rj Cm best writers j not lewatioad traA, Vi t as a mother is willinr to ba?t bet tmm read. The whole tone of tie ppr bpait and elevating. . ., , It also contains Oiatorkal and Biofriplksl articles ; Scientific ; Agrtealttral aafl new hold Departments ; Fathloa Artklt wecllr, fresh and unexcelled ; Humoroai Xota S 1$ 1 erary Reviews; News Notet? Bojf4 andCW Colnmng! and Strontr and gpsrkliaf rials, etc., etc Isjustwch aptpet ai' rod v loves to read, and the price li WJ TWO DOLLARS A YEAE Sample copy containing dab rH, ete . m on receipt of a 3-cent stamp. Aodrew, rJb. 918 csssrinr' 276 Sansom 8treet, PUUdclpftu, r n n .-J ambeffi 20 00 00 00 00 00 10 13 00 10 00 8 50 AND I School at a ,T. T1PJ3IAS (CATHOLIC) CHURCH, , l)vek strett, between Second and Third mil-vis. JH'imu M.TV1CV3 ! ai i auu W a m. Vespers at 7i p tn.1, Suuday Seliool at ' a m. . ' oa Ctl i:o.)nd bai'tist cnur.cii, i between Church and Tolcislx Observer: Yesterday was de- streets, rreaching at 11 a m and 7. p m. Castle july Washington IMois JJOOT AND SHOE MAKER Repairer. Second strest, two doors from Mar ket. Prices Moderate'and Best References. jan 8 I FREMH'S HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN TLAN. OPPOSITE City Hall Park, Court House and New PostorBce, Netv York. All Modern I mpreve ments, including Elevator, Gas and Running Water, in every Room. T. J. rlt&NCH Jfc BROS.. North Caroina, per sral WOOL Unwashed, per lb w Bscea per id 40 75 18 28 ' 00 00 50 20 30 T TJ T mmA affi S til me I I A' c euro ., . ..r motto of this office when estab- before BENNETT FITCH, to u lished in this citv in 1852 and know through what paper me UV.4'!T has hfPTl arlhfrrrl in om. ainnn All I fnmam - ble Dental operations continue to be per formed by us in the Bame durable! and satis factory manner and a cordial invitation is ex tended to any patron who is ms-satisfied with any operation ever performed by either of us to return the same and have their monev re funded. r 3 d& comPctition as to QUALITY OR PRICES. . THOS. B. CARR & SON, june20' ' ; No. 38 Market St Oardcixlnr to Src 1 If you wish to become a Comaierdal TU : - -.read . . Practical iPIortlcilW1 If you wish to Garden far r a Lager ! r T ? rr r -. . A -win tit LOT OF THAT SUPERIOR Champagne Lager Just in. from the Brewery. JZST- The finest Lager Sold. BINFORD, CROW & CO. juiy t Proprietors. adedlj tne hottest day of the season, the tnenaometcr ranging . higlicr throughout the day than even the hot July daji of last year. Farmers from the country last crenins inform us that it was absolutely necessary to suspend farm operations ' from 10 to 5 o'clock. Three carpenters ia the employ of Messrs. Allen, V&urrhn & Belts, while cnErazeiiin shin 2- ling a liouse roof became over powered by the heat and had to be removed to the shade. Mr. Belts informed us( that he is compelled to suspend, the most pf his out door operations until there is a change. Lomsburj Cornier: A difficulty took place at Duke's Store, about 12 miles north-weit of Louhburg, oa last Satur- by Hew 3p m. evening W. S. Melvin. Sunday School at Keuiar prayer meeting Tuesday at o clock. BOKA TEA! Ser- 500 l inST FREEWILL BArTIST CHUKCil corner Fourth and Dawson streets, vices at 11 a m. and 7 p m. ST. M auk's frnr.riRvn kpiscotaL church. J3 received, corn er of Sixt h and Mulberry streets. Morning Prayer ait 11 o'clock. : Evening Traj-cr at G o'clock. Sunday School at S. Barnabas' School liouse at 4$ p m. On Iloly days at 7 a. m. and G p. m. ST. YA r l's cii c ecu , (episcopa l.) corner of Fourth and Orange - streets. Kev. T. M. Ambler, rector. Services at 11 am and 8 p m. Seats free.- LBS. OF THIS ELEGANT EZXZXIl? TEA CO and 75 Cts- per Pound. Our Unirersal Sales teU the Stoif. Imported and sold only by : GEO. IIYERS', 11 Cz 13 Front Streot. . juiy:5 ; now; is the time to BUY yATEU COOLERS, I. C. FREEZERS, Tin Toilet Scta-and Tin SIcp Jars at reduced price juiy 20 for caib, at i AKJvER A TAYLORS, ' 19 South Front et 25 Z5 TWENTY-FIVE BOXES CHOICE ' . t mm .. mm u mm tdm CHAS. D. MYERS & 0.7 5 & 7 north Front at. jaj 21 FINEST OLD STOCK Pure R ve Whiskey FULL MNE OF BEST BRANDS AT CII AS. D. MYERS & CO'S, july 21 5&7y0rth Front St. Brock's Exchange. fpHE UNDERSIGNED has taken charge of the aboyc Well-known and popular house and will hereafter run it. It will be put in complete order and satisfaction guaranteed to all ot its patrons. , The best of Wines, Qardctxin for jnezitTtl All by Peter Hendcnos. , Prieelf 1.50 eacb, postpaid, J b3- - Onr Combined , FOB TUB C3r ."Sb-Br jcLon colors ... NumWrinarnSpses, wiw , KOt I o U customers of plitT " have purchased anr of Ue aw otheri on receipt of 25 ecott vigars, ana none but the best alwr nn "TJI Tuloxi hA " fiain nan or ocv ,y- - rTiiinit The Billiard Parlors will be open every day and night free to the patrons of the house. JOHN CARROLL, , jane 27 ; Proprietor. I A -if , Office ? Board Commissioners. VI j P EW HANOVER COXSSTT t TN ACCORDANCE WITH SecUon 1? of I a uie Jiacmnery Act, tne Hoard of Cnm- ueiujierj wui meet ai tneir umce on liON- D AY. the 6th dv of Antrtisf. 1B7T mm 9 o clock, p.m., for the purpose of re vising the Tax lasts and Valuations reported to them by the Assessors. . At the imia ; . i .t.-.- Taluauon of their property, or to the amount of tax charged azainst them. Thaw sii vv uat mm CB. Ur II Till I in VAVia.nn la Seedsmen, Uark.t usru.- : tm il , . ' JU AO . i mm,X .mm t.on BSIC ' saleln quanUti to lalrH 8ecdndAt2i!bT Text. . 7.fne.'. complete. - JOHN O. YTAaxxm W Chairman.

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