ms PAFEK "T ccptcdbj ih. 60 cents. lM, ;il be delivered Dy carriers, cUtf' " erweek. -j.i-erDje" w .r . i.-i jTe their papwrcfc -j' rrTnk TValirorth-Tlie If'9t ! linn. A.C. - 4 c no - ViB:r?S rs Gov. Ilobinson to- ,1 r AKank Walworth, sentenced tn for life ft"" tbe Slir1CR-S yj!fPr?u;, city Jane 3d, 184. fciher in lll,S V :a insanitr. It H iDother will start at ...wUbo rf th fact '3f at fork, there is a SnWand it is feared that 'BTriritS anion? them may ,Bri ,ni moment and force anoth-"i,n- f,ri. . which prevents t ilheoiiij " . Y x..Me the men hare oSlinnVonand UHI return to work to morrow rilWV'.tof the Delaware, linJand Western lUilroad, re- . .i nfnrminr him Of ii morning nt Scranton, Fa., got j J Kf nnt KPriOUSlV. 1 WO and a numbcrimured. r miiiM nf the Brooklyn r-jJMJtnncn met this morning and I U to recommend a reduction in fcito.W Mayor, from S 10 000 f,M c-ioft I corporation counsel, nuui .'. .L,. r.nmv rnmmissioncr fire and from .000 to $3,500;-and rtrrasorer, irorn w jiidocliuatotakcrfiectat the end of Wprnint terms ot omcc. WilL-pslinrrp. Pa., savs: jt dispatches from Scrantou state that fKismorninir four persons were p II r'- u a .; m IINI lilim Hvmwvin fd lhat Miijor McKune is fatally hurt xlDis wiie 5U is icjj'jiiw i -i I 1 aterc f resent Co A J J ruKorth CMrnJina Kulroad; Maj Kader. of tLc Jtalefch & Gas LChatlottc Observer. Meeting of Bailroad Men. - Ikrc was nuiteacoizresatioa of rail- dincn in the city vesterdaj, on busi- with eicli other coDDCCtea w.tu tncir :al linen. Tbe followiug namcn gentle Andrews, of j Joh n U ton and Si AngusU Air-Line; Capt V Q jaon nd F W Clark, E3q., of the Car a Centra!, and Messrs G J Foreacre, II lObtfingbaiaaod J Y Sage, of the Atlan z t Chaxlotta Air-Line. Tie kaness between the Air-Line and jroTinx Central ! anthoritics wa s i n re- pritaa abetter sys'em of transfer be- mattne two road in this city. Uipi Ihaxn mil fnl Vnrp.irra aTced UDOn an j'Jffpaeiitof theprcstnt transfer plat- m iac junciion oi vue ruu, 'ramilL indthc hill for the lumber was Jfoctiad forwarded. i IkJacss between the Cajohna Ccn d al the Ualcteh & Aucusta roads a connecUon with the junctions infill le effected between the two imk at Hamlet. The meeting was l $t tb terms upon which the rGar- fvfnirai wll allow the cars oi tue U-Angnstatorun oyer its track. HudHt0niSrinin r.r Shclbv. but ri trrnier.t vimr, n.nt .Tnlmson and jttdetvjs arrived at. These two 3Ven meet at Hamlet ncrt Tucs- J 7 "O warehouse, side tracks, 'i ?LpIalfona' ic- and 4150 to con' we tbe tcraa cpoo which the cars of one r'f'aion the track of the JO' v " Eot ia contemplation at pres 5 n1 kt the llaleigh & Au- wUroad shall run its cnginca and ;uawohlromllaldgb to Cbar to only that a connection of train effected at Hamlet and that ,1 Kaj roa throngh. Though noth irfi,?')cta undcrstand- :U of cocrse W arriyed at, and by thif week , we will havo, two , Ealeisb; with a difference of not r.aoT hundred yards in the dis een the two phecs by either Ike Tmf nfnvlnir f PTlaUoii of the world at the closse TTW.I8T6is estimated at 1,423,- . r-V. k limit it it i . ( -uuug me average s2l? 'ifc ?t 33 years, the r W 434W.60 . a year. Ac- most "liable data, it costs ajerase of $100 to def-ay the y?"Wirinian foncraV lt.therc Eatiors of tbe earth were f5 tbc faneral; bi!ls would iArlr 315,50G,000 annually. JxCT1 :cn1 wiU at an early 'day economisu will . bci Cannot rTifei,y- d-8ed to die cheaper? Sfe tj u Jts t much to get decently l1"- much for rosewood ?luJ? hearses, monumental v?hioiiable cemetery': (lots. and ;Z 55mes. Fashion : is too mrA r i . ... of trtL , 111111 tbe style ; o ki Snails.- Mcmrninr- eood & "Sr T V10 order Ended ftk A Tw Iasl lh0 world ob- tU dia ef sadness are - past I 'Poor L if""- aro Jorgouen. cS?ljr 10 dIeJ a rude H & answers the pur- 'jrfi1" ,lJe Of a bnrfal ri i. PcoQctni, and la'rflany cases r 1 .Daily lEYIEW. -4 VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1877. NO. KiG the living are robbed of the absolute nec essaries of life that the dead may have a fashionable funeral. Speculation in cem etery lots ii now, a feature in real es- iaie transactions, ana mere aru answ cratic avenues in the cities .of the dead as well .as in the cities of the living. 'Pride erects its. monuments n the grand thoroughfares, and the gaping multitude discuss the former opulence of thoso who lio under sculptured marble. The population of the United States is estimated at 49,000,000, which will give, according to accepted deaths-rates, about 1,250,000 deaths annually. Estimating the average cost of a funeral at $100 we have a death tax of abaut $125,000,000 annually, or something over $3 per capita for every man, .woman and clnlu in country. Manifestly this sum is too large. Common sense demands that it shouia do reduced, The discussion will hardly be undertaken by, the undertakers, anpl the livery-stable men may regard it some what hackneyed, nevertheless the fact stands that it costs too much to. die. Indianapolis Sentinel. The Mails. The Mails close and arrive at 1 the City Poatofflce as follows : ( , CLOsr. 1 Northern through mails - - - 4:lo IV M Northern through and way mails. (i:13 A M Alalia for the N, C. and A. fc N . C. Railroads, and routes supplied therefrom - -- -- -- - 4:lo P M Southern mails for all points South, daily - - -i - o:mi x m Western mails (C. C. II. W.) daily . (except Sunday) - v -1 - o:00 P M FayettevlUe, and offices on Cape Fear ltiver, Tuesdays apd Fri- days - - - - - - 1:00 P M Mails for points along line of Che- raw & Darlington K It - - - ll;oO A M Fayetteville by C. C. It. W. dally, I (except Sundays) .- - o:00 A Jl Mails for points between Florence and (Tijarlpston - l - - U:30 A M Onslow C. H. and intermediato of. tires everr Friday - 6:00 A M .Smithville mails, by steamboat, I daily, (except Sundays) - - 8w a M r uiu 'r. i every Friday at -. - - - - - 3:00 P M i AKItlVE. Northern through mails i - - 12:l-- P M Northern through ana way maus. x jl Southern malls - -, -' - - - - A Caroling Central Hallway at - 6:-j0 A M falla .lo11vorPl from 6:00 A. M. to 700 P M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:li0 A. M, ' stAmo Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order ana ltegistcr Departments open same as stamp Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is ciosed. ... 1 , Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and MaVls collected from stree t boxes every day 3:45 P M. . LOCAL NEWS. ' : New Advertisements. See local ad, "Wanted." ' , Dr. Thos. B. Car & Son Dentistry. Jons Carroll Brocks Exchange. Wanted. An agent to sell the Howe Sewing Machine. Exclusive agency of city and county given. An energetic porson who wants to make money will please call at the Manning House from 8! to 10 a. m., and r-om 3 to,5 p. m. ' AYm. E. MasAon, Agt. Hoard of Trustees. At an annual meeting of the St. Stephens' A. M. K. -Church, the following Board of Trustees were elected for the en suing year: 1 v Elias dlalscy, Mills Donalson, Henry fimms, W. Tucker, Edward Dixon, J. E. Sampson) Uenj. Laboo, Kobert Yhite, E Hooper. K. or P. Excursion. U is proposed by Cumberland Lodge, Knights of Pythias, of Fayetteville, to givean excursion to the seashore some time this month, The Knights here arc to join in and everybody knows that, in such an event the best of good times will bo bad. The excursion will probably le made on" tho Gov, Worth, , The Thermometer. From the United jStates Signal Office at this iplacewc obtain "the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock ; , Augusta, 80; Cairo, 73;' Charleston, 7G ; Cincinnati, 70; Corsicana, 75 ; Fort Gibson 73; Galveston, 82;Indianola,82; Jackson dle, 80; Key Vcst, 83; Knoxville, 73; Lynchburg, 75;. Memphis, 76; MobileJ8; Montgomery, 81 Nashville, 77; New Orleans, 83; New York, C9 ; Norfolk, 73 : Pittsburgh, Gt; Tunta l?assa, 81 ; Savannah, 79; Shrcveport, 80; St. Lbuis - 70; St. Marks, 78 ; Vicksburg, 77; Yash:nstou, CO; WHroiggton, 75. Tfte False Alrui. The alarm of fire, about 12 o'clock last night,originated with ayoung man who had taken on board a too liberal suply of the ardent and who, feeling that there was a big fire raging somewhere in his anat omy, wanted the UtOt Giant to come to his rescue and put it out. ; Tbo conse quence was that the bells raDgand the department turned out but as jhere was oo fire the engines and trucks .were put up again and so was the young man.i fie isseTerely sick nml scroaslj $arry tHs mornlcg. Pender County site Election. The long agony is over and one of the niost exciting local contols ever known in Eastern North Carolina, ended at sun set in Tender last evening. The battle has been severe and bloody, but has end ed in the triumphant election of iBurgaw as the County Site. The majority of Bur gaw over all other compctitJr.s, combined is two hundred or over. Tl.c two main places run were Burgawaudooulh Wash ington; liocky Point and Lillintuii were run in some, townships. A friend hands US the, following majorities fjr Uurgaw and South Washington : I Curgaw Rocky Point. . L . 55 Lincoln , . 'Jli Caswell.' .127 Holdeu .... 71 Holly 70 :o. W; liiiigtuu. Grant 75 Union ....... .80 Columbia . L'Ol 410 .201 . 218 maj for liurgaw. The official vote will be declared to morrow at Pender Court House by the Couuty Commissioners ' and will not vary from the above majority of two hundred and eighteen votes, more than a few votes, one way or the other. The Democrats who attended the polls generally voted for Durgaw as the most central and convenient place. Tho lie publicans, who put the Court House two years ago at South "Washington, from mo tives of hostility to the new county, as the most objectionable place on tho Kail road, were divided at. this election mainly between Burgaw and South Washington. The law required that the county site should remain at its present site unless some other point on the railroad secured a majority of all the votos cast. Burgaw secures a majority of over two hundred over I ;,,:ngton, Kocky Point and South Wash:ngton, aud this shows that... it be comes tho county site by the voice of the people of Pender. We arc told that it is a very eligible yl ace, for building up a prosperous town, and we have already published that the Wilmingtou ami WcU don; Railroad will donata seventy-three acres of land at the Burgaw depot to the county and give land also for churches and schools and convey material's free for constructing the public buildings.. The company also will sell land as cheap ?s can be desired to actual settlers, as they own several hundred acres at ' that place. We hope to sec a flourishing, town built up at Burgaw now that this mooted ques tion is settled. It was not a paty ques tion. Some bad blood has been engen dered by th:s hard-fought contest which will doubtloss pass away ap the smkc and fire of the battle disappears. Let all who have taken part in it ;m leaders agree tu forget past differences' and come together heart and hand in working for the best interests of the new county site and the gallant county of Pender. Meteorological- ,Thc foU&ving is the meteorological re port at this point; for the month of July, made by Mr. H. G. Brewer, U. S. Signal officer here. 1 Highest barometer, G0.20G. -inches, on the 23d; lowest barometer, 20.820 inches, on the 20th; monthly range -of barome ter, .170 inches; highest, temperature, 97; on tho 3d, 4th and QStU ; lowest temperature, on the 8th ; mean monthly barometer, 30.011 inches ; mean monthly thermometer, 80.0 ; mean of monthly humidity, 74.0 per cent.; monthly range of temperature, 33; greatest daily range of temperature, 2t, on the ith ; leas't daily range of temperature, G, on the 22d ; mean ot maximum tempera tures, 90.3; mean of minimum tempera tures! 73.0P; mean daily range of tem peratures, 17.3; total rainfall, 9.35 inch es; prevailing wind, southwest; total number of miles traveled, 5,051; maxi mum velocity of wind and. direction, 28 miles per hour, wind southwest, on the 19th; total number of days on which rain fcllt 0 . Sensible Advice , Y'ou are asked every dor through the columns o( newspapers andbyyour Drug nat touse something for Dyspepsia and Liver complaint that you know nothing about; you get discouraged spending money with but little aiiocjw. Now to rive you satUfactory proof thatGnEES Avgust Floweu will cure you of Dys pYpsia and Liver Complaint with all its effects, such as Sour Stomach Qick Head ache, Habitual Costivcness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, ; Water brash, coming up of food after eating, low spirits 5tT we ask you to go to your Druggist arc., we. j iMio -t fiBrrv Ac. How to Detect Adulteration in Vine ' 1 gar. : Procure ten gents worth of chloride of barium, and add-to -a-, wine-glass full of vinegar twenty drops.-: If the vinegar is free from sulphuric acid it will cause no change iu its appearance, but if not it will become milky in color, and if al lowed to stand will precipitate a sediment resembling lime. Two-thirds of the vine gar sold is-thus adulterated, and its effects arc very injurious. No one should neglect to use this test. . 1 The Sunday Magazine. The September number of this excellent manar.ine. one of the best of Frank Les lies' many publications, is already here although August is hardly well establish ed on the boards as yet. This issue is an exceptionally fine one and cannot but be received with favor everywhere. Not only docs it present more matter and of a greater variety than almost any other pc- Lriodical we have seen, but it is profusely illustrated thoughout. Dr. Deem"? stiU remains in editorial charge and his forcc ful and vigorous pen is easily recognized. Published by Frank Leslie, New York, at $3 a year. I , News Items Around the Court House. Justices Gardner and Van Amringc have stepped, down and out. , 'Squire McQuigg has lefj, the employ of Col. Taylor, Superior Court Clerk, and set up for himself as a full-fledged J. P. Mr. David E. Bunting is. acting Deputy Superior Court Clerk. . .' : Major Juo. W. Dunham, Clerk of the Criminal Court, we arc sorry to hear, is qirtc unwell again. Sheriff Manning is putting liis house in order, i. e. figuratively speaking, for the commencement of. the August term ofllis Honor,' Judge Mearcs' Court, which con venes here next Monday, the Cth inst. Cause of Capt. Harding's Death. It was---supposed yesterday, aud to stated in our report of the mattcr.tln!t Capt. Isaiah S.'IIardin'g, of the litile wrecking schooner Wave,- who died vcrv suddenly on the deck of his vessel at Masonboro In let, on Wednesday, ca:ne to li's death from disease of tbe heart, but fhj investi gation made by the Cuo::cr loAcd to a different cause. It seems probable that he was overpowered by the heat and fell to the deck, where h;s head struck the sharp corner of a piece of timber with sufficient force to cause a very sevcry fracture of the skull aud this is thought to have caused bis death. Coroner Hewlett held an inquest yesterday and the verdict re turned was that "the deceased came to his death from wounds ve:civt 1 from a supposed fall. on boa.'d of h:s vcs:..! lying at Masonboro Inlet. " . Fourteen ounces make a pound, is the new commercial 1 arithmetic. Dooley Brothers stick to the old table, and when the public buy Doolkv's Yeast PoWi)i:i; they get full weight and running over'. Each can is marked aud invites a (est. The article is also the 'purest and. strongest in the markct. Couldn't Stand the Pressure. The initiatory exercises of the Good Samaritans, the colored organization who have a lodge room in the Old Jail build ing, corner of Princess and Second streets, must be of a very terrible nature. A new sister was to have becu initiated last night but there was'nt fortitude enough in her to assist the sister through the formula and hence the insistence with which she did'nt want to. This insistence was car- ricd to such an extent that her cries of murder and fire alarmed the neighborhood i and a detachment of police broke up the meeting without waiting for the usual formal it it. Some of the members were carried ' to the City Hall where Capt. FitzgeraldJrcicased them with a repn- mand. I i August. In- the old Roman 'calendar August bore the na'mc of Scxtilis, as the sixth month of tho series, and consisted but of twenty-nine days. JujiusCajsar, in reforming the calendar of his nation, cx- I Will Cure Consumption.- To all suffering from the following dis eases a ray of hope is offered through, the kindness ofa missionary friend who hap sent me the formula of a purely vegetable medicine which has long been used by the native medicine men of Ilindostan v for the positive and radical cure ofComsump ti'on Bronchitis, Athsma, fyatarrh, Dys pepsia, Throat and Lung difficulty,, (ien eral Debility, Loss of Manhood and all Nervous Affections, its power has been tested in hundreds of cases without a fail ure. I now feci it my sacred duty as far as possible to relieve human misery and will send the recipe Fuke of Ciiaim.i: to any person who may 'desire it with di rections for using. Sent by return mail by addressing with 2 stamps, naming this paper, Dr. I O. R. Brigham, Drawer 2S, L'tica, N.-lY." D New Advortisoments. entistry ! ! PRACTICED LVVLL ITS BKAXCilES, and warranted to give satisfac.Ion. Teeth Extracted without j-ain. . Dr. THOS. B. CARR & SON, Xo. .'JS Market SU Best Tooth Paste kept constantly. 0:1 hand, aug 3 I PLEASE NOTICE, rf ' rn We will be gltd to receire coMusaicttioat from oar friendj on any and all labjects of V general interest but : I .1 .11 Hie name of the writer Qt abfja b furnished to the EJi tor. 1 Communications must bJ wiitten' only oa one eide of the rtrtr." i.i ,. . 1 ' ' ' f 1 ersonahtics muit be itoidcd. Audit is especially and parties. larly aodr , stood that tbc cditorldocs not si ways tsdoria' the views of correspondents, nnlesfjso itated " in tho editorial columns. ' ' ; Now Advortisomont8. A Pearl : WORTH II A VINO,: ... . 1 . costing only $L00. f ununuuca emri gairam-, tccd to be eial to any ' 63.00 Cnbiicd shirt in the market ' ,.; Everything, material, ht, nd workman . j - , " ' V ' ship aric guaranteed to be tbe very bealaa'd to surpasd anything etcr offered to the trade. ' Call aud sec the 1'carl. aug A. David. Clothier and Merchant Tailor. ft , 1 Now Goods Just Received. 300 100 200 200 JO ;ug2 BI5LS. FLOUR, frcsb ground, Hags COFFEE, ' . , Boiea SOAl'; Kegs XA1LS, , Packaged SNUFF, The nicest IIA3IS in markct, 1 lluckct?, Erooms, Meats, Corn, ! ,1 . . Hay, Candles, Starch, Ac, Ac. At Lowest Markct Prices. . . J 1 BINFORD, LOEB & CO, NOTICE. Exchange Corner- Tho Groatcst Inducomonis Ever Offered to tho Public. tended it to L-ng' after, A; own, name, thirty days. When, not crustus conferred on it his le took away a day from February, and added it to August, which has consequently ever since consisted of iliHtv-ono davs. 1 his creit ruler was born in .September, and it might have been expected that be would take -that month under bis patronage; but a number of lucky things had happened to him in August, which, moreover, stood nct to the month of his illustrious predecessor; Julius Cesar; s he preferred Scxtil is as the month which should be honored by bear ing his name, aud August at has ever since been among, all' nations deriving their civilization from the Romans. Brock's Exchange. - rpiIE UNDEIWIOXED Lai taken charge of th-3'abovcweli-kcown and popular house and will hereafter run it. It will be put in complete order and gatafactiun guaranteed to all of its patrons. . The best I of Wines, Ale;, I,iiuo:s and Cigars, and none but the best aiyav on hand. ' " 1 The Billiard Parlors will be open every day and night free to th: .patrons of the hous -. JOHN CAKUOLL, aug 3 Proprietor. OLD MADE NEW. ON THE 2STH OF JULY, there will be seen at thc Exchaago Corner, a ditplar., of the liuest assortment of all kinds of Mil linery (toods ever shown to our people, which will be sold from that date until the 4th of August,at exceedingly low prices. Tbe costofgoodd will not bo considered, as these oods must and will be cold. All must Come and see whether they purchase or not. tJoodj in the fancy department likewise sold at a sacritice. t . n n. xx, aruuriT. WOTHIWC . is lV.oreT?efreshfng: ; iu. weather like. Ibis than a glass of ICED CLARET at dinner. We ofl'er this week, Claret. 50 Casos. Claret i of difilrcnt grade?, all very fine s - Tiiis lot wiil be j old at a Lower Figure tlan xi vc tLetn reached ia Ihij market. , . Give us a call an! satisfy yourselves M. ft CIIAS. D. MVERS & CO; 5 dt 7 TTorth Tront Dtreet.1 and ire; a oampc ir: - OUST for !0 wits ana try it, or aKe-nlar ST 75 cents; two doses will reliere you The FaYetteville Excursioplsts. Quite a goodly number of excursion ists, both ladies and gentlemen, arrived here this morning on the steamer Goc. Worth, from Fayetteville, under charter by Cross Creek Lodge No. 1, I. O. U. F. The boat was exiected here last night at 12 o'clock but did not arrive hcFe-until this morning iu consceiuencc of having broken her rudder at a pint 'about GO miles above the city. The party were re inforced here by a number of Wilmington ladies aud gentlemen and finally sped down the river, the La Fayette Connct Band discoursing some of their most in spiring airs as she left the wharf. Raleigh Xacs : The News has been given some specimens of the counter flit siL ver half dollars which are now X&frS r culatid in thU QQrrurdty. They are made of led trashed with silver and can be recognized by the weight, dull ring and color aftr being carried in tbe pocket for a few days." Vhca new they Brewery hard to datcci CJtccpk hy those who are posted as to weights. 1 r pLOTHIXG AND HATS cl v.u Clean ed at reasonable pi ics. Satifaciin uar antebd. C. P. KEMdE.V, i Practical I)y-r and Hatter, Curries block, Second st., betweva Market and Priucesi 7 Julr 30 LIPPITT'S Ice Cream Parlor. iTriLL BE OPENED ON WEDNESDAY VV morning, 25th inst. . Pure Cream Ha vered with choicest fruits will be ke; t duricg the season. - STRAWBERRIES large and luscious will be kept w he n ever they jean De procured in either this or the C!;arlc ton market?. Cream sent to any part ot tho city in quarts' and gallons frozen, I free et charge. All orders lor Creaia for Sunday must be left Saturdays. , I Entrance tol'alor on PrinctsjSt. ORDERS SOLICITED JOR DOMESTIC WINES, ScuppcrnoEg and Concord both dry and swett, from the Tokay Vineyard. W. J. IiUIIMANN, july 30 Lippitt's Row, South Front St. VLWAVS ON HAND AND (CONSTANTLY RECEIVING 4 a full line of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,1 " Facj Articles, Ac. Our Cigar '1: arc unsurpajeed. jnlv 2" JAMES C. X UN 03, Third St., rppositeCity Ualh, Painting. A y HERE VOU CAN GETJVOUR Paint- V ing done with dicpatcb, fteataew. and at reasonable rates is at , i j C. C. PARKER'S PAINT SHOP; ' one door North of Old Jail building on Prio cvti ftreeL HOUSE, HUIP a4 SlCiN Painting done and a tii faction guaranteed Great care is given to smalf jobt. ' miy 1C ; Hot and Cold Baths: ; rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAS niS BATH I ROOMS in perfect order now. and can furnih warm, cold or ibower bathf w may, be desired. - . We canalco fcrnih a first-class shave for 10 cents; styluh Lair cut for 23 ccnti; notacbe dyed for 25 cents; t ham poo for 25 cents. All done in silence and in the latett style too.' ' ? julr 2- I. FUR1IAN8KJ. , A "Bumble Bee" NO "PECULIAR" CJUAR3 ; AT 1 T. H. HEATH'S, jttlj 30 1 21 Market St. Aq-a day scan made by pXLf H Agents selling our Chro- nca, Crayons, ana Kewara, aiotto, benptare Text, ' Transparent, Picture and Chromo Carddu 100 samples, worth 4, sent postpaid fort T5 cents. Illustrated Catalogue free. J. 1L BUFFORD 3 SONS, BOSTOX, mayli Established IJO. - - WHY Pav Your Grocer 16 and 17 Conts . , F o it 00 amnis WUEX VOU CAS GET . SUGAR-CURED' FOB 13 CEITTS. i , AT GEO. LIVEDO, li Ai3Doucnri:or7i7L; f July 23

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