Tho' Dailf Review. josht. JAMBS, Eand Prop vrrLMiwcTozv, n. c. FRIDAY. AUGUST 3, 1877. TIEWS AND REVIEWS. Tbe imports of dry r.oods fur July rc real n, increase of $070,3C8 over the same month last ycer. Blind Tom is said to he losing his w.on dcrful gift: LikcTaul Jiorphy, the poor fellow must have overtasked that part of the brain which made him seem like a genitrs. A let of street urchins paraded tli street of St. Louis with a tin pan by way of a drurr, and a hue paper banner War ing the Inscription, "We don't want bread. We want cake and pie or blood !" Tbe Yonng Mens Christian Association of Washingtan is using its best efforts to secure the services of Moody and Sankey for a meeting in October. The young men in Washington insist that no city on this continent stands more great ly in-need of religions effort. One of them says it is as true now as when Kevcrdy Johnson said it, over a quarter century ago, that -'the man in the moon holds his nose when he goea'crer Washington." The Calcutta Mohammedans have pub lished an appeal, to their Iudiati fellow subjects of all creeds for help to tho tick and wrmndml Turkish soldiers. Neither MMV W Christians nor Hindoos, however, have as yet shown any sigus off" responding. On the other hand, the Mohammedans of Singapore have quietly subscribed among themselves some 40,000 for remittal ice to Constantinople to aid in the war. Father Ignatius, a Ritualist, has estab . lishedin England a Benedictine monastry of which he is the Abbot. At a recent in terview be thus expressed himself: "Many poor souls end their lives in a niad-housc for want of a monastery. All men," he continued, "are not in love with the nineteenth century ; the discoveries ot moderS science and " tho development ol human thought give neither peace nor happiness.' AnnaVBrcwster, writing from Rome, says the' pilgrimages have ended, and it is just as well, thoy are over, for they havc nearly killed the Tope ; if they Lad con tinued much longer he could rot have sur vived. The sudden and unusual heat ol the season, added to the fatigue of reaiv ing such crowds of people, has lnado the Pojkj unusually feeble. One day recently his llolinws hadja long lit of fainting. When " he revived, his attendants and doctors, seeing that he was deeply affected by his situation, said encouraging words. rri Tt ..Tuil- liia lionrl iinil rrtdipil ! 4tKon vclustiigaie: Io scnlo bene discsscr vxcino alia miafne." (Do not flatter. J know well that l am near my end.) Since the Czar's arrival on the l)au ube his communications with the Em peror Wi-beim have become vucommoi 'y frequent. . Telegrams amounting the passage ol the Danube and the subsequent successes of the Russian army have been sent to the Kaiser at hms nt the same time that they were sent t4 the Kmprcss at Czarskoe-Selo, and congratulatory an swers came from, tho former frequently qutckij than fom the latter. The Em peror has' sinco left Kins. He spent two days with the Empress at Coblcnz, paid a Visit to the Grand Duke Ludwig IV at Darmstadt, and started for Ciastein byway -of the lake of ' Constanz and Munich. Ho travelled incognito. Orders were given to prevent as much as pos sible all publicity with reference to his journey. A short meeting with the ' Em peror Francis Joseph took place at Salz burg, and another interview, at which both Bismarck and Andrassy are t j 1c present, has been arranged for the lirst days of August. A correspondent of the X. Y. Evening. iufgiTea a list of fashionable dances in; Revolutionary times. Thesa dances were "Flowers of Edinburgh," "Pea Straw,' "BotWs Delight," 'Haymaking' 'Col lege Hornpipe," "Faithful Shepherd," "Love and Opportunity," ' Lady Han cock ,w, "Innocent Maid," ".Merry and Wise," "Stony Toint' "Miss McDonald's Reel," "A Trip to Carlisle," "Free Mason's Jig! ."Soldier' Joy," and "111 be Mar ried li My Old Clothes" with many other.--, to the number iu all of thirty-five. There i no mention oftLe minuet, but we have tbe figure J of each of the others. To dance "A Succcssfv! Campaign" lead down twensotrple on tho outside and up the mklul., second couple the same, turn con trary partners, cast off, right hand aud left." "Stony Toint" was a favorite dance rn-eTso,rprobably lIie successful storming of the place by Gen. Wayne. To dance it, "first couple tbro hands rjund-Htvilb Ihc second lady, allcmand; tirec1iands roirad with the second ;gcn t'emen, allemand; again; lead down two C)uplcs,upsgain, cast oflf one couple, bands X Jtmd with third, right hand and left." To dines; Veil ia thCsc days was a liberal IN I PROJECTION. 1 On diti that the delegates from the "liberal wing" of the party in this State arc to meet in convention soon at some point contiguous to clams and catfish where a platform of principles may be adopted' and where arrangemnts will be made for a' vigorous prosecution of the uama?gu in Virginia. ' Harmony and hominy, clam chowder ami cautiou, pig fish and pig-hcadcd:iess and crabs, fibious and amphibious, will mingle largely in the make-up of the party portfolios and the partly fold-overs. Till: NKW BOOK OF EXODUS. 1 1 is gratify ing to the moral sense, as well as iub'u iictive and amusing, says the Charleston Acics and Courier, to review the list, of Radical politicians who once held high carnival in the State House, and ruled Soiftii Carolina with iron rods and brazen brows. Of these the first to de part was Ex-Treasurer Xiles G. Tarker, agaiut whom, I during Chamberlain's term, the State obtained a verdict of $50, 000 fur the fraudulent issue of Conversion bjiids. lie escaped from jail, was re cnturcd atid released? under habeas cor- jms. ami is in Inking in JNew Jersey. Al ter Parker, the roses hung sturdily upon their bushes, until the coming of Hamp ton', when they begun falling thick and fast.' 1 1. The' first under the new order o things lo'di-ar.pcar, was ex-Land Com missioner C. 1 l,cslie,i who came to the 'conclusion that, when the Hampton gov crnment was (irmly established, he could no longer clear his, own skirts by threat ening his accomplices L After Leslie, and immediately upon Chamberlain's sin render, went J. Harvey Jones and K. V. Clover, carpet-bag Leg h laluis of Georgetown county, who fore saw the wrath to conic, and fled before the face of the sheriff. Governor Hampton' took , forma possession of the State llouso on the l'Jth ot April. On the night ot the lltu o Mav, .Mr. Daniel II. Chamberlain took his departure for'Ncw York. L On the IStli day of Mav, A. D 1.S77, l'. 15. WiiitjlemoiCj'the fat iieud of Darlington and State Seuator, departed for his home in Massachusetts, and has failed to respond to - the affectionate re p.iest that he would coint back and re move certain stains upon his escutcheon o. "31r. 1 1. Ciss Carpenter, formerly editor of the Kadical organ of this State, cx-Congrcssman and cx-llcvcnuc Collec tor, was arrested on the '28th of June at tho instance of the investigating- Commit tee, charged with forgery, and is now out !on bail awaiting trial. 0. Johuath in J. Wiight, a lVunsyl vania negro, Assoe'atc Justice of the Su premy Court, has been impeached by the Legislature lor habitual drunkenness, and now awaits trial 7. Y.. J. 1'. Owens, cx-Scnator from Laurens, who accumulate! a large fortune by manipulating coupons and certificates has mylei iously disappeared from the ken of South Caiohu ans. b. The lovt'ly form of Kobcrt K. Scott, for two terms Governor of this State, has also vanished amid tho storm of invesli gat ion. i i. F. L. Cardoza, mixture of negro and Spaniard, e;;-State Treasurer and mcmbcr of the lieturning Hoard, was ar rested on the -1st of July for fraud, bailed in the sum of J0,000 and lias disap pearcd 10. Heni'V L. Hayne. mulatto, Secrc- tary. of State from 1872 to 1S7G, and a member of the llelurning Board, has also iled the Sff.te. . 11. U. II. G leaves, mulatto, ex-Lieu tcnant-Goyernor,1 has lied no one knows whither., , i 12. On lhe,2ith instant, SJ J. Lee, colored, ex-Spcakcr of the House of IIcp resentatives and Solicitor of the Second Circuit, was arrested, charged with fraud ulent is-ue of pay certificataa, and awaits trial. , ' , ' lo. On the same day ex-Governor and ex-Siieaker V. J. Moses was arrested in .in the city o';i a similar clnrge, and con veyed to Columbia where he awaits trial. "1 J. On the 2"th, A. O. Jones, colored. ex-Clerk of the House, was arrested on a charge of fraud and perjury, and taken to Columbia, where he is awaiting trial. 15. C. W. Moutgomerv. ex-State Sen ator, is under arrest and awaiting trial on the charge of fraudulently bsuing pay certiiie itcs. . 1V. Jocj hus Woodruff, ex-Clerk ol the Senate.- tied the State but has been r eaptmed. and will bo brought back for t al. The . harcs against him are oj j)lcx and tlie evidence is delightfully com plete. 17. -Judge and ex-Congrjssman S. L. Hoge, of Ohio, lias left South Caro lina. ; . - 12. D.vid T. Corbin, of Massachusetts, the former holder of a dozen different of fices, great ku klux persecutor, and United States District Attorney, has gonel to Lurope, and it is asserted that he will not return. 1 , Those of the old ring who yet remain are E. Y. M. Mackcy, Speaker of the D iyoncL Houtc, V. N. Taft, carpet-bagger a'.ui .tatc Senator, C. C. ll)wen, sher iff of Charleston county, C. W. Butz, cx Congrcssnuinand ex-SoIi;itor of this cir cuit, T. C. Dunn, cx-Comptroller Gen eral, J. L. Xcale, if Massachusetts, ex Com trcllcr tleaeral, W. J. Whipper, a black carpet-bagger, ex-mcmb:r of the legislature and would-be judge, W. II. Stone, carpet-bagger, ex -Attorney Gen cral ami member rf the Kcturning lioard, Kjbtr: 15. J-lliot, black, carpet-bagger, ex Sjk iker and cx-C'ngri-ssmati, Henry V. Purvis. muUtto, cx-Adjutant and Inspcc t jr-Get.eral and tiK-mlHrr of tho lleturn ing Dti-ird, 11. 1. Carpenter, ex-Judge, S. A! Swails, to, Stato Senator, Robert, colored. Co igrcssman, and Daddy Cain, colored, " ex-Congressman and Preacher. , The probability 'is that of those left many will le, ere long, struck by tho Ee-' form lightning, and in a year from now there will hardly lie a .vestige. . left of the most powerful, unscrupulous and corrupt Ring that ever oppressed a people. , .- A WAR GOTJSRNOR. Gov. Hartranft, of Pennsylvania, it will be remembered,says the Macon Telegraph, offered Grant 100,6o6 inilitia of his State to enforce the j counting; in - of Hayes- and Wheeler. Trie wme Hartranft was scared nearly out 6f hiiJboofcr by; the Pittsburg rioters, and lustily called on the Federal government for protection. It is not at all surprising to see a man who was s j disgustingly officious in tendering his aid to set up a vile fraud so frightened by a mob that he was ready to submit to it be fore he met it. EATIIVG ITS HEAD OFF The last circular of Dun, Dai low & Co. figured out the public indebtedness of the United States, in its various forms, at $7,375,000,000. Interest' on this at six per cent., 430,000.000 a year, is greater than tho surplus grain and cotton product. The. St. Loui9 Parmer, adding private debts to the gross sum above mentioned, swells the amount to $10.00.000. Placing the interest, a fair avengc, at eight per cent"., there is an annual demand of $800,000,000. j Adding to the gross pnterest the current expenses of the Fed eral and State - governments, at least $000,000,000, we have the terrible load of $1,400,000,000, to carry. If $4S0, 000.000 will wipe out the surplus cotton and grain, what have wc to meet the bal lance $1)70,000,000 with ? Tho coun try is being eaten up canecrously by an unmanageable interest. If something be not cpuickly done to lessen the burden, or to increase the production of wealth to pay the debt, without crushing industry and enslaving the workmen, the Augusta Chronicle thinks that no man need look to the future for repose or prosperity. AFFAIRS IN 'MISSISSIPPI. General Steward L. Woodford, United States District Attorney of New York who delivered the commencement address before Hie students of the: University of Oxford, Mississippi, a few, weeks ago., has made a statement of the result of his observations iu that State, which, comin from a strong PtepubPcan source, is worthy of notice. General Woodford said to a reporter of the Washington Heablicaii "What attracted my attention more than anfthms: else Avas that nearly every bodv. white and! black, was at work. J have been South during the past few year several times, arid I never saw fewer men lounging about tbe stores tbau 1 dkl 011 the occasion ot-this last visit. 1 was aisu struck with tho fact that there were near ly as many acres of corn under cultivation as of cotton, so that if the cotton crop fails the people down there need not be at a loss for the uecessariea of life, with a good crop of corn in their gr.iilanes. Ii every instatnee that came under, my per sonal knowledge all contracts , respecting wages entered into between the white em ployer and the colored laborer were hon estly observed. Although Itouk partial lar paiuVto post myself upon this subject and conversed with many colored men, J did not hear of a single instance where the employer had failed to keep faith with the colored laborer m the matter of wages. 1 am glad to say that upou every question except politics 1 found the whites and blacks perfectly cordial in their relations with caeh other." A Washington paper says: ''There are so many carpets-bag cx-oflicials of JSouth Carolina weeping around "Washington that when they are taken back tu the State 011 criminal warrants the bar-:ojms will be entirely deserted." It is rather significent that all the late disturbances took place in Republican localities. ' .Chicago and Pittsburg 'arc Re publican, cities, and Pennsylvania is a Republican State, yet in comparison to the record of Xew York State aud city, both Democratic, they present a poor showing. The dangerous classes arc hot all Demo cratic, it would seem. PURCHASERS WANTED IOK ' XUKTU CAKOLlAA Uacou ilains Western Canvassed Haras andHhomldcrs, Western Uncorered Hams and Sides, INo th Carolina Sides and Shonldeis, Lard in Tub. and Uuckets, Roe UerriDg and -Mackerel. Salt. Molasses, Soap, Ac, Glue, Feathers, and Paper Bags, Poultry, Kgg?, Fruit, Ac. Consignment wanted N'aval Stores,' Poul try, Eggs, Fruit, Hides, Wax, Ac. Orders and consignmenti wi'l h ti e 1 rompt personal attention. Execute orders for 'all dccrii tioa of mcr chandisc. PKTTEWAY & SCI1ULKEX, ;uly 19 Brokers A Com. Merchants. ThetCaroliaa Farmer. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED will resume tLc publication of the CAROLINA FARMER, on the 1st day of September next, with Mr. HAMILTON Mc'IILLAN as Associate Tdi- or. The FARMER will be issued monthlv. in magazine form, with handsome cover," and will contain thirty-two pages of reading mat ter, adapted to the wants of the Farmers and Plasters of the two Carolina. The tv no- graphic excellence which formerly distin guished it will be fully maintained. ' Terms of Subscription : One rear. SI. 50. six months. $1.00; three months, 50 cents. There will be no club rate. Subscriptions pajab c on receipt of first number. TLe old friend of the FAltMER are requested to send in their names. " WM. II. BERNARD. nar 26 s Wilmington. N. C. ADVERTISE 1ST THE DAILY UEVIKW OUB8CIBBB TO THK KJ DAILY REVIEW Miscellaneous. SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY. Aa Uk 1VALED ILLUSTHATED MAGAZINE When Scribner Issued its famous Midsum mer lioliday Number in July, a friendly critic said of it : "We are not fiure but that Scribner has touched high-water mark. We do not see what worlds are left to it to con quer." liut the publishers do not consider that they have reached the ultima hule .of excellence--thcy believe "there are other worlds to conquer, and they propose to conquer them." ; . . The prospectus for the new volume gives the titles of more than fifty papers (mostly illustrated), by writers ot the highest merit. Under the head ot "Foreiap Travel," we hare j'A winter on the Nile," by Gen. Mc Clcllan ; "Saunterings About Constantino ple," bv Ubarles Dudley Warner: Uut ol My Window at Moscow," by Eugene Schuy ler ; "An American in Turkistari," etc. Three serial stories arc announced : ichoias SVJinturn, TIv Dr Hollands the Editor, r vr. uoiidna, wetuHor, ...1 ; . -f,r.r -.f mnnaki" rr ivp fiip hifrlips wlioe storv 01 "oev enoaKa gave me uicuis satislactiou to the readers ot the Monthly. out a purpose Another serial, "His Inheritance, Tral'ton, will beinlen the completion of Laj o' Cowrie's, ' br Mrs. Hodgson Burnett. Mrs. JJurhutt's storv" begun in- August, has a pathos and dramatic power which have been a surprise to tl.e public. , . '1 here is 10 he a series ot original ana ex duisitel y illustrated papers of "l'opular tScicnct, bv Mrs. licrrick, each paper com pit-to in itself. 1 There are to be. Irom various pens papers ' ' on , 1 1 m i n ; ii XT T i'Vv r-r.A TV-.n-rnl ft iiUiiiu i.uo axxu ;xi w, Also, practical suggestions as to town and couiiu v me, vnidyu iiurii,vcuitu, civ-i-jf. well-known specialists. ' 4 Mr. Li nard's .art c os on various indus- tries oi (it eat 'Britain include the history "Smith. I vnr incllis ill CJo-oberation." "A SmHiI. I nf F ictorv" in the November Scottith J.- at 1 actoty in me J ovemDtr number, a,nd load i,autV Kochdale, in De- comber. Other ltancrs are. "Ihe British Workwoman's Home," "A Nation of Shop keepers'' 'Ha'penny a n eek tor the Child, etc A richly illustrated series will be given on "American Sports by rlood and Uield, by various writers, and each on a diflerent theme. The subject of 1 ; 'IIousehoIdan(l Home Decorationg will have a i.romineiit place, whilst the latest productions of American hunioifets will ap- pear from month to month. The list of short- L .f,.ri.., uurvh nnH -,.thnr kirptch .4 ...... . F- . tie., is .i iou one. ,n h.; th. nl,l. ' t ens both at home and Th.. ... tir :i drti:irt.!nnnt wi rontinuo to emi abr rn.nd. Then; will be a series of letters ob i;t.,n,. .,,,(,.-.. .-,., i ,,,i..,v i,r t- Wfll. Lrm .. ,i - -n i r i ".-,'- wt hcretoiore, so far as limited space will per- mil, io me uiscussiou 01 an memes aueuuug the social and religi6us life of the world, and . i j i i ' 1 1 ii . :r A: specially to the freshest thought oi the Christ lan thinkers and scholars ot this country. We mom to m ikr the mao-azine sweeter PiL3n. ,.m'le ,tu f.n?aa"ne sv,ce c auu Pui ei , mguci auu uuuiei, moie sui4 anu generous in au its utterances ana innu- ences, and a more welcome visitor than ever before in homes of relinement and culture. FIFTEEN MONTHS for $4. OC1 lUUl' lOI lyeetmuei, IlO I WU , auu "Nicholas Minturn,' will, be read with eager .iinma uuuuiu" . tuduitia ui curiosity and interest, l erhais no more readable number or this magazine has yet been issued. The three numbers of Scribner far Ausrukt. Sntember. and October con- taming the opening chapters ot "That Lass - J S A t '.ouuscription price, 54 a year Jo cents a numoer. special terms on Donna volumes. Subscribe with the nearest bookseller, or send a cuect or I . ). money order to r. CKlliiN rJK & CO., ec 28 74J Broadway, N. V. ; i OSPECTUS OF THE ! Maryland Medical Journal, BALTIMORE, MD. QN THE FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT, the-unutr.-:igned will issue, in the city of Bal timore, tlie in pt number ot the Masyland Medical Jolunai.. It will be amonthly pub lication, oevoteu to tne advancement ol Med- cmc-in all ltd branches. Each issue of the Journal will contain ori"i nal articles, from representative men in the proiL-.sion. l Careful selections from foreign and home ournals wi I he nia Jo witb a special view to the rc"iuir.Miientc ol tbe practitioner. . . . ... lie-ports ot the piores.s of Sure:ev ,aDd Medicine in their sp-cia!j as well as general branches, including Diseases of the Eve and ti.ti, ii;im.-'m iu - nervous ovstim. Uiseas- LT1 Ii:....... I'.l. ' ( . . i . . I es peculiar i t omen, ana Uiscasea of the in- . ..y ' . throat and Chest, will be regularly' rriven bv men eminent in these several branches. These reports wil be an exhibit in, abstract form ol the progress in c.yh of these special depart ments during the year. The proceedings of Medical Societies will be published as often and as fully as their im- poi luncej usuiiee. Prominence will be given to rare and inter esting casts in IIo.pita and Private Practice. New Instruments aoJ Appliances, New Kerne dies and improved methods of managing dis ease will be specially treated. New medical publication?, as they, appear,' will be critically and impartiall v reviewed. . " '"w' Ui -"-peue iu oe spa'cU to ren- dcr th Mak vr. am, Medical Journal, a wcl- come visitor to every physician desirons of i - i'"11 ""u "'t; infgress oi flieaicai Un:..n.A I !-.J 1 . . ut veiopea doui abroad and at UVUVl Ctntt ibutions, on Eubjecti of interest to the profession, rosDcctfullv invito Each number will contain cot less than forty pages, printed from new type, on hearr cal- eudered paper of the finest quality. The subset iption price will be" $3 per an num, invariably in advance; delivered free of postage. . H. E. T. MANNING, 31. D. , 1. A. ASUI5Y,M.D. march 1'iJ . E. ARTIS, TASHIONALE BAHBER, , . X F ronx Street, under Purc611 lit nf,'' 1 . . . Wilmington, R: O. " Uair Cutting, Sharing and i$Ijam:,n, rr v eiyie oi me aru.t. x AucnuTe ana polite Barbers to wait uxon cuatomen. feb24 liie scene 01 tins latest norei 10 iaiu ou iue 1 discovery. in every deimrtinentc-iknowiedge, I DanKs 01 tue iiuocon. iue nuro is a juuug nas made a new woik 01 reiercneo an mi- wi man who has been always "tied to a woman's perative want. , . i r"ve at vv llmington j w j anion string " but who, by the death of his The movement of political affairs, have 23 1 assengers for AocnsU and btrmJ mother, is l?t t alone in the world, to drift on kept pace with the discoveries ol Science and should take 'Wight Express Train frg. i.V..,rror,t ..fiif.. wit., a fnrtnnp. hut with- -tfctar iruitful application to the industrial mmgton. v 9 "vu LUvUxa - v., r , 1 and nselul arts and tlie convenience and re-I o'Lcwrie's," will be given to every new sub- I t-' " eua . Ier oi, iu : iu liuiuijr tjon bcRiiK with Ihe .Nori.mbor number. I gilt, iiir vol fe.dO: ia Full .Uoroco, antique. Tonsorial. - NEW BARBER SHOP.- . : - '- : If H j MY PATRONS mnd thcpuWic generally are respectfully inflmed j that 1 1 have opened a i I i? M U II . '. NEW 3AIIBKH SllOP, ' 1 i i if -l at No. 7, South Front street vhere ine fol lowing low pricea hare been Adopted V5 i Sharing 10 cents ; liair Cutting 25 cents ; Shampoo 25 cents. -Open on Sunday morning. dec 18 CUAS. E. CLEAPOR. APPLETOWSi'i - The work originally published under , NEW.UEVISED EDITION." .!' iSSteT" I , Arrire at AngusU . JJI Jjcave Aa?ti8ta Eutirely rewritten by the ablest writers on t ngra cu,mC'.' tlm every su Ojeet. l'i inled from new type, 7"' -11 md illustrated with Several Thousand eaTe F1?"n.fe 2 2J 5 Knirniviiiirsaiid JNlaiw I Arrive at Wilmington . TTI titleolTlll lVV fc.itiuv uijutWift Whiteville Pair ftlnV i V x,e"rl D1A- wascompletel in 1673, slice .which Ti . j i...-.. fT..I...,l -. . ... the signal developments which have take a 1 THROUGH FREIGIIT TRiiv't s place in every biahee ot science, literattre, I , , . , ti lajiieu ui iui paris ot iuw uuiwuowicaiuiu t-v wiuhuu,m . I anu art, have induced' the editor ana pun- 1 . w r. j hisher to submit it to an exact and thorough Leave Wilmington.. -M I revisiou, auu io issue a new euiuou enuiieu 1 ueave riorence ,' .,, . XT xl3 i . : . . ,, within the last ten vears the nroirrcsa . , r - - tinement oi social life. 1 Great wars, and con by -Miss I sequent revolutions have occurred, involv if'lhat J ing national changes' of peculiar moment, iurnett. I The civil war of our country, wiiicii was at its height when the last volume of the old work appeared, has happily ended and a I activity has been commenced. - 1 r...rtrt, .,n.sirii m ,r o-orKTfir.liJfa.1 I knowicdsre haveTieeri TOade tsy theliTaerati - 1 gable exilorer 01 Alrica. 1 - . I The great political revolutions of the last 1 "cuiut, mm iue udHuuncouuui "iw I f iikwt lining tMmrlt inti lvii Itlii tnmi' O I vja iUiiVf lit t u i'i. uuiiu ii i vv uuiiu 11; tt I multitude ol new men, whose names are in I . ' ...1 J 1;..,... vervc toiwUiJ I Ureat buttles have been fought aud imiwr every t jiiuuiii, anu. vviiust; uvct I taut sieges mauitaineu; 01 wnieu tne ueiaiis I areatfyet preserved 611 iy in the newspaper I or m the trasient nubiieatioiis of the day. of I and which oughtnowto lake their place I I'ciiuuutui wiu iiuiufiitw Hisiui j. I Jn preparuig the present edition for 1 lt lmH accordingly been the aim of aitos tt) bril)J5 tlowubUe imorination to' I inu-M lv.ii.i ri.tu. nmi to iiimiH jm - - 1 curate account f the most recent discoveries I in wcienee, ol every frchs production literaure, aud of thu newest inventions in eiuuxe, auu 01 lie west in veiinuiis iu 1 r wnm;rt iv,i c( LUracticaiarts,aswellastogiveasuecinctLaT Wilmington, xroatSU. d original record of tho progress 1 political I . P? fr V 7 "'" : 5 tlie ; ;i.nil and historical events. The work has been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and witli the most ample resources for carrying it on to a sue c ssim temination. ' V . ' 1 : 1 . a 1 j 1 1 been used, but every page lias been printed uue ui uiu orwmai sieawyiw waits uave on new type, loriuuig, miuet, a new Cyclo eu. . wiui uie same pum una compass as ts prtdesessor, but witii a far greater pecun- I lary expenaiture, uiiawitn Mien improve i mentiu JLscomiiositionasliave been sutrirest ! ihv l1ii.rf.r,.v,uri1..... ,wi...ii.,i.u,i ir.T,.,. I Tne -illustrations which are introduced f the lirst time in the metent edition navel JUlIJi r. LJllt, iv l, uui lutin; tiiiici iliuiuiiv uuu IU I aii brandies of science suul natiiml bistorv. i tneexDiaiiuticaism tne text. Thcvombrace I .. .... .... . . ' i ana uepici tne most iamousauu remamable I features of scenery, architecture and art. as - 1 well as tne various processes oi mechanics I aiuiuuBu uwuuuu oi I stf ut-'tiVU rather, than, embellishment, no I pains have been spared to insure their i urtistic excellence; tbe cost ol theirexecution I is enormous, and it is believed they will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature I of the Cyclopaedia, and worthy of its hi,gh cnaracier. . . - Tliis work is sold to subscribers only, pay able on delivery ol each volume, it win oe ... 1T11 11 . . 1 lax ... ..... 1 . . ... v. ......i-.i 1 1 I panl, ..mtiiin in.r n Ik.nt. Mill m.rou fnllv lllnw- I ings, and with numerous eolored Lithograp,- i tTatt!rt wit, i several t ious.anl W kmI Knirrav- I nicuaps. I Prirft nnrl Rf-irlft nf "Rinrincr K1100 ailCl 00.01 iJinQlIlg. I gilt edgte.s, per vol, m U0: In Full Kussia, I per vol. iu tx. Thirteen volumes now ready. . Succeeding volumes, until completion, will bo issued once in two months. --' eaO Specimen pages of the A 31 K i j i ca NC v - Cioi'KiJiA. showing typo, illustrations, etc., will be sent gratis, on application. First-Class Canvassintr Agents WnniArl. Auarcss me x'uoiisuers, D. APPLETON & CO., 510 & 55 Broadway, N. Y. Watchmakers, &c. T. W. BROWN dt SON B, WATCH MAKERS AND JEWELLERS. NO. 37 Markei str-et, WilmiDgton, W. C. (Established 1823. 0 GUARANTEE THE MONEY'S WORTH lor every article purchased of them. An elegant stock of fi Jewelry bilverware, Fancy Goods, Ac, kept constantly on liand for feal j at a very slight advance on New York cost. , Agents for the Diamond Spectacles. Our country friends are invited to call and I JAJS. t. pkttkw-w. i - - - t - C. E. SCUULKEH ISE. COMMISSIOB AND Brokeraere House. Receive KEGnr.Aur.v exhibition, samples of CWce, Flour, Rice, Molasses, Sugar, Syrups, Tobacco, Ac.. Ac, n ,7 oraers lor .Meats, Lard, Salt, Candles, Iiutfcr, Cheese, Soap, Lye, Potash, Ac. ' ; ire promptly all orders. Ord-r nA eignmenta solicited. we are agents for the sale of WIT POT GIDHS & GO'S MANIPULATFn Vn and the Iv Cotton Tiei. IJAAO m'l-EWAV & SUHULKEN. I dt-c!3 (ft 1 es- a at ? "3- - "3 S -j- a , SI m ' "O 5 -a ' o X ' a ' a J3 O a a, , Ti to - a r? 2 "5 16 B, , o O & & 3 O cj QT3 t 5 i4 3 Q 3 J:5issaa,s,2'. MERCBAND I I v is c 3 ? o r ; BaU Road Lines. &c. CenM Sup'tsofc WISSH.1GTO.V, COLOMBU llh I GUSTX RAILROAD. 11 . WUmington, S. C, Jnne I CllANGE OF SCUEDULtf ' On and after Sunday, June M k . ing achcdule will be run on iu7' DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRliv except Sandaj.) Llare Wilmington , Arrive at Florenr ...- 1 J j t, Leave IW;.;::,!!?! Leave Wilmington......-;.... Frfnrp Flnrenon the This Train will onlr .t""l" A 1 I WimiinirtATt anrl rl L . .v Tftl ol n'i" u.DU- 10 Mil - 1 a iu litiiuiiiiiia . Leave Flornr Jfe Throusrh SlpprinT r.r. .:-t. - for Charleston and luguBta . JAMES ANDERS0X, june 2. General Snpcriateadeil WILMINGTON & VELECN - EAILR0AD COMPANY. Office of Gen'l Sitkrintkndkkt ' ) .Wilmington, N. C, Juav V, 1877. ) .On and after Sunday, Jan 10th, V1 Passenger trains on the Wilmington i i - don Railroad will ran aa folio 1 I rAV MATF. A tn Ppnrca td 1 v j , I wjfij-il!- 5. Rr$? T? . I v .6wM uvutoh vrpoi . in I t................. 6 MAI iuuic.t mhuvu. ij(Uri the Leave Weldon 11 (0 J the Arrive at Wilinineton. Front f the nJnot V ' ia I an. cput a 1 NIGHT ' MAIL AND MlX in I DAILY EXCEPT SUStif. ' I Arrive at -Weldon at.... 1 201 a I Leave Weldon. dailr at . JlilM I Arrive at Wilminirton. FrontSt. ' - I Denot at...-. 11 W X I Ti.h Tro . ...lina . I V ? 7 Th T a x YTu f.JvlZ 1 r.ij . ... u.t: - I uiouu uu au rau rouic . mtAtin I Night train makes close coifiectwm M - I Weldon for all points north Tia KichBoafl. - I ..ii.n. i.l.M wiMnn r.rm ark to all Night Trains, an4 ran tarougn from I . lm" ,,,,v,i '.""r" v" """U, for I mmgton jQ KicLmond. General Soperiatendtat I rji llarrr Hnutr to fooao Murk BJ I from the effects of Erron u4 f 0 Abuses in eIy life. Mi- b hood Restored. Impediment! to Marriage remoTcd. .yt method' ot treatment. I i 41 H and letnarkable temcam- q liooks and circular sent frw t i in scaled envelopee. Addten Q IT 4 i i 10 v il OH Ninth St, Philadelphia, P. H An Institution htrine a hfifh u S reputation for hononble con dnctandprofesrional afcill. I I $777 V.A oiuHv parned hi K times, but ll can oe 'V" mnnthi by anvoteitbrt tninv nart of the conntrj who Is willing to irore " w-k ta nloyment that we inrnWi. W per " your own town, j ou 'Vva Vow T..h- r mlr roar Kn wnoio time io iue -v mint moments We UavegcnU yhoweroaiw over f20 per day. AU wJ,tlfi,KJi S can make money fiist. At the prwe money cannot be made w ealy and itjw trV tl?e bine. Ter. Address at once. H. II allot vj . ft tandldaine, , ; - i Kstabliflhed 1865. fi 1 1 . i 1 1 1 k h. r? 1 ii f . . a ncme 1 BUM aaecessoni ChJpm, nae? 629 F Street, WashinstoaIu Patents proenrea m au ""-"7iw cranted. No fe. ,!L?S and condnctinr & rehearing r, given to Interfarenaa SJZtfrP Office, Extension befoCHU uminatinnii. no iuuiuuu - , .ma CSniis in mneniii 0-1 gtjs pertalnint to inTenuona roa r-AHTHLXT or wxtt rxo United BUtei Cotirti Claims rrosecnted la the Snprtfflf rr. a.... fVinrt ttt Uiaua r 7- rt missionera of Alabama ph Commission, and all el" f am tha EujcntlTS DepartmeiM. - -rtrTs and lAnvJ war, or their Heirs. jM W 5 close stamp, and aXollrepiJ" WUlbtlTenyoauea,f i ki Vmtfnli raptured, or lniared to SgtSajas1 slightly, can eh tain lncienslonara enttUe" 1 tamp and lnlormaUoii wd M xa1 ; ! ; United BUtei Contested Land Cases. cmJJ JcSSd before tSo agJ paxtmentclUi.Intarior. . , I 01dB(mnt7"M"r5 XedSder act of Wr cash for them. Sdbyrf ts f aasirnments are lmperfw: topariBCAtliexxi. , ' rieTaooilawysrs f5J"Jrltt! eft 'r . rjr reason ef rror0L?i trf: V, ar? iwSied from P? Ch r and other gOae 'rwPi attorneys brt foA V9 cratttltonsly lfSSSi proper parrsOTPPS Sf,i . Aa we ciarfs no 'JJfJiTtoei . hs IbrretiimiKstajid- ( liberal sjnrannenj w11 . j icon iu AwtiBfiiaa i" Law, Patent ana COUecuca .Ca,rftais at. ; . dQ ,t B. Tbe last Eeport Y,f General Land Oflf. ah. I tike pleasure to 9fJlU Ptffe ' M A (CtJiUr

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