TLElBE K0TICET This fafek We will be" tfadlo HifSaBCfSlioai hlhdeTeryrn00D' from oar friend on toy and all rtbctJ o f general interest but ::nf , v .T .lient JAMES, JO rtiRIETOB. The name, of ,tfcej iuftirr3arT?lwjs b -rr"T age rAiD. furnished to the Editor. K?Uinonth5, $2 50 ; Three - - 5 00 Kn cents. Communication rnwt.b3wiitta. onlj. oi f"' . t. One m"u" . one aide of the ppr.;' iMl' J ft !Iltt silvered by carrier, will - the citv. at the Personalities moat bel Andit ia e;pcciailr and paxtici laxlf .md; Ji''illeeBUperweM- VOL. 2.' WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1877. NO. 169 stood that Ac editor doea not lrjf,tfdorM reire their papcrircgujr I I - i i 1 ... i. close T"eTt" al tl.e City About Beef and Beef Cattle. No Yellow Fever In Charleston. i We are elad" to learn that the 'report The sale of beef cattle in this city 4-45 P M published by Vis yesterday as in circula- was regulated by enactment of the LegiV V&JSrfiy mails., 6:15 A M tjon to the effect that the yellow fever is I lature at its session la&t winter and as a .hen KtmDUed prevailing in Charleston and that there consequence there seems to be some dilli- ?Som - "i "tssouth were ten cases there on Saturday, is wholly culty on the part of our country- friends gsforaUP n 5:0Q p M u ha8 officiaii7 denied. Dr. in properly understanding the matter and ite&IV"i - 5:00 P M A jj WrihL Superintendent of Health, even in the city prices are seldom quoted rf and office? p" S?JT! .1 nnimntlv tpWanhed to Charleston as correctly in the papers. Mr. J. F. Gar- Birlu . - - " IW1 1 n u t?i.-Vti.-w nnritamintr fh Tpnnrt rell. who purchases largely on the hoof, and who supplies, many of the dealers here, has kindly offered to. -give u the ubetweenTlorenceii:3o--A M a that, to uso his own words, proper quotations weekly, or oftcuer if ?Sd intermediate of- J neTer hQaltnier than at this necessary, and to keep us posted hi all moment; no indications, whatever, of yel- fluctuations oi tne marwei. uhj,.u o, We rejoice o learn that the. Legislature .reierrcd to requires au beef cattle to be sola on tne nxr, mat is as live stock, and they arc thus driven on Ammonia for Rheumatism. the scales and weighed. In this condi- rL .. - lln6 Df che' soon as ine ivtvitw .wuiaiuiug iv CS$"glUv daily 11;3 A M appeared on the street and received from SitJt)' -' 8:00 A M Mr. Robert Lebby, Health officer there, an Saved from Ruin; : Criminal Court fcjome wects or so ago, or possioiy a The. following cases have been disused moiitn ago, a young girl between sixteen 0f in this Court to-day: and eighteen years of age came here from "state vs. J. D. D.u I-s" and John FUhcr. Pender county in search of employment, Xisi. 1 which she succeeded in obtaining t the State vs. James Heaton, fr extortion Farmer's Hotel oh Nutt, street, near the J x0t mltv. ' railroad depot, but'being rather green, at J Statc v"s JaDC McMillan, for larceny mL Town Creek. m - M f V K JTL M FasT from 6 "O A- M. to 70 P UyCrfrom8:n0tol A. M. SJ2 S5i 8 A. M. to 12 My dow fever." it is so. hotel business was, on this account not retained long in the hotel's employ. She next succeeded in getting a place at O'Brien's, another boarding- house in the same neighborhoed, but was soon! dis charged from this place for the same reason that she did not remain at the Farmer's House. v Drl'F. Zeller states that liquor ammonia tion beel is worm now, on me nooi, - io Kas tVrnvP,! a nnsitivR e.ure in all recent 1 cents a pound and- net 4 to 5 cents a P$pufl cases 9f muscular rheumatism which have pound As a general thing a reduction TVtments orea same as stamp under hig observation. He cites of 50 per cent, is made on beef on the S ... ..u.t erneral deUvery when 'n fnnfanfinhs hoof, in estimatinsi its value when ready for market. ! These things should ba JCCPtSSlUC w I iVtlVl tA'liwuvvu. - I t street boxes every day its effects in several cases of acute articular properly understood by all tnose wno rheumatism, in two o( which six drops bring beef cattle to this market tor sale. 'Jieolkctedfrom : LOCAL' NEWS. Sew Adrertisements. rnniT k ScECLKs-Orders Promptly a of Digsplntion. suffiaed to subdue the pain and swelling within a period of twenty-four hours. In one case of chronic rheumatism of a finger joint, which had lasted fonover half a year, the simple administration lof the ammonia completely dispelled the inflamation and pain in the joint within two days. Dr. Zeller believes the effect to be due to the forjw early this morning -and rwJj afternoon. rrinloedios said to be ammonia acting as a nervine directly upon c ?!rfjf inz the corn. Mants have made their appearance H they are bung disposed of at high th3 nerves. What is a Registered Letter The nuestion is very often asked: What is the difference between a registered Treasurer be authorized to demand and i Board of Aldermen. The regular scmi-mathly session of the Board of Aldermen was held yesterday af ternoon. Tho minutes of the last meeting were read and approved Alderman Myers offered the following resolution, which was adopted Whereas. It is reported to the Board that, certain books, papers and records be longing to the city are still in possession of the late Clerk; therefore, Resolved, That the present Clerk and take possession of all books and property the matter r. t..,u nnd melon i.,.. In fUr? n difference is M? posessiouoi an . AK'P YUUr llUlk i.aiu0- rtUU au I v....v. . f tVlf, ifv nls knfinlnor jAoffthe sidewalks, or else some one tbat a registered letter does not go in the A1(, rman Tini movcd that il 1 . r : 1 1 i 1 I 1 be injured by stepping upon mem. mail proper. lt passes irom nana iu uauu rdatjnff tQ th(J sal;iry of G. W. W. Davis rw, rvnnio,n nibUed at Smith- outside the mail pouencs, every persou Finance Committee 'e bst night and e ate pleased to learn inrougu -o-- Carri 1 1 -.1 .-r I ,,;A fr uitrn rnrfiint for it oh'passinsrl , -1.1. .,,1 i,.,f ;,i e a larc uouao ana wim grauiYiiig it- 1 'i1"- "-a -1 Aiacrmau jcusa-i muvi-n m.m inc per- t t b allowed. .unap j:opimos.wh$;n V-l- ?! 1 7 ".T, fr..,Wl lw Alderman m - -- n n n 1 III! A 1 rn (1 TV I II I V. -r V I i'ersonmi. I T uvr w"0 w ancuuuwu A suwh"- 7 - . - First rrruaoil. w. urard. 0f lh n'lTo 1 rnnonsibility rests upon ..... fn ..he effect that the matter UUlt ... 1 tl-lP H1KS. - , I - .1 tlii'i - . 1 1 fJC,r lna rntlirnrd to lllS I . J vnrmnf. for the I - i . ii.. .li'tnnnpp r.nmmittcc, wnicn. f.vcuuuuuuti vyu, .w. . who Has Slgueu itv.v.r i tcrrCQ XO Uie i '""" 1 4 I ----- 11 I . 1 .it from a visit to His menus at ackace and who isnot amc vo carried. produce the package or a receipt from Aldcrman Foster offered the iimorainson amori, viao. for it. The saicsi. wj .ecnlntinn: J . ,..nrf1pr. Where t,,. Thnt. His Honor, the Mayor, send money is oy u., u nlicc without pay, money-omcr W 'y lho .ame, all up- folhving Approaching Hamlet. The raProad men in charge of the pas- rtatnin on the Carolina Central train, jsfcdaj afternoon, s.-ys the Cliarlotte JJrKr of Sunday, report that as they pad Hamlet, the proposed junction be rna the Carolina Central and the Uc.$ k Augosta Air-Line Railroads, ftercosld distinctly hear the shouts of ikborcrsensaged in layiDg the track rf ibe Utter road. Tbey would havecotn- Xot guUty. f State vs. II. A. Atkiu: mcnt. On trial. for j For Excursions. The work of fitting up thcb.v Mo?o Will CureJ Conrumptloa. To all suffering from the' followinsMIi cases a ray of hope is offered through t tbr kindness of .a missionary friend who bJ as an excursion boat is nearly finished arid when completed will jrnakc her aa ci The poor homeless girl then wandered cellent boat for the purpose. There are about seeking employment where she three small state rooms and one very large could, but had not gone far from her old one on the lower deck besides, sufficient employers when a notorions character, by j room to form two or three sets for danciug, the name of Mary Knight, living in the while on the upper or hurricane, deck a den known as Paddy's Hollow, took, the half elozen sets can crsily be formed. young creature in her place and ostensibly, One hundrdd yards of awning will l;c we suppose, on the pretense of hiring her. stretched overhead ;.om the lain. cane But fortunately for this poor friendless deckand as the railing on this deck is over creature, officer King, of; the police force, four feet high, there will be no danger oi LJ . 1 1 f i. l. it. iJ I lIllr.!-. V 1 1 J n rr -. 0" TV i n c 1 1 f n rr.nliK ire 5fl Ilouse'ahd tlhen at O'Brien's, having been put on as to be moved when the excursion attracted by her youthful appearance and season is over, when the Modoc wi'l again her artless, unsophisticated ways. On be used as a lighter. With the improvc- Saturday night Sergeant King was in- mcnts the 3foloc will be better adapted formed by some one in the neighborhood for -lightering, inasmuch as cotton and that this girl was at Mary Knight's, when spirits will be protected from the weather. he went immediately to the above men tioned place and sent for the girl to come out and see him at the door, but the woman in charge refused to allow her to. IhiS morning, about - o clock, the cry fire was raised by a woman living in a scut mc the formula of a purely TCgtUble medicine which has long been used by Ihe native medicine men of nindcUn':-Mdi the positive and radical cure ofCbxuscdp tion, Bronchitis, Athsma, CaUxri, tDji pepsia, Throat and Lune difficultyj- Jifen eral Debility, Loss of Xlanhood and all Nervous Affecticjns, its pircr'11iajrbeca tested in hundreds of cAscmtout a fail ure. I now feel lit my sacrca duty at far as possible to relieve iraman misery and . wiljl send the rcclpoFBEt of QURdE1--to any person who may desire it with di rections for using. Sent by return mail by addrcssing'with 2 stampsnamlng thhr paper, Dr. O.' It. Brfgham; Drawer 28: Utica, N. Y. ' i ' ;M"' 5 Fire A Woman Jumps From' The Window of a Burning Building. rl( so. whereiiDon the: bercaut boldly VL , A w . ' l . . . ,. ... .i r . ii .... walked in and .asked the young girl Qit e situated near the mourn vi an aucy. I running from ruth ' ) oixth between rn i I !s. inc general nn1 Qho I running irom replied that it was not. The Sergeant Market and Dock st.cet immndmtelv took her in charge and car rind hor in tho Citv Hall, and from thence partraent repair cdto ths scene of conflagra- to the horse of a centlcman livin- in the tion but nothowever, untilthc building Viffh Wnrd. who has kmdlv consented to as to far Sonc lo Le savcd uwi,,mnma;n ,-r, tamiv to Messrs. W. B. &, It. II. McKoy, and The eirl. whose name we elo not care to was insured for $-100 alarm was soon sounded and tho fire de- mention, was entirely unconscious of the fire was the work of It is thought the au mcendua ry, the house into which she had helicf bcins baSd upou drcumstanc1 cbaracter of the h have Uved ''to curse the evil day that she ever placed her foot in the streets of Wil mington. , i ,: Too much credit cannot be awareica ( for his kind and humane o-k- t..i- b-jlwccn rur ,1pn some trouble i i n.i iiaA uvv wV- the colored woman lixirlg in the house and another woman Yesterday the woman who was burucd out threatened to sue out a warrant against khn matter was com uer auuwuuiou -" , the cn- it does not go toa should always be sent in a rsterec. ana ma(c upou satisfactory n-ht not tb be sent in PlnIels, ?nn M to character and package, wwuvj vo recuuiwuuuuwv . n ordinary letter under any 'circumstan- necessity 0f said appointment. an orainary .tw . " r tl.r . J -,r. ftw..d :i substi- possible way oi Alderman yoauwu.. tutotbat the matter ue icw.. PnTYimift.Pfi Oil Police, i Carried. lAJUiUlIVVVw ' . . - -Crtilf in I i l:-:r.e fr t.hP. TOSltlOU 01 Deputy Clerk of the Market watchfulness over the innocent creature promised. though, however, nit to the en whom he has, in all .probability, saved V of ffiorc .pugilistic 0 ccs. There is no iD" such a letter. o.tinna lor Canning XJIM. Self-Sealing Jars. Steam thejars over liot water and.theu cei j. them in it to prevent breaKag. woe. New AdvortisomontiJ. Notice of Dissolution "v rpiIE CO-PAKTNERSMP UUljxiaU8i 1 bctw; n CHARLES D; MYEKS and JOHN L; liOATWKlUUT. n4er tho m name of C1UKLK3 D. MYER3 A CO.. was c'lssolred on the 6th day of Avgwt, 18TT, byjmutual consent. AlldebUdme r awing to the said partQcrship must be paid to. John L. Boatwripht, who is alone aathoriied to re ceipt for tbe same, and all claima tad adtbt cdncss duo br the said partnership most ha rescntca to mm xor payment. ' CIIAHLE3 V. MYERS. ' JOUN L. BOATWRlUlir., August 7, 1877. r ,u' . . 'I t . To tho Public. i' r HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE interest of CapL C. D. MYERS, fa the business oft the late firm of (JUAULE3 1. MYERS & CO., 1 will continue to carry on the GROCERY BUSINESS at the bid sund of CHARLES D. MYERS & CO., and hop for a continuance of tbe public patronage so liberally bestowed upon the late firm; i .1: ' August 7th, lb77. ' ' - , , ' 1 - A Card. Hi'. A S WILL JJK SEEN BY ABOVE AX- jl nouncement, I hare this day sold my in torest in tbe business to my partner, Capt. JOHN L. BOATWRIGHT, and while thAnk-. ing our many friends for the very generoua patronage so k-ndly pircn ns in tne past, l Orders Promptly Exbcutod F OR ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF MEU- chandiic-at bottom prices. . . i i . hare the adrantf;eef thll - . . i i The Alderman Myers moved to lay tne mai- rinse tnemm it iT- ..m.t'm. Carried. fwu w iue juncuon ycsieruay uvcuiub, boilin hot tnrougiwut, i jcr over unui iu -"; o- tfottlcfactlhat the supply of cross- Utshould do . Jf iapplications for positions on Siveout. ITie junction will be rca- W1AW I ' , J V it kccps aU the better. lne detective force were Cm (Trtjinl v nn 1 rr? ITT ntrpnin". from a life of misery and an cwrnuj i - , who atatcd sbc would. vet do her bUW V v - " nnimr srvrnfi li.irni uuuiu t r List of Letters. i T.fnirht the fire occurred, the occupant The followms w wc j f thc housc bcing awaked by a ieehnS o mnininrr unclaimed in the i obiuuiuu, rr ' i : i-l tonin" the house was on mington, K. C., Wednesday, Au0. , I tQ . cacapc through the door, i77- I i I i. ...v.:T,';f tnpms the fire was built. IcapeU as ic uurniiio mauw. A-llev A Allison, It 13 Ashe. fa d a cncj the flames leaped B-Miss Josie Barry M?f Rebecca As the woman and .he wa Orders to us market. Coneigtimcnts of Produce reuirt prpnpt; personal attention. ' 1 ' '' ','.'"' Prompt and profitable returns. Charges , moderate.' ' :. '. i" J ' PKTTKWAY & SCUULKE, aUn-7 Brokers fcom. Iferchtats. laid over until t?,,i Airs s a. rariit-B, wumv. , r ... PVBrown, Willis Bradley. compelled to escape from t fC-Mr Collie, Mrs Amy ouuer, m.w , mn b y jumping Irom a w Mf If nfiv lt THE - PElRt, IS Ahead- takes the lead Ltfar m thc chfmpio? Shirt in A !rkrfA Affc?,i ..rliilo fbft fruit I norf. mp.tinr. Fill the jars o ownow . fn,. TnZ? mtttcea.Poited by tbe ThW met jertcrday afteruocn to ut go I i tbo hot ,vator also) see MilJot t0 take into. s",,h Lkm. tot Sc rubber riog is fitted iu id place teD o( the wharf .a of the previous meeting y-' and mediately serew the the reWt of the Compress and Iuhoad .pproved . T.ri dowa tight. When the to ; Companies, reported fJL" it bordered by tbe Board "n the rings again. The fruit tb Cpmpress and """f ta levy made by ,lto kkithout sugar, but it is better tp waivc all claims for damages by allom put in as much sugar a U(HurT-. - h ru' t nn' aa ' it I rru. nf m ma Iter W as reitucu oZZ:'m Streets and Wharves for vaiwco j rnr immediate oofion ! ! PtbVntheUme pSltteo on Market and Fee, use. Tomatoes can De p i i AMerman Hill, reported pro- Rememner, I - fl,rrstallinr mt. . , . t,f !.! . . , u fivorl nir OUtOl tne ,uc ,n ihe.maiwr rcsM"- X .. " u wen uTi h e tvo i : anu m i Vio boat arivv . . . i , r rrihpr time fWfl,nM, " r... "A Uxrr induces decay, aud that the market, ana asweu tfsUmd one-third'ecntson tho bun- it up air tight while boiling dollars' worth of property and :rG1i ukeep it sound. . I 1J IVM -I nl on ihc 9n,i r .Tiilv 1877. and vy. v J ' on the Minutes Book of the Board ""IWGGaml 567, be amended as fol 1 11 : Strike out all the poll taxes levied, fctelead thereof, insert ,the following "A tax of One Dollar and Eleven ,T..t PUMtrinm .John AJ vtia, Levina S Collison, Sylver Cutler, W C r-inns ReV W G Creamar. Yd--Miss Christian Davis, Henry Drake, JuhnC DaA.s, 1. LN rnn E John fcvangeusi, wiau Pctohaw Easling. ,V F Mrs Cornelia t: erai, vuoa i. wv-u, Dauwl Franks, liouisa rujru Miss Jane Uooamau, eo- - Guyer. !, r , w Hall' it Francis lioimes, x AT Isabella Houston, Levi Henderson, Richard U 1' nan rT' t Mrs lsaDcua.. oviwau, Jones, Kelson Jones. ''rTitr-fiw i -.i il r. .nnnnrt -v uc ccnis on the pou iur oitv' " Common Schools-levied by act of Assembly, entitled "An act to ?Bdate the Public School Laws," rati H $i day of March, 1877." it noV which was granted. Adjourned. We presume thc matter will be inves tigated by the proper authorities: Supreme Court Decisions. We find in thc Raleigh Xctcs ihc .fol lowing among the decisions rendered by the'Supremo Court yesterday .with digests J Goldsmith, Mrs Annie Grady, of tlic opinions : i Ry Pearson, C. J. Henry Jrunnifi t al. vs. J. H. Freeman ct al., from New Hanover ;i affirmed. Brunhild vs. Freeman. here there is a contract, if the parties cannot agree upon the meaning of it, it is lor ui uu. j J k mnrt to sav what is the meaning, thorough examination repotnns "the nwUn i Unrrihu isii. the bosom .of too pnaa linen", etc, etc, it is PJAbA-, many judges who hare examined it to DT far the , . i .fil! J";, UKST ANU CHKAPEST i , - Shirt in the market. - .-t . Call and see the PEARL- t A new lot vf Alptc CoaU jtatU' aug C A. David, Louie A Hunyadi Janos Bittoter . ...... . t ninvintrd I 1 nili no. ' k rf tr s.iv what is inc inwin. T v nuiuiAL. rAvaus' :r, i K-Mr Mary Kent, Miss Hta J U, is not what cither ,artr 3U but 1 ...jci M l. -U o rrrrvi 1 I M-John Moore, Mrs ary E Mote h t lhe Miss Susie More, Miss liUy Moore, Mrs Ky J. Statv vs. Wilkes w 1 VT H Newe'll, Manuel Kichols. R 1' l'aauisou. Ttifnlim from New Hanover. Krror. No digest of opinion reportcd.J Fairclotb. J State vs. John 11. Morris, Aek your rny man auc Broir . . o summer Fashions. , Jennie June says in ner August fash- ion letter : I a Correction. r;cT, nn the second page of thi3 T,itome of the address delivered d MisS Mary H Samp issue an epitome oi iu Qers, M t.w Mrrrimon at uuarui n.u i -Aiexanuei -,: , T.f; qi.w Herbert Sidney, Horris Smith, airs xvaiu o.0- . 3UU Hot and Cold -Baths.' i ... : , n i jj " L . !,;! season 13 a - ' rr., 0 small portion oi us The styllsu one side, ,be hree. - - - aml whicU straw , w;tri tia e addresswnitu a.. A - firrr:. i 1UM U v t . . I ont a license w to ao,nnuer a r,.K itkhfrsiGNED HAS HX3 BATIT ' of the eityot Wiimingxon, I' ; ' I '' how S in Perfect ordtroir.,Dd cn "Any I person reiusmg or iieguxM w frnUh wlrm Coldor ahower batnj m J , r,av the license taxes assessed against him Xired. 1 k ' . She ptivileSc of doing te.e. for the Ve e.naWarnhh ""W Bpaceofflve days, shal do su f 1 w a Vo J2S u- hp for fili.AU !t;m;,1 prosecution. &c" .'Ihc case for .25 nu, ni i ... . i aonc in fiicuw i,;YKivt WIS Ar)M.1 V. virAnrrlv Tf! kuaw iuu i"vp"j !, err.iw iuiuw.rr . . i .jh wmcu i v uru t .irw v,nui. x . - ... ... . none id ii otW. F. Potterhe "ol JrWKS -"M.uuo. blueor iwj - nf do" roses .. i fnnmsmwi"" ivraona caning iyi - . . i -- , I, FDBUXKHKli ?-HW.Sotalfc -a, passed: silk, the tnmm.nj .Jjirf where Jodff. Mcrrimon i. ;.,otrf i. a. u fi-rrft nF limiOWJ I i r.,. uuriuy iuoum :iPnl Valenciennes ia'-v. a. RavlDS inai iue . - cu i" uv , parties owing the past due coun- '"gVJ the MAuvernat' and all the as sayin . d that thcrc not a "Washington, D. C. - ' hare liberty to pay the same wear it with a pretty 'lawn were :own a 0fiice, S , p M t anv cn,t nL .W: yW dressi and lace wits, white or bUc bulldmS m the pi o . i v. ;f not claim- I that tne ueieuuaut. m Please say "advertised ; it not c a im fof fivc HcJ , . 1 in 30 days will be sent to dtad iciw-r fotal error yotbing wn be ad- OLD MADE HE7. following wing persons were granted J lack." or cambric drcssj public I .1 iui.V u.-i -x I i ttin buu wo - . - i ... wa i tvanis u Vww i hvsici;us. wi . -nM.. flutiou of 'wimWrfPP, ."W terj . , . j u 1 1 ma some witn tacc. xucj . friend in Raleigh who knows ded to a special verdict. Editor of IlEvirw; the ' wants The people Want rrooi. KnrT)rUcd. in rcadinz the tKSSlT that proceedings of the Board, of Aldermen as physicians or soia uy and publUhed in the. Star this mornin w ' .1 C.I i-.In nn n LUC 1UP3 LUilb pLOiniN G AND HATS dyed aai cd at rtajonabU price. Satlifaction gr- ' PricUcal Dyer and Ilattfir, CrrlW r . i -.r mmnrn al citv was u u- snpc". . .,ua nnln settled on i naa now v, w. with a commerce oLS 12,000 UbeatookareeessunUlthis alter- tn brown -'tton (Alsace cot- qqO only.' . - w tiocK. . - lrtv and arc enuij j . ' ; the State, a mw samp . v niar . vm iui uiui i uk. riA Gvtri " . I ifr rtnrp. niiviu' n- -o - Second L, between' Market Mtfrrfaeea -i certain books be- Joly 30 , . 4.11 - Stbcf for severe Uougns, . j hefcby th t , ru. . -..I- 1 I .nmA WILLI v. J . A. -M V-oSrealtate was fixed upon and tne by ,a ioia, -r --i striped ana minswu, - be remembers "MlheatonV aT.l this a ter- taDrowu, -r:, i tton Alsace cx- i qoo oniy. .t . f ntiful r.T:" w nnv tcrson afflictea. can 5et a iS that Wilmington has ne t TSotUe for, 10 and lry its rnebrt, Consumption, of the Throat and Lungs. AP rou I tarned over to him all books and r-.t that anv person afflicted, can get a oince, u, -onehera or naoers A LWAYS O-V 1IA5D A5D C05STAXILT BUCElYlJCa a mi U r.'Jn he ever saw m tne suue, - r- , .ftr . . the regular Life Time MUery PfTVjSfL. rid of the homd UZ'fhl Citr Hall . loiWi8 and .75.1 It has lately been tntro- . H often been established from dyspep-1 "c stomach v;. : hv the! OI . rrles we hare, been Deauuiu . Lfonnd in eonntrr from Gennacy, tnti0 niiii a va" . 1 1 r ampi. luvokivw I a 1 1 1 1 xTva ; - . wnuiv---i . . three or wui inn mumvi-v , c- 1 . .. nrft asioru5iun" lJV bread, heavv biscuit an ndi- wtting jupon lor that 0,d i ne made no otnei :r li1 that use it. Three tVea wdl Me r,asir,r ' :Pd vean i wrur .- , in y0ur , ihfi mxUc bniHungs, ui c v j r- -t tBUv ac.. ' irrlinea and simpucuj , received in childhood bT the e.KZTf the last three hA v v: : (nrli- I Bitting upon lor - . . t tlSsS'ttM htothepuhlichui.. " DooLEv'a Yeast Towfr . isUh?- ?.!U IS"3' . . 1 tUrDCU OVt'I w- 1 ! i. ff. ' i - r rVipra nrnancriL.ii r... rmrs. llediclfief. CnenucaiJ. papers except - JIT'W - i "I ' relating 10 my and which baa not been fully acted on by ' the Board of Audit and lnauce. Respectfully j T. U bEsyasH, Tntf Article, 4c Oar CXr',l" are nniurpaaea. . n Third St, oppeaitff C.fy u- ctirse Late CUy Clerk and Treasurer J , joly 2S the absolute preventive.

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