tMS PAPER , h lcrj after oon, Sundays cx- cci'tcd by. ... i m k s . II. A. " ' ' Tiot AN I MlOTIi I ETO 1 j. 'irtlONS. POSTAGE PAID. J? Six months, $2 50 ; Three JclT' , J . One month, 50 cents. 3:0 wiU be delivered by carriers, -,ot 13 cents per week. . 'rateslowandHberal. : 'cribcri wUi please report any and sraobsa w capers regularly. ,ViIIarcito rct. EAVS SUMMARY. . F McClary,:t!rJ Central .Kail .' ...i,.. hA baiii ia a Jersey S I ' . i- . ,,o f u-ffk. was r ;cc station ior - . - 00 on Tuesday. oam- r the Chairman of the ew fcnU party's State Central 'v , y' a mcetms of the -tec- ua . :tcc, i r most active mem- 1"' puty in tbd State, to be held r The Cabinet has dc u lf 'ur thc rrtnt, lbc: troops ' t .. t be returned to their barracks in 5 '' '" , . The name of Congress- : . n.,i-c. (irnrps verv nn ..ily i'l;in ansV wcr meu pi 1'"' . .. orrainf. Thompson, on . - j. . v...- Yuri;. In obedience to ;rViuKia. will run for the Cliam fr .TffcPutiiiiAj.iccwag:uast Prince '" (.leu. Ciraut and party Emperor William and ncis J r!l ?re interviewing each other 1 .Close, uf White Plains, X. i :anei ;.rr fi;.U:!!U:l .C CV. circus ami aw involuntary bankrupt. The .Q,r:;:l!ia, animals,' and properties V!., ,! by thy sheriff of Augusta, Ca. -..vUago. ills debts are estimated a: .'J'.'.OOO.- I JtscplcA. Buxomc, efjxv Yuik, dca'cr in lacesand fancy -vklus fcilcd.j - tlt trial of I'.-.f. Tike, for minder uts.S. Junes, of EJyto-rhiii3ijJiical Journal, in .March lait. the Jury rendered a verdict d actual mi the ground of insanity. Tie famine is m m:reasing .ill the Madras lieMdeiicy. 1: i., ;.'.itL'd that the Russians have r tit'iital beyond thebalkatis and that the ' I'jlrudacha is u;v clear uf them.' The interview ktwmilar.perors William ..utl rrij.cis Jwsqili will he purely pri .:!(.'. It in runioml lhat Austria, with: the cvDscnt of b'ervia and Itussia, will occupy the western part of Servia. Kt'purtal tuat the Ilussians arc con-' cjLtratiii a furcc on Lorn river, and that aa attack ou Jlasgrad is- thouglit immi- Mtit. The I'imcjs' Yienua disiatch CifUlaiiis the fallowing; "According to upiciil news frtm Constantinople, Me-hfai-jt AH intends to, convert Iiasgradiuto fjrtificd camp. Thc forces concentrated iatbc neighborhood cf liasgrad consist of f-Ttyight hattalior.s of infantrv, fifteen hiUcriCS imd oirlitv-twr sniwil rS t ciralry, uuxlcring altogether . 40,000 to:a. There is appalling misery the biilgarian and Turkish fugi There arc from 10,000 to 15,000, fhcju 500 are wounded, many are lyt-Z on thc road from exhaustion and Ration, and all of them are perfectly istiUtc cf every necessary of life. Augusta, Me., dispatch says there is . interest manifested in thc State CcuvcaUoa, which meets there to-day. ancc will be large and a lively viaft cay ensue on thc resolutions. J. utioct the majority will favor u ,c5 ullican resolutions, ignoring Ljinbtrationand its policy. . J-.Lamb, of Norfolk, was made rary chairman of thc Virginia -ratic Convention. Thc preliminary flings arc earnest to a degree that "polled boisterous, with a fair show ;irLecomingfrant V I tic. John F. 1Qter has been appointed Consul to JCnrcsrnt Sitting Uull's at one thousand fighting men. jpaS Ball makes no secret of his iutcn renexvinsthewaron the Yellow-. V theft Js accumulatin'? ammunition and otherwise. Strikers Gene to Work. iUXlfAI1' AuS. 1. A crowd o tfUrffdredbo-vs with a sprinkling ibv5cn tamo int0 this place from s y'y iast night, fat about 11 ts fpLS;lvc a series of Communistic ULW a drum, which they lb?tmg'iand ami,i the confusion :Z.icara a 3'0lith of seventeen sum- rat?S cTcrlo3y and anybody to icia the act the excursion. Thev had !&euS Tvcryfar before twenty-tight of H: :y ncre scooped m by thcauthor-JdTic-ti r giving them some healthy cr n y Wcrc sent home sadder, if not JtWCnifin8I0-f a Peculiar kind of the sirS0" kave not teen heard Thi " rJS. several hundred oftho f the Mn m vicinity met on Dun's Hill voald LVSS56 of ascertaining whether it cled a?1-? catinue the farco ;lqlytod ?c , Picrce Walkcr va3 WSlT1- Thc Hon. John 5avrsS dea very scnsibIe 6Pch, tert,7Vhe men to consult their own itwasi??-1? work Another' one sensp tr. l J 'aruiQcc witn com se to stay out any longer,- when r 1 VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N, C, THURSDAY, AUGUST all the otherxolleriers were at svork. 1 move wc go to work," curtly exclaimed a striker. The motion was not immediately seconded. It was apparant, however that all present desired going to work, bu it was humiliating to acknowledge defeat in one brief week. "I second that mo tion," shouted a man who suddenly drop ped to the ground aa though ashamed o his own voice. The question was finally put to theoneeting and was carnedt!ln a few moments the news spread through out the entire valley. It was everywhere received with much good grace. Despatches just. received from Mahanoy City say that the men in that vicinity held a meeting this evening at Smith's Farm, but came to no definite conclusion. I Th6 Mails The Mails close and arrive at the City I'osioince as lollows : 1 CLOSF. Xorthern through mails - - - 4:15 P M Northern through and way mails. 0:15 A M jlaiis lor tlic Is. (J. and A. dc r. C ltailroads, and routes supplied therefrom - - - I- - - - - 4:15 PM Soutliern mails for all rioints South. daily , 5:00 P M Western mails (C. C. It. V.) daily (except Sunday) - - 5:00 P M Jr ayetteville, and ofnees on Cape Fear Itiver, Tuesdays and 'ri- 1 days - - -; ' . - - 1:00 P M Mails for points alone line of Che- raw & Darlington It i; - - - 11;30 . A M Fayettevnie by U. C. K. W. daily, (except Sundays) - - . - 6:00 A M Mails for points between Florence and Charleston ------ 11:30 A M Onslow. C. H. and intermediate of- lices every Friday - - - 0:00 A M Smithvillej mails, by steamboat, daily, (except Sundays) - - 8:00 a il Mails for Kasy Hill, Town Creek, i every Friday at - - - - - -3:00 PM ARRIVE. Northern through mails - - 12:15 PM Northern through and way mails. 5:50 P M Southern mails - - - .,- - - 7:00 AM Carolina Central Railway at - - 6:30 A M Mails delivered from 6:00 A. M. to 7:00 P M.. and on Sundays from 8:30 to t):30 A. M Stomp Ollice open from 8 A. M. to VI M., and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order and Register Departments open same as stamp uiuie. 1 Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamn otlice ds ciosed. , Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. ' j Mails collected from street boxes every day 3:15 P M. i.Mniimi.wi uJ .ii.uiiu LOCAL NEWS. i i New Advcrtisenients. : l I j S. D Wai.i.ACK, Ciish'r Div.flond. J. LrBoATwrtiGiiT Fresh Groceries. A. David We Knew It. Wc have heard of nq mad dogs to-day. AVondcrf ul to relate. . , 1 i ' 'Vanity, like laudanum and other poison ous medicine, is beueficial jin small, though injurious, in large quantities. Fewer little boys will be drowned this month than last, for the reason that there arc only four Sundays in this mouth. If you want! to be a thoroughly happy man, making money fast, no creditors to bother you, no, cares to worry you be an editor. i i Capt. WT. R. Bell, President! of the State Council Friends of Temperance, is in the city, and stopping at the Manning IIousc. , 1 The bridgo on thc Wilmington & Wcldou 11. It., on Sixth street, has been completed, the last-nail naving been driven in yesterday afternoon. rda We haVc been yequcstcd to call the at tention of thc Chief of Police to the ponding of water on the West side of Fourth, betweeu Hanover and Brunswick streets. The Supreme Court is now closed against arguments, thc last case having been disposed of yesterday. The rest of the week will be consumed in the filing of opinions by thc justices. Bur As Ocoauioon loavos for Fajrcttcrille to-day, with the expectation of exhibiting there to-morrow night. If merit wil achieve success :thc Fayettevillians wiU "ivc them a crowded house. , ( August 23d therefwill be an eclipse of the nioon, lasting about half the night. Thc mom will be nearly invisible, as also will be the young couple who sit on the front steps to watch the affair. '( A friend iry speaking of the Eastern war says: "No matter what the foreign war news indicates, Turkey will be successful, as the losses arc -with the Russians and the nrophzis with the Turks," tthy'of course Thc guests at Catawba (Springs have gone in for amateur theatricals, and will have their first performance, next Satur day, night when fir. W. ll.f II. Gregory will play Tojdlcs, and a young lady from Charlotte Mrs. Todlcs.'- I Let a young gentleman and young lady try the following scientific experiment : A galvanic battery is set in motion, and while he ' takes one handle in one of his hands she" takes the other handle in one of hers. Then Jet them softly kiss each other. This is an improrement on the BrooKlyn style, and it brings out all the fireworks there are in twoloting souls. Shrimps arc. very email this summer and Sounders predict they will jc very scarce for the balance ot the season oh account of the immense quantity of -fresh water in thc , creeks. i 1 The flower loving citizen who has spent all hid leisure time this season in laying out flower beds and cultivating the same, wm nave ins rewam now, when ve scS; Ml t - . . -. his daughter's beaux carrying off -"''the choicest varieties for button-hole boquet? Tho following is the full1 name of a girl living near Union Point 4 Ga. Poor little creature, we fear she car never carry all this burden of njime through life : "M garet-ann Cassykinu Eliza-amr" Luanda Gordon Sccny-ann Setockingham Jenny ann Perkins lluffj Hancock Saggers." Two small colored-boys were arrested yesterday afternoon for fighting and locked up for a short' time, but after an hour's imprisonment were released with' an ad monition from the Captain of the day Police, th,at thev must not be found vio lating thc law again, for if they were they might not escape so easily. Uiisc likn. V , The match game of base ball between the "Scraps" and "Unknown" yesterday afternoon, resulted in a victory for thc "Unknown," the score standing 22 to 14. C. W. Howard, of the "Unknown," was very badly hurt by stopping a "pilchcr' in his "centcrficld." I Concert To-morrow Right. - For the reason of an'cmergent busi ness meeting of thc Comet Concert Club, their weekly open air concert was post poned from last1 evening. They will give their concert, however, to-morrow evening, when they will be glad to inter est and entertain any of theiii friends who will rally around the stand. : . Kate Postponed. The race between thc small yachts Restless, Spray add Bessie Lee, which was to have taken plac at an early dajte over the Wrightsvilhr '.ce course, has been indefinitely postponed, though lovers of the sport can console themselves over the prospect of thc Club race on the 17th inst. from the Wrightsville Banks' wharf across the inlet to Fowlers Point, on Ma sonboro Sound, and return. i , Good Behavior. Capt. Cowan, in his daily police report, made to His Honor, the Mayor, this morning, took- occasion to speak of the orderly maimer in which the colored ex cursionists conducted themselves during their rceent vis:t to our city.- dpt. C. states that notwithstanding thc very large crowd in attendance, there was not a single drunken person to be seen among them. This certainly speaks well for the colored people of this or any other section.- and is worthy of all praise. Narrow Escape. A ft'v dws aero, while Mr. James B. McPhersou and four of his little children - j o were riding over his farm, near Bocky Point, in a cart drawn by a fractious mule, the animal took fright, throwing Mr. McPhersou out of the cart, the wheel passing over and dragging him about a hundred yards ovet- stones, (stumps, etc. The animal was checked in his mad career before thc children were seriously hurt. Both Mr. McFherson and his children were badly bruised, though wc are "lad to know no bones were broken. S. C. of F. of T. , j To Mr. W. M. Hays, a delegate to the State Council of Friends of Temper ance, just returned, wc arc indebted for the following list of officers who were elected to serve for the ensuing year at the annual meeting of the Council recently held at La Grange, in Lenoir county: ( President Capt. W. T. It. Bell. I Associate J. R. Dickson. ( ' Chaplaia Ker. R. M. Brown. Secretary Rev. R. H. Whitaker. ; . TreasurerA. McF. Cameron. Conductor John D. Burch. Sentinel "W S. Clark. There were twenty-two subordinate rtit 1 councils represented, ine meeting was marked by perfect harmony and unity of sentiment. After the transaction pf all the business, the Council adjourned to meet in Wilmington cm the 7th day of August, 1878. Perfect Honesty . Plus chemical Sci ence. In these words you have thc great secret of the unexampled success of Dooley's Yeast Powdek. It is made from the purest cream-tartar, manufactured from grape juice expressly for this firm. 'Men whoso business drives them to the wall BUT posters. Eclipse of the Sun 1 here was a partial eclipse of thc sun yesterday, but it was not visible in this latitude. The shadow started on the earth high up on, the eastern shore of Greenland, and crossing that periinsula went westward, somewhat in the track of what polar navigators have designated as -thQJl2hu'cst passage." After Alaska t was reacbSd the sween was srmlTWl v Aa the shadow ended! in the Pacific ocean Alaska was a good place to get a view of it, as the central line of the shadow passed over! that terriory. j Eclipse of the Moon. There will be a total eclipse of the moon on thc 23d inst, just two weeks from to-day, which will be1 partly visible here. Thc moon will enter the shadow at 4.4 pj m.; the total eclipse begins at 5.5 and ends atj 7.45, and thc moon lcavs the snaaow at G.4o p. m. As thc sun sets at G.39 onjthatday there will be a chance for seeing the last part of thc show provided it is j clear overhead, i 1 Quarterly Meetings. Fourth round of appointments as made by Rev. William S. Black, Presiding Elder, for the Wilmington District, Meth odist E. Church, South.- Magnolia, at Providence. . ...Sept. ! 1 2 Wilmington,i Fifth Street. . . .Sept. 1 8. 9 Cokcsbury and Coharie Mis- j sion atCokesbufy.........; .Sept. J5 10 Whiteville and Waccamaw Mission at Shiloh ...Sept. 22 23 Clinton... ;.. ...Sept. 29 30 Wilmington, Front Street..;. .Oct. G 7 Smithville, at Concord...... ; . .Oct. 13 14 Onslow, at Queen:s Creek.. ....Oct. 0 21 Elizabeth, at Eiizabcthtown... Oct. 27 28 Bladen, at Windsor. ..Nov. 3 4 Topsail, at Wesleyan Chapel . Nov. 10 11 17 18 Kcnansville, Wesley Chapel.. Nov; The Thermometer. From thc United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as takeu this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock ; . " s Augusta, 7G; Cairo, 74; Charleston, 82 ; Cincinnati, 72; Corsicana, 69; Fort Gibson G8;aGalvestoh, 80; Jacksonville, 82 ; Key West, 84; Knoxville, 71; Lynchburg, 77; Memphis, 74; Mobile, 78; Montgomery, ' ; Nashville, 75; Ne,W Orleans, 79 ; New York, 77 ;' Norfolk, ;7G : Pittsburgh, G3; Tunta Rassa, 85 ; foavannah, 83 ; Shrcveport, 78 ; 55t. Louis 67; St. Marks, 77 ; Vicksburg, 78; Washington, 74; Wilmington, 75. - : 1 1 Worth Seeing. That is a beautiful sight we told our readers of a few days since, a view of the planet Jupiter and his satellites. Jupiter j i will be found, about 9 or 10 o'clock at night, well up in thc heavens and due South. You 'can sec nothing by a direct gaze at thc planet "tself, turn your back on it and but if you will examine the rc- flection in a looking glass held before you, you will plainly sec the 1 satellites, 1 one in front and the other to the rear. Tho ef fect is a very peculiar one. Looking at the heavens on a clear night with the naked eye you 'can discover only what seems a vast celling, dotted with its thousands of stars but vou can distinguish nothing in regard to distances, some stars of course seeming larger than others, but all appearing to the eye equidistant from thc earth. But in looking at Jupiter by the reflection in a glass it is different. The planet, itself seems suspended in mid space while far to the front and again to thejrcar may be seen the two satellites, i It is an interest ing sight and can be witnessed withou expense or trouble. i i Capt. Boatwright. ' ; ' Wt invite attention to the lengthy and attractive advertisement Of Capt. J. L. Boatwright (successor to Chas. D. Myers & Co.), as it appears in this issue. Capt. Boatwright's stock of family groceries is not only large, select and fresh, but is kept up to the full standard of the re quirements of the market. He is sole ajent for the Old Rye, Summerdcan and B. Select brand of whiskey i, which; will be sold at the lowest possible prices l and satisfaction guaranteed. In all branches of his business he keeps none but the best goods aud guarantees satisfaction to all. Criminal Court. (The following cases have been disposed of in this Court to-day : : 1. State vs. J. C. Minnis, larceny; judg ment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs. Margaret Dahmer, retailing Uquor without a license; not guiJiT; Stat4 ts. Luanda UpJ disorder! con duct j verdict; guilty. ' State vs. Arlington Howard, peace war rant; defendant required to enter into justified bond of $100 to keep the peace. 9, 1877. NO 171 Tile rioard of Directors of thc Bank of cw Hanover have ; declare J a divi dend of 4 percent, (lice cf tax) out of thc earnings of the Bank fir the past six months, payablc.on and affcr the 15tli inst. A Heavy llain. One of the heaviest rains ever experi enced in this locality fell here this aftcr aoon. Theri is too much of it, and wc fear that the peanut and cotton cops fa this section will be seriously injured. At this writing it has been pouring down for an hour and a half, but with a prospect of an early abatement. . i County CommHsibners. The Board of County -.Conimissionc'rs are in session this afternoon. Thev arc engaged, as wc go i j press, m a revision of the tax lists and after this js concluded such other business as may be called up will be transacted. Thc Board will then adjourn and meet aga:n for the purpose of appointing". School "Committeemen for this- township.-. Overflowed. Tho alley ia the rear of Market street, between Front and Second, was overflowed during the heavv rains this afternoon nnd Messrs. Hart, Bailey & Cos workshop and Mr. 1 Geo. Myers' warehouses were several inches deep in water. This is the case very often in a heavy rain and wc call the attention of thc authorities to thc condition of thc sewer in that locality, which needs enlarging. t Rev. G. D. Ilcrnheini. Mb. Editor : i I ! I. am very glad to hear that you intend publishing the letters of the Rev. G. D. Bernhcim, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in this city, who is now on a visit to his native land. These letters arc dis criptivc of his travels and will prove of very great "interest, not'f.aly to his own people here but will be read with great pleasure by every one who may come in contact with them.. r- Wji.m.notoniax. Tiie People Want Proo". There is no medicine prescribed by physicians, or 'sold by Druggists, thai carries such evidence of its success and superior rirturc of Bosciikk's Gehman Syrup for severe Coughs, Colds settled on the breast, Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. A proof ofyhat fact' is that any person afflicted, can get' a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It has lately been intro duced in this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures arc astonishing every one that use it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. Will Cure Consumption. To all suffering from thc fdllowiug dis eases a ray of hope is offered through the kindness ol a missionary friend who has sent me the formula of a purely vegetable medicine which has long been used by thc native medicine men of Ilindostan : for the positive and radical cure ofComsump tion, Bronchitis, Athsma, Catarrh, Dys pepsia, Throatt and Lung difficulty, Gen eral Debility, Loss of Manhood and all Nervous Affections," its power has been tested in hundreds of cases w ithout a fail ure. I now feci it my sacred duty as far as possible to, relieve human miscrv and will send the recipe -Fule of Charge to any person who may desire it with di rections for using, bent by return mail by addressing with 2 stamps, naming this paper, Dr. O. R. Brigham, Drawer 28, Utica, N. Y. New Advertisements. Dividend. WILMINGTON, N, C, August Slh, 1S77. rpnE BOARD OF DIRECTOKS OF THE BANK OF; NEW UAXQVER have thij day declared a DiTidtnd of FOUR PER' CENT. (Free of Tax) out of , the earning of tie I : ' I t Bank fcr the past six months, payable on and i " , : - after the FIFTEENTH LViiT. ! , I S.' D. WALLACE, 5 Caihier. We Knew It. OUR FAVORITE, THE PEARL, Irf It takes the lexd tu-dir aa the champion Shirt in the 'market. After a thorough elimination remrainfr "the mo'lio beinfr cut lenthwia, the bosom of the bt unen r, etc, etc, it u'prononncea or the many judge who hare examined it to be by far the , '!. - BEST AND CHEAPEST, Shirt in the car ket. i !Si. Call and ace th- PEARL. tX new lot vf A!pca CoaU juat In. A. David, oj3 i - The Clothier A DTERTISE A 15 THE , DAILY REVIEW. URSCIRRi TO TilK " f i DAILY REVIEW PLEASE HOTlCli We will be glti to recdr coafttaleatloai from our fricndU oa aaj ' kad all nijectt, o f general Uterrrt bnt : The caaia of the writer a mat always be fujrnbhe4 to the Editor. , r .f Communlcatioai OMt.baJiriittca e&ly. ci one aide of the paper , PcnonaliUca mut belavoided. Andit Ls crpeeially aad parties Urly idr, stood that the editor Idoee mot aliraji csdorae the Ticws of corrwpondents, uleea eo aiated in the editorial columna. New Advorticaiaonts. FRESH GRQCEnilS ! A FULL ASSOETIIEirX OF - . ! -. FIRST jCLAG3: FAMILY 1 GROCERIES ! ALWAYS ON HAND ! CONSISTLVC OF EVERY VARIETY BOTH OF THE Nocossarios and Luxuries of i Life. Being Sole Agent of the Celebrated OLD RYF, SW.MDEAU, AND B SELECT WHISKEYS ! . 1 can offer these Goods aa well as all i other Brands of Whiskcyf, at Tho Lowest Possiblo Price ! Satisfaction Guaranteed. MY STOCK OF - , i L 0 TLT 3HL' . - 1 Embraces all Qualities, Which will be sold, at Declining Figures, As Low as the Lowest. i . -. J - - . i ; ' &5y Sly earnest endeavor will be to sell thc BEST GOODS at the LOWEST PBICES, and to GIVE SATISFACTION TO, ALL. ' 1 j2T Those who favor mo with tbeir orders may rely upon PROMPT ATTEN TION anil EAP.LY DELIVERY. , , toUy To the customers of the late firm of CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., I can only request a continuance of their pat-, ronagc. ami to all new ones a most cor dial vclcomc will be extended. , ' J. L. BOATWRIGHT, . i . - : , : ' 5 & 7 Worth Pront Ot. aug 9 FAMILY GCbCER. fit Sumble Bee" "PECULIAR" CIGARS AT J T. IL HEATH'S, 1 24 Market St. july 30 LIPPITT'S Ice Cream Parlor. WILL BE OPENED 05 WEDNESDAY . morning, 25th inat. Pore Cream fia, rorcd with choiceat fraiti will be keptdariac tho acajon. , STRAWBERRIES 4 J" large and luacioat will be kept when ever lhay can oc procured in either tlua or the Charles ton markcta. Cream aent to any part ot tho city in quarts and rallona froxco, free ef charge. All orders for Cream for Soaiay must be lefts aturdara. Entrance to Valor oa Priaceaa8t. apl 24 .... OLD MADE UEYI. ' QLOTDl.VG AND IIATS dyedaad clean ed at reasonable pricea. Satiifactloa guar anteed. I C P. BJSUJE5, practical Dyer and Hatter, Carrie's block Second ft., between Market asdTrlaeeaa July 30 ' L WAYS O.N HAND AND 1 CONSTANTLY RECE1VI50 a full line of Dngt, Mcdidne, Cbialc$2i, Faacy Article, Ac. Oar C!f an . , - are aniurpajaed. , JA1IE3 C. KCNDS. jaly 13 Third 8L, opposite City Hall Spectacles and Glarrca. rpRE LARGEST ASSORTMENT - EVER offered la this city at prices rb Iri'fr & cents to $10. i ...... ! Call and examine for yoarfelres. ' Jul' J.D. ALLLN

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