i . Tho. Jaily Review. JOSH T. JAMES, Ed. and Prop TTttMIWGTON, N. C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 14. 1877. TIEWS AND REVIEWS. An adrocate of the wbipptDg post claims that an ordinary State could sayc $1,000,000 per annum by its vigorous 11irCSncinnati Okzcite insists that the price of ou.ja entirely too high com pared Willi the, price of wheat. The grai n crfti)orrnoii, and flour must cornc down. - Colenel Walter". II. Taylor, who was Ge'al lice's Adjutant General, has an acleinIiplast Southern Historical Mag aztne atwut 'the battle of Gettysburg, in wKchTre' puts the Confederate forces en gaged in that fight at 64,000, and the Fed eral at 105,000 effective mcu. Germany continues to lead Ireland in sending emigrants to the United iStates, andJUst month England led her by sev eral hundcd , Of 0,713 immigrants land ing ih4 York last week Germany sent 1,522; England, 1,238; Ireland, 8 JG; and Autna4jl2 the. , remainder coming from otbet ibreifju ' countries. A company has been started to supply down-town New York merchants and brokers with lunch at thsir own offices. Eachibscfibef or patron is called upon between 10 and 1 o'clock every day by onejoLthe company's carriers with a her metically sealed box, containing an assort ment of fresh .sandwiches, made of French rolls and meats of every kind. i4fNewyork gentleman went to a shoe toaker's on Saturday at Long Branch to hare a peg driven down in his shoe. ,A pile of old boots, slippers and shoes was knee-deep around the cobbler. '-They don't throw away their old shoes as they did? said! he. "No, sir," was the reply. "I never saw so much cobbling in Long Brakrfrali my life." Hr. Rookcr, the foreman and a stock holder of the New York Tribune, says it is not true that he gave to the public the rccently-pnblisned editorial of Mr. Greeley rejecl bjYhiEelaw Reid just beforojtlr. Greeley's insanity. He says, top, that the Tribune is now a payiDg property, get ting seven per cent, and free rent in its building, and; netting 40,000 in the past six months. Returns from all the customs districts of all the exports and imports during, the 'fiscal year ending June1 30,1877, show the total exports, specie value, $002,474, 381 ; total imports, $541,307,549 ; excess ofesports over imports, 151,16G,832. In the fiscal year 187C the excess 'of ex ports over "imports was but .jj57,G43,481. Iatlje fiical year 1877 the exports of coin and bullion amounted to $5G, 103,237, and imports to $40,7p4,414, while in the proceeding year the exports were $5G,50G, "302, and the imports only $15,936,681. All is lost, Packard thinks . "Do you believe that the Republicans' will t be de feated '"next Fall 1n the cIohc States?' asked a New i York Iribune -interviewer of him the other day. "Beyond any ques tions,' i was the reply of the discerning carpet-bagger. . 'We shall loseWisconsin, Ohio' and rtennsylvania, The Democrats will JwveiNcw', York by 75,000 majority. Our party is going to pieces. Wc arc all broken tip,! aud I am afraid the ruin is irretrievable. I don't care for myself, but it makes xnc melancholy to see the old party destroyed by men of its owii house hold" r . : . ,. : j . On the 5th of August, last year, the three-masted iron steamshp Great Queens and left-London for Melbourne with a laTg'rgo and sixty-nine passengers and crew on board. AtGravcscud she stopped to Ukft on wmc thirty tons of black jgun powdor and two tons of patent gunpowder. After this was laden she rirocecded on her voyage, and has never ! been heard of since .'August 1276. A name board belonging, to her, however, and some life buoys have been washed ashore j on the south coast of England. The English Wreck i Commissioner has just decided that the steamer must have been destroyed by the explosion of the patent gunpow der, which was pro veil to been nave in bad condition jand improperly packed. Dr. DeUasse. American cousul at Jerusalem, writes to an Omaha paper gi v ing the details of - his tour around the worKJ in the' remarkably quick time of sixty-eight days. The journey from Al exandria, Egypt, via Brindisi and Taris to. London, and thence to New York and San Francisco, was accomplished in twen ty days, just the same nnmber of days going -from San Francisco to. Japan. The crossing to Cantou, in China, took six days. ' A sail of ten days over the China sea' and through the Strait of Malacca - brought him to Ceylon, and twelv orore days to ,3nez; in Egypt, and thtfice alTe w hours byrail to Alexandria, his starting point, making the entire dis taneo tf 25,000 -mUes 1C,000 by water and D,o66 bh land -in sixty-eight days, without Lnyac:iceat or detention of any WATERING AND WATERED. The book of Proverbs tells us that "the liberal soul shall be made fat ; and he Jtha watereth shall be watered falso; liimself." It is hardly probable that the wise Solo mou had any rcfcrei cc to this day land generation and yet history repeats itself. Some liberal souls have very freely water ed the Brcsidcntial plant and a few have been vcrv liberally watered in turn - y Wat cr sight, my countrymen 1. THE FEDERAL TROOPS. And so we arc not to have the Federa troops in the Eolith again at present be cause, as we. are told, it might be "preju dicial to their health' Whether this really means what it says or whether the Cabinet has decided (and are ashamed to say so) that the probabilities are that thev may be more" needed in the Xorth than in the South, during the coming Fall aud winter, who can say ? These troops were sent South to over- awe us, to Keep us away irom me pons, and to encourage the Republican bum mers to manipulate State elections and Statp treasuries in the manner which seemed good unto them. They came here as our enemies and they left as our friends; they had, formed social and some, of them sacred, ties among the peo ple whom they were sent to stand guard over, and when they left us they were sorry and ! Ave were sorry and when they return to their barracks they will be -glad and wo will be clad. Wc found out that jLhey were not the mercenary hirelings we feared from the character of those who sent them among us, and they found out that wc were not the bloody villains and desperate rebels they had been taught to heiievc. May the clay he near at hand when thev shall be ordered back to their peaceful barracks in the South. 1 MAILsllN THE SOUTH. I - The Norfolk Landmark, of a recent date, mints a very admirable little speech delivered before the Postal Convention by Maj.1 Semple, of Montgomery, Ala., a del egate to the Convention. Wo have not room for it all but give here an extractin which he saj's ; . "The appropriations for mail service in the North have been increased 40 per cent, since 18G0, while those for the South iavo been reduced 10 per cent .While wc constitute at the South more than .one-third of the population of , the union, 'and pay more them one-halj of the vast sums collected by. direct and indirect taxation, not one-tenth tif the disburse ments, arc made tor us or amona us. Jt is due to this cause that Southern cities, which 80 years ago led Northern cities, arc now so vastly behind them. This system has been adopted and persevered in to a great extent, because otlr public men in Congress have devoted more at tention to purely political subjects than to those which affect trade and domestic economy, while our Northern brethren have always kept a sharp eye on the ma terial interests of their, constituents." We commend this to our readers and hope that every member of Congress inhe South will read Maj. Scrapie's speech iu full. Every 'department of business is interested in the securing of the proper mail facilities at the South. Wc are en titled to these aud we should have them. Every state is'now in the Union, none out of it and none on probation, and we have therefore a light not onjy to ask but to demand that our requirements in 'this re spect should be heeded and 'filled. REV. WM. hTcL.ARKE. The telegraph has announced the sud den death of lie v. Wm. H. Clarke, llec tor of St. Paul's Episcopal church, in Augusta, at the bedside of a parishioner. Mr. Clarke .Ayas known to some of our readers and his eloquent voice nas more than ouce been heard in sacctuaiies in this city. We copy from the Augusta Chronicle -a tribute 'to his excellence and merit: 1 ' ' The death of this virtuous arid honored minister of God, while it appels by its suddenness, has consolatory features not given to the common run of mortals. lie died literally in the most solemn perform ance of duty, yielding up hjs spirit with the name of the Redeemer on his lips, and after allife spent' in treading after the . . 1 r t liri' . , T lootsteps oi jesus vurisi,, ais master, js there any better way to pass from time to eternity .7 If the soldier whoj follows the banner ' "of this 'world has a sort of conse cration when . he falls on Ithc field of glory, what angelic rejoicing must there be over a soljdier of the Cross Avho expires a the very base of the Rock of Ages ? ' Jt is a geiiuinc martyrdom, and an earnest of the bliss that waits the good man in the ever lasting'l luugddm, .lfj the life of our de parted frieud was beautiful in its perfect harmony, its gentle charity, its consistent faith, its all-embracing affection for poor humauity, very much more beautiful is his death, because it was the heroic termi nation of a we! spent career. Mr. Clarke nad long been a resident of this city, aud, during his ministry, won the respect, confidence and we may say love of all our citizens, irrespective oj" race The editor of the London Truth, on the authority of three. Americans, estimates Grant's fortune at 10,000,000. I So itfseems that tndh sometimes lies out bi a well as well as in it. Walt Whitman is writing another book. Patti is to receive $5,000 a night during her American tour. Adelaide Neilson is spending the sum mer in Normandy. Efforts arc being made in. San Francisco to establish a free library. P. M. Arthur, leader of the Locomotive Brotherhooil, is au-Englishman. Senator David Davis, of Illinois, is scii ously ill with cancer of the' stomach. The riot tax on every 'man, woman, and child in Pittsburg is forty dollars a head. The father of the late Gen 15. E. Lee received fatal injuries in a Baltimore rioti Mr. Charles A. Dana, of the New York Sun, was fifty-eight years old on Satur day. ' Cotton is blooming and boiling splen didly in Louisiana, Mississippi and Ar kansas. 1 New York's bonded debt was reduced $1,000,000 last year, but there is still due $132,096,992.22. The South Carolina papers complain that "Independent Democrats" are be coming, troubljesqme.' y General Butler is saiiiirg 'his . yacht America along the New England coast, with his weather eye on the labor troubles ashore. The average rainfall of Iowa is 10 inches, lx'ing greater than that of any other Western State. Next in order comes Indiana, which is 43.32 inches. A Cincinnati widow advertised for "every Christian in the city" to send her 10 cents. She realized 20 cents, indicat ing an unexpectedly large number -of Christians in tbat city. There is a "iemarkablo report going about to the effect that Miss Clara Louise Kellogg intends to use the profits of her proposed California engagement in found ing a musical college for young American women. The average shrinkage" of rcaL estate i at Boston since the dull times, has been about thkty-three per cent., the greatest loss being in the outlying. lands that were cut ' up into building lots and sold at ab surdly high prices about six years, ago. ,-. Miscellaneous. SGRIBNER'S MONTHLY, A A UliUlVALED Illustbated Mauazie Wben Scribner Issued its famous Midsum mer Holiday Number in July, a friendly critic said of it : "We are not'fiure but that Scribner has touched hieh-water mark. We do not see what worlds are left to it to con- Hicsellaneous. AP.PLET.QfWS iMiiftlf CYCLOPfiDIl prospectSs"" NEW BE VISED EDITION. Entirely rewritten by the ablest cvem-subject. 1'iiiited lroiu tiid illustrated with Several Engravings and Maps LIPPINCOTT'S MAQA2r m LiteratiireJ.sclsEC8.IjH Thousand . ouer." But the publishers do not consider &The Work originally published under the AnAiiiA that they hare reached the ultima thule of tule of illE NEW AMLiUCAN CYLCOPiK "IlOUIlCOment for 1fiV excellence-they believe "there are other .Mvfl X1?1 ' i 13x1 i .i J lime iiic niue wtLuiaiiuu nuicu id llia Ul- I - worms vj -uuHuei, iiu . tained in all parts of the United States and conquer them.' the signal developments which hayo taten The number fnr i f The prospectus for the new volume gives place m every t)iance of science, literattre, iePnth vninXwf ir.i.. ?urT bfrim i Kii itirc rf infrt fKan fiffrv n a nars firms tlv linri n.rt. hiivn induced thu editor n.nrl Tnh- uiume OI Inis . yi - "W r-rv- v r. . Z7 7 -T . r. oast reenrd trill j. illustrated), by writers of the highest Under the head of I VllftH IMTWI. KlaViiadea T new VJrK ofreferen an we have "A winter on the Nile." by Gen. Mc- P.u:i1Jf.; AND MOST Fub,s',' ClelUn ; baunterings About Constantino- k t ce witU Uie ui.veries of scieUce and . . . . pie," toy. naries :Luaiey Warner ; -uut oi their fruitful application, jto the industrial x"e Br object and my i icuow ai itiuscow, ler : "An American in T serial stories are announc icholas IVlinturn, Dy Dr. llolland the Editor, its height when the last volume worn,, app new eour ctivity Eargo accessions to onr gi of tile old i?rma.H0? nd8o5ndest yh ". work appeared,, has happily ended, and a "e",er,? """est j m a wor(j to PPBV;erti rse ot commeiciai and industrial Wfc,,-BKiineBtnltinirl i.:JT.. ."rf activity has been commenced. k r THOSE mrnnt i.; .T, graphical Annr..1,A1 ARE Wb,Mo story of "Serenoak." g are the highes tedge have Thn made uy tta&toU-- ATTRACTIVE EV MAotv ks of the Hudson. The hero 13 a young decade, with tho natural xesult of the lapse enraired emhr..1!f l??n hlnd ornulu man wno nas oeen aiways"iiea io a wuiuhu a - y" , , " ' "-o"" i""" " ti o. . . v - mature 1m d anron strino-, " but who bv the death of his multitude of new men, whose names are in lales. Short Storiea, Descrintir- ci apron strings, Dut ay no, dj inc caui every one's mouth, and of whose lives Narrative ' Pr,Pr. ,11 JrTt SkrtrW mother, is kit alone in the world, to driiton v ; ,! i.ftW ,h runni. . r .;e Pers on iscienr. ..j the current of life, witn a fortune, but with- Great battles have been fought and impor- "' PP01" Etoarj, Ut. gut a purpose. . . tant sieges maintained; oi which the details I , ric., i,tc. Another serial, "llus inlient,ancc," dj miss are as yet preserved oni the newspapers i I l ALLJNTED ANDWKf T k'v- Traftonu will begin on the completion oi'i nail or. in tue 'iiusieiijj puumauuus w mo uay, Lass o' Lowrie's, ' bv Mrs. Hodjrson Burnett, and which ought now to take their place in , . i..i.f tQ u,iri Amist )mj a I permanent auu aumeniie uisiory. Mrs. Burhett, s stor v , begun in August, 1 as a J parillg the preSent edition for tho pathos and dramatic power which ha c been 1)r lu-cnnllnalv been tlifl uiin f t he .... 1 - . t !- - I . .w - . . - I -r T ' a surprise io me puunc. editors to bring down the intormation to the 1 IiU UbELY A VT"! npu'wri . 1 here is to. be a series ol original ana ex-1 lowest possible rates, and to lurnLsh an ac-I A'iJwiJfmj w iu nuts. - A 1&jse proportion of the articM , - thofie desenptire of travel, wUl b,' quisitch" illustrated papers of "Popular J curate account f the most recent discoveries acienct." bv Mrs. llerrick, each paper com- m science, oi every irens production in There are to be, from various pens, papers ILLUSTRATED. on I The nirt.trtal mk.' v . . uire, and ol the newest inventions in I r.f wumcnuoiuieMr. the practical arts.as well as to give a succinct J wu"m one oi iw attractive featura and original record of the progress political 1 T .ln addition to the General Attranii. and historical events. I I'ippincott'i Mairin uo" and I invite attpnfw.t. t v.Vn- trw. ,A (;r,. ,f. 15rif:iin innlu.lo lif historv of 1 " "Pw Juriimig, xuiuct, U. i.' ;.. Pn.,(;-,n i paaia,vifii tlic same plan and ov.hu i"""10 m vU-u. ul vu, " itspredesessor, but witnafarg fccottisti ioTii riiciory mine xovemoer lary expenditure, and with s number, .inu "loaa j-ianc, ivocuuaie. in i;e- mentiuitscomuosiuoiiashave attenUon to the following SPECIAL FEATURES FOB id. 1. A new serial story, The Xttarauis of lossie." MOONSHINE. cember. Other papers are, "The British j ed by longer experiencea nd enlarged Unow- Workinginan s Home, "A JNation ot Slip- leage. keepers," "Ha'penny a Week (or the Child,' "Just rat . 1 ' 1 ' the hist tune "Sam, why don't you talk to your mas ter and tell him to lay up treasures in heaven? "Whals de use of him laying treasures: tin dar? lie nebcr sec uni agin. or creetf. Wo wave never beard aught of him but what was kujd and affectionate. His deeds of benefact ion were, w hre rea son to believe, many aud unostentatiofts, His frieud were numbered by thousands; his enemies have no place in the record. Wo have, never known a man so univer sally esteemed and seldom hajs a man i x is ted anywhere ; who was so '.eminently worthy of such unanimous reverence. His intellectual qualities were like his piety. deep and earnest. ; We hare lost in him a pastor without blemish, a citizen irit out reproach. Au American man after dining at a London restaurant, paid his bill and was about leaving, when the waiter suggested that the amount did not include the wait- cr. "Ah! said tnc man, ,,uut i tnun t cat tho' waiter!" Between new made lovers: "Then, Adclgitha, 3rou will be mine?" "Yes, Fer dinand, if pa is willing. I always do what he wants me tp. "Uut will he give! his consent?" "He will. Ta ahvavs does what I want him to." An Irishman, who had been sick a long time, was one day met by the parish priest, when the following conversation took place : "Well, Patrick, I , am glad you have recovered; were you not afraid to meet your God? "Oh, no, ycr nvcrance. it was mcetin' tho other chap that 1 was afeard uv!" . "Why is that tent on the lawn yonder, ' asked Spilkins, one hot afternoon, " Why is that tent like the 1,1st presidential coin paign? ' Every body alt once knew some thing awful was coming, and gave it' iip. "Because it's a heated canvass," said Spilkins, dodging around the corner of the piazza. They sat in the parlor, and he squeezed tier hand. "Oh, would that this hand were mine r he signed. "vnyv she. simpered. "Because if it were mine, 1 could knock bullocks down with it bet ter'n with a sledge hammer." The last seen of that young man he was trying to climb on the top of the house by aid of the water-spout. Young ladies who are in the. enjoy men t of their first attack of love seldom finish their first saucer of icc-ccam. If you waut to see a frizzle-headed pulled-back girl get away with about half a gallon at a sitting try one that has beeiJ engaged eight'or ten times. She'll hide it, rind go off muttering," Yum, yum, yum! More!" Disgusted With a suit; for a yoke of oxen which had had five trials, a Kentucky jury has rendered the fole wing verdict "We of the'jurj' find for the plaintiff one of the steers in controversy, or its value, $50; and to the defendant the other steer, or its value, 50; the costs to be equally divided be tween the parties, and the yolie to go to the lawyers." When the German government so'ved that Cologne farm ten inches deep in tan bark, saturated it with kerosene and urcd it, the officials naturally supposd the interse heat, the seething sea of flame, would crisp the Colorado beetle, and they were amazed beyond all expression to see the Colorado beetle crawl out of the fire on the second day, climb upon the fence, wipe the beaded pcrspirajioh from its brow, aud remark to the nearest official, "Furty hot for comfort,! stranger, but it is the boss weather for corh." fry an earth quake on him, Kaisj we.re tried CFcry- thirigelsct Hatckeye. '' TJ htt-, X ZV 3 rr". 1 it I The work has been becrim after lontr XLUIU.U JUX1U ttUU XiaVDi. rn.rflil nrpliinin.irv l;ihr nml with Mm i.ioJ. Alio, practical sujrjsuons as io wvu auu ample resources lor ciurvin it on loiifcuc countrv life, vill.isre iunucYeuirnts, etc., by c ssful temination. wejl-kiiown specialists. iuue oi uie original sicrcoiypepiaies nave ilr. Jiarnard's articles cm various Indus- useu, uuicvtiy ikjuuimis ueeu. primeu new Cycio- coniiNiss as reater liecun- uch improve- bv Georo Mnnn.M been suggest- uk i ICl Jr Tln "AWcoIb. ow- ""ODertnieonerfv ' ' uur reaaen who ir fr.n.r;., : t : i a -i i - with II a I - iuus uini are iijircxiucea in the nresent edition h: U.IH1 .),,...! ...t .1" i... t.. i r I " ... " -tv A rinl.lv Jli.iatrnforf Pifw.will ho cri..ti nn V4. f1"" JW1 . . ... PWJ CUiniUenUaUOn, Alia Lll KMtltim '.. . j - r ,,Vi u ieci uul loive greater luciaity undtorce to tee to others of i Hi. T, 7 " "American bports by ilood and Iield,"by tlie explanatioii-s in the text. They embrace vrf.,i tfi.- ply, various writers, ana cacti ( on a aiUorent all branches ol science and natural history, L"IV A"fKn me aotemlxr Iheme. The subject of . and depict the most famous and remarkable .???ei whh "sue, with the Dcctmbfr pin, ,...., . : I a. . 7" .. 1 . " v r, ..u.-vi u,, "iiuu&euuiu aau ijluixiu nctuiduuu i wen as tue various processes ol mechanics I wr ion. will have a proinincnt nlace. whilst the latest K..?"" , f?! "I Prof Nu.tr. ted, eric, of .ketd productions of American huiuoiifts will a p- pains have been spared to insure their nrrrAi tt t, near i'roni m rm tdTTiorttli : 'l'!if list of short.- I iirtist ic vc-ollnirwt 1 ip envt rt't liniv tYfrti t ry I wWcalSIl UG($11CrV And Xilff. cr stor cs. nmrran .in and nthr sketch"!. IS enormous, anu it Is M'lievecl tliev will find I vy ATOI. Wlllard Frisk- iih. r-. etc., is a locg one. i , " " aweicoipe reception as an admirable feature University, who ia throorhly faroilirU The edit'irial department will continue to 1 WUUI,J '1W oweacn and ita people from personal obtfrth . .1 1.1 . i I iHaiaviui, r ti. - employ tne auiost pens doui at tioinc ana Thls work is mM iQ subscribcrs only, pay abroad., i here will bo a series of letters on fable on delivery of each volume. It will be litiM-arv matters, from London, bv Mr. VVrcl- I Tmnirntfl in tiivWii ianm'.nnvn j 1 -x . ... . .,j.v v vy .. , luiuintn. i jk - ford. , I . each containing about 800 paces, fully illus- -tt and Art ItfXattCrs. The pacs of the masazine will be open, as patedwith several thousand Wood Kncrav- I erctot'ore, so far as limited space will per- tnS,ana with numerous colored Lathograp- by Ed ward Strahan (Earl Sbinn),iBf c rvi t r r r thn licnnsc'n at o I I t nomno o nntmr. I x - I J lit i w t I vnAPinn the social and religious life of the world, and j rtn j c4. i - i t j I ' ' Mostrated Sketches of Trard, ittitl gpecially to the freshest thought of the Christ -wiu OWyitJ.,Ul JilUUlUK) ian thinkers and scholars of this country. I 'r I lCtUrCI iTODl SMUT. ii illxu vkj iiian. 111c uiat:auuc onEici I T- ' ' - I i r j ... , r t . t andDurer. higher and nobler, niore irenial IX1C1 I'ei.V(L V w; .in iiaii .luruey lo- uy iuwaru ivmg, aumoroi ue-wiin gilt edges, er vol, no'w; In Full Ku.4ia .,.5- Mrs. .Lucy H. Hooper', Intcrjfcitf ui ler vol, 1U 00. Piquant : Thirteen volumes now ready. Succeeding , - volumes, until completion, ' win be issued Papers and Letters xom Tsni oiiut; in c o niouius. r , i , Scribner for December, now Ireadv. and 'T. , paes.01 U1? , aiki:ican;cy- win oe contmuca wroon weypar. which caotains the openin-r chapters of n u"?. , uuons-6. "Nicholas Alinturn curiositv and readable number of this magazine has vet oeen issued, i nc tDrce numbers ot bcrioner tlon. . ... -3. A acrics of popular paper, cm and renerous in all its utterances and influ ences, and a more welcome visitor i than ever bei'ore,in homes of. refinement and culture. FIFTEEN MONTHS for $4. , ... , Ji - I Hill 1317111 tHHi.-. UU IIU11.UUU11, , will be read, witu eaier I First.-' ln.K. ( ';illV!iwiiur Airnnti! 4 .1 interest, rerhats no more Address the Publishers. for" August, September, and October, con taining the opening chapters of 'SThat Lass o'Lewrie's," will be given to everkr new sub scriber (who requests it), and whose subscrip- l - :.i. ii.. x' l 1 i - uuu (jc-giiia mi uie x ovemocr nifmoer. Subscription price, $4 -a year cents a number, ftpeciai terms on ponnd volumes. Subscribe with the nearest bookseller, or Eend a check or I . U. money order to fciCiilBNER & CO.,' ec 28 743 Broadway, N, V. D. AITLETOX & COt, 540 &' 55 liiidADWAr, YV THOS. J. SOUTHERLAND, jlFEV AND SALE STABLES, Corner Third a&d princess Streets, WilmtngtcB, N. p. ; Horses and Vehic'ea for hire at rea oaao.e rate.: : Kxcarsion parties to the Sound and poultry jMwojnmodited. l may 26 - -;" " QUBSC1UB TO THIS DAILY BBVIEW Wetetcrl UnaMuSei Dictionary for the school' ii o,000 hngravms ; l,f40 Pages Qutrto. I'nce $1 : I A ZVEW.rXSATUXlZS.' lo the 3,0") Illustrations heretofore in Web ster's Unabridged, we have added four pages Colored Illustrations, engraved expressly for the work at large expense. . Nearly every State Superintendent of I ublic Instruction in the Union, or corres- .12 n i m pouumg onicer, wnere sucn an one exists, lias recommended Webster's Dictionary in the strongest terms. Among them are those of Eastern, Northern, Middle, Southern, and Western States TWENTY-EIGHT in all. The State of NEW YOUR has placed 10.000 copies of Webster's Unabridged in as many of her Public Schools. The State c: WISCONSIN' about 5,000 nearly every schooL , The State of NEW JEIiSEY. 1,500 nearly e cry scnooi. Watchmakers, &c. T. W. SHOWN & SOUS, W ATCII MA K E liS AND JJ5WELLERS. ' No. 37 Market "strict, f Wilmington, C. (Established 1S23.) GUARANTEE THE MONEY'S WORTH for every article purchased of them. An elegant stock of fine Watches, Clock?, Jewelry, Silverware, Fancy Goods, Ac, kept constantly on band for sale at a vcrv slirrht A. ' - v.... v. l . -VO aumutuun liciv 1 OrK COSt. Agents lor the Diamond Spectacles. Our country friends are invited to call and etc. , w l :t The Beauties of the Rhine .i i will be described in a richly itluitratrd ti' ot papers. j ' 7. Duriiig the year will tppeir suskf of handsomefy illtietrated ehort article, it scriptiveof Life, Trarel, and Adieatarf ine unitea oiaics, cngikuu, ouui ' Japan, Mongolia, and other cottotriei JAS. T. TETfEWAY, C. II. SCUCLKEN MERCHANDISE COMMISSIO AND Brokerage House. -LXECEIVE REGTJLAKLY and have oi exhibition, samples , of Coflee, Flour, Rice Molasses, Surar, Svruns. iTobapoo. An 0iu ior jueats, jbard, Salt, Candle, r- ' uwav oap, iye, rotash, Ac. , ire promptly all orders. Orde rs and rnn. signments solicited. niV,S5ro Kr.-!-5aleof;W1LC0 The State of MICIIIR A V nrnr?,Jnn r? lA "ELATED G UANO r all her schools me ueasiy uottoi) Tics.. The State of MASSACIIUTETTS has sup- A ijL AbNV Ai & for t. v i ... 1 put-u uer scqoois nearly ail. The State of IOWrA has supplied her schools. The State of CONNECTICUT has made provision for her schools. ; Over ,000 schools in INDIANA were supplied daring the year 1872, and many more in 1873 and 1874. In other States many copies have been pur chased for supplying schools of cities, coun ties and towns. i What better investment can be made for schools? More than ten times as many are sold of Webster's Dictionaries as of any other series in this country, j j At least FOUE-rirTiis of all th school-books published in this country own Webster as their standard, and of tbi remainder fe?r ac knowledge akt standard. Polished br G. A (T. HERRI A If. .SCIIULKEX.. 3 OS c r s-..g sz O th o Sorinfffield Mim A o H R 'i 31 3 9 -4 1 ilippr KKLitf ro l ouse AIkn from the effects of Errors and Abuses in ea ly life. Mam uood Restoued. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treatment. 'New and remarkable jemedies. IfOoks and circolars sent free in sealed enyelopes. , Address Howard Association, i0 a. Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. An Institution haviinr a hih reputation for honorablo coa- , - CO 5P:i S -2 cr2 o Z. 0 o&2-S- 8 5 a C 77Z a t- a a a a S I .o to o w 2 - K 2 o - - S WO. O o J CB V Q 9 S777 i-'ll i-j I duct and professional skill. 5 Is not easllv earned in these njut-s, uuvu can do made ln three months by any of either sex. in any tart of i hoann who la willing to work steadily at the em ployment that we fnrnlsh. &Ui rwr WMir in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can hv- x-.r whole time to the work, or only 3-our rare momenta. We have asrents uhn nm ,tiT,, over rJO per day. All who engage at once can makfe money Hist. At 1 1. Tv. tm- l?"?1 ! r0 easily and rapidly ft I Vt.if- k V UUSU1 it ct8t nothing to 0 1 fTi he bnfi,ncss;- , Terms aiul jjj ontflt irce. V I Address n.t nrtfa- If it... T . . FOU SALE Blr ALL BOOK ANDXET? DEALERS. riUCE, 35 CENTS. Tpdmb Vp-ip Siilwrrintion. fl: ToT ics, $7: Three copies, $10; Fire copiw, IJi person procuring the dab. tSicj'e 35 cents. ".' . NoncK-The Notcmber tnd DccfBtf bers containing the earlier cbipteri tr "i, Marquis of Lossic'will bepreiented loC". annual subscribers fbr 1877. . . ' Specimen Ncmbeb mailffd. roiUJt j tony address, on receipt of 20 aer To Agents a Liberal unn be allowed. AddrcM. . . - J. B. LirriKCOTT, & C301 PublUber, 7 in anrl 717 Market tt.. Fbibk j a . v jan 5 ' 1 Spartanburg & ' R. R. Now Rbuto to tho Mounts of Western No. Ca. miUS NEW BOUTI 1 tothetrsTellioglBbbc fftll leaVe daUy ibe Depot of the O. gf in Columbia at 12:45 p. w., d ,y minus of S. & A. It K- f clos connection u i niii w' if coaches for Flat Z"nlrZ AebeTUIe and Wa m 8P-. k ill hare choice to go tbrooh t MU Trjon. nbcre the fare j u resume tbtir joarner w.TJp. and the cbyew ejj tain scenery oo the Hoard W be found i Wciterj jsj Arran-emenU bare "p jc W. C.&A.K. R., fr rooad tnp it the fo lowing rates : ' r rrom Wil. to Flat Rock d, .. Asberille asd .'"h ti ti $25.85. .,,,JiK'1 I $15.85. f 9ti' merly of the A;r fc on thJe arriraj of tfee IrajJ Jj.r. of the 8. A. & K., .K-Vi iAf are proTided fo: a aepl1 qistcd to ak for Capt. and TranporUtio0 Age" Try thU cw rou vvSCX. - Ti l7achington w-; I V IIIJ 1 A.1L Repairer. 8econd ffwHp ket. PriceJ alPdeW.""" " f :t lAndAlairie, jalyC jan3

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