CAROLINA. - There were C6 arrivals registered at the Central Hotel in Baleigb, on Tuesday. Tho farmers up in the Charlotte section are in need! of rain. s Therais an ordinance in Charlotte pro hibiting the sale of cigars on Sunday. ! Hon. Josiah Turner proposes to write a history of the Kirk war in North Caroli na. - ; I '-. Nash Court has sent up eight convicts " to 'the Penitentiary. Judge McKoy is responsible. Raleigh News : Qie firm of contractors and builders of Raleigh have six buildings under contract on which they have em ployed about eighty hands. The Raleigh News announces under tlie the bead of "Good 'News," that the tax lists are closed and that the sheriff will at once proceed to make collections. Statesville Landmark Mr. F. A. Price, . a relative of the late Mrs. Charlotte Dcaton, who was killed on the A., T. & O. Itoad ' some time since, is speaking of ! bringing . suit against that for damages. G reensboro Patriot Mrs . I. uzc ne Chipman, of this county has published a little bdok entitled a "Revelation from Heaven" in which she1 describes the home beyond the skies, as seen by her in a vis ion. Weldon News : Report says through sleeping cars will socn commence running from Portsmouth, over the Seaboard and Roanoke, Raleigh and Gaston, Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line, and Carolina Cen tral Rail Roads to Charlotte. (jharlotte Observer; A rnau who hcjd a' complimentary ticket on tho Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, waved the train down as it passed a station the other day. The train did not stop, however, and tho man1 has entered suit against the com pany lor $1,000 damages. Charlotte Observer : His Excellency - Gor. Vance has written a letter declin ing the invitation recently cxt'cudel him to attend the meeting of the Governors of tho several States and Territories, to be held in Philadelphia within a shirt time. He assigns pressure of official business as tho reason for bis declination. G reensboro Patriot: The reported par don of Chipman by Gov. Vance, which was announced last week, is creating no little excitement in portions of this coun ty. We understand there was a delega tion in town yesterday to take steps to lay the mateer before the Governor and try to procure a revocation of the - par don The Raleigh Observer says ; Professor Thomas Skinner, a surgeon in the Bcllcvuo hospital, New York, who has been spending a few weeks at the Warm Springs in this State, left that place a few days since in a buggy lor Mew lone uity. He proposes to follow up the" Apalachi'aii chain of mountains to its head in this con veyance, and Iheu drive across to Ne v York City. ' Weldon News : The next Fair of the Hoanoke and Tar River Agricultural As sociation, which commences on the 23rd of October and cunihruca four days, is now; almost here. Everything has been arranged to make it not only attractive, but one. of tho largest we have ever had. Governor Vance will deliver the address on the occasion and this, of itself, cannot fail to collect a large crowd. Statesville Landmark ; For several years past there has been a regularly, or ganized gang of men in North-east Ire dell, actively engaged- in counterfeiting coins varying in worth from five to twenty-five bents. These coins are made of lead; the five cnt or countcrfaet "nickel" when new, can hardly be told from the genuine, but the twenty-five cent piece is poorly executed and easily de tected by 4ts smooth edge. Suspicion was cast upon one John Warren, a 3roung man about twenty years of age, but no evidence could be obtained suflident to warrant his arrest until Wednesday, when in was arrested and jailed for trial. . . i m Raleigh Observer. ' .Donations for the Premium last of , the Next State Fair. Acknowledged by C.B.Benson, Secretary, in behalf of the Executive Committee. One crate Fruit Baskets1,- "Veneer" brand (32); one crate do "star" brand (32), charges free, from the Beecher Basket Company, Westville, Connecticut. The rapidly growing importance of our State in tho annual fruisupply makes it a mat ter of interest to manufacturers to call at tention to their improved appliances for conveying and distributing the fruit. Two and one-half tons Prepared Agri cultural Lime, value $30, from A. S. Lee, Richmond, Ya., with the condition that two tons of said lime be given for the largest product of cotton on one acre, on which said lime lias been used, aud one half ton for the best bushel of wheat ex hibited, made on land ' fertilized - by the Agricultural Lime. This firm gave liber ally to our Fair lat year. They are rep resented, in Raleigh by J. M. Towles, our well known dealer in agicultuaal imple ments, fertilizers, &c. To correct a clerical error some days since, we state that the Hawkeye Sulky Cultivator value $30, is given by Messrs. II. il. Smith & Co., Richmond, Ya. It wilt bo remembered that this esteemed firm donated last year to the lair a very fiuc Old Dominion Cider Mill. Wc hope such liberality will be richly rewarded by 1 the extension of business. Mr. Towles, the enterprising and faithful friend of the Agricultural Society, is also tho agenV of Messrs. II. M. Smith & Co. We under stand from him that the Richmond houses will be well represented at the Fair, both in goods and in the personal attendance "of members of the firm intereste l.- Wc tender them a cordial welcome. Two bags (200 lbs. each) Allison & Addison's "Star" Brand Complete Man uro for tobacco, for the best three acres of tobacco raised in North Carolina in 1877. one hundred pounds average selection to ' bo exhibited; by Messro Allison & Addiion, Richmond, Ya., dealers in seed implements, Ac. , ' . Two bag (200 pound qac'h), of above fertilizer, for the best ten acres" of wheat raided ia North Carolina in 1877, best bushel average selection to be exhibited; by the Same firm. Two bushels nenuiue German millet seed, value $4, for the best five acres grass raised in North Carolina in 1877, one bale hay, average selection, to be exhibited, from the same firm. All the above from the same firm: through Messrs. ilinshaw & Co., agents, Winston, N. C. COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET, 1 August 233 P. M.J SPIRITS TURPENTINE Opened firm at SO cents 'per-gallon bid. Later, we hear of sales oflOO casks at ,3J. f ' .'ROSIN Firm at 1 50 and 1 5-1 per bbl fur Strained and Good Strained, with sales at quotations. T A It-dull at 1 7.j per bbl. Sales at that ligure. , V CKUDfi TURPENTINE Firm at 82 3-5 per bbl for Yellow Dip and Virgin. Hard nominal, Sales of receipts at quotations. COTTON Dull.- No sales reported. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary . 9 Cents. Good Ordinary Strict Good Ordinarv... if ft tt Low Middling Middling ., .10 Good Ml Idling. DAILY1 RECEIPTS. Cotton... .., Spirit3 Turpentine.! bales 214 casks 1,035 bbls 101 bbli 585 1 bbls Kosia.... Tar Crude Turpentine.... MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. ; ' .Steamer North State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth & AVorth. Steamer Underhill, Gillican, Smithville, O ; Parsley & Co. Schr Mary E Simmons, Gaudy, Baltimore, with iron for the W & W 11 IV. Schr Carrie S Webb, Hawkins, New York, William's & Mnrchison. ; i Sehr Alary JO Simmons, Gandy, Baltimore, Ilarriss A Howell. 1 j CLEARED. ; 'Steamer North (State, Green, Fayetteville, Wort h A- VWrtH . Steamer Underhill, Gillican, Smithvilie, O G Parsley & Co. , , I . Sclir i Joseph Souther, Watts, Bath, Me, Jasii Liiauuourn fc Co. Exports. COAKXAyX.SK, ! , .Now I Yoik- -Steamship Kcglitor- 2,iOOJ bbls rosin,, 131 do spts iturpt, do tar 50 do eruao. turpt, iuu pitcrs snooKS. 473 bales cot- Ion, 58 pkirs roots and herbs. 7 nkes beeswax. 111 il til I rnfa ri I -h1 vnrnich 17 ltlil-l dried fruit, 21 bags asbestos, 17 bales checks, 1 oox seed, - Jxiis tiags, l.Dale bags, . bar steel, 2 cases, 2 bales wool, 4 do hides," niids herbs, 1 desk. . liath, Me Schr Joseph Souther 312,311 icet lumber, o bbls rosin, o do pitch, 2 do tar. OFFICE OF eOR OViNO AND OUR DEAD. ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR SUBSCRI- J- bbrs (Avith numbers due them, we shall re sume the publication ot OUlij lilVlNG' AND OUR DEAD on March 15th,1 and complete the IVth! Volume in inonthly parts. No new subscribers will be taken except for the bound Tolumes-K three of which haye been issued and the IVth wiilbe ready in June. 1 We can sup ply our oia suuscrioers with any back nnia bers, except September and October, 1874, r . 11.1 i .' . suquiu iuey neca any to, complete their Ules. nucr.3 for boukd volumes : ' In Cloth $2.00 each. Half Calf $2.50. Soullieru Historical Montlily, . ' This Magazine, tw6 numbers of which have been printed, will occupy the same relation to tlie entire South that UUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD did to Nofth Carolina: and, in all respects, will be as 'worthy of confidenc and support. For detailed description of this Monthly and for the opinions -of those who have the initial number, we refer to larger circular. Subscriptions are solicited. ' Terms,! Knvariably in 12 months $4.00. 1 Address, 1 Advance : 6 months $2.00 J - SOUTHERN HISTORICAL Raleigh, N. C. ftb 21 f MONTHLY, OS PECTUS I. si'- OF THE Maryland Medical Journal, ; BALTIMORE, MD. Y THE. FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT, the undcrsigijed will issue, in the city of Bal timore, the iirat number of The Masyland Medical Journal. It will be a monthly pub lication, devoted to the advancement of JJ ed cinc in all its branches. I Each issueof the Journal will contain origi nal articles, from . representative men in tlie profession. ; , i i Careful selections frpm foreign and home ournals- will be made with a SDecial view to tlie requirements of the practitioner. Reports of the progress of Surgery and 3Iedicine in their special, as well as ceneral branches, including Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Diseases of the Nervous System, Diseas es peculiar to women, ana Diseases of the throat and Chest,, will be regularly given by men eminent in these several branches. Thta reports will be an exhibit in abstract form of tlie progress in each of these special depart ments during the year, i The proceedings of Medical Societies will be published as often and as fully as their im portance justifies. Prominence will be given to rare and inter esting cases in Hospital and Private Practice. New Instruments an J Appliances, New Kerne dies and improved methods of'managing dis ease will be specially treated. New medical publications, as they appear, will becriticallv and impartially reviewed. - No labor or expense will be spared to ren der the Maryland Medical Journal, a wel come visitor to every physician desirous of keeping pace with the progress of Medical Science as developed both abroad and at name. , Contributions, on subjects of intorest to the profession, respectfully invited. Each number will contain not less than Tortv pages, printed from new type, on heavy cal endered pder of the finest qualiiy. The subscription price will be $3 per an num, invariably in advance, delivered free of postage. .I . . H. E. T; MANNING, M. D. ; T.JL ASHBY,M.D. march 2G ' i 1 , GRAND GALA DAY ! OLD CLARENDON TO ! THE FRONT. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED will re-open the .A Old Clarendon, where meals and lodrr mgs can be had at all hours. , WM. MARSTELLER, Prdprietnr. au: DVERTISE IN THE DAILY REYISW; whoi.z2sa.ii3 miens. JSSThQ following quotations represent nuuicwua prices generally, in mswg small orders higher prices have to be charged UAUULtt u Uunny............ Double Anchor. ....i.. Dsuble Anchor "A"....... UK 13 JJAUOA North Carolina, ' ilAiUS, "gf JJJ.... Shoulders, i? .... Sides, V B Western Smoked Hams..... . Sides, y lb Shoulder8.. Dry Salted- 1A 9 11 ' iA 7 ' &A Sides, ,3b. Shoulders. ti m.. BEEFOn the hoof... BARRELS Spirit3 Tarpemine Second Hand, each.. 1 75 New xork.each. new. ...... 2 00 28 8 00 BEESWAX "ft lb. BRICKS Wilmington,.? M Northern ....... 10 00 00 14 0? 15 20 25 -.35 25 40 00 00 12 132 17 (3 IS 16 & 17J 00 & , 13 30 '6ZA 10 22 24, & 7A 4 G VA 95 BUTTER North Carolina ih Northern, V lb....... CANDLES Sperm lb...... Tallow, -1? lb. .................. Adamantine, "vi set...... CHEESE Northern Factory, y ib ... Dairy cream, V ib.......... State, V & COFFEE Java. ? Kie,B.;.....: Laguara, ) lb...... CORN MEAI bushel.... COTTON TIES lb. DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 yard. mm, uuncn FISH Mackerel, No. 1, y bbl. No. 1, V Ubb 16 00 20 00 0 00 00 00 0 00 (a-10 50 4 00 8 00 9 50 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl..13 50 No. 2, "ft bbl 7 50 Mackerel, No. a bbl.. ...00 00 Mullets, y bbl 3 50 N. C. Herrinrr. 'ti bbl....... 5 00 Dry Cod. lb......... o FLOUR Fine, 1 bbl 0 00 A il - 111 H ln f 7 It 7 00 8 00 y oo 11 00 9 00 10 00 ll 00 U 00 00 00 00 00 65 00 i0 00 45 00 47 00 65 00 67 00 70 00 10 00 t00 00 70 00 Extra do " bbl... 0 00 Family " bbl... 10 50 ' City Mill Super bbl... 0 00 tt tt tt Extra y, bbl... 0 00 Family $ bbl... 0 00 Ex. Family" bbl... O 00 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, 1? 2000 lbs.70 00 tt 00 00 50 00 Carolina Fertilizer: " Ground Bone, " Bone Ieal " " :Flour " Nayassa Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate WandoPliospLate, " Berger&Brutz'slios. ' Wilcox,' Gibb & Co., " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 55 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 ma- inipulated Guano t5 ,GLUE y lb 5 00 14 ID 9 0 lb 75 GRAIN Corn,store,561b3 00 ggCorn, cargo, y 5G lbs 00 Corn, yel., y bushel........ None. i Oats, $ bushel. 55 Peas, cow, y bushel. 1 25 HIDES Green, y lb 4 Dry, j ft....-...!...... 10 HAY Eastern, y 100 Ifes..,. I 10 CO 50 ' OA VIA 20 051 ' North River, y 100 lbs.... 05 HOOP IRON y !ton 80 00 LARD Northern y lb . 111 North Carolina lb....... 1 00 (a 12 1J 0 00 JblMjy- bbl 1 35 LUMBER Citv steam sa'wd " Ship stuil", resawed, m ft. 21 00 Rough edge plank, yil ft. 22 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, y M ft...20 00 Dressed nooring,seasoned;20 00 Scantling and boards, com mon. "fJ Mft..i ...15 00 27 00 25 00 23 00 35 00 !3 00 41 67 lib iO GO 4 00 30 1 45 1 10 40 R 80 1 00. 4 75 MOLASSES Cuba,hhd?crl AO Cuba,.bois., y gal..,.., Sugar house, hhds. y eal. ' " " bbls. ral... 45 Sugar Syrup, bbls. y gal. NAILS Cut,4d to 20d,k'g 3 OILS Kerosene. ) n-al...... 45 25 2D 10 0U 30 70 95 50 00 Lard, y igai 1 Linseed, y gal. 1 Rosin, y sal PEANUTS y bushel... POTATOES-Sweet, y bus. Irish, Northern. bbL.o.. 4. PORK Northern, city m ess. 17 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 Thin, a'bbl. 00 00 Prime, y bbl (extra) 1 "I ILI ' .00 00 .00 00 6 . 00 . 1 20 j.vuujp, ra uui... RICE Carolina, y ib 7 00 30 IA, ID. Rough, y bushel...!......... RAGS Couhtrv, y ib.,... City,4Jb.. ROPET... 2 6 00 85 00 75 - 95 SALT Alum, y bushel t : ,. i -! i 00 00 00 10 00 13 12 uifijuui, p saeit , American y sack Cadiz y sack....:............. SUGAR Cuba. Mb.. ...... OA ioa oo Porto Rico, y lb....... A Coffee, i lb... B " , y lb...... & C " y lb. I 00 Ex C ? lb iiM 14 VA 6 00 3 00 0 00 Crashed V lb. SOAP-4-Northern, y lb...... 5 SHINGLES Contract. WH-i 00 Common, y 31....".. 2 50 Cypress saps 31 5 50 Cvpresg hearts. J Af . i .in 0 0Q , 20 0T STAVES W. O. bbl. y 31.18 00 20 R O hhd. y E.................00 00 CvDress. J M ii on 00 09 00 00 . 10 n oo io oo 8 50 6 00 5 00 TALLOW y Tb. ...... ""'.'.?. f 9 TI3IBER Shippincr Hi 31 .. AS, 00 Mill, prime per 31.. 8 50 Mill, tair per 31 ..: 7 50 2 VVUULr Unwashed, per lb... 18 Wfshed per lb ............ 28 , 30 Spirit Casks. PRIME AD SECOND 600 HAND spikit CASKS. LliS SUGAIl-CUREI) HAMS, 3000 and A FULL STOCK OF GnoCElilLS, (ItX ERALLY. For s.ile by BiNFORDj LOEB & CO. au:: 21 Tromm S JXt. gEVEN SPRINGS MA Si and Tola Ano- d-"n,(r fPHr of each just reeeirtil and willi a lull and complete stock of Druf wwiuuuu .uvujicais, fancy and Toil Articles, lor sale low by , et JAMES C. MENDS, . , Draffgiat, inird bt., opposite Citv 1111. auir 16 THE UUMTI-DCMTI ana m WEST CIGARS. n. PIGOTT, Tobacconist. aag 20 Inferior to Ordinary.per 31 4 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 40 North Caroina. per p-al ... 1 75 Steamship Lines, &c. the up CLYDE'S ew York UA WA AND Wilmington, Steamship 15 10 8 8 6 1A 00 50 30 Line, The Steamer 7 CAVT. OLIVER, WILL, SAIL FROM NEW YORK SATURDAY, AUG. 25. Shippers can rely upon thc'proinpt sailing of Steaiaers as advertised. -S For Freight Engagements apply to , A. D. CJkTiJkXTX, XLgcnt, L Wilming-ton, W. C. BELDEN, Solicitinsr Asrent. WM. P 6 Bowling York. CLYDE & CO General A.ffcnts, Urecn, or Pier 13, N R., aur imore AND if mmgton, m C, STEAMSHIP LINE; EHEFAOTOR, OAPT. JONES, j: Wri.L t'A I L FKOM TJALT1MDRE Saturday, Aug 25. ! 1 I The Steamer' ll Shippers, can rely upon the prompt rtiims i'i Eieamers as advertised. "3. Through Bills of Xading given to ana iroiu. rwiaaelphia, and Prompt -fiSpiilGIl guaranteed. For Freight Engagements apply to Wilmington, IST. C. L, S. BELDE, Soliciting Agent, j REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore: au or 22 ; Miscellaneous. our.'! our 100 Bbls. and Half Bbls. of our Old Brand 95 vooie S9.50 por Barrel, O".0 1- por Jrlall Bbl. 1 UL' Ground from New Wheat Guaranteed, j JOHN L. BO AT WRIGHT, 5 &7 north rront St. ! aug l l . FjVMILY GROCER. ; "DON'T FORGET" J. J. SHE PAlK D i i can be found y OA AORTII SIDE MARKET ST.; BetTreen Second and Third Sts., Lcady and willing to do all kinda oi PAINTING, GLAZING. &c. Offlco Board Coininissioners. EW IIANOTER COUNTY, July 21, 1877. TN ACCORDAXCK WITH SecUbn 17 of j the HmrH ftf r -- uie JUacninfirr Ant K 1 j . 1 .r . . r,ner8 wl mfet at their Office on MON- vuw ulu nxr nr a n vn , ior A I III ft s.imo ; n . . persons objecting to the of tax chare-ed ait-;in; : l for one day at leak or untH th.T5L"J complete. JOHN O. WAGNER julr23 n airman. gUBSClRRTo'TIIK DAILY REVIEW The Handsomest, the Bag -r Ilost Durable Pianos Made, Thoy arc Beautiful Koscwood, Se??c and one-third Octaves, with ever and fully guaranteed. Their moderate price and uniform success iia for them the position of a Standard of Economy and Durabilii Acknowledged by all Musicians to be the Best " ' ' 'a- AGENTS WAXTED- IN EVERY COUNTY. ADDKESS MARGHAL & SMITH PIANO CO r, ROBERT W. pril 5 smith, ARentf ON LIPPITT'S Ice Cream cPaiior. WILL BE OPENED ON WEDNESDAY morninjr, 25th inst, Pure Cream fla vored with choicest fruits will be kept the season. j- STRAWBERRIES , ia-re and luscious wi'lbe kept when ever can De procured in either thi3or the Charles ton markets. Cream sent to any1 part of tho citj in quarts and gallons frozen, free ef charge. All orders fur Cream for Sunday must be left Saturdays. Entrance toPalor on Princess St. apT2i , New 22 Tho Escursion and Pic Season Continues AND ALL GENTLEMEN WISHING1 first-class work done should nail at Kn. South Front, street! Sharinsr 10 Hair Cutting 25 cents, Shampooing 25 cents. Even at these prices no lai d or pig's fat used as Pomatum, only fine oils, beautifiers. Derfu- uieries ana Day rum. 5 J t ' ' June 25 JNO. WERNER, : . Notice. late firm of C. I). MYERS & CO. are quested to call and settle their accounts be- fore the FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, as on 1 i . i ! " : that day they will be placed in the hands of i : " . my Attorney for collection. JOHN L. BOAT WRIGHT, QN , 1 . augci 5 & 7 North Front St. RICES! LOW P WILL TELL! i . Good Flour S8.SO per Barrel. TRY OUR CREME DE CREME AT $9.75. LA One Ton of those Elogant Hams; 13 Cents Daily Expected CEOo SWYERS, 11 dt 13 SOUTH FHOrtfT ST- aug 17 DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS DO NOT LONGER SUFFER the pain and annoyance of that b.lfl tnotVl hnt rrn TU tW J "",-r l "UUUie "aerea. The. longer you he ore you suffer and the rrcatcr th the greater risK oi eerioua loss. r Remember the place, No. 33 Market street, where all will be satisfactorily done and war ranted by . THOS.B.CARR&SON. CARR'3 Saponaceous serres the Teeth. Tooth Paste r re 10 aug Call and Examine - OUR NEW LOT OF CHOICE TEAS, SOTH BLACH A GIIB23IT, A Choice Shipment just rect-ired. Onljr 50 Cents Per Pound. JOHN L. BOATWRIGUJ, o ' & 7 North Front St. 1 ' f auS U Family Grocer. r.1TERY AND SALE STABLES Corner Third and Priacew Streets, I Sod."loa PUes to the ' tSSSu '...'" In Buying or Sellin during in all markets. in the ther wires used when requested. 3 Jmi Pr?e "eel ' luiapi ana profitable rctonu. i i . . m uvicrmiiiiti. Nic r f, Xuaruea. I J vuurifrh.J conscientwi; PETTEWAY & SCHDLKEX, . . . brokers 3t Com. Merchi.f. aug le-im Wilmington vr Clothine: and Hat? I Renovated. j ,1 . v.'. ! LTAVINO COMMRvr . , III j , vuu mo oasinfsfii re- ru t jh general. Charges moderate 4 x : ".tji ii on gmrtn- Also. Old ClnH itnrr nvA Ifi. " i Practical Uatter and Dj er, Currie Row, Second !St. aug 17 Len WiUi Us Witii Instrnctions to SeD. andTobacM.1 "U i'ea'Ut' u,w' l StraiVht tlnnrta TT- I .. ,1 v, uauusome i ackazw. ill 1 artics in want are advised fo send inibrr "lucia Bcure iow pneea. . We don't boH uuuus lor aproui. wuBfcuuj receiving up-i;0untfy I'rodar Poultry, Eggs, Meats, Fruit?, Onion, Fth ers, Ac., which wo close out dailr. TIA1 Alii OAftina wnm am' V VMS OV1 SVCa W t3 llM'HIVB M V tr ttm . Commission only, consequently prefer Cah PETTKWAY & SGUULKLW, xr ii -5r?ke" Com. Mercbint Next North Princess and Water Stret't. aug 16 Choice Pig Hams A SELECTED LOT OF CIIOICK Pflg yH.arrts, Espo:ialIj for the Warm Scawnj VERY FINE. , Once you try -them jou 'wilLpurchaietio other. 1 , . i ...... i . . JOI1X L. IIOATWltlGHT, ' " - ... . -t . 5 & 7 North Front SI. W- , Family Grocrf. W. H. SPRUIT. Exchango Cornerl t EXCHANGE CORNER i the pUffhc. everything in the FANCV GOODS l!w. The NICEST GOODS kept. It has always been the place for th SW and most FASifinvAftr.R un.LLVEKV the GOODS, and will in future nrore to t to all who mar come or send their order. AJ1 orders sent from a duUnce will w- Cdre Promnt And Knociil A ton tins. , a- Remember EXCHANGE for your FALL GOODS. Callnowfor SUMMER GOOD.. aug II. N. IL Sl'fiC-"- FLOUR-FLOUR TRY OITR POPULAR BBAHDS OF my mm i Frosh Ground Every Day at Oar Mills I . AND EQUAL TO ANY C.OTED! 47 University Place, l?ew t0J B. P. IIITCHELL & BOUi aug 2Q