. psalm or . LOVS. :i..owf v v JL' " - - " " can't deceive me nffi empty Vn ' - ' f ,s 1 ' ;r tar bolwve me, .-W lit what they ecra OF THE SHOP. ?t. rirnrst ! m1. ivin s -;i.p lllO i irt. to r"i ' r ..-.t slWill-" .1 -li - ,vde howe'er pleasant; - " fSney Heed her vowh; ' I i I,,c SI1 the living present QN TiIE FIRST DAY OF MAY, NEXT, NEW BARBAE MVrT PATRONS and the public pcnerally 1WjL are respectfully informed that I can w luuuu a i, my NEW BAKBEli the undersigned will issue, in the city of Bal timore, the iirsfe number of ue 'JIasyasd Mldical Journal. It will be a monthly pub lication, devoted to the advancement of Med cine in all its branches. " ! Each lasucof the Journal will'pontaln nrio-l- nal amides,, rout rep rtcpt tiro hi ell An the II ! 1 I 1 111 I ttuot wake a rhyme.) devil- -5i'i,,:,i here we have tried- . : n w." , havt s noi levei 1 whose lieacrs i.oi .!VtSherforh,s ,.,., roinfor -lying, . Vn-X rt for any t t fV. HtflT,Arlfvc must wait. a IK QUARANTINE NOTICE. HIUNTIN'E WILL B1 ..0!iCE p'rofession I Careful selections from fori'? anA K,mo K'r-RcntSWthrfijractiti Medicine in tfcireciaL as well as funeral branches, including Diseases of the Eye and iar, Jjiscase3 ot the Nervous System. l)ieaar es peculiar to Women, and ' Disease of' the Throat and Chest, will be regularly given by meo, Winent in these several branches. These TV?ji tH an exhibit in abstract form of me progress m each of these snecial depart ments during the year. :ine proceuttintets torlllAiiMl xrafkf ill be published as often and as fully as their l porianceiustmcs. rronwencexwittbciriverfalhtrTr; OCAL AGENT cslirig cases in'llcntaital anttTWiferacticeTl a erood, reliable j.nl.iv LfJuae. and win conT cw Instruments azul ApnliancesNewieme tilfartbtr notice, as follows., r ;; ,.fn,iu r.rt South of Cape Fear shop at No. 7, South Front street, where the fol VJ.wing low prices have been adopted : Shaving 10 centf : Uair Cuttingvants : ' ' m Shat poo5 coai.t f$A i Open unCI12 o'clotl on?Sturiay fcght5. aug 4 JlMS.eiJMJLEAlOlt. GOLD.; Great chance to make money. J.I you can't get gold you can get greenbacks. We need a nerson in pyptv town in tak subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication in the amiost JdJC est jb4 iJnear ait re prt&mt, m dv Mji &fec)iZv lajiy aieni repertrta:mrbft!T 4tHubrtbersln ten days. All who engaae make money fast. YOU can devote all your time to the business or only your spare time. - You need not be away from home over night. You can do It as well as others. Full particulars, direc tions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Ontflt free. If you want prolitable work send us your address at mice-. It costs noth ing to try the business. "o one who engages falls to make great pay. Address "The l'eo plp's Journal," Portland, Maine. aug 4 at flic Violin; Station for 11 ., ...I -bavin!: itkneFS on arrival, cr during the voyage, wil hovc without-regard to I. in the above classes in?!" Ction a ,r) from wlionco tlioy sailed ',-U 'tvA inclmV.l wiUiout detention. tcrcstel will please pr"C'M iT.-nni ml take no dies and improved 1550 ASaiAMHK dis ease will be specially treated. New medical publication."," s theyprptrr, 1vMl bfecrtticJairy ana impartially revieweg. ; vir , JNo labor or expense will be epnretf toren-1 uer the jmaryland Mbbica JovaSA rwt come visitor to everv rhvaieian dMbmils of keeping pace with 4qe- pregroea.of MedioaK .science as developed both ntibroau snu-'&t Lome. - '.- ; t Contributions,on subjects of intorest to the profession, respectfulryiafrteya , 1. 1. 1 Mt . .1 1 iacu uuuioer win contain not less man iony pages, printed from new tfpe", ott lieaVfr cat endered paper of ihc finest quality. lire subscription pnee iall,be $ cmaii- num, invariably in advance, delivered free of postage. ... ;, 11. K. 1 . MANNING, M. D. T. A. ASIHiY;M.TK'M ft - march 26 ; T WANTED.-tWc want man to maKe a personal anid thorough canva&-qf this City j4 vioini- risaued. This work contains a full and com plete classified list of all the IMPORTERS. JOBBERS and MAN UFA C f UHEIlS, with their Street and Number address. It is, with flut question, the most . complete, the land- Bpxnest, cheapest and popular work of the tonejucrisiuedj, 4tyery.fJaorchant, lluu faturer, or Business 'Man needs it. It sells rapidly at One Dollar per copy, and affords a handsome profit to Agents, who are making frdm Two to Ten Dollars per day se'ling the same. . , Apply, with references,? Ap f ALTER IIEUGII & CO., Publislicrs, June 30 Park Place, New York. Brock's Exchanfife, tqaarantincwill be rigidly enforced K UNDEIiSlqNED ha3 takcn charge . J. r m , ,i.;p'uiin bo t season, under the pen . i 1.... f..r. 4 li r- 5 ii n turn ,nf "-V- W. G. CUUT1S, l hrsici.au l'ort of Wilmington. of theabovc well-known and popular house and will hereafter Tun it J It will be pufhf complete order and satisfaction guaranteed to III a: all of its patron lhe best Cigars, hand. ot vvme. SAjeaa Ti&iuots and cnoae totitJIicsalwl ys uf f - The Dilhard Parlors will be open every day H IKIUs fl Iustructioiis to Sell. " Vs!$fF$W AmUlii I) KS MOLASSES, Liver- aug: ' IXII Spfprictor. Op.IGround aud Fine Salt, Glue, Flour, Pr,inf;n. - - I JL CliXJXiXXAt at tiii;-l)t (,!oo'I, Handsome l'aetages, .p.;lt mt'ft VlrWS of all. i'irtiii in waat are advised to, send in their irfjt- Vfc tfon't liold iil fur a iv ntit. - f niUntlv rcccivinsr UiV-Country Produce, iltrv; Meats, Fruits, Onions, 1-eath -,ic, which we close out dailF. knur services we rcceiVe a Urpkeragcor -iis.-i-n only, consequently prefer Cash 1:KTT i:YAY & SCllULKKX, lirokera & Com. Merchants, tt. North PrinccES and Water Streets. ii; '.'5 OFFICI) 01'' - : i LIVING AND OUR DEAD. KORDEIl TO SUPPLY OUH SUBSCK1 hrs " witli numbers due them, we shall rc- !thei.ublication ofOUli LIVIAU.AND ?.& UKAl) on1 .March i;tn, ana complete i-. IV tli 'Volume in monthly parts. No new uxriburs will be taken except for the bound 'oes three of which have been issued and ftlYth will be midy in June. We can'sup t'j'r old subsc ibers with any back num U.txeept Septoiubcr md October, 1874, tiny 'need any V) complete their files. riticKi Kaa bovxd volumes: 1- H' H. S:.00 each. Half Calf $2. 50. W 'lIERK YOU CAN GET YOUR Paint Y Yi" ng ddne .with disptcti natni- C. C. l'-ARlvEK'S PAINT SHOP, one door North of Old Jail WildttgW Prin cess street. HOUSE, SHIP and IsIGN Painting done and satisfaction guaranteed. Great care is given to small jobs, may 16 GREEN i GrROCXERY. EGETADLES OF ALL KINDS, Fruit, VEGE1 Melo ns, Ac, aLvatf In "great! tariety. Stock kept up by fresh additions every day. V l 1 buy or sell on commission. Orders for families filled and delivery free. Green Grocer, N. V Cor. Market and, ieoond'its. q rug 11. - GUSTA BAILRQADW j j! Wilmington, N.x a, Aftettst' 1877; , y CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. ; : ' On- and after" Sunday, Aagnet 5t the forlow-' ing schedule will be run on this road: ' DAYEXPiSESS AND MAIL TRAIN, (daijjr " ficept Sunday.) .... ' - LeaTe Wilmington.... 12 00' Jl ArriTcat Florence........,...,,........ 5 OOP M Leave Florence ...,....i.t4 IT 30 P M Arrfve at WilmingtoB..v,... J..;..".. 5 20 P M ' NIGHT EXPBES3 YRJlEfc tX&ti," Leave Wrilmingto..'.;..;.w'r.." f-00 P. 11 Leave Florences. 53 P-JJ Arrive atColumbia.i. . JL ll A M Mieave Columbia. 1130 P 1H L.cave lorence............ a m i t) I Arrive at Wilmington . . g . fi .a) 1 j ThisvTraiawmonlyrtot at Pieiriagteil a lmmonsvijuv sumter.. aad A'cnov lHPwt4v Wilmington and Columbia. - THROUGH FREIGHT RATIf fbanY.;rex.'i i cent Rnnilin . 'I Leave Wilniington..........,.,,. 2 So p M Leave Florence 2-36 P M Arrive at Columbia.;......;....,.'.... 10 ltf A U Leave Florence... a.sZ . r50 A Arrive at Wilmington.... 10 29 A ZZO PassenFers for Aucnata ArkT -bevond should take Night Express Train ro Wir uuuiuu. I' ' T Thraugh SWiag Cara onnl;atj2i '"i vuiuiesvun anu jaacon. ,d .... JOHN P. DlflNB;, M General Supetpitendent. ,v . roil Tin; ; Diploma of Honor and Medal cf Merit. f ' PlacingHhem in the Front Rank Vithout a Superior. au: WILMINGTON RAILROAD CQJOf At!?. " Office of Gen'j, SurEaiKBND&iiT 1 -T Wilmington, NC. August At 1877. J-, FLOUR-FLOUR. ,4877, & Wel- 1 ' f. cy TRY LOUR POPULAR T On '"and afte'r Sunday "August 5th Passenger frains qn the Wilmington ( don Kailroad will run a& follows.: 'iAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily.: i Leave Wilmington. Front St. Denat . t ArrivQatWeldcnat.............M.... a2 20 P M Leave. WeWon 11 tfft A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. . uepot at......w 40 i' a NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN! - m 0. I'M OF ME 131 20 A"M 1.A M D Fresh4 Ground DAILY "EXCEPT SUNDAY."' BRANDS Leave 'WUmington, Front St. " lepot at oo Arrive at Veldbn at....,....'....l.. 2 Leave Vfeldon, daily at.;. .'.'.A...'..", 3 auive at TYiimmffion, front ou Lepot at ...,Y., ..5.A4 ine Uay Train makes close connection. at Weldon for" all points North Tia Bar Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily via Rich; mond and .all rail router." ' . - Night train m'akes close, connections at Weldon for all points north via 'Richmond. ; JOHN P. DIVINE, aug 1 General SuDerintendenU , OUR AND EQUAL.. TO AN V IMPORTED! 1 H S -' '-. '-5 i . if sr. -i 'i seb.--;" i - -"! a-- - AND Clothine and Hats Renovated. uBQ f PAYING COMMENCED the business of J. J dying cleaning atd pressing all kinthj I Orders "executed of Clothing and liats, lvwould solicit V.f ,i,lj;n in rnl pairouuu ui nn; 'uU"- ;u.uai. , . Sam Charges luodrrata aaisfactilgtatf J.f Saalhera Historical Monthly. : i;iijM,-,izinc. two numbers of which have b"-nprinte J, will occupy the same relation t- the vntirc South that OUR LIVING AND WMlEADdidto North Carolina, and, .in 8 rWncfj i' ill t no rr 1 1 it f AT1 fi1(Tl O. i'l:apjmrt. For detailed description of this m!iiv and for the opinions of those who liie initial number, we refer to larger ovular. Subscriptions are solicited. . -. IKRSS, 1SVARUB 'ubsSl.CO. -ifi'iress, ! GTllEUN HlSTOltlPAl. MONTHLY. llalSh, N. C. teed. - Also, Old ClothingJind for work. aug 17 B. F. MITCHELL & SON. aug Ufh-nrr ? rt ya t tt V. ' ; " -; f '! 1 tt . ' A" ln 'Buying or Soiling CHALLENGE Siiuire comictition. for all descriptions of mer- cbandise, .. . . Weicoy.up j ilh flactuaiione iu tbe prices in an markets. All the latest impaovement combined into the organs and pianos manufactured by a COMISH & CO. Was i. gton. Tl. J, .T IX Ad van cr. : 6 months $2.D0 Koystono Printing -Ink Co MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING IWKS. '"VK AND XKWS BLACK A 17 North rifth Street, rhiladelpja, Pa. md .Hals, exchan O.PRElSENf actical Hatter and Dyer, Cuv'rie Row, Second St.' o i fl 0 HI P4 Hafpy HEMta.' toU o from th effects of E Abuses in catly life noon KESToain. xmpeunents cw ew aad remarkabla Mr?mvArt Rooks andcirouiarentffee in sealefCnf elopes. A HowAun Assoctation, 419N. Ninth St.. Philadelphia, U. An Institution having a hiA reputation for honorable con duct ana proiessiouiu a.m. Man to . Marriage re6vcdYNc method orrtreatment. Tft 8 C - T WEEKLY JAMES GORDON BENNETT 1 p 11 o p n i K t o 11. V We look 4dTfualrtvTwei2:bt af d condition ui pies sent to ary point and quest. t. r JConsignments Produce mtet .prompt attenffotf aiHW JrafitaMOeturril? I ' 3 Years of experience and a determination to work should he a guarantee that the inter ests of our patrons will be conscicntiouslv guarded." ''- - ' PETTEWAY & SCHULKEN, j .0 - jRrokers A Com. Mercharts; aug lG-lm Wilmington, N. C. Presbyterian copy - 'DONT FORGET" Utj J.SH.EJ? A5K D tiff : ! f can be found 02i NORTH SlriE MAUKKT ST., ! rBetweea Second nd Third St?., 4Ready and willing to do all kinds ot PAINTING, GLAZING. &c. - Prime Enjoyment for a Tear. -TXess Thiin 'Font Ceiits a "Week. :o P' O S T A CF Y 0? - re INKS ARE OF A SUPERIOR 'tj, bein- made from the best ingre- , ' under the personal supervision ot fifal printer and pretsroan, therefore '"guarantee everv pound ot lnK soia to .j'.uptrier Jet Rlack, Quick Drying, -ittrelv free from settmg-otf. Jr F-ncs are from CO to 50 per cent, low ' n any ,th,r Inks manufactured in the .'Utes. truluf a cln,,-i. , v., .:M .nniinrn iinv ' ', thl hebas been paving nearly double l.7l lor his Inks in times past. A;irp ? and barrels to suit purchaserB. .-K8VSTONK TKINTING INK CO.. i u 17 North Fifth Street, ,J Philadelphia, Pa. Dentistry. SPFCIAL ATTENTION 4J i 1 T . r - i'iu w me preservation ui u- l ?d. All ear work is warranted v tahrc Jatictjon or there wiU 0 tr.. i . . '. ""u" tarr's Tooth Paste just made Mf,,rfaleat50cmUiw.r W. 1 B.CARR& SON, HOS. 3a 25 No. 33 Market sU ONE E Fi . DOLLAR . FEU YEAR. " 50 Cnt3 for Sis IVIonths. An extra copy to every club of ten THE NEW YORK- DAILY HERALD Published every day in the year.' iV3i'Aria fi; -,-t - $10 pays for oneiy'ear, Sundays included 58 navs for one' vear. without Sundays. S5 ravs for six months. Sundays included. $4 pavs for six months, without Sundays. $2 pavs for one year for any specified -day ot thr week. 1 $1 pavs for six months for any specified day of the week. ' $1 pavs for one month, Sundays included. 1 XFAYSDl'ALEUS SLTrLlEiD , t POSTAGE FREE. ' ' Dailv Edition.'.'.Two and a barf cts per copy Sundav Edition ..Four cents per copy Weekly Edition L.Two cents per copy Address, NEW YORK HERALD, det27 . Brood walv and Ann st.jNew York MAKE HOME - ATTRACTIVE ' I MY INTRODUCING THE SATURirAY'EYEiVLG POST, ich for mere than 55 Years has been the STRP,KJi3;Ca AI FAMILY PAPER, To all who wisb, to purchase either ao OR CAN or PIANO we can truthfully say that for ' v - ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION Beautiful, Finish and Sweet Mascal' Qualities, our instruments take ' ' rank with those of that Most CelfiMerHaMactnrfiK, Oar only claim to favoritism orer othet .cading manufacturers is . . Our Low Prices. reduced to rocetinjr the reauirements of the times. Determined not .to, 'be .. undersold and af the same time fornshing, instrumeats tnatweiuiiv v ' ' u ; WARRANT FOR FIVE YEARS we invite correspondence that wc raaV hare an opportunity to prove eaiifactorily all thai we hero assert. , ' " Our PIANOS are furnished with tne t ; . Iiowcd Frencli Graai Action . the rerY best in use: : ' . thev are also HEAVILY STRUNG 'with te improved wire; and the cases -are oi" solid rose wood periectlv seasoned ana -. WARRANTED NOT TO CRACK OR Our ORGJLmajtf isWkhri4Vfc modern iirriDttoUje ftstoi aetioaJ while tbi CAi:3 irif fiie A-iori UaVjUet it vie. B4AllfcaJUaibMhor jZaCHSena lor liiustratea catalogue, ana THE E-EEST HONORS , " AT THE GEHTENNIAL EXHIBITION The judges unanimously, recommend th MENDELSSOHN Piano PBIGIS - BEIOW COMPETfflQS 1 For strictly firrt-ca?snsrmmGr.tr. &C00 ar$33K3Yi .fciirto. S700 for S300. 8750 for "$800 for $350. ' ' S00 tvr h S1000 fur X 150 f 8100. Miscellaneous. TiioCarolina Farmor, fjimE U iD ERSIGNED will resume tLe 1 allication of the CAROLINA FARMER, on the lit day of S-.pkn.bcr next, with Mr. HAMILTON McMILLAN ai Associate Edi- vv, The FARMER w ill be issued monthly, in magazine form, with handsome cover, and will contain thifty-two pages of reading mat ter, adapted t) the wants of the Parmer and Planters of the two Carolinas. The typo graphic excellence which formerly distiu gui'Led it will 'be fully maintained. Terms of Subscription : One year, $1.50 six.menths, 1.00; three month?, 50 cent.. There will be no : cluli rates. Subscriptions payab'e on receipt of tlrst number. The eld friends of the FARM ER are requested to send in their nauu;. WM. ll. BERNARD. Wiluiington, N. C. may THE NEW V - No Commission 'to' Aciiits... No Discounts to Tead.iT.-.. 'piiav 4 jTheiUleridelssohii GRAND, SQUARE & UPRIGHT 3 Piano fontain valuable patents aoid improi uts never before introduced. EK'S New Patent Dltlex, Ovustklng Scalk, 13 the greatest advance in the history of Pia no making, producing the most astonishing power, richness and depth of tone, aud. a?u taining singing quality never before attained, being a "Grand i'iano in'a Suiiare case." Tho Mondelssohn Uprights ARE THE FINEST IN AMERICA. They are pronounced the "Pianos of th future."; Mancjactoiiy & Wa:;eilo:.is : 1- IV os; i ADO, 4!J2, V)4, l'JG & -I-JN.V.'cit &7th St, PfOS, 858, 8GO, 8G2, 81i, SOS. b70 lOlh 'Avenue. PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL. ' g. Ilrustratcd and descriptive Catalogue mailed free. 'MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., No. 50 JJroadicLVi, N. Y. HOfflilS M'm ,0flYmn Vi Hflnnliiti n my uiiuuiiiiiu ieo xi. j X-r v - PiTl. JctT S5, 1S71. we CIajil ioaf thj: .Mriw&& WHITNEY MACHINES The following specific point3 of superiority: 1 Great Simplicity iu Construction. 2 Durabl!Mva Mi 4 Vt ; 3 ExtfeWlinIy'LlRritltunfttnff. 4 Still Running. Noiseless. 6 Perforins all Varieties of "Work. d-rBeautyof Finish and Workman ship. " i -MSREAT REDUCTION in Price. , Machines sent on trial before payment is re quired ; written guarantee to keep machines in.order for five vcars given with each ma cfilne. Wrr Pat Old Peices ? Por circulars and particular, Address, THE WHITNEY MF'G CO., dec23 Patcrson. N. J. as 4 pa with' veil known all over the United States. UWI15UCU TTWai.T, v- ood paper, clied es by the Price List- Address, jan 6 I A clearlr. printed, on good Pp ie choKret stbriesana shetche I' best titers: not sensational, ira-h, but such "as amhcr'il willinirto "have her children read. Tbo.whpleone iyf ihe paper impure and eifetin-r. It alipontaia& Uutorieal aid Biographical articles Kcientilic : Asrricultural and House hold D4rtments : Fashion Articf? weekly, fresh aninexcelled : Humorous Notes: Lit haryReiws; News Notes; Boys' and Girls' Columnajjnd btrpnftjji&flariawfl Ndito- rials,et4 Iii.Ecka 110 fiery Ibody IbteslYeadVand the price is only TWO DLLARS A YEAR. Sample pTontaiElng'cfub rates, etc., sent on roceiptk,9l3rcent &tamp. Addres, - - CORXISII 3t CO.',. Washington, New Jersey k 4 3 Spectacles and Glasses. milE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER offered fhE94ty ifceslpg frJ5 TH0S. J. SOUTHERLANDi r IVERY AND SALE STABLES, 1 La flflASlIIONALr5inr!FT? . ' r Wilmingtonj N. U ' d Vehicles for hire at rea .niA rtv. Excursion' Darties to tne Sound and couiitryaccommodatedi , may 2i I l Urn j M O ; UKNNKTT A FllX'll, t 276 SanVn Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fUr.lBTi-Be f tl W ffix the number 918 l- 1 TOL'VVt laovf IhrdugM liai ,4 F1TQH, so that .we aaa-y at paper tne subscription , ' jaa 2 EAARTIS, Wilmington, N. C I vine anadnamroioz r flair Cutting. done in tie tughestVfeof the art. . AUentire and poll Barbers al way ready to wauujttcaiwai... ?, ...-. feb 24 cents to $10. . and examine for Ii junc 13 yooreelves, LL" $600 PIANOS FOR 8250. And all other styles in the same proportion, including Grand. $oM Afflprlght all FiRst-CLASS ?pld direct the People at Factort Paicxs. No agents; no commls sions : no discounts. These Pianov made one of the finest displays at the Centennial Exhi bition, and were unanimously recommendedf for the Uluiiisi. uu.uks. yew iianu factorv one of the largest and finest in the world. The Square Grands contain Math ushek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Sca'e, the greatest improrement in tbe history ot piano making. .The Uprights are tfce Fixest is America. Dont fail to write for Illaitra- ted and DescriptiTe Oatalogue, mailed frce. MENDEI.SSOIIN PIANO CO., apL 14 No. 5 Broadway, X. Y. entennial . RTHE COOLEST SALOON IN Till; city, nd continues to f urnish foi tli refreshing drinks, fine cigars and turtle, clam or vege AaIe soup every day. Come, ye l angry and Vat for nothing and ye thirsty and drink for a consideration. J . J0HN.CARROIL, june'lT J 1 f. '.''ii'' Proirrkt tor. Polk Miller & Co' Vi'arraiit- TTALIAN INSECT PO WD I a. - ed to kill Roaches, Flie?, Flea, Ant.-, 3Ioh., Croton Bags, Bed Bug,' Mos.puitoe, Chicken Lfce. Flower Bugs, Melon Bag, ai.d a'.lotbtr species of Insect. jPST' ?IOC Misotioas to Lu.uan L-t;n.-'. d - mesac animals or low i. ar l 21 leifWDesitma N INVOICE OF CLOCKS of .rarely new desiffnrdras just btJLti reoirJ ara l ate oeing soiv m wxirrfCelT WW "tjTur?s ; a:.o a tine i assortment of LADIES' WATCH E? SEAL and PLAIN GOLD RINGS acd LADIES' and G EN TLEM EN 'S C U A I NS. Work left ith me wi!l be neallr exe cuted. All I ask of tbe Public ii i si ve me - r ' ' ' a trial. feb27 1 A . 'J. If. ALLEN. Watchmaker and Jeweller- 1 . ; GRAND GALA DAY OLD CjFDOfJ9TE FIIOKT. riiiiE. uutitsiurrtu win re-open the L Old Clarendon, where meal. and Io1g ings can be had at all hours. I " WM. J5ARSTELLER, a2 4 V- Prdprktor.- UI! I ys awa'iidi:d ins , FIESTPREMITJM ! .'.t-the Centennial Exhibition,. J?7 aivi has always c;u rii-1 oUtho hiuhcct hunurd ---wlicrevtr exhibited A CQMPACT.rorPT: J7. TrrRAnT.K. J.iht liunninK'nnd EFFICIENT JLOCKL STITCH" JlAl'lllNi:. AUAITEIs to tho WANTS of 3:vi:i;viiODY. The. HOME SEWING Wl AC H I N E was Perfected eitfit years fcinco by tne nr-i oi mc bd invenilvo talent aud Moclianiral KLill. It OOMi!IM:H nil tho.Hrtsmtliil I'arts of n FIRST CLASS MACHINE, i i filMPW-Mn CONSTRUCTION. HUrumOJt in StreiHJtli and Beauty, ccr.tain lc3 Vorkinn Part3 and laCapallo rd i )Ol KG a iviUr ruiiyevt irorfctlian other fcewinc Machines. JtwillKUN foryein without costinu OHE CENT for RFi'Ains. In tho Nanufatturo of thia JlAClllNfc tho Very IoHfc 3Inrcrlal are USF.P. The Wearing taiits aro HARDENED, &nd the Mechanism ha 3 been con STKlfCTEl with tho special vino f producing ait Easy Running, l)URABI.i:, and almost KOISKL12SS AlAClllN'li, adapted EQUALI-Y WKL.li lor Coawo or lluo TUItICAl, COT TON, BILK or LINEN, SEWING from tho JJgittt Ttiuslina' to Iteaver Cloth and LEATHER. Such ConfldencoisEELT i.i tho 1NTHINSIC ME KITS Of tho HOM: STWINC MACHINE that every MACHINE u tally tr..J & Warr anted foi live Years. LIVE AGENTS w.irtcd in localities whenj wc arc cot represented. - ---'.- -- Fend for prices, and F.tmpk-s of work dono ca the llOME, or call at any of our oiliccs. , . jokbsoh;,Blrr aHa.?. 30 Union SqaareNow. York. 'C6-iTawLiigtoa Street, Bostoa, Ma33. tj '1 1111 Scccnd Avo nttsturgb, Fa. Ill State Street; Chicago, 111. v - n Sccth 5th Street, fit. Lonia, Mo, 17 NiTT iicstgomery St., Saa Francisco, Cal. Eatablisliea 1SG5. "..,". GILMORE & CO.; Attorneys at Law, Successors to Chlpraan, nosmcr A. Co , 629 F Street, "Washington, D. C. American, and Foreign Fatentf. . Patents procured in all countries. No rzxa I granted. No fees for. .making preliminary ex aminations. No additional fees for cbtaln'.ns. and conducting a reliearing. bpecial attention piven to Interference Caes beiors tha l'atent Office, Extensions before Conjrref?, Infrin emen t Suits in different States, and all litigation aj pertaining to Inventions or Patents. SjlmiSi aik yoa rAiLriiLix or sixty. rACis c 1 United State Courts and Departments. Claims prosecnted la the Supreme Court of the United States. Court cf Claims, Oortrt f Com missioners of Alabama Claims, Southern Claims Commission, and all classes of war claim bo- lore lie Xjucuure ueparuaenu.. Arttiari of Pay and Bounty.. Orriczna, foldims and sailoks cf th-s war, or their heirs, are In many cases entitled to money from tbe Government, of which tbey Lav no-knowledgB. -Write full history of service, anil state amount of pay and bounty received. liii cloe stamp, and a full reply, after examinatiou will be given you free. . i. ' Pensions. All orricsTiS, KOi-Dixna and SAtxens wounded, ruptured, or injured in the late war, however lightly, can obtain a pension, many now receiv ing pensions are entitled to an Increase. Send stamp and, information will blajnifchcd iive. United States General Land Office. Contested Land Ca&e. I'rivate Land Claim". Ilinin", Pre-emption and Homestead Ca-e proi. cn ted" before the General. Lund Oflite aud le partiaeat cf the Interior. Old Bounty Land Warrants. The Ht Eeport cf tha Commissioner of tlie General Iand Uillte shows 2,h'j7,lg) acres cf liouu ty Land Warrants cits u tidings These were 13 sued nnder act cf and irior acts. We pay cash for theni. S-n i by registered letter. Wiei assignments are iiueiivi.; v.eive ixutructioua toperf-jcWtaenu f4, Eac1-department cl ccr fcur-ines is conducted in a separate bureau, under, tho t&ai. cf expo rienced lawyers and clerks. Uy reason cf error or fraud many attorneys are suspended from practice before-the Pension and other cilices each year. Claimants, whoe attorneys haTe been thus suspended, will be rratuitously furnished with full mfunnation and proper papers on application to us. As we charge no fee nnless success! al, stamps tor return postage should te sent hs. 1 ' Liberal arrangement, made wiJi attorneys la all classes el business, Address GILMORE &: CO., P.O. BOX 4. V(ilhlnslontJ.C. WAEnrxCTO, D. Toremter 21. 176. I take pleasure ta expressing my entire confl ence in tbe rttpo-nsiltiit'j and JiJtlitv of the Law, I'atfui and Coilecuoa liouie mI Cilt.rn CO . of this city. . - - CEO. IE E. TTniTEL iCzUr ft It, Zziianal 2XitilV Cvia4

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