AT SARATOGA. , rv niazza, together, t tne brClZ,:nPthe sun went down, vWl Y." "ate of the weather 0". A'i.. Ji arrivals from town; V"'1 HI" willeht deepened around us u niic ' :,ars canie out, we V" i Ihft 8llrs "V . tha Wf.JJ.lhpr. ?Soucare: vere Wvou far that ? , u tfere r.l"f somebody's hat. .vrla.K? vou said, was a nui-sance- oat did you care w vu . t h ink. of the racos, ?.. us Pools I had lost; laces. ,:rtooOIrt thpir crobable cost. soniewhat severely. '",;r!1 inn's crimson cravat, K rued at His open attention H '"' 1 1 aicl you care for that ? Win2 more pensive, you quoted vou had genius; 1 voted Y" 'r a it v was tette- instead. fna Jj the life of a woman YlJw nsipid, and flat, ft I'Hi-ht nothing but money 1 f , , mnic tne moonlight, tlie hour, "ith-thiSr our voices grew low ? Wiiat onu e k 0f the power li;,t -WnSd erte with his bow? vk m rS your waist, we sat, 'JiSuSd when I said that I loved lj$r did you caro for that ? . ' ihs by the calendar's table Tvr; , .ntlis can do wtntienui uuugs. v,iJpVA-our marriage to Bilkins, lf'r,llJdidlcareforthat? " 1- i Vu 'usta Chronicle. ncDrcws in Casteni Kurope. the. t ni" I O ailU. ltuooit auvj oppressed as an i 1 1 iniiHU arc as iuu. ' ...,,iirr!)rcsfbt, it may bo consuicruu an exodus will general out- (vrU'11 IllUUliltVi T CHjiilllCIlCC that hiUat UO . t.. a f the crushed ami persecuieu true that this work has been i i ii i i . . ii i .n Inf ai'cs, and mat iujau who prided i in- ll' M"U ll i J i lit: i'l'iv- their 'Ki"! uf in r5 f V Ollll . "1.:.,. l.r cYrmrtnHiiikci 0j Oivista'm Europe m a war against .J that the. pcrsecutiori is i, ,.., lltv. aim . 1'niui.v.o .w..0 ,1 nn " nates m religious hMd and bigotry.. But no race can i;cumcFnn:uiently accustomed to sucl iiiurfice, anJ, therefore, wc look for i Aisbexo-jusfrom llussia, Poland anc i." xx f-frtaiu. aud wc rcgari Olill a nd wc regard America as the laud of promise fo c tin' onlv one where isc lor tuis it is IiI-um;u i.iw, i" ;j - wire of complete equality. . The iailux of Jewish emigrants has never atr." acted attention, because tne recognizably ncn has lievvr cumu ao 'wv,,. .i:l-;..p ..ii.mfnt..' liut its iucrcaso has boea marked in a degree of material pro writy far beyond it numbers, acd tiouht to he sufficient to attract in-ikvwX- multitud.s 6f Hebrews from Kurpe. The uumucrs 01 lucavi ywyiv ic foster u Europe are stated in almost m ,r(..!l,lo lV'ure.: in Poland and llussia ai.ino tne iouu A I 1 ..1 I 0 . , 3 1,1 consiueiau.y oar three millions. 'Ihey are ajso very Bohemia. Iliin2arv and liumania and the provinces of the Turkish Empire. But these countries arc remote from America that emigration tverlatul to England or the German ports t. take passage fur this Kcpublic is too tspousivc, aud thus far wc are without dir.ot lines of emigrant ships to the ports of the Eastern Mediterranean. The Ger rn Mennouities who came hither from !;Lia migrated from the Baltic ports, ivl by that route wo could reach the I'M' and Russian Jews. So many ?nVwus lunUtis have been laid upon tiffin by tlic Uus.ian Government that a "I'positiun would be likely to be made tao'tmigration of the mco to America. i'hc business capacity, of the Jews is t w well U need pyfeise: but in thsc countries of Eastern Europe they are said to bd extensive! v engaged in r w Mlunical occupations, and to be the hi manufacturers and skilled workmen. were so long prohibited from owniDg lad that they arc not farmers. Yet, if an organized effort were made to inaugurate a Hebrew movement on a large scale, to fume of our Western States or Territories, tho chauccs are. strongly in favor of its Miceess. The poor Jews of Poland and Vaist'u would be glad to secure the pos K'SM.iii of Jand in a free Republic which )- nan wen lorbidden forages to own ;t inonarcbicol Europe. When a sugges tion of this kiLd was made some years K in reference to the persecuted Jews of 1! oumania, yc were surprised toundit op-1-se.I by the most intelligent Hebrews "our- Atlantic " cities'"! .. Their reasons re not stated, but it may b3 presum l ' that they related to the lov prejudice s Rst the race, aud the possible danger vl their being increased by a rapid im- all anncarmrM the race in EuSj cm js desperately impoverished and KiJ ring, but it is quite probable that ''asiN'ct is assumed to avoid the iduu to which they have been subject fj f f ages, and that in a free Ucpublic ' ours, where .equality is-assured to all, ';' would live m "better stylx Very Hebrews ever come hither, who do !'Hrioz with thpm some captfai to bc- ,n W UUon nn.l ibis f::t has made tilCm 4 -Jungly active and busy inmost I .irtT . . . 1 : . i.cuis 01 traue, - anu losiervu iiujua i lUlkebaso.! n tliAir romarkaMe DttS JfmX- His their cipital that gives !'Uiie advautage in trade, to v-hic" ay be .added a business training that is lf3itionary and faculties in that lino J. raially developed by inheritance aud 1 -wW V1 iruueraiious. Vineefar, A l'l;R1' CIDEU AND WHITE WINE YINEGAli. 5 GUARANTEED. JOHN I.. BOATWPJGllT, Family Grocer, 5 & 7 North Tront St. ..niVophsortoiaiuiir, -vn ,ffcnbtirtned as something alarming, lvoflmffiseynester'shaLr. ; !e style of .fcmed at the shocking vou j'weni- " ',. u not be aDie i rrzret t hat I i ftt tne gprlng!S; i" Ke-'ards to your husband, i:ut cive myrto chsxTze his cravat, QS 27 Iliscellaii EC NEW BARBER SHOP. jlf Y PATRONS and te pufctienerariy -'-- are respectiuny mrorinea Laatr 1 be found at my can NEW BARBER SHOP, V at No. 7, South Front street, where he fol lowing low prices hare been adopted : Shaving 10 centa ; Hair Cutting 25 cents ; Shampoo 25 cents. , Open until 12 o'clock on Saturday nights. aug 4 CIIAS. E. C LEAP OK. GOLD. great chance to make money, you cab.' t get ."gold you can get greenbacks. We need a subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family pubTieatioa in the world. Any one can become aT successful agen t. Ihe most elegant works of art given free tosiibscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent re ports .making over 81.50 in a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who engage make money fast, i ou can dev6te all your time to the business or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You! can do it as well as others. Full particulars, direc tions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you, want--profltable worK send us your address at once. It costs noth ing to try the .business Kb one who engages fails to make great pay. Address "The Peo ple's Journal," Portland, .Maine. aug i LOCAL AGENT WANTED. We want a good, reliable man to mske a personal and thorough canvas of this City and vicini ty, to sell RAND'S NEW YORK CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY, for 18778, just issued. This work contains a full and com plete classified list of all the IMPORTERS, JOBBERS and MANUFACTURERS, with their Street and. Number address. It i, with out question, the most complete,, the hand somest, cheapest and j popular work of the kind ever issued. ' Every Merchant, Manu facturer, or Business "Man needs it. It sells rapidly at One Dollar per copy, and affords a handsome profit to Agents, who are making from Two to Ten Dollars per' day Belling the same. . j . ' ; Apply ,with references, to ' J WALTER UEUGII & CO., Publisher, junc 30 j Park Place, New York. OFFICE OF OUR LINING AND OUR DEAD. TN ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR SUBSCRI JL ber.s with numbers due them, wa1 shall re sume the publication of OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD oh March 15th, and complete the IVth Volume in monthly parts. No new subscribers will be taken except for the bound volumcs-three of which have been issued and the IVth will be Teady in June. We can sup ply our old subscribers with any back num bers, except September and! October, 1874, should they need any to complete their files. 'PRICES FOB BOTJXD VOLUMES : In Cloth $2.C0 each. Half Calf $2.50. I Sonllicrn Historical -HontMy.T i . 1 This Magazine, two numbers cf which have been printed, will occupy the same relation to the entire South that OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD did to North Carolina, and, in all respects, will be as worthy of confidenc and support. For detailed description of this Monthly and for' the opinions of those who have the initial number; we refer to larger circular. Subscriptions are solicited. ; . Terms, Invariably in Advance : ,f 12 months! $4.00. 6 months $2.CQ Address, '1 " . ."i ' 1 SOUTHERN HISTORICAL MONTHLY, Raleigh. N. C. fob 24 111 Buying or Selling y;E CHALLENGE siuarc competition. Orders executed or all descriptions; of , mer chandise. 1 , 1 1 1 We keep; up with fiuctuations In ihe prices in 11 markets. j We look to quality, weight and condition of Packages. Sample sent to any point and wires used when" requested. I , - Consignments of j Produce meet Iprompt attention, Prompt and profitable returns Years of e.vpcrience and a determination to work should bo a guarantee ; Uiat the inter ests of our patrons will bi conscientiously guarded. "1 1 PETTEWAY &.SOIULKEN, Brokers & Com Merchants, aug 16-lm i Wiliilngton, N. C. P. eibvterian conv I i -'- H (- "DON'T FOR&ET" J. can be found ON NOltTII SIPE MARKET ST.; Between Second and Third Sts., Rcadv and willing - to do all k'nds ol - . , ' t PAINTING, GLAZING, &c. MnieEajopient'roraTea?. I r 1 Less Than Four Cents a Wei MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE INTRODUCING THE V ir wv Which for mere than 55 Years has been SX2ST 1 STORY, SKETCH AND FAMILY PAPER ns is wfll known, all over tho United States It is published weekly1, contains eight large pages, clearly printed on good paper, filled! Willi lilt; ciioicesi siurm uuu eucitun iuj iub best writers : not sensational trash, but such as a mother is wiUincr to have her children read. The whole tone of the paper is pure and elevating. ' , . , 4. tC . 1 It also contains Historical and Uiograpnicai BY SAlllnllAY EVMING PO ae-lnold Departments ; Fashion Article weekly, I f 1 I 11 1 ' II.-.... - imu uu uumi-ucu , uumui uu .-. erary reviews ; cws iioies, auu ums Columns ; and Strong and Sparkling Edito rials, etc., etc. Is just such a paper as every body loves to read, and the price is only TWO DOLLARS A YEAE, Sample copy containing club rates, etc., sect on receipt' of a 3-cent stamp. Address, lUO 9 lO BENNETT & FITCH, 276 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. X. B. Be sure and affix the number 018 twfrREXRTT. i FITCH, so that we may know through what paper the subscription V V u t E. ARTIS.,..,. FAS1IIONALE BARBER, ' , Front Street, under Pur cell Hout, ,, . 'WUmincton, N. C Hair Catting, Shaving and ShamfOJiig a in Yia hiirhott ctviA of tne art. uvue m - - . AttenUve and polite uarDers aiwaj to wait uncm customers, feb 24 Bail Road Ilinos,'&c. Gerf f Siip'ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AU GUSTA RAILROAD Wilmington, N. C, AugTist 4, 1877. CIIANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, August 5, the follow ing schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN,(daily except Sunday.) Leave Wilmington........ 12 00 M Arrive at Florence 5 00 P M Leave Florence... 12 30 P M Arrive at Wilmington. 5 20 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington 6 00 P AJ Leave Florence y 53 p J Arrive at Columbia 1 11 A M Leave Columbia 11 30 P 11 Leave Florence. 2 30 A M Arrive at Wilmington 6 30 A M .This Train will only stop at Flcmington, Whiteville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timmoaaville, Sumter and Acton between Wilmington and Columbia. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Daily, ex cept Sundays.) Leave Wilmington Leave Florence 2 30 V M 2 35 P M 10 10 A M 5 00 P M 2 50 A M 10 20 A M Arrive at Columbia.. Leave Columbia Leave Florence. Arrive at Winning ton. jpaa- j-assengers lor Augusta ana Deyond 3hould take Night Express Train from Wil mington. JS&f Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charleston and Macon. JOHN F. DIVINE, aug 4, General Superintendent. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD COMPANY. Office of Gen'l Superintendent Wilmington, N. C, August 4, IS 77. On and after Sundav. August 5th. 1877, Passenger trains on the Wilmington & Wel don Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at ... 6 50 A At Arrive at Weldcn at...l 12 30 P M Leave Weldon .Ill 40 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 5 40 r ai NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. t ( Depot at 5 35 P M Arrive at Weldon at .; 2 20 A M Leave 'Weldon, daily at 3 15 A M Arrive at W ummgton, Front St. Depot at ... 11 45 A M The Dav Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily , via Rich mond and all rail routes. - , Night train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. ! JOHN t. DIVINE, aug 4 General Superintendent. - i AND 1 All the latest impaovemenUt combined into the organs and pianos manufactured by 1 CORPUS 3 Was " gton, 33". J. To all who wisih to purchase oitlitir an OIw GAN or PIANO we c;ui truthfully any that for I ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION Beautiful, Finish and Sweet Muscal 1 Qualities, our instruments take rank with those of that 1 Most CeleWei Mannfaclnrers. O air only claim to favoritism over other v fading manufacturers is Our Low Prices. reduced to meeting the requirements of the times. Determined not to be undersold and at the same time furnishing instruments that we fully . WARRANT FOR FIVE YEARS, we. invite correspondence tbat we may have an opportunity to prove satifactorily all that we here assert. Our PIANOS are famished with the I Imroyed French Grani Action . (the very best in use); they are also HEAVILY STRUNG with the improved wire; and the cases are of solidrose wood perfectly seasoned and WARRANTED NOT TO CRACK OR WARP. t Our ORGANS are furnished with all tbe modern improvements, as to stops, action, etc, while tbe t'ASts are ot tne recen tcaomet strle. admirably suited for the parlor. . aS Send for Illustrated Catalogue, and Price List. Address, CORNISH A CO., jan 6 Washington, New Jersey. Spectaclosand Glasses. HIHE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EYER 1 offrcd in this city at prices ranging from 25 cent to $10. 1 ! . Cat and examine for yourselves. t ' juntW : J.II. ALLEN. , : yVIW www And ll other strips in the same nronortion. includiit. Grand.- Sauare and Upright all Frast-Cuss sold direct to the People at FACTORTPaiCEs. No agents; no commis sions : n 01 is counts. These Pianos made one of the finct displays at the Centennial Exhi bition, anrerp unanimously recommendedf for the HBHEST UONOKa. New Manu factorv o of the largest and finest in the world. -Thl Square Grands contain Math usb.eksnevnatent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest Improvement in the history ot piano ma Tne Lipnents are tne r ih est is America. mt fail to write for Illustra ted and Deacr tive Catalogue, mailed free. MENDASSOIIN PIANO CO., A (SAMS 00. pL 14 1 No, M Broadway, N. Y. IliscoUanoons. A Nevs Paper, s published every eveniog Sudnday excepto AT Or 50 cents a month, strictly in advance :o The Reading Public are respectfully inform- j ed that it shall be the constant aim &f the pro- prietor to furnish them with A LIVE KEWSFAPER, " .11- ' . ' containing the latest news of thday, and eo deavoring to keep its reader! folly informe in regard to events of interest and importance occurring in every quarter of the world, ODE DAILY MARKET REPORTS5 Win full, and correct and will oe kept open until he latest Possible moment. Mer- 1 1 ' chants in the city and country may rest as- Eured that they will be horongWy reliable. The News Column i Will contain the reports, bota of news and 1 ' markets, received here each day at noon, and the - 1 jOCIL depa r t m ent las been placed in careful and experienced . ' "i . V : V) i, ! hands. Friends in the section of country con nected with this city, will greatly oblige the Editor, and will contribute additional inter est to these columns by for warding any Items of news that may occur in their respecuye oealities. ALL COUUESPONDENCB, On matters of general interest will ne gladly recivcd, but our friends must bear iu mind 1 - 1 that thev must write only on one side of the paper j that tnej must torDear useless yerot- age, must correct 'their own manuscript and must avoid abusive personalities. A re liable name mast be furnished with each com munication, as the Editor will not be held ao countable for the views or language of cor- respondents. OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, Even before a type was set for the first issue, as an exceedingly flattering one, and ' la probably the largest bona fide list with which any newspaper in Nerth Carolina ever before began publication, and is now rapidly on the increase, especially on the Tarioua railroad lines.: 1 jocn. g. jrnrrngi EniTom aho Paoraisroa, "Vg, Ofiiee on Second street, between Prim ..1 - " ... '') i , 1 cesa and Checnit, near thePestoCee. Miscellaneous. TILE CEUTEHNIAL EXHIBITION The judges unanimously recommend th MENDELSSOHN 3s FOR THE 1 Diploma of Honor ani Medal of Merit. Placing'them in the Front Rank Withput a SuDerior- For strictly first-class instruments. $600 for $250. $G50 for $275. $700 for $300 $750 for $325. $800 for $350. $000 for $100. .$1000 for $450. No Commission to Agents. I No Discounts to Teachers. No Deviation in Price. The Mendelssohn GRAND SQUARE & UPRIGHT o Contain valuable patents land improveu;er.t3 never b,eforc introduced. WATHUSHEK'S Nkw Patent DdpleXj Oyerstbcno Scale, Is the greatest advance in the history of Pia no making, producing the most astonishing power, richness and depth of tone, and a eus- A. - ? . ! 1 a A 5 1 laming singing quality never oeiore aiiaineu, being a "Grand Piano in a Square case." - ThO MOIldelSSOhll UprifflltS ARE THE FINEST IN AMERICA. They 1 arc pronounced the "Pianos of th Future."; MxHoyACToay & Waueuoosis : NOS. 490, 402, 494, 49G & 49S;Wcst I 67th St. NOS, 858, 8GO, 862, 8G4, 80S, fc 87 lOtliA venue. PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL. ".Illustrated and descriptive Catalog ue mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., BUSINESS OFFICE : I No. 56 Broadwau, N. Y. 1 feb 21 4 PiXB.Jn.T 25, 187L WE CLAa FOB TEE IMTROVEB WHITW SEWIWG RlACHiES The following specific points of superiority 1 Great Simplicity in Construction 2 Durability.: 3 Exceedingly L.ight Running. 4 Still Running. Noisess. K. av Wa.ftl.lti. all A r .latin. f T17tlr I .xJcantyof Finish and Workman. snip. 7 GREAT REDUCTION in Price. Machines sent on trial before payment is re quired ; written guarantee to keep machines in order for five years given with each ma chine., W,hy Pa't Old Pkices ? Tor circulars and particulars; Address, THE WHITNEY MF'O CO., dec2 J . Paterson, N. J. The Centennial IS THE COOLEST SALOON IN THE city, and continues to furnish forth refreshing drinks, fine cigars and turtle, clam or vegc table soup every day. Uome, ye hungry and eat for nothing and ye thirsty and drink for a consideration. I ; a JOHN CARROLL, jane 27 Proprietor. Polk Miller & Go's JTAXIAN INSECT POWDER ! Warrant ed to kiu Roaches, r lies, Fleas, Ants, Moths, Ctoton uogs, uea Jiags, Mosquitoes, Lhickcn Liee. Flower Bugs, Melon Bugs, and all other species of Insects. Sy Not poisonous to human being, do mestic animals or fowls, ml 24 ew Design. AS IN'YOICE OF CLOCKS of entirely new designs has just been, received and arc being sold at; extremely kr figures ; aho a nne assortment vi lauilo watculs, SEAL and PLAIN GOLD RINGS and LADIES' nod GENTLEMEN'S CHAINS. fiS" Work left with me will be neatly exe cuted. All I ask of the Public is to give me a triaL J. II. ALLEN. feb27 . Watchmaker and Jeweller G&EEN GROCERY. VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, Fruit, Melons. 'Ac, always in treat variety- Stock kept up by fresh additions every day. mi tmT aeii on mouaunon. Orders tor families filled and delivery free. . REUBEN JONES, Green Grocer. -N. W. Cor. Market and Second sts. 2 1L EfilV GOMPETITIOH Miscellaneous. TholCarolina Farmer. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED will iesame the publication of the CAROLINA ,1'ARHLR, on the 1st -day of September ncxt,rwith Mr. HAMILTON McMILLAN as Associate Edi- or. t The FARMER will be issued monthly, in magazpe form, with "handsome cover, and m cqniain imrty-two pages ot reading mat ter, adapted to the wants of tho Farmers and Planters of the two Carolina. - The' tdo- graphic excellence which formerly - distin guished it will be fullv maintained. !. lerms of Subscription : One vear. SI. 50 fix months. $1.00: threo month.-SO tt There will be no clcb rales. . Substriptions payab'e on receipt of first number. . The. old friends of the FARMER are rertupnte'd to in their names. ATM. II. rtERVAUtK maT 2G Wilmington. N. C. Keystono Printing: Iiik Co "JIAXUI'ACTUKLKS OF PRINTING IPJKS. BOOK AND NEWS liLAiGK"A ; 17 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. t r3R INKS ARE OF A SLPERIOR V cualitv. beinir loik lroiii tho bestiarre. dients and under the personal supervision of a practical printer aud'prtsraau," therefore wo will guarantee every pound of Ink sold-to be of a Superior Jet Black. Uuick Drvinrr. and entirely free from setting-olf. ? ,. . Our prices are from to 50 per cent, low ei than any other Inks manufactured in the Uniteu Mates. "' - - A trial of a sanjple kes will contince any printer that he Las'bccu paying nearly double what he should for liiV.lnks in; time's past. Put up in kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. Aaarcss. .. t. ' i KEYSTONE PRINTING INK CO., . 17 North Fifth Street, . doc 13 1 ' l'hiladclphia, Pa. ; j ; ; J Miscollanoous. I WeMcrl Unalricd Dictionary; FUJI -Tin; SCHOOL w 5,000 Engravin. ; l,fiOi 'Prico 512! 1'ugcs (Quarto. il W FEATURE. To the ,00 Illustrations heretofore in Web ster's Unabridged, wchavc added four pages of ' " Colored Illustrations, enravel expressly f-r tluj work at"lai;e Kcarly every State Suprinlcndcnt of' Public Instruction in the Union, or corres ponding oflicer, where such an one exists, has recommended Webster's Dictionary In the 5trongest term?. Among them are those of Eastern, Northern, Middle, Southern,! and Western States TWENTY-EIGHT in all. The State of NEW YORK has placed 10,000 copies of Webster's Unabridged in as many of her Public School?. y The State of WISCONSIN about" 8,000 nearly every school. . . ,, (.; . The State of NEW JERSEY l,GCQr-. nearly The State of MICHIGAN' made" provj for alkher schools. ' , ; ' - .''.I The State of MASS A CI I L'T ETTS has 1 piled her schools nearly all. . ion 'ine btate ot IOWA baa iujpb'cd schools. , ' 1 tt lhe fetatcnt .CONNECTICUT has made provision lor herjschools. OverU,000 schools . iu 1 INDIANA were supplied during the year lTlf and many more in 1873 and 1871. ! In other State.? many copies hate bcenf plir chasad for supplying tchools of cities, ctun- ucs ana iov,'ns. What better lavti-trnt .nt can te ,,ma.u,ujfor schools ? More than tk,v tunoa as innr ar.'; solft of Webster's Dictionaries as of aiiy other seiiea in this country. , . ,,.., At least Foys-nrTiis of all ihe sch-boolji' published in this country, own Webster as their standard, and of the remainder fcw.a. knowledge any standard. . .. . I PutMshcd l y ti, & C. MEKRIAM dec t SpriDglield Mass. If YORK WEEKLY HEMLDA JAMES GOfiDOM'-filENHEff, v ii ) p n 1 irT'o'irr 1 v o s t a i. j; i ji j; o n .e D i ) l i : l'j.i: yL'An. 50 Cnts for Six . ZVX4nt1s;'i.v . An cxtracoj.y tojtu-ry e!ub "cf'iVa THE NE 7 YORK 'DAILY- HERALD Publjshed every day in theycar. r post ag i: fui:c. $10 pay? for one j car, Sundays inclaieT. v.. SS pays for one year, withomt Sundays. $V pays Ar fix month, Sundays iocludrd. 51 pays for six nonihr, w ithout Soi-days. 52 pays for oncycar forany- rcvitied day of tic week. 1 ' 61 pays for six ianthfyr ecy specified day of the wi'ck. . SI pay for one uenth, Kuutiaysio eluded. XEWSDUA.,; UiTLlED. rO.-iiAUi; FREE. : i . Dailv Luiti ri-.i Ao acd a half elt, per copy Sunilay Edition.... ....... .I'our cenjs, per copr Weekly Edition ...Two cents pr ropy Addreii, i NEW 'YORK HERALD, dec27 Brood -.ray and Ana 'ifXew Torkv --. . ... -, i S. G. Hall,";' BOOK AND JOB PRIHTERi; gTlj.L AT THE Hi:.'.! IN PRINTING'- and- lowest is j-iiccs. . , ; If you will eta-Jy your iutcrcit, git me a call with your wtiuialei before yea ton tic us 1 VU V,v W V 'U'.M S4,4 aogW

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