CAROLINA. Halifax county issued marriage licenses last month for 6 white and 7 colored couples. Louisburg Courier: The revival is still progressing in the colored Baptist Church, with about 60 or GO inquirers at the altar. Monroe Enquirer: A few dajs ago, a mule belonging to Mr. Henry A. Shute, of this place, trotted a mile in three min utes, on a common dirt road. Concord Sun : A friend from Harris burg tells us of a remarkably good yield of sorghum, in that vicinity. Wm. Hol land, a tenant on Dr. Blair's farm, made 101 gallons of molasses from a patch of I of an acre of sugar cane. Concord Sun : Mr. A. Crpwell, of lit. Pleasant, sends us in an item "concarnii of a turtle. He and his brother were in Mr. Dan Miller's mill Tuesday night, grinding, and the machinery suddenly came to a stand still. A careful investi tion followed, when the cause of the trouble was found to be a large turtle fastened in the water wheel. Upon being removed from its novel situation and plaeed on the scales, this turtle weighed Ilaleigh Observer: A. 0. Shields, for merly of Moore county, N. C. was' mur dered in Hardeman county, Tennessee, on July 22d. His body bore 4G wounds. Alris Phillips, the son of his wife by a former husband, and William Burrow, the husband of one of his step-daughters, have been arrested and "committed to jail, rh.rtrrA with the murder. Mr. Shields was the son of Archibald Shields, and emigrated from Moore to Tennessee in 1860. Monroe Enquirer. We hear of some extraordinary good corn in Jackson towEship. Mr. Allison Simpson has rn acre that has been carefully estimated and he, we understand, is confident of making 100 to 120 bushels. Messrs Geo. W. and AY. J. McCain have about four acres of an Island, in their mill pond, which, from present prospects, will yield at least 75 bushels per aero. In Mr. Simpson's patch the hiils are five feet apart each way, and have five to seven stalks to the hill. Was very heavily manured am suboiled. Ralcigb Observer r A telegraphic dis--nntr.h was received in Favcttcville on Fri day announcing the death in Philadelphia r f William Widdi'field. Mr. Wiildi- V 1U1 II field was for many years a member of the Fayetteville Independent Company and served m its ranus in mo rirst uc-miwui N. C. Troops, during the late civil war He was a participant in the late eel lirlinn Anfrnst 23d of the 84th ftBul irersaryof the company, and went Xorth 1 i Ti:, J1 l K r4 4l- lie- On Monday last, ms uuaiu, s. v. patch, was of apoplexy. Mr. Widdifield was about 41 years of age. He leaves a wife and four children. Raleigh News1 cotton movements: Ke ceipts for week ending Friday, August 31st, '77, 130; receipts for same time last year, 125; increase in receipts for week this year 14. Whole receipts from flrKt nf Sent. '76 to Aug. 31st., '77, 44.- 174- wbnlercccints for same time last year 89,t73, increase in receipts for year end- mg Aug. oist., it, "cii""' year ending31ts.,Aug.,1874, 25.809, mar ket closed 13; receipts for year ending 31st, Aug.,1875,35.032, market closed II; receipts for year ending 31st, Aug., 1870, 39.773, market closed; at 111; receipts for year ending 31st Aug.77, 44.174, mar ket closed 10. Monroe Express .-The attendance at the camp-meeting at Pleasant Grove this year was about as large as usual. We suppose there were twenty-five hundred people present on Sunday. The ministers in at tendance were Rev. W. H. Bobbitt, D. D., Presiding Elder;" Rev. W. M. Robey, President of Davenport Female College ; Rev. A. A. Boshamcri Pastor Tryon street Church, Charlotte ; Rev. T. W. Guthrie, of Wadesboro ; and Revs. O. J. Brent, Z. Rush and M. H. Hoyle, of Monroe. The exercises were conducted on Sunday by Rev. O. J. Brent, at' 8 o'clock ; Rev. T. W. Guthrie at 11 ; Rev. A. A. Bosha- rrur at and Rev. V. M. RobeV. at 8 p. m. The preaching was the best we ever heard on any similar occasion. Con siderable Reeling was manifested after the sermon at night, and was kept up till the clone of tha meeting, which took place on Tuesday morning. m - : Kaleigh Observer.. Colored Educational convention. The Convention reassembled at 7 o'clock, p. m. Friday, President G. S. Bmith in tho chair. The entire evening session was devoted to speeches by Hon. J. C. Scarborough, State Superintendent of Education, Judge Tourgee, Rev. L. Branson ami Capt J. E. Durger. Their able remarks elicited much interest on the part of all present. At the conclusion of these speeches the Conven tion adjourned until Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. SATURDAY JIOnXISG. The Convention met as per adjournment, Vice-President N. F. Roberts in the chair. After devotional exercises, resolutions were introduced by O. Hunter Jr., con cerning the State Normal School for col- The programme wasthau taken up and the following papers presented : Industrial Education, by AW F. D.b- ahara. , , , The Necessary Qualifications of a Itach er, by Rev! G. S. Smith. Discipline, and the best Method for En forcing it, by Miss L. S. Dove. Schools, by Miss J. E. Thomas. Co-equal Education of the Sexes, by Miss Kitty Bishop. Compulsory Education, by B.B.Goincs. Age a Proper Qualification on the part of Teacber, by Miss Laura A. Curtis. Corporal Punishment, by J. W. Butler., The convention took a recess until 3 o'clock. AFTEUXOON SESSION. Convention reassembled at o'clock, President Q. S. Smi h in tbo cbair. Tbo committee on deyising a plan for the orsanitation a teacbers association pxde report, which was adopted,- and a teachers' association was organized and officers elected. The Committee on Business reported favorably on all tho resolutions introduced during the morning session, whenron mo tion, they were all laid on the table, j On motion, the association' adjourned. CO ran SRCIAL NEWS! WILMINGTON MARKET, ( Septexbeb, 33 P. M. I SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 3214 cents. No sales reported. . ' ; llOSIN Firm. Sales, of 500 bbls Strained at SI 55 and 500 do Good Strained at 1 CO, 80 bbls (K) Low Pale at $2 20S2 25 perJibL TAR Firm at SI 55 pei bbL Sales of re ceipts, annotations.' CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $2 33 pcrbbl for Yellow Dip and Virgin. Hard nominal. Sales Of receipts at quotations. . GOTTEN Dull and nominal. No sales re ported," I ( .' i . DAILT RECEIPTS. j Cotton I t...... ble Spirits Turpentine......... til casks Rosin...... . . 1,467 bbls Tar i 63 DDIS Crude Turpentine 95 bbls MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. t : Steamer North State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. , - Steamer Underbill, Gillican, Smithville, o u t arsiey & jo. fqanLsh barque Juniata, Maristanez, Ha vana, y liiiams & Alurchison. 1 I v CLEARED. Steamer Xorth State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. , v Steamer Underbill, Gillican, Smithville, O G Parsley & Co. 1 Schr brave, Foss, Jeremie, Ilayti, E Kid- uer&ous. 1 I .1 Exports. ' ' FOREI6. I " - J ercmie, Hay tl Schr j Brave 00,1 10 . feet luiiiuer. , , Fiftv Choice Town Lots for Sale at Burgaw. milE COUNTY SITE of Pender havinff JL been permanently located at Jurgavr, we the undersigned, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at tbis place on Saturday the 8th of September, 1877, on rea sonable terms, Fifty (60) desirable building lots conveniently located near the Kail Koad and Court House site. These lots are admi rably situated for dwelling and stores. Plats jmay be 'seen at Court House "Wil iningtoh and at lJurgaw. j , J. II. MOORE, " I S. P. HAND, W. E. COWAN au": 30 I I AT AUCTION. No. 24 Market Street OTOCK CONSISTING of Books, Station O ery, Pictures, Frames, Candies, Cigars, tobacco, &c, &c. Also L hne Surer Mount ed Show Cases. The entire stock must be Isold. Sale to commence Saturday, Sept. 1st, at 12 o'clock v aug30 T. II. HEATH.' Star copy 2t , Just in.Store. x JS UNUSUALLY FINE LOT of Water melons and selling low. Peaches, Apples, gr.1pcs, Ac, and vegetables of all kinds, fresh and cheap, at . ' JONES' GREEN GROCERY, : aug 2 Corner Market & Second sts. SHAMPOO AND J3ATHS. SIIAVE,; 10 cents. Hair , Cut, 25centJ. Shampoo, 25 cents. .Hot and cold Baths at ' .. ' ' all hours. Clean towels and sharp razors in abundance. Ail work done ia silence and with dispatch. 1 I I. FURMANSKl, Cor. Front and Princess. aug 20 Lost. 1 JATE YESTERDAY AFTEUXOOon Third street, South of St. John's Church, a LADY'S LACE HANDKERCHIEF. A lib eral reward will lto paid for its recovery if 1 1 1 - 1 left at theRETiW office- 1 aujr 27 . officeof OUR LINING AND OUR DEAD. IN ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR SUBSCR bers, with numbers due them, we shall re sume the publication of OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD on March 15th, and complete the IVth Volume in monthly parts. No new subscribers will be taken except for the bound volumes three of which fiare.beenissaed and the IVth will be ready in Jane. We can sup ply our old subscribers with any back num bcrs, except September and October. "1874, should they need any to complete their files. pbicbs toa BQOKD YOUHUS s 1 t In Cloth $2.00- each. , Half Calf $2.0. Sonllierii Historical HontMy.: , This Magazine, two numbers of which hare been printed, will occupy the same relation to the entire South that OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD did to North Carolina, and., in all respects, will be 'as worthy of confidenc and support. For detailed description of tbis Monthly ad for the opinions of those who hare, the initial number, we refer to Larger circular. ' SubscriDtions are solicited. 1 Tkkxs, Invariably w Abyaxck: 12 months $4.00. ' 6 months $2.00 Address. , - , . SOUTHERN HISTORICAL MONTHLY. ' Raleigh, N. C. , . feb 24 ' Vinegar. A PUKE CIDER AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR. GUARANTEED. . 1 u $ . .... - ; V ' 1 JOHN Ii. BO'ATWRIGUT, Family Grocer, 5 & 7 North Front St. aug 27 T7ZZOZiZ38AZiI3 PRICES. S-Th6toTivninz quotations represent the wnolenlA nriiwi crrmorallT-. In makins: up mall orders hilUcrJb rices have to be charged. J5AUULK U Uunny Doable Anchor................ Dtuble Anchor "A". - Standard Domestic.......... BACON North Carolina, Hams, fi) ...j Shoulders, lb......... Sides, lb...... Western Smoked in? 13 12 y 11 Hai9s............w..... :133a 15 10 8 BUM, 2....d.. DDOujaers..... 7 & Dry Salted Sides, V 2. Shoulders, "ii 3b.. BEEF On the hoof..... 2 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each... 175 New Y.ork,each, new....... 2 00 BEESWAX; Ib..i:..;. r 23 BRIp-ibaington 11 8 00 2 CO & SO fi10 00 AIOT JlCrav.i...i tjL f. BTJTTERNortli Caroftia 2) ' Northern, y & .. CANDLES Sperm 1? Ib Tallow, fi).............j Adamantine, set............ CHEESE Northern Factory, fl... Dairy cream, y lb State, y B COFFEE Jar?, y ft Rio, y ft .:. Laguara, y ft .. CORN MEAI y bushel.... COTTON TIES y ft Tarn, bunch 15 25 (p) 20 CO 40 00 i 13 17 13 33)i 22 CO J 12H 17 16 00 30 10 24 O S7K V4'Q 95 Vz FISH Mackerel, No. l, y bbl,...16 00 No. 1, y bbl 9 50 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl....l3 50 No. 2, y bbl : 7 50 Mackerel, No. 3 y bbL. ...00 00 Mullets, y bbl 3 50 20 00 0 0 00 00. 00 0 0 00 10 50 4 00 N. C. Herring, y bbl 5 00 8 00 . j-txt vvu, m AjJ. v FLOUR Fine, y bbl 0 00 7 00 Super, Northern, y bbl... u uj Extra do " y bbl... 0 00 FamUy " y bbl...l0 50 City Mill Super y bbl... 0 00 " Extra y bbl... 0 CO " Family bbl... 0 00 " Ex. Family bbl... 0 00 FERTILIZERS. , Fernriaa yuano, 20002)3.70 00 Biuirh Phftimhatn " 00 00 8 00 9 00 11 00 0 CO 10 00 ll CO 12 00 00 GO 00 GO 65 00. 40 00 t Carolinst Fertilizer 5.00 Oround Bone, ' 00 00 lione Meal " Flour " 00 00 I 45 CO " CO 00 47 CO Navassa Guano, " " 55 00 Complete Manure " 00 CO Whann's Phosphate 00 00 Wando Phosphate, " " 00 CO BergerikBrutz'sRos.' " 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb & Co., ma- nipulated Guano 55 pO GLUE y ft !9 GRAIN Corn,6tore," 561bs CO QCorn, cargo, y 56 lbs CO Corn, ycl., y bushel Nono. Oats, y bushel 55 Peas, cow, y bushel 1 25 HIDES Green, y ft 4 Dry, y ft 10 HAY Eastern, y 100 lbs... 1 10 North River, y 100 lbs.... S5 HOOP IRON y ton 80 00 C5 CO 57 CO 70 00 70 00 00 CO 70 CO lb 75 CO 50 HA 20 1 1 05 LARD Northern y ft.....:, r North Caroliha y ft....:.. 00 1 LIME bbl rs5 0 CO LUMBER City steam sa'wd Bnipetua,reflawed,M 00 G-7 U Koughedgeplank.Mft.22 00 25 00 West India cargo, accord- ' ing to quality, y M ft. ..20 CO 23 00 Dressed floorinf,seasoned. 20 00 CO scantling and boards, com mon. "5 M ft 15 00 s23 CO 41 57 33 40 60 MOLASSES Cuba,hhdf?gl 40 vuua, uuis., ff gai ij Sugar house, hhds. y gal. . .-a" bbls. y gal... 35 ' Bnirar Svrur. bbls. sral. ; 45 NAILS Cut,4dto20d.k'r 3 25 4 ca OILS Kerosene, y gal 20 A.aru, w gai l iu I 4a Linseed, y gal.... 1 00 Rosin, y eal........ . 30 10 40 PEANUTS y bushel 70 POTATOES -Sweet, y bus. Vo Irish, Northern, V bbl..... 4 50 PORK Northern, city m eis. 17 00 1 CO , 4 75 Co 00 00 00 15 00 00 CO" 7' 00, 1 30 rnin, y bbl.. uo 00 Prime, y bbl (extra).. .....00 00 Rump, y bbl CO 00 RICE Carolina, y ft 6 Xiitafc luuia, iu uu Ronirh, V buahel. 1 20 BLiGS-CfoantrT. y ft'-.;... 111 City,4ft ROPE--....... 2, VA -61 00 85 CO' 75 r 23 00 CD 00 10 00 i3;x 12 n I ii:v 14 SALT Alum, y bushel...... JUiverpool, y sack.. .......... American y sack Cadiz sack. SUGAR Cuba, y ft orto Kico, y id A Coffee, y ft c y ftj Ex C y ft.. 10K 00 00 Crushed ft SOAP Northern, y ft .5 SHINGLES Contract, t-JDI 4 00 6 00 ir uumuuu, v ju ... i du 0 o iy Cypress saps y M 5 50 0 CO Cvoress hearts. i M 7 50 ra 0 00 STAVES W: O. bbl. y M.18 00 20 00 it u una. y M....oo oo oo op Cvnress. MJ 13 00 gi 00 oo TALLOW y ft... 9 10 TIMBER Shipping y M...12 00 13 00 31U1, prime per JU. ,8 50 10 CO Mill, fair per M 7 50 8 50 Inferior to Ordinarr.per M 4 00 6 CO WHDiKEY North'n, per gl 1 40 5 CO North Cafoina,' per gal... 1 75 2 50 WOOL Unwashed, per ft... 18 20 wsnecL per ft ............ 28 20 Spartanburg & A New Bouto to tho Mountains "of Westoni No. Ca. THIS NEW ROUTE' IS NOVT OPZN to the travelling-nu hi ir. lViscn leave dailr the Denot of i; Ar.'1r -ft i?" in Columbia at 12;i5p. m., and arrire at ter- minus oi o. s .a., ii. it.-at 8 p. m., where close connection is made with four-horse coaches for Flat Rock, Hendersonviife. Ainevuie auu a, m spring- Pasencrs over at eat, and and thereby erjoy some of the finest moun tain scenerv on the Hmrir.1 be found m Western North CaroU'Ea. .Arrangements cave been made with the W. C & A. K.' R.. ' for rnnn? frin ;Vnt? the following rates : From WIL to Flat Rock and return '$15.S5. " , " tt"5AUie and return, $10.i5. to Warm Springs and return, .r . $25.85. . " to HendersoEville and return, . S15.S5. . -Capt.S.S.Kirkland, of N. C, and for- mer r of the Air Lini R T? -: h k., -rf . " " ' lu v on the arrival of thn tr.;n. . . : r e a 5i .i t fee, that passengers mm. m, m m .f M Ts-m m. JM . m - - m mrv fwMwuual forward witnout ca Imt. On arrival of train quested to ask for Cap L Kirkland, Parser ger uu I mxmysM uuva Agent. ' - iry unj new route. . wy.l?Te WJi9rinToiih .cr lie Jl?f W.fve is bxcell resume meir icnrnpv pri r SCRIBNER'S KCriTIILY. LILscellaneoTis. A a ITkhivaled Illustbated Maqzinb When Scribner Issued its P famous Midsum mer Holiday Number in July, a friendly critic said of it : "We are not sure but s?r.;hnvi. Ti o t tnnnTiorl Vii crh-watpr mark. tnat Wfl ut.. O " do not see what worlds are left -to it to con quer." But the publishers do not consider that they have reached the ultima thule of excellence uiey ueuevc iuwo uc uw" worlds to conquer, and they propose to conquer them.," . The prospectus for the new volume gives the titles of more than fifty papers (mostly illustrated), by writers of the highest merit. Under the head of "Foreign Travel. If we have "A winter on the Nile," by Gen. Mc Clellan ; "Saunterings About Constantino ple," by Charles Dudley Warner ; "Out of My Window at Moscow," by Eugene Schuy ler : "An Amcricin in Turkistan." etc Three serial stories are announced: Nicholas Ulint urn. By Dr. Holland, the Editor, ! i vL;.so story of "Sevenoaks" gave the highes satisfaction to the readers ot the Monthly. The scene of this latest novel is laid on' the banks of the Hudson. The hero is a young man who has been always "tied to a woman apron strings," but 'who, by the death1 of his mother, is left alone in the world, to drift on tbo current of life, witn a fortune, but with out a purpose. . " Another serial, "His Inheritance," by Miss T rafton, will begin on the completion of "That Las-s o' Lowrie's, ' by Mrs. Hodgson Burnett. Mrs. Burnett's story begun in August, has a pathos and dramatic power which nave been a surprise to the public. There is to be a scries of original and ex quisitely illustrated papers of "Popular Science," by Mrs. Herrick, each paper com plete in itself. There are to be, from various pens, papers on I 'Home Life and Travel. " Also, practical suggestions as to town and country life, village improvements, etc, by well-known specialists. Mr. 1 .rLrn.-irri's artirloa nn irnr5rri inilnt. tries cf Great Britain include the history of "borne .Lzpriments in Co-operation, f A Scottish Loaf ; Factory" in the November uuniber, and "Toad Lane, Kochdale, in-De- ceiiiuer. ouier papers are, "ine lirlusn 'orkiiitruiau's Home." "A Nation of Slmn keepers," "Ha'penny a Week for the Child, CiC A litljiy illustrated series will be eiTcn on "Jlmerican Sports by Flood and Field." bv varit-us writers, and each on a different theme. The subject of "Household and Home Decoration will have a prominent place, whilst the latest n A .... .n..! . 1, T A - 111 j-i v.'in. iKiug ji aiui;ut,Bu uuiuuiisus wm Hp pear from month to month. The list of short er stories, biographical and other sketches, etc., is a lonir one. 1 The editorial department will continue to eiyjplov the ablest pens both at home and abroad. There will be. a series of letters on literary matters, from London, by Mr. Wei ford. - . . The 'aj:cs of the magazine will be open, as iicrctoiore, o lar as limited space will Der mit. to tho discussion of all themes affecting the social and religious life of the world, and specially to the freshest thought of the Christ ian thinkers and scholars of this country. We mean to make the magazine sweeter an4 purer, Lirlier and nobler, i more genial and generous in all its utterances and influ ences, and a. more welcome visitor than ever oexorcm nomes oi reunement ana culture. PIFTSSN MONTHS for 84. fccribner fur December, now ready, and wuieh coctains the opening chapters ef '. ieioIas '.iinturn,' will be- read with eager curiosity and interest. Perhaps no more rcaclali-j cumber of this magazine haa yet been issued. The three numbers of Scribner for Auguil, September, and October, con taining tho opening chapters of "That Lass o Lcwrio s, -will be given to every new sub scriber ( who requests it), and whose subscrip tion begins witn the November number. Subscription price, $4 a year 35 cents a number.. Special terms on bonnd volumes. Subscribe with the nearest bookseller, or send a cheek or P. O. money order to , . - SCKIBNER & CO., cc 28 ! 743 Broadway, N. T. Prima Enjoyment for a Year. Less Tiia: 'ban Four Cents a Week. 1AKE HOME ATTRACTIVE MY INTRODUCING THE SAILliiHY EVENING POST. III11IU IVUJj Y.'Lich for racre than 55 Years bias been the BEST STORY, SKETCH AND FAMILY TAPER, as is well known all over the United States. It is published weekly, contains eight large pacrcs, clearly printed on good paper, filled with the choicest stories and shetches by the best writers; not sensational trash, but snch as a mother is willing to hare her children read. The whole to.ue of the paper is pure 2nd elevating.. . - ( It aL-o contains Historical and Biographical articles ; Scientific ; Agricultural and House hold Departments $ Fashion Article weekly, fresh and unexcelled ; Humorous Notes : Lit erary Reviews; News Note; Boys' and GirLr Columns; and Strong and Sparkling Edito rials, etel, etc. Lsjustsuch a paper as erery body loves to read, and the price is only TWO DOLLARS A YEAE. Sample copy containing club rates, etc, sect on receipt uf a 3-ccnt aUmp. Address, - - - fo. 918 & PTTC3L phia?? -4 4 0 ransom street, ftiiladelphia, Pa. I N. IJ. Be fare and ?Ti-- tVio Tinm)u.oi6l K.,rroi-rvvrTT rnTnn " . know- through what paper the lubecriptio v...... j, u, i iivu, Niinii v miTI r :i . . r-vi . jaa 2 Im Buying or Selling W E CHALLENGE square competitij Orders cxecnted for all descriptions of cuancise We keep up with fluctuations in the m all markets. 1 rices We look to quality, wcizht and coi lition of I c'ag(Rs. t' a nip lea sent to any poj it and ii ujcu s ucn requested. 1 Consigniscnta of Produce sronrpt attention. Prompt and profitable rj Years of experience and a determjfation to work should be a guarantee that he inter ests of our patron3 will be coasentiouly guarded. ' - - PETTEWAY 4 SCHULIPN, "J Brokers i flAni. 1oJimta- aug 16-lm Wilmlngtfc, N. C. 810 o tvm made br Agents mos, Craronj, and Reward, Hfto, Scriptsre Text, Transparent. Pictnrand rbrm.i Card3. IOO samples, worth $4 sent postpaid forr 4 ?, Illnated Cafiogne frecT i -1 fEbluhed AL& The Handsomest, mm Wost Durable Pianos RSade. They are Beautiful Koscwood, SeT:c and fully guaranteed. Their .odcralo price and uaifunc succor for tbcm tbc position of a Standard of Economy and Durability. Acknowledged by all Musicians to bo the Best, OVER I 9(0)OO wow m u AGENTS WANTED IK EVERY COITXTV. AIl)i:lCS.S. ' RIARCHAL & SMITH PIANO GO,. r, ROBERT. SMITH, ARcnt, 27 Vaivcrsity. Place, Wewv 4T The Excursion and Pic Nic Season Continues A ND ALL OENTT.FMEV WTSIITNO first-class work done should call at 9. South Front street. SliATinr' 10 cents r - - - - - j Hair Catting 25 cents, Shampooing 25 cents. as Pomatum, only fine oil3, bcantlfiers, perfu meries ana uy rum. Jane 25 JU. WEii.MiW Notice. i A1 LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE late firm of C. D. MYERS & CO. arc quested to call and settle their accounts fore the FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, as I-. ' ! that day they will be placed in the hands my Attorney for collection. JOHN L. BOAT WRIGHT,.. aB?2l 5 4 7 North Front St. L07 FRIGES I WILL TELL Good Flour S3.50 per Barrel, TRY OUR CREME DE LA CREME AT 89.75. One Ton of those Elegant Hams, 13 Cents Dail Expected ! CEO. MYERS 6l 13 SOUTH mONT ZT- aug 17 STREET CARS. QN ASJ)kVTER MONDAY NEXT the STREET CA.RS will commence running at :6oclock ii the morning, and run every 15 mluuteseach way from thn 1 ' i JIarket House, until 8 f o'clock except Saturday s, when they wil run until 10.30 o'clock. f v The cars Wfll alternate between the tVm1 teryind Brooklyn. Tnlre will be a Car lo tim 30 ntnutes. also one to r.riw.fet vrv miiates. ere will be a sign on the rear of the Cur it over the dash board, designating which ce the Car is going either Brooklyn or ie Cemetery. 1 v-iis uu fUhCr f lhe ttroo. RaUipads, will find the U x vl cwlxa W1M11I1T in infra , Street Hant th ihnnMt .., . . - uiusi comiorv able way of reaching them. Persons arri v- lng in the city wiU always find a car at the upper end of Front street, near Union De pot, which will take them to any of the Hotels for 5 cent, or to any other part of the Street Car Line. Price from Castle and Sixth streets, to the Cemetery or Hilton, only 5 cents, for very near three miles of road, and return for 5 cenls, The very cheapest lair in the United States. 1 ersons are requested to report any neg ugence, on the part of the drivers, to the Superintendent. WASHINGTON KING, angnst2i tf Superintendent orthern Potatoes- Or BBLS. NORTflSRN POTATOES.5 . : f ost reecired. . JOHX L. boatwhigiit, m i j J I Jj JyjJT 7 -lWkWiBE 4 r 4 7 ft any 27 5 A 7 Xortik Front St. SHIT the Best Tone, J and or.e-thirJ Octaves willi every Ii..j,r.,. j I. ' . . i Assignee's Sale BY VIRTUE AND IN I'UPsr nJ the provisions of a deed o? n A?a No. : ,owing property situate in sai.1 dtv Walnut street, 132 et liart fww i JU1 tionivith Eaatlineof Fouith Ct I S ning . thence Northwardly ,.a.'ti -r Fourth street 18a feet, thfcr. riil ' parallel wiUi WalnuA street W ? Southwardly pSraHel with Fourth feet to Walnut street, and thence to tv i ginning, being part of Lots 3, i, ar.d One Lot South of and separated old Uechabite Cemetery by Pa twfj beginning at the coiner of Mid a h A inth street and.runnin g tlicuce Vo't!, v grees East 440 feet, thence outu 7 3, East GG feet, thence South 3 Uerriv r 110 feet to Ninth street and tbenee uX j .ing, being Lot No. 4 in b'ock HQ One Lot beginning in thelSoutU-ra ll i Church . st eot CG feet East from it, txon with the eastern line of Sixth an and running thenco southward by allel wiUi Sixth street SOtf fect ij ( tie street, thence cattwardly v.;t!i fi stle street 53 feet, thenco northirarillr t.w. lei with Sixth street 505 feet to ChurcbW and thence to beginning, boin i.ari ..f t 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G of Block D2. 1 l One Lot beginning at thb intersection of ISiorth line of Harnett stroftu-ith i iui, viririuninir in t ia .. i re be oi of ! ..I .11. . . VHUIH L of seventh strcct,and runnin2 thencecaitwi iy u u narneu street J65 feet, thence nor; wardly parallel vith Seventh street CC ft' thenco westwardlv ruiran.i ..;,, -n... street iCo . feet to Seventh street, aad'tlct half cf Lot Gin Block 303. One Lot beginning at tho intersection tue norUiern lina of I fa l -T v S mL. li l I II U . III! r. tin V k nuc ut oevcoiu street, and rrr,;n j J - uutitu I i V U iou ieci lo iovc'a avenue, thence r.ortUa l V rilli T m-si'c n r . .. .j oo icct, tnence ca waruiy parallel with J'arnrH ttf,.l't uac - - - . v. .V.V.V J'f II with Seventh struct in ho(rinn,v, i. catern half of Lot. No. 5 in JJloM- r,(.L lermaCash. JAS. W. COLLINS, aug 11, 22, sept 3, 11. JS. and H. B oilman, pilEMEN ANI) HOYA, GERMANY,-! L in the manufacture of Vine"-. ineir im'K iial avhitk vvivj- vi n:Ttf,(P,Ix.t,rCn"tL I'lt'KLl.VG AV CIDER 1NLGA':. unc ll. w ; , -... .:, and purity. Orders respectfully solieifolby ih: Ajjcn AV. J. 11ITITM A 'V Lippitt's How, South Front Street. ' aug 61 t between Dock and 0ran.- THE SALOON OF THE CITVi i3o2art. pliESU- ARRIVAL OF CIGA.Itt! JLU.UUO UKKAT CfcTb.NIAL aa Lli ILU LOVEUS, 5 cent Cigar.-, Uinfn.. TT . IT..! t 1 t' t lor ae-i Alma, 1 ara, dc, XQc ti,;a v ' Ccrgcner ct lingers Eccron Jriaglt t3ell2cr AYutcr all the time. FAN' CI EST DIUXKS LV TMK CITV kGT DilliarJ Itooms in Crl:r. JOHN JIAAR, Jr., I'roj.r.ur. au 31 Parties Buying Groceries, Salt, Moii'scs Corn. Flocr. L'a- Tobacco, and FL-h-Mackerel, Hrt" Fresh Cauzbt lia::c!'. ' . iComrauncato with us aul we '' f ',cr oidtis at lowest prices i al n Lot terra. We arc in d.lW rt'cii t ff W'ix, EM,' Tallow, AVool, Rag?, ruultrr LgSf Ac ' hich arc dL' of .pi', k at caret pro. iLTTKVAY & SCilL'LKEX, Next North IVincefi iad Water. Street. Sept 1 Dyeing and Cloaning ... j ! TjRICiS REDUCtU at theua.a snc TVoTn-m air's Est. Malt. EYEN SFRIXGS MASH, aai Tela Aa dyn with a full sad camx-few. sw Medicines and Chemlcala, ra-J Article,, fur sale K-Jfa xVSDSt aog Ti TLi.d St., oppofite Cit.r Sfiwin FJIachines. axe fikst.class x U one Howe, one Florence asi iry Singer, for less than half ptic?. . . AbK,one Uonie ShctUd ia rfH - ilachinr cf ail kin boorbf, changed or thoroughly repii'i- v Loan Association, dated June "Ut K-?l registered in Eook N. N. ter-s omce of New Hanover coun.v ' 1 on Wcdnes(lay.thcl2lhc!avor.Soi.t. ll 1877, at 11 o'efock, a. ner in the Citv nf 'A'ii.i. .i1 Ail au l Nit? i w ill t-m mi r . i . m tlemen's Fi.-ft Clay IIJ . Quarters. North ' side JIarkitrcct, bciwert tCoou .trt, r.nrA work SVi'uXi lUelf. tall and examine. Kid Gloyz and I firths celebrated nUtfD lalad iTCiog nw--' " tog S0J 3d sL, first dooj 2iorVi 01