THIS TAPEU . afr..rnoon. Sundays cx ccptcd by , M)SH. T. JAMES, KPITOU A'1 I KOl'KIKTOU. LoO Six months, $2 5tt; Three re y 1 25 : One month, 60 cents. months, , . j-.. cr will be delivered by carriers, t' taui part of the city, at the fbe r , rates, or 13 cents per week. C Ute. low atrd liberal it sabecribers will please report any and V,nrpS to receive their papers regularly. jfow Advertisements. FoF Rent- LIKABLE RESIDENCE ON THE Third and Chestnut sts. uthea. ;l cui uv - - desirable and house in perfect Situation ,ri!cr. AFP1 to WEST & CO., Market Street. Oranges, 10 BOXES IMPERIAL ORANGES, Choicoand Sweet. JUST RECEIVED..' JOHN I. COATWniGllT, Family Grocer, 0 & 7 North FrontTSt. I HAVE MOVED! , Orucr Front and Princess streets, ,,,xt Aaron k Uueinsteiu's) where I have , ncl .tiic most . extensive stock of (1;!TUING over displayed in this mar- l'uii have a special invitation to 'call . 1 X- A 11.. ,v m examine sIjow goods. my fatocK. ro irouuiu w A. David, Clothier & Merchant Tailor; Wanted. 50' (nr.--. EXrEIUENCED- MACHINE Opcra- but those experienced in the manufacture uf&lihU urnl apply. i liUOWN & RODDICK, .( j.t s 45 Market st. For Resit, Fur One Year from October 1, 1877, Till: STORE ON THE NOKTll- cast corner of Market and Front 1 "IIHcuB ... I., i i. .1 1,., T1,i- 1.' Slllli IIU WlUJUtU 'J u Willi ... Mclllicnny. Tlie Brick Store on north bide of Market, alwe Second street; lately occupied by Dr. . v , Uarriss as a drug store. ''Tlio Building on Smith's and Gabie's alleys, "W occupied by V. M. Collins as a restaur am. J, Also, several conveniently Apply to pi 10 DeKOSSET & CO. AV. 13. McKOY. General Real Estate Agont JLXD , STOCK BROKER. FOR RENT. A fine two gtory dwelling on Fifth bc u church and Castle streets. Five "as, kitchen and servant's room. A-oae story house, four rooms, in the same STOKE occupied by Alex. Oldham as a "ram Sfnrn i. o j Tl i iuarjtei PJCwecn pctouu aim "II u. STORE Wham's,- faephard. & on Market Street, next above occupied fo merly by J. 11 iaro and commodious dwelling over IRTsShoc Store on Market street, a boarding house. S (5 i ""i aonth side of Market street: very arable, ltooms abofe can be rented sep- 7- jBe dwelling near the corner of Ninth M-Bed Cross streets, with six rooms and "er? convenience. Good water, lc. Street rillUa k A TUt desirable store on the North Wx;st rraer of Market and Front streets, known Jrl.T as McLin's Drug Store. Splen 1,1 location for any busine&j. m Urge double Warehouse on Quince's St running through from Front to Water tSonth of Market. ifr?e wclling on Love's Avenue, North Uk ? ston Wcldon Ball Koad, con- J1? six room's and in capital order, ji.fine large dwc'ling on the corner of lirr-'k ccond Streets, known as the 4 Is hou3c, containing twelve rooms, with rrciJ0 reotDjs in a tenement houre on the U 0De the locaUons in the city tr boardirg; house. , . f tirim ' !eTerd ther horiscswell located, in TipuUofthecit t ' terms aPPlj to J I r , ' W. B. McKOY, 4 . tc AScntand Stock Broker. . Third.! arkct street, between Second and f, oTer Harriss Drug Store. Trommor's Ext- Malt. SEVKN SPRINGS MASS, and Tola Ano - i ' m ml'. fri' f each just received and 4cmi iL?4 c0?1? stock of Drugs. "ties, for gale low by r by JAMES C MUNDS, Hg 25 wu, uppvsiie vny nan. V M'V "r 'J VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Tiie Death or an Ex-Bishop. St. Albans, Att.. Sept. 0. The Rev. Amedius llappe, who was consecrated Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Cleve- and, Ohio, ic 1847,and resigned in 1870, died here last night at the age of 77. He was well known throughout the United States and Canada as a temperance re- ormer and missionary. The funeral will take place on Tuesday. i , 4 . i - , ... Hayes at his Old Home. Fkejiont Sept. 9. The President and his family, accompanied by Gen.- Carroll, attended service at the Methodist church here this morning. The charch was decorated with flowers and trailing Ttnes. At the conclusion of the service many ;of Mr. llaycs's old friends and neighborg gathered around him to shake hands with him and Mrs. Hayes and wish them a hearty welcome home. The family did not attend church in tho ovonlng. The California Election. San Fkancisco, Sept. 9. The couut in this city is completed with the "ex ception of about 100 votes," which will not change the result. The Democrats elect Mayor, llecorder," Public , Adminis- rator, Superintendent of Public Schools, Firo Commissioners. The Taxpayers elect Tax Collector, Treasurer, County Clerk, District Attorney, Attorney and Counsellor, Chief of Police, Superintendent of Streets. George F. Maynard and W. P. Humphreys are re-elected Auditor and Surveyor, being tn both tickets. Mat thew Nuuan (Dem.) is elected bhenn, and Dr. David B. Todd (Dem.) Coroner, j. C, Murphy (Dem.) is elected Senator in the Ninth District, and Kobert Haigut (Citizens and Taxpayers), Supervisors in the Tenth Ward. Some doubts still exist as to one or two members of the Legislature in the interior countries, the. voting having been closed and full returns not received. Dissension in Hayes's Cabinet. Washinuton, Sept. 9. Secretaries McCrary, Thompson and John Sherman declined to go to Marietta, Ohio, with the de facto President,, simply because they did not approve the objects of that meet ing and its' parade over ex-Confederate members. They strongly dissent from what thoy term tho extreme of Hayes's Southern policy. Their opinions upon. this subject are so clear and . defined, and' come from such authentic sources, as to warrant the statement that dissension is already beginning in Hayes's Cabinet, whose increasing, or lessening will largely be determined by the popular lectin. O k in the JNorth. . The Maine Election. Portland, Me., Sept: 9 The State election occurs to-morrow. Very little work has Ibecn done; and no canvasses made. The total vote will probably not exceed 110,000, and the greenback ticket will do better than previously, peVhaps reaching 2,000 of 3,000. ; - Witrf thistri crcased opposition, being an off yearjthe Republicans cannot expect to do much better than two years agq; wber thS'it maiority ran down to less than 4,000. Their disagreements over the State Con vention seem to amount to little, and those of the Democrats over their candi date appear somewhat'more serious, par tic- ularlv in the Penobscot region., 'ine green backers aretrongest in . Androscog gin and Somerset counties, and may affect the county ticket. Last year the Demo crats had but ' two counties Knox and Lincoln liut in 1875 they had five. Cumberland and York counties i are very close. Aroostook is likely I to go Demo cratic. Washington county is close, but Talbot, last year s Democratic nominee, who was throwu over at tbisr year'sr Cdn- ventlon, resides- there. The llcpublicarl legislative majority will be reduced from last year, bnt probably not so low as two years ago. , j , New Advertisements.' Brown & 'Roddick Local ad The Clove Fitting Shirt. , V ' ' J. L. Boatwkigut Crackers;, A. Subie-r Fall and Winter. i J. L. DoAiniiiant Oranges.' West & Co For Rent. 1 A. David I llave Moved. ' 1 Bkown & Roddick Local ad Another Bargain. Is it easier to vi rite a play trjan rplay: aright ? The sweet potato crop promise? wel this year. t . 5 ;aJ Pl "Miner matters drills strikes and things. - Alderman F. W. Foster js at I'cnn., visiting friends. Peaches have almost entirely disipred from the hucksters' stalls. . Xcariy every body and hisiarnily is going to move on the first. V Tl . : : ; . - i Iiicc birds arc fatter and getting pltttir fill at 20 to 25 cts.a dozen. Rather warm this morning but Probs. promises us cooler winds for the, close of the day., . . It not bipolitc .. to cat . com-: off ; the cob, but it is impolito to . watch sdnyVone LOCAL NEWiS. elstfdoing it. i '.! i t- ' ' I - - Fine rain this noon. The -water-in the river is still very low. Chinquepins were offered for sale iu market this morning. The matrimonial fever is spreading, and we can lookout for squalls. Thanksgiving Day is the next holiday in order and after that Christmas. Iey. Dr. Bernheim, who has been on a visit to his friends in Germany, is expec ted to arrive in this city to-morrow after noon, i . Maj. B.J Burgess,' principal of the Cape Fear Military Academy, has arrived in the f rtyandr will open h is school on Monday sctfbir i sf." "It is Perfectly Splendid.5' "There's! nothing s like it." "Never could iiSQ:! baking powder till I tried yours." "Can't speak too highly of it." That s what they say of Dooley s Yeast Powpee. The Glove Fitting Shirt. Br own & Roddick, 45 Market street are the only firm North or South, who sell this Shirt for 75 cents each and guarantee them equal to any Shirt' in quality or manufacture that can be purchased in this market. ' ! tf A Fact. "Here is youj; Enoch Arden peaches" cried a huckster in the market yesterday. Why do you call them "Enoch Ardcn peaches?'"' asked au old citizen who had seen tho-.same kiud all his , life, but never heard them called by that name. "Be cause, replied the huckster." They are ''waiting for a sail." The o. c.'s cane was seen flying through the air while the peach peddler felt for bald places on his head. . V j I Capt. Wadtlell. It is reported here, and we hope that the report' is true, that Capt. James I. Wad dell, whose arrival in this city wc no ticed ejmby; h4s been appointed Su perintendent of the Pacific Mail Steamship Line, the same line on which he .has for some time past been a steamship com mander. " Capt Waddell lcaves'here this afternoon cn ; ronr.e tnr ' Ihllsnoro on a Visit to nis relatives, and friends in that town. i Military Matters. At a meeting of the Wilmington Liht Infantry, held last .night,' First Lieutenant N. H. Sprunt resigned that position for the purpose of accepting that of Adjutant A.the Batalion , which has been tendered himu whereupon ' M rt' James I. Mclvcc, ' J ill t secona Liieuienani, w as promoiu oy eiec- tionj to 4be vacancy, and Mr. Thomas C. james,u umor ijieuLeniiui,vvat uiuut'oeoouu Lietitenant. Mr. Geo. W. Bailey, Orderly Serjeant of .the Company, was then elect ed to the position of Junior Scccond Lieu tenant. ' ; j i . i- , - i 'City Court. , Hie 'aBting Mayor's morning levee to day was better attended than the several predceding ones. , Tucrc ' wcrtfoutfcai&' oh docket this morningito b o5pjsed of which was dop in the following manner : .4 1 T v wbitfcn for dmnkcnuess were nee '3:df jleb. The 'cash was forked veraftnfoeli allowed to depart. fi over; Qne colored gemman for fighting, was quired to pay $3 in greenbacks and the otnef fieramaoof color who participated in tbe wml)atrefcrrcd to above, was held responsible to the court for two dollars. Both parties planked down the, necessary .herewith and then left in peace. Jak Kelly, colored, arrested yesterday for VKcortLj oonclnct and rfT.o2ni7l in the fedm4 of 30- to appear before the XMayir pro tern, this morning at 9 o'clock, failed to put in an. appearance; consequcnt- Jy , James Kclley, colored, will be re- artcsied by the pcrlicc on sight, and taken t5 th UMdhoe, whefe he will be again T&o&iizci', rthis time to-morrow, as the iellow who failed to ,uakfeigood his own 450gnizancc of the day before. htej lutthQr, Jhe pro ,cm. jBtcppfd dsoicn and com for the day. J ma0 ISS ''' J Ai' lJTourth round of appointments as made tfjf fRev. jQlfim jsTfeiack, Presiding Eldpr, for, LheVahpu3gtoo District, Meth J!E:hnrerf,'6nthr . Wibjtfngton, Fifth Street.... Sept. 8 9 ColLCsbury aQi Cobarie Mis Vjtiori at Cokcsbury .Sapt. 15 16 iVTrlteville and Waccamaw Mission at Shlloh... .Sept. 22 23 Clinton., Sept. 29 30 Wilmimrton, ?ront Street.... .Oct. 6 7 Sarithville, at Concord .Oct. 13 11 Onslow, at Queen's Creek Oct. 20 21 1 Ehxabeth, at Hizabcthtown...Oct. 27 28 Bladen, at Windsor. ........ Nov. 3 4 Topsail, at Vcsleyan Chapel . Nov. 10 11 KcnaisvilJty, Wesley Chapel.. Nov. 17 18 County Commissioners. A special session of the Board of County Commissioners was hell yesterday, present the Chairman and a fall Board. A. R. Black, Esq., came forward and qualified according to law as School Examiner for the county of New Han over. ' 'i' . Frank Moore, Constable elect for Cape Fear Township, qualified according to the requirements af the law, tendering his official bond in the sum of $500, with Claus Schriver and Jackson Wood as sureties, which was, on motion, ordered received and placed on file. i Nicholas Carr, Constable elect for Ma sonboro' Township, qualified according to of $1,000, with Geo. F. Tilley and A. C. H. Fincken as sureties, which was! on motion, ordered received, put on record and placed on file. 1 " . Ordered that the bond of the Constable of Wilmington Township be fixed at $1,- ooo. Ordered that all towDship claims againBt townships which have no funds be re ferred to tho County Attorney, to re port on the liability of thq county with regard to such claims. J. W. Moody wa3 granted license to re tail spirituous liquors in tho city of Vf il miugton. The Board proceeded to draw the regu lar venire of jurors for the October term of the Criminal Court, as follows ; First Week, Edmund Lilly, Julius F. A. Reaves, Samuel L. Nixon, Jos. H.Neff, Allen Evans, Jas. C. Stevenson, Jos. Sharpless, David Jones, Wilkes Morris, Isbam Swett, W. M. Hankins, W. M. Collins. . ' " " ; . ! ' ! Second Week. G. Boney, Peter Timins, Samuel N. Cannon, Virgil Hill, C. C. Morse, Newton Gillican,, Wright Dixon, Charles II. King, Samuel Merrick, L. Me ginney, C. M. McAuslin, Thomas Franks, Ellis Dudley, Daniel O'Connor, E. " F. Bryant, James Walton, Dcdrich Steljes, A. Schriver. Ordered that the Chairman be author ized to complete - a contract with Dr.1 A. E. Wright for certain specified duties in connection with Coroner's inquests, exam ining the insane and attending the out door poor beyond the limits of the city, for the sum of 200 per annum. j Adjourned, subject to the call of the Chairman. Board of Aldermen. A called meeting of the Board Alder men Was held yesterday afternoon. j The Committee on Finance made the following report, which, on motion, was adopted': Whereas, The Board of Alderman, ap the meeting held July 31st, 1877, deem ing it wise and prudent, and believing a larger revenue would result, did reduce the tax on retail liquor dealers to $10 per month, and that on wholesale dealers to S15 per month ; and, requires the concurrrcnt action of he Board of Audit and Finance to levy taxes, and said Board of Audit and Finance -refusing to' agree to such reduction, it is hereby ; Ordered, That the tax be fixed at the amount agreed upon by the Board of Al dermen and acquiesced in by the Board of Audit and Finance, at the meeting held July uuth, 1877, mameiy, JSIZ.&O per month for retail liquor dealers, and $20 per month for wholesale dealers. j . - Application from the Wilmington Light Iufantry Company, to rent or lease the City Hall for drilling purposes, was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings. A communication from the Board of Audit and Finance was read. five ,I2oarJ tLu atljourno J . The Thermometer., ; From the United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morfi ing at 7:31 o'clock : ! r- Augusta, 73; Cairo, 65; Charleston; 79; Cincinnati, C2 ; Corsicana, 71 ; Fort Gibson, G2; Galveston, 83; Indianola, 79 Jacksonville, '80; Key West, 85; Lynch burg, 68 ; Memphis, 77; "Mobile, 78; Montgomery, 72 ; Nashville, 65; New Orleans, 75; New York 64; lvorfolk, 71 Pittsburgh, 68; Punta Rassa, 84 ; Savan nah, 80; Shreveport, 72; SU fjouis, 62; St. Marks; 71 ; Yicksburg, 68 ; Washing ton, 65; Wihnington, 74. Democratic Meeting. We are requested by the Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Demo cratic party of the county cf Pender to state that there will be a meeting of said committee at 12 o'clock M., on Saturday, the 15th inst., at Rocky Point depot. prompt' and .full attendance is requested as important business wiH come before the meeting, J . , 3 ; 11, 1877. NO. 199 Another Bargain ! Malta Lace Scarfs 2 yards long, deci dedly the richest article of the. kind that has been offered in this market. Brown & Rodpick, itt ' - 45 Market street. L I . i Sale of Real statc. We invite attention to the fact that sev eral valuable pieces, of real estate will be sold at Exchange Corner to-morrow morn bg at 11 o'clock. The sale is made' by Mr. James W. Collins, Assignee, and in accordance with the provision? of a deed of aasignmept made to him by the Me chanic's Building and Loan Association. 1 Dont be Taken In. - "f n. nt;M . - - -ing " an official notice from the Finance Committee of the Louisville Lottery As sociation," that his joint interest in the above named swindle had resulted in his drawing a gold watch and chakujlucil at $150, but that the expenses on the prize were $15 owing to along litigation. The gentleman who received the notice was not aware of the organization of any such Association and at all events had ifcvcr purchased or had given to him any inter est in the concern. Death of an Old Citizen. Mr. Thos. J. Armstrong died at his res idence near Rocky Toint yesterday. He was taken sick on Wednesday last but was not considered dangerously ill until the day before his death. . Mr. Armstrong, for a number of years prior to the war, did business in this city and was of the firm of Hall, Armstrong & Co. By his gentlemanly bearing and strict business integrity he endeared him self to a great many of our citizens who knew him then and who now mourn his death. , A Heroic Act. A little boy about 10 or 11 years old, a crippled son of Mr. J. II. Strauss, fell into the river yesterday afternoon at Messrs. Kerchner & Calder Bros', wharf, between the wharf and a vessel which was dis charging her cargo there. The little fel low Was unable to swim and Mr. Geo. W. Doyle, who was on the vessel at the time, on witnessing the accident unhesitatingly plunged into the river "without waiting to divest himself of any of his clothing. The little boy had sunk for the third time but Mr. Doyle dived under the vessel and succeeded in' bringing him to the surface whore there were Willing hands waiting to receive them. The act was one of rare heroism and such. will long be remembered as Who is Responsible 1 : By an enactment of the powers that be the rctailjjiquor dealer's license 'for this city was made $12 50 per month imme diately after the accession of , the new ad ministration of city affairs, now sevcra months ago; subsequently, however, owing to the fact that there was a j)rctty general complaint 'against the enormity of the tax, the Board of Aldermen, passed a resolution to make the tax $10 instead of $12 50, at the same time placing the wholesale dealer's license at $15, instead of. $20 as originally agreed upon. But the Board 'of Audit and Finance re fused to concur in the resolution, of the Board of Aldermen reducing the tax, and lo the Board at their last meeting rescinded their joint resolution reducing the tax on liquor dealers. In the meantime, how ever, some parties have paid their tax at the reduced figures for the mouth of August, and others who fiave not paid for A.uguot ore iol'l at tLo TYnaciirriic fhV that they will tiave. .to' pay .'the highest figure, viz : $12 50 for retail licJensq and $20 for wholesale privileges. This, of course, naturally enough cause's some dis-sati$faclion,andthcquei-tion i3 asked, wlu irresponsible ? Of course it will be said atdface that if all had come up promptly iri rAuust and paid their taxes, there would have been nothing to complain of. Jest so, Josiah'; but you know how it is ft 1 i yourself. A poor man has'nt got money It his command all the time and if a fel low can , pay fifteen days or thirty days after an account is due he is doing right well these hard times. Wc think in this case that all should be permit to share alike in the matter. Gentlemen of the Board of Aldermct and Board of Audit also, what say you all? Do the defendants stand guilty or not yiilty upon this question ? ' It Is a" remarkable fact which we can not' explain, that the boy who does not hknow that the pin is loaded U neverthe less always to bo jfejand at the, safe end of the gun. ' PLEASE NOTICE, T We will be glad to reeeire coaununlcatfoas from our friends on any and all injects . I general interest bat : The name of the writer unit alwtji b furnished to the Editor. - Communications must b wiittea only on one side of the paper. .1 f 4 rersonalitiei must be avoided. , " Audit is especially and particularly aider - stood that editor does not always taors the views of correspondents, unless to stated in the editorial columns. ' , , New Advertisements, i EGG CREAM, FARINA, V ft - TEA MIXED, MILK, i. ( . GLEI7C6I?6. SODA, PEERLESS, FINGERS, LEMON, CORKHILL'S. FOX'S BUTTER FRESH VARIETY JUST RECEIVED. THESE DELICATE CRACKERS CAN : ... ! ' -I J. L BO AT WRIGHT'S, ' I ' .' I' 5 & 7, Worth Front Otroot. sept 11 1 FALL AND WINTER. MY STOCK OF -.j ' FALL AND WINTER GOODS h now arriving. . ,,-. Is'ewcht lylosi . . , liestOooUs i and Cheapest Stock foX Gents, Youths and Boys. Call ami examine roy stock before imtcba ing elsewhere. ' sept 10 39 MarkcCst. Assignee's Sale. BY VIRTUE AND IX PURSUANCE of the provisions of a deed of assignment made to me by the Mechanics Building . and , . Loan, Association, dated Jane 21st, 1877, and registered in Book-N. N. N. page M.'Rerl -? - " i ter's Oflice of New Hanover county. I will . on Wednesday, the 12th day of SeptemberA.D 1877, at 11 o'clock, a. m., at Exchange Crf ' nor in the City of Wilmington, sell the . lowing property situate in said city : ' - One lof beginning in the noithcrA line of ' Walnut street, 132 feet East from its intersec tion with East line of Fourth street, and run ning thence Northwardly parallel with ' Fourth street 180 feet, thence Eaatwardly parallel with Walnut street CC feet, thence Southwardly parallel with Fourth street 180 feet to Walnut street, and thence to the be ginning, being part w Lots 3, 4, and 5, block 221.- ' '--.! . One Lot South of and separated from the ' old RechabiU Cemetery by a tirelefoot alley, beginning at the corner of said alley on . Ninth street andp-unning thence North 83 de- . grees East HO feet, thence South 7 degree . I'.a&t CC feet, thence South 83 degrees nest,,, 410 feet to Ninth street and thence to begin' ning, being Lot No. 4 inbloek 1W. - v : . One Lot betrinninsr in the Bouthera line of. : 'Church street CC feet East from Its interne- ' tion with the eastern line of Sixth street,' s ana tuuaiag thence southward by par allel with bixth street 300 feet to Cas tle street, thence jeastwardly with Castlo ; stle street 53 feet, thence northwaxdijr paral- lei with Sixth street 336 feet to Church street and thence to beginning, being part of LoU . 1 2 3 4. 5 and C of Block 92. ; ' One'Lut beginning at the intersection of the North line of Harnett street with eastern line of Seven th street,and running thence eastward 1 v with Harnett street 1G5 feet, thence north wardly parallel with Seventh street 6G ieet, , thence westwardiy parallel with Harnett etrcet 1C5 Teet to Seventh street, and tpen? southwardly to beginning, being . the West hilfef Lot 5 in Block 303. . jOne Lot beginning at the intersection of the northern line of Harnett street with West line oi ccrenth street, and running tbencO westwardlr with said line of Harnett street 150 feet to'Love'a avenue, thence northward ly with Love's avenue GG feet, thence easU wardly parallel with Harnett atreet 160 feet to 8eventh street, and thence southwardly,. with Seventh street to beginning, being tho eastern half of Lot No. 5 in Block 208. ; ; - Terms Cash. JAS. W. COLLINS,- , Assignee. 1 ang 11, 22, sept 3,11. i . ' Dyeing and Clcaninrj C,y PRICES REDUCED at the ladles sin gen- ; tlemen'i First Class Head Quarters, worth aide Maxketstreet, between Second and Third streets. Good wotk speaks for itself. . Call, and examine. , Kid Gloves and finest Laces a : rpecialty. Agents for the celebrated Statea. Wand Dyeing Works. : wff 21 i 'i - -, DAILY RE 7 LEW

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