THIS PAPER ,-blU,d every afternoon, Sandays cx (" ccptcd by - JOSH- T. JAMES, EDITOU AI rKOI'KIETOjK. 1 nnaT a nm T- A ID. " ,r $5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three i - ! i One month; 50 cents. nipcr" will be delivered by carriers, 'charge, in any part of the city, at the rate?, or 13 cents per week. ertMtes low and liberal. ttDSCnuci- " ;f -r roWe their papers reeularlr. 4jl Aiiurea t " in Astounding Dlscorery vVA,usoS,pt.10.-Gov .Ilami- ffcntaway lrom tnis cuy wunoui l0r' j !p to secure any Government a M?Tc. militia. The critics be am: s who f- i out at "Hampton's coming here t'eJ , rr thev ; nleased to to cal 5:.. r pannes, will have to chanjrc ISK"W u'l.on Tlflmntnn mad an. tbcir. tone. uvu J J' rica.ltitled to a large number, of arms. ,J ..... l .innioi! in hi am rr Vhtnirm themselves; hence the applica 1 Oaeiamiaation at .the War De li'Lcntthe astounding discovery wai rUthat South Carolina has already re Vd an advance of all arms to which it hentitled for forty years to come. I 1 Krnvercd that this extraor fjsaisu " :. nf arms came through Don I Qjry isouv v " - - i ,lr)P who, at tlie instance of Honest J hu Pattirsoa, ran -this load ot arms into .uth Carolina for the use of the negroes 5uiu v lit rii - on.r nimndlcrs were crvinir out -jluudlv at the dangers arising from the reduce of the W hite Leaguers in South Carolina. Th:s when the negroes had nrontr stand of arms to one for the whites. - Hcsmc un K,t-a1' anus, it viill be remembered that a large body of troops was ordered into South Carolina. Fyerytliing was done that could be done w tu precipitate a: color-line fight, but u ' 1 i i r r u tliO paUCMCC aim tuoiuu&a ui uuv. uauip ti.a ami his people frustrated this well U;lp!aa- Gov. Hampton goes brciwith itttauy arn.Xtr bis State,, but he is -..itii&eJ with the reason, as it will1 help ispiwto the public the extreme means ilbtfell by the Administration jfe toward the South. . . - - . , proposing to Abolish the Presidency. Washington, Sept. 10. Several nu nicrorsly signed momorials will be pre sented b Congress next month, proposing iTicndnicnts t the Constitution abolish-i-ig the Irit l.'cncy ; an Executive Conn iii, council of State or Cabinet to be sub i i;ukd therefor, to be composed of seven Sccre'.arics, without any superit-r ofJSeer, al to have equal authority; that is, sim ply to strike out tho Pacsidcnt and au-w..-rizc the Secret tries to have the execu tion of thl laws and g( noral supervision of tiic (ioYcrnincut ; four of the counci! to k1 elected by the Ileu-:e and three by the Senate, from n. embers of their respective Housed 'Joe two yours, one or all to be re noved af anytime by the House electing I en, and all have the lights of members si both Houses. The Indian Commissionership. Wamilvgtox, Sept, 10. Neither Sec fcUrySchiirz nor Commissioner Snb k's at liberty to say anything definite waccrning the contemplated chango in &Cummis!iorierjhip ; but ai day or two ftly will elapse before the facts will be fele known. It is certain, however, kat Mr. Smith will lose nothing by his uaiw w auoiuer position. Kew Advertisements. t'.ovoxNKR Excursion postponed. A. SiiKiEa Fall and Winter. a. Dayid 1 Have MoTed. J-B. Eileks For Rent. &e Tribute of Respect of Christian Assc- don of St. Paul's Evangelical lathers ji Ciarch. - mai. D. J. LinoEs: Cape Fear Military 4 UL'LKEH Part-e3 Buying trocc;ij. Such of cur subscribers as may change 'r places of business or residence icitf notify us promptly of the fact. ciippcrnons grapes are plentiful. '' . , el C- advertise a desirable houEO - Another fine rain this morning; almost .ch ofa good thing. t te almanac maa missed it by two Uc promises rain for day-aftcr-to-but none for to-day. excursion intended to be given to-j-wly tDe ycung Catholic Friend's --Aty La j Veen indefinitely postponed y.u arc to move on the first make 'Sements ahead. Both vehicles 'lWc lalor arc always scarce cn cay. A7eorcos will exhibit in CharloUe UU.Vhe miadlc of ncxt raonlhj but no- tt). . ayci wii2incr Yviinimgiou is ' lnclaledJn the programme. t.'fi S11 SOIRC xmM n.,n.' n 'rtfTnrf? for 'C P k t) , C au cvcry one ls guaranteed ' n:linJWgooM fashioned agues. - mi ia uown Dy xne way a 'si .in i.. - a utr uiurwnctnersnc is mar- urtiot. Tn A mA.:.v, u i , ' !s married if he doesn't wear any all. . fhos. U. Uoxccj returned last nS from a v'sit to Philadelnhia Tnw a.Qvlno!ton, where he has been to fall and winter stock of-boot - LOCAL NEWS. I - - lit" 5iJLI Re? JEW. 'v. , . - : - . 4.r ; ' '- . ! VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. J. M. Cronly, Esq., Seeond Sergeant o the Wilmington Light Infantry, has been promoted to the position of Orderly Ser geant made vacant by the election of Mr Baily to a Lieutenancy. Stove polish is a good thing in its way and much admired for its qualities, but show us the man who appreciates it when daubed on his shoes. Nine out of ten would praise, with variation, the inventor of it, and recite the catechism in a man ner not, to be found in any of the religious jworks of the present day. v Another Bargain 1 - Malta Laco Scarfs 2 j yards long, deci dedly the richest article of the kind that has been offered in this market. i . Brown & Roddick, tf ! 45 Market street. Cleaning Up. As this is about the season of the year wheu house cleaning occupies the thoughts and time of most of our' lady readers we publish a recipe of a concoction for clean ing paints: . Take onowunce of Dulverizcd borax. one "Dounel or small pieces ot best brown . z . . a. . j. soap, and three quarts of water.. Let it simmer tin tne soap is uissoivea, stirring trequcntiy. Do not let it boil.; Use a piece of old flannel, and rinso off as soon as the paint is clean. .This mixture is also good for washing clothes. Sale of Real Estate. The real -estate advortissd in the Re view, to be sold under assignment to Mr. Jas. W. Collins by the Mechanic's Build ing & Loan Association, was sold this oraing. The old Poor House lot and building, on Walnut, between Fourth and Filth streets, brought; $1,000; the Lrambert House, on Ninth street, north of Chestnut, brought $1,000, and a store and cottage on Harnett and Seventh streets sold for 1,000. Several small dwellings on Harnett, between Sixth and Eighth streets, sold for from 250 to 450 each. The Episcopal Convention. .... The adjourned Convention of the Ep:s- copal Diocese of North Caroliua. was to have openeu this morning ' in Christ Church, Raleigh, the subject for conside ration beingkho propriety of dividing the State iutotivo jdiocescs. There is a large attendance and from among the list of delegates, aud the parties with whom they are stopping, as published in the Raleigh papers, we glean the following in refer ence to our own homefolks:, , - Bishop Atkinson stops with, Mrs.. G. W. Mordccai; Rev. T. M. -Ambler with Rav. Mr. Rich; Rev. C. O. Braely with W. G. Otcy; R. E. Calder, Esq., with Mrs. G. W. Mordccai; DuB. Cutlar, Esq., with Maj. J. C. "Winder; Dr. A. J. DeRosset with Bishop Lyman; Col. "W. L. DeRosset with Maj. F. II. Cameron; Rer. Geo. Patterson, D. D., with Mrs. G. W. Mordccai ; Rov. A. A. Watson, D. D., with Mrs. G. W. Mordccai, and Jas. A. Willard, Esq., with Capt. S. A. Ashe. Bartlett Pears. Col. William F. Robib5sch.ono of our subscribers-! at Asjictoti iPlAdyi Ooitniyj and a celebrated poraologist, has just pre sented us with two large Baijdett peps of his owm raising; XbTgVtonfi pound and a quarter each, with a circum forouce' of fourteen iuches. Tho Colonel assures us that thcs.3 are not the largest he has raised this season by j scTeral ounces, The Bartlett is a favorite pear in this sostion of the State. It derives its name from that celebrated ! pbmologist, Mr. Bartlett, who brought the tree from France, where it 'bears the name of bxni chrestie. "When our people learn to eat more of these luscious pears and btner good fruit of their own raisirjg, ani less of bacon and salt pork, thcywill begusre prosperous.morrhcalthy,andbe free-from dyspepsia. People who abstain ffratn saltel provisions, and who lire on vegH tables and fresh meats arc free from pepsia and sallow complexions. France and other countries are in proof of hJsCIt is extremely rare to see a caseT of dyspepsia in France, where bacon and salt porkare unknown as a diet. ill not Southern ers take heed? Onr Tlnilv Tlrad. Wfi rlflim thoro is fnretXTtsimtv and uniformity in the production of CQod breaa. biscuits. caKe. cic. in me use oi - . ? it - . rinniTv's Yfist PnwnFn. and that the articles made with it are more wholesome and digestible than if made, 'with any wua . i j v if v Test it by the- only reliable and truthful . . . . . " -rrr . t ' test, a mat by tne oven, we a aim auso that it is iust as represented, and just what the public expect it to bo by the name under which it is sold. fc : C, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1877. NO. 200 The Glove Fittincr Shirt. drown & Roddick, 45 Market street are the only firm North or South, who aell this Shirt for 75 cents each and guarantee mem uquai toiany oimk in quality or manufacture that can be purchased in this mrtet. Why ls It 1 ' Why is it that the outgoing magistrates uau uui wiuuucu Willi me uivici vi Board of County Commissioners issued some week or two ago, requiring that all law books, dockets. &-c. pertuiniuj; to the office of magistrate, should bo turned jvej;,tothe Clerk of theBoard of CVunty Commissioners ? And why is it that the Tln.wi.1,,- fl ..Awi mW7i,fl:t...,,u,', uwu uu vuiuivw -ji contumacious cx-J. Ps who decline to comply with the order of the Board ? BatUe of North Point. I To-day is the anniversary of thj: battle of North Pointi, Maryland, fought in the year 1812 between the British suldiers . 1 1. i en , t l !.. uuvivi mv. wmujduu ut vjwu. iu ami uic xiuiciaua uuuer ueu. u inucr. . me city of Baltimore has commemorated this important event in the history of the eountry by erecting a monument to the meiuory w ine American souuers wiio participated in the battle. Tl 1. . 1. . . ' ii xc nas oeen me custom lor many years umoug tue survivors oi tnis oaitie to as- semblc on each anniversary of this event in front of this monument and then, with uncovered heads, under tho iuspirin strains of a drum and fife, tho drum being beaten by the vcr drummer-boy who beat their reyeille for them on the 12th ne i q 1 i i..,-.i : ij i i - ' , , an old crrav-haircd man: march around the monument, after which they are cs- ff, !.! , . . - I pic-nic ground where the balance of the , . . j " I (lav IS snflnt, in tonstinrr nnH rrn.oril rti September lleatta The finali of the regatta races for the season of . the Carolina Yacht Club, will be sailed Tuesday the 18th inst. Of the smaller vachtsthe"Snrav"istheonlvonc that has " . i. i ,. r.. 'im,. .. .:n t. . culutuu, au iai. i uu inuu in uu called for 2 o'clock and as there is expect- edja plenty j of wind, (before, duriu i or and ' v . -i after the race) the race will no doubt be a very interesting one. The following; arc the entries: Spray," iatimer. "Frolic," owned and sailed bv E. S. owned and sailed by Geo. D. Parsley;, t "Empw and .Marion,' owned by Dr. A T 1 w.:t,i. i. u i ... jj. uuuii auu sauuvi oy oamuti Green. "Qui Vive." owned and sailed bv W. As Wright' Jr. "Rosa, owned and sailed bv John M Cazaux. 1 "Carolina," owned by E. E. Burruss andsailed by R. 0. Grant. 'Ripple,!' owned and sailed by Norwood Giles. fFoam,"! bwnpd awd sailed by Capt. I. B. Grainger. Military Matters. For the benefit of our military friends we publish a report from the Observer, reUtive to the preparations which arc now being made ia Raleigh for the entertain ment there during Fair week, of the visi ting military companies : The Executive Committee of tho State Fair are bard at work every. Iay on the important duties committed to their care, and we must say, just hcre that too much credit cannot be given these gentlemen for ae great exertions they are makiug, and ,hat too at the exnensc of their own valu- , t - ablcftime and for the interest they are tak ing to promote the success of the fair. We learn that through the labor and influence of Gen. Rl F. Iloke, a member of the com mltiee. Camp Russell has been se- cured for the Use and occupancy of the visiting military during fair week. Camp Russell is Jthe garrison recently- occupied hv tha Fcderal'troons. and the barracks are in superb order,' neat and clean, beau tiful parade grounds, elegant kitchens, dining halls, a convenient distance from the heart of the city, in fact just tho place best suited for the citisen soldiery that will bo nresent at the Fair. There are . 4 . - good wells of water, cisterns, sinks, shaded groves, flower gardens, in short every 1 at traction and convenience that the Govern ment of the United States could possibly bestow.upon it for the past twelve years. We learn that twenty-four volunteer com panies are expected at the Fa:r and at ixnp Ru3sell there is ample room for all, as the buildings and grounds occupy sev- erai acres. ; Read the advertisement of Mr. II. B. Eilers, of stores and bouses for rent. day is spent in feasting and general cn- Norfolk, 74 ; Pittsburgh 64-Punta Rassa' For One Year from October 1, 1877, joyment; and it is said that sbrpct hues QO c i , 4'runia ltassa . TiiEsTournvTm vmi-t.i ; n i . f. . . 8'J Savannah, 83; Shreveport, 72: St. fMOi.j. iiil oiilil- theso old veterans, aftor returning T n- o, ,r , , 1 ' fSSf nn. , m' , f ... ! , .' . . LWS Go; St. Marks, 75: Vicksbur 72- ! !5Spfeast corner of Market and Front from thpif nnminl .-iin-nii- nrmil n cnnnfipr ' ' i vAouuie, I -i , !!!ir oe-ii . . : J vasmnSwn,ou; Wilmington, 78. 1 " . M. ...w u.uu ' TVib I ' 1 I n'T . . I w them in line. Handsome Work. Mr S. G. Tlall Iui wAlLlrnAntn tical book and iobnrinfpr h inf M upon our table some elegant specimens of mS handiwork in the .hanc of mintlnP- on the new style of ."tinto" cards. The job is truly a handsome one and evidences j what can be done by first-class workmen here at home as well as in the large cities avh-m. Arri?ed. Rev. Dr. iBernheim Vetumed to this uwlx auer an aosence ' oi aoout three months. Numerous friend., met Dr. Bcrnheim at the denot and aW ing him a heartv wpWyiV r "u-R unit me CIIV. lift WC nrtn t imrt tr ride to his dwellinir near tho cornfir of Sixth and Market streets. He is looking well and seemed pleased to be with us again. In Distress. As the barge Modoc with the colored excursionists aboard passed the foot of uiarKet street this mornin" the U S ua2 . was run to Ihfl r,ctT,oo union tlown. We do not know whether it was intended as a signal of distress, but think it very appropriate as the crowd was small and there, will probably be some financial distress when I. the balance sheet is drawn np. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the following report ol the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, 73; Cairo, G8; Charleston; I uiuwiuurtu, uo; vxjrsicana, rz tort 80; Cincinnati, GG ; Corsicana, 72 ; Fort Gibson, t2; Galveston, 83; Ind anola. 83 -r . . ' ' ' 00 1 n l.r..,..., , I I r fT ITT . ... . . - T , ' J lvuUi VilIe, C6: Lynchburg, 71 : Memphis, 66- -ouigomery, ; iNasnville, t0: JSow Orleans. T9- TPW vl- o . Tir . . ... ' ..-.?-" w , The People Want Proof There is no medicine prescribed by lysicians, or sold bv Druffists. th.i . . ---- - i ..v-v. VJ . uhysiciang, or sold bv Drn?ffiata. th.atl ;m?ar viunceoi its success ana - Kjxnu-v- iui auvure vAjuu55, ooioa sen icq on l iT 1 . y- .V . I Z'T T."M? r -Uca5e luiuub ami liuus. A nrooi niT.nnt I f..i- ii .i . ract is mat any person amicted, can get a Sam pie Bottle for 10 cents and try its . oiiwv uuioro ouying me regular ti-oj o cents, it nas lately Decn intro- M .tf tbis country fr0IJ Germa and its wonderful cures are. astonishing size at i o cents, it has iatelv been intro- every one mat use it. xnrec doses will ' relieve any case.' Try it. Quarterly Meetings. Fourth round of appointments as made Uir l?nr Will;., Q T11, T) Eldftr. for thfi wilrAin r;cf a xrQ! . ' . P wku- m isr. K hnwh MmiMi i sion at Cokesburv ......Sent. IB Ifi I 1IT1 i Ml 1 i V wnitcviuc ana waccamaw Mission at Shiloh. Sent. 22 23 Clinton ....Sept. 29 30 Wilmington, Front Street Oct. fi 7 Smithvillc, at Concord ..Oct. 13 14 Onslow, at Queens Creek Oct. 20 21 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown...Oct. 27 28 Bladen , at Windsc-r . . . . .Nov. 3 4 Topsail, at Wesleyan Chapel. Nov. ! 10 11 Kcnansville, Wesley Chapel,. No v. 17 18 TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a meeting of the Christian Association of St. Paul's Erangelican T.nh cinrrli. Held Angut oi, io77, ue undersigned were appointed a committee to draft suitable reso lutions on the death of our youni? Brother PAUL J Oil AX HEIN-RICET KOKOWSKY,' who, after a long and painful illness, depart ed this life on the 25th of August, 1877, and submitted the following, rii : WnEaEis, It has pleased Almighty God in His providence to remove from our midst our deceased Brother, PanllJohan Ileinrich Ko kowsky, who was one of the oldest members of our Association, who was highly esteemed by all of us, and his early death was much regretted ; therefore, be it Unsolved. That bv the Hfali nfnn PrnV.of W J -ww VI VHI m m V VI g Paul Johan Heinrich Kokowsky ,our Associa- tion nas lost one ol its best and most promis- mir members g members. Resolved. That whilfl Atv Wnlnr the loss of our Brother, we bow in humble submission to the will of our Heavenly Father, who doeth all things well. , . Resolved, That while we never more shall meet him here on earth, we sincerely hope and trust that he has gone to hi rest with our Lord and Savionr Jeans Christ, and it shall be Our earnest effort so to live as to en able us to meet him around our Father's throne in Heaven. Resolved, That as a token of respect to the memory of our deceased Brother, the mem bers of our Association Wear the badge of mourning for the space of thirty days, and that the Death Roll in our Church be covered with crape for the same period. Resolved, That a blank page la our Record Book be inscribed with the name, birth, age, and day of death of our deceased Brother. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the, family ot our deceased Broth er, with the assurance of our heartfelt sym pathy in this their sad bereavement. Resolved, further, That a copy of these resolutions be cent to the Djiiit Kkvixw and Moasisc Stas for publication. HENRY EHRBECK, FRED. C. MILLEIV WILLIAM" OTERSOX, W. il. STRAUSS. Conuaittee. DIED.. I This morning nf s avwi- Tr.nv t i. street. BtV ' " 'vsiucuce on south iront ' New Advertisements. Notice. pilE EXCURSION advertised to tato i , . lOnnir CathnliV Frinnli1 cn.;. j, .13 uvvivkj 13 liiULli" ni"X postponed on account of the weather. flePA UAJf O'CONNOK. I pnnft r-iwi ; wPO omuuiry XXCaaemV. ceinl grading; 3d, It3 fine collecU6n of I tDDlTfttnA I Or insfrn nn Jr. : . itk I 5f rT ip' -ne ,- 5th, its well conaid- Falf aession begins Oct. lk For circular addres3 -i sept 12 MAJ. 11. J. BURGESS. Principal. For Rent. THAT DESIRABLE STOIiE on the corner of Market and South Yv ater fff rrnfq Al.n , ... c socu anu omce. ine Dwelling on Fifth street, between Dock and Orane-ft strofa rooms, a double kitchen and hnv J ntai l! i . . - " Tf v 11 jai I the lot. All ia good condition. Also the Dwelling cn Fifth', betw.-rn Prin. ceso ana Martnt strnAt ,i. "Knonl House" now heintr mU rno; containing six rooms, kitchen and water on uie premises. Applv to scPt 1J II. L5. FILERS. For Rent A DESIIiADLE RESIDENCE ON THE Southeast corner of Third and Chestnut sts. nimilinn H nT n 1 . i .1 1. o ctei.'.a " U"UUH! m periect order. Ap'nlr tn I cr APr.O to WEST Jfc CO.. Market Street. I mnmm p0f Rent, m.'wui.j streets, now occupkd by John K. Mcllhenny. a&S HeS W.W.Uarriss asa Wsto7 1 y wuu bireei, laieiy occi W. W. llarriss as a dxiur store. The Building on Sm ith's and GaWc'8allcys I " co c l VOUHII - veral Waiehou, conveniently wuticu. Apply to DeIIOSSET & CO. sept 10 I HAVE MOVED ! to Corner Front and Princess streets, (next Aaron & Rheinstcin') where I have opened the most extensive stock of CLOTHING ever displayed in this mar ket. iou have a special invitation to call and examine my stock. No trouble to show goods. A. David, sepflO Clothier fe Merchant Tailor. Parties Buying Groceries, T ARD, BUTTER, CHSESE, MEATS, Salt, Molasses, Corn, Flour, Bagging, Ties, Tobacco, and Fish Mackerel Herring, Freeh Caught Mullets. Communicate with us and vre will place viauri at lowest prices and on-best ternr. We are .in daily receipt of. Wax, llides, Tallow, Wool, Rags, Poultry, Egge, Ac., which arc disposed of 'juick at market prices. PETTEW AY & SCIIULKEN, Brokers A Com. McrcbantiS, Kext North Princess and Water Streets, sept 12 j SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW HANOVER ' COUNTVSTATE OF NORTH CARO LINA. j . . ' ' !. Duncan Holmes and Wife Elizabeth, vs. Ifichacl Fitzgerald. THIS IS AN ACTION INSTITUTED bV the DlainliflTa fur tho roHomntSnn . r t certain mortgige deed executed by the plain tiffs to the defendant ; and it appearing that the defendant is a non-resident of the State he will hereby take notice to be and appear at the next term nf ha Unrnnn. , nr " v. .i i .1 1VI WUl. V MIC county aforesaidto be held in the city of Wi!- Tn l nfrtnn nn tK. n.K f J . r. . i i Monday in August, and answer or demur to the comp-aint filed in said action or judg m nt will be prayed for according to the v tuu complains. I F. II. DARBY. Attorney for Plaintiffs. eept 5-lawGw Dyeing and Cleaning. pRICES REDUCED at the ladies and gen tlemen's First Class Head Quarter, "North aide Market street, between Second and Third streets. Good work speaks for itself. Call and examine. . Kid Gloves and finest Laces a specialty. Agents for the celebrated Staten Island Dyeing Work. ang 27 T1? KECIaL ADVANTAGES ARE: I 7: ltL Theexperience of itj instruetora: 2d. We will be glad to receive; ctwaaleaSear from our friends on aay and all tmtJsU P general interest bat i The name of the writer a ait ! way be famished to the Editor. , u : Commnnicatiocj matt bo written m one tide of the paper. ! PersonallUei inait be avtidtd. , ? Andit is especially tad vartlemltff r aajc- stood that fte editor does aot aJwayi tzZtt the views of corretpoadeats. aaha g fisis4 in the editorial colonial. . . 7 New Advertisomontav . FALL AOT) 7IIJTEB; MY STOCK OP mm m m m - . ' raiL Ann rmiTcn r-f 'W JO is now arrivinr. Newest Styles, i: ' -' . ' : Best Good and Cheapest Stock Jbr Gents, Youths and Bovo, sept 10 $3ll&rtttit. W. B. McKOY, General Real JEatato .'Acnt ABO . otooxz Daoxina. - j r FOR REIIT. A One' two etorr dni. v. nn. , v. tween Church and Cirtl. trt. rooms,-kitchen and mrvBT'.nMi. i l . VVflM A Onfl storv hnnia. fnti. . Ii t. L'l locahty. ' ' vwictam stiidv .... .. .,4. ; r I r:Q; V. . vianaa i a I Thirrf oeweea .Heco.aad STORE on Market Strct, next 'above occupied formerly by J. H. Oldham's, tsnephard. A larp-e and Howey'a Shoe Store; on ilike, tSe7 suitable for a boardinoT O Wtl Store formerlr nrrnnt r ' tini,on Sooth sidVo7MarkVt .trt arately!0' R0,D8 abTe Caa "ntei Je? A fine dwoIHnop n. 4t,n , r, . " turner ui X. inxn c?Pr?Cro-88 8treet rooxa. Md every conyenience. Good water, Ac. 8treet cars pass tho door. That desirable corner of Market and Front itreetiTkaoJa formerlrr as n a....' 7, ,wm did location for an T,uaine uwre' A large double Warehouse on QelneeV A fine dwell in tr nn T.o'. 4 .l of WHmington i Weidon B! Botd, coj. taining six rooms and in caoitAl n,A . nJowat.e If rg0 fw,,infir on the comer of additional rooms in a -.?lL .Cl premises: one nf th iM..4i for a hoarriinn. nn.A 'J va "ILrofT?ler-?0U"l,'eI1 ! Va?r.Kof .the. cltT - uuiwv. For terms apply to n-i r . W B- McKOY Keal iLfltfltA A trnn a.-.t. n i Office on Market Ti:." tt,""rA . Third streets, over Harrisa' Drag8tofi. EGG CREAM, FARINA, TEA MIXED, MILK, GLEnCOVE'O. SODA, in i PEERLESS, fingers; LEIIOIT, CORKHILL'O. FOX'S BUTTER FRESH VARIETY JUST RECEIVED. ' THESE DELICATE CRACKERS CAN u BE FOUND ONLY AT J. L BOATWRIGHT'S, ' 5 4l 7 north Front Dtrcet , ptll Trommer's Ext. HalttV ' gEVEN SPRINGS MA8S, and TeU AK dyne. A supply of each Just received and ' with a fall and completa stock of DYc-. Medicinej i and Chemicahj, Fancy and Toilet Articles, for sale low by ' JAMES a uukds;.. MgW TliUd 8topporiu StyJOall, ' f

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