nSG THE WHEAT. , among the silver-headed j .. i ilre:ml ,11V burden of the harvest ",,ar no k mellow whids with whimperings thci &ailR6ad Linos, &c. - - - -1 i I i -M. .i,if-i. any ono unaccuswmeci Q taie vi'savagc i - If r "CT; " ' barbarity. They heated their camas -hook 8 wiLMtXGT02ffC0lUiIlJlA AND AU- rcd-hot and thrust them anto tne .Domes The atrocities perpetrated upon the " helpless boys f la, f)tiojthj these she-devils can hardly be reaUzedby S oaken leaves. .h0 gaid "the years are fleet,'' -nfonc nnr,fnnR who said to me, N"? iVvr that you may gather wheal -'55 time to be." . . ; ; that spoke in light commaud Silence never broken yet. i ilien s.yaved by a star-white liand, vf-tarhadset. . cnllrir nlnln. have 5ffen harvest Btore on store, .irt .7m that she mayome again, t5S?far other SShore. :.tfCiIdone, O harvester, I note your "i ''' .hin- lost In all yonr weary way, r"' true warrior ilndeth wine and 1 1 vhall bloom to-day." . vet rnv sheaves I pile .v n' t i""! " " - ..inries of the West " . .hrrini"""" . . - ...i.ii nr.. u'v v, ii6W a my "reams me -, TE FALL QP .RICHMOND. Mr. D-)8 and His Cabinet Re- m a mm n an m iii -m w. a jj Ueaean in the Philadelphia W eeKjy-.A"5o.j ,&"sl . i lvor mula in' manv rtMcin OS It "aa urcu . ..... j articles, that of the wotmdedmingietbimJinl evefs conceivable manner, and slowly tortured I tbcm to death in ways known only to red 2 1 devils. . Early in the action "a bdgler, a mere boy, was wounded in both legs. One of his comrades carried him off the field and then returned to the fight, the bugler say in e that he would rest there a few minutes and then try and walk off to a place of safety. The Indians got" pos session, of the creek and bottom land; the squaws discovering him mutilated and burned both his eyes out. ! The boy s suf- fnrinaa .ran he imafTinRd nnd death was l-Lieave Wilmington -:t.. ninm. i,; f&H I Leave Florence Lake Tribune. 1 1 GUST A RAILROAD- Wilmlagton, S, C, August i, li'tl. CHANGE OF. SCHEDULE. Oo and after Sundar. Anrnst5, the follow ing schedule will be ran on this road: . DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN,(daily except Sunday.) Leave Wilmington............. 12 00 M Arrive at lorence o uu r &i Leare' Florence 12 30 P M Arrive at Wilmington 5 20 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). C 00 P M J bS P M ' Iliscellaneous. Miscellaneous. THE filiscollaneous. a 51 y AT THE CEHTENH1AL EXKIBOIOM Miscellaneous. Potatoes and Onions. ll'iJ,'!!'' .' " illJLiO. 1 U1A1UM, 10 BBLS. ONIONS, Just received. J ; Vl JOHN L. BOATWR1GHT, ' Family Grocer, "On the while seated Ai-ril. 1865: .,rVl, in Ttirbmond. 'Jef- rpreived a telegram from Lee sept 5 & 7 - North Front St. the the that ii, . Ic rp.CMVi ..,, tl)0 III" VI .?.,.t;n .f his army, and , ... ...,.c tv of flignt. Uq wvwiv to church. When ,.hr .,rl.m tit 1 Was iniuiiuuu yi '5cwv-r. " 1 frr,, n,.r,nral -jtck-s1 ii:st rccaiwi ..v.u ..-i:.,..r l.nct V inu 'chwuuiowujwb i; .,fit. ncassary for him to With- -v...,r fmm its position in! front IS .W '"J ' 1 T 1 1 i l l,.ff.rhnrfr at. 7 n Inr.lc li .....ml ' 1 I 1 1 I I I, LI. 1 KJ J . mihI that it would be neccs- f'r the government archives andi to be removed at !' (n receiving this intelligence, that Mr. Davis had i. it. T walked toward . Ii.nr WI11UI1 V4lO IUl uuuuiuu j ftJl'H-tiv.'- b , , nnifcr with Inm about it '? nn fiflffavnict bim and Gov. Lub- " - I M t , his -staff. VYe three then walked , ti tin- bxccutivo onice. no men as ...bletljliis Cabinet and scut for the Gov-1 ,,. r of Virginia and the Mayor of Itich- j - Directions were then given to measures were consioerea auu uiruu- ,1 order and safety to persons and pcrty in tbo city until it should bo neiidercil. In this paper it is aiso sa:d it, "Although he (Mr. JJavis) could not ve been entirely unprepared for this tilicncc.Vit appears that he did not rc te it with self-possession or dignity, t with tremulous and nervous haste ; ;a weak man in the hour of misfortune, , left the house of worship and hurried m. wlicre lie and his more resolute v i . i i.: il .ie sicm. me day wt iiacwmg ineir per vii baggage." And it is added that, Ts'je who arc acquainted with the per- jjm! character of Mrs. "Davis can readily irino with what energy and determma tMiskiuust have prepared her family t flight," etc. And that, "They may 1' li'.'Tctoo. that althouch heartsick and ! sisted, thero was nothing irresolute or i-cilliting in her actions.. I would express my surprise, if I could ' surprised now by anything of this kind, u Mich a statement should como from respectable source. Now the truth is, 'ir. Davis did not "with tremulous, and m.jus baste, hurry" home to his more 'tlute wife." From where I ,met him I' went directly to the Excchtive office, i-rc hcrcmaiQcd nearly all day and, if I Muimbcr right, a part of the night, look- lrir liter and giving directions in relation ''t.ue public affairs and seeming to take 11 j Mice of his nrivato matters. He 'not go to where his wife was, or act rith her in mrnnrlnrr fnr flifrht. for iihcr she nor their children were in Rich or had been for three, or four weeks t re that Umc. And I am sure there no man who saw Mr. Davis on that occasion, but was " , liis calm - .inpressed . and manly dignity to the Ttublic interest wurage. it is New Desish. INVOICE OP CLOCKS of entirely Arrive at Columbia 1 11 A M Leare' ColumbU .....11 30 P Jl Leare Florence............. 2 30 A M Arrive at Wilmington G 30 A M This Train will only stop at Flemington, Whitaville. Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timmonayille, Sumter and Acton between Wilmington and Columbia. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Daily, ex- , i - - cept ounoays. j Leave Wilmington.... Leave Florence Arriv at Columbia Leave Colombia Leave Florence Art-ire at Wilmington Fassensrers for Augusta ana ueyonu should take Night Express Train from i- inington. . . A ! JP& Through Sleeping Car3 on night train for Charleston and Macon. JUlliM r. uivii, a,ng'4" .' General Superintendent. ............. ............. 2 30 PM 2 35 P M 10 10 A M 5 00 P M 2 50 A M 10 20 A M ond AN WILMINGTON & WELDON new designs has just been received and are beinc sold at extremely low fieures : also a flne assortment of LADIES' WATCHES, SEAL and PLAIN GOLD RINGS Und LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S CHAINS. Work left with me will be neatly exe cuted. All I ask of the Public is to give me atrial. . . J. H. ALLEN. feb27 Watchmaker and Jeweller Clothing and Hats Renovated. TTAVING COMMENCED the business of JTL dying cleansing and pressing all kinds of Clothinir and Hats. I would solicit the oatronaire of the public in ereneral. , - . . . . . Charge moderate ana satisiacuon guaran teed. Also, for work, RAILROAD COMPANY. Or net or Gen'l Sopebintendest Wilmington, N. C, August 4, lb77. ?POn land after Sunday. Aucust 5th, 1877, Passenger trains on the Wilmington & Wel- dda Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave' Wilmington, Front St. Depot at..,.'. O WAN Arrive at Weldcn at 12 30 if m Leave Weldon. 11 40 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at.. ., o v r w NIGHT j MAIL AND EXPRESS TliAlfli. ! DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at o oo i jsi Arrive at Weldon at 2 20 A M 3 15 A hi aug 17 Practical natter and Dyer, Cuvrie Row Second St Old Clothing and tfata exchanged ILe WeWo", daily at ' - - ntt upugPM 1. 1 Arrive at Wilmincrton. Front bt. uepot at ii au L The Dav Train makes close connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via RicU mond and all rail routes. ' Nicrht train makes close connections at Weldon for all point3 north via Richmond. i j JOHN F. DIVINE, ! auc 4 General Superintendent. Brock's Exchiange. charge milE UNDERSIGNED has taken of the above well-known and popular house and will hereafter run it. Jt will be put ini complete order and satisfaction guaranteed to all ot its patrons. The best of Wines. Ales, JLiquors ana Cigars, and none but the best always on hand. The Billiard Parlors will be open every day and night free to the patrons of the house. JOHN CARROLL, aug 3 Proprietor. IR.QAJNS .' ..... ... i AND Prime Enjoyment for a Tear. Less Than Four Cents a Week.'. MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE BY INTRODUCING THE - 3R I jl.-3"0 9 Ail the latest impaotcments combined into the organs and pianoB manufactured by The judges nnanhnotL'ly rvccinmci .l th MENDELSSOHN Piano 8600 PIANOS FOE 0250., And all other styles in the same proportion. including Grand, Scuare and Upright all Cijiss sold direct to tHo raoLt at irmnr Purrrs. No arents: HO COmmiS- siora ; no discounts. These Pianos made one of the iinest displays at the Centepnial ExM- ' liitK.n, and wore unanimously rcconamandedl. trt!i- HIGHEST HONORS. Aw Wan i J .!. ,r-s r.- i,f lhi l.irfrst and- finest in the ' world Uihf the j nn m itiinir- luc cpnguia arq u tv AxKutcA. Dont fail to write for Illustra te! nE.l l)o5critive Catalogue, m tiled free. Mi:xi)i:i.oiiN riAKO CO.; ! :, -rl.lt No. 56 Broadway, N. Y. Id. CTlie Square Grands contain Biain :k's new p;ttent Duplex Overstrung Scah. ' grcvU-st improveiuent in tho history t)f REVOEW ForTiii: i iDijloiia of Honor and Medal of Halt. S i ' A lacing" them in tbo Front Rank thout a Su A News Paper, -1 6 published every evening Sudaday ercepte AT rt.pff JIFSfil! ' Tor strictly fir?t-cl.ass initruuicr.tJ. $600' for $250. 0o0 for i'2i: 700 for 300. - -750 lor s;Vj: S800 for $350: 7 'T'- S'JOO f..r, luO. i ' $1000 fur $150. ' No CVrnmvijion to -Ag nts. No Discounts to Toaciters,- ' ! ' . ... . . . - No Doviatloa It i'riti-. The Rflendelssohn GRAND. SQUARE & UPRIGHT "o Oil ir JQZ) Agents selling our Chro- Reward, Motto, Scripture. f lYt, Transparent, Picture and ChrorcO Cauls. IOO sa:i:jdts, worth font postpaid XjT T." criit.'. Illustrated Catalogue free. . 1 J. II. BUFFOUD'S SONS, BOSTON, . may 11 tEsUblishcd 1830. v- (f THE WEOW mm $5 ; A eair, Roamos Contain valuable patenta'and imrrtu . in nu never before introduced. Or 50 cent3 a month, strictly in advance :o SATURDAY EVENING a vui Which for more than 55 Years has been the ! BUST STORY, SKETCH AND FAMILY, PAPER, as is well known all Over the United States It is published weekly, contains eight irge C0E1SH CO., Was : gton. 3tf. J. To ill who wirfti to purchase either an GAN or PIANO we can trutlifully say OK that pages, clearly printed on good paper, filled 1 f r bit wriJrsT nTt sensational t7ash7butuch ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION as a mother is willing to have her onudren fead. The whole tone of the paper is pure' and elevating. Tt also oontaina Historical and Biographical articles ; Scientific ; Agricultural and House- hold Departments ; a asmon Arucie weeu, fresh and unexcelled ; Humorous Notes : Lit erary Reviews ; News Notes Boya and Girls' Columns ; and Strong and Sparkling Editor rials, etc., etc 1J just aucfi; a paper as 1 everj body loves to reaa, ana me price, us uiu v TWO DOLLARS YEAR. a 1- - . . . Beautiful, Finish And Sweet Muscal Qualities, our instruments take. ' : rank with those of that Most CelolraM Mannffiors. Our' only claim to 'favorUsm over other .eadin qanu;;;cmrcrs ia Irtui'' will Li. ' 3 ...t of a 3-cent stamp. Address, kU O. Y9 1 D BENNETT A FITCH, 276 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. uevoUon to H,rt intnfpsf. I xt t t? nA flfi-r thfi number 918 nu ma vnr ti ,lvr npvwTT jfc ho that we may ; one object of this statement is to try know through what paper the subscription ; rTce WQ imprcssion that Mr. Davis. M"a 11 rA A nr mn Ami "J ine carw nf h;. 1 1 k:i- ,L,p . j io. jiviauuai uagijao, nunc 5 federate Government was dissolv- nd that another of its objects -was to that, on thia creat occasion ho rresolute, tremulous, nervous, and SZ iu self-possession, and dignity. Vi&m; roillil lw fnrthnr from lli truth- 1 venture tho statement that there is f ooe who saw him then, or who knew . '"iracter. who would not unhesitatincr- utradict such a Kfjttenipnt nnil I 'n, iro k r .1 vuu luruiersu bur Low Prices. reduced to meeting the requirements of the times; Determined not to be undersold and at the same time turnisning lnsirumeuw that wefullT WARRANT FOR FIVE YEARS, ;nWy. rnrTPfiTnndence that we may have an opportunity to prove satifactorily all that l6calitie8 we here assert. Our PIANOS are furnished with the The Reading Public are respectfully inform ed that it shall be the constant aim of the pro prietor to furnish them with A LIVE NEWSPAPER, containing the latest news of th"day, and en deavorisg to keep its readers folly informe in regard to events of interest and importance occurring in every quarter of th world, OUR DAILY MARKET REPORTS Will full and correct, and will be kept oncn until he latest Possible moment. Mer chants in the city and country may rest as sured that they trill be thoroughly reliable! The News Columns Will contain the reports, both of news and Markets, received here each day at noon, and the LOCAL D E if A H T M Jli a x Has been placed in careful and experienced hands. Friends in the sectiom or country con nected with this city, will greatly oblige the Editor, and will contribute additional inter est to thcEe columns by forwarding any itemi of news that may occur in their respective (U1ATHUSH EEC'S Nkw Patent Dctlex, Ovkrsthosu Soale Is the greatest advance in the hiiU'fy vi I'i no making, producinir the inost'a?U)nifhing power, richness and depth of tone, .ind ;l re taining singing quality never ln:i(re att '.nicd, being a "Grand Piano in a Square case." The Mendelssohn 1 Uprishts ARE THE FINEST IX AMERICA. ' They are pronounced , the "Piano.-! of t'- 'Future"; ' - ' ' j MANtJFACTOltY & WAltfUiJOM' : A . -v " - Nor. 400, 402, 4H J, lOii k ifJS.M .fit 57th St. NOS. 858, SGO, 86C, 84, HiS, c S"TO lOthA venue. PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL.. aa. Illustrated and descriptive Catalogue mailed free. .2- MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. business ori" ic:: : No. 5G Broadwau. N. Y. I feb 21 s3 AWAlwDED THIS PIEST. PKEMIUM ! : i C. v.irrii.al ENl.ibition73T, and haS :.Uv:: o ran ie l ort'tlio highest honors , . , c.v V ,v.i.crcer cvhibiUl - . A COMPACT..'3rPTJ7, DTTRABLK I,iKht liunnlne-nnrt EFFICIENT "LOCK STITCH" MAC1I1NH. ADAPTED to tho WANTS rf KVKUYHODV. Tho HOME SE W J rC M AC H IN E was Perfectedeight , veara uinVo bv the aid of the best InventlVO Tf t is K-catUl rurta of a FIRST CLAM MACHINE i SIMPLE in CONSTRUCTION. HUmMOU in Strength and B.eauty, ; contains kia Working Parts pPjfij r t DOISU a teutcr rafiye ol Work than Other Eewina Machines. It will BUN for jui without costing ONE PRNT fo'BR; la tho Manufacture ofthia MACHINK tho Very 15oHt JVIat-orlaJs are OBED, The EAiUNG PAKTS aro HARDENED. and tho Mechanism has been CONBTBUCTKlF , with the special irirw of produolna an Easy Running, iJHTRAJJLE, and almost KO&KLESS MACHINE, adapted OALVT WELli for Coarao or fine THREAD, COT-. 'JON, BILK or LINEN, SEWING from tho JAghtpHt Muslins to Beaver 7Ioand ieatiieis. Such Confldencetojpiw. in the INTRINSIC .MERITS Of tha HOME SEWING MACHINE tliat every MACHINE id luTly 1J Warranted Jor.Five Years; I IVE AGENTS wantcl in localities wbero vri: arc not represented. - .- ) i . . .t nl for prices, ami Pampicfl oi wora aonq ft r. the HOME, or call at any oi our ouiwo. MARK -5 Paid. Jn. 25, 131. WK CLAIM roa THE IMrnOYI WHITWEY SI MANUFACTUREB8 OP PRINTING IWKSv BOOK AND NEWS BLACK A" estion that neither ciurgcs will ever bo sustained any attempts ever be made to 'ay evidence : and t hat no man will 17 North Fifth Street, Philadelohia. Pa. .f.u.. : ""eo tJtVill - n..n.-n GUR INKS ARE OF A SUrtniua nalitv . hpino. made from the beatincre- dients and under the personal Buperviaion ot a practical nnnter and vreeman. tnereiore ImiOYCd Frcncli Grand Action t I ftho rprv bpat in useh 4.A;M'.i.A HRAVILY STRUNG with the improved wire; and th cases are of solid rose- I woQd periecuy acaauueu auu titatt AXTTFT) NOT TO LliAUJV .VJ . waju finr ORfJANS are furnished with all tbc modern improvement, as to stops, action, etc, whil the CASE&are of the recen tcabinet ) style; admirably suited for the parlor. Price List. . . Address, i;uitian jtn 6 I ' Washington, New Jersey. Spectacles and Glasses, ALL CORRESPONDENCE, . The followincr soeciflc points of superiority: 1 Great Simplicity iu construction, a "Durability.! i 3 Exceedingly Light Running. 4 Still Runmnff. noiseless. ' 6 Performs all Varieties of Work. O Beauty of Finish and Workman- snip. 7 GREAT REDUCTION in Price. Machines sent on trial Dclore payment is re- ?iuired ; written guarantee to keep machines norder for five vears given Vith each ma chine. Wht Pay Ol Ptces? For circulars and particular, Address, THE WHITNEY MKT, CO., dec2y ' 7 -T 7 rl: IT f A ratcrson, . 30 Unipn Square, IhwYorb ; E54 birgton Street, Boaton, Msbs. j, ' 1 11U 8ocond Avo Pittiburgh, Pa. Ill State'. Etreeti Chicago, HI. '---l t Souths th Street, St. Loaii , Mo, 7 N jw liontgcmery St., San Franclaoo, Pal. ; Establisricd 1805. GILHORE & CO., Att6rncys atLar, Succcssoi to Chipman, Ilosmer A Co.; C2Q F Street, "Washington, D. C; American and Foreign. Patents. '. Pateut-s procareil in all countries. No FEXS lit' ADVAncjc "No. cLargo unless th patent I (rraiited. No fees fnr making preliminary ex? atnin.atmM. No additional lee for obtalnlnc. and conductinf: a rehenrinj. Special attntloai friven to Interierence Casps belora tn l'atai! s tOice, lxteriFions b;loro Conpress, Infringement Suits in different States, and all litigation ftp- lrtaininR.toInTenviur.sor l'ateuU. bfcjtu tiXAUr . rou rAJAi-uiatx or bixjx rAots. t ; -e ' United States Courts and Departments. ; Claims prosecuted la theSupreme Court of the United States, Court of Claims, Conrt of Com- mission ers of Alabama Claims, Southern Claims ; Commission, and all classes ol war claims b . lore Uie liiscatif e JJepartiaenU. " Arxears of Pay aad Bounty. , ; , ,.t OrncEns, EOLbiias and SAixoaa of in lats war, or their heirs, are In many case em titled u money from tha Government, of which they br? so knowledcu Write full History ol service, and state amount cf pay and fcounty received. close etarnr, and a fall reply, after examination, will .be given you free. -t Pensions. All OTnczF.!, f oiDiafes and bailors wounded, rnpiareu, or mjurcu iu w n, , lkrhtl v. can obtain a pension, rdny now receiv ing pensions are entitled, to an Inereaie. (Send ? uuap and ialormatiou will bs I uxnsUed re t United States General Laad Office. , Cct.tested Land Cases, 1'rivat Land ChUa. Minipr. l'ri3-empUonandJIometcadCaaes,rrf--utel" before the General, Land Office and D. parlLitjnt ol tne interior, -. Old Bounty Land Warrants. - Tte it lport of ths ComitUsloner of the General Iaiid Oince shows 2337,000 acres oXJJoun. tv Land W'arranu cntstanding- Theas wers Is sued nntler act cf lf '5 and prior acta. "W pay ! cash f or them. tS't.d by rejcutered letter. Whera , asdinmeuts are iuiperict we five Instructions ' to perfect U.ed. " rV,, . . ....-. Ic-.,partment cf our buineys is conducted . In a eerarat bureau, under, tho charge of ezpo i Uy reason cf error or fraud . mahy ' attorneys are suspended from practice before ths Pension n1 V- r-T: ia o f K w ' T 1 fits wr Yl rtsi attorneys have been thus suspended, will rr rratuitonsly f arnlshed with full lsionnxtioa and proper papers on application to us. ' " ' As WB cLarse no fee unless successful, stamps far return postao should be sens - - , . , : Liberal arraBgements. xaads with, attorneys la all classes of business, - i V' MORE & CO.; f P.O. E0X44. jrAfam,p.b. j WssrjorcTOit, D. O.i November IL U?4. , , I lake pleasure In expressing my entire conJ aence in the rtrponsHttlity and jLdtlit-f of tbs Law, Patent and CotlcciAoa House of GtLXOB,J k Co . of thw eny. ' ' , , tCcj"f Toftonaf 2ff-vf tfltm rctntj; IIitesnfki - v 1 a r.i KmL ? i r 4V04TOV" we will guarantee every pound of Ink sold to mI4E vjtRGEST ASSORTMENT EVER tati(ilIidaJus-"garti for hia own repu- be of a Superior Jet BUck, QukkDr Ar P u. I j ' i- L -1 . . - r or offered in thia city at prices ranging lrum centi to $ 10. Call and examine for yourselves. ;nn 10 J. 11. ; (V Tht Devil's Daughters. tiw!.i 4 m T i '1I i correspondent win Writes that the woundcxi QUytorf,, l , uivu auu ULIUItasbv. j Gen. were Writes that the woundcxi ortured and m t 7 iimvs, on IU8 UIU UWB lrouti .im. . . i i.i .ej P, IHlH mi ... . . jl uu- i uc soldiers naa taKeu tnu t,!, Tll,Sc,'but, beins overpowered by J..? -kv were obliged to fall back i'ie of k way to a position on the Uhc mountain, which tho enemv already taken possession of. they MM" and entirely free from setting-off. Our nrices.are from 30 to 60 per cent, low- et than any other Inks manufactured in the United States. , ---. A trial of a sample keg will convince any printer that he has been paying nearly double what he should for his Inks in times past Put up in kegs and barrels to suit purchasers, j Address. . ' KEYSTONE PRINTING INK CO., 17 North Fifth Street, dee 13 U Philadelphia, Pa. NEW BARBER SHOP. . Y PATRONS and the puouc generally GOLD. su&acripuons IUs Great chance to make money. If you can' t get gold you can eet m-eenbacks. NV e need a grsou in every iow ii w.uuie r the largest, cheapest1 and On matters of general interest will be gladl recived, but our friends must bear, In miad that thev must write only on one side of the ..... . r 1 ' 1 .k! paper ; tnat tney must ioroer nseicoo Twur age, miet correct their own manuscript and must avoid abusive personalities. A re liable aame must be furnished with each com- municstibn, as the Editor will not be held ac countible for the views or language of cor- rejpordents. "t OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST, Even before a type was set for the hri issue, i i m : S was an exceeuiugiy unu ring- one, mm probably the largest bon4 fide list with which any newspaper in XerJ4 Carolina ever before E. - ARTIS. FASHIONALE BAlillEK, Front Street, tinder l'urcell ii. u Wllmin-'ton. N Hair Cutting, Shaving and Sl;mu; o done in the highest style of the art. Attentive and polite Barbers alway Te to wait upon customers.; i . feb 24 t C. f O' FREIJCH'g kN TIIE EUROPEAN" PLAN. OPPO.SITJi y Hall Park, Court lioiue and ew Postofhce, New 1 irR. All 'Iodern Iinj rove- ments, icluding blevator, .m-i ii.im.ir. Water, in every Room. T. J. FRENCH A nuns . 4 july 25 ' Proprietors. Painting. ' ,'f.. ITrllERE YOU CAN m. m , ... TV inz cone witn uiia;c :at reasonaMfeTfates'is at" ''t.T " C. C. PARKER'S PAINT GKT . a 11 I 4 -vn m-m host maxim ben lainiiv yuuiiuuiuii , ... ... - . . qks mce. - . . . . i i nk ...linn 9ni . ..ninir iih uiii . . . - world-., Ajblv one can. oecome u su.wjiu oecnu juuv. , I rain tine done and sat'siaction lt!SHfft.. i Hilt , -"Wi .UUVUUUWIVUB foun( and immn.i;(tj i..it.s I tnri?n . oiinn ki Inoi. i i . . 1 , iniwni iiavnnnra in t n . . st-No.7, South Front street, wBere ueio t . in orin., ti9vtvn adopted t bk5 seTfif " i:!z V ! . t C Shying 10 cents ; Hair Cutting 25 cents lamthirT i . ra58 111141 wnea.toi . r Shampoo 25 centt. , ' . .? WC !Uo of soldiers but of their 1 f Open until 12 o'clock on SatordayrJrfiU; rcM the squaws manded and tor-! t aug 4 CPAS. E. CLEaPOR. ' but Vr fellow wh were still aliye asrenU Tne most elesant. worss oi an given ra nMiuf4rnilr lntormeu .una. I vlll.i .An.iwnnihcm-tlv (h n?pntrp. and at tay u " . I ports making over S 150 In a week. A lady Younr.tint neatiie?.-: ami .SliOI', o'ae door North of Old Jail bnildin "i i eC ' HOUSE, 'tniP st.l . 2araat,-"'d. cess ftreet."' i'nr.-SION 1:1 P nDCPIPRC Tn TTT12 agent reports taking over 400 subscribers iu unnin. ........ ....... . You can devote all your time to the business wordy your spare time, i ou need not he ftmv tram nome over dkuu iuu. ruuuuu mvcII others. Full particulars, direc- tinn and terms free. Elecant and expensive Ontflt fma. if vou want prontatle work send us your address at once. It costs not h inirtnirv the business. No One who engages fails to make ereat pay. Aaaress "i ne reo- increase, especially on the various railroad lines. ' Great care is given to eiaall jobs. may 16 notics. r THE AlTENTIOOFl'IliT ES inter ested is called to the fsct, that by an Or dinance of th3 City of Wilmingtua, each Market Cart or Boat is required to pay a fe of TEN CENTS, and each Market Wa-oa a fee of FIFTEEN CENTS, before leaving Office on Second .treet,betweeu PrliH their stand,, ffr. cess aad Chenut.near the rttofice, C3 : 20 Clerk of the Market. JOSXX. 7- Eorroa kn Paorairroa, to ne n thmen vM DAILY ftK ILf U j jPf " j , t