The Mails. The Malls? close and arrive at the City Postoffice as follow? : Northern tfirottgh malls - - - ? ?J Northern Ihroughand way mails. 6.1a A M Malta for the N. O. and A. A Byroads, and routes supplied therefrom - - - v"ts;th Sonthcrnmallafor all points South, WeSl C.K.;w.) daily p y FavAe d office on Cape Fayf2er?TuedayB and Jfri- p M Maff tor poWalang line of Che- riwAi)arllngtonH.K - - - U, $) a a FaySteSlle bVarsaw, daily (except SundaysV - - - Clj A 31 MaAsforpointa between Morcnre and rWleston - - - - - - A M Onslow C.H. and Intermediate of- flees every Friday - - - 6.00 A M Smithville malls, by steamboat, daily, (except Sundays) - - .(W a jm Malta for Easy HUJ, Town CreeJr, . every Friday at - - - - - - 3:00 1 M W 1 . ARRIVE. l?ortnem through malls - - 12:lo P M Northern through and way malls. .oO 1 i Southern malls - - - - - - ' Carolina Central Railway at - ; 6:30 A M Malls delivered from 6:00 A. M. to 7-la P M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to .9 j A. M, HtaniD Office open from 8 A; M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 P. M. Money order and Blister Departments open same as stamp Stamp for sale at general delivery when stamp ofnee is ciosed. ... , Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and n MAiia collected from street boxes every day 3:45 . M. CAROLINA. Of the ninety-four Counties i a this State only ten or fifteen have authorized an Inferior Court. Rocky Mount Mail : A very - infercs t iog revival of religion closed at Philadel phia Baptist Church, Thursday of last week; some 30 to 40 persons professed conversion. Charlotte Observer: A hundred and seventy-five pennyweights of gold from Rutherford county passed through the city to the Philadelphia mint yesterday, to be worked up. Charlotte Observer: At a meeting of the Charlotte Greys, held at their armory last night, me couipauj tuiw mouslyto go to the State Fair. They will have a good representation. Charlotte" Observer: Passengers who ar rived here vesterday afternoon by the Statesville train, report that the laborers rirmWed on the Western Insano Asylum at Morganton, 60 in number, struck yes terday for higher wages and stopped work. Elizabeth City Economist: On iriday night last the stables and shed of Edward Leigh, of Durant's Neck, were fired by an incendiary and consumed, together with a quantity of fodder and farm vehicles and implements. . Rockingham Spirit : The first bale of new, cotton of the season sow m tuc market was brought in on last Saturday by Mr. Thomas M. Whitlock, of this county. We are not able to state definitely how it classed or the price it brought; it was something over 9 cents, however. One other balo was brought in during the week by Mr. James II. Covington, Sr., and sold for 10 cents per pound. - Wilson Advance : At the depot at Rocky Mount, on Tuesday, there was a bic coincidence and wo doubt if a more weighty event win occur agam ui&mue time. In a crowd of thirteen, there were six gentlemen, who weighed 1418 lbs., thus averaging over 23G each. In this "heavy weights," Ex-Mayor Thompson of Whitakers wore the champion belt, Judge Howard, of .Tarboro, coming out second best. v t Morganton Made: The Trustees of the Diocesan school, with some of our citizens, held a meeting in the Court House on Monday to fix a scale of prices wai then drawn up and is now being cir culated about town with the expectation of securing a sufficient number of day scholars here to justify the opening of the school as soon as the teacher, to be cm- plOyOtl Dj U16 JJiO.LiU, VstXkl UlliMJgV w wuiv. Rocky Mount Mail: While visiting the family of Mr. H. G. Leonard, of this county, a few days ago, we were shown a grand-father of Mrs Leonard, over one hnndred and fifty years ago. Mr. 13. was ..ianf from TCnjrland to Va.. about 1070 and about 1760, at an advanced old ae 'came to N. C. and settled in Nash county, bringing this gourd with him. It was grown some time between 1700 and 1760, and used as a powder gourd, t ;n W1 ahnnt one nouudof now in a fine state preservation, has a lye j on A armears to be able to stand centuries to come. In the same family is a pair of spectacles worn Dy inc cmuu mother of Mrs. Leonard before the Revo lutionary war, and the family ' can trace their having been in use to as early S date as 1770. They are steel framed, heavy and clumsy. t Itaieigh News. Grand Review of Volunteer and Ca i det companies and Target Prac tice. SUPERVISORS. Gen. Johnstone Jones, Adjutant-General of North Carolina; Col. W. L. De Rosset, New Hanover; Col. Ihomas S Kenan, Wilson; Col. R. . Armfield, Iredell. To all Companies of the N. C, State Guard who shall' receive imitations to par ticipate: ' The North Carolina Agricultural So ciety offers a handsome flag, to bo shot for annually, as the; champion flag of the State, for the Company which attains the best average of shots at the Fair, in ac cordance with the rules of target practice that wiU be found below. The company which receives this flag is expected to return the same, under proper military escort, should it fail to attend the next Fair from any reason. To the best individual shot will be awarded a fine Whitmey military rifle, -i j; A wimftin throicrtv of the sutcessful shot, genirensly donated by . . 4 "Vmnvnw tit nr the wniuaey Arms wiujt Haven, Conn. . , ' To the best single skol, a handsome prize Plume. a mn. TAHGET PRACTICE. UNDER &JUZ& " ' TTirrTOK OP THE SUPERVISORS. The followiDgr vies and regu lations governing the target practice of the North Carolina State Guard at the North Carolina State Fair of 1877. . Target Twenty-two inches in diame ter, with stake sufficiently long to make top of target six feet from the ground.. : BuWs Eye Four inches in diametei'. , Distance Two hundred yards' Arms Military rifles, of patterns issued by the State of North Carolina. - , , , Each company represented at the Fair by at I least ten (10) men, exclusive of officers, will be represented in the target practice by a team of five (5) men, inclu sive of officers. Each member of this team will be allowed three (3) shots. The aggregate counts of each team will represents the score of the Company. The counting will be as follows: Miss 22 inches. BuWsEije0. Every shot in the target outside of the bull's eye will be tounted by inches and the fractional parts thereof, measuring from the outside of the bull's eye to the nearest side of the hole made by the. shot The shots will be fired without rest in a standing position. The company team that scores the best aggregate (that is, the fewest number of inches, &c.,) will receive the champion flag and hold the same, subject to compe tition. The best individual shotr that is, the individul whose three shots aggregate the fewest number of inches will receive the prize rifle, not subject to competition. The best single shot will receive the champion plume, subject to competition. BINGHAM CADETS. The Cadets of the Bingham school, Maj. Robt. Bingham commanding, will visit the Fair throughout the week. On Thurs day, Oct. 18th, they will exercise in the skirmish drill, between the hours of 11 a. m. and 1 p. m. Quarterly Meetings. Fourth round of appointments as made "by Rev. William S. Black, Presiding Elder, for the Wilmington District, Meth odist E. Church, South. sion at Cokesbury bept. 15 15 Whiteville and Waccamaw Mission at Sbiloh Sept. 22 23 Clinton.. Sept. 29 30 Wilmimrton, Front Street.... .Oct. 6 7 Smithville. at Concord '..Oct. 13 14 Onslow, at Queen's Creek......Oct. 20 21 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown...uct. Bladen, at Windsor . ....... .Nov. 3 4 Topsail, at Wesleyan Chapel. Nov.. 10 11 Kenansvillc, Wesley Chapel.. Nov. 17 18 Sensible Advice Yi! sirn risked everv day throuah the columns of newspapers andby your Drug gist to use something lor Dyspepsia ana Liver complaint that you know nothing about; you get discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Green's August Flower will cure you oi uys nonsia and Liver Coinnlaint with all its effects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual Uostivcness, ralpitation o, the Heart, Heart-burn, Water brash, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, &c, we ask you to go to your Druggist and get a Sample Bottle of Green's Au c ust Flower for 10 cents and try it, or a Regular Size for. 75 cents; two doses will relieve you. COIOIEECIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET, I Septkmbeb, 153 P. M. J SPIRITS TURPENTINE' Quiet at 24 cents, No sales reported. ROSIN-Firm at $1 40, and $1 -15 for Strained and Good Strained., Sales of 500 bbls Good Strained 815 per bbl. ; r TAR Steady ' at 51 75. Sales of 115 bbls at that figure a declin of 25 cents per bbl since our last rep otV. ' CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at t2 35 per bbl for Yellow Dip and Virgin. Hard, nominal. Sales of receipts at quotations. COTTON Firm. Sales of 9 bales at 10J4 cents per lb. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary 9 Cent. Good Ordinary 9 Strict Ggod Ordinary.,. Low Middling 10 Middling 10f Good Middling DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton 31 balea Spirits Turpentine 329 cask Rosin 2,079 bbhj Tar bbhl Crude Turpentine 18 bbla MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette- viile, WilMams & Murchison. Steamer Underbill, uiiucan. smithville. OQ Parsley & Co. CLEARED. : Steamship Raleigh, Oliver, Baltimore, A DCazaux. Steamer D Murchison. Garrason. Fayette- ville, Williams & Murchison. Steamer underbill, uuiican. smithville. O G Parsley &Co. . Ger bris: Inca. Spleskle. Hamburg, Wil liams & Murchison. Spanish barque Juanita, Maristony, Mar- scrie-N wuuaras s JMurcnison. Exports. FOREIGN. Hamburg Ger brig Inca 2.000 bbls rosin. Marsci.'les-Spanish barque Juanita 3,367 ouis rosiu. Per Express. JROWN & RODDICK hate received this day per eipresi a beautiful line of HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS at prices ranging from 8 to 15 eta per yard. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. sept 13 For Sale. "yillTE PAPER FOR WRAPPING, large sue, either by the quire or ream. -pt'lJ Apply at THIS OFFICE. JOHN S. JAIXES, Justice of, the peace. Office North side of Dawson's ATenue, iud door lrom Front st. septi IlisceUaneous. STREET CARS. QN AND AFTER MONDAY NEXT the STREET CARS i commence running at 6 oclock In the morning, and run every lo minutes, each way from the Market House, until 8.30 o'clock, except Saturdays, when they will run until 10,30 o'clock. The Cars will alternate between the Cem etery and Brooklyn. v f V' There will be a Car to the Cemetery every 30 minutes, also one to Broooklyn every l0 minutes. Thee will be a sign on the rear of the Car ust the dash board, designating which place the Car is going either Brooklyn or the Cemetery. J Persons wishing t itake the cars on either of the three Railroads, will find the Street Cars the cheapest and most comfort able way of reaching them. Persons arriv ing in the city will always find a car at the upper end of Front street, near Union De- S)t, which will take them to any of the otels for 5 cents, or to any other part of the Street Car Line. Price from Castle and Sixth streets, to the Cemetery or Htlton,only5 cents, for very near three miles of road, and return lor 5 cents. The very cheapest fair in the United States. Persons are req uLsted to report any neg ligence, on the part of the drivers, to the Superintendent. WASHINGTON KING, august 24 tf Superintendent TheSouth Atiantic, A' MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED to Literature, Science and Art, will be issued in Wilmington, North Carolina, Octo ber 15th, 1877. The Corps of Contributors will include several of the most distinguished authors of the present day. A serial story, poems, sketches, reviews, scientific and historical ar ticles will appear in every number. The Magazine will contain only original litera ture. The South Atlantic States will be thorough ly canvassed by an energetic agent. Subscription one year S3. Single copy 25 cents. 1 ADVERTISING TERMS. 1 page one year $120j 14 page one year $75 j i page one year 50 ; page one, year $36; 1 page one insertion, $25; 14 page one inser tion, $15; M page one insertion, $10; page one insertion, $5. 50 per cent, additional for advertisements on the Magazine covers. Local subscriptions received and Maga zines told at the City Bookstores. Contracts for advertiscaicnts and subscrip tions received at the ollico of Messrs. Jackson & Bell, Book and Job Printers. All communications should be addressed to Mrs. CICERO W. IIAR1U3, eept8 Editor and Proprietor. OraclsLers. EGG CREAM. FARINA, TEA MIXED, MILK, 4 GLENCOVE'S. SODA, PEERLESS, FINGERS, LEMON, CORKHILL'S. FOX'S BUTTER A FRESH VARIETY JUST RECEIVED. THESE DELICATE CRACKERS CAN BE FOUND ONLY AT J. L BOATWRIGHT'S, 5 4l 7 North Trout Street. sept 11 E. 'A'RTIS, FASHIONALE BARBER, Front Street, under Purcell Hou'e, Wilmington, N. C. Hair CutdnJT, Sharing and Shamrong done in the highest style of the art Attentive and polite Barbers alway s ready to wait upon customers. feb 21 Lost. JATE YESTERDAY AFTERXOON on Third street, South of St. John's Church, a LADY'S LACE HAKDKERCniEF. A lib eral reward will be paid for its recorery if left at theRiTilV aug 27 Miscellanoouo. For Rent. THAT DESIRABLE STORE on the corner of Market and South Water streets. Also, the wharf. e i i I feu zuiu ouice. . The Dwelling on Fifth street, between Dock and Orange streets, containing fire rooms, a doable kitchen and brick well on the lot. All ia good condition. Also the Dwelling cn Fifth, between Prin cess.' and Market streets, known as the "Knohl House" now being under repairs, containing six rooms, kitchen and water on the premises. Applr to sept 12 " H. B. EILERS. For Rent, j A COMFORTABLE HOUSE on North side of Market street, be-tv.-een Second and Third, contaln- - i ing sis rooms and a kitchen. Applj to sort 12 CRONLY A MORRIS. For Rent, For One Year from October 1, 1877, THE STORE ON THE NORTH- east corner of Market and Front streets, now occupied by John K. Mcllheimy. . Tlie Brick Store on north side of Market, alx)ve Second street, lately occupied by Dr. W. W. Harriss as a drug store. The liu ilding on Smith's and Gable's alleys, now occupied by . M. Collins as a restaur ant. Also, several Warehouses, conveniently located. , ' . Apply to sept 10 DeROSSET & CO. Dyeing and Cleaning. JpRICES REDUCED at the ladies and gen tlemen's First Class Head Quarters, North side Market street, between Second and Third streets. Good work speaks for itself. Call and examine. Kid Gloves and finest Laces a specialty. Agents for the celebrated Staten Island Dyeing Works. aug 27! Spartanburg &'A R. R. . Nov Kouto to the Mountains of Western No. Ca. rpiIIS NEW ROUTE IS NOW OPSN jL- to the travelling public. Passenger trains leave daily the Depot or the G. & C. R. R. in Columbia ; 1 12:15 p. m., and arrive at ter minus of S, & A.. K. I!, at 8 p. m., where close connection is made with four-horse coaches for Flat Rock, Hendersonville, Ashcville and Wafin Springs. Passengers will have choice to go through or lie over at 2it. Tryon, where the fare is excellent, and resume their journey early next morning and thereby enjoy some of the finest moun tain scenery on the Howard Gap turnpike, to be found in Western North Carolina. Arrangements have been made with the W. C. & A. li. R., for round trip tickets at the following ratea : ' From Wil. to Flat Rock and return,'$15.85. . " - " " Asheville and return, $19.85. " " to Warm Springs and return, $25.85. ' " " " to Hendersonville and return. $15,85. Capt. y. S.Kirkland, of N. C, and for merly of the.Air Line R. R., will be present on the arrival of the trains at the terminus of the S. & A. It. R., to see that passengers are provided for and sent forward without de lay.. On arrival of trains passengers are re quested to ask for Capt. Kirkland, Passenger and Traii.-portation Agent. Try this new route. ! D. R. DUNCAN, Pres'L july 12 H, SPRUWT, ExchangeCorner. lXCIIANGE CORNER ia the place to get Jj everything in the FANCi' GOODS line. The NICEST GOODS kept. It has always been the place for the Nicest and most FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS, and will in future prove to be such to all who may come or send their ordersA saj-All orders sent from a distance will re ceive Prompt and Special Attention. Remember EXCHANGE CORNER for your FALL GOODS. Call now for SUMMER GOODS. aug 25. N H. SPRUNT. A Full Line QF CARDS OF ALL KINDS, plain, fancy and the beautiful TINTO CARDS.' Full fifty varieties ! Will print them cheap I Call and see specimens S.G.HALL, Book and Job Printer, seP 12 Princess street. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, OFFICE CLERK OF MARKET, September 12, 1877. ALL GRAPE CARTS and Dealers in Grapes, archereby ordered to take their station hereafter on Second, between Market and Dock Streets, while retailing out their fruit. ! By order of the Mayor. L. M. WILLIAMS, sept 13 Clerk. Parties Buying GfoCeriefi, JARD, BUTTER, CHSESE, MEATS, Salt, Molasses, J6rn, Flour, Bagging, Ties Tobacco, and Fish Mackerel, Herring, Fresh Caught Mullets. Communicate with us and we will pltce orders at lowest prices and on best tenna; ' We are in daily receipt of Wax, Hides, Tallow, Wool, Rags, Poultry, Eggs, 4c., which are disposed of quick at market prices. PETTEWAY & SCHULKEN, : v . v .u 5r?ke Com. Merchants,' Next North Princess and Water 8treets. Sept 12 . DYERTISE IN THE DAILY REYIKir ifiHl "V t The Handsomest, the Best Tone, the Most Durable Pianos Made. They are Beautiful Rosewood, Seyjt: antj one-third Octaves, with every Improvcmcut and folly guaranteed. Their moderate price and uniform success have won for them the petition of a Standard of Ecouomy and Durability. Acknowledged by all Mnsicians to bo the Best OVER J(0) WOW IW USE. A.VrnTS WANTED tK EVRTlY COnNTY AmiM.v-o MARCH r, iibBERT W; SMITH, Agent, pril 6 ;- fHotice.f; , LLj PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE late firm of C. D. MYERS & CO. are re- " i i quested to call and settle their accounts be-' fbre the FIRST OP SEPTEMBER, as on that day they will be placed in the hands of my Attorney for collection. . JOHN L. BOATWR1GI1T, itttgl c yri lI North Froift'SU j LIPPITT'S Ice Cream Parlor. T7ltL BE OPENED ON WEDNESDAY w v morning, 25th inst. Pure Cream iia- vorea witn choicest fruits will be kept during tne season. ; j STRAWBERRIES large and luscious willbe kept when ever they can be procured in either this or the Charles ton markets. Cream sent to any part ot the city in quarts and gallons frozen, free et charged All orders for Cream for Sunday most be left Saturdays. SSB.. Entrance to Paloi on Princess St. apl 24 Polk Miller & Co's , - - JTALIAN INSECT POWDER ! Warrant ed to kill Roaches, Flies, Fleas, Ants, Moth?, Croton Bugs, Bed Bugs, Mosquitoes, Chicken Lice, Flower Bugs, Melon Bug?, and all other species or insects. Not poisonous to human beings, do mestic animals er fowls. ' aol 24 Female School. www MISSES BURR & JAMES, Principals. rjlHE ; THIRTEENTH ANNUAL Session of this school will commence on THURS DAY, the 4th of October. Pupils of all ages received, while the same care will be bestow ed upon each, from advanced young ladies to the smallest child. Object teaching combined with text book instruction, is a particular feature of the school, the Principals, after long and careful experience, having found it to be the most advantageous method of im parting knowledge to the young and enquir ing child. - ' vocal music and calisthenics free of extra charge, excepting a trifle for the daily use of calistnenic apparatus. Musical Department under the supervision of Mrs. M. S. Cushing, whose loBg and faith ful experience renders her peculiarly fitted for this work. . , For terms, Ac, see or address Principals, sept 6. SHAMPOO AND BATHS. . - gHAVE, 10 cents. Hair Cut, 25 cents. Shampoo, 25 cents. Hot and cold Baths at all hoars. Clean towels and sharp razors in abandance. All work done in silence and with dispatch. S- I, FURMANSK1, Cor. Front and Princess. aujr 29 GREEN GROCERIES. VEGETABLES of all kinds, Watermelons, 1 i Fruits, Ac; in store and for sale low Call and get your supplies and have them deliver ed freeJ ' j, REUBEN JONES, i h4 . Green Grocer, - sept 8 Corner Market and Second sts. QUARANTINE NOTICE. jpi UARANTINE WILL BK IN'FORCE on the 1st day f Jute, 1877, and will con tinue until further notice, as follows: , All' vessels from ports South of Cape Fear will come to at the Yisiting Station for in spection. " k t.f'iff'' -; All vessels having sickness on arrival, or having had sickness during the voyage, wil await inspection as above without regard to the Fort from whence they sailed. . Vessels not included in the above classes wUl proceed withoutdetentlon. Aii persons interested will please take no tice that Quarantine will be rigidly enforced daring the coming ho t season, under the pen alties provided b law for the violation of the'same. .W. G. CURTIS, Qoirantine Physician Port ofWilminrton. j may 18 , , C S. IiOVi ; Ti X. LiOVE, Jr C. S. LOVE & GO., COMMI88ION MfcRCHANTe, No. Water SL, Wilmington, N. C. ' . Ctawdgnnients of all kind . of produce so- lS0Jf-JEfrmniee W Prtcea. as low ratesor cnarres and ju prompt returns as any house in the city. ; 7 Correspondence invited. Refer to President First National Bank. U8CIBJi to xms At & SMITH PIANO CO , 47 University Place, New V v :. . i . A Hint. rpo THOSE WHO OWE US Old Accomt, and Notes, "we ask a sejUcment. yt reqttife money to replenish Fall Stock. We unite CASH CUSTOMERS lo examine our stock and compare prices. Empire, Ashland tod Patent Process Flour, $G.OO per bbl. md np wards. We are determined to offer Induce ment for CASH. . GEO. MYERS, ept 1 j ' 11 & 13 FrontSi AND ' Wilmington, W. C STEAMSHIP yNE Tho flteamor D. J9 FOLEY, CUT. PRICE, WILL SAIL FROM 13ALT1M0KK ON Saturday, Sept. 15. - J2ar Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing of steamers as advertised. "ttJ Through Bills of Lading given to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. For Frcfxht Engagements apply to A. D. CAZATJX, Agent, Wilmington, Z7. C. L. S. BELDEN", Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore;' sept 10 V CLYDE'S Mew York . . AND Wilmington, TJfC9 Steamship Line. REGULATOR, ; ' CAPT. DOANE, f WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK 05 WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12. Shippers can rdy upon the'prowp sailing of Steamers as adrertiscd. ' For Freight Engagements apply A. D. CAZAUZ. Agent, Wilmington, H. C. , L. S. BELDE.V, SoUciting Agent WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General 6 Bowling Green, or Pier 13, , Ynrlr. " Dentistrv. SPFCIAL 1TTETI0' paid to the prewmtiyo of di- eased teeth. All our work U frarraatod to giro entire saUafacUoD, or there willbe charge. ' ' Fresh lot of Csrr-a Tooth Tart j and for sale at M cents per box. THOS.B.CABB&S0K, 5o.J3 Market it aug 2i northern Potatoes BBLS. N0RTII2ILV rOTATOEJJ. , 25 Just receired. JOILV L. B0ATWB10I1T, ' 5 4 T Jforth Front St , The Stoamer : aug 27