TO-MORRQW. ... ,t t tne sun, wh dying beams, . 11 wa&d theWple bfll to lire, Citadel sSha &6&x4 and spire IJlded by the far-off gleam; tt enn and out dark pine trees crept A?f, 1 many a slender line of gold; motes thwardtlij rrver swept, t;o nrtkissed it as it onward rolled; Jiunllght lingered, loth to go. " E? well, it cauSeth sorrow A .Urt from those we love below; ,0 YVet the sun as bright sliall glow A To-morrow. reticle was ebbing on the strand, inrf stooping low it silver crest; fe crimson seaweed lay at rest S the amber-ribbed sand; shed o'er the rocks and on the shore lranz parting wreaths of pearly spray, nwm fled away; yet turned once more nd sent a sight across the bay, if tlionRh it could not bear to go. , well, it causeth sorrow t JWrt &n twe Hlriw' - vItherwrd the tide shall now 1. ? T j hearts have met to say farewell 1" . - ... nriiAn tlio Knn wpnt. flown trYi life-sound from the busy town emote wdly s a passing bell. JTwlilsnfer? parting la awcet raln- IMwlWe returns the uae;" wrtlng rends the heart in twain," inii Am they linger Ride by side, A ml i . ...1 ct ,;"i ptiil tbey linger, lotn to go. Tn rrt from those we love below vvJhlaUWr meefcprnor iNew Orleans Times. ... salaries of Leaidinjr Newspaper m Mcr. nt &itoftrf Ariter on. tho tidon Times gets 2,000 guineas per an- which is a .pretty fair salary. Tho JJst salaries paid in America are not nitP eaual to thjs. Dr. Connery, the jS fflfair'of ifcc NoW'York Herald, S8n$8,000; Whitelaw Rcid, of the Tritome $12,000; Charles A. Dana, the SS oCtbe New York Sun, $12,000,be tidcs Us pto&ts as a atock owner; Hurl- 3 Herald, gets $10,000; and hsj just rewired a year's i leve of absence to g,; t Europe, his salary being contin Th Western press pavs very fair alaries. The leading editorial writer on c Ciiici2- lunes gets fco,uuu, ana the BiijPWitor. $6,000; Watterson, cf Courier-journal, &7,5O0,and an inter im the profits ;Shelfi3ri,'l)f the Chi rvm Tribune, $0,000. The largest sum rilia America to any editorial writer, isU received from tho New York Her-4 . . ' r '"- tt- i vri - ii ,lr ' ir i jj 0 air. vyuanes imtjuuii. xiu .0,000 a yearifindj writes,- wbeu and fiat be pleases. ' " " " Virginia Catholic Statistics. Iu his farewell sermon at the Cathedral . i ii -.. o. i t:..i m nicuinonu nist ounuav inup u;uwuo i : : l-'.i . c ii . (jav a unci suminaryui mo iieauu wu- fitiunthe Diocese. Ho said: VVlicn assiunod diargc of the Diocese of Kich- iiimui . iu 1872, it contained fatteeu churches, fifteen: chapels .and stations, ceventeen. priests, and about sixteen par ish school, with an ajrsrcatc attendance 1.400 pupils. At the present mo meut the Diootsc comprises twetty-foiir rlwirclws! twenty-three chapels and sta (i'H)s, uvctitv-faur priests, besutes about twelve ecclesiastical stude .t?, who will, I trust, jpoTstreJl he nurnters of pr.est ana become, by their piety and m oruameol to, thefDtocese; There are wcuij-cim, pansn scnoois, wim au a- ircgnte of attendance of 2,250 pupils. Thus we have la five vears an increase of nine churches of xuAt chattels, and sta liens, of seven brtests and 850 scholars . Tie property of the Diocese has increased Sothe larce amouutvof 8150,000, and of tkii amount SibfyOdO has been added to tbe ecclesiastical property of Richmond -alone. I am happy to say that all thiy mount has been paid, for . exeep t a s tn al 1 DS m due on the Sisters' property. The building ami loou which the boys' school afncd' costVibWut1 $0000. Of tl U uni$i,uuu as coitecccu in tnis city ; the balance. 13.000. I liquidated partly from my own fuuds'and partly from funds cotiwtel outside the Diocese. Hence, you Bay conclude that mv successor will no t wrc much' finahclal trouble to settle." Keystone Printiner. Ink Co PR1NTIWG IWKS. AND,! Np JJLACK A tH '-ml t .t'v i7l?ortli jTiftfr Street, KMadelDhia., Pa. I 1LK INKS lARE OF A SUPERIOR 1 ... - y qiuuty, bdte made from the best ingre 'eftU tni under the personal supervision ot Practical printer and premn, therefore e will guarantee every pound of Ink sold to ." a omporior oct'iilaclc, Quick Dryinjr, Our prices are from 30 to 50 per cent low Atrial of a samnlrt lrro u-Hl mntihu ), tb tfiat h has been paying nearly double Jt be should for his Inks in times paU p in keg and blrrels to 8uit pttrchasert. . " ' ' at .Worth Fifth Street, fctar: Dnot7tr none, MAKEUS AND-JEWELLERS. Vo.'iji'Markot'Btrpet, 1 n ; s WilmiBjfton, rf . C. (Published 1S23.) 'UaiXTKK TUB MONEY'S WORTH the Diamond Spectacles. "r cUiiUtr7 fricnls aro invited to call and dec 19 SHAlIPoa. AHD BATHS. jAYEj 10 tentajJIair Cut, 25 centi. ShPoo, 25 cc-nIvM3HdTwld Baths at feottrg. cieM towela jmi iMrp razors in AU work' done in eUence Jisptteh. ... .: .;,- : and I. FURMANSK1, Cor. Front and Princess. oct 4 . " cry article porennswu ui lut-m. 4rrftBof fine Watches, Clocks, fr.r,. . l'lTcrWari. Fancy (Joods, Ac, kept aceonew York cost. 4 Miscellaneous. A Full Line QF CARDS OF ALL KINDS, plain, fancy and the beautiful TINTO CARDS. Full fifty varieties I Will print them cheap ! Call and see specimens'. S G. HALL, Book and Job Pr inter, StDt 21. Princess ptreet. Spartanburg &. A. R. R. Now Houte to the Mountains of Western No. Ca. THIS NEW ROUTE IS NOW OPSN to tbe travelling public. Passenger trains eare oailv tne Uepot or the li. A U. K. K. in Columbia at 12:45 p. m., and arrive at ter minus of S. & A. R. R. at 8 p. m., where close connection is made with foar-horse coaches for 'Flat Rock,' llendersonville, Asheville and Warm Springs. Passengers will have choice to go, through or lie over at Mt. Tryon, wliere the fare is excellent, and resume their journey early next morning and thereby enjoy some of the finest moun tain scenery on the Howard liap turnpike, to be found in Western North Carolina. Arrangements have been made with the W. C. & A .R' R-t for round trip tickets at the following' rates : rrom Wil. to ilat Rock and return,;$l5.85. " " " Asheville and return, $19.85. " " to Warm Springs and return, $25.85. " " " to Hendersonville and return, $15,85. ' Capt. S. S. Kirkland, of N. C, and for merly of the Air Line It. R., will be 'present on the arrival of the trains at the terminus of the S. & A. R. K., to see that passengera are provided for and sent forward without de lay. On arrival of trains passengers are re quested to ask for Capt. Kirkland, Passenger and transportation Agent. ' lry thisnfw route. ; D. R. DUNCAN, Pros' t. julyl2 1 J AS. T. PKTTEWAT, o. ii. scnrji-KKK AND Brokerage House. JlIe ECEIVE REGULARLY and have on exhibition, samples of Coffee, Flour, Rice, Molasses, Sugar, Syrups, Tobacco. Ac. Ac. Take orders for Meats, Lard, Salt, Candles, Butter, Cheese, Soap, Lye, Potash, Ac. VY ire promptly all orders. Orders and con signments solicited. We are agents for the sale of WILCOX, GIBBS & CO'S MANIPULATED GUANO and the Beasly Cotton Ties. PET TEWAY & SCHULKEN. dec 13 - $250 Reward. J WILL PAY TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD for sufficient evidence to convict the person who set fire to my House on Sunday morning, the 7th instant. The house was situated on Fifth between Brunswick and Hanover streets. oct 11 W. P. CANADAY. CD J3 0) 3 a 9 13 a O if m K o H CO . es o TO w '5 OS O o CO o o V) O o o o W ' a c - -! 5 2 a p a O 3 ' wo H o ai n w q O - Zi i a o. pj o3 J "t SO DfH ( 2 bi m on o g a CO . fes ; 2 a 0 J . TO f3 63 $777 is not easily earned in these times, but it ean be made in three months by any of either sex. in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the em ployment that we furnish. $tw per week in your own town, lou neea not De away from home over night. You 'can give your whole times to the worK, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over $20 per day, All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other business, i It costs nothing to trvfthe business. Terms and So Outfit free. Auuress at once. ii. ualli.u ol i on land M ai ne. . 'rdy All Night HOuse. V AN AND . FTER THIS DATE THE flENTENNIAL S A.LOON will be kept open all night as well as all day, from 6 o'clock Monday morning until 12 o'clock Saturday night. AVincs, Liauors and Cisrars. the best and thefcheapest. - New RiTor Oysters turmehed in any style desired. JOHN CARROLL, oct 1 Proprietor. THOS. J. S0UTHERLAND, JIVERY AND SALE STABLES, Corner Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, N. C. Horses and Vehicles for hire at rea sonable rates. Excursion parties to the Sound and country accommodated. , may 2u Sewing: Machines. The Last Cnanca ! Cheap for Cash! ONE Wheeler A Wilson, $20.00. One Howe Family, $20.00 One No. 2 Singer, $20.00. . Two Home Shuttle, each, $10. These Machines are all in perfect order, liar &U the attachments with them 'and I warrant them in every respect as good as new and for less than one-half the price. Call and set one before they are all gone. C. E. JEVENS, Third et., first door North of Market ' sept 27. MERCflAND SI CQMM ISSIQi Hicsellaneous. THE E) ally A Wews Paper, published every erening Sududay excepts -AT 5:AYear. Or 60 cents' a .month, strictly in advance :o The Reading Public are respectfully inform- ed that it shall be the constant aim tit the pro prietor to furnish them with A LIVE NEWSPAPER, containing the latest news of the day, and en deavoring to keep its. readers fully informe in regard to events of Interest and importance occurring in every quarter of the world, J rOUR DAILY MARKET REPORTS '. r W ill tall and correct, and will .be kept open until he latest possible moment. Mer chants in the city and country may rest as sured that they will be thoroughly reliable. The News Columns Will contain the reports, bota or news and markets, received here each day at noon, and the LOC A L DE P A R T M E N T Has been placed in careful and experienced hands. Friends in the section of country eon nected with thh city, will greatly oblige the Editor, and will contribute additional inter est to these columnBby forwarding any items ofaewsthat may occur in their respective localities. ' ; ' ALL CORRESPONDENCE , On matters of general Interest will be gladly received, but our friends must bear in mind that thev must write only on one side bf the paper that they must forbear useless verbi age, must correct "their own manuscript and must aroid abusive personalities, A re liable name must he furnished with each com munication, as the Editor will not be held ac countablfor the views or language of cor respondent OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST Even before type was set ror tne nrst issue, ma an exeeeaineiY caiterinir one. anu is probably the largest bona fide list with which any newspaper in North Carolina ever before began publication, and is now rapidly on the increase;, especially on the various railroad lines. JOSXZ. Editos AJtn PiorauToa, Office on Second tree t, betw een Prin and Ca iBt, near the Peetoffice. tS) OCt 1 ; Rail Eoad Lines, &c. Cen'l Sup'ts Office, WILM15QT0N, COLUMBIA AND ATJ GUSTA RAILROAD Wibaungton, N.:C, August 4, 1877 " CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Snndav. An ctmtR. 1Ti follow. ing schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, (daily except Sunday.) -; ' i Leave WUmington 12 00 M Arrive at Florence.... 6 00 P It Arrive at Wilmiagton!!.'!!!"L 6 20 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN CDailj). Leave Wilmington.. ... 0 00 Pli IiPTA "Flrritir Q R? P 11 Arrive at ColunibU."!."."!!!!.'."..'..'.'..!".! 1 11 A M jLeave uoiumnia. ..........11 30 tr M Tvn FlnrenM 1 30 A U Arrive at Wilmington 6 30 A M This Train will only stop at Flemington, Whiteville. Fair RlnfT. M.Hnw. Florence. Timmonsville, Sumter and Acton between Wilmington and Columbia. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Daily, ea? cepi aanaays. j . Leave Wilmington....... 3 30 P II Leave Florence................. 2 35 P M Arrive at Columbia. 10 10 A M Leave Corumbia ... fi 00 P M Leave Florence... 2 50 A M ArrivA kt Wilminfftnn . 1 fl 7ft A M -Jfc W4.... ...... MrtW w Passengers for Augusta and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wil mington. Through Sleeping Cars on night trains iur iruarieston ana jaacon. JOHN F. DIVINE, aug 4 General Superintendent. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD COUP ANY Office of Gen'i. Scferiktehdeht 1 Wilmington, N. C, August i, 1877. J , On and after Sunday, August 5th, 1877, assencrer trains on the WilmtnetonA Wei don Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmington, i ront St. Depot at...... 6 Ov A M Arrive at Weldcn at 12 30 P M Leave Weldon 11 40 A M Arrive at Wilmin&rton. Front St. Lepot at............... & 4U r a NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. i DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. uepot at. Arrive at Weldon at 5 35 PM 2 20 A M 3 15 AM Leave Weldon, daily at. .;. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. uepot at.... 11 45 AM The Dav Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via' Bay Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Rich mond and ail rail routes. Nicrht train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. JOHN Jr. DlVlIrJ, auc 4 General Superintendent. TheSouth Atlantic, A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED to Literature1, Science and Art, will be issued in Wilmington, North Carolina, Octo ber 15th, 1877. The Corpa of Contributors will include several of the most distinguished authors of the present day. A serial story, poems, sketches, reviews, scientific and historical ar ticles will appear in every numoer. '1 he Magazine will contain only original litera ture. The South Atlantic Statw will be tboroueh- y canvassed by an energetic agent. Subscription one year $3. bingle copy 25 ccnte. ADVERTISING TERMS. 1 pace one year $120: 14 paire one year $75 : 14: page one year $50 ; page one year $36; 1 page one insertion, $25; 14 page one inser tion, $15; page one insertion, $10; page one insertion, $5. 50 per cent, additional for advertisements on the Magazine covers. ; ! : Local subscriptions received and' Maga zines sold at the City Bookstores. Contracts for advertisements and subscrip tions received at the office of Meosrs. Jackson & Bell, Book and Job Printers. ! All communications should be addressed to Mns. CICERO W. HARRIS, sept 8 Editor and Proprietor. QUARANTINE NOTICE. QUARANTINE WILL BK IN FORCE on the 1st day ef June, 1877, and will con tinue, until further notice, as follows ; All vessels from ports South of Cape Fear will come to at the YisitiDg Station for in- spectioni ) . ' All vessels having sickness on arrival, or having had sickness during the voyage, wil await inspection as above without regard to the Port from whence they sailed. Vessels not' included In the above classes will proceed wlthottt.detention. All persons Interested will please take no tice that Quarantine will be rigidly enforced daring the coming hot season, under the pen alties provided by law for the violation of tne same. i W. O. CURTIS, Quarantine Physician Port of Wilmington. may 18 IrrSISoiouHaJlKir from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Mah bood Restored. Impedimenta to Marriage removed. New method or treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and circulars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Howijtn Association, 419 N. Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. An Institution having a high reputation for honorable con duct and professional skill. B H (4 5 Ft 2 tt GOLD.! Great chance to make money. ii you can't get gold you can get greenbacks. VV e need a person In everv town to takd gnbscrlpttons for tbe lamest, cheapest mud best lUnrtrated lamily publication -In the world. Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price la so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent re ports making over $150 In a week. A lady agent it pert taking over 400 subscribers In ten days. All who engage make money Cast. You can devote all your time to the business or only jour spare time. You need not be away fm borne over nhrhL You can do It as well as others. Full particulars, direc tions an terms free. Eleeant and exoenadve Outfit fiee. If you want profitable work: send us your address at once. It costs noth ing to try the business. Jfo one who engages fails to aaake great pay. Address The Peo ple's J otxnav' Portland, Maine. anf 1 The Handsomest, Most Durable They are Beautiful Koscwtwd, Seven aDd and fully guaranteed. Their moderate yricc and uniform success nave won : for them the position of a Standard of Economy and Durability. '-n.v: f..:v, vm.-. . ' ' ' " ' ,il ' I' ' . Acknowledged by all Musicians to bo tbe Bosk OVER f n AOENTQi, WAOTED IN EVERY Mr, ROBERT TV. smith, Apent, 47 APPLETOW'S ....'. i it' NEW REVISED EDITION. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on ,. ; every subject, i lliited from new type, ' vnd Illustrated with. Several Thousand ) Engravings and Maps ' The work originally published under the title Of THE NEW AMERICAN CYLCOIVE DIA was completed in is 3, since which time the wide circulation which it has at tained in all parts of the United States and the signal developments which have taken place in every brance of science, -literattre. and art, have Induced the editor and pub lisher id Bubmit lb to an exact and thorough revision, and to issue a new edition entitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. "Within the last ten years the progress of discovery In every department of knowledge has made; a new work of reference uu im perative want. The movement of political affairs have kept pace with the discoveries of science ami their, fruitful application to the industrial and useful arts and the convenience and re finement of social life.- Great wars, and con sequent revolutions have occurred, involv ing national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our country, which was at its height when the last volume of the old work appeared, has happily ended, and a new course of commercial and Industrial activity has been commenced. f .Large accessions to onr geographical knowledge have been made by tho indefati gable explorer of Africa. ' - ' The great political revolutions of the -last decade, with the natural lesultol the lup&e of time, have' brought into public view a multitude Of new men, whose names are in every one's niouth, and of whoso lives evervone is curious to know the particulars Great battles have been fought and lmixr taut sieges maintained' of which the details are as yet preserved only in the newspapers or in the trasient publications of the day, and which ought now to takctheir place iu permanent and authentic h istory. I tin preparing the present edition for the press, it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to bring down the information to the lowest possible rates, and to furnish .an ac curate account f the most recent discoveries in science, of every frehs production in literaure, and of tho newest inventions in the practical well as to give a succinct and original record of the progress iolitlcal and historical events. ' The work been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the most ample resources for carrying it on toa.suc- ssf ul temination. None of the original stereotype plates have been used, hut every page has been printed on new type, forming, in fact, a new Cyclo paedia, with the same plan and compass as its predesessor, but with a far greater ecun iary expenditure, and with such improve ment in its composition as have been suggest edby longer experiencca nd enlarged know ledge. ' ! The Illustrations which aro introduced for the first time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial ef fect, but to give greater lucidity and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all branches of science and natural history, and depict the most famous and remarkable features of scenery, architecture and art, as well as the various processes of mechanics and manufactures. Although intended for Instruction rather than embellishment, no pains have- been spared to insure their artistic excellence; the cost of their execution is enormous, and it is believed they will lind a welcome reception an an admirable eature of the Cyclopaedia, and worthy of its high character. r This work is sold to subscribers only, pay able on delivery of each volume. It will be completed in sixteen large octavo volumes, each containing about 80U pages, fully illus trated with several thousand" Wood Engrav ings, and with numerous colored Lithograp hieMaps. , , ' Price and Stylo of Binding Tn extra Cloth, per vol, 8-5 00 ; In Library Leather, per vol, m 00; In Half Turkey Mo roco, per vol, $7 00: In JIalf ltussia, extra gilt, per vol, $8 00; In FullMoroco, antique, gilt edges, per vol, $10 00; In Full ltussia, per vol, 10 00, Thirteen volumes now readv. Succt cdlng volumes, until completion, will be issued once in two months. . Specimen pages of the Am eiu ca n c v cIxpedia. fchow&lg type, Illustrations, etc., will be sent gratis, on application. Flrst-Class Canvassing Agents Wanted. Address the Publishers, ' ; iv '"'' ' ;:;I. APPLETONCO., b.m 649 & 65 BaoADWAY. N. Y. ; Prime Enjojient for a Year. i.eThan Four Cents a Week.; MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE j MY INTRODUCTXG TUE ; SATURDAY . EYEXIXG POST, Which for more than 55 Years has been the 2X2ST 8T0RY, SKETCH AND FAMILY l'APEK, as is well known all over the United States. It is published weekly, coct&m eight large paces, clearly printed on good "paper, filled with the choicest stories and shetehr-a hv th best writers; not seaeational tranh, bat such A A. Ml' . . . . Mimoiuer.i! wiiiiDg to nave her children read. The whole tone, of the paper it pure 'and elevating. . f t . . , It alio contains Hbtorical and Biographical articles; Scientific; Agricultural and House hold Departments j Fashion Article weekly, fresh pd unexcelled ; Humorous Xotcs: Lit erary Reviews ; News Note; Boys' and Girls' Columns; and Strong and Sparkling Edito rials, etc., etc Is just such a paper as every body loves to read, and the price is onl j i TWO D0LLABS A YEAE. Sinple c?jr containing club rates, etc., sent 0 reedpt oX a J-ccnt ttamp. Address, o. 918 BENNKTT A FITCH, , 276 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. X.D. Besure and affix the number 018 before BEXJiETT & FITCH, so that we may know through what paper the subscription cornea. t Un i SXJBSCIUB& TO TOE ' ii 41LY BETIET7 18, mmnm Mi 6 SMITH P1IJ0S. the Best Tone the Pianos Made. one - third Octaves, with every Improvement NOW IN USE. COUNTY. ADDRESS, MARCHAL & SMITH PIANO CO., University Place, CTewTTork- we cliix roa tec txrtOTxt WHITWEY SEW INC rJACHIE0 The following specific point of fuperloritjt 1 Great Simplicity In Construction. 2 Durability.; i 3 Exceedingly Light Running. 4 Still Running. Noiseless. 6 Perforins all Varieties of Worfc 6 Beauty of Finish and Workman ship. . ! 7 GREAT REDUCTION In Price. Machines sent on trial before payment If re-' quired ; written guarantee to Keep machines in order for five years given with each ma chine. Wht Pat Old Pricks T For . circulars and particular. Address, THE WHITNEY MF'G CO., dec29 j - Patrson, N. J. S600 PIANOS FOR 0250 i And all other styles in the same proportion, including Grand, Square and Upright all Fiust-CLAss sold direct to the Psofli at Factoky Prices. No agents; no commit sions ; no discounts. Thcso Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Centennial ExhJ- bitioh, and were unanimously recommended, for the HIGHEST UONORS. New Manu factory one of the largest and finest in the. world. The Square Grands contain Isth nshek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest , improvement in tbe history ot piano making. The Uprights are the Fixssr is America. Dont fail to write for Illustra ted and Descriptive Catalogue, mailed free, MENDELSSOHN! PIANO CO., apl. 14 No. 66 Broadway, N. Y. THE NEW m o mM Miliie WAS AWAKI? ED TUB ! At the Centennial Exhibition7l87, andhas always carried off then ighcat honors"'" MMtuherevcr exhibited. - " ' STITCH" MACHINE. ADAPTCO t9 th WANTS Of EVEKVBODY. The HOr.1l O b WW I It U 111 AU ri I R 1st WM MTBTl rears since by tho aid of the ht Invent it and Mechanical Ski lUU HOO HUES io Essential Parts of a PIT ST CT.kTA MACHINE, is SIMPLE In CONSTllUCTXOX. hUVKlLLOR in Strength and Bsvutrv contains less Wnrkfnn Parts and IsOsSatla Of DOING a wider rafff ofWorhtbamUbct Bawing Mnchinee It will KUIV fbrnvsi without cojti xo ONE CEflT fr RfAts, In the Mannfactore ofthis IfACIUNJB Mq Very Best: M atorlnlsj are T"i The WEAIiLNU I'AJiTS axeHArIcI.eli and tho Mechanism has been coxsn.xn kil with the special vUw of pvoluaingr ma Easy Running. DURABLE, and almost NOISELESS MACUINE, adapted XQOatXT WEXLi for SJoarse or fine' TliXtEAD COT--TON, 8ILK or LINEN, tSZTITUfO froa tne ZjahtsMt Muilln to J?eter ClMh an IJiATIIEIL Ouch Con tldonjrjblFEL in the INTRINSIC MERITS Of HOME 8EWINO MACHIMS every IdAClIlEis fully Qt Warr anted for 4 Five Tears. LIVE AGENTS wantel in localities irfcera we arc not represented, j -, ! Send for prices, and sample of Work dot on the IioalK, or call at any of our ofices, m JftiiiienTTfii inTTV l!?fvN 30 Union Squara, Ksw Tti b 664 'WasUagton Street, Bostoa, Ilasa. V llli Sseond Avs., PltUHrja, ?V HI Butt Btreet, CUcajj, HI. ?l8outaStn 8tmt, EuLctis.U' 17 lUt Moct&iery Bt, BuFraadaco, CiT LIPPITT'S Ice Cream Parlor ITILL BE OPENED 05 WBDNEiSDjil VV morolnff, 25th Inst. Pure Creazav f-' rorcd with choicest fruits will be keytsWriat the season. t , STRAWBERRIES large and luscious will be kept wken ever tHr can oe procured in either tils or the Charles ton markets. Cream seat to any part of Cm city in quart and gallons frozen free et charge. All orders tor Cream for Sunday must be left Saturdays. Entrance to Valor on Princca St -' apl 24 .. ' : ! . ; - . : NtSOWKM Iva

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