The Malls. Tit in all- piofl and arrive at the City .'. Postofflce as follows : Northern through mails - - - -jrA'j 1' M Northed through and way mails. 0:1a A JS1 Malls for the N. C. and a. & xs. w Railroads, and routes supplied A V. - - - - " - i.l-i r il M M M Southern mails for all points South, WeSmalls"(&O.K. W.) daily 30 P rayVtteviTlfl, and offices on Cape 7Fear River, Tuesdays and rn- t days ' " " " "'" Mails for point along line of Che- raw A Darlington 11 K - - - IMA Fayettevllle by Warsaw, daily, i (except Sundays) - " " j A Uaii.frirmlntN lxtwncn Morence an.l rmrlftston - - - - - - 11:'J' A M Onslow C. II. and intermediate of fices everv Friday - - - o:00 A BmlthvUle Trails, by steamboat, dally, (except Sundays) - - S-W a Mails for Easy HTfl, Town Creek, n every Friday at - - - - - - oW) i AKRIVK. M M tCnrtJiArn lhrnnizh mails - - 12:15 P'M Northern through and way malls. 5:50 1 Southern mails ------- ' :tH a rvpnllna fVTitral Ttn.ilwav at - - :" A MaIU rl slivered from 6:00 A. M. to 7 :15 1' M., and on Bundays from 8:30 to A. w . Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 m., h rfm 2 to fi P. M. Money order and Register Departments open same as stamp tiffins - Stamps for sale at general delivery when lamp omoe is cioseu. ... v Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and kt-ur . --'I--. ....... Mallioollcctedfrom streetboxes every day 8:45 r. M. I LATEST NEWS. The Episcopal Convention. fcosTOH, Oct. 24 At the evening scs t;,Hn vptrdav. of the Episcopal Convcn- DIVUI 1 . w - . J cation relating lion, tne discussion oi me to the organization of a Board of Missions Was continued, and finally the canon was adopted. The canon provides that the institution be denominated the "Domestic and Foreign Misiionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States.'! The Bishops non-concur in the use of the English lectionary until the next Gen eral Convention. The subject wab refer red to a joint committee of conference The Bishops concur in the use of a Cial table of lessons in the lectionary fur Lent, The Piinlico Races. SlLTiMOltE, Oct. 24. In the '.mile race for all ages, Idalia won ; First - Chance feocond, Madge third. Time 1 .45 In the one and three-quarter mile race, Viceroy won ; Mary second, King third. I'ima 3.11. , In the two and a half mile race, Parole Won; Ten Broeck second, Ochiltree third. Time 4.371. When the horses came up to weigh, after the race, Parole was received with Chears and the people gathered around him. As soon as his jockey war weighed, the crowd raised him on their shoulders and carried .him about the track with cheer upon cheer, until it became a per fect ovation. Such excitement was never Witnessed in Baltimore on any previous racing occasion. In the French pool, investments of five dollars on Parole realized one hundred and thirteen. i Declares it a Failure. The New York Times declares President's policy a failure, and is dently leaning towards Coukliug the Blaino. It says ; For the tests in regard to the good faith of the South, estimated according to the standard which the President'1 was in duty bcnd to uphold, wo ..patiently 'wait. Bat the political tendencies of tho new order of things wcro to be developed at once and were to be an answer to Repub lican cavilers. Let us see where and What they are. In the first place, the liepublican organization iu the Southern States has not received any of the prom ised benefits. The accession of old Whig deserters from the Democracy is not forth coming. The crowds that were to rally around tho Republican banner, in token of grateful appreciation of the doings of a. llpublican President, have not been heard of in any State. Tho supposition that the local Republican organizations would suddenly expand into a grand 'Ad ministration party, turns out to have been a dream. The policy which was to have invested i Southern Republicanism With a giant's strength, iuid redeemed it from the odium that jhad entailed ostra cism and danger upoh conspicuous mem bers, has operated differently. It has crushed out the Republican party in aoro States ; in others it has left little besides the name. Not -in one has it helped the party in respect of character or numbers. Have we, then, an Administration party iatha South, distinct from the Republican organization but perpetuating its princi ples and securing for them friendly re cognition where before they were tabooed? The-truth admits of but one auswer. The caost vigilant search has failed to reveal a single instance in which a public man, an established journal, or anybody or any thing that can" be held to indicate public opinion, has changed his or its attitude toward the Republican party in consc jq uence of tho President's policy, or. has made that policy a pretext for abandon ing allegiance to the Democracy. Not mlv is there practically speaking n) longer a Republican party in the South, hut there is not tne laintest iracc oi au Administration party. Not a nomina tion has been made, not a declara tion has been issued, not a plan or purpose has been promulgated, point ing to an Administration party as the em bodiment of modernized Republicanism;, or as an entity at variance with the orthq- 4.v nnmrwrof-r Of Dprurwrmta whr n n- plaud the President, there are plenty. But they invariably assert that they ap plaud him because he has gone over to them, and has applied their views in rela tion to Southern affairs. They avow theiiH intention to support him, not, however, as gainst the Demccratic party, but as against Republicans who object to his pol icy and may try t5 thwart his Adminis tration. : Except within these limitations, tho President has no adherents at the South. He has no" party there, distinct fMm the old orcanizations, and the only 9mui vntftft his administration can-r rely upon when giving efiect to .eput llcan convictions, are the votes oi the r?.M5en whoa his policy baa rea- CAROLINA. Snow fell at Henry's, the head of the We stern North Carolina Railroad, on Mon day.' This is the first this season. Statesvillc Landmark: Rev. S. S. Murk land, who recently had a stroke of para lysis, has been removed to the homo of his eldest son in Virginia, where he will here after reside. Raleigh Observer .- Tuesday night the tteam crin and ei "lit bales of cotton, the property of Mr W. , II. Rowland, near Elevation, Johnston county, were destroys uu uy inc. l iju UMK'H ui iue iiru nos cidental. Xe'yberu Nut Shell .- Died, in .this c'ty, Sunday, October 21, at 12:30 o'clock, I Susan Conner, aged ouc hundred and five years una eight months. Funeral will take place frohi Bethel Church at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Ra-eigh Observer : A loadstone, weigh ing 05 pounds, brought from Mitchell county by State Geologist Kerr, now or naments the foot of the stairway of the) ofl'ioe entrance! of the Brisks building. It I has a powerful magnetic power. Robesonian: Mr. Joseph Thompson, is! now fratherincr from a30 acre field of cot ton, which is averaging 1,200 pounds pf cotton per acre, the -first picking over.: Ue expects the whole held to average 1,500 pounds per acre, when it is all gathered. Kaieigu voserocr: lesterday a young man by the name of James Barrow, while at -work at a cotton ein on the farm of Cornwall Ferrell, some twenty miles imrtheast of this citv. had his hand sO badly crushed that it is thought that am putation will be necessary. Durham riant: During the past week W. T.-' Black well' & Co. have shiDoed 122,000 lbs. of 'smoking' tobacco to one map. un unuav last they received a telegram ordering 1,350 cases which amounted to 47.000 lbs. This tobacco O t r(Y legated not less than $22,000. G reensboro Patriot: Explosion of kero- sene lamp weancsaay nignt, tne ltn insfc., occurred at, the house of Mr. J. F. Helton, head miller at Oakdale flour mill, i i l : l. . . . .i, i. .AMKLfv . arcd 1.1 years, so badly that she died after twenty hours of intense suffering. Rcbcsoniari ; Dr. R.' M. Norment of this town has. a 'pet rattlesnake which is pver live feet in length and has 11 rattles. lis name is Osman Pasha, and like the Turks, lie is pluck. A huge rat was re cently thrown into his cage and it ,was thought sumo, tun would be witnessed, but he killed the rat almost instantly. Washington Tress : We are iu formed by a friend from about Blount s Crcsk that a -Miss Ruff, daughter of the widow Jewell, attempted suicide one day last week' by taking chloroform, but was dis covered in time to be saved. She had made all the necessary arrangements for shrouding herself and had laid out such clothes as she wanted Hsed. We are not informed as to the motive prompting the act. . ,. Greensboro Patriot .- H. H. Tate has Must gathered from a little less than three acres and a ha'f of ground 300 bushels of corn and 800 . pumpkins. He fed 8 hogs, 2 mules and a horse for two weeks from the corn field, what, they ato not being counted in the 300 bushels. He cut also ;'o0- bushels of i wheat from an adjoining Held which weighed 05 pounds to the bushel, o pounds more than, the standard weight. Washington I'rcss.: Osceola Forbes, of Greenville IN. tC, a young boy of only eigne vears 01 age can periorm bo wen 1 1 r - r . ii that he has been selected as leader of the 1 1- il. .1 ..I IT 1 I urass uami in mat piace. 110 nas peon taking lessons for only a few Weekk on . . 1 t i i 1 r : j a - 1 r tno vionn ana yet ue is saiu 10 ue ap wr 1 , -1.1 11 r 'm " " tw wv "uuvu tjj yv 1 Lie took part in a concert a few days ago 111 ewbern, and hiji audience was so well pleased, that a fter the concert they raised oou purse, wmcn was prescnieato nirn. 1 ccc, we asK you to go to your Druggist server: We stated some and get a Sample Bottle of Green's Au he engine "Salisbury," of ouST FtoWER for 10 cents and try it, or Uiiariottc uuscr weeks ago t hat th tlie W estern iNorth Carolina liaiiroad, haa b en carneii 10 ine neaa 01 tne roau ana 1 Till 1 t f ii. 1 -.3 1 onld be transported across the moun t; ins in "wagons, to do the necessary work oh the other side, l his attempt was a I failure, owing to the steepness of the mountain and the weight of some of the pieces after the locomotive had been uijointed as tar as possible; and now we learn that it is being taken over by means of roiies and pulleys. Seventy-five or one hundred convicts are engaged 11 drawing it up the mountain side, and no doubt is entertained that by this means it will be taken over. The idea is a novel one,' but it was found necessary to get . the engine over by some means and this was found to be the only-practical plan. Once across the mountain, its services will very much expediter the work of construction. Kaleigh Observer. Abstracts of Taxes. The following abstracts of taxes hare been received at the Auditor's Depart mcnt : ;v Camden County W. J. Whaley, Beg- ister of ..Deeds.-. General tax. $632.69 f j special tax. 01 1 ,0 i ; school tax, payable I to the County Treasurer. S 1.355.85 : county tax for all purposes, $3,426.21. Duplin County James M. Spront, Register of Deeds. General tax, 1,830. 70 ; special tax, $1,872.36 ; school tax, 3.5G0,7J; county tax lor all purposes, Greene Countv John C. Dixon, Regis tcr of Deeds. General tax, S2.107.63 : special tax, $2,155.54; school tax, $2,- 1 4 ' 9. Vj county tax for all purposes, $10,- 519 Person County Wm. E. Webb, Reg ister of Deeds. Geueral tax, $2,008.69; special tax $2,004.34 ; school tax, $2, 939.0S ; county tax for all purposes, $6, 954.S0. Sampson : .County Josiah1 Robinson Register of Deeds. General tax, $2,295. 41 ; special fax, $2,337.40 ; school tax, $4,419.98 ; county taxes for all purposes, $9,040.50. "I dou't caro for the ballot box. Twf -she said it with a sly glance at her husband 'butI would lik to haT lodges Kept irora Holding meetings more than sir nights a week." ' Charlotte Observer The Presbyterian Synod. The sixty-fourth aession of the Synod of the Presbyterian Cbirch in North Carolina, will convene at 7:30 o'clock this eveming in the1 Second Presbyterian church of this city, and will be opened with a sermon by Her. Mr. McQueen, the moderator of the last Synod. Several delegates, clerical and la, are already in the city, and many will a'rrivo to-day. Thia will probably be more largely at tended than any previous session of this body since its formation. Tne Tnermometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the . following report of the thernjometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : . Augnsta, 67 ; Cairo, 64; Charleston, 66 ; - Cincinnati, 54; Corsicana, C3 ; GlalvestoD, 70; Havana, 79; Indianola, 69; J acksonville 72 ; Key West, 8 1 ; Knoxrille, 43 ; Lynchburg, 51 ' Memphis, 55 ; Mobile, 64 j Montgomery, 58 ; Nash ville 61; New Orleans, 67 ; New York. 63 j PittaburgbV 5i' Savannah, 66 ; Shrevepjprt,,6Q; St. I)nis 57 VtTIarks, 74 ; Vicksburg, 61; Washington, 48 ; Wilmington,. 56 1 Bishop Atkinson's Appointments for the Autumn of 1877. Reidavillo . .....Nov. Leaksville, (23d Sunday after Trinity)...,.. ..Mov. 4 0 8 y Mountain Chapel... ..Nov. Germanton Nov. Winston . Nov. Greensboro (24th Sunday after Trinity)........... . .Nov. n 14 Farintoch, Granville county Nov. Flat River Chapel, " c ....J.Nov. St. Mary's, " ....Nov. Hillsboro (25th Sunday af. TriaJNov. 15 16 18 Chapel Hill... ....... .....Nov. 20 : Quarterly Meetings. Fourth round of appointments as made bv Eev William S. Black, Presidio- odist E. Church, South. Elizabeth, at Elizabeth town... Oct. 27 28 Bladen, at Windsor. ....... .Nov. 3 4 Topsail, at Wesleyan Chapel . Nov. 10 11 Kenansvule, Wesley Chapel . .Nov. 17 18 Hotel Arrivals. Purcell House, Cobb Bros. Proprie tors, Oct. 24 O M Kayser, Baltimore, McL Wm C Cooke. Georgia, Chas Peter son, K Marx, W Andrew Boyd, Jos C Bates, John A Russ, Jr, James Kirkby, New York, Jno L Collier, Atlanta, Oa. T D Love, Jr, Bladen, W J Nicolls, Balti more, Md, W H Currie, Walter G Moore, Baltimore, Md, J Dilo Churchhill, Purcell, Mo, E C Roper. Richmond, Va, T W Fih illsboro N C, Rose AVatkin, Harrv Watkins. Amv Tifie Eva Hedcrvviek Harry Watkins, Amy Iee, Era Sedgwick, M.188 VanBuren, J G Steele,. Jno W Bun- ton, H Nanany, Frank Tannehill, T Brown, Prof Sator, Watkins Theatrical Company; Thos Gaeme, Lousivillo, Ky, H U Smith, Columbus, W F French, Lumberton N C, N F Thompson, Louis ville, W A Moody, N C, B Godwin, W Gilchrist, T G Bridgers, Lumberton, N C, Capt J F Doughty, steamship Ashland. ,," Sensible Advice You arc asked every , day through the columns of newspapers andby your Drug gist to use something for Dyspepsia and Liver complaint that you know nothing about; you get discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to vnll rnnF w Xtmf, rtTlf' " ! - vnm i w1 -.j u i MnB a nA r,,i:' .uuu -u u.. piout ouu U1I61 VVU-ltUtllUb . .YYlbU 11XIE eftpctg. mirtri an Smlr Ntvnunii Kirk- TTo.-ifl ache, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation o, tVio TTon rf TTt4 f Vn.-. XXTn4-. VckrinVi rnniIncr lm ftf fnnflffv,0A;fT w &c, we ask you to ffo to your Druetrist a Recular Size for 7fi rants! two tl.isps 1 i ' will relieve You. Uiosellaneous. A Feotival, T70R THE BENfFIT OF FIFTH ST. JL' M. E. CBURCH, will be held at Megin ner'8 Hall, en FRIDAY, the 26th instant lee Cream. Oysters, and other delacacies of tne seaioB win De serrea in tne most ap proved style. The' ladies would respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public in general, and promise a pleasant evening to au wno may lavor tnem witn a can. oct u Booto and Shoes. TC8T RKCEIVED a full and complete Une V OI Hisses and Children's Shoes, direct from the manufactory, of every varie ty, style and description. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. Alan a nie line of L&Hpr' 1,v anrl Ttnttnn Boots, Gents Hand Sewed Gaiters, Congress, uutton aaa uacKie, sometnmg new, neat and noDDy. ine urn wirginia ouicii lown, tne Ransom Boots, and everything crenerallr round in a nrtt-ciass uoot and Shoe store. m ' m O no trooDie 10 snow rooas. usii ana exam ine stock, style and prices before purchasing elsewhere., T. H. HOWEY, Jr., Oct 13 Jio. 47 Market street. Removal. T HAVE REMQ7ED MY LARGE AND i - elegant stock of Oents' and Youths' Clothing and Furnishing Goods to the handsome and commodious store three doors East of mj old stand, where I am pre pared to offer bargains to ererrbodr. Call and see the Dew store and the elegant stock. oct It Market su s) -day nnui made by " J. m M AK r. mm tfJLU H i) Agenu selling our Chro-1 mm. nnrnni. and Rowaivf IfnftA. Serintin I Text, Transparent, .Picture and Chrorao Cards. 1C3 samples, wort!a 0 "t postpaid for 75cts. Illustrated CataJojrue free. ' . J. IL EUITOSD'O BdSTON, : COMMERCIAL UEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET, OCTOBEB 25-3 P. M. J SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened quiet nt cents, with no sales reported. Later, yre hear market qnoted doll at 31 cents. ROSIN Firm at fl 45 and 81 50 bid for Strained and Good Strained, holders ask ing higher. No sales reported. TAR Steady at 81 GO. Sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at f 1 45 for Ilard and 82 45 for Yellow Dip and Vir gin. Sales of day's receipts at quotations. COTTON Market opened quiet. No sales reported. The following are the official quotations: T Ordinary 0 5-1G Good Ordinary......... ......... 9 9-16 Low Middling 10 5-16 Cents. 4 it Middhnsr .....10 9-16 Good Middling .10 DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton Spirits Turpentine., 7GS bales 124 casks Kosm 1,875 Tar. -87 Crude Turpentine......... 515 bbli bblfl bbls MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer North State, Green, Fayetlcvllle, Worth & Worth. Steamer Underbill, Harper, Smithvllle, O G Parsley & Co. Swd barque Framat, Ny lander, B'leetwood, Eng, II K Heide. Br briff Eva Farker, Slocumb, Antwerp, Alex Sprunt & Son. CLEARED. Steamship Asliland, Dougherty, New i ork, A L) Oazaux. Steamer North State, Green, Fayettevllle, Worth & Worth. Steamer Underbill,. Harper, Smithvllle, O G Parsley &Co. ; Exports. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Ashland 1,086 bales cotton. 10 do sheetincr. T do chunks 4 do cloth, 88 bags fruit, 4 do herbs, 1 bbl wax, 1 do potatoes, 11 do empty bottles, 1 tub but ter, 1 bdl shot bags. List of Vessels in Port October 23, 1877. BARKS. Sirene, Ger, 497 tons, Callles, , E Pe-chau & Westermann Prima, Swd, 507 tons, Krook, Vick & Mphano Vonlleyden Cartlow, Ger, 266 tons, Speicht, E Peschau & Westermann Theresina, Br, 279 tons, Christian, Vick & Mebane Kosmos, Ger, 403 tons, Barns, E Peschau & Westermann Cito, Nor, u56 tons, Neilsen, i Vick A MfibftnA Florence Marga et, Br, 292 tons, Kewey, ! Master Amal, Nor, 260 tons, Sandrid, R E Heide August, Ger, 395 tons, Lonmirs, 1 Vick & Mebane Minna, Ger, 4G7 tons, Boesc, h Peschau & Westermann BRIGS. Adoone, Ger, 215 tons, Westermann, . v escnau & estermann Azha, Nor, 304 tons, Hanger, R E Heide Eleanor, Br, 299 tons, Partelow, ildig, Nor ., tonS) 0 t Alex Sprunt &, Son R E Heide Gazellen, Nor, 262 tons, Weebye, R E Heide Busy Bee, Br, 325 tons, Thompson, , Patterson JJowniDt; & Co SCHOONERS. Eva Adell, Am, 171 tons, Ellis, .Inst IT VfT Chromo, Am, 128 tons, Wooster, E Kidder & Sons CARPETING, CARPETING. Y ft I- - r-v w A liAuutJ ainu Well Selected Stock of CARPETING New Styles, Best Goods, CHEAP FOR CASH. SOL BEAR & BROS, 18 & 20 Market street. oct 10. -rr j. - - ' . . , . - Jno irrillUllff Ink UO MANUFACTURERS OP PRINTING INKS. BOOK AND NEWS BLACK A 17 Worth Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Oaniffi0L?rLsL? a: i' 1 1 T. . :-"f1'. uxcute uu unuer me personal super vision 01 a practical printer and pressman, therefore we will guarantee every pound of Ink sold to be of a Superior Jet Black, Quick Drying, and entirely free from setting-off. Our prices are from 30 to 60 per cent, low ei than any other Inks manufactured in the United States. A trial of a sample keg will convince any printer that he has been paying nearly double what he should for his Inks in times past Put up in kecrs and barrels tnsnif nnror. Address, KEYSTONE PRINTING INK CO., North Fifth Street, dc13 Philadelphia, Pa. PrimiEujopent Tor a Year. Less Than Four Cents a Week.'. MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE BV IXTItODUCI.VG THE SATURDAY ElEXIXG POST, Which for more than 55 Years haa been the STORY, SKETCH AJU? FAMILY PAPER, asiswellknown allorerthe United SUtes. iws puDiisnea weekly, contains eight larire pages, clearly printed on good paper, fillld ntK 4 Km ,.1 .a . with the choicest stories and shetches by the best writers; not sensational trash, but such as a mother is willing to have her children reaa. xnewnoietone or the paper is pare ana elevating. It also contain TTi(n'riial tA t: vsi articles; Scientific ; Agricultural aSd Soise- hold Departments : Faxhinn irfiM. fresh and unexceUed j Humorons Notes : Lit erary Reviews; News Notes; Boys' and Glr& Oolumns: and Strong and Snarklin EH!t. rials, etc, etc Is just such a paper as every- -' wj uu us price u omy TWO DOLLABS A YEAR. Z2ZZtinS rfb rate?, etc. sent Prfct stamp, Address, l0- Q1 " T w" w BENXKTT A ipitp-jt .w uuwmi3ireeLi'iiiiiii nil 1 p. N B. Berars mil - Xr l vu, so t&at we may kaow through what tirer r-w i ccsaes. " . " ' wa J3 3- Miscellaneous. OUR OWN Unrivaled OF Pony, Blue Grass, Sweet Mash, Smoky Hollow, Delmonico Club House. The above are warranted the rands PUREST & CHOICEST in the State, and at our usually Low ocas GEO.MYERSV 11 &. 13 SOUTH rEONT ST- . oct 23 Come ! Come ! Come ! TO Exchange Corner. ;. . K. JN.--U. Sl'ltUNT wishes to announce XT j. tnat ue is now ready, after having re- J 1 1 , ttmif ...... r . ... . r. ceivea an oi ine jiv styles, in Millinery and Fancy Goods, the Latent in French Pat terns, Hats and Bonnets; Velvets!, Kibbons, t lowers, leathers and all the ! Fashionable Trimmings, to make an exhibition of the same, lhere will, therefore, be an OPENING, AT THE EXCIIANG E COR NER, ON THURSDAY, 251 inst., to continue until Saturday evenintr. All must come and Fancy Line, oct 24 see. Everything new in the N II. SPRUNT. IH OafeiQ NORTHERN APPLES JUST IN And for sale bv BINFORD, LOEB & GO. oct 10 NEW RIVER OYSTERS. A RRIVING FRESH EVEUY Uav. Ordors nrnmnf t filli.lV - at$l a gallon and Oysters left at noase irceoi extra cuarge.' OB El) JENKINS, Southwest Corner Market an 1 Second sts. oct 18 For Rent A PART OF THE house now occupied by Dr. M. J. !)- Aa uumcr 01 iuarKct ana ihiru streets. Most convenient location in Ujc city. Single rooms, or in suite for housekeeping. Apply promptly on the premises, oct 15. We Respectfully Oifer to the Public () "r IHh-Largest and Che ai est stocks of HE A D Y M AD H CLOTHING, DOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, DItY GOODS, &c, Ac, Arc, &c, in tliis city or State we respecttully solicit a call before pur chasing elsewhere. SOL. DEAR ii BROS. oct 15 IS k 20 Market street tVliss S. A. Strock A NXOUXCES TO THE LADIES nfWii. XX mington and rieinity, that she has re- FINE FRENCH MILLINERY to the Buildinjr, SOUTH SIDE OF PHI NCESS STREET THREE DOORS FROM FRONT . . .... ... ; ,"c"u".ja "me Duiidmg. Wok done 1 Ser- SvracLaad I ill wlU m Aria fs aWm. oct ID A. STllOCK. At Homp A xro i n I -t iiisi WE DAV RETURNED I " i TO OCR OLD QUARTERS, 4 and 5 SoutM Water Street, Buddings thoroughly repaired, and especial ly arranged for our business. next sale; CUfcBDAlT, October. 23, 10 o'clock, A. 23. Unlimited Goods received wntil that hour. CRONLV MORRIS, .A . ; Auctioneers, A I 0 -J V .1 1 I cellaneouB. WilmiDgion coffljmsif I company. A SPECIAL 1IKETT?C 1877 ers of thia of Bani of vw tt.- . efi4 necessary to nmm,. '..:: Dj order of the Board of Director' oct 23 Just RecerveT A KESH SUPPLY OP DTh. A. Fine Asst. of Cakes a&d ? JS Graham ami t? racke Extra Gilt Edge Table 'iW... Apples, Carrots, Dor-v and Cjbbage, Ac.! H "Mir shampoon5batbs Q HAVE, 10 cents. nir Cut, 25 Shampoo, 25 cents. esa Dtnd cold all hours. Clean towel, aad sharpy, abundance. All work done with dispatch. Fall anfl liter n JOW IN' STORK A LARGE AND CAS. fully selected Btock of Staple and Fd Goods, BooU, Shoes, Hits, Clothing, nishing Goods, Ac, for the Fall and Wl Trade. These goods were selected by me perwul, the Northern markets and with tffii ie wante and reqairemeuts of thh S respectfully incite an exmin.tion Wholesale Deal r "vi wiu rare oargains. 4 , A. WEILL, Agent, " ct17 No. 17, Uket St SPECIAL AllNOUNCEMEIIT, rpEETlI f INSERTED ON p-r X Silver Plate at theaame rate asftnTrr' bber. It is far haltm v,. ?nd.,can hc. worn with much' 7" wuuw ,5' me patient as it occupies , room in the month. w .l.Awter the price of Gold Plat. wv unu all other Dental -.f lully and satisfaction guaranteed. T tracted without Daln. f7rr' constantly on hand. new to 1 oct 20 No. 38 Market fitA ids Millinery and Fancy Good jyj-RS'. L. FLANAGAN WISHES TO A nounce to theLadie that she has retard lrorathe Northern Cifio. .k v.. making her Fall purchases In MlLLINUn auu every aescription of FANCY ARTICLE! and is now prepared to show her pstrowi 0TLc!iye and Deautifttl Stock tfi the NEWEST STYLES in i French Vim sonnets ana Hats, Velvets, I Silks, Festka luncrj, XUDDOns, tXC. My motto is, as heretofore, the BcstOoo the Latest Designs, the Lo west I'riccs, sod lie j,iu -uuuoraoie ueaung. Orders from the country solicited, tad ftf ""fliacuon guaranteed or monej 1UUUCU. Variety Store, 42 Market Street. oct 2 MRS. L. FLANAGAJ. OYSTERS FIRST OF TttE SEA805! NEW RIVER 0YSTEW Fat and sweet, now serred np it the Centennial Saloon The finest Wines, Ales, Lagers aid Cfi atways on nana. JOHN CAKBUJ eept21 , Proprietf REMOVAL. JOHN WERNER has remored hiiBarb Shop on SouthFront Street oDsdcwfJ0 of his old stand. Ills friends he will now be pleased to i ' H Ti 7, South Front street, (CleporM oct lb Consignments in Store TTTILL BE CLOSED OCT Monday, Tuesdsy sad lfedaedJl Choice Goshen MoBBtsIoBottsr Lard, in Tnbs and Backets, Phnico Pan w..,A Raeoi Rams, wuwaci V1UIUKU . Rice, PoUtoes, Tars Soap, Lye, Cheese and Tobacco, Poultry, Eggs, Crackers, c Cash advances msde-on coniignmcaU iroduce. ' m n,f,mtrpv Next North Princess ana n awr Oct 22 -.- - - : JUST MD. AX0TUEB RCE L I A D n E L V MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND CUILD J Clothing. Sold at loir prices, at A nintl ITerchaat Tailor, Ccr. Treat ' cct 23