THIS PAPER i .Wished leTfrj.afternoon; Sundays ex- cepted by JOSH. T. JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. crBSCKlPTIONStP06TAGE PAID. rt-e rr,$3 00 Six months, $2 60 ; Three Bonths, f 1 25 One month, 60 cento, fbe paper wiU be delivered by carriers, ofcbwg in y P of the city, at the Me rates, or 13 cents per week. : j Advertising rte11 low Mi liberal f SjSubscribers will please report any and failures to receire their papers regularly. flew Advertisements. 4o 31 A KB T ; STRBET, ' UBlil? .HIE FOLLOWING Tjr 0RUE14 TO PROVE TO OUR friends iilhepnWiethat we sell our" good m TEBY SMALL MARGIN FROM COST, undine entirely on the quantity sold to euD our returns, knowing by past ex SS.cSth.t LOW PKICFS.ia the ONLY gl'RE method to attain onr object : BLACK GROSS GRAIN SILK, worth $1 75; now $1 25. u , DIa k Silk Velvet, $1 75 up, suitable for ' Bonnets aud Trimmings. All Colors in Alps ca Dress Goods, 20 to. Ail Colors iii Worsted D;csj Goods, 20 Cents upward.-. jlalelesse Dress GcoJd, 25 Cents upward,. Knickerbocker Drees Goods, 20 Cents. Kolt'9 Suiti: ts -Dress Goods, 25 Cents, flick and Colored Caslniici-es, 50c. up. SHAWLS! i A Beaut ful Line New Sty lee. $1 75 a pair to $10 00. " CAUCOE3,i5.acd 8 Ctn's. KENTUCKY JEANS, Ac, , f..rl'i a.d Boys' Wear, uur va tcij.h tLIs iine of goods is Urge and oiryA-c befits at 12$ Cent 3. - ..-'-'-'-- fELT AN D BALMORAL: SKIRTS fr.'m 50 Cents up. HAVBURG EDGINGS AN D INSER . ViOHS. from 5 Cents up. They are acknoledg-d by ALL to bethe cheapest ever fl'ered in this city. SEUK RUFFLING .in gi eat variety 10 Cents up SINGLE RUCHES, S for 5 Cents. GENT WAMSUTTA SIIIRT Linen Finite 75 Cents. Sold everywhere -" i;r u do. ; SPECIAL BABGAINS. UXTlTtKY JJ5ANS, slightly spotted, r Cents., .Kemeniber it all wa&hes out, and the former price was 35 Cts. Remnants of Dress Goods closing out at 15 Cents. ; -V Remnants of Natesook, Plaids and Stupes, Ve y Low. brown & roddick; oct 27 45 Market Street. Hale's Syrup, ' 0UUOUND AND TAR. Bull's Cogh P rt nr:it.l . fwtl ,-v,i'joocncr uerman ojrup. Tn.i ' of Patent Medicines, Pure Progs and ChcmicaU. For sale by ! JAMES C. MONDS, DrujrgiBt, je pt 2$ Third St., opposite City Ha". Boots and Shoes. rpiIE LATEST AND MOST DESIRABLE rtyles of Ladiet'Gents', IBojb, Misaes and CkUdren's Sl.hei. All sizes, all styles, and ll priees.'- . i Goods all freeh and nw and no old, dry tort on hand. A full line of every thjng in eboe line and all 'offered at prices, that ai enforce sales. - An examination of etK 11 rpectTully solicited. ; TH05. H. nOWEY, Jr., ki A Kn. It Market st 1 - Mrl:H SHAWLS ! tURIIlTllilE allD UflllrtlOltHc'it would w our. citizens to pnt Ml. T, A ' SIITTH tl CO. loifllwharf of the Compress Company and six Tnn . . . . irf tnP. ! A I .jl-rAXlU Wiai llmmrrcsstosee. and complete stock now la Warereoxas,! fllow . II r y, CjJ andeiaaint sad sd for cata!eTies. f! WU! L DaKOSSET HAVING thi8powder Jusstood the critical test of the HiriJ drawn frem the firm of DaROS-1 housekeepers and the consuming pub- nrnnuoVT' "unvu ' fl It U absolutely pure, and aJways ofnni- v A. J. DeB0S8KT, I form strenstb. The genuine is put up i r VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C., MONDAY, NOVEMBER LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisement. A. D. Ca.alx New York S. S. Line. A. D. Cazaci Baltimoro 9. 9- Line. Boatwaiour J41Loy JiuTer Shew Year Iland. , Kocso A Co $70. Gko. Mt2rs The Lowest Prica. Jobi L. BoAxwRiOHt Foreclosure of Mortgage. BixroD,LosB A Co Cotton TleSalAc 8. Jewjstt Phillippe's LoTe8tory. A. Shusb Yery Low. w Jerusalem cherry trc?s look pretty ,in parlors Coal is retailing at $3.90 ft ton in Brook-i lyn N. Y. , A poiut. not well taken the point of a bayonet. Folly' hates wisdom, eveu the gentlest wisdom. Vines on dwellings show "pere and yel low leaves' Dandies' are generally plausible men of good 'dress. i. Mexican cittus uro the 'porcupines of conservatoriea. City boiler in full dress wear bracelets of natural Uo'.vt'iH. A householder advertises rooms to let to geptleinen furnished with gas. A French' chemist' has invented apalnt which becomes luminous at night. -. The pilot boat IM; H. Chwan is on ihe Marine railway for slight repairs. Leading idea of tho free thinker 'whatever is. must be put a stop to at once. A man will frequently go back on his owd philosophy whcn the breechin breaks. " The more hat a man can buy for $2 the less bonnet a weman can buy for $20. ! Can it indeed' be true that the telephone will transmit the sraU of lager? Who i nose? - ' . ' i Whvrodoall the hpga that aro -renting up our'pretty grass plots on Sunday come from? The Street Cars will be' run over the new truck up Market to 17th street to morrow. Vhca dj skippinj'ambs become like literary volumes? When tbey become bound ':i:ilr. cp. We don't c-xn: much fur ballada, but wj are ready to -print .ball ads - at the regular advertising rates. ; .. .. .... : It is .said that uats boiled au.l fed in slop to lwgfl afllictcd with cholera will cure tbcin up itf a few days. lie that docs a base thing in zeal for his friend bui'ns the-golden thread that ties their hearts together. Bright red lobsters and tiny green bee- tics aro embroidered on tDe poinis oi jauics collars and cutis. . . , . - . ... . i : When a man has' no design but to speak the truth, he may say a groat deal in a venf narrow compass. Milton Nobles and troape left last evcning iorvQarii-Biuu wucjo uj - ed to play Flucuix to-night. He murmured, "1 am a man of quiet tastes;" thnn ,wenlj .behind the door, took a flash from his pockeLand Ustfld some thing. Rcsjaud Uarry Watkins played in Wilson last Saturday and Monday nights aud drews large houses. English young ladies are wearing i'deer stalker h.Ms," and to hear the dears talk ing about them is perfectly delightful. I Wood is scarce and still very Wgb. tderahlv U uicoo iu-j iwv ..w grates in. their bouses and burn coal. mi .,.1. anjcnla lwinw flt the at an adjoining wuarf belonging to ne Carolina Gentral 2. B. Co. It is a pretty w wnrlh trfllVinir tn the WgOV SUU " " D - " i delicious CoolLery. Theligatcst, sweetest, mat wholesome Uand delicious1 Vienna rolls, tea biscmis, H mufjans, flannel cakes, crullers, and Iall articles prepares i rom uour, o I east rowutn. "t8 W.V 7: 7 tL. House Furnish ins: Store. Messrs. F .M. King & Co., are to djen a Louse furnishing Cotablishmcnt on the 10th iast., in the store on Market street recently vacated by Col.' Hcdrick. The f stock has been ordered aud is now on tho. way nere aad i efpcUd to be open and ready Tot exnrbuion next Saturday . lne new fitm- have our best wishes for their success; . . . Caared with Itifanliciiic. To-day was sst for the preliminary ex amination of the ea3c of Sarah A. Denton, Colored, charged with' imfanticide, before j. c. inn, j. r. The dcfc.ndcn t is the widow of the late Allen Den ten, who was well known to our citizens. Tho charge against the womau is that she gave birth to a child about one week ago ahd subsequently destroyed it. She is confined to hor LcJ, hence the ex amination did not take place this morn ing, but in order to prevent an escape from tho clutches of the law, Sheriff Manning has placed special officer Bryant in charged of the woman at her residence on Market street. Our colored citizens evinced Considerable interest in the case fad by ten o'clock this morning there were not loss than ono hundred and" fifty women and cue third as many men assembled in the Court House to hear the examination. The caso was postponed until Thursday nest atf which time it is thought the woman will be able to come out. .y. : Resolutions. At a meeting of the Voii'ig Catholic Friends Socief y hCd on the 4th inst.-, the follotriDg resolutions oSereJV.y..Col. B. K. 'Moore, Messrs. F. . Kcrchuer and W. P. Pric?, the Commit o appointed .at a previous . meeting to i'-;.rt them, were unanimously adop:cd: . It continuVly becomes he Christian's duty to bow in humble submission to the Divine will; and as friend after friend is laid away in the silent tomb, the heart, while it is afflicted with the fang oi part ing, chould be consoled .with the knowl- to the decree of a merciful and all-wise Providence. The Ycucg Catholic Fiicnd'a Society, in common with.the entire Arch Djocese of Baltimdie, h?s learned' with profound sor row of the daTn of tho distinguished prelate who has been for the past five years its 'spin Uial' head. In his death we mouru a departed iricd; but while we so mourn, we tevereatsv how- to the merci ful decree which relieved him from the weighty and responsible duties as an1 Archbishop of the Church, and placed on his head the crown wl:ich 'o the reward of the faithful. James Roosevelt Bagiev wi-o r.o ordi nary man, nor were Lis head uud heart of ordinary mould. lie -was a grandson .of Richard Bagley,' of Kew York, and was born in that city Aug. 33d, 1814. He was a graduate of Washington (now Trinity) College, Hart ford, and was for some time tutor there. He studied theology with" "Dr. Samuel Farmer Jarvis, cf Middlctown, Conn.,' was oraamea a mimsiei oi xuo jl roiestao Episcopal Church, and preached at Har lem'. NJ Y., and afterward at Hagerstowr, Md. lie then joined the Uatnoiicuiiurcn, prepared himsolf for the priesthood, at St. Sulpico in Paris, and was ordained in flew lorkj'Marcn L'a, i&ij, vy iisncp Hushes. He was appointed iirolessor of belles-lettres at St. John's College, Ford ham', ii. Y., of which he was President in 1845-0 ; and Irom 184G to 1S53, was Secretary to Archbishop Hughes. On Oct. 30th, 1853, he'was consecrated first bisfeop of Newark, N. J., which under his administration became one ci tne most prosperous dioceses in the United States. t i- 3 i o . i ir.t) n -1 1 j tie iounueu oeiuu xian vAuvge uuu uu merous schools, academies, convents, and churches. On July 30th, 1872, ho was appointed Archbishop of Raltimorc. He has published a '-'Sketch of the History of the Catholic Church in the Island cf New York"; "Memoirs of Sikou Gabriel Brute, first Bishop Vincennes" and 'Tas tarals for the People." He was the nephew of Mother Sctoa, (ncc Bagley) foundrese of the order of Sisters of Charity in America, at Emmettscurg, where the la mented Archbishop's mortal remains, at Lis own request, found their last resticg place, at the side of his beloved and ven erated aunt Motuerbetcn. The Young Catholic Friends Society do therefore resolve; That in the death of Arehbiahop Bay ley the Arch-Diooeaa of Baltimore, together with all its depetxteaeiea, ha STntaineda heavy infiictioi ttteband of ProrWexce. and that we in common with the rest of the faithful under the jorisJictioo of the Arch-Diocese, deeply mourn his loss. , That, as a tribute of respect to his memory we will wear black crape ca the badge of the Society for the 6paceof thirty days.;-;':,'. . Hcsolccd, That we will attend in a body tho Solemn Eequieo High Mass oa the 7th instant being the Months Mind of our late Archbishop. - Jlesclxtd, That these resolutions be placed on the records of the Society aaJ be seat to tho Catholic Union for publjea- Uod and tbs city papas. SHiiw. Body Recovered. 1 The body of Kelson Jones, the colored man who was drowned a few days so near Moore's Inlet was found -jsterdiy a short distanee- from the plaSetthSboii Ls: Y - ' Lnj capsized ia crossinir: Iha iM&ftJSUf:-: FM&nQ X Utewlett Wat nctiSad ftriatfWfcjIawiLtkil nt, was' ncme ana-T4qwatlai morning to thfrbeaclrto. tarfciTajtrJji over the body.' ; - if '--'jti c s rZTT The receiptaof : cdttobtysilnil' port foot up 3,888-balesi rhfcr okea O th bigg?ssto6tott dy iaiirTecOT f this city.. Some other -large days were Not. 27, 1875, 1.C80 bale 3; October 23, 1876, 1,789 bales; Nor., 27, 1876, 1,808 bales; December"!, 1876, 1,718 bales, f I In Distress. . Schr. Laura Wrob, Capt. Thos. Trar- i crs, bound from Porto Beilo for Balti more, 23 days out, pat into Smlthvilio this morning in distross, with all hands except the captain, down with, the Chagres fever The schooner experienced heavy weather, lost sails, rising damaged, and is leaking badly. She will" repair here and then proceed to hor destination.'- . Cut With a Knife, . During a scuffle on-Saturday "night be tween two colored men in a grocery store in Brooklyn one was severely cut in the arm with a pocket knife. The wound is not considered dangerous, but is painful. It is said the men were engaged in a frienay scuffle and the cutting was an accident The flags on the Custom House and oth er public buildings were half masted to day in honor to the memory of ' Senator Morton. Hotel Arrivals. Purgell House, Cobb Bros. Proprie tors, Nov. 2d, 1877. C MSchmitz, Wel don ; J H Curtis N B ; J Lylo Clarke, wra Jjugaale, Thos Shafler, Henry Piohr, Chas H. Wier, O P Briton. A , fiimmends. Baltimore; J K Draper, LeGrau Bevedict, H Putzel, New York ; L J RadclifTe.-Col- nmW? AJranjb K Barnes. JrJ North Carolina: P D Cowan., citv : WarleM Coffin, U S ifM ; Capt. J F Doughty, S S Asbland : ThcsATimiiif Timxti Landing; B P Chatfield, Aiken, S C; rtobt W Potter, H- Ernst, Augusta, Ga : JnofcL Collier, Macon; J E Pague, Hender son, N C. . - The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the following .report .fit.- L X il ' IV- , ing at 7:31 o'clock : ; - ' Mobile, Ala... G2 Montgomery Ala.. .56 Nashville, Tenn. ...62 New Orleans, La... 64 New York, N. 'Y..47 Pittsburgh, Pa.... ;.52 Punta Rassa, FIa.v.73 Savannah, Ga.......59 Shreveport, La.. ...58 St Louis, Mo ..40 St. Marks, Fla;.;:..6l Vicksburg, Miss.. .60 Washington, D. 0.45 Wilmington, N. C.31 Augusta, Ga.........44 Cairo, 111 63 Charleston,. 8 C....59 Cincinnati, O 55 Corsicaaa, Tex 45 Fort Gibson, C. Galveston, Tez....:.CS Havana ...79 Indianola, Tex 69 Jacksonville, Fla...65 Key West; Fla.... ...78 Knozville, Tenn....4S Lynchburg, Va.... . 47 Memphis, Tenn..... 55 Bishop Atkinson's Appoint'nntsfo; the Autumn of I877f ' ' . ;. : j Reid svillc Npy !3 Loftksviilo, (23d . Sucday afte -, j Trinity) ........ .v. .v ; . .. .-.v. . . .Nov. A Mountain Chapel. . : . ..:r.:.Nor. 'C Germanton x. ,.v,I.NoyI j8 Winston .Nov. 1 19 Greensboro (24th Sunday after r Trinity)...: . . . . ANoY. 11 Fariutoch, Granville county . . . ..Now, 14 Flat River Chapel, ' .....'.Not.- 15 St. Mary's, . Nov. 16 Hillsboro (25th Sunday af:-Triui)Nor. 18 Chapel Hill .: Nov., 20 Quarterly MeetlBs j J Fourth round of appointment as made by Rev. William S. Black, Presidiag Elder, for the WilmiDgton District, Meth odist E. Church, South. ' Bladen, at Windsor. ...... .'.Nov. a 14 Topsail, at Wesley an Chapel. No v.. 10 11 Konansville, Wesley ChapeU.Nov. 17 18 ' - - ; , : ! sensible Advice ; You are asked every. day through the columns of newspapers andbyyourDrug giat to use somen: ag for. Dyspepsia and Liver complaint that yon know nothing about; you get discouraged spending mone5with but little, success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Gbeei's August Flower will cure you of Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint with all its effects, such as Sour Sumach, Sick Head ache JLIabiiual Costiveness, Palpitation o, the Heart, HearV-burn, Water brash, oomiDg np of food after e&Hngvloir tpirite, &c., we ajilcycnio go to your Druggist and get a SampM Bottle of . GazEF's Au GTTsrr FiWEa for 10 cents and 'try It, ct a Regular Size for 75 centsj two dcaeS will relieve you, ? r" BUYS A MOST . EX' B-SJOsi- ; CEIXENT iff V"l nov 5 aothierji2crchiai Tafcri 5, 1877. NO. 215 New Advertisements. K3ever ShDw Your -- -. : I feJMOWf.Groceiyien, AKE: SURE OF A POINT! , ;TAKE TUB ADVICE GT BOATMGHT.J McKOlf, and your customc:? Will Dceeived. WE PHOPOiSE To Show Our Hand and lcaTcthe public To Judge as to tJic Point. We have on hand, which we are fcilicg at 2.9CO Lbs. of th "oseI XL HAMS, 200 Bb's. High Grades' FLOUK7 -20.000 Lb3. Clear Kib and Long Clear SIDES, 75 Bbla. Eary Rore Tota oef. 20 Bblf! APPLES, In fact, wc have crery thing you ;caa name in the I Again we repeat, Don't take our word for It. Come i ad ex amine for yourselves, t illl'lJMOl' 0, 7 Sl 3 Worth Troat 3trcct nov 5 Foreclosure of Mortgage. gY .VIRTUE A.D IN PURSUANCE of tha power contained in a certain mortgage deed, executed to tne undersigned and C D. MJc6(asUlutin the late firm of C. D. Myers A fo.) by Edward L. Hall, bearing date the 25th da v of Au trust. 17?. nriil m&tm. O 1 7 -J, tercd in the Register's office of New Hano ver county, in Book M. M. M., page 284, 1 will,as the r urviving partner of the said fim, on SATURDAY, the 24th day of November instant, at 11 o'clock, A. M., at Exchange Corner, in the city of Wilmington, expose to sale to the highest Didder, at Public Auction, for cash,. all the interest (being oneuhdifid ed eleventh part) of the said Edward L. Hall in that HOUSE and LOT in said citj, on Princes street, between Front and Second streets, being part of Lot 1 in block 1G3, and adjoining on the west the Journal office bilding,and in a TRACT OF LAND ia Pen der county, on the ncitheast branch of the Cape Fear river and Clark's Creek, and ad joining the "Vats" Plantation, formerly be longing to the late Levin Lane. JOHN L. BOATWRIGIIT. nor &-codta Mon Wed Th. Cotton Ties, Salt, &c. 1500 BandIes nok cd EJe Cot ton Ties. 300 Sacks Salt, &0 Boxes Bacon, 500 BbU Fiotir, all grades, 78 Bblsi Sugar, 100 Bbls Molasnes, 200 Kej ITsils, 100 Boxes Soap, 1 , 100 Bas Cofiee, Backets, Cheese, Lard, Cracker, Candr, Sauff, Ac. , BIN FORD, LOEB k CO." nova 3 Phillippo's Lovo Story. TALE OF Fashion and .Passion ia France, by OcUve Feaillct. Translated by Qiot Leigh For sale at :. 7 -: .' s. JEWErrs: " j.QT2 i -Front Street Book Store. SUfflR fc,.aa from nr friends on asy asd all rJ.;tj general interest bat : , . , 1 The name or the wrlSsf tst tlvxya b faralahed to the Editor.; r 1 1 'f , , Commvnieatioaf tasst bt wrtltca eily pm one side of the paper. " Personalities cert be aTrAdsd..' r ,f,, Andit is especially and particIllZj ZZ-Z? stood that &e editor does set atwiyf tzZsxs the views of correspondents, t?T tlji in the editorial colamiu. 1 ' t New Advertiscricntc; ' it? 0::i: uwda LuJa'L CLL ' 'm mm' ' -y.Vl 36 T3nvl:z?Cur Cneapcr thajiibiyi&rei'(6r- j'M - : ( ' twenty yean I 1 ,.r Dress Cdpdo';,; AH tho latest NorelUa In t; , -Cashmeres, Merinoes, Snowflakea, Kars,-Knickerbocker and MaUaseo Suit ings, T rrismatic, Valencia and Friborongh'Cf6&, Henriettas, Bombarines, Taffetas, Alpacas, Mohairs, Rept and Poplins, ice. FRINGES, GALOONSand ( Braidi"to match any of above. '' ,"!' ' Full Lines of . Jif Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, The Best Brands so popular all over the Stales, ' 1 ; CLOAK 3, SHAWLS, FLANNELS r BLANK HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, DAMASKS. :. Unsurpassed for quality, work and price. WHITE GOODS, Hdkerchiefs, Corsets, Gloves, andHoisery. 1 VAL. and TORCHON LACES v VIen & Boys Vpmm Ladies' and Misses' Vests, Skirts, SccJ, &c. ATPmcEsvnioii . , Where cverylhibg has been purchased with CARE AND EKPEniEUCE Suitable for bur; at tho lowest ; POSSIBLE PRICES 1 TO EXAMINE IS ? M- HATZ9 33 .Market iBtreSt. oct L "1 V he Lowest Pricbb. FRESH CO0EO! . ..,icrj ti if t.ii 360 Rbls. FLOUR, $5 to $10 per bbl. 5 CO Cases Canned Ooodsy Cakea, and Crackers,-. -V; V. ,', 50' Lbl5. RcOned Fugari;" fj 7S Bags Jara.Laguayraand Bio Coffees. 500 Cases Wines and Brandies, , ; , . , SO Firkins and tabs Best Batter, is .the World. Price redtfeed to'SStts. ' "' ' i'tt trrf per pound. . . - ' -if - Beef Sausage and Bologna, refh,Joday from the West direct.' Largea Beef Tester at90cent -:--wJ.wU , GEO. rJYGQC. ii cl 13 ooucn raoOT c? Oct 23 PREHIUli 7 SOME :OF THE JI3TE FAT " Beef which took the Pre mi- Uv 1 urn at the Weldon s Fa Uri In We will be glad to nttW. .e: mm 17 week has be;a secured by "bo and Is taoa hand and for sale at nay stall la tie Iliiet noose. Orders received ahead , are e-rtfally attend! tJ.A call aiJ cxisIiiUca'lj re. spectfniysoUcUetf.7GrO.'F ClLlTTt nov. 3. : sun To. a liizzl ilS. : SUBSCRIBE TO ffZTt - " X T. v. it