THIS PAPER - I V jlfchcd' every afternoon, Sundays cx f?V ccptedbyV jOSH. T. JAMES, EDITOR AND FBOPBIETOB. -.fiCsIiWNS. POSTAGE TAID. ; -i f3 00 Six mon $2 50 Three "'ths $125 ; One month 60 cents. BCS apcr will be delivered by carriers, f!f large, in any part of the city, at the 0 '..Jot 13 cents per week. f ertfcing rates low and liberal ' . . rkn'oa will TlSArrrrt anv and yaODSCri""" " r- r glares to receive their papers regularly. m Advertisements. 1 'ill r MARKET, STREET,' 15 gCBMIT TIIE FOLLO WING r I. j OIiyEi: TO PROVE TO OUR friends kpa'utfc that we sell our goods on a Uy SMALL MARGIN FROM COST, Lto entirely on the quantity sold to j Kf-niir returns, knowing bj past ex- Kneethat LOW PBICPS-is the ONLY ftrr redioJ to attain our object : ; . . -irK GROSS GRAIN SILK, worth $17, noW $1 25. d- Silk Velvet, $1 75 up, suitable for a j&intfsatul Trimmings. VA Cofon to Al?sca Dress Goods, 20 to Jii VI Cvlgra hi Worsted I): ess Goods, 20 Cents i:iv,aiu - P.i.ril5 9H (Vnf.t uriwnrd. i.crJ0,:Ler Dress Goods, 20 Cents. 1 ,Li;, fuitiurs Dress . Uoous, 20 uenis, & and Colored Cashmeres, pOc. up. A Beaut fid Line New Styles, $1 75 a pair to $10 00. , CALICOES, 5 and 8 Cents. feDS,-KJE2TTUCKY- JEANS, &c, lrXea-a&3' Boys' Wear. Our va- rely m tlh line of goods is lerge and 0.11 price Logins at 12 Cents. LT AXD BALMORAL SKIRTS j frjmjfl Cents upV i J one uuv TI0XS from 5 Cents up. 1 Ley are iiTOwledgVd by ALL to bo the cheapest over offered in this city. XK-RUFFLING in great variety fcoa 10 Cents ur SKGLE' HUGHES, 3 tor 5 Cents. t Kra'-WAAISUTTA SUIRT5 Linen Fror.ts 75 Cents. Sold cv(ry where ; fcr 1 00. ; SPECIAL BAHGAINS. j EXTl'CKY J EANS, slightly spotted , LY) Cents. Jtememlcr it all wa7s " t'Ui,'a:Kl the former price was 05 Cts,. fcmunts of Dress Goods closing out at of LCent3. imnanlsof Niinscok, Tlaids and Stiipes, Ve7 Low. BROWN & RODDICK, oct 27 45 Market Street. mm SOMETHING NEW AT Exchange Corner. VEW NETTING for Scarfs and Veiling ; A Sonin l44rina fl TlAtV lot of FrlBETeSf j dudes;. Also tho latest styles in Child- S&MASuJl'sSSf, 81 NiKid Gloves; Hamburg Edingsand wrung?; uor8ets, liucmnfr, nanajiercuii;taj eiBibsi Spanish Net, and other Fancy A-ticlea. oa will fmd the best value in the city. Sew Hoods always being received in th tlincrv Department. A handsome line of Straw and Felt Goods, "er,Feathe", Plush, fcc, always on hand. sot 7 N II. S'PRUKT. I Western Beef. i51 for sale at 12 1 ; ct5. a nound attic.;ee cuts. Call and see it and leave borders. ISAAC W. KING,J iot 7 , Currie's DlocS. . Bull's Cough Syrup, A tt-8 Cbcr v Pectoral, Ig r Elder Flower Soap, Cigars, p.-.,- rrmif And Princess ts. j. utmost care riven to filling prescrip- VERY-LOW. QLOTUIxg IS SELLING NOW . Vei-y Olieap mMmwi SHAWLS ! SHAWLS Wt my jsublishment on Market street, I orth 315 for onlly CIO. h' so aai i warrant it to be! so, at x Market et. VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1877. NO. 217 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. . - -A. Siirie& Very Low. Munsoh fc& Co Full Lines. S. Jewett Irish Legends. J.. II.. Bailet Fashionablo Dancing School. . Burb ask Bull's Cough Syrup. I. W. Kixg Western Beef. . Wm. LaV.kiss, Aelm'r Notice. N. H. Sfeunt Always Something New ! Seo Tribute of Respect. See Local ads Beef and Sausages. ;,Fiib-roc aver' selling at 75 cents per dozen. Goolish last night anil overcoats were in demand. Misery lovts company, and. so docs a marriageable young lady. Quarrels, would, never last long if the wrong was alf on one side. Lifu is a comedy to him that thinks and a tragedy to him who feels-. Satin bonnets arc fashionable ) but hats that have been sat. in arc not fash ionable. ' The difference between the dress of a man-and a woman nowadays is in getting over a fence. r Just the weather to brace a man and make him feel as good as if he owned a block of buildings. For sausages, fresh"made, and of the best material, zo to the corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. t The newcomer at a college is called "a fresh man," because before long he is likely to get v a "pickle." ' A young lady says that, what with a pull-back dress and Jong kid gloves, she feels like "a kid doll.' There is no man who needs so much watching as the one who ia all tho time waltching some one else. Notwithstanding our precautions, some- body passed a 1,000 counterfeit note on of our carriers yesterday, v r,f Rivt.h ahd'Chestnut iL L 1 IVrf WlUUi I . fi , , p , .ttccts yon ,wUl .always . mountain beef and at low fi f The present clerk of the market, L. M. hQ iastructcd to take Mathew Williams, Esq. , has paid in thus far near- Qf the nmcs of thc county in ly '$1,1 OOroodforsen months. sano ylumf beforc the county physician The democratic rooster is in his clement for examination, and, if pronouccd sxnc, . . v : a roi,n tv,ot ho ilio. released from "custody. now: never, was. in imvi .umn and never gave forth clearer or more joy ous notes. The man who wraps himself around thc cotton gin and expects to get the best tllc cm,racCj aiu't tho reformer that th age demands. Pilot boat Bolt II. Cowan was launch- oA from thelMarihc Railway yesterday and pilot boat Uriah Emmons was hauled up craiSChool fund, and that thc said amount to-day for slight repairs. be charged to Pender county, to be cullect The. cautionary signal was displayed ed when a settlement shall take place be last night alter having been up all day he school claim in yesterday, but there has been no storm m JZol committee of Federal this locality since it was raised. wshir be paid out of the gpneral Mr. II. C. Dravo, has opened a bar and funJ vn T JJl Till" II' 1 111 1. 11U UIUVW V. " " t Manning House, where thc finest liquors and best eigar, can found. Giro him a call i " . I VcnusandJuiutcr arc very ncartoSoth- cr now ana i win u m ujuu, i ii l t AAnnmrtt inn riTl Friday evening. - They can be seen now .w.fimn.mrlvin the 'cvcninK, in lUt il w.. -j he Southwest. Capt; II. C. Cassidey left this port this nrnino-with his schooner, the Rare, for uivi. - Savannah, Ga. Capti Cassidey goes for the purpose oi wrecKui tiK-i'b Georgia and Florida. A tram n called at a house on Third street the other day and asked for some- . . . -. thtog to cat. lie W so mn .ilAf uhnT hi" that wnen ne nan a pain uo - . . . . T 1 1. IHn r tO I touch of colic or the backache. Cotton Figures. m f .n.rtn tn-rlav foot UP l,523baks agaiast 1,010 for the sam day last ,jcar. For tUo first sevca days iiiu - v . - day last .year... tortuenrs, c kuu? November this year, the receipts are ui an. J,oii ft Oiri ... ,.... otv. t?mrt ist baled asainst t,nu iur v. o.v ycar a g; gain of 4,171 bales for tms year, - ... or i.ife. ..1, w' Mnftll the Tarioua forms jjy xjiti into which it is customary to convert rercal flour When is Breadgoodl Bread cereal uour ? nntritious. U ?2f SSShlSf .'Sito ItoJ SnrcdT In VI U LU.iM 'IWKW' . . u tA -VrLamlv way, we answer, so wci w . by the use 01 loorasx a .ao Try it thoroughly and convince bv the use of DOOley s tEAbr xu, . i wnti rep 1 County Commissioners. Tho regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commissionersadjourned from'Monday, was held- yesterday after noon: The JJoard being called to order, appli cations Trom the following named persons for licenses to retail spirituoys liquors in the city of Wilmington, for six months from the 1st of November, were granted : C. Hussell, II; Brunhild & Bro., Geo. L. Schutt, Jno. D. Dascher, J. D. II. Inlan der, R. J. Scarborough, Geo. "IT 'Colin, Mrs. Sarah Meyer, Jno. F. Hulfs, W. II. Grotgen, Jno. M. Bremer, C.F. YonKam pen, Martin Muller, J. W. Hopkins, A. D". Wcssell, Mrs. A. M..W. Fincken, D.' Steljcs, A. C. Wesselh Chas. Wcssell, Jno. VV. Gerdts, Henry Litgdh, C. Schulkin, W. II. W. Koch, P. H. VonKampen. The following report was, on motion, received, ordered spread on the minutes and placed on file; Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 3, 1877. To the IlonoraJjlc the Board of County Com missioners: Gentlemen: Wc; the undersigned,, by your authority, visited the "Alms House" August 2nd, and examined each case therein confined and registered as in sane patients. . We found Fhillis Moore, colored; Jose)h W. Moore, white; Famne Jane Smith, col ored; Mitchell Moore, colored; Emma Liv inston, colored; Delia Gardiner, colored; Emma Burns, white; Mag Bradley, colo zed; Ehodie Lovitt, white; Eliza Faison, colored; A. O. King, white, and-Julia Ann Moseley, colored, as proper subjects for your care and consideration. Elsie Lewis, colored, of Pender county; Lydia. Smith, colored, of Brunswick county, and Sarah McKenzie, colored, of Wilmington, should be returned to their respective homes. We further beg to say that the appearance of each shows they are well cared for with food and clothing; but the building used to confine them in does not afford suflicient room or ventilation; therefore, we suggest an improvement be made, either by en larging and ventilating their quarters, or the erection of a suitable building. Respectfully submitted, J. Francis King, M. D., ' Wm. W. Lane, M. D. It was ordered that an expert fee of $b vided such attendance docs not exceed two 1 , days at each term. j Tf was ntdered tliat commibsiJiii-i m. On motion, it was ordered that the pro position of 'Messrs. Cronly & Morris, in re gard to the tax books for 1878, bo accept ed, with .the understanding that tno r in- ance committee draw up an agrcenmen. morc in detail, to be signed by them. Tf wno nriloreil . that the scnool. claim bcW Messrs Sol. Bear-& Bro., in favor 0f E. K.Tridgen, be paid out of thc gen- XW fcw v f I . I .if 11 V.w G n a blind man, with his guiue. was, ante,, Asportation to FlJ- rence, S. C. U . u roa - . - ..,, tn i after the state 'Ammiciiini i a a. wi iuv tnrce oe appuiun. :T---C, : n,lnr liw rhar?e. The ol tne prisuuuia. Chairman appointed wjjumi"- Worth, Sanders and himsclt saul com- ! u ,ec. r Auditin" Committee I I UU ltMWllw w t months of August and September was received ana oraertu 1 minutes and placed on file. Thc rerort of Elijah Hewlett, Lounty for the months ct feeptemnerj - - . . v- Treasurer . i AUr ;r, mfprrnce to the special rcccivca and - a , and r,laced I I 11111 Ul VUUU. J ' oruerea spreuu u - I Cl . e -p.- v. niMt r.mtv The report oi tuupu. L-o,, fnr thf month of October, Alvas,"w' . - , i ,Qrri.r fn tho treiicral tuna, w:usx-vt"uu K a oQ lhe min lutes and , rW,. i M,-rt in r.frence to UIOMW V" .w. 1 1 1" - . 'inn i rcivii i i i x aw -" . f tb(J montl 0r uctober, i ordered spread on the UiW was awww. - rA nUrcd on fale. a : nrt oMhe committee on Out x"- , j-p.foT tho months of September received and ordered and October, was received ana uruc Drcad on tho miuutc and placed on no The Mrt of James Smith, overseer as I . -t. r, TI,,f Vntynhir) I . I toe puoiic .roaoa u x... - - . -7 - . w . , and ordcred on fiic. r i vw. Fifty-two gold coupon, amounting in the aggregate to $ 780, were destroyed in the presence of a full Board. I Sundry applications in reference to iax I matters were acted" upon. j Several applications for the position of J Janitor, were laid on the table, there being I no vacancy. I The Board then adjourned subject to call of Chairman. I ice This Morning. Ice thi3 morning over an eighth of an inch thick in horse and pig troughs on the Sountl,a3 wc wero informed- Thieves. - I Last nisht Mr. Jno. II. Turner, who Wq n.T, mr .f ntMm Ann . . . , , ,. , streets, was visited by thieves and relieved often fine fowls. The family heard the chickensduring the night making an nn- usual noise, but did not suspect .the cause. x, . ' , . , . I ho clue as to the perpetrators. . I Dancine School. Tr of . J. II. Bailey lia3 arrived in this I My iiuu wm upun u uauciug bcuuui ucru next week in Meginney's H.all. Mr. Bailey is favorably known here from his i -i .i . j . long residence in this city during our . , J , most troublous times and wc are glad to know that he has akeady met with much encouragement towards tho opening of his school. We invite attention to the ad vertisemcnt which appears in this issue. A Wilmington Invention. Mr. Berry H. Binford leaves this after noon in thc interest cf Binford, Loeb & Co., proprietors of the Hook and Eye Cot- ton Tie. which is purelv a Wilmington rn, . . . . 7., invention. Tho tio is an invention which will be sure to claim the attention of our farmers throughout the State, and if any one can do justice to tho subject ii nr t tt r j wc will put Mr. Berry H. Binford agains the State, as or salesman of the first water. . A Little Piece of Iron. The immense bed-plate (or whatever it is called) which is to replace that for some time past in use at tho Cotton Compress m th'.s city, has arrived here. tttCCd in position, a stupenedous undertaking, by T. 1 Mn rrnrn iun-jr.rih onr? the wav. It camo here from tno JNortu ann J was brought out on a very heavy car such as is used-in the transportation of railroad engines from the workshops. It is a large piece of metal and cannot Tory well be handled by one man. It weighs 17 tons, which is two tons more than the weight of that which it is to replace. Roll Of Honor. Of Cape Fear Military Academy, for thc month of October ; an average of 80 per cent is required to place a cadet upon tho roll: Second Class. Class average, 83. 1 Adj't J W Hears, 91. 2 Corp E S Alderman, 90. C Cadet E E Thompson, 90. .i Jo J B Hawes, 90. 5 do E II Freeman, 8G. G Lieut F B Lippitt, 84, 7 II D Thompson. Tiiibd Claps. Class average, 81. . 1 Cadet U Fennell, 84. 2 do DuVall French, 84. 3 do II Otten, 83. 4 do II Gerken, 83. 5 dor F C Poisson, 83. G rdo McK. Cowan, 83. 7 do Geo. Harris, 82. 8 do WM Harms, 82. 0 do W M Grant, 82. 10 do A Johnson, 82. 11 do J Schonwald, 82. 12 do 11 Hewlett, 82. 13 do W Parsley, 80. 14 do J B Munson, 82. Forum Class. Class average, 76. 1 Cadet W Grant, 83. 2 do H Boatwright, 83. 3 do R Hcnning, 81. 4 do L Bunting, 80. Market Complaints. ' , . . , . . Complaint after complaint is raauu in us ia regard to the prcient eonaiuon - .... .v : :J v v.. J,v snec- anairs iu m ujarfi.ot ut, - - i w i ...... . - . 4i,. friends that it is not our iau , I can't help it and that tve have sins I ; . ... . . I m M. 1. V TI r ot our w suoaaex whuwu. a. - tote those of otber .people.,: StUl. at ulators absorb almost everything, ana Resolved, That to Lis grief-stricken rea- cember, A D, 1877, at the Court Host door . i nv txrr, ot tives we tender our deep and fceartftlt fyc- in the city of Wilmington, expose for I ale at consumers are obliged to pay wo or lereTraea,i public auction, the following real estate vthin??. We tell oar Besolved-That a memorial pare of our One undivided one-half of a lot of land situ- . . , Af .m, wrimwc ana many social Tiic. f i nnnarea urn ic wouiau .i jrw vcry urgent solicitation of eomownom we hi finallr, That these resolution be r0p's line, thence with said orthxop'a.liae esteem, we wiU remark that Capt, Flan- puhliahed in the city papers, and a copy sent eighty-two and ens-half feet toc ctreet, eteem, c m ua. to the family of the deceased. thence East with Dock street Bne Lunire and file. and Mr. Bowdeo and Hr.;Vonuunn of Kisht do a good thing for tncu consitin- I hv pfTsctinf a reneal of the prCSCTli I .- --o - --x. ; .. , lonerous reOTiaiwn The School Census. The Raleigh Observer of to-day's date publishes the school census for the various counties which have thus far1 reported. Some of them are, however, ' incomplete and we think that for New Hanover both incomplete and incorrect. In fact, as tho census of this county was not finished (yesterday .we do net see how tho report could have been previously re cetved in Raleigh. But we publish the counties for this section as we Cad them in tho Obscrter Brrins wickWhtte children , males , 791 r females, 779 : total. 1.570. Col orea children, males. 603; females, 1.574: W 1,117. Number of school districts for children, 33;public school houses, 30 ; private school houses, 2 ; academies, 2. Number of school districts for colored children, 17 ; public school houses, 10 ; academies, 1. White male 'T&;' , V ,;, male teachers approved, PJ. A. Res?, jr., nnnnf v Vm-minnr -j wucu-hiuh; umuiui, maics, ivr JiildreD, Ics l.TI)'; Fcmak, 7,220; total, 2,381. Number of school district for white children, C0 : public school houses, 47 ; private; school houses, 8. Number of school districts for colored . , T iw cmldren, 49 ; public school houses, 37: private School houses, 3. White male teachers approved, o: colored male teach - ers, 3; female, 1. E. L. McNabb, County Examiner. Cumberland: Whifte children, males, 1,083; females, 1,900; total, 3,883. Col ored children, males, 1,391; females. 1, 313; total, 2,704. ' Number of school dis tricts for white children 32, public school houses 50. private schools 8, academies G. School districts for colored children SO; P ,u.x u tc"uo 110 ii?es 1V pnvaicscuoois a. wmte maie teacners approved nt tern 7. colorcd maIe 9 fem 'ii, 3 K s Hi: Countv Examiner. males ske, New Hanover White children, males, 918; females, 1,230; total 2,154; colorcd children, males, l,30o; females. 1.590; total 2085 School digtricts for children, 5; public school houses, G; pri- vate schools, o. Schools districts for col ored children. '7: public schotl houses 10i 9Mmip! i whitn tnrc ot.i 4 ; females, 10 ; colored, males, 9 ; females, 15. A. R. Black, County Examiner. , I ender jVhite children, males ,90, gistricts for white cliihlren. pub-, lie school houses, 39; private schools,4; aca- demies 4. School districts for colored chil- - , in wt i dren 8;public school houses 3G. White male teahers approved 11; females, 3; colored males, 13; female 1. Bruce Williams County Examiner. r oA 01,11 maies,;i,575; females, 1,497; total 3,072. School districts for white children, 40: public school houses, 40; pri vate schools. 4: G academic?, 2. School I Ufrir.ts fnr r.nlnrnd children.- 30: Public scb0ol houses, 2G. White male teachers approved, 7; female, 1; colorcd, males, 13; lemuio. a.uuUoU)vUUuij Robeson White children, males, 1,777; females, 1,894; total, 3,071. Colorcd children, males, 1,759; females, 1,591; to tel, '3,353.. Schocl districts for white children, 72; public school houses, C2; pri vate schools, 21: academies, 4; colleges, 1. School districts for colorcd children, 50; public school houses, 14; private school 2; academies, 1. W bite male teachers ap proved, 9; females, 7; colored malesj 10; females, 2. J. A. McAllister, County Ex aminer. Sampson White children, male, 2,130; females. 2.00o: total 4,135. Colored chil dren, males, 1,316; females, 1,329; total 2,645. School districts for white children 84, public school houses 07, private schools 9, academies 2, colleges 1. Schocl districts for colorcd children GG, public school houses 32, private schools 1. Whit3 male teachers approved ' 38, females 14 ; colored males 27, females 5. E. W. Kerr, County Examiner. Col. S. D. Tool and fanily have goi.e to New Orleans to live. TUIBUTK OF RESl'ECT. - r ENGINE HALL IIOW VARD. RELIEF FIRE ENGINE CO., No 1, WiLiiisciOs, N. C, Not. C, 1877. Whereas, It has pleased Alnightyjiod, in the dispenjation of Ilij unfathonicd wiidom, to remove from pur midat, in the prime ot life, our Brother Fireman, Geo2,:i F. Wm. Bosch, we deem it a dnty, due both to selTes, to make manifest eur sincere ffrief Li3 sad and unUmely deatn ; tnerefore, b3 it T7.Mva1 Tfiaf PnmrniT Viv thi ol its beat memoen; one whose name etandj tn I engraved upon the annals Of thla Company a3 to 0J of it3 jaTegt and Uue5t member! : cne d truest member! : oi noae gemai preeence ever cneerea ana am r v i atea us wxtn gooa fecunc xoarw one . other. ; lwccra Deamr msTTiDea to ice memory inscribed to the memory deceased Brother, that the HaU Boom II. . ft the esteemand apprec&tonof bis !tleei thewe L. P. JfEWitAN. M. J: DIXGELJIOEF, F.MAUTEN8, -JOHN D. IX)SCIIEIt, - M. HATH JEN, , -. Committee. 1 j PLEASE JTOTlCTi We will be glad to receive comaanicaUoai from our friend on 13T and all fubjects o general mterett btitf ' u Y ,,KOL The name of UieTwrlUi WValwaji U furnuhed to the Editor.! jCommttnicationsnmite wjittcn only c one tide of tho paper. ( j ym . h 17 ' f Personalities ciuat be avoided. Audit ii especially and particularly under stood that fhc editor does not alwajt eadoraa the views of correepondeatv ualea so ftatt4 in the editorial column. , ;. . Now Advertisements Merl NOW OPEN AT I . 36 TJlarkef C'f BLACK ANa COLORED I1KS Cheaper than they hambeca for, ,A . twenty years 1 ' v Dress Goods. All the latest Novelties in J Cashmeres, Mcrinoes, Snowflakcs, l! Kars, Knickerbocker and Matlasco ' Suit- . iDSs, . ) Prismatic, Valencia and Friborough CJotb, Henriettas, Bombazines, Taffetas, Alpacas, Mohairs, Reps and PopHn3, Arc. FRINGES, GALOONS and Braids to match any of above. , Full Lines of . x Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, The Best Brands so -popular all over the States, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, DAMASKS, TOWELS. : -.: EMBROIDERIES.: Unsurpassed for quality, work and price. WHITE GOODS, lldkerchiefs, : Corscls, Gloves, and Iloiscry. VAL. and TORCHON LACES " J La;.-. Jen & Boys Wear. Ladies' and Misses' Vests, Skirts, &C. AT PRICES WHICH DEFY flw;p'c!rrTmTitar-, ffefcte everything ha3 been purchased , : . with - -v- .. CARE AND EXPERIEIIQE Suitable for our at thc lowest j. POSSIBLE PRICES I TO EXAMINE IS - &fl. KATZ, Market Street. oct 15 Full Line OF Overcoat., I'usiccss and Drcjii Saltfl " i ... A, t'. for 3I .n and Voutlie, at Low Prices at , zjjxnon cl co., EOT i Clothiers and Merchant Tailor. Irish Legends. 1 1)V Saiaacl Love;-. 10 ccnti- . 5 Squire Trevlvn's IIeir,rby Mrs: Ilesry Wood. 20 "cent. -' . Mary BartoD, by Mn. Gaskeil. 10 ccntiJ Erccia; or My Father's Sin, by R. D lilackmore. 10ceti'. At S. JEWETTS ' Front Street Book Store. nov i FASHIONABLE DANCING SCHOOL v at LinamnniT'D hali. TjASHIOXABLE DAyCEa'of, the. Dij. JL Fancy Dances for Children. The Glide and other It o ami Dances taurht in SIX Lesson. ' : .. Soiree every Monday night at 8 p. a. ; Muiic by the Italian Bajad. . Ladies' and Children! Clau Towday, the Thuridaj and Saturday evening ai 3 p. at .OenUemen t Clasi, Wedoeeday and Frida i - I EOT 7 J. H. BAlLETi I iTuOlICGb cne! TT!TvsI! A VT tn iterru nf V anMc . " v vfcw u w r " - ix CourtofthecoantyofXwHantTerrth 4- ,-".&j,iit . Gc3 an - unaersignea as tneaaminiitrator or.I3Ixa C. Gille?pic, deceased, willon the id day of De- of te in the citv of Wilmington and ' bounded r i 01 be followa : Benain: at the Scmtfcwattani I Z w . ' - tlxty-five feet to tnebeginningv ' v:; - Terms oi saicca&o. rrt r:it?irvfi Adm'rof EliaC. CrjW ox T-iawiw-vvea v