TIT tihs PAPER RnnflaTB ex- every Ur J0SII. T. JAMES, A5D PROPBIETOIl. ,TrTIO-S. POSTAGE PAID. Six month. f260 ; Tiiree ?' .1 - One month, 60 cents. Lthfcl ' . . i ha delivered by carriers; rSinWj part of the city, at the V ' n eonta per week, r - tnw and liberal fSberi will please report any and to receive mcu yr-t. j- Advertiseineiits. jjAUKET STHFET, ,cimlT the following ..nkift Tn OTTT7 fri.n?H public that we ecll our goods on a t. MARGIN FROM COST, the nuantity sold to 7rPtnrn8, knowing by past ex L.n our returns, " , n iavt v "that LOW I'xwuro vuC &od to attain our object:. . . tiTr at. 1 ,o;iiu ,0 t silk Velvet, fl lo.up, suitable lor Tlroaci flnnria. 20 to Valors m M' " , Colon I" H Cents upwaru;. r!r.r..io 9?; f Ion! A nnward. Lrbocker Dress Goods, Oj .Cents. i Suiting Dress Goods, 25 Cents, v,?s. ...',.,' L'oi Colored Cashmeres, 50c, up. BAWLS! A Beaut ful Liuc New Styles. s tl 75 a juir to $10 00. CALICOES, 3 and 8 Uents. , v , KDS, KENTUCKY JEANS, Ac, fm Men am Boys' Wear. Uur va rcr w this line of cool's is large iand m price begins at 12i Cents. T AND BALMORAL SKIRTS m oO Cents up. BUKG EDGINGS AND INSER TIONS from 5 Cents up. They are tcfcowlodged by ALL to be the aape t fiver ottered in tins aty. pi RUFFLING in great variety tea 10 Cents up. . .... jLETvUCIIES, 3 for 5 Cents Pli WAMSUTTA SHIRTS Linen toots 75 Cents. Sold everywhere fill oo. , ' ' . ' HI BARGAINS. STUCK Y JEANS, slightly spotted, C Cents. Remember it all washes out, and the former price was 35 Cts. tots of Dress Goods closing out at wCeuts, pnu of Nainsook, Plaids and Stripes, VL0W. ' BROWN & RODDICK, Pfl 4R Market Street. Almanacs. WliSEVS 01A Unliable for 1878. "'' FarmerB and Planters for 1878. t'M Leslie Comic for 1878. ' ' ' ?rot Leslie's Illns'rated for 1878. At S. JEWETT'S rS Vrnnt Kfroot RnnV RtnrP. Md -the Fort. fALL THE ATTENTION of the rltl of Wilmincton who have Watches. Faml Jewelry to be repaired to the L.k tho bench and feel Justified in say- l w urn. it'll ui my curu yi m ruwive ;v; personal attenuon. re no Marl-maii. hntirmlf tin A nn to botch up work, I promise that Vj? UPe all work entrusted to my care soi only bo promptly . done, but In a "Workman-like manner. Not in- sal present to keep much stock on "iuently my whole and undivid- rvJ 7,,Fnchof tho Watch aud Jewelry ir wieneu up joos matie a speciality. ku "meters, aud Nautical Instru cts lvu VERY LOW. ;LG IS SELLING NOW ery OHeap Si.. , . j Aoiiaiimcnt on Market ttrcet, i 1 mi i warrant it to be so, at A, szmzBzx'o, llarket at. " ivun.tjnnnn. fe8erDrWate Fine Cucumber Pick f4 E P"'V.O jster, Btttter v o. t. Comer 3d a&d Market its. 'ifjl, RODDICK SHAWLS ! 11 . ft- Wlti1 A T V VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisetnenta. 8. Jewett Almanacs. , Mujcsoi ;.. A , Co More , of thoac Elegant Wamsutta Shirts. ' F.. M. Kimo A Co New Store -New Goods. ' Isaac W. Kimo The Best of MounUin Beef. U ,'. ; J. H.'ALtBN4-Hold the Fort J. II. Allbx Notice Particular. ' ; Radad Holloway's Pills and Ointment. See Local ads Beef and Sausages. A. SHKiiaVery Low. The storm signal floati agaio to-dajr.' - "'. ; i ' .if ' i Harvest uevor comes, to such as sow not. Haro your monogram on your writing cards. ' A dress parade Women going to churcln." ' T 1 'Y.'A :': : t A hotel ghost comes under tho official head of inn spectre. Dainty Swiss aprons aro worn with af ternoon house dresses. . Tho watermelon has turned f its bnst- ness over to tho minco pie. Gloves arc about to be enlarged to make room for the buttons on them. A born phrenologist tho boy who is always at the, head of his class. : Love, the tdothacho, and tight' boots aro things which cannot be kept Bccret. Deep square collars of "church" lace ate worn with tlie cuffs of the samo lace. Every Cth and oyster cart were sold out to the hucksters before f o'clock this moroing.M. Eve4was the first girl who gathered autumn leaves, but sho didn't press them in a Bible. , Don't forget the salo of pictures by Messrs Cronlejr & Morris this evening at Granite Row. 5 . A woman's heart is just liko a litho grapher 'b stone; "what is vnce written on it cannot be rubbed outs x Woe to those who are engaged in tho commission of unlawful deeds, for they cannot trust their nearest accom plices. : ' Mr. Bailey's Dancing School will open to-morrow, Saturday, afternoon,1 at Me- ginney's IIall at 3 "o'clock, with tho juve nile class. Send your Orders for beef, pork and sausages to the corner of Sixth and Chest nut streets, and they will be promptly and satisfactorily filled. t , -,. , : All orders for beef, pork and sausages, promptly delivered at your residence frco of charge, if sent to the corner of Slith and Chestnut streets. t Mr. II. C. Dravo, of the Mannmg House bar, will lcavo the city this after noon for a few days, and during his ab sliiM.his assistant, Mr. Yopp, :wlll" con duct the business. Yesterday afternoon and last night tor rents of rain fell in this direction and after dark last evening the wind was very vio lent. Wo arc promised clearing weather for the close of to-day and the change will be a welcome one. The Raleigh Noes local publishes a recipe for cooking oysters in which half a pint of sherry wine goes along with a pint of oysters. Tho said - local only charges for this information a dish of oys ters cooked as he says, and wo think that ho has had them leastways the win part -already. Make lYo Mistake. In Dooley's Yeast "Powder you get the best article of the kind in the world. The cans aro always full weight, the ar- ucio liseu ine purest ana stroncesc pas sible, so that a smaller" quantity than usual suffices. . Do you want your baking always perfect ? Don't fail then to use DOOLTEY 8 1 KAST POWDER, r : : The Baptist Convention. We publish to-day a telegram to tho Raleigh Observer relative to tho second day's proceedings in the Baptist State Convention now in session at Durham. Wo are disappointed in not being able to giTO tho proangs'in' lull . but," as will be seen, it ii Impossible iorxoMuy.'..: i r- - r r . , - j i. . ' ' One of Nature freaks. Mai W. U Young has placodipn exhi bition at ilessrs. James & Crown's office a niece of'Itciie bronchi Troth trio' Uland ofSSOT&y in which thgl4sli);rac of ferm Icarpf is .Ui8ic3 j' Visible ca both sides with indications of. their :extd&& aU through the rock, It is something really worth seeing f PL 1 O Cotton Figures, The receipts of cotton at this, port to day foot up 1,300 bales against 380 bales for the same day in 1875 and 505 bales for the same day in 187C. "Vyilt Open To-Morrow Messrs! P. M. King & Co., will to morrow throw open their doors to the public and ah inspection of the handsome stock of rwuse' furnishing goods which they have Tbqcn receiving this week wilj bo in order.' Wo looked through the stock this morning, and found many new and pretty and, above all, cheap things there. The ladies are invited to call. , Our Best Wishes. . ' Dr, Geo. H. West, who has been practic ing medicine in this city for some time past, has loft us and will cast his lot in for weal or woo with the good people of New ton, Catawba county, in tho mountaiu ous district of this.State. : Dr. West will conduct a drug store in connection with his1 practice of medicine. r, . Train Off the Track. Tho passenger train on the Carolina Central Bail way which went out this morning ran off the track a short distance from the city. A freight train which was following in tho wake of the passenger train being unable to pass brought the passenger cars, back to this ciry, and again went put with assistance to the disabled train. Nobody hurt; the greatest damage done was a, temporary delay of the passengers and mails. r?" " ' Light , Wanted. In response to the request made by us yestcrdayj some figures have been furnish ed us. Mr. Williams, tho present Clerk of the Market, has paid in $1,100 in four months and five days and during the samo period last year W. A. Green, Radical Clerk ot the Market, paid in but $553.55 and yet it is a fact known and admitted that there were less oarts in markot this Summer, than there were during the pre vious Summer An investigation is iD order. -1 - r.; . The Revival at Fifth Street Church. The revival at tho Fifth Street M. E. Church is still in progress and seems to be increasing In interest with every meet ing. It began on Wednesday night, Oct. 22d following dose upon a series of lec tures delivered by tho earnest pastor of that church, Bev. J. M. Rhodes. The re viral is now in its third week and the in terest, instead of abating, is still on the increase. Tlius.far;. there have , been 15 or 20 conversions and there arc from ten to twenty persons at tho altar every night. The church is . crowded and the Indications are that much good will re sult.5 This is the jsecond successful revival in that church (luring tho last two years, since Mr. Rhodes Was first assigned to duty there A true and earnest Christian and an indefatigable worker in the vine yard, the spirit of divine grace seems to have followed upon his footsteps and blessed with sbappy consummations tho result of his labors. Mr. Rhodes has been assisted by iRiv J. W. Craig, a very efficiont local preacher, i Voices of the Night. Piety Hill, that usually "quiet portion of, the. city, was thrown inter a state of unusal excitement this , morning about 1 o'clock, by the report of a pistol and the blowing: of - a ponce wnistie. inquiry elicited tho tct that during the 'we sma hours of the night the occupants of a house on Poac, near Seventh street, were aroused from 'their slumber by a heavy thud on the fiiazra, and in a few minutes thereafter the turning i of ' the door-knob was heard. A gentleman living m an adjoining room was summoned to tho as sistance of thb ladies of the besieged house and a man, evidently drunk, was dis covered on the "piazza who refused to give a satisfactoryi account of hlmseli or doings. A pistol in the bands of thb gentleman was accidentally discharged. 1 which sum moned others! of tho neighborhood to his assistance. After consultation it was de cided that thi 'police 1 had" best be sum anil hivelhe'tnatf taken in out of tIw;;AVrte4?Ta4 -lildwn, but as the police failed to put in an! appearance the man walked quietly off under cover of the darkneb.of tho'nlght, . . Fourth rocpd of appointments as made by'vmiiam fWack, E12cr,Hbt the! Wilmihgtoa 0ista4ct, Meth odist B.Cbiitcb, Soctb,! .' Topsail, at Wcsleyan Chapel . Nov. 10 11 Keacsvine, Wesley Chapel.. Nov. 17 18 'RlfiE. Fashion Gossip. " The Bird of Paradise, so long tabooed, is again making ladies' hats conspicuous. Heavily embroidered and beaded over garments " arc again coming in style. Last year they were pronounced "horrid." The most stylish dresses arc almost as flat behind as in front; everything clings as closely as hun?an art can cake it cling and be graceful. wk The polonaise Is now either a shortened garment of the prlnceeso form, or a coat- like design to serve for the use of heavy suitings won; In the street. In the'maltcrof hew bonnets there if no distinct Btyle. There aro small cottage shapes and close-fitting' capotes, and also many, large Marie Stuart bonnets, with pointed front and flowing plume. New apron fronts, for dressy black silks,' arc made of diagonal bands of em broidered crape, alternating with tulle bands that are also embroidered; the hot torn is trimmed with wido thread lace. The noticeable feature of all imported dresses is the extreme brevity of tho skir in front. The shoo, therefore, plays a most important part in the toilet of the woman fashion. - , The disappearance of the train for th street is assured ; and during the winte only house dresses will be made with trains. Worth, who detests republican simplicity in anything, has declared that pauicrs will be restored for street wear, thus renderiug something of aa train ncccs sary. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this mom ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, Ga.,., 55 Cairo, 111 40 Charleston,. S C....C6 Corsicana, Tex...... 57 Fort Gibson, C. N.33 Galveston, Tex.. ....44 Havana 78 Indianola, Tex 47 Jacksonville, Fla...65 Key West, Fla 78 Knoxville, Tenn....4G Lynchburg, Va 5G M (m p h is, Tcnn 41 Mobile, Ala 45 Montgomery Ala. ..47 Nashville, Tenn.... 44 New Orleans, La.. .49 New York, N. Y..63 Pittsburgh, Pa.. ....52 Punta Bassa, Fla. ..79 Savannah, Ga G3 Shreveport, La 42 St. Louis, Mo. ......31 St Marks, Fla 50 Yicksburg, Miss.. .43 Washington, D. C.57 Wilmington, N. C.CT Hotel Arrivals. IVrcell House, Nov. 7th, 1877 Cobb Bros. Prop. J H Currie, North Carolina; G D Clapp, Boston A F Gilbert, W P Clot worthy. James Hayes, S Lowman, Jno E Owens, T E Parsons, Baltimore; Geo H Reynolds, F A Tenni and Wife, Miss G L Tenni, L W Vick, New York ; O B Wawick, USA; L G Pearsall, Mt Olive ; A Shaw, K Fawkcs, Bichmond ; B M Sullc, Petersburg; W A Patterson, A D Cazaux, City; N Dnmont, Charlotte; OV Smith, Portsmouth. Bishop Atkinson's Appointmnts for the Autumn of 1877. Winston , . Nov. 9 Greensboro (24th Sunday after Trinity)...... ....Nov. 11 Farintoch, Granville county. .. .Nov. 14 Flat River Chapel. " Nov, 15 St. Mary's, . " ....Nov. 1G Hillsboro (25thSundayaf. Trin.)Nov. 18 Chapel Hill ....Nov. 20 Consumption Cured. n old physician retlredfrom active nrac tlce, having had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary tho formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Bron chitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung niiections, also a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to ins suuering fellows, xne recipe will bo sent free of charge, to all who desire it, with full directions for preparing and successfully using. Address, with, stamp naming this paper, Dr. J. C. Stoke, 11 North Ninth St., riiiladclphla. Pa. For the Review. Pender Items. 'Burg aw, N. C.November Gth, 1877. There was a large attendance here yes terday in compliment to this new County site and to witness the proceedings of the regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. There were at least two hundred and fifty people here from various places, prospecting and among them were six pyhsicians, four preachers, five lawyers, and scores of office seekers . The public mind is im patient at the very slow movements of land owners to sell land, and the place is seriously suffering because of the inability of those anxious to buy lots to obtain them. If there is not more enterprise, liberality and energy manifested by real estate owners here, there will be another movement started to remove the Court House to a place of more life and activity. Burgaw combines every natural iran-1 lethargy of ti mainly interv4 lere. in re' ' . :-'.? The accession to tho IWard ci QDmrmssion crs of that bold reformer, and nnf-jcj,. ing advocate of economy Daptbj Shaw, Esq., inspires renewed, hope in tax payers that useless cxpcriditnjcs willbehia reduced or wholly diiensed with. .Tbe Coroner of this County received - meri ted castration yostery-froia"Oonimls sioner Shaw because of hb greediness , to bold inquest, ana tno extortionate nature of bis account. Tl; Coroacj wiU hardly T TTTT 9, 1877 NO.J 19 be so greedy now in hurryinj: unneces sarily to the newly made graves of per sona whoso sacred, remains should not thus be disturbed, by unfeeling office holders, to tho stirring afresh of those tender and mournful feelings of heart stricken relatives who did not and will not desire such ' official interference, made ' to augment tho fees of Coroners alone. The law does not intend such un hallowed service. His accounts were large ly reduced, i ' There are two classes of men who hold office in Pender, and they differ widely in motive and conduct. ,Ohe set are true men and are fully content with their legitimate emoluments. They love Tender county. Tho other class do not love the new County except as it contributes to their excessive selfishness and inordinate love of money. They are restless and unhap py except as they are engaged in schemes to fleece the county outside of their proper fees. The present c!ass alluded to admire and are devoted to Daniel Shaw. In this forty-nine-fiftieths , of the population of Pender are with them and are strongly for Shaw. The other set arc down upon him and 'upon those oflicials who unite with him in taking care of the county. At the next popular election in Pender these facts will have their proper influence as county officials arc chosen. Tho people of the county aro looking on with becom ing concern and are evidently wide awake as to their present and future interests. Observe n. sensible Advice. You are asked every day through the columns of newspapers andby your Drug gist to use something for Dyspepsia and Liver complaint that you know nothing about; you get discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Greek's August Flower will cure vou of Dys- jpepsia and Liver Complaint with all its enects, such as bour btomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual Costivcncss, Palpitation o, tho Jlcart, Heart-burn, Water brash, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, &c., we ask you to go to your Druggist and get a Sample Bottle of Green's Au gust Flower for 10 cents and try it, or a Regular Size for 75 cents; two doses will relieve you. New Advertisements. New Store ! New Goods ! QPEN TO-MORROW, (Saturday ) House Furnishing Goods, Wood' and Willeir Ware, Tin Ware, Stores, Ranges, &c. Tin RooCncr. rcna'rinf and ornrrnl jobbing done at short notice. Everything moderate priced and guaran teed. ; , F. M. KING & CO. , No. 29, Market st , North , side, next door to Iledrick's. - novO- r tViORE QF THOSE ELEGANT WAMSUTTA SHIRTS, the VERY BEST in market. ZVXtTZ7SOZ7 6C CO., novO Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. The Best of Mountain Beef, pORK AND SAUSAGES. Call to-morrow and leave orders for Sunday'e dinner, at . . . t ISAAC W. KING'S, Carrie's Block. nov 9 NOTICE TAKTICULAU-To all whom it May Concern. ALL PARTIES who have left work with tn tr iw roTKilrol-f rrvm r-tlu.r 1873, to July 1877, and do not call and redeem nuu wum wimmono wftCKS nine, 11 wiu pe soiu xor me amount or repairs. nov9 3. IT. ALIiEN. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW " ' AT Exchange Corner. ! r- n NEW NETTING for Scarfa and Veiling ; Sequin Buttons ; anew lot of Fringes, all shades. Also the latest styles in Child ren's Fancy Hose, Shetland Wool ; new Silk Ties; fine Black and White Lace Scarfs and Ties; Kid Gloves; Hamburg Edgings and Inserting;; Corsets, Ruching, Handkerchiefs, LaceTBibf, Spanish Net, and other Fancy Articles. You will find the best value in the city. New Goods always being received in the Millinery Department. A handsome line of Straw and Felt Good, Flower .Feather, Plash, Ac, al wars on Lar.i. nov 7 S H. SPRUST 1 . -. jCV. ; Selected Stock of FOR CASH. Alt I SOL BEAR A.BROS, 13 t 20 Market streeL oct 15. BMnJ :ffliiter, Obbm TTII3. E. A. L.UH18DEN will have a ATX Grand Oneninir of fine FRENCH MIL. LINERY 9o. Wdoeaday. October Slat, eon aistias of French Pattern Hats, Bonnets. Flower. Feathers, A. The ladles arc re ipeetxuUj jantcd to call aad see. Ct 37 MRS, E. A. LUM3DEN. PLEASE ffOTlCZi We will be glad to receive coaamudcatloni from our friends on any ' and all rabjeefs 'b general Interest but : ' The name of the writer fcfctt alkars bt furnished to the Editor.; I Communications most be written mJj o one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. Audit is especially and particularly under stood that fie editor ' docs net always cadorsw the views of correspondents, unices to stated in the editorial columns. Now Advortisomont2L Fall an j Winter tt. NOW OPEN AT 36 rjarket:Gt. BLACK AND CCLCr.ED CIIKO Cheaper than tbey bare been for twenty years I Dress Goodo. ' : All tho latest Noveltles ln Cashmeres, Mcrinoes, Snowflakes, Kara, Knickerbocker and Hatlascb puit- Prismatic, Valencia and Friborongh Clotb, k Henriettas, Bombazines, Taffetas, Alpacas, Mohairs, Reps and Poplins, ire. FRINGES, GALOONS.and Braids to match any of above. Full Lines of - '.-'.. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, The Best Brands so popular all over the States, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, DAMASKS, TOWELS. Unsurpassed for quality, work and price. WHITE GOODS, Hdkercbiefs, Corsets,' Gloves, and Hoiscry. VAL. and TORCHON LACES Men & Boys Woafsi Ladies' and Misses' Vests, Skirts, &c, &c. AT PRICES WHICH BEFY COHPETmon. Vhcrc everything has been purchased with CARE All D EXPERIENCE Suitable for our 1 . at the lowest POSSIBLE PRICES ! TO EXAMINE is"" fifl. Twl. KATZ, 36 Market Street. oct Ii Fine Art Sale. EIBROID QN FRIDAY NIGHT, at VA o'clock, we will sell at No. Z, Granite Block, af very fiat , , cr llsction of . ' Stool Engravings, Oil Paint- . ings, Chromos, do. Mll. will Pfl ntinnA nnlll all mm. rn.i.m.Jt 4 CRONLT k MORRIS, nov 8 Avctloaeers. Overcoats. ELEGANT STYLES FROM S5.00 UP TO CC0.C0 BOYS' AND CUILDRE1T8 FBOll S4.CO to OoO ine largest and mo-i v .mpleU stock ot sale cheaper than Ter Oethtof for .sown before, by , A, DAXTSDr Merchant Tailor and ClotMff nor Hale's Syrup, 1 .OARUOUND A5D TAB.. Ball's Cogh Sjrup, Bocher Geraaa Sy rvp T7ith a fkl line of Patrnt Medicines, (Pure Drtft Chemicali. For tale by . . JAMES C. KUNDS, Dmrriat. sept 26 Third St, opposite Qtj Hall. Boll's Cough Dyrup, 1 YER'S Cherry Pectoral, Aliea'f Uxg Balsam, Beabow's Elder Flower Soap, Offtn, Ac. Low prices at - . 11URBAK1TS PnACIIACY. ; Corner Front lfliPrtsMMtft ' ''j The utmost cart fivca to fllir- rrcscrlp tiona. ' . . nof 7 v i .

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