Y RllKn. .CHILD." , . j yp found a butterfly ?r Oh, do see its wings ! V'1'' '''iJrVicb pretty thtngs- brined, -with blue, and ted 3 II '.wlH-n all tbe days arc il- ni.l in absent accent mild. i- Jie!'r!n hurried, child!" . i ,- .lolly, quite forgot lier ,:.tti'"-l,t.v"u "JS""' down , .in1. uit say em in the bed, i'-r"Viiiai il i just as near. !tfc'nK :,..i,i ,i vou s'nofse He can '' c.k.- from out the ruffles -I in hurried, child." , tlio flowers in the sky ' 3,"f .' -ind won't you, by-and-by. i W 1 , ' up me in vour arms and tell WieCi n!Kut IU-dRldinKlIfKKl?" ;; Hush, hush, you drive I'm burried, child!' li:r w vfrvtjUiet. now; ,.u?.7.1l was the ehll.Uh u.-rifd. "Mother, do you know "n " 'Lm' vou tiiust. be hurried so ? 'Vi.lnrvKrhttle-erthan I. . L"inr f-ennles, and will buy iirk . l. h'? as it can b. I or vou ano me : '.vh it.' I i. ill I , i.,.-; it - Hii.-f - . i il 4 "!"-; '.'ill! hi -.1 tjj '': I h . f H'l nil l -. mi- i ! I J"""--1 ov.-r wbv Tin moves so slowly by." rlkW1 1. If cares must ever fall, , o ik.- them stones to build a :-!'v,n a"''. yiMir own; and miss your "-b' , cwia to take its fih t ! rln ' l.-ibv questionings you are ""ILinc wat-Is unaware; r ;K patheml by the way. '' " for darkest day. 1 l.t'."" - v O J J ,Djni lion of" Mars ami Saturn: ti! (- within Uirco months have ken in conjunction, towit, ,'v;::ist a;i'l the List Saturilay . '. v."-, (sent yc.tr also the moons of ..bm disc jvercd.a id that fiery sii'raol" war, has shone with tm- iir'liuicv. Iti'eu, astrono-ners .u.lv wh.it jtroccss we caunot c.x- ihis planet wi i not aam ap- jrand lustrous until the year vritrr was one of a party of ladies nun who ia watching these v bodies on Sabbath night, when vro cloudless and spangled with ;.i: nt bulous milkv way looking ,a v luminous, observed a most rc- ille l'Leti'iinenon. ; n whirh. though the larger plan- tin- I'.cr in si'e, owing to its -t!i!in',asscd through precisely' v in'! I'Mis as a revoi vnr -n ii nlaiift would wax' and wane in a i';)!iahj to the maked eye, ii,' out lustrously, then gratJu- H'ing J'iiuer and dimmer, until to view, but in the next mo !,v!v reappearing again in all its ''.ti'ulgence. r ; ;h no halltiGiDation. The fact f 1 first by one gentleman, who inintoned fice other friends to study rlMile the phenomenon. "c'i .'.meJ the appearance of the two t nur conjunction and distinctly -:tet; cliaoges in Saturn, which as 'rM only be compared t ) tho re :btiteru of a lightship or beacon Ncvtr was a fact bctfer authen lUit how will our cpuidnuncs and :..cil sai'iins account "for these '"mm.-uions in Saturn? Was it the :;!il' iitmosphcre?To this we an '! never was there sctMi a clearer ''"'f night: and why, then, did not t'd others uf the heavenly bodies ' iW suns changes?. The matter is ui mystery and wo can only M' tlic imkol fact. : lu this con Uvnriiit the followins observa- t&a from the New York World : . iil;int'ts Mais and Saturn. Hwcbtcu'seen close together dur- 1-5C Stntiicr -i 1 1 1m i rr-ii?nnf rt?rn r.v- la iW early summer both of iuuiu5 were passing -around the pi'nr. rom West:. '.to cast, until 13 Jb' the apparent motion of lars c''lwliminisli, and on the 27th of ili)';IJtli they were in conjunction, on iri regular motion to tho Hi dirniuifchiug veloky for a little """l then stopped, fl'hcn its rct-lii- tiuii began, and it agniu pass r:; en August lo, contiuuimr its !' ilv.. nvi f.., 1 .1 m iivoi, vji crv-ltVl UCJlUX'a, -ce move it took up Us original -in west to .cast,-;which has since M with, increased velocity, its ' H'oMtiou fronr night to night Hv distinguishable. This rapid ;v enable it tp overtake the j ir" t to-day, (Saturday.) and the tt,!l be nearer each other than 'Vc u seen before during the NKun Nut Shell. "on. A. M. Waddell. I'tf-L-cd to note amoncthomanv ; appointments made bj Speaker 7",; for the I'haTmanship of the dif- -vviiimmees, tne nameoi mo t-e, ::a5 satisfaction, not only to the Lt , V i ni,inan nas so long, wittiml'y represented, but to J pleof North Carolina, for .le'evetbat through Lis effort 9 'lilies will be greatly increased, . "UEv Borlinna Tk t, S,in tW. respect, will - u .. T V ine ouuittc world. Tbo by u- i , ,cvo o Biono un rv t nich big State will be bener BE Tl Trto iiLT KKVIEW. Rail Road Linel;r&crr Gen'! Sup'ts -Office, WILMIXGTOX,-COLUMBIA ' aVd11aV OUST A RAILROAD. Wilmington, If. C, August 4 1877. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, August 5, the follow ing schedule will be run on this road; ' ; DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, (daily except Sunday.) LeaTe Wilmington 12 01 31 Arrivc'at Florence....... 5 OO P M Leave1 Florence 12 30 P M Arrive at Wilmington........... 5 20 P it NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN1 (Dailr). Leave Wilmington 6 00 P M Leave Florence............ 9 : P M Arrive at Columbia...... 1 11 A M Leave Columbia ...11 :;0 P M Leave Florence...,- 2 30 A M Arrive at Wilmington 6 JO A M This Train will only top at Flemington, Whiteville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timniorisville, Sumter and Acton between Wilmington and Columbia. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Daily, ex cept Sundays.) Leare Wilmington 2 30P M Leare Florence 2 35 P M Arrire at Columbia 10 10 A M Leave Colombia:.. 5 00 P M Leave Florence...... '. 'J 50 A M Arrive at Wiliiiingtfn..w............. 10 20 A M JtS Pap?erijiM for Angnstaand bevond should take .Niii.ht f!x-4rc? 'JV-nin fro") Wjl rni r, :,. ' .j,. Tin- -i!.' .-'''.j'tf.'c i'r.- n iitt ?r in for (,'hr l ...t. . .MM! j . ij V , 4 - ' -r. 'i d -."ui'.-i ir.l"'.'i i !. WILMINGTON Si WELDOK RAILKOAD- COMPANY. ; Offick or Obn'i St rEKiKTKiiDENT Wilmington, N. C, August 4, 1877 On and after Sunday, August 5th, 177, Passenger trains on the Wilmington A Wel don Railroad w ill run aa follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN', daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at..................... 6 50 A W Arrive at Weldr fi at...... 12 :!0 P M Leave Weldon.: 11 40 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St, Depot ai 5 40 P M NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington,. Front St. Depot at.... Arrive at Weldon at... Leave Weldon, daily at Arrive at Wilmington, Front St.- Depot at 5 35 P M 2 20 A M r, 15 A M 11 45 A M The Day Train makes close connection at Weldon lor all points North via Hay Line daily, (except Sunday ) and daily, via Rich mond and all rail routes. Night trXin makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. . JOHN F. DIVINE, aug4 - ' General Superintendent. THE Highest Honors AT THE EHTENNIAL EXHIBITION be judges unanimously recommend th MEN DE-L SSOHN ;F5ainios- I011 THE Diploma of Honor anl' Medal of Merit. ' Placing'them in the Front Rank Without a Suoerior- For strictly fir?t-class instrumffnts. $000 f r $250. J?(;o0 for $275. $700 for $300, 750 for $325. $800 for $350. $!00 for $100. $1000 for $450 No Commission to Agents. No Discounts to Teachers. No Deviation in Trice. The, Mendelssohn GRAND, SQUARE & UPRIGHT Piamios Contain valuable patents 'and improvement never before introduced. SHATHUSHEK'S New Patent Di tlei, Overstrcnq Scale, Is the greatest advance in the history of Pia no making, producing the most aatoniehing power, richness and depth of tone, and a sus taining .singing onality never betore Attained, being a "Grind Piano in a Syuarc case." i Tho Mondolssohn Uprights A !i l-V T i I I X EST 1 N AMERICA. 1 1 th J V I. ! MUKOd' t!e 4'V .11" f 2. UA . Ut Arenuc O PIANOS SENT ON TRIAL -"Saft-Illustrated and descriptive Calarve o ailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO 00 BUSINESS OWIC I - . No. b6 Broddvcay, N. - f- jyi AND AFTER MONDAY, Nor. 5th, te OxiBanca prohibiting CATTLE from running at large will be enforced. , II. C. BROCK, , Chief of Police. PRICES EIPEIITIIS oct 23- tynoiUBAXiirxixciio. i JThe following qvoUtiona represent the wholeaaU pricea generally. "In making up amall ordeff higher price hare to be charged. DAUUliSU Uunny Doubly Anchor........ m.. Deuble Anchor "A'..:.... Standard" Domestic BACON North Carolina, UX 13 WA 15 - 10 7 s namtyriD Shoulder. W lb. Side, V B...., Western Smoked. Hama.. .... Side. ft.. DDouiaers Dry Salted Sides, ft... Shoulders. V lb. liEEF Live weiirht. BARRELS Spirits Turpentine oecona iiaaa, each. BRICK S Wilmingto'v M Northern ..i.... 0 BUTTER-North Carolina ft Northern, " Jb .. CANDLES Sperm ft Tallow, ft........;.. 4 0 00 28 00 00 15 25 25 00 (3 2 00 2 50 30 10 00 20 ob 40 00 IS 17 13 33', 22 auauiuuBe, set. Northern Factory, fl 17 16 00 30 19 24 SUte. lb.....!...... t COFFEE Jura, V ft... mo, id Laguara. ft. CORN MEAl-iP bushel.. H7 4 Junua ties t lb DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 J? yard.... Ynrr. bunch FISH- r "'X Marker'. N. 1 V bbl.. on M: :( No. I, V lA 'bl:-. (if ( Oil .Vickii., N.. 1 '. '-', ' V- hi-l "blV. 'Mt ".I) uU 00 0 00 00 00 MarW.Tcl, No. f bhi t o u to 4 8 "N. C. Herring, "W bbl. - Drr Cod, V lb.... oo FLOUR Fine. bbl 0 00 7 8 y Super, Northern, V bbl... O 00 Extra do " V bl... 0 00 Family " V bbL.,10 50 City -Mill Super bll... 0 00 " Extra V bbl.:. 0 00 " Family? bbl... 0 00 " Ex. Family y bbl... 0 00 FERTILIZERS n oo y oo io oo n oo U 00 00 00 00 00 65 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 Gb 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 70 00 Peruvian Guano, y 2000 lbs. 70 00 Baugh's Phosphate " 00 00 Caroluia fertilizer Ground Bone, Bone Meal ' " Flour Navapsa Guano, Complete Manure " 50 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 44 55 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 00 00 Whann'B Phosphate Wando Phosphate, " BergerABrutx'sRos. " " Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano..'. 55 00 GLUE V lb. 9 GRAIN Corn,store, 561bs 00 Corn, cargo, 56 lbs 00 15 82 75 Corn, yel., V buBhe!. None. vaia, ff uunuei Peas, cow, ? bush HIDES Green, lb Dry, V & HAY Eastern, V 0 lbs North River, V 100 lbs.... 55 I 25 4 10 1 10 95 60 50 i0 05 HOOP IRON y ;ton. ...... LARD Northern V lb North Carolina W lb LIME y bbl 80 00 j IVA 00 12 13 1 35 0 00' LUMBER Citv steam sa'wd ' Ship stuff, res'awed,ipl ft. 24 00 Rough edpe plank. V M ft. 22 00 West India cargo, Record ing to quality, V M ft...20 00 Dressed flooring,seasoned. 20 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, V M ft 15 00 27 00 25 00 23 00 35 00 '22 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhd-ftgl Cuba, bbls., y gal Sugar house, hhdg. y gal. " " bbls. y gal... Suo-ar Svruo. bbls. i cral. 40 45 35 45 41 57 38 40 60 00 30 45 10 40 SO 00 75 NAILS Cut,4d to 20d,JkV 3 25 OILS Kerosene, t? cal 29 Iard, gal Linseed, y gal 1 10 1 00 30 70 95 4 50 Rosin, y gal PEANUTS V bushel POTATOES-Sweet, y bus Irish, Northern, V bbl V 1 4 PORK Northern,city ness.17 00 Thin, y bbl. 00 00 Prime, y bbl (extra) 00 00 Rump, y bbl 00 00 RICE Carolina, y 'ft....... . C East India, V 00 Rouch. bushel 1 -20 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 7 00 1 30 RAGS Countrv, y ft... City, y ft ROPE SALT Alum, V bushel.. Liverpool,, y sack IA 2 2 23 VA 6 00 85 00 75 9 A 10A 00 00 00 00 10 00 American y sack Cadiz y sack. SUGAR Cuba, y ft Porto Kico, id A Coffee, y lb.." b " y ft... c " y ft ... x c y ft Crushed? ft... SOAP Northern, y lb...... SHINGLES Contract, yl Common, y M.... ....- 2 Cypress sapa y M 5 Cypress hearts, y M 7 STAVES W. O. bbl. y M.18 R O hhd. V E .....00 4 12 UA n 14 VA 6 00 3.;00 0 00 0 00 00 5 00 50 50 50 00 00 00 9 00 50 50 00 40 75 18 28 20 00 00 00 00 00 10 13 00 10 00 Cvuress. V M 13 TALLOW ft TIMBER Shipping y M ...12 Mill, prime per M 8 Mill, fair per M ... Inferior to Ordinary,per M WHISKEY North'n, pergl North Caroina, per gal ... 8 50 6 00 5 00 2 50 20 30 WOOL Unwashed, per ft... Washed, per -ft Miscellaneous. Keystone! Printing Ink Co MAXUFACTURKK8 OF PRINTING INKS. BOOK AND NEWS BLACK A 17 Ilorth Fiftb Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OUR INKS ARE OF A SUPERIOR quality, being made from the best ingre dients and under the personal supervision ot a practical printer and pressman, therefore we will guarantee cverv pound of Ink sold to be of a Superior Jet Black, Quick Drying, and entirely free from setting-off. Our price are from 30 to 50 per cent, low ei than any other Inks manufactured in the United States. A trial of a sample keg will convince any printer that h has been paying nearly double what he should for his Inks in times past Pat up in kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. Address, :f 1 A ' KEYSTONE PRINTING INK CO., , 17 North Fifth Street, ' dee 13 Philadelphia, Pa. THOS. J. SOUTHERLAND JTIYERY AND SALE STABLES, Corner Third an'd Frioceas Street, " .'-' . . " r, ! Wilmington, N. C. Em Horaet and Vehicles for hire at rea sonable rates, v Excursion "parties to the Sosad and. country accomuiodated. Specialtv ' may 25 - Micsellaneou8. Thi Ct lllutratethtMaaflirof Utiejj' ' DOUCHE.1 This lntrnmenf i?Y;sfiiclallTdeeIgB( f". r - ?ts t o i inn f ir.n s9 ... i m t i m ' It Is tho on'r fnrm isf ir.t!CfSiA with whi.-h 11 aid medicine can be carried hia up and verfertly applied to all parta of the affect. c t nasalpa.eae. hnd the chambers or cavitle communicating therewith; la which sore and ulcers frequently exi-t, and from wmh tho cnJ frrhal d;hrto -cncr;.:iv t:r.v.--. xvnnt i" tii-.itnu- ( .n-.-,rl! l.t-r. l..f..ri- h.. a i iar-j-. ! H...M ...:.., r.i ;,i . ;.f ij.f.uii.fc ii.--. i .. - :.. tin '"mil.- ii,.. i. i in t.r. -.v n m- '' :''- -ri !":' ..:(,,:.. I'..,. ..: ,. -. m ii..- . t ;- .-Mir, i. ,. !'- i,.-. !i .. . vn'l" 'A'" " '"i M.ii . .till: . .. in 1 r I o f M. full Mini t.M. II l I ll'll liina V , . ,n .. i. v f...'t, H. Inui. w ('i, :i... i- lucut, i'.ii.-.ii. i:. i... ii rim-., i,' iii Attacks or "Cold lu th llead " Ly a few application; CATARRH V SY.HPTO MS Frequent iitanacni1, oiscnarjre iftiimp into uiroat some- times profuse, wsti-rv, tiiick mucus, jurulent offensive, etc. In other, a dryness, drv.watery,' weak, or -inflamed eyen, tj'pi'nr up, or obstruc tion, ot na-al paj.-ap's, rinjrin in ear, deaf ness, hawking Hnd ciiffhin to clear throat,' ulceration?, scabs from ulcers, voice alterci.' nasal twang-, otlVnsive breath, impaired or totftl deprivation ot .vense of smell and t&Me, di7i liess. mental depression, loss of appetite, Initi ation, enlarged tonsils, tickliiiK coujrb, etc. Only a'-few.of these .-vm;vmis. are likely to b present in any case at "one time. Dr. Sato's Catarrh Remedy, when n?0'l with Dr. l'icrco's Nasal Douche, and ac companied with the constitutional treatment which i9 recommended in the pamphlet that wraps each bottle of the Kemedy, u a perfect ppeciflc for this loathsome disease. It la mild and pleasant to n?o, containing no stronjr or caustic drujra or poisony. The Catarrh Kemedy la sold at W cents!, Douche at 00 ccnts.by all Drag-gists. R. r. riEllCF, jut, jy.t rroprr,0 BUFFALO, K. T. CORES DISEASES fir.' rHRQATJLUNGSIL In the wonderful me-llclne to which the afflict ed are above directed for relief, the discoverer Relieves he has combined in harmony more ox Nature's sovereig-n curative propcrrfc, which i;ol ha instilled into the vegetable kingdom for healing the slk. than were ever before come bined in one meliclne. The evidence of thla facft is found in the great variety of most obstinate diseases which it ha been found to conquer. In the cure of Broiichitlg, Severe Cough, and the early stages of Consumption, it ha astonlsheil "the medical faculty, and eminent Shyaicians pronounce it the greatest medical iscovery of the age. While it cures the sever est Coughs, It strengthens the Fvstcm and pari fles the blood. By its great and thorough Llood-purifyLng properties, it cures all Hn mors, from the worst Scrofula to a common Blotch. Pimple, or Eruption. Mercurial disease, Mineral Poisons; and their effects, aro eradicated, and vigorous health and a sound constitution established. Eryfilpela Salt rheum, Fever Sore, Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, all the numerous discieea caused by bad blood, are conquered by this powerful, purifying-, and Invigorating medicine. If you feel dull, drowp-r, debilitated, haTe sal low color of skin, or vellowish brown rpots on face or body, frequent headache or dUtlness, bad taste in month, internal heat or chills alter nated with hot flushes, low spirits, and gloomy forebodings, Irregular appetite, and tongno coatcdjvou are suffering from Torpid Liver, or BIllousnefl." In many c-asea of "Liver Complaint" only part of these pvmpt-oms are experienced. Aj a rcmedv for all such case, Dr. Pierce's Golden Meli&ai Dis covery has no equal, as it effects perfect cure?, leaving the liver strengthened ana Wealthy. VQ SOLO BY DRUGGISTS AT Jl PER B0TTlV?A rrerare-l bv II. V. lrERCiBi Tf. Soli rrorrictr. nt Uae WQBLD'a LI&Fi;SAEY. Buffalo, Y. - TheSouth Atlantic, A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED -TV., to Literature, Science and Art, will be issued in Wilmington. North Carolina, Octo ber loth, l!?T7. TlcCorps ef Contributors will include several oi the rnf st ci"tingui;ried autnors of the present day. A serial story, poemt, sketches, reviews, scientific and historical ar ticles will appear in every cumber. The Magaiine will cntain only original litera ture. The South Atlintic Sutc will be thorough ly canvassed by. an t herpetic agent. Subscription' one year $-3. Single Cfpv 25 cents. ADVERTISING TERMS. 1 pae one year il20; A pae one vear $75 : A page one year $50 ; A pjre one year 1 page one insertion, $23; A page one inser tion, 15 : u page one insertion, $10; Pge one insertion, $5. 50 per cent, additional fur advertisements on the Ma gajine covers. : Local subscriptions received and Magat- nnes sold at the Lity liookstores. Contracts for advertisements and subscrip tions received at the oflice of Messrs. Jackson & Hell. Book and Job Printers. AH communications should be addressed to Mr. CICERO W. HARRIS, svPt8 Editor and Proprietor. lYERS-BlQQft HARCHAL & The Handsomest, the Best Tone, the fJlost '.Durable Pianos Made. They arc Beautiful U.sewo.J. Scv?c --'jl u c-thirJ Octaves; with every ImproTement aud fully, guariintw.l. TUir s-kr.it! rice and uniform success have tven for tWii the '"tjli-'ii vf t St.iu ! r ! f lv.onynir and Durability. Acknowlodgod by all Musicians to bo the Best. OVER J g?000 NOW IN USE; . AGENTS WANTED Li:VE!iY COUNTY. ADDliESJ, MARCKAL & SMITH PIANO CO , Mr, ROBERT W. smith, AScnt, 47 tTniversity Place, XJew ZTor k " April s , v " APPLETON'S ir.-l ! i'i ii II. i.. in. I ; int. . -1 v i i: . Tiinl Jlliivi i .1 . -1 . il i. , . . i , : I ' i :M' . i i - . 1 1 I M : . I in- ..! hi 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 .ii i l i - I : tin. I. I ii. I it I. ..i I 1 1 1. M . W M I i;i N I 1 1 ' I. lii.V was ciinjlit'l m l.7, nii.- wJ.u.i time the wido circuliitioii which it iia at tained iuall parts of the I'niti-tl staU-s and the .signal developnu'iits whUdi have tak-n place in every braneo of science, literal t re. ami art, have induced the editor and pub- lishr to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, juul to i..sue a ne'.v edition eiit it 1 d . TliK AMKKH'AN ( 1 VlL. f.il A. j Within the lat ten yiars the proi'Oss of 1 discovery in every department ciknov Jeil.ce i has made a new work nl leleii iiLi- an w.i lerative want. 11m movement or )ontieal allair.s liavtr kept pace with the discoveries oIm ic-nce and tlieir fruitful upplieatioti to the iiultitrial and iLseful arts and the convenience and re finement of social life, -tireat wars, and e.n seqiiejit revolutions have oeeurn u, involv ing national changes i j.eculiar momont. The civil war of our count! y, whi'eh was at its height when the last volume of the old work appeared, has happily ended, and a new course of ommercial and industrial activity has been commenced. lirge accessions to our engni p'uica! knowledge have been made by tne 'indefati gable explorer ufAfrieik The great jiolitical revolutions of the hit decade, with the natural lesult oi the lapse m nine, nave orougut into puoiic view a multitude of new men. whose nanusare in every one's mouth, and of whose lives everyone is curious to know the particulars Great battles have been fought and iiiijov tant sieges maintained; of which the details are as yet preserved only in the newspapers or In the trasient publications of l lie day, and which ought now to take their place in permanent and authentic history. I g 1 ii prejuiring the present edition fr press, il has accordingly been the aim o; the editors lo bring down liie information to t'lie lowest jiossible rates, and to furnish an a -curat 'account f the most receiililiscovei ies Itx science, of every frehs production in litsrauie, and of the newest inventions in the practical artR.as well as to glv-'a succinct aud original record of the progress poii ileal and historlculeveuts. 'Hie work t. .as been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with-the most ample resou rees for carrying it on to'asue c Bsful tern inat ion. 'oue of the original stereotype plat es have been used, but every page has been printed on nW typ, tormixus, ir iuut, u now t'j-oiu- poedia, vrilh the same plan, and compass as its predesessor, but with, a far greater ecun iary expenditure, and with such improve meutin itscomjo6itionashave been suggest ed by longer expericucvu ud euLtrged know ledge. Tiie illustrations which arc introduced for the first time in the present, edition have been added not .for the sake of pictorial ef fect, but togive grer.ter lucidity and for - to the explanations. in the text. They eiirlu'ace all branches of science and nai ural . h ltoi v, aud depict the most famous au-I i einai kahle features of scenery, architect tire and art, 'us well as the various processes of nie hanies and manufactUies. Although inten.h-d for instruction rather than embellishment; ho pains have been spared to insure their artiaticexcellence;the cost ol their execution is enormous, and it is believed they will lind a welcome reception as aii adjuirable fi -at ure of the CyeloiKi'dia, and worthy of its high character. This work is sold to subscribers onlv, pay able on delivery of each volume. It wi-il .he completed in sixteen large m tavo volumes, each containing ulmul pages, fully illus Dated with several thousand Wood l-.ng rav ings; and with numerous colored l.it!eir)ai -hicMaps, Price and Stylo of Binding" In extra Clotn, per vol, J oo ; In Library leather, p-r vol, ?(i (K); In Half 1 urkey .Mo roeo, per vol, $7 oo; In Half Itwshia-, extra gilt, per vol, $s 00; In l-'nll Moroco. antique, gilt edges per vd, Slow; in full Kussia, per vol, 10 VO. Thirteeu volumes now ready. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will be issued once In wo months. Specimen pages of the Amkuji an (y. CIjpkdia. showing type, illustration.-, t-te., will be sent gratis, on applleatlou. First-Class Canvassing Agent- nted. Address the Publishers, peS D. AITLL'lON ,V CO., 5413 Sc 55 Bkoadwav. N. Y. CD .a a OS f. -mi 7. - (0 6 -?-. Z a - s i S 1 o Z o s 1 0) z CO '1- 3 V. i, -m j. ... O Female School. MISSES BCliPA JAMES,.-I'riLcip. mUE tuirte?;ntii annual ."V;i-lvt. x. of this school will core recce on THURS DAY, the 4th of October. Pupil of ail age received, while the sinw care will be bestow ed upon each, from advanced youDg lada-i to the smallest child. Object teaching combined with text book, instruction, is a particular feature of the tehool, the Principals, after Ion j and careful experience, Larisg fuund i to be the meet advantageous method of itnt parting knowledge to tne young and enquir ies' chud. ' Vocal music and calisthenics free of extra charge, excepting a trine for the daily use of caiisthenic apparatus. Musical Department under the supervision of lira. M. S. Cashing, whose long and faith ful experience renders her peculiarly fitted for this work. - For terar, Ac see or address Priacipxh. SWITH P1AI10S. Watchmakers, &c, t. w. buown cl oorio, WATt'HMAKKKS AND JEWKLLE15SU - ! i. .7 Mrk-t itr j 'illMillgtln, f. - i.h-h. -i l ?:t.. i vp:i: j iii: vmvvkv '.toktii ' I"! I Ofiel J tlti im.i il uf t)tel. Aii. ! - n.t -t.H-i, .. t.n,. t atrlics,- i'lm I . i . , j i , r ji'i', l .t!nv tiuoJ', Lent constantly on hand fur gale" at a very alight, advauce on New York cost. ' . ' Agents hr tlie Diamond Spectacles. -ma nr mr l'laiuunu rpeciacies. countrv friends arc invited to call and 1 dec U uur cc, Stoamship Linos, &c. CLYDE'S Mew oi AND Wilmington, IM, CM USteamship IjLine, The Steamer REGULATOR, CAIT. DOAXF, WILT. SAIL FROM NEW YORK (tf SATURDAY, Nov. 10. '""t-iU Sl.ifp ra can "rclr opon the prompt sailing of Steamers a. advertlaed. tfc- For Freight i;ngnKCfncnt3 ppij- to A. D. CAZAUX. Atfent, Wilmington, W. C. I . I5LLDL.N, Soliciting Agent M l'. CLYDE CO., General Agents, 6 Luwln.g t.rern, or I'ier 13, X. R.. tr or- nor 5 ail 'ftDinmoii'e .(.Ml " Wilminffton, W. CM STEAMSHIP LINE. The Steamer D, J. FOLEY, f,.l't. PRICK, WILL SAIL FlihM 1ULT1SD0RE ON Wo dnosday, Nov. 7. F j be fallowed by the CAIT, OLIVEH, Saturday, Nov. 10. i ; - ' - f . '' ' .-hirrr can rely upon the prompt ' Sailing of iteamere as advertised.-. Through Dills of Lading- gireo to ar. l fr.,m ' PLi!ad,!pLla, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. ' ' I'-r Ereight Engagement apply fj A. B. CAZAUX, Afent, Wilmington, Z7. O. L. S. liELDEN, Soliciting Agent. ; ' REUBEN FOSTEB, General Ageat m .- , u Corner Lee. and Light Streets, lUItlmore. not j Spectacles and Glasses. rpUE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ZYEB offered ia this city at price ranging from cents to $19. - ' v '.,-' - ' Call and examine for yonrttlref. A - t ,r J! u . 4 3 T A J l.-t 1 i- ' . pi '. I - ! ' '!. ? ; ' t. ' - i . - t t.ir it 5 i ' ! ',' .r. . j SI j'm " , f ; .! '. n , , r'.t :? . -t,,: .! ' 1