The Daily Review. CUSTER AND THE BATTLE OF TUE ROSEBUD. Through the enterprise of the New -lYnplr Herald tho truth 13 at last known JOSH T. JAMBS, ,u. . - . - , , m regard to tne uaino 01 . iuo v-v., WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1877. VIEWS AND REVIEWS.- Ten thousand Louisiana refugees have returned to New Orleans since the over throw of the carpet-baggers' regime. The tickets for the Paris exhibition are to be issued oy me .-u. - g Cu8ter ia his attack upon gon subscriptions wm uu, u.uu8 . e two or tUree miles distant. Sitting Bull thiuks, a did all of his where the lamented Custer aud his 260 brave comrades perished. .If Sitting Bull is to be believed in his account of the battle which he gave to the New York Herald correspondent, lieno, after his inglorious retreat across the little Big Horn and up on the summit of the bluffs over-looking the valley,' where he entrenched himself, had nothing confront ing him but squaws and superannuated old men and children ; tho warriors had books, purchasable for $20. - The oldest royaj princess in Europe is Caroline of Denmark, who has just com- chief that Reno onw had a handful of pleted her eigbty-tourtn year, one . im. mfi consequently they put the squaws great-great-grand-daughter of George II., and olj men to keep up a sort of desui- of Britain. " I tory tire on him, while the Indian war- English is 'the court language ofGer- riors all went to attack Custer; when many. It is a proud moment when a tne truth is, that Reno had five com Briton or American, visiting the palace, ,janje3 of men, his force being equal is saluted with "Dot vos a pooty nphlentit that which General Custer had with morning, ain't it-?" him, and yet he remained there with his ThP South has had the. Speakership of whole command, under the fire of squaws the national Bouse of -Representatives' for and old men, within hearing of the Ore forty-six years, in the fourty-four C6n- of Custer, and failed to rnako one move presses1 that liavo been held-, the first Iwing merit ' towards his relief. T.w.,,n ,.f Vnrth Carolina, and the last The account of the battle, as furnished JL a. V ;u v v. -- JamtsL Orr. t South Carolina.- by Hitting Uull a'"l .mblilnl m the " WW. Va.. ... Imve -.W, relieve., Ge.i'l. Cste, from u.y U-.u-fitcd by tho International 1 " , oi :;u cxperieucen iuukui h-ulci, i the' imposition of his-forces, was that ol an .aUhj General; and hadaMaj. Keno. car ried out iii.s Geia-ral's eonnuaii'I s 1 history would have W) .1 jlVjfi;nt. Cult 's !;i!i was-for Reno to charge in front vh;!e he with the balance of l he cinnrnand'Httackwl them in rear, lieno conunericed tin; ;il t:iekf but soon became , panic .stricken -ami boat the interests of the service; that, ia his opinion, the wisdom of his selections had been indicated so far as opportunity baa been offered to test them, and that be Lliscellap.eoiLS. b Oocretary's Office,- could not consistently with his conceptions WILMINGTON. & WELDON B. R.CO.,! Wilmihqton, N. C, Not. 6, 1877. of his duty, withdraw those determined on. The general impression appears to be that the recognized leaders of the party. including such nvfn as Hamlin, Edmunds and others eqnalry orthodox, were rather cavalierly received, entertained and dis missed; and as though he thought he might Eail Boad-Linos, &c. Cen'l Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AU GUSTA RAILROAD Wilmington, N..C., Nov. 10, 1877. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Oil tnd after Sunday, Nov. 11, the follow ing schedule will be run on this road: have been misunderloocl. or had not made rpHE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL Meet- DAY EXPRESS AN D MAIL TRAIN, (daily known his determination with sufficient A ing ot tue stocthoiaers .01 toe . wiimwg- , except ounuj.j $M immediatdy 8et to tbe .Z'wSC &!Z I oenaie ine name or one sat. Lawrence, mington, on TUESDAY, the 20th ot Novem- T""a i ;nce 1 2? P M a Democat and ex-Confederate who tlon t ber, 1877. J. W. THOMPSON, Wilmington... G 40PM believe in "erriti!' brothers " as Collector nov 6-tdm Secretary of tlip'nnrtnf Kfw Orleans. Senators tren erallv observe a dignified silence: but Secretary's Office, every one interested feels that the very at- WJL CQU & AUGUSTA 11 R. CO. raosphere is permeated with a subtle I something, that leads every one instinct- J Wilmington, N. C, Nor. 5, 1877. ively to put themselves in an attitude of defense though no enemy is visible, or to seek tho most convenient shelter from a J Ayt -VljnJ" storm that seems imminent, though to tne Arrive at Wilmington NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dailv). - Leave Wilmington 7 25 P M Leave Florence 11 20 V M Arl-ive at Columbia 2 60 A M Leave Columbia 12 50 A M Leave Florence 4 18 A M Arrive at Wilmington..... 8 45 A M This Train will only stop at Flemington, Whiteville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timmonsrille, Sumter and Acton between Wilmington and Columbia ordinary observer the heavens were never TH.E EoTGIiTH, JANNU5iu MS?,TI-N0. of THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Daily, e- T. r i,.,t we oiocK-noiuern ui uic i muiugtuu, cent ounaays. more serene It is safe to predict that CoIumbia & Augu8ta Rail Road Company Leave Wilmington..... 1100 AM neitner Mr. Lawrence nor Mr. heed, the be Deld at the Office of the Company, in eare Florence 7 00PM Toledo Postmaster, who is alleged to have Wilmington, on TUESDAY, the 20th of Arrive at Columbia...! 3 10AM Leave Columbia 1 15 A K Iave Florence... 8 00 A M Arrive at Wilmington 4 00 P M Passengers for Augusta and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wil mington. pS Through Sleeping Cars on night train lor Charleston and Macon. A. TOPE, G P A NEW RIVER OYSTERS ! JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt. nov 12 nov 6-tdm J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. FIRST OF THE SEASON 1 hugely Brkihh ceiebrat'ion heal there hist Mwy. Upward of $200,000 have; Keen invst-d 'in i"ar!d iu t.hj ueihborhoo !, -atvl iumi! m .;!' is "on a xivki enc ,nra-'in scale. A lar-c i;U' v of ci-f' v;nit barroom' irenuvnters i'i liictHnoii'l . V;i., .carry - m. rcftdv-inndc drinks in their 'pockets -itice the raise jd prices inaugurated by the bell punch tax, and the home bottle is patron ized nearly as much as during trior war times. TheTcxans aro auxious to try their . ! hand at war with Mexico. Two thousand States volunteers are enrolled and ready to commence workat the word "go." Noi need of United States forces for Texas- ,f secured his appointment through a bargain November, 1877. with Stanley Matthews and through a most flagrant&riolation of the programme which it was Announced would guide the President in his reform appointments to the civil service, will Ihj unanimously con firmed. . There is no mistaking Mr. Conkling's purn'osc to antagonize the Administration. lie is rejmrted to have formally requested pat amj swect, now served up at the Mr. Sherman to inform his Committee as I , to the nature of the charges against the ContOimial SaiOOll. , . (. nr i- v,0n ineiinast vv mea, a les, imagers au cigars ow. t- "r T always on han widetl that it ha satisfactory evidence that 9rint-)i thev have efficiently and laithfully . performed their duties. It is tho under- All y laht HflllQP. i u m ics - h m h. mm n m m m standing that of the nominations betorc - . . ; On and after Sundav. Nov. 11th. 1877, his Committee those not alleged, to be in- f& AND A FT Ell THIS DATE THE passenger trains on the Wilmington & Wel- cousistent with Mr. Hayes' civil service T ,wl1l. .'. , t- don Kailroad will run as ioiiows : reform rules, are iriven out from time to HYi? ?KS"lZ DAY MAIL AND EXPKESS TRAIN, daily. time, or otherwise obnoxious to lontv. will be reported lavora j ' . . "... i t .. , . . j i Arnvc t t others will be allowed to sleep m the Wines, Liquors ana uipars, tne oesi ana . Weidon H 45 P M Committee Itoom and lapse with the sea- e cheapen. v j : anr atrlfl Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. " " . - j --j ; jepot at....... (vo x ju JOHN CARUOhL, Proprietor. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD COMPANY. Office op Gbn'l S0peeintkndent , Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 10, 1877. j son, when they will become void. desired OCt 1 JOHN CARROLL, Proprietor. officers, and the courage ol ins men, neve, for one moment doubting that his instruc tions would be carried out, charged right into the enemy's camp and in doing so, alasl rodo risrht down into the valley of merely given her permission tako caro 0 I jeat herself. Gen'l. Custer it seems wore his hair long The exportation from Russia of .sheep- in t defiance ; Which was a standing chal- skiDS and pelisses has been forbidden be- enge to the red man, come and take my c mse tho Government, observing the iu- scalp' if -you can! Ths Indians had a cro.iso in the exports of these articles, great respe:t for the brave Geaeral whom supposed they were being bought up for tney canej Tj0ng Hair. The tollowing is - the use of tho Turkish troops during the gittipg Bull's account of Custer's end, to winter campaign. the same correspondent. The correspon- Tho widow of the Iato Duko Galliera dent questioned him : of Genoa, is employing part of her im- "Did you hear from your people how mense wealth in building two rna-nincent he died ? Did he die on horseback ?" 1 ,t.i TT 1 1 A U 1 IIW'C Ol "ui vn uwiov nOSpiialS IOr Hlal CilJT. uw iiuauauu, w- foro his death, gave $4,000,000 toward remodeling the port, and this work is now rapidly progressing. 0 An old, paralyzed Indijtn walks about poles that are fastened at his side and fightr and that from time to time, while drag on the ground behind him. With- it was going ou, they were shot down out them ho would fall backward, but like pigs. They could not help them- with their bracing from behind, he is able selves. One by one tho officers fell. I . -it believe the Loug IIair rode across once : to get along very well. from this place down . here (meaning the fcing Alfonso proposes to convoke tlv place where Tom Custer's and -Smith's - Spanish Cortes in January, in order to ask companies were killed) to this, place up . , ., , , . here (indicating the spot on the map for a subsidy, as he has not money enough wherelCuster fJ11 butl j aTO not &Je to. get married on. His bride has more about this. Any way it was said that up than enough for both, but his Castilhn there, where 'the last fight took place, blood will n .t allow him to approach her where the last stand was made, the Long tiair scooa iikc a sneni oi corn wuu an the ears fah'eu around him." 'Not wounded ?" 'Ko."' "How many stood by him ?" "A few." ' When did he fail?" "He killed a man when ho fell anaSty re.r, Cy - ; c.mrnittee is another of those aestined to mitof thclilufis above mentiomn.., w:i-ooi..e j . - f rted gallant Custex trusting to the fealty ol his j jt I'll be with the recommendation that I OFFICE REGISTER OF DEEDS, Depc NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. NEW HANOVER CO., N. C, WILMINGTON. Oct. 30, 1877. RENEW AT ON0E. oct 31 back." "All were dismounted ?" "Yes.': ' "And Custer, the Long Hair ?" THE LAST TO DIE. "Well, I have , understood that there it be not confirmed The Senate yesterday passed the Army iill with the proviso for sending four regi ments of cavalry to Texas stricken out, aud tho numerical strength restored to 'io 000. ft is the nrevalent imnression ' ... I . I i i o i i tji. hat the House will recede, especially T ETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS, vvhusjs ouj, eicepi ouuuay; uu a aiCU I I I m An H own oil roil imi tao ine jLemocrauc lawyers ui " " , ,o, r vf tri mVpa oIaoa Pntinr. t benatc are said to have been vt the opin- - r Weldbn for.all points north via Richmond, ion that the clause relative to the cavalry hereby notified that they must RENEW THE Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Train3 was cieariy unconsuiubiouai, iuliiuziux. i . i xi. iwiji, vx. x. a. as it did. on the Presidents perosative as .dAML Al UiNOb. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Saot. nov 12 VUUU1CIUUC1-1UVU1CI Ul bug illiuj uv Navyr. The Naval deficiency bill was also nassed. The House Foreign Relations Committee yesterday agreed to report 6W D6SiTna iewitt s raris exposition loini resoiuuon i favorablv. with amendments. It accents the invitation to France and enpowers the A INVOICE OF CLOCKS of entirely rresiaent to appoint a ommiss oner- new deg. h . beeQ received and are jj Route to the Mountains General at $5,000 and 20 subordinates at beinf. sofdat extremely low figures; also a -"ow XVU4A w w 5l,UUU eacn. tine assortment ot LiA.liS' WAit'una, Qf W6StGm -IVO. j2L mHIS NEW ROUTE IS NOW OPSN ste. nr :m.- .i I I tn thp. travelling Dubhc. Passenger trains attracted much attention. The Record c All I ask of the Public is to give me leave daily the Depot of the G. A C. R. R. J. II. ALLEN. as an impecunious bridegroom. Oi c o' the bwmi lers Who advertise remedies tor consumption free of co: but wit'i preten'el dis'.nterestcJnei otTcr to send the ingredients for $o, lias been exposed in Philadelphia.- His room was littered with letters that had enclosed I laughed." .'. .... r... . W,i at "You mean he cried out. work getting circulars and packages of the nostrum ready .for the mail. The peculiar wickedness of the swindle lay in the character of tbe mixure sent, of which a physiciau said: "This wonderful remedy, is virtually hasheesh, tho primary effect I 0g- of which is exhilarating, but its continued uso is highly injurious and debilitating. The system of a weakly patient once ac- Ile "No, he laughed; he had fired lni last shot." -VFrom a carbine?" "No, a pistol." . "Did he staud up after he first fell? "He rose upon his hands and tried an other shot, but his pistol would not go "Was any one else standing when helell down?" "One man was kneeling: that was all Tint, hn rbtnl before tbe Loll"? Hair. All customed to its use must have it, or, ccas- thjs wag" far up ou the i,iufrs f:4r away insr to use it. will rapidly fail. In other I from the Siaux encampments. I did not words, its habitual use is almost, if not see it. It is told to me. But if is tnie quite, as pernicious as the opium habit." not scalped. ' ' . TT-ia Tnor. TTnir was not Rr.ilnnil?" The French Government is very shrewd No -My people did not xwant his m its action regardiug tbe shipment ol pcalp. petroleum to its shores. In order to en-j -.. Wliy? courage . domestic, manufacture, a heavy import tax was levied some time ago upon refined oil, while the crude petroleum is permitted to pass into the country free of duty. In consequence, oil refineries have "I have said; he was a great chief," WASHINGTON LETTER. Wash ing ton D. C. Nov. 16, 1877. prang up au ovcr rrauce, una tuc v- lican-eaucUsJ of last Saturday to confer port oi cruae ietroieum to that country witk tue President, explain the drift o has increased wonderfully during the past I sentimeut as elicited at that meeting anc six months. Three year ago the ship- to report to their .ass-ciates the spirit in . .,,. a which their suggestions, were received, raents to Antwerp were greater than to . . - do not appear by current, reports and aoy other foreign port, but at present the street gossip, to have been given any I: rench have largely the advantage m the j reason to suppose that the President wit raw product. Sr"m. Italv. and Portu- be much influenced relative to appoint gal are purchasing largely of tho French Pnts arid dismissals from office by the . t- i " -1 . information imparted. He is understood refined oil, which is said to cost to have said, substantially, that he felt it them less than the American. Ihe ex- incumbent on him "to exercise his own nens3 of labor and fuel is less in France judgment in the premises and , thai than here, and French chemists claim to Senators must use their own discretion in ; . , , , , , the confirmation or rejection of bis ap- . have discovered cheap means of deo4or- Qtecs. that in his appointment of Demo- izing and purifyiog tho oil unknown tor crats to office he had had; regard to the osf ttSsVra. - 1 rcncilution of tha different Bectiont and Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 7 05 P M Arrive at Weidon at , 2 20 A M Leave Weidon, daily at..... 3 35 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depofr at.. 10 25 A M The Day Train makes close connection at Weidon for all points North via Bay Line JOS. E. SAMPSON, Register of Deeds. Miscellaneous. A Full tine QF CARDS OF ALL KINDS, fancy and the beautiful TINTO CARDS. Full fifty varieties ! i ... .. Will print them cheap j; Call and tpttimm S. G. HALL, Book and Job" Prints, gept 2C V . Princess ,tretu JAS. T. PTTKWT, c. a. scBeUlI MEBCHAfiDISr COMMISSIDI ' . -AN1) Brokerage Housp K . - . - vi ECEIVE REGULARLY and b,Te exhibition, samples of Coflee. HUr i H1 (!,.... HI n ' ' "lO. IKiTake orders for Meats, Lard, Salt Ci Butter, Cheese, Soap, Lye, Potanhde TIT? . 1 11 1 ... Wire DromntlraJ! nrrfpm ,.!.... .. signments solicited. . , . . Weare agents lor tne sale of VHrn GIBBS A CD'S MANIPULATKD i:rV' and the Beasly Cotton Tief. VKTTEW AY & SCIIULKEN. dec 13 Fall ail Winter 1877-78. JOW IN STORE A LARGE AND CAKE, fully selected stock of Staple and Ftncj Drj Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clotting, F,r. nishing Goods, $c., for the Fall and Wiaif, Trade. ' ' These goods were lelected by me persflr in the Northern markets and with atwwu, the wants and requirements of this tmlua. 1 respectfully .invite an examination of m' Wholesale Dealers are notified that Im and will offer them rare bargains. A. WEILL, Agent, oct 17 . No, 17, Market St ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AT Exchange Corner, SoartanburT & A, NEW NETTING for Scarfs and Veiling ; Sequin Buttons ; a new "lot of Frinpfi, all shades. Also the latest styles in Child ren's Fancy Hose, Shetland Wool ; ner Silk Ties ; fine Black and White Lace Scarfs and Ties; Kid Gloves ; Hamburg Edgings and Insertings; Corsets, Baching, Handkerchief!, LaceBibc. Spanish Net. and other Fancr Articles. You will find the best value in the city. r. New Goods always being receWed in the Millinery Department. - . . A handsome line of Straw and Felt Good, Flower,Feather, Plusb, Ac., always on band, nov 7 N II. SPRUNT. CARPETING, CABPETDVG5. is fearfully burdened with them this morn- Gurdge in Obstructing Nature, Instead of aiding her in her efforts to recu perate, Is obviously not the way to get well -when one is sick. Yet this is precisely the course pursued of course unwittingly by persons who are continually dosing them selves with powerful mineral drugs forborne malady with which they are afflicted. Such baneful medicaments rather tend to retard recovery than to hasten it. How much more sensible are they who employ the gently acting but thoroughly efficient restorative Hostetterls Stomach Bitters, which, unlike the drugs referred to, is eminently whole some and safe; and, instead of injuring, im proves the tone of the stomach and recreates health and vigor in the broken down sys tem. Indigestion, liver complaint, consti pation, kidney and bladder ailments, arid rheumatism, yield to its corrective influ ence, and it is the remedy and preventive par excellence for intermittent and remit tent fevers and other disorders bred by miasma tainted air and water. It is, more over, a superb appetizer. GOLD. Great chance to make money. If you can't get gold you can get greenbacks. We need a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant worns oi ai t given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscrlb.1 One agent re ports making over 510U in a weeK. a laay lurent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who engage mate money last. You can devote all your time to the business oronly your spare time. You need not he awav from home over nignu xou can ao it as well as others. Full particulars, direc tions and terms iree. Jiiegant and expensive Outfit free. If you Want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs noth ing to try the business. No one who engages fails to 111 alee great, pay- Auaress "ine reo- ple's Journal' Portland, Maine. , aug 4 gt PtHHls not easily earned in these L times, but it can be made in T I I I three months by any of eit her S ;x, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the em ployment that we furnish. $ki per week in vour own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give' your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over T2) per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at auy other business. It cost nothing to try the business. Terms and to Outfit free. Address at once. li. J1ali.ktt & Co., Poit land Maine, inly 6 We Respectfully Offer to the Public rNE0F THE Largest and Cheapest stocks of ' READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, DRY GOODS, &c, &c, &c.f &c, ia this city or tate. We respectfully solicit a call beforVpcr- chasuig elsewhere. f. SOL. BEAR AJBIIC3rf ocilS- a trial. feb27 Watchmaker and Jeweller- treet Cars, in Columbia at 12:45 p. m., and arrive at ter minus of S. & A. li. K. at 8 p. m., where close connection is made with four-horse coaches for Flat Kock, Hendersonville, Asheville and Warm Springs. Passengers will have choice to go through or lie over at Mt. Trvon, where tbe fare is excellent, and N AND AFTER MONDAY NEXT the resume their journey early next morning and thereby enjoy some ot the tinest moun- STRKET- CAKS will commence running at tain scenery on the Howard Gap turnpike, to It r- 1 . TIT a V .U t Ioe iounu in esu;rii nunu varuuuo. Arrangements have been made with tbe Ivy . j. ol A. i. iv., iur ruuiiu 11 ijj uu&cu m. the following rates : f rom v 11. to Jt lat kock ana return, 910.00. until 8.30 o'clock, except Saturdays, when " " ' Asheville and return, $ 19.85. 1 .. .... to warm opriDga ana return, they will run until 10.30 o'clock. $25.85. I.. .. .. to iienaersonvuie ana return, $15,85. Capt. S. S. Kirkland, of N. C, and for- tery and Brooklyn. ' I merly of the Air Line R. R., will be present 1 on the arrival 01 tne trains at tne terminus There will be a Car to the Cemetery every of the S. & A. R. R., to see that passengers I are nrovided for and sent forward without de- 30 minutes, also one to Brooklyn every 30 j jay. On arrival of trains passengers are re quested to ass lor uapt. Jvirxiana, rassenger j m x 1!. a . a. minutes. There will be a sign ou tbe rear of the Car just over the dash board, designating which place the Car is going either Brooklyn or the Cemeterv. - 4 ' and Transportation Agent. Try this new route. D. R. DUNCAN, Pres't. julyU SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. rjlEETlI INSERTED ON Silver Plate at the same rate as Persons wishing to take the cars on either of tbe three Railroads, will find the Street j Rubber. It is far better than Rubber, more Cars the cheapest and most comfortable way 1 durable and can be worn with much more of reaching them. Persons arriving in the comfort to the patient as it occupies less city will always find a car at the upper end ioom in the mouth. We have also reduced of Front street near Union Depot, which rrill the price of Gold Plate work. Filling and tane tnem to any 01 tne iioteis ior o centc, or all other Dental operations performed skill to any ether part of the Street Car Line. I fnnv and satisfaction guaranteed. Teeth ex- Price from Castle and Sixth streets, to the I tracted without pain. Carr's Tooth Paste riM. , 1 v . I sr icmetery or nuton, oniy o cenu, ior very 1 constantly on hand, near the three miles of road, and return for I THOS. B. CABR & SON, . . .. oct 20 No. 38 Market it. b cents. The very cheapest fare in the United states. Persons are requested to report any negli gence on the part of the drivers to the super iatendent. WASHINGTON KING, aug 21 Superintendent. Female School. Keystone Printing Ink Co MA NU FACTURERS OF PRINTING INKS. BOOK AND NEWS BLACK A T MISSES BURR it JAMES, Principals. HE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL Session Specialty 17 XTorth Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. of this school will commence on THURS DAY, the 4th of October. Pupils of all ages received, while the same care will be bestow ed upon each, from advanced young ladies to the smallest child. Object teaching com bin el with text book instruction, is a particular feature of tbe school, the Principals, after long and careful experience, having found i . . l 'm . . UR INKS ARE OF A SUPERIOR I parting knowledge to to be the most advantageous method of imt in knowledge to th Vocal music and calisthenics free of extra e young and enquir cualitv. beuur made from the best incre-1 ine child. dients and under the personal sanerrision ot I Vocal x a practical printer and pressman, therefore I charge, excepting a trifle for the daily use o we will firuaxantee everv nound of Ink sold to I calisthenic apparatus. be of a Superior Jet Black. Quick Drvinc. I Musical Department under the rapervision and entirely free from setting-off. I of Mrs. M. S. Cubing, whose long and faith- uur prices are irom to mi per cent, low- j mi experience renaers ner peculiarly ntiea ei man any other Inks manufactured in the J ior this work. United States. K For terms, Ac, see or address Principals. Atrial 01 a sample xeg wiu convince any I septa. Printer that ha has been Atrinirnparlr Hnnhlo I u 1 , 1 r - r x . .. J . VATtin t 1 'rfrrrnT tn fl .11 wuuBMiotuo. ior jus uu in ames past. I n xxiXi caaiiiUJiaa- iv ui nuuiu Pat up in kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. KKYSTOXE PRrNTING INK CO., 17 North Fifth Street, -dee IS Philadelphia, Pa. It May Concern. i IAj PARTIES who have left work With me to be repaired from October to Jnlv 1877. and do not call and redeem sakw Work within one week'a time. It will vet id lor tne amount or repairs. A LARGE AND Well Selected itock of CARPETING New Styles, Beit Goodi, CHEAP FOR CASH. SOL BEAR 4.1jR08, oct 16. 1 i ) ; IS A 20 Market street . ' . 'if REMOVAL. . JOHN WERNER has removed his Bwtxr Shop on South Front Street one door AorU of his old stand. His many pttron t4 friends he will now be pleased to in; at 7, South Front street, (Clespor'i old itsol) oct 10 ; : - 7 ' FURNITURE AMD CARPETS 1877; D. A. SMITH & CO. F OR FALL AND WINTER TKAW A large and complete stock now in Warn for salo low. Call and examine and send for ctkP BOV 1. , Hold the "fort ; r th I T CALL THE ATTJHiTlua "'..irfjA zens of Wilmington who bT?iTu fact that I have bad an experW ngi years at the bench and Uujme lni? that all work left in my care my own personal attention. - AmI have no worjeman but W'fr apprentices to botch vp work, lA the future all work entrnsUt s shall not only be proraptly ot.. superior, workman-like atork tending at present to keep F Jg -odiT hand, consequently my J$Zv ed attention shall be deroU JeWeir chanlcal branch of lb r.J 'fll trade. All botched upj ticsX lw MS- Chronometers f menu repaired. j. H. ALL- noy9 .- ' HOW I3Y0UECHAHCE- 15Q0 tw8&. Pried totxiold at Exebure Contu w you soon win oc ii 1 i 71 h.frMftsof wrT. U iru ","t-life. mr boo Rsstoss Pjlr to MsrrUe woved. method of "Zmtdx aBd remarkable fj, Books and ckcuiars "d4rf in sealed envelopes. Ninth St. Wpyfctfl An insurauu- ----- 1 J H. ALLEN. n 0 OBCt 7 DULYESVIETr. )

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