UN SEEN battlefield, ft ark these Facts! THE TESTIMONY OP THE "WHOLE WOELD Holloway's Pills. ,. . unseen battlefield w- ....man iiretmii rXXS&ML orces meet. !K"'Lotney c ooly.nP where victory lies, lav's work is done. , Plasters strong anu iieroc-, , riu c of demon form . irchie ftSUt he thuder cloud. "STcelhe bursting storm. arc the passions iierw, taP1 watcn uight and day, 3 the weakest points, HaVlrHtinR for the fray. j;ntr Willi llie nJin?ittie band, :tut "" fan unqualling front. isvclieu " nlv seen ' fcPen. inr rtrmly stand. w - . . . .irlsa (Jod-llke rorm. Vs 1 tpnanoe serene. fcfUI ri h is naked breast. KleTrosslsBeen.. ntiins are the Virtues fair. p,h thft'. wondrous slpn. no ianCpr. for they feel VSZZa all divine. - ' it speaks a glorious i rum. as creat as sure, H victorious they must learn fwio ftndure. . tiiev win that battleneid. wherebattie once had reigned jgg5 a hallowed spot. where flowers of joy and peace -fVfini the fertile sod. rine from fholr nralsp A every . . - pTrsonoTthe Khedlne. , . v i,n,i ;Vr is a man of about forty 5 ar of a-e "nder the middle ft Yean, or a e, i i iiru whirh. during the -tvear seem io.hc . fin bv'tbe heavy burdens imposed upon led XT Let the Suffering and diseased read the follow he: -; 05?- j.et all who have been given up dv Doct r , and spoken of as incurable, read the following. iS?-Let all who can believe facts, and can have fa ih in evideuce, read the follow- Know at.i. mkn i:y these, puksents, That, on , this, the Twentieth day t LJuiiO. in the e;ir of Our Lord,. Out Thou sand Eight I n n ulred and Sixty-six, pM snally came J-stph Haydookto ine km-wn a siifh. and ln'inir duly pwri Iexs-l as -fcillows nat he is the sohi general agent for the United States anl dejenden c.es t hereof for thrt pir-parations or medi- ci tes known as nr. iuiiowav s i i.i anu OiiiniKMtt. ai d hat the fallowing cer'ili cate:' are verl:tiui en i u the lvt ! his knowledg and W- lief. J.MS.sMEITKE, L s N.tary l'ul' i''. u 14 Wall btr t,. S'.-w YniU. 13K 13 9 Uli 7 7 6 .Jm.e 1st, W4. I)lt. lloI.LoAY : 1 t;ike my jm'ii 'o wiiUvyou.ol ni great lelu t ml that, th- awful pain in my has lef; me at last tlunks to your" T lis. Oh, I ?u -tor, how thankful I am that, i can yet some si. ep. I can never write it enough. 1 thank you I asain and again, and am sure that you are really the friend of all sullerers. l could not help writing to you, and hope you win not take it amiss. JAMES MYERS, UO Avenue D. 23W"The following quotation! represent the wholesale prices generally. In making up mall orders higher prices hare to be charged. BAlxUlA u UunnTi........... Doable Anchor............. Doable Anchor "A". Standard Domestic.......... BACON North Carolina, llama, y fi Shoulders, y fi............ Sides, y 2)..... Western Smoked Hams Sides, y Shoulder?: Dry Salted bidrt, y it......... Shoulders, ! lb HKEF Live weight HAlillELS Spirits Turemine Second Hand, each i 75 New York,each, new 2 00 B ees wax y it. w BRICKS Wilmington, 'V w Northern 0 U UTTEU N orth Carolina lb 20 Northern, y lb CA N DLEjS Sperm y T. Tallow, V & Adamantine, y set. . CHEESE Northern Factor . iJ 1 Dairy cream, y it). Statu, V lh , COFFEE Java, V .... Kio, y ft...; Laguvra, y lb ......... CO UN AlEAI y bushel. COTTON TIES y lb.... DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 y yard Yarn, y bunch 95 ($$ FISH Mackerel, No. .1, y bbl....l6 00 25 & & ou $ 2 00 & 2 50 &10 00 u oe 25 This is to certify that I whs discharged from the army with Chronic Diari-ha-a. and have been cured by Dr. Holloway's Pills. WILSON I1A11VK1, New York, April 7, 1866 21 Pitt st. oo 111 24 HO 4 & on Miscellaneous. 15 ItM'l 'Mlif0i f f lis 1 J The Handsomest, the Best Tone; the Most Durable Pianos TJade- They are Beautiful Boscwood. Sev2n and one-third 0cUyes? with every IroproTemcnt and fully, guaranteed. Their r. otlcrato price and uniform success have wyi for them the xxsition of a Standard of Economy and Durability. Acknowlodgod by all Musicians to . be the Best, OVER 18,000 NOW IN AGENTS WANTED IN EVEKY COUNTY. AUl)i:t-SS, " MARCHAL & SMITH PIANO CO., r, kobert w. SMITH, Agent, 47 University Placonow ITork 31 A pril Miscellaneous. IHR0AT,lUNQSOlVER2tBL0Qa New Painting Establishment C XS. DUE. 32. 6l :co- .. S ID has so manfully , covered by tbrovn beard, closely clipped, and , . mnstache of the same col-' Ihim, The following w an interesting case of a - 11 I1 ' r -J ... t,rl, His face is rouna, covereu By man empioyeu in an iron rommiy, "uu, m pouring melted iron into a nasis lual was damp and wet, caused an explosion. The melted iron was throw n around and on him. in a perfect shower, and he was burned dreadfully. The t llowingceruncaie was eiven to me, by him, about eight weeks after the accident : New Ytoek, Jan 11, lboo. Mv name is Jacob Hardy ; 1 am an Iron founder. I was badly burnt by not iron m last mv hnriis healed, but 1 .1 V f sM-MKt A. m " " ' 7 50 00 00 3 75 0 00 9 50 7 00 chfl-.inf a nrm uuv otu"".- J '...i. w rnnmlexion is dark : his BWUIH. - -r, rpu ar. neavv rauuer l.i.. in nvnreKSion. nia eveo, uiuu ..tonus habitually nan cioseu, iu xur. flfihion. sometimes closing one entire- and usually dull, but very ' 1 1 n . 4imaa wlion Vlfl r i J f: . Jn. lilrn a flaaVi No. 1. V XA bbl Mackerel, No. 2, bbl No. 2, y A bbl... Mackerel, No. 3 bbl. Mullets, y bbl.... N-C. Herring, y bbl... Drv Cod. U ft.... FLOU1C Fine, y bbl......... 0 00 Kut.pr. Northern. V bbl... 0 00 Extra do " y bbl. Family " y bbl... City MillEx,.Super y bbl. ' Family V bbl. " Ex. Family $ bbl. FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, y 2000 fia . 58 00 Rucrh'a Phosohate " " 00 00 Carolina Fertiliser " Ground Bone, " Bone Meal ' " Flour ' " Navaesa Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate ' Wando Phosphate, ' Berger&Brutz'sltos. " 8 '00 020 00 9 00 00 00 0 00 10 50 4 00 8 00 1 0 C 50 7 50 8 00 10 00 7 25 7 75 8 25 Blotcbt Pimple, or Eruption. Mercurial Foisonri, ana their effects, are iUf'vuu v delate Napoleon III., of whom m my wwcmirsa with t&e ivneaive, l nave been frequently, reminded for they are tarnr1 intellect: with the same strong liH the same weak characteristics doing wnstont battle with each other. Thn Khedive's voice is very character :vw. anmowhat thick, yet emphatic, Jtw W y . . !i modulated, pivins meaning , to tne aost commonplaco utterances, his words iwl bv a smile of much attrac- :.nnc mUon hft wishes to nlease and UCUtOO UV" "v i ktmrl i at rest. But uuder the mask of apparent apathy or serenity, a close observer will remark that the linr ; across he broad brow and about the strong mouth udicate strong passion as strong- j suppxessed, and the cares of empire m- frudiztf wiiighter thoughts, and judge the Khedive to be far from a happy man. all true and anybody son's Iron Works,. 2d Avenue. J. HAKDY, lPJ Ooercli St. None. 75 95 (New York Sun.) Square Meals at a Cent a Plate. "The cheaoest dining room in the city' ithejclaim placarded on a'house in Grand street, close to Clinton. The restaurant is t plain room of moderate size, furnished with common tables and a large side board. "Wo put cloths on the tables !ipn wa nnenod a week aizo." said the e'ierftv woman who. aided by her son, conducts the establishment, "but there wag such a rush of boys who were neither nanrjerly or neat, that we had to take tbenf off. We are getting up another room iround the corner especially for the boys, tad when that is opened wo shalfrcserve this place for adults." J Printed bills of fare were scattered about, giving the following price!: A imallcupof tea or coffee, with bugar and milk, one cent; a eun of ordinary tize.two cents; bread and butter, one wat ; soup, one cent ; a slice ofcorned beef, one cent ; a baked or boiled potato, oca ceut ; cabbage, one cent ; baked beaci, one cent; boiled or fresh mush, wcent; oatmeal, one cent; boiled rice, wteat; a quarter ol a pie, three cents. The qraiitv of all these things is excel J- eot hut the one cent portions are small,! )'ft a air appetite could be appeased for re cents, and a ravenous one for ten. Everything is clean and the cooking is rod. "Who supports this charity?" was &ed of the woman yesterday. "Charity 1" she exclaimed; "why, sir, 'his isn't a charitable institution ; it is a business enterprise, and I guess it is going to pay. The margin for profit is small, is you may imagine, but it will be enough to live on if the crowds come as they Uve been coming. We have to buy close, and waste nothing, but by careful management there is a profit on everv cent's worth we' sell." Threo newsboys entered noisily, seated themselves at a table, as a cartv of demonstrative hut unaccustomed fel lows mi slit in Delmonico's. and pe rcsed the bill ol fare. One ordered corned beef, beans, a cup of coffee 1 a cruller, at a total cost of four U. One had a large cup of coffee and 1 garter of a rjie at the same cost. The wird more recklessly ordered a cup of ffiee, bread and butter, beans, corned a cruller, fried hominy, a potato, ?d doughnut, afe au expenditure of J-St cents; but be be became gorged be. w the fbpd was all eaten, and in spite of Hafd gulping, half of the doughnut a third of the potato were left. "Boys are our principal customers," the woman, "and we have a rush of a about 5 or 6 o'clock; but at break frt and lunch time we have a rood many forking men and women. Why sir, at &e rate we aro starting out. I don't know put what we'll occupy a whole building lliafew months." Extracts from Various Letters "I had no appetite ; Holloway's Tills gave mc a hearty one." "Your Pills are marvellous."' UI send for another box, and keep them in the house." "Dr. Uolloway has cured my headache that wa chrome." "T fravft ore ofvour Pills to mv babe for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well in a day." ' "My nausea of a morning is now cured. "Your box of Holloway's Ointment cured m of noises in the head. I rubbed some of your Ointment behind the ears, and the noise has left." "Send me two boxes, I want one for a poor family." - "I enclose a dollar your price is 25 cents, but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." "Send me five boxes of your Pills." "Let "me have three boxes of your Pills by return mail, for Chills and Fever. . I have over 200 such Testimonials as these, but want of space compels me to conclude. 10 U & FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS And all eruptions of the skin, this Oint- ment is most mvaiuaoie. it aoes not neai externally alone, but penetrates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil. Holloway'H XHlls Invariably cure the following diseases: Disorders of the Kidneys. In all diseases affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or too little water ; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the regions of the kidneys, these Pills should be taken ac cording to the printed directions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed time. This treat ment will give almost immediate renei when all other means have failed. For Stomachs out of Order. No medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills; they remove all acidity, occasioned either by in temperance or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce it to a healthy action ; th y are wonderfully efficacious m cases oi " 48 oo " oo 00 ' 00 00 " 00 00 " 50 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 Wilcox. Gibb & Co., ma- nioulated Guano ,...6& 00 XT GLUE y 2) GRAIN Corn,store,$ 561bs 77 Corn, careo. Ht) 56 2)8...... 00 Corn, y el., V bushel Oats, w bushel...... ..... Peas. cow. Dusmi HIDES Green, y lb 4 Dry, y ft 10 HAY Eastern, y 100 fte... 1 10 North River, y 100 lbs.... 95 HOOP IRON Hi 'ton 80 00 LARD Northern y lb. North Carolina lb.. LIME y bbl 1 -0 LUMBER City steam ea'wd Ship stuff, resawed, y M ft. 24 00 Rough edge plank, y M f t. 22 00 West India cargo, Record ing to quality, y M ft...lo 00 Dressed flooring,seasoned. 20 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, y M ft 15 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhd$gl 40 Cuba, bbls., y gal 45 Sugrar house, nnds. & gal. " bbls. y gal... Orleans Choice bbls. y gal. NAILS Cut,4d to 20d,jk'g 2 OILS Kerosene, y gai Lard, y gal l Linseed, y gal 1 Rosin, y gal PEAN UTS y bushel ' POTATOES-Sweet, bus. Irish, Northern, y bbl.,,,, 3 PORK Northern, city w 033, 14 50 Thin, y bbl...,., ...oo 00 Prime, V bbl (extra) 12 75 Rump. V bbl 00 00 BICE Carolina, y lb East India, y lb.......' Rough, y bushel RAGS Country, y ft! G0 00 00 00 54 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 55 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 0.0 00 70 00 15 80 62 In the wonderful medicine to -which the afllict-e-1 are atxve directed for relief, the dlfcovcrer believes he has combined in harmony more of Nature's sovereign curative propertiep, which tiod has instilled into the vegetable kingdom for healing the sick, than were ever before com bined in one medicine. The evidence of this fact is found in the great variety of mot-1 obstina-te diseases which it has been found to conquer. In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Couelis, and the early stages of Comumption, it baa astonished the medical faculty, and eminent physicians pronounce it the greatest medical discovery of the ago. While It cures the sever est Coiighs, it strengthens the system and puri fies the blood. By its great and thorough blood-purifying properties, It cures all Hu mors, from the worst Scrofula to a common disease. Mineral eradicated, and vigorous health and a sound constitution established- Erysipelas, Salt rheum, Fever Sores, Scaly or Hough Skin, in short, all the numerous diseases caused by bad blood, are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medicine. If you feel dull, drowsv, debilitated, have sal low color of sfcin, or yellowish brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alter, nated with hot flushes, low spirits, and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, vou are suffering from Torpid 11 ver. or Biliousness.' - In many cases ol 'fjiver Complaint only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remody for all such cases, Dr. Fierce's Golden Medical Dis covery has no equal, as it effects perfect cures, leaving the liver strengthened ana healthy. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT $1 PER BOTTLE' Prepared by R. V. PIERCE, TXI. D., Sole Proprietor, at Ui World's Disewsaky, Buffalo, N. Y. T au- HHi: UNDERSIGNED respectfully . i nounce their readiness to execute all oiders for 1 00 VA 12 1 20 1 05 0 11 12 00 29 65 85 16 10 00 30 75 05 50 City, y tfi. E 6K 0Q 75 XA 1K 6 CO S2 80 45 75 9K 10 00 27 00 25 00 8 00 35 OQ 23 00 41 47 27 30 68 00 17 45 10 40 10 75 2 75 15 00 00 00 13 00 0Q 00 00 ' 85 2 This Cut Illustrates th Maootf of UilOfl Fountain Nasal -Zsioetorsl oa.is DOUCHE.1 mm UOUSE, SIGN AND ORXAMKXTAL , PAINTING in all its branches, promising promptness and tfticiency in execution and low prices. Koom8on fcecond street Detwee- aiarKei and Dock. C. E. RURR. ADRIAN WILLIAMS, nov 6 For Sale. ONE UPltlGHT ENGINE, four horse power, in tiiod order. Suitable for farm uses. Will be sold cheap. Applj at DALY 11EVIEW OFFICE, Coiner Chestnut and Water streets, nov Y.j Circular Saws. TWO CIRCULAR SAWS, EOXED, ound in the Daily Review Oflice, corner Chestnut and Water Streets. The owner is notilied to come forward, prove property and remove the same at once. nov 13. K H. Marcus & Son.9 No, S.lVIarket Street. ROTTLERS OF NEW YOUR, PHILADELPHIA, CINCINNATI, MILWAUKEE, and BALTIMORE LAG Ell REEKS. Also, PHILADELPHIA, IJALTIMOllE, and IMPORTED ALES AND PORTER. Families supplied. Goods delivered to any part of city free. We guarantee to compete with any house iu the line in price and quality. octlii f All Wight HOuse. N AND AFTER THIS DATE THE Watchmakers, &c. T. W. 27AOWI7 6L SOZIO, WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS. No. 37 Market ktret, Wilmington, Xf. C (EUblished 1823.) GUARANTEE THE MONEY'S WOBTU for every article purchased of them. An elegant stock of fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Fancy Goods, Ac, kept constantly on hand for sale at a very flight advance on New York cost. ' Agents for the Diamond Spectacles. Our country friends are invited to call and see. dec IS Staamship Linos, &c. CLYDE'S Mew VoA AND Wilmington, il9 C, Steamship Line, The Steamer BENEFACTOR, CAPT. JONES, ' WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK 0 SATURDAY, Dec. 1. O 2 22 00 85 00 ROP SALT Alum, y sack Liverpool, y sack American w sacs ... Marshal's fine, y sack Cadiz y sack.....!. glUQAR Cuba, V lb Porto Rico, y tt i A Coffee, y ft)...... B y Th c " y a....... Ex c y lb. - Crushed .tt SOAP Northern, y lb...... SHINGLES Contract, pi Common, v M. Cypress saps y M.... CTDress hearts, M STAVES W. O. bbl. y M.15 00 R O hhd. y K. ...00 00 Cypress, y M ; 10 00 TALLOW y ft) 9 TIMBER Shippin or y M ...12 00 13 00 Mill, prime per M.... 8 50 10 00 Mill, fair per M 7 50 8 50 Inferior to Ordinary ,'per M 4 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 25 North Caroina. per eal ... 1 60 00 5 4 00 2 25 5 50 6 00 00 10 00 11 10 10K 12 VA 6 00 3 00 0 00 10 00 25 00 00 00 18 00 10 This instrument fs 'especially designed forthe perfect application of - LB. SAGE'S.'OATAESH BEtfSDjfri It is the only form of ir.strntnent yet Invented with which fluid medicine can be carried high up and perfectly applied to all parts of the.affect ed nasal passages, and the chambers or cavities communicating therewith, In which sores and ulcers frequently exist, and from whi-h the oi tarrhal discharge generally procjcds. The want of success in treating Catarrh hcretoforo has arisen largely from the impossibility of applying remedies to these cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle in the way of effecting cures is entirely overcome by the invention of tho Douche. Its use, is pleasant and so 6imple that a child can understand it. Full and explicit directioiiN accompany each instrument. When used with this instru ment, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures recent jattacKs or "t;oia in mo ! Ulead "by a few applications. CLNTENNIA I. S A.LOON will be kept open all night as well as all day, from 6 o'clock Monday morning until 12 o'clock Saturday nipht. Wines, Liquors and Cigars, the best and the "cheapest. New River Ojcfcers f n cished in any style desired. JOHN CARROLL, oct 1 Proprietor. OFFICE REGISTER OF DEEDS, NEW HANOVER CO., N. C, WILMINGTON. Oct. 30, 1877. RENEW AT ONCE. ETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS, WHOSE Licenses expire on the 31st ol October, are hereby notified that they must RENEW THE SAME AT ONCE. ?&3U Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. . For Freight Engagements apply to A. D. CAZAUZ. Agent, Wilmington, XI. C. h. S. HELD EN, Soliciting Agent WM. P. CLYDE A CO.; General agents, t uownng ureen, or rier 13, W. K., new York. nor 27 Baloimioii3 AND Wilmington, C, STEAMSHIP LINE. oct 31 JOS. E. SAMPSON, Register of Deeds. The Steamer Washed, ner ft) ... spasm in fact they never fail in curing all w0OL Unwashed, per lb... disorders ol the liver ana siomacn. Holloway's Fills are the best remedy knotcn in the vorldjor the Jollowtng aiseases: Inflammation, Jauudico, 18 28 6 00 3 50 2 25 20 30 SPECIAL NOTICE Ague, Asthma, Bilhous Complaints, Blotches on the Skin Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of the Bowels, Consumption, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari 4 ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Headache, Indigestion, SYM PTO M H Frequent headache,-discharge falling into throat some times profuse, watcrv, thick iuucun purulent, offensive, etc. In others, a dryness, dry.wHtery, weak, or inflamed eyes, stopping up, or obstruc tion, of nasal passages, .-inking in ears, deaf ness, hawking and coughing to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, voice altered, nasal twang, offensive brcathfcimpaired or total deprivation of sense of pmell and taste, dizzi ness, mental depression, loss of appetite, iuh jestion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, etc. Only a few of these sj'mpU.tnis arc hkcJy to be present in any case at "one time. Dr. Sabre's Catarrh Kemedy, when used with Dr. Pierce's Nanal Douche, ami ac companied with the constitutional treatment which is recommended in the pamphlet that wraps each bottle of the Remedy, is a jerfeet specific for this loathsome disease. It is mild and 4 piece of lemon bound unon a corn. jenewed night and morning, will euro it lewdayssoitis aaid; Liver Complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrotula, or King's Evil, Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symp toms, Tic-Douloureaux, Tumors, Ulcers, Venereal Affections. Worms of all kinds, Weakness from any cause. &c 10 CONSUMERS AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO. T I have on hand and for sale at Bottom Prices, a large lot of Fine Bright 3 and 4 oz. Twist Fine Bright Pocket Pieces and 10's. Gravely Cable Coil, Farmer's Favorite, 5 to pound, very cheap. And other Fine and Common grades, ranging from 45 cent3 to $1.50 per pound, at H. BURKHIMER'S, oct 31 . No. 6, Market 8t ucasant to use. containing no strong or caustic ugs or poisons. The Catarrh Kemed v is sold at 60 cents, Douche at 60 cents, by all Druggist. Jt, F. PIERCE, ST. J., jPropr, .. BUFFALO, N. Y. TheSouth Atlantic, Sundries IMPORTANT CAUTION. None are genuine unlea the signature of J. IIaydock, as agent for the. United States, surrounds each of the box of Pills and Ointment. A handsome reward will bo given to any one rendering such infor mation as may lead to tho detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medi cines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at theaianuiactoryoi iToiessor Holoway & Co., New York, and by all respectable Druggets and Dealers in Med icine Uirougnom tne civmeQ wonu, in boxes at 25 cent?, $2 cents and $1 each. oy There is cunsiderable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. na?u- AT A BARGAIN in Store and to arrive. We will sell to close sundry invoices con signed : 35 boxes Tobacco, 9, 10, 11 and 12 inch, cloice brands, 10,000 Lbs. Bacon and Bulk Meats ; Hams, Sides and Shoulders. 110 Boxes Soap and Candles, 70 Bbls. Pork, Mackerel, Herring and Mullets. 45 Bbls. Flonr, Potatoes, Apples, Onions, Turnips and Beets. 20 Boxes Soda and Lemon Crackers. 50 Packages Batter and Lard. Consignments are closed oat without re serve. 2T We execute o;ders foriall descriptions r w J- , oi jucrcnuoise prunpuy. PETTEWAY & SCHULKEN, Brokers A Com. Merchants, Next North Princess and Water Streets. noTia . . A . MONTHLY 1. New Design. A N INVOICE OF CLOCKS of entirely new designs has just been received and are being sold at extremely low figures ; also a One assortment of LADIES' WATCHES, SEAL and PLAIN GOLD RINGS and LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S CHAINS. 1?&3r Work left with me will be neatly exe- I cuted. All I ask of the Public is to give me atrial. J. II. ALLEN. feb27 Watchmaker and Jeweller- Pain ting. A X "HERE YOU CAN GET YOURPaint- W ing done with dispatch, neatness and at reasonable rates is at C C. PARKER'S PAINT SHOP, one door North of Old Jail building on Prin cess street HOUSE, SHIP and SIGN Painting done and satisfaction guaranteed. Great care is given to small jobs, may 16 - Notice. NOTHER LOT OF GERMAN HAND and Limberger Cheese, Magdeburg Sour Kraut, C. I. Dutch Herrings. Just received, at capt. olivet:, : will sail from baltimore on Wednesday, Nov. 28. To be followed by the . D. J. FOLEY, CAPT. PRICE, . Saturday, Dec. 1. A MAGAZINE DEVOTED ,' to Literature. Science and Art, will be issued in Wilmington, North Carolina,;Octo- berl5th, 1877. - The Corps of Contributors will include several of the most distinguished authors of the present day. A serial story, poems, sketches, reviews, scientific and historical ar- tides will appear in every numoer. ine Magazine will contain only original litera ture. . We Resuectfullv TI,. (!nn(h A tUt;n ut.foa will Ho tlioronh- I " It canvassed by an energetic acent. Subscription one year $3. Single copy -a cents. ADVERTISING TERMS. no L. VOLLER'3, S. E. Corner Market and Second Sts. 17 PubUc 1 page one year $120; K page one year $75 ; page one year $50 ; V page one year $36; 1 page one insertion, $25; M page one inser tion, $15 j A pace one insertion, $10; page one insertion, $. 50 per cent additional for advertisements on the Magazine covers. Local subscriptions received and Maga zines sold at the City Bookstores. O of NE OF THE Largest and Cheapest stocks READY MADE CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, ILVTS, DRY GOODS, Shipper can rely npon the prompt failing' of teamen as advertised. T, Through Sills of Lading given to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. O to the I For Freight Engagements apply to Wilmington, Z7. O. L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen Corner Lee and Light Streeti, BaltiaoTi nor 27 ChG. Klein, UNDERTAKER AND GENERAL CAB INET MAKER, will furnish Cofina and Caskets and attendance at short notice and at Contracts for advertisements and subscnp-1 VC., Ac, A.C, Ac, in tbia city or btate. I lowest nricei. tions received at the office of Messrs. Jackson! We respectfully solicit call before pr- Furniture repaired and satisfaction; St Bell, Book and Job Printers. I chasing elsewhere. guaranteed la all cases. - . All coxnmunicaHons should b s addressed to SOL HRAR A DTtrM. 8outJa Frent Street, next North of Slltttte Aias. ciutttu w. iiAowwio, I " . I furniture store. sent Editor and Proprietor. oct 15. IS A 20 Market nor IS

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