THIS PAPER blLshed every afternoon, Sundays ex cepted by JOSH. T. JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. 0ce year, $5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three months, $1 25 ; One month, 60 cent. The papc will be delivered by-carriers, ,re3 of charge, in any part of the city, at the jbore rates, or 13 cents per week. advertising rates low and liberal -gabscribers will please report any and tIl failuies to receive their papers regularly. flew Advertisements BROWN & RODDICK OWJNG TO THE SUCCESS AND H Ah ES CONSEQUENT ,h TON THE LARGE REDUCTIONS we hive -made upou very many special linn of Dry Goods, we have decided to add the following LIST OF SPECIAL BARGAINS which excel in attractiveness and cheap xiess anything we have yet offered : ''- ' No. 3.- A varied lot of Dres3 GoxU, hi 5erge,Rep, and Alpaca Mixtures, 15 cents per yard. Yry one away belo anything we ever ouereu oeiore. y j Our Dress Goods Department is rep'ete with all the Novelties, and at prices that cannot tail to meet the -t approbation of all. Black Cashmeres from 40 cents to $1.S0, Worsted Fringes in all the popular shades; Black Silk Fringes, both cheap and hand some; GalooQS, Braids, &c., &c. from $1.75 to $12.00; Flannels in White and Colored, Twilled and Plain; also full line of Opera m Plain and Plaid; Felt Skirts from 75 cents; Balmoral Skirts from 50 cents; Cassineres for Men and Boys' Y ear cheap; Kent lcky Jeans from 12 cents; Ladles' 2-Button Kid Glovks, 7o cts. in Black, Dark Colors, Wh'te and Opera Colors); Gents' White Kids, 75 ceDls; Gent J' Black Kids $1.00. lines' Guipure Lace Scarfs $3.00 atd 54.00. Spun sh Luce Lace Scarfs $1.50. Also a full line by the yard." Keck Ruffling from 10 cents to $1.C0, Ack Ruffs from 1 cent to 5 cents; Calicoes 5 to 8 cents. Bleached Cottons. Amoskeag Bleached Cotton, 8 cents; ; 4-4 Fruit of the Loom Cotton, 10 cents; 4-4 Androscoggin L Cotton, 10 cents; 4-4 Wamsutta,12 cents; Pride of the West, 14 cents. A full line of Unbleachings from 5 cents. BROWN & RODDICK, , nov 1J 45 Market Street. Photographs, YATES' new GalleTi connected with his Book Store, on Market Street, is now com pleted and ready for business. . i C. W. YATES, dec'3 ' No. 51 Market it. Apples. Appleei IUBEEL3 THE FINEST EATING APPLES Ever Ofteie'l ia bis Market. The celebrated ALBEMARLE tD?riKS and ROMAN BBATJTiaS, among other varieties DAILY EXPECTED. BINFORDj LOEB & CO. dec 3 Mozart Saloon Still DAhead TN PURKISHINQ FiBClas3 Liquors of ll kinds, embracing "DELMONICO CLUB," "GIBSON" and OLD VALLEY," RYE WHISKIES, nd the finest imported BRANDY, WINK8 nd CIGARS in the State. , Hot Drinks now in order and the Bar pre- aea over by Jim Mcuowan. BILLIARD ROOMS in order. . JOHN HAAR, Jr. dec-3 Proprietor. ' The Sans Parsil Water Pen. AH 7ritki br simnlr dinnin (rilhe pen in wa V ter. It does not oxdtxe and never be comes smeary. It never should be wiped tt ce&nea. It is always clean ana as it were iwjs new, without requiring the least care. The writing obtained with this pen may be mpiea br ttye press, for sale only 8. JEWETT'S gec 3 Front Street Book Store S UBCRIBE TO THE . - DULY REVIEW. H VOL 2. WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY, DECEMBER ' ' The Malls. nrrivft at the .City Postoffice as follows : North em 1 hrnnnli malla - - 6:00 P M M North'ern througu and way mails. fc:0O A Plaits ior uie rs. u. ana a. & r. v. Itailroads, and routes supplied thi"frnTY. - - - - - - G:00 r m Southern malls for all points South, aailyi - - - - - . u.v Western mails (C. C. iv.. W.) daily (except Sunday) - - - A M Fayettievllle, and offices on Cape Fear Hiver, Tuesdays and Fn- . riftva - - . - - - 1-lKi I M Malls for points along line of Che- raw & Darlington It 11 - - - 10:00 A Fayettevllle by Warsaw, tlaily, (except Sundays) - - - M) A Mails for points between Florence ClKirlfston ------ 10:00 A M M M Onslow C. H. and intermediate of- rtrv flvfirv Fridav - - (3:00 A M Smithville malls, by. steamboat, daily, (except Sundays) - - 2:00 1 M Malta fr.i- Va-o- Win Town Creek. every Friday at - - - - - o.uu j. ARRIVE. Northern through mails Northern through antP way mails. Southern malls - - - - - - - I'arnllna rViritrn.1 HallWAV at - - 11:00 A M 7:30 P M 930 A M 10:00 P M Mails delivered from enw a. m. to owa xr M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 P. M. Money order and Register Departments open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is ciosed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. Mails collected from street boxes every day 3:45 P. M. KrfurdvertiHements. A. D. Cazacx New York 8 I4ne. A. D. Cazux Baltimore S. S. Lin Hedrick Wanted, Ac. C. W. Yatk3 Photographs. A. Pope The Atlantic Coast Line. 8. Jewett The Sans Parsil Water Pen. Mukson & Co Boys' uvercoats. John Haar Mozart Saloon StUl Ahead. Bisford, Loeb & Co. Apples, Ac. Boatwright A McRot Are Now Receiv ing. A. Shrier- -Very Low. Snow in Petersburg yesterday. There was plenty of ice this morning. Lieut. S. A. Brooks, of the . revenue steamer Colfax, who has been on a leave of absence for the past month, returned Saturday, We invite attention to the advertisement ot the old and well-known Mozart Saloon, presided over by that compound mixer, Capt. Jim McGowan. The lower CaDeFear is swelled mightily with fchn waters from the recent high Freshet Tut at Fayettevillo the river had fallen off 20 leot up to Saturday morning, "EV- Vr nncf f xrr riifrVifa fpfirPS nnc hitch posts haVe suffered. We notice in several portions of the city where ooaras have been pulled from lences and posts, either cut down or dug, up. - December, the twelfth month of the year derives its name from the Latin decern, ten. The Itoman year oegan wun March, so that September was the seventh and December the tenth montn. Sampson Fair. Thfl followine' snecial premiums, in ad dition to those heretofore published by us, have been offered lor the bampson i?air : DeRosset & JNorthrop, insurance Isents SI. gold, for the best made quilt by a girl under 15 years. Thesame SI, gold, tor best pair socks, knit by a girl under 15 years. The Fair opens next Wednesday weeK, the 12th instant, and will close on the ensuing Saturday. The chances are good for a large attendance from Wilmington. The Fair Grounds. The buildings and fences at tho Grounds f the f!ane Fear Agricultural Associa tion, near this city, are in a deplorable plight. JN early ail oi tne iencing ii uuwu and departed and the Grand Stand is on v.o irrnnnds a mass of ruins. It is a pity but that the. Association could be revived and a series of successful Fairs be again inaugurated.' Raleigh, Fayettevilie, Wel don and Clinton can have attractive Fairs every year and why not Wilmington as well? ' ; City Court. Three cases were presented fur the Mayor's consideration this morning. The first case called was that ot one reier Smith colored, charged with disorderly conduct. He was ordered to pay a fine of $5 and to be committed until paid. Jhs. L. Gause, colored, was next on docket and charged with the same of fence as his predecessor in crime, viz: disorderly conduct. His Honor said $3 or three days on bread and water. The three dollars was immediately forthcom ing and the defendant walked forth a free man. The next case called was that of a poor fellow wholbelongs to one of the most abused classes of poor suffering humanity that can be found on this habitable globe. He is a sailor, and his name .as he gave it is Thos. Kelley; his offence was fighting of course we say of course because we suppose the poor devil had drank some of this sailor boarding-house lightening, and after that, no doubt, he was ready to fight his daddy if he ever had ono. The case was continued until to-morrow owing to. the absence of prosecuting witnesses. The last case being disposed of His Honor rub bed his hands together a time or two, then slapped on his high silk hat, and then stepped, down and oijt. There- is- an unmailable letter in the Raleigh Postoffice directed to Samuel. Stencer, Wilmington, -N" C. T AT TVT'RWS. 1 A V V J. JL d , X -1 I Custom House Figures. The following is a statement of transac tions at the Custom House during the past mpnth: viz. amount of duties on imports in gold, 4,098. 17; amouut of currency collected from tonnage duty, 2,323.80? from other sources 400.57, total amount received $0,831.84. Total value of ex ports to foregn countries, inculding C,374 bales of cotton; 37,124 bbls rosin; 148, 100' gallons spirits turpentine; 550,000 feet of lumber; 275,000 shingles, $437, 205. 40 vessels have entered from for eign port?, and 25 have cleared to foreign coin tries Rev. J- A. Oertell. Hev. Johannes Oertell, formerly of Caldwell county, in this State, has pre sented his ' superb ' painting The Shadow of the Rock" to the Garden City Cathedral, on Long Itdaud, the magnificent, million dollar structure now building for Mrs. A. T. Stewart. The pointing, which is 8 by 10 feet, will be assigned a conspicuous position in the "Chapter House" where it will no doubt attract much attention. Serious Accident. On Friday afternoon about 3 o'clock V. H. Howe met with a very serious and painful accident. Howe was employed as a laborer on the street car lirie, and at the time of the accident ho was engaged in moving iron from the track on a flat car. He Was looking over the end of the car examining the brake when he lost his footing arid fell across the track, the car 4sing over his body. The flange of the carSSSel made a gash in his abdomen. The wo&S9 is not neccssarilv daneerous. though it is thought if it produces hem orrhage it will profiatal. ,. Pendor Coiifrty, We invite attention to our editorial of to day, in another column, headed 'Statistics and Kesouroes of Penderi The fireB of opposition and of perso- cution that were raging while the county was passing through its forma tive stage, and the protracted excite ment and difficulties attending the final selection of the county site at Burgaw. have been themes of discussion' and of thought over the State for several years. This causes a very natural en quiry in the public mind whether the new oounty is a success. Emphatically it has been, a most decided and gratis fying suoess, and more than repaying all the efforts nd sacrifices inourred in its establishment and selection of a permanent county site. Bead the ed itorial in question an:l any doubts on this eubject will be removed. We invite the tax-payers of our debt ridden county to consider the facts and figures showing the low taxes of Pender, and the general good manager ment of the publio affairs of that1 ooun ty. Equally favorable to the new county is the small amount of vioe and crime that prevail there, and the im provement and progress of education and religion since its formation. The Wilmington Journal. Mb Joshua T. James, Sir : Your revival of the Wilmington Journal is a much needed filling up of a va cuum in newspaper life that is sorely felt by the hosts of friends of that old political Bible of the people. The lion hearted democracy have never been reconciled to its suspension even much less to its death. It was always a paper of piinciple, as well as of ability, and always led and never followed. No political paper in the State was ever more fondly cherish ed, more generously sustained, or more influential, than was this fear less defender of the people's right and able champion of the principles of the democratic party. It is hallowed in the confidence and affections of the great democratic masses. Its former editors, during different stages in its long and eventful life, were David Fulton, Alfred L. PrTce and James Fulton, (a noble and hen-oio tribe of patriots, now deceased) and Joseph A. Engelhard and William L. Saun ders, whowill bo cherished in grateful remembrance so loDg as boldness in the right, State pride, and patriotic devotion, fehall be admired and honor ed :n North Carolina. Mr. Cicero W. Harriss did good service to the party dnriDg the short term he edited tho Journal. As the buccessor of these time-honored and useful editors and leaders of publio sentiment the people wel come you into the harness of the old Journal. You have toen well-trained in the school of its political creed and in our darkest days, as well as in our brightest, you have stood firm- never quailing beneath the tyrant's rod, or despots sceptre, or cringed in subserviency at the inglorious shrine of expediency. . You are worthy in the estimation of an appreciative public, to take the helm, especially as you had much to do in the editorial de partment of the old Journal during the stormy political campaigns through which it triumphantly passed in the latter years of its useful existence. In the reorganization then of this needed work the people are with you and for you. Again will you hang the bright banner of tho noble old Journal on the outer walL The masses will rally to your support, as, in yqur .support of their beat interests, you will stand by principal and the right, OnsofThiOlp Guard. Judge McKoy was in Raleigh on Sat urday. . - ... - . ... J . ... '.' Clerical Visitors. Rev. C. II. Hall. D. D.. of the Church f the Holy Trinity. Brooklyn. Chairman of the Committee on Freedmen in the Jpiscopal Church, and Rev. Dr. Twyng, f New York, General Secretary of the uoara of Missions, arrived here last Sat urday night. Dr. Hall was present at St. John's yesterday morning where ho spoke of his mission to the South; which was to investigate the state of his church among the colored people and, at night at St. James', addresses were delivered by Bishop Atkinson and Drs. Twyng and Hall. These gentlemen will remain in the city for a day or two and will go hence to Raleigh and Tarboro. Caution to the Public. We understand there are unprinci pled grocers and dearlers who palm off on unwary puchasers Yeast Pow der in bulk, or loose. For the protec tion of kousekeepers and the publio genuine Dooley'b Yeast Powder is sold only in cans. Always refuse to purchase except in cans, securely label ed. The fao-simile signature of Doolet & Brother the manufacturers, is Plainly printed on each lael. (Wilmington Democrat.) The Wilmington Jounal. As will be seen by reference to pros pectus in another column, the publica tion of this old favorite, so long known to many of our reaners, is to be resumed, and will make its first appearance under new auspices on Thursday evening, the 6th of December next. It will be issued weekly at the very low price of 2.00 per annum, and will be edited and pub lished by Josh T. James, Esq.. the able editor and proprietor of our muchesteem ed contemporary the Daily Review1. In view of the long experience and. well known talent of Mr. James as a journalist it would be useless for us to say that the Journal will be in able hands, and we can" only add that like himself it will be Democratic clear through. We extend to Bro. Jlrraes our heartiest wishes for his success. Criminal Court. The fifth regularysession of this court for the County of NewHanover convened this morning at the CouTt House at 10 o'clock, His Honor Judge" Meares pre siding. The grand jury was impanneled and duly sworn in, when the Judge pro ceeded to deliver his charge, which was characterized by His Honor's usual clear, explicit and forcible manner. There is no use tor a jury and especially a Jgrand jury to profess ignorance upon any point of the law connected with their duty as jurymen after one of Judge Metres' charges. I The following named persons were sworn in as the grand jury for this term of the Court: H C Evans, Foreman'; W E Springer, Sol Reaves, Richard . Boasley, Wm H Goodman, Jessie Ives, Samuel Davis, D M Dart, James W Telfair, George W Murray, John Evangelist, Joseph Farrow, David Pigott, Thomas A Davis, J II Mallard, Rederick MacRae, John T Flowers, E H Rhue. At the conclusion of Judge Meares' charge t the grand jury retired and the Court adjourned until half past two this afternoon when the regular docket will be taken up. We learn that there arc fifty seven cases docketed already; the num ber, however, will doubtless be added to by the grand jury, who will probably find a few true bills before the time expires. Harbor Master's Report. Capt. Jos.-Price, Harbor Master here, reports as follows for the month of No vember : Arrived 24 foreign barks with an aggre gate of 8, 749 tons; 8 foreign barquen tines, 2,113 tons ; 5 foreign brigs, 1,248 tons. A total 37 foreign vessels with a tonnage of 12,110 tons. Also, 12 coast wise steamers, 8,331 tons; 12 coastwise schooners, 2,831 tons. A total,of 24 coast wise vessels, with a tonnage of 11,162 tons. Total arrivals 61, total tonnage,'23, 272. Sensible Advice. You are -asked every day through the columns of newspapers andbyyour Drug gist to use something for Dyspepsia and Liver complaint that you know nothing about; you get discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Green's August Flower will cure you of Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint with all its effects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation o the Heart, Heart-burn, j Water brash coming up of food after eating, low spirits &c, we ask you to go to your Druggist and get a Sample Bottle of Green's Au gust Flower for 10 cents and try it, or a Regular Size for 75 cents; two do3es will relieve you. ! Boys' Overcoats. JjiROM five yean and upwards. Very low at X.ZUX1SOXX 4 CO. dee 3 . Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. KOTICE PARTICULAR To ail nhom It May Concern. A LX. -PARTIES who have left work with me to be repaired from October iSTiio July 1877, and do not call and redeem sakl work within one week's time, it will be sold lor the amount of repairs. no J H. AIXEX. 3, 1877. NO. 2f7 New Advertisements. WANTED. A FEW MAGNIFICENT , VIRGINIANS, TO BUY SOME OF MY SPLENDID North Carolina Cassimer 7i ALSO. Jli ARMY OF SPLENDID XORTH CAROLINIANS TO BUY SOME. OF MY MAGNIFICENT. Virginia i me re. HEDRICK, LADIES' KID GLOVES. rpHE BEST BUTTON IN THE CITY FOR 1.75. L' ARIOSO OPERA COLOKS 75c. HEDRICK, DRESS GOODS. jJANDSOJJE GOODS CUEAPEB THAN ANY ONE EL'SE. CALL AND EXAMINE. JfiST Remember we are not Persistent. Z- Buy or never Buy. HEDRIOK. dec 3 ARE NOW RECEIVING BY Steamer and Railroad 25 Boxes Clear Rib and Long Clear Sicffs, 20 Tierces Pure Leaf Lard, 10 Bags Rio Coffee, 15 Bags Laguwa Coffee, 10 Bags Java Coffee, 40 Bbls f agar, Cut Loaf, Granulated A K W 00 41 A C47 n 30 8 an(00 17 45 10 40 10 75 i 75 i 00 I 00 00 ) 00 250 Bbls Flour, all grades, 25 BblsSyrup3, New Orleans, Golden Silver Drips, 300 Cases Canned Goods, 100 Oases Pickles, -15 Chests Teas, every variety. 50 Boxes Candles. . 25 Boxes Candy. 100 Boxes Fire Cracker?. 50 Barrels Apples. , Also, Oranges, Lemons, .Coco -Nuts, Nuts, Fige, Kabin WE II AVE ON HAND The Finest Stock of Pure Liquors EVER OFFERED IN THE CITY WILMINGTON OF COME AND SEE CS. IHMTHT &MCE0V 5, 7 l 8 Uorth Front Street. I dec 3 BOATWRIGHT IIcM PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive communicationi from oar friends on any and all subjects o general interest but : The name of the writer B ust always t furnished to the Editor. Communications must b wiitten only r one side of the paper. - Personalities must be aroidt-d. Anrtlt ia Mniil! anil nrt irnlflr! v nmte? r"0'4"" ue ucab oi correFponaenis, uouts iuomii- in the ditorial columns. New Advertisements. Fall ana winter Gaofls. NOW OFKN. AT 17 KJ 36 Market St. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS Cheaper than they have been Ifor twecty years I Goods. All the latest Novelties in Cashmeres, Merinoe., Snowflake. Kars, Knickerbocker and Matlasee Snit- Prismatic, Valencia and Friborougli Cloth, Henriettas, Bombazine?, Taffetas, Alpacas, Mohairs, Reps and PopUnc, Arc. nu.NUi, UA LOONS and liraids to match any oi' above. - Full Lines of Staple and Fancv Dry Goods, The Ejkst Brands popular all over the tat(s, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, .FLANNELS, ' BLANKETS HOUSEKEIvPIXG GOODS, DAMASKS, TOWELS. EMBROIDER! Unsurnased fur quality, work and j Tice.- WHITE GOODS, Ildkcrchiefs, Corbet?, f Gloves, and Iloiscry. VAL. and TORCHON LACES Men & Boys Wear Ladie and Misses' Vest, Skirt?, A:c.,S:c AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. Where, everything has been pure hi wd with ' CARE AND EXPERIENCE Suitable for our C31:o2.ett? at the lowest POSSIBLE PRICES ! TO EXAMINE IS 36 Market Street. Oct Id GOT nn r ES. feet, but to give greater lucidity and force to the explanations In the text. They embrace nil tiTaTiHf'U nfu'ionm nnd naturui hLHlOTV. and depict the most famous and remarkable features oi scenery, arciuieciure auu iui, w well aa tlui vurldllK nrf M'JiU'H of 171 eC hall ICS and manufactures. Altbouph InU-uded lor Instruction rather tnan emoeiusiuuenv, uu pairm have been spared to Insure their artistic excellence;tiie cost oftheir execution is enormous, and it is heueveu tney wui uuu a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cj clopaniia, and worthy of its hU;h character. . . . This work is sold torsubscriDers oniy. ray able on delivery of each volume. It win be completed In sixteen larijo ociavo voiumen. each containing about bOO pages, fully illus trated with several thousand Wofxl Kngrav- '.ngR. and with numerous colored wuipsrap hicMaps. - Prico and Stylo of Binding tn nvirannih rvr vnl. 1.1 00 I n Library leather, per vol, to 00; Jn Half Turkey icf roco, per vol, $7 00: In Half Kussia, extra Kilt, per vol, I '00; In FullMoroco, antique, gilt edges, 'per vol, flO 00; In FuU Kussia, 00 85 2 2 22 00 85 00 per voi.iu w. Th brteen vol u mes now ready. B ncceea lnjc volumes until completion, will be issued once in two months. specimen pages oi me axjlkii-a ai cipedia. snowing type, illustrations, eic., will be sent gratis, on application. First-Class Canvassing Agents Wanted. Address the Publishers. D. APPLETON & CO., , &19 & 65 Broadway, Y. 00 10 00 11 10 9 10 GOLD. Great chance to make money. If you can't get gold yon can 12 get greenbacks. We need a 1H person in every town vo uuce 5 00 npunns ior tne largest, cneapesi ana ia. illustrated family publication in the bUU gULPHUR SOAP, Simmons' Hepatic Com pound, Forrest's JuiJpcr Tar, Fancy Arti cles, &c. Fresh lot ' Prescriptluna compounded at all times of . the night, at BURBANK'3 PHARMACY, nor 24 Corner Front & Princess pts. - 1 i i For lO Cents YOU CAN GZT A FIRST-CLAS3 fihare with cologne, cc 25 cenu will bare your bair cut la the Utest style ti tic REFORM. liAREER SHOP, 1 tior24 Under talUtional Rant- t