C MOLINA. Some cl the Raleigh bDya arc ruit ing a Zouave Company. RftlAiah nhKftrvcr At a cora-shnck- ine at the bou33 of Mras. Polly Ry, nn fiiinfiv River. 41 miles from Barm ville. a few days bine?, John Hemy Rav stabbed, fatally it is euppost d, his brother Burton Ray. TTillsboro Recorder-. Major Lanier nf this nonfitv sent tj tho Peni tentiary for 5 years for tho larceny oi harness &cha been pardoned by Gov, Vance UDon petition of citizens of Orancfi. the Court and the Jury. He haa served 18 months of his timo. Oxford Torchliaht: During the re cent revival in Henderson, forty-five Drof eased. Thirteen united with the Baptist church. Rev. F. M. Jordan is one of the most eucceeeful revivalists of our acquaintance. ? Weldon News : The trest!e and peers for the S. & R. R , bridge Las begun to be pat up. Tho Conipar y has contracted with a Philadelphia. Company to build the m an iron bridge. - Weldcn News' . The protracted meeting still continues under tl e direction of Rev. Mr. Gook, wiih unabated interest. Thirty eigLt co: - verts have connected themselves with the church, aud tho otheis will to n other churches. Weldon Kcivs : W. T. McMarks of this county, sent to a chemist ia Balti more some rocks tound on his piHce which he thought was gold. Au ex amination discloses the fact that .the ore is rich in gold. There is several hundred ncrea of the Hand on which the ore is found. State sv'iWe .Landmark: Last Saturs day week, Jcneph James Biunetc was arrested and carried before Justice Flowers and Oxford, in Wat county on the charge of bigamy. Af ter a hearing he was committed to jail to await trial ?.t the Spring term of Watauga court. Raleigh Observer: The National Hp tel willlchange handa the 1st of Jaim nry. Col. Brown has determined to return to . Salisbury. The new pro- pnetorjhas not besu announced as yet. Oxford Torchlight: ,We are pained to chronicle the death of Little Bell, oldest daughter aged 5 veai, of Mr. Robt. IV Clark, of Berca. This Bad occurrence took place on Monday of lust week. Her mother left her to go to the spring and her clothing aeci dentally caught fire and f-.he was burned to death. A very pretty and interest ing cuiiu. - Weldon N etui : There will soon be had In our towa a baby show. From what we know of some babies ifc will excel the famous show of New York. There will be offered a premium cf $500 for the best triplets, $300 for twins 150 for best single baby. Raleigh Observer: Pasquotank, "where the bull froo; jump from bank to bank" wua the last county to eeud in her taxable abstract. The total valuaticn of taxable property iu tin county is $1.153,033 ; geuernl State tax 81-094.98; special State tax S1.7J9. 55; school tax 2,577.33; count v tax S13.73G.23. A Party Cu.- Bondholder's Wife"s tume. According to the correspondence of the Washington Capital the wife of a New York banker appeared the other evening at a party as Capital. The dress was covered on tht? skirt, so an to make it appear one piece, with one hundred and five hundred dollar bills. The waist and sleeves were 1.000 bonds sewed iu, ncd her fingers and ears blazed with diamonds The tiara was said to have been worth $80,000, and the total value of the notes and diamonds on her person was $260,000. The pages carried her tram, and watched lest the jewelsaud greenbacks should fall to the floor. COMMERCIAL NEWS. ' WILMINGTON MARKET. 1 Decembbb li 1 1. M. I .. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Stock. S,J13 caks. Receipts of the week 1,910 casus. Exports 2,183 casks. The market for the past week has been quiet but steady, with an advance of one cent since our last, closing with au improved demand and more firm ness on the part of holders. ROSIN Stock 62,GX bbls. Receipts of the week 10.G33 bbls. Kxnorts '13.318 bbls. The market for the week has ruled firm at the official quotations, viz: 1 40 for Strained and-SI 45 for. iood Strained, with but few saies made public. Lots continue to be taken readily as oilered, and at the close oi this re port we note a fair demand and a disposi-tion-to ward higher figures. There has been very little done in the higher grades, and in te absence of reported sales we omit iuo tsations. TAR Stock l,-35 bbls. iReceipts of the week 71S bbls. Exports 167 bbls. The official quotations of th is article have been unchang ed since November 14th, and sales have been made fromday to day at SI 50 in water, with occasional sales at the usual adva'nee for lots in order. The demand lias been good Tip to this date, but at the close of this report there Is a tendency to lower figures. CRUDE TURPENTINE Stock 2,574 bbls. Receipts of the week 3373 bbls. Exports 51 bbls. The market has been quoted officially since the 23d of November as steady at SI 35 for Hard and 32 15 for Soft arid Virgin, at which figures lots have been promptly billed from day to day, closing steady with a good demand. COTTON Stock 32,61$ bales. Receipts of tho week 8,722 bales. Exports 11,10'J bales. At the close of our last weekly report we noted - a steady market and fair demand; there was more firmness on the 7th and 8th inst., since- which time the market has been dull up to this morning, when, under more favorable advices, there is a better tone and more firmness on the part of holders. V nete sales to-day of say 16 J bal.?s at the- fol lowing official quotations: v Ordinary , Good Ordinary.. 10J4 Cents. Strict Good Ordinarv Low Middling 10 Middling... 10 Good Middling... li Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous, HOPE FOR ALL. it ti The OFFICE SAL0OH, Consumption is generally supposed to be an incurable disease. Why? Because medical men, who of all others should hare been the last to encourage such an unphilosophical and dangerous a sumption, hare insisted upon amd propagated it with a persistency which seems almost incredible in the light of science and of truth. We used the term 'dangerous ad visedly, for what can be more depressing and injurious to the consumptive than brooding Game and all the delacacies of the season over the idea founded solely upon the fiat of I always on hand. nia pnysician that his malady is mortal, ana DAWSON IS THE PLACE to get the finest Oysters alley. j0- You get what you call for and pay for only what ycu get at COLLINS OFFICE saloon. nov 21 New Design. A N INVOICE OF CLOCKS of entirely being Bold at extremely low figures; also fine assortment of LADIES WATCHES, AL and FL.A1JN liULD KINGS and LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S CffAINS. Work left with me will be neatlv exe- kutcu ah x tiom, ui uic x uuitL ia 1 j give me atrial. J. H. ALLEN. feb'27 Watchmaker and Jeweller Chas. Klein, rTNDERTAKER AND GENERAL CAB U INET MAKER, will furnish Coffin and Caskets and attendance at short notice and at lowest prices. iurniture repaired and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. South Frent Street, next North of Shutte Furniture Store. nav 1G B. D. MORRILL, Undertaker, Carpenter and Cabinet-Maker, Third Street, Opp, City Hal yTILL FURNISH COFFINS and Caskets with attendance at short notice. Orders for Carpenter work and Cabinet work respectfully solicited and promptly ex- DAILT RECEIPTS. Cotton... Spirits Turpentine. ltosin..... Tar Crude Turpentine.. l,2?4bales 209 casks 7G8 bb s 228 bbls 421 bbls MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer North tast. Paddison. Toint Cas well, II M -Foard. Steamer 6rtll .State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth & VVorth. Norbaroue Condor. Neilspn. Cardiff, ft. V. llei.le. SirhV, Grace Webster, Younpr, ilart'iiiqre phospnates to Xavasa Guano Co: ve.ssei t li. u liarker & Co. CLEARED. Steamsliip I) J Foley, I'rice, Ualtimore, D Cazaux. Steanier Xorth-State. Green. Favettevillp. Worth cV: Worth. ? Steamer Underhill, Harper, Smithville, O O Parsley & Co. or barquentine LaDella. Olson. Xnn1p. Alex pnint & Won. or barque iSostrene.. Fovu. L,iveronl. Exports. COASTWISE. Aerj lOrk Steamsliin Upiipfaetnr SS baiesyam. yi bass dried fruit. :i bbls do. 2 uajjs ieaniers, i lot pig iron, 15,000 leet lum- oer, ao uas peanuts. 1.192 bales cotton. 4 FOREIGN-. Naples .or barauentinp l.jiTiflla 9 9m uois rosin. ljivenx)ol or barauft Kistrpn l f;r7 uaies coiion . Clover. No matter bow mismanaged, clover is a benefit, and whatever else be nay .1 j ii. r t . y uo, me iarmer wuo grows clover is makirjg his farm better. What, then, might not the result be, if the same care were taken of the clover field as of other crops ? It does not need, cul tivating; the long, deep, reaching roots mellow and pulverise the soil as noth ing else can. If the clover grows thriftly, the top acta as a mulch, seed ing the ground and keeping it moist. A crop of two tons or more of clover, whether plowed under or cat for hay, can hardly fail to leave the soil better than it was before. It should be the farmer's aim to grow the largest pos sible crop of clover. A slight dress ing of gypsjam 100 pounds per acre in early spring often produces won derfnl results. Bnt if a farmer has a little well-rotted manure, the scrap ings f of barn-yard, fall is the time to apply it. Clover is often injured by freezing and thawing in winter, and a very alight, covering of manure will afford a' great deal of protection. T:1- - 11. r r . xticu caiiu iroia corners oi iences is well worth drawing a short distance on young clover, provided the ground is nam and farm. If the field is not uiuwwi nexi season, coarser manure can ba used. Country gentleman. m m m m Tae Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at inis piace we obtain the following report v wia fcuermometer, as taKen this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, Qa ....35 New Orleans ....36 Corsicana, Tex... ..53 GalTeston...... .56 Indianola 53 Mobile, Ala..... 50 Montgomery Ala.. .43 Charleston,. S C....4U Washington, D C 42 Knoxville, Tenn....4l Ljnchbarg...........48 L.ey West, Fla. C6 Panta Ra&sa 57 Wilmington, X. C.4S J acksonrilleFla...44 tt. Marks, FIa......37 tiavana q$ Cairo, 111 52 Cincinnati ..49 on Uibson, C. N.48 Memphis, Tenn 62 Nashril e, Tenn... .42 Pitubargh, Pa......50 aaint 45 .hrereport.. 52 Vicksburg, Misj...53 Sew York ....42 Mr. J. L. Boyd, oa Second street be tween Market and Dock, offers for sale 60 turkeys and 300 dozen cg-s, all at lowest prices. Liisroi vessels in Port Deceiuter l ) 1877. v BARKS. Cito, Nor, 356 tons, Neilsen. V lck & Mebane Arizona, ol,o20 tons, Gabrieleen, ' . . Vick fc Mebane Cliiudia, Ger, 406 tons, Dinse, ii Peschau & Westermann t nederike Weyer, Ger. 380 tons. Kriesal. ... E Peschau & Westermann Ludwig, Ger, 368 tons, Suger, E Peschau & Westermann Liydia Teschau, Ger, 403 tans, Bremer, E Peschau & Westermann V orwurtz, Ger, 367 tons, Vomarts, Vick t Mebane Knudswik, or, 360 tons, Evescn, Ii E Heide JNorth Carolina, Br, 570 tons, Duchan, Vick & Mebane Julie lleyn, Br, 332 tons, Shroder; E Peschau t Westermann Sostrene, Nor, 476 tons, Tryn, R E Heide fleinrich Rodburtus, Ger, 362 tons, Leppien Vick & Mebane rriednck, Ger, 393 tons, Low, E Peschau & Westermann Brage, A or, 320 tons, Christiansen, R E Heide Lubra, Nor, 352 tons, Natwig, R E Heide Auguste Teitge, Ger, 358 tons, Drews. E Peschau & Westermann btar of Hope, Ger, 299 tpns, Hamann, E Peschau & Westermann holyst, JNor, 3o7 tons, Johnsen, R E Heide Haabet, Nor, 2S6 tons, Olsen, R E Heide Unkel, Ger, 444 tons; Bailer, 'f. E Pesctau & Westermann I'rovidentia, Ger,1393 tons, Lanpe, E Peschau & Westermann Maria Sophi3, Ger, 493 tons, Wilt, 1 E Peschau & Wes'termann Alane, Nor, 564 thns, Taljsen, v ick & Mebane La Bella, Nor, 258 tons, Olsen, R E Heide Uinorah,!Nor, 330, Jorgensen. " Senoir, Nor, 307 tons, Tennisen, " ouise rou, uer 453 tons, - E Peschau Freid g, Nor, 253 tone. Amy, Dan,t234 tons, Ross, that the utmost that can be done for him is to render bis exit from this world as easy a3 possible. Such melancholy and hopeless re flections as this belief engenders among con sumptive patients, does as much, if not more. to tiasten their departure tor the Iand oisnaa ows, a3 the tubercles in their lungs. Away with such a hopeless theory. Happily the Great Masters of Medicine have entered their protest against it and confuted by the new designs has just been received and are most positive testimony the monstrous fallacy. Langerous as pulmonary phthisis is, its tern ble ravagp.s may be stayed and the lungs re stored to a sound condition even after suppu ration has taken place. Every experienced surgeon knows that post mortem examina tions of aged persons who leave died in the rcinary course or nature have repeatedly disclosed the traces ot pulmonary ulcers en tirely cicatrized. The argument, therefore, against tne possiDiaty ot heahne a pulmona ry abscess because the immediate seat of the disease cannot be reached, has not a leg to stand upon. Over fifty instances of the dis covery of cicatrized ulcers in the lunjjs have been recorded by the medical faculty ot Pads, and such eminent authorities as Revinus, Malphighi, DuHaen and scores of others, French, English and German, might easily be cited to prove their certain curability. To treat any malady rationally its charac ter and morbid influence must be known The dissecting knife has disclosed all the in ternal characteristics of consumption. We know that tubercles in the lungs vary in size from granules smaller than a pin's head to that of a Large bean. These develop into open ulcers technically known as vomical which afterwards spread ver a surface sev err.1 inches in diameter. Their sacs are tilled with a yellow, greenishgrayish matter gen erally very offensive. The membrane itself is greatly inflamed, and the ends of the pul monary artery and vein connecting with the diseased parts are clogged with vitiated and purulent mucus. Death must ensue either from suffocation or hemorrhage if speedy re act is not oDtained. it 13 obvious that some thing is required which will enable the suf ferer to raise and eject the poison rankling in his lungs, andchokinff the air passages, and which will also allay the grievous irritation ot the inflamed parts. No preparation known to materia medica accomplishes this double object so eflectualiy and speedily as Hollo way's Cocgh Cl-rk and Lung Balsam. .That incomparable lemedy loosensand liquifies the poisonous and foetid accumulations in the lungs and bronchia?, subdaes with wonderful rapidity the "inflammation of the diseased parts, and prevents the possibility of hemorr hage. At the same time it tones and strength ens the muscles of the threat and enables them to throw oil the vitiated matter withoutstrain ing. The transcendant merit of Holloway's Cocgh Cche and Lung Balsam is the thor oughness ith which it does its work. Its immense superiority to the multitude of olli cinal and proprietary medicines, designed for a similar purpose, which have preceded it, lies in the fact that it is an Absolute Eradi cant of pulmonary and throat diseases, while they at the best were merely palliations. It is; not alone that the preparation dislodges the pulmonic virus, it possesses balsamic properties peculiarly adapted to soothe the lacerated lung, while by its tonic operations it greatly facilities and hastens the healing process. As a preventive Holloway's Cougii Cuke and Lung Balsam is equally efficacious. Coughs, especially the dry hacking coughs which are so common, are terribl- fruitful sources of consumption. The sufferer at first has a feeling of rawness in the throat, tight ness across the chest, then dangerous inflam mation sets in, which may give rise to hem-' orrhage or the formation of vomical, if it is not speedily checked and the couh loosened. ttOLLOWAY s Cough Cube and Lung Balsam as tne time approaches for the renewal of accompiisnes this with a degree. of prompti- subscriptions, i klbl SUN would remind its tude and certainty which astonishes the friends and wellwishers everywhere, that it pawcut. iiu -.)pe 01 mroat, iung or Dronchi- rtai" iuuie ior meir consideration al disturbance can resist its curative influ- and support. Upon its record for the past ence. It overomes the most obstinate forms ten years it relies for a continuance of the 01 tnis ciass 01 disorders, and breaks up at Qea. tv sympatny and generous co operation once the most violent paroxysms of coughing which have hitherto been extended to it from All its ingredients are purely veetabl every quarter of the Union. Some of them are culled from sources entire- ne y Sun is a four-page sheet of 28 ly new to pharmacy, and all are possessed of columns, price by mail, post paid, 55 cents a ecuted. All work guaranteed. nov 22 THOS. J. S OUTHERL AND I VERY AND SALE STABLES, Corner Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, N. C. Horses and Vehicles for hire at rea sonable rates. Excursion parties "to the Sound and country accommodated. may lb New Painting Establishment UNDERSIGNED respectfully an- rpnE nounce their readiness to execute all orders for HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING in all it3 branches, promising promptness and efficiency in execution and low prices. Rooms on fcecond street betwee-. Market and Dock. J. liUKii. ADRIAN" WTM.TAMX nov b Miscellaneous. Exchange Corner, T3 EMEMBER there is always something new to oe seen. New Goods received every week. The AdeUnt Zephyr Hoods, for Ladien, price SI- owsbu ji.u. ureiou craias, nusn iect Wear, new Ties of all kinds. Banerles. the latest in Nets for Scarfs and Veils, Handker chiefs of all kinds, best value in the city: a.iu vjiore?, sonars and t;uns, Worsted Hoods, Crepe Lisse Ruching, cheap ; and otner inmgs too numerous to mention. In the Millinery Department you can find every thing New, Stylish and Cheap. MNowi3 the time to get your Christmas Hats. Don't put it off. Come now to avoid theiush. N. II. SPRUNT. dec 12. ranted; North Carolina Hams, CHOICE CANVASSED BACON HAMS, Butter noshen and Mountain, Lard in Tubs and Buckets, Apples, Cabbage, Beets and Potatoes, Soap, Candles, Crackers, Ac, Coffee, Tobacco, 4?. Poultry and Eggs. We don't hold goods. Don't let the grass grow under your feet if j ou want oargains ot us. rETTE WAY & SCHULKEN, Brokers & Com. Merchants. Next North Princess and Water Streets. dec 12- . A FEW MAGNIFICENT VlRcrvf i.' SOME OF MV siLEXDlI) Worth Car6lina r . ALSO. AN ARMY OF SPLE'-Mr, NORTH CARoLlNlAXs TO Er SOME Ob MY MACNiKlCEVl Virginia r . ' CassimeJ Painting. T ru t'T) P T rTT r XT rTm wntrn - . ing done with dispatch, neatness and LAUlL Kill . , Ul. . ' I All toouiittuic X alco is at C. C. PARKER'S PAINT SHOP, one door North of Old Jail building on Prin cess street. HUUSE. SHIP and STOW Painting done and satisfaction cruaranteed. . a . . . 0 trreat care is given to small jobs. may ib cu, GLOVfc rpUE BEST BUTTON Coal and Wood. rpufc, BEST QUALITY OF RED ASH JL COAL, at lowest market rates. Oak, Ash and Pine Wood sawed or long a IN THE, CITY 'FOR $; -: L'AHIOSO orERA COLORS :& . ow prices, nov 30 J. A. SPRINGER. DRESS GOODS, W. H. NASH, TASHIONABLE HAIR CUTTING AND JL Shaving Saloon. All work done in tha best style. Shaving 10 cent3. Hair Cutting 5 cents. Shampooing 25 cents. Shaving ticket 12 for SI. No. 23 North Front Street. octl3 Circular Saws. TWU C1RCUL.AR SAWS. BOXED. ound in the Daily Review Office, corner Chestnut and Water fctreets. The owner is notified to come forward, prove property anu remove tne same at once. nov 13. JJANDSOME GOODS CHEAl'EU THAN ANY ONE Ela CALL AND EXAMINE. Remember we are net Persian. Buy or never Bay. -s; HEDRICK. dec 7 The Cosmopolitan Late tu Cextennial. ARPETING, CARPETING. Market Street, South of Market House. A LARGE AND Well Selected Stock of CARPETING New CHEAP FOR CASH. Styles, Best' Goods, Sid; 187S. THE SUN. NEW YORK. 1878 properties of marvelous , remedial efficacy iuc uutuiiuicu lesuiuuuiais wnicn its nin prietors have been constantly receiving since its introduction to the public, from persons who have experienced or witnessed its wonoertullv benencial ellects, fully justify the otner mat 11 must, ere long, become the STANDARD AlIEUICAN OPECIFIC FOB ALL DlS EASES OF THE KeSPIHATORT ORGANS. IMPORTANT CAUTION. None genuine unless the sicnaturns nf J uaydock and G. D. Davis as agents for the united btates, are tound on the wranner- A K J i -ii 1 - uauuaumB rewaru win oe given to anyone rendering such information asmav lpad tn th ueieciion 01 aDy party or parties eonnterfeit ing the medicines or veridiner the same know. ing them to be spurious. Sold at the manufactory of Profnr Uolloway & Co., Aew ork, and by all re pectaDle drugfirists and dealers m mpdiVinps tnrougtioHtthe civilized world, $1 per Bottle. nov 10 THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. Westermann R E Heide Vick & Mebane BRIGS. V ictor, Jlor. 2G3 tons. PetersPr. R V. TfeiAo Svlphide, Swd, 240 tons, Lindholm.R E Heide j xxooper, ur, 32 tons, Carroll, Alex Sprunt & Son Magdala, Br, 27S tons, j f k . Paterson, Downing & Co SCHOONERS. Luola Murchiaon, Am. 443 tons, Jones. Williams & Murchison JUonte Uhnste, 147 tons, Smith, E Kidder 4 Sons nattie in ner, Am, 29o tons, Keen, J U Chadbourn &. Co Joseph U atover, Am, 152 tons, Clay, EG Barker & Co GO TO GEO, MYERS', FOR THE Gold, Iivsh, Scotch, Star, Boyal; Indigo, Vaterland. For Sale ONLY by CEO. MYERS, 11 dt 13 south ruorxT GT dec G Spectacles and Glasses. liUJS lAB(iEST ASSORTMENT EVER, A. offered in this city at prices ranging from 25 ; Osnta tO$lC. Call tnd examiae for yourge'.yes. Jan H J. II. ALLEN For Sale. TWO COPPER TANKS, in ?ood order also, a second-Land HOJL1R. Apply at DAILY REVIEW OFFICE. Corner Chestnut and Water streets, nov 13 D7RTSE IN. THE 1 WILMLVGTOX ( Weetly) JODRXAL Office corner Chestnut aad Wter ata. ec 12 Up stair. an month, or $6.50 per vear. The Sunday edition of The Sun is oucci ui ouuuiufflua. vv ru ip mv ing the news7the day,it also contains a large auauuui ui niera-y ana miscellaneous matter bpecially prepared for it The Sunday Sun nas met with great succees. Post paid $1. 20 a year. The Weeklv: Sun- Who doe3 not know T-hk OTfet.v Sttk It circulates throughout the United States, theCanadas, and beyend. Ninety thousand iamuies greet its welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide, counsellor, and friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, and literary departments make it essentia!! v a J.. " " ' 1 auu uresiae. xerms: vxt. DOLLAR a year, post paid. This price. quahty considered, makes it the cheapest newspaper puonsnea. t or cius of ten, with ciw vnsu, we win sena an extra copy free. Aaaress rUBLlSnMi OF THE SUN, nor 2 New York Citv. Keystone Printing Ink Co MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING INKS. BOOK AND NEWS BLACK A 17 Z7orth Fifth Street Philadelphia. Pa. OUR INKS ARE OF A SUPERIOR cualitv. beinor made from the bent i dienta and under the personal supervision ot a practical printer and pressman, therefore we will guarantee everv Dound of T be of a Superior. Jet Black. Onick Drrin and entirely free from setting-off. Our prices are from 30 to 60 Der cent. low- ei than any other Inks manufactured in the united States. A trial of a sample kez will convince hit printer that h has been paying nearly double what he should for hia Inks in times past. Put up in kegs and barrels to suit purchaser!. KEYSTONE PRINTING INK CO., 17 North Fifth Street, d?c 13 Philadelphia. Pa. MS! Hi STICK Fine French Millinerv. T " tlUST OPENED A FCLT. I.TVK ni? Straw Hats, Flowers, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, LACES, &c. A fall line of real TTATR. SWITPnvo FINGER PUFFS and CURLS. ' HAIR SWITCHES made to order. Southwest corner offFront. ?A Princeaa Street. " oct29 oct 15. SOL BEAR & BROS, 18 & 20 Market street. We Eespectfully Offer to the Public JNE OF THE Largest and'Cheap est stocks of READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, DRY GOODS, &c, &c, &c, &c, in this city or State. We respectfully solicit a call before pur chasing elsewhere. SOL. BEAR & BR08. oct 15. 18 & 20 Market trt4t rjlTE FINEST BEER, WINES, Liquors, and Cigars offered to everybody at low rates. NEW RIVER OYSTEliS, Frab fferr Day and Served Up irany Style Dctiwl FREE LUNCH Every Day at 11 o'clock JOHN CAlinOLh, dec 7. I'roDrietor. (Vlozart Saloon Still Ahead TN FURNISHING First-Class Liquors of all kinds, embracing "UJCLiMUNIUO CLUB," "GIBSON'and "OLD VALLEY." RYE WHISKIES. and the finest imported BRANDY. WINES ana uiuaks in tne State. Hot Drinks now in order and the Bar nre- o ueu over Dy jim mcuo wan. BILLIARD ROOMS in order. JOHN HAAR, Jr. dec-3 Proprietor. F. A. SCHUTTE. Furniture Wareboise and Salesroom, South Front St., near Dock. LL KINDS, QUALITIES, STYLES and Manufactures of House, Store, Office and Ship furniture. All variety, all styleB and all prices. The ladies are respectfully invited to ex amine my stock. dec 10 NOTICE PARTICULAR To all irhom it May Concern. A LL PARTIES who have lft wnrlr with me to be renoir! fm rvty.iu. JJ. IO J Uiy 14 4. ana ao not CM.!! And rnrlAAm said work within one week's time, it will be sold for the amount of repairs. nov J II. ALLEN. Boots and Shoes. JUST RECEIVED A VERY DE- yJ sirable lot of Gent's Hand Sewed f I J Boota and Shoes. Also a nice line nf m;. and Children's Lace and Button Boota. Old Gent's Broad Sole Gaiters and Ties, both du rable and comfortable. , My goods are all new and of the latest tries, and will be a-jld at the lowest CASH 'RICES. . The Quality of mv roods cannot he A and the quantity aoid will enable me to sell at a very amall profit. Call nd ortmin stock, styles and prices. Thos. H. Howey. Jr., dec No. 4 Market st New Edition of Busbeo's Jus tice and Form Book. THE exhaustion of the old edition and th recent changes in the Constjution ic Statutes of the State, ereatlv afcetinir M jurisdiction of Magistrates and Cluntj off-l cers, makes a new an 4 revised editwn oi IA STANDARD WORK a newsiitv. The Publisher would therefore aBnoirei that he has in press aud wi'l shortlr i-oe new and revised edition embracing the r-tot changes in the Constitution and SUUlM the btate, tbus making it a complete, rate and reliable guide for all ifaristrvet. County Officers an J Business men. "J'rift $2 50. Law sheep binding. Pent frea '' postage on receirtof price. Address, J. H. ENNISS, PublUher, dec 8 Kaleigh, N. C THE OLD CLAnEHOOH IS NOW IS ITS UL0HY! jyjR. JESSE W. DICKSEY predf, and wilt be g!ad to wait on his friendi tti all cf the old customer! of the hous. best Wine, Whiskeys and Oysters i'"!1 on hmd. Free Lunch every day at ll o'clock. dec 8 THESE COLD WlxSsT YITU THE FROST AND THE and youths wilharra nnderoovwT hosiery, neckties, &c.,aie to be foanau great variety at dec 6 ice arc good reminders of t!x. that the best, and wann' che .pest clothing for Gents, Doys, toetlier Market Rt. A Rare Opportunity; ning, entitled, Burr's Oceanicon ; Or, War on the Wave- LSj?SS555- a Paintine bun and a desire to . dimose of i prF . :7v ',:,.!, ,.Pi- : 07:1 wiinrtnn iO ll'C Kc""u -ltn l ive v-r- nov 21 t o tne aurRV nriv OP CHOICE WEaTE Ov11 TMTTTPTl, Low J; ifrurefc BOAl'WItlGUT&MeKoy. 5, 7 and 8 North Front St. nov 19

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