LOCAL NEWS. MEIIUY CIiniSTMAS! What to Bay, Where to Buy, How to Buy. nuil corner of Second and Princess streets ant t here you will find a plenty of good stuff to drink and fine oysters to oat. Mr Steljcs wiil also treat bis customcra and friends to cgjj-nogg and Tom and Jerry on Christmas Day. Talking of things good to eat reminds ns of tho fact that ... We resume to-day our rambles around town among the advertisers in the Review nM-. Url- nnil lnn-nrinc. but not cold, and tho streets are thronged with those who aro in search for pretty and fnr- thn ?rpfir ones and dear UOC1U1 WlUgil v ones at home. The week has been a very, busy one and tho pursuit of Xmas gifts seems to have been taken in hand much oorlinr thia vwr thnn ever before. The holy rest and calm and quiet of to-mor row will be doubly Welcome to those who have sold as well as to those who nave hnntrlit Wfi first dror into the old and ;i favorably known furniture house of I). A. SMITH & CO on North Front street, where we find an elegant array of all kinds of uselut as nrnnmpnt.al thirtJTS manV thlDgS combining the two in one. Here you raav find appropriate things for holiday gifts ranging in value from a trifle up to lmnrlrnds nt dollars. TurnlUK Clown Front street we come to the FRONT STREET COOK STORE nl frifind! Mr. Jewett. has PETTEWAY & SCHULKEK are extensive dealers in such articles They can supply almost any department ot the cuisine and receive every day iresu consignments of butter, lard, chickens, turkeys, kc. They are now in daily cx pectatiou. of a-large lot pf poultry lor. the Cnnstm'as trade and will take vour orders ahead. exhibited much taste in the arrangement Of a thousand attractions. He makes a beautiful disnlav! and the attraction has x v , . been felt, for his counters have been thronjred all of the week with eager gift seekers. At the foot of Princes, Messrs. I . BINFORD, LOEB & CO. ; JOHN II. ALLEN, the Front Street jeweller, received yester day a lot of beautitul things, ordered by him expressly for the Christmas trade and among them some of the handsomest chains, cuards. lockets. bracelets &c, we e ever seen. A good place to srp into for a sly drink, but not a dry drink, is ; ; COLLINS' OFFICE SALOON, where you can not only assuage your thirst, but where you will be tempted to take breakfast, Sinner and supper, all in one. His lunch counter is supplied with the best in-the market and is tempting in tho extreme He can "J& you out,' with inside copy to a charm, Let us drop in at the corner, of Market and Second streets, where you will find that g. g. g. (genial German gentleman) Mr. Geo. L. Schutte, ready to,, serve you with some of the best in the city. His is the live flower store, but he can sell you another kind and spelled in a different are way. lie has everything good to. eat and will sell you none but the best and at the lowest prices. , ' - But there is one place we must call at a:nd that is brown & koddick's new toy and notion. store, on the South side of Market street, where, that wan derer from the land o' cakes (W. LJ.) pre- nnd w W Wn orn tn rnmnrk that a siaes a man wno not on,y IC11S a gou J . . - . Moke and sings a crood sonz but sell3 nice barrel of flour or of porc or a bag oi rico d , , .. , . . , . . orof coffiee orja package of sugar is not only fact he js a veritable Santa Claus without nn nrrrr;nf hut Jin arcentabls sift Tor the great coat and the reindeers and the t a hard working relative or a zealous ei. ficient employe to whom such gifts may come but once a year. Anything of this kind can bo supplied at this house. pipe, loys and notions and pretty things for everybody are there, but they are coins oil last. GEO. F. TILLEV at Stall No. 84 in the Market House, is Now Advertisements. Church Services. Worship in tho various churches of the city tomorrow as follows; ST. PAUL 8 (EVANO.) LUTHERAN CI1UBCII, Corner of Sixth and Market streets. .Rev.- (x. P. Bernheim, D. D. pastor. German I pected Daily a Iarjre Xot of Fine and Cm- service at 11 a. m. English service at 7 J j mon, Dark and Bright, Chewing Tobacco, rr ca ev,i o T?r.rri;eK I also Ciears. in all Strles and Prices. $rnf;Lm..l.w.fLm Wblv . Retail Dealers and-Consumers, can find ay xj. f - Dargau.s at the; ew store. Miscellaneous. New Store ! New Goods ! AJO. 9, SOUTH FRONT STREET. EX- Miscollanoou ST 0- Vednesday at instruction ou p. m. Friday at ! service on Catechetical a p. in.. . st. Paul's ciiuncH, (eplscoI'al.) corner of lourth and Orange streets. Kev. T. II. Ambler, rector. Services at 11 am and 1 p m. Sunday School at 3 p. in. Seats free. st. John's chuiich, December 23d, 1877 4th Sunday in Advent. Celebration of the Holy Eu charist at 7i o'clock. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 7J o'clock. ST. THOMAS (CATHOLIC) CHURCH, Dock street, between Second and Third streets. -Rev. Mark S. Gross, j pastor ; itev. r. Moore, assistant. -Sunday Morn ing services at 7 and 10.30 o'clock. dec 29 ' C. L. BDRKHIMER. ITruit Oalco;i?oiiiia Cake, Oliarlotto loXtiiNtse. Christmas comes but once a year and it people will soon find wlierc they can buy is almost horc Vespers chanted School at 9 a m, at 4 ) m. Sunday Daily Mass at 7 a. m. Sunday School for colored reople at 3 m. SECOND BAPTIST CIIUliCH, on otn between Church and uastle streets. Preachinc at 9 a m and 7 p m. by Mr. J.' P. King. Prayer meeting every luesday night. seamen's bethel, on Dock between Front and "Water streets i Kev. J. L. Keen, chaplain. Services every ounaay aiternoon at 4 o eioct. All are welcome. Seats free. FIBST FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH, corner h ourth and Dawson streets. Ser vices at 11 a nw and 1 p m f CHLSTNUT ST. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Ilev. D. J. Sanders, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Siabbath School at 9 a. in. Bible Class at 4i r.m. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST, on (Jastle, between Filth and Sixth streets. Preaching to-morrow (Sunday) at 11 o'clock by Elder Moore Stephenson. ST. MARK S CHURCH. cervices ac na. m. ana 7 p. m. Sunday School at St. Barnabas at 3J p. m. Confirmation Class at 5 p. m. Seats ree. QREAM PUFF, , f - ' -: Bavarian Cream, v - Wine Jellies, : , lireakfsst KoMs, French Rolls, And all fine Breads and Cakes kept and made to order. Bpecitl lattention riven to fittine: up cnristmaa parties. li. K.OSTKA, Thorburn's Old iStand, Front st. dec 18 ' Brock's Exchange. riini2. .ULU uuuHii was never- i. more Popular than it is now. We keep none but the Finest and NSis Purest of Wines, Liquors and Cicars, and treat everybody just alike. . . iew tuver ureters received iresn every aay, and a lot of those Splendid Turkey Point I Oysters expect.d for the Christmas trade. dec W - i For the Best BEER, ALES WINES AND & SON'S, No. , Market street. We import and botde the best brands of Beer and offer rare induce-! ments to purchasers. Families supplied with Beer f. ee of charge for delivery. H. KUiarcus & Son., IMo, 5, Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Boots and Shoes. The Best Holiday Goods and ''Family Groc tor the least cash money; Get up early in the mominsr anil avoid tho rush. as usual the largest display of . 'We are Good THEKTOS of any! house m the State. , During the Christmas Goods-to the family trade at that is Holidays wo. are wholesale prices. We M? a BIG ITEM. We must sell the IMMENSE STOCK We have e bnly three Dlivcry Carts leavin Hie St J every 15 minutes, and all goods delivered promptly Great inducements in cooking articles: gOCK Liquors, go to II. MARCUS Butter, Wine, Brandy, Citron, Curra RAISINS. ATMORE'S MINGE MEAT, iPLUM PUDDING Three thousand five hundred pounds 7 1 T . . I -..1! 50 bbls. (five thousand pounds) of must be sold for the cash at wholesale prices. Tdec 21 Our unequaled and unrivaled brands of Liauor. "Uro finest stock in the State. ' f ' i Down on South Front . street, opposite doing all he can to help the people have a Geortro livers' bier crocery house the good Xraas. He has a noble display of iresh meats, sausages, &c, and will ,, . several fat beeves reserved expressly is Kept m mv wry ucst, utviu. ..x thls season. presided over by the hard-to-beat Jim For French iattern hats, bonnets, Hb- MnflrTwnn whn will rb'snense e??-no?ff bOHS. UCCS. &C.. &C.. 0 to MlSS b frpfl nn Christmas Dav to the patrons of - kill for A. Strock's, on Princess street; but the ladies must call there and examine for them selves. If we attempt to talk of such things wo will be knee-deep in the mire before we know it. At B. VEILIS tho house. New River oysters are re ceived there fresh every day, while three billiard tables and a brand-new bagatelle nAA Umr offroptinntt Whim Lii ULXJ W Ilk auU Uiii vt ww upon this subject we may as well mention Dry Goods House, on Market street, you Vl,f will find "lots and cords" of pretty things, the cosmopolitan, and useful things, too from a box of Pa- .-f- - 0ii niw.Tnn per collars to a camel hair shawl for your uu iuaii, Dwccu j . wife or an overcoat for yourselt, and ne is Carroll, has a quantity of hnc oysters and - in at this ti too e understand, re- Cooa iiquoia. i'1" markably cheap of resort and there is always good cheer Anir'm nfi. at that house. The genial proprietor is a host in himself and is ably supported by ''Billy Grif. If you should take too much nogg during the holidays IKft WPEVVK ean give you a good shampoo and a e'ean shave and rub your head up with some of that patented elbow greece and make a new man outef you "entirely' B. I). MORRILL has a fine lot of caskets aud coftius but we truly trust that no one will be com pelled to patronize Mr. Morrell during the holidays For good bottle beer and ale, rare old whiskeys aod fine, imported French brandy, wo would advise you to visit II. MARCUS & SON. Probably one of the most unostentatious jnen in tho city who sticks closely to his work is GEO. W. HUGGINS ho is always ready to serve you in this capacity. He also has some pretty articles which would make good presents. . THE OLD CLARENDON. is again on its legs and for good oysters, go there. Of course liquors are kept and Mr. Dicksey will be pleased to serve you. If your teeth need attcutibn call on t. n. carr & son; hpv miirantoo their work and nave also sometooth powder of their own manufac ture which is highly recommended. The cfyof fire in tho dead hours of the night is always alarming aud to keep your minds at ease, insure vour property. . ly . reference to our columns it will be that DE R0SSET & NORTHOP mi n I. - l.c win l urn isu von ;i iui;v muiv L.i.a Companies, European and American, so And' now, at the close, we beg to impress upon your minds one fact,.' viz : that life ia uncertain arid th3t hie insurance is ohe of the most commendable things this day and generation have produced. It yon 4hink as we do, you will go at once to JNO. W. GORDON & 13R0. and insure your life for the benefit of those at home. This done you' can sleep peacefully and happy on Xmas night or any other night, knowing that the loved ones are provided for. And now "kind friends, good friends, gentle friends" we will close our rambles with the hope that we .have slighted none and pleased all in this sin cere endeavor of ours to mete oUt what was just and right to everyboddy and with a MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR ALL. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner Third and Orange streets, Rev. Jos. wiison, u. u., pastor. Morning ser- vi:e 11 clock. Ivenine service? o'clock. Sabbath School 3 o'clock, p. irT. lecture 1 hursday evening o clock. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, corner of Market and Fifth streets, Rev. James 13. Baylor, )astor. Services to morrow at 11 a. m. and 7i p. m. Sunday School at 9J a m. lonngMcna Prayer styles and-prices , res pectfully solicited. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 7-J o'clock. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, comer of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting for young men Monday at 7 p. m. in the Pastor's study. .Weekly prayer "Wednesday at 7J p. tn. fpHE VERDICT o THE UNPRE- judice Wilminstou Public is that the purchased from T. II. IIOWEY, Jk., pos sess more style, durabilitv and comfort. and are sold for less money than anv coods . T 1 . . . m inis marKei;. An examination of stork. THOS. II. HOWEY, Jr., . Mo. 47 Market Street. Pony, Blue Grass, Delmonico Club Hduse, Sweet Mash, Inippitotl maiea itum, jNew .England Jttum, Jtlennessey and Utard Bran, dies, Cordials, Cliampaernes and Native Wines. I We have all put up three thousand bottles of the above LionoH mere will do no delay. y We ciall attention to tho best and finest' selected stock of Fnl Crackers, different from anv other article ever offered here. Five 1 dred barrels and boxes. ! Three hundred barrels and Boxes Apples, Orancrcs and Lemons. lected especially for this holiday season. .rut your money out to best advantage and you can do so onk a dec 20 HEADQUARTERS ? dec 17 11 and 13 South Front Street; a The weekly papers in this State as general rule will suspend publication next week, but the Wilmington Journal will prove an exception to this rule, as it will, be-issued as usual next Friday. Misdirected letters are advertised and kept for some time, but if not claimed, are sent to the dead-letter office. Postal cards are not advertised and if not claimed in sixty days are burnt. -seen Personal. Maj. Oil P. Bolles, of this city, who has recently received the appointment of - - Draughtsman in the b. S. service, will leave here January 2nd, for San Francisco, and will report for duty at the Navy Yard, located sorae 30 miles from that city? where the U. S. Steamer Tuscarora is now fittinsr out and will sail January 15th for the coas' of Guatemala, where a The Steam yacht Passport, Gipt. Pugh, from New Xork, bound for Jacksonville, Fla.,when off (Frying Pan shoals on the morning of the 21st inst., about 9 o'elock, blew outt some of the flues to her boiler. Tho Captain tl en changed his course and headed for this Port, where he . arrived last night about 9 o'clock. The Yacht above named is a pleasure boat and be longs to Mr. Chas. II. Cheesborough of New York, who contemplates spending his winter in Florida. that when you lay your weary head upon hvdro.rr.hiR SIlmv ;s tn ho. mada lour willow at nicht you may feel that r . vmir hnusois built upon a surer foundation .'In Distress than brick pillars. THE HAIR INVIGOKATOK. We invito attention to the advertise ment of Mr. I.'Furmauski's hair invigo rator, an article manufactured by him self, and as to the merits of which testi mony is borne by some of our most prominent citizens. Be careful and don't drink too much on Xmas morning but if you will take a lit tle "hot-Scotch" or "dry-Irish" or real old Bourbon, you might try it on at Ilarry Webb's or tako a taste of those Turkey Point oysters or try your skill on his bil liard tables. In any case ho will be glad to see you. On Second street we fiud the meat store of ISAAC W. KING, . which has put onla genuine holiday garb, "being decorated with the cedar, the holly, and numerousj.gay trappings of various colors which add a geninl and attractive appearance to the choice meats ho offers you for your Xmas Dinner. And while in thencighberhood wo re member that the old and popular resort, tho NOUTII CAROLINA HOUSE, J. D. Steljes, proprietor, is located on the The Colored Troops The Fourth Battalion N. C. S. G., of this city, will participate in the Emanci pation' Celebration at Raleigh on New Year's Day and we hopo that through the kindnesss of the employers of the men they may present full ranks on that occasion. It is expected that the two companies will carry np about CO men. Faro for tho round trip on that occasion has been fixed at $3.50 from Wilming ton, $3.50 from Charlotte and about $2.75 from Fayette ville. Lost Child. A little boy by the name of Lucine Bishop, aged about four year0, the son of Mrs. Ann Bishop, who resides in the Southern part of the city, strayed off sev eral days ago and cannot be found. He went to school last Thursday toSt. James Mission School and has not been seen by his mother since. He was dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans pantaloons and black jacket, wide-brim black hat. Any information as to his whereabouts will bo taankfully received by his distressed mother. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL THINGS GOOD TO EAT AT Wadesboro Herald. j The Dally Eeview of Wilmington has entered upon5 its second volume. Long may &he wave, and still longer its editor aud proprietor. Mr. James. It is a lively. ireadable and newsy pa per, and the subscription is only nve dollais per year. JPersons desiring to subscribe, can leave the money at this oince. L. VoDSbrs I - - ' Southeast Corner Market Second Street. 9 and Where you will find the BEST OF EVERYTHING mHE BIG FIRE IN PORTLAND AND THE MANY OTHERS WHICH were cJ JL by Fire Crackers. Rockets, and then be sure that your Cotton, Stores, Buildings and all other propertj is insuredjbefore the Christmas Holidiji beg; For insurance, JVXarine and 2ire, in s andard American and English CcmpJi call on I at the dec 22 co: 2RCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET, I December 224 P. M. f SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market opened quiet-at cents. Later, we hear of sales of 50 casks at 29 cents. Still later, we hear of 30 casks at 29 cents. ROSIN Quiet. Strained SI 40 and Good Strained SI 43. Sales of 1,000 bbls Good Strained at SI 45. , TAR Quiet at SI 45. Sales of receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady. Hard 51 ou, leuow Dip and v lrgin $2 13. Sales of day's receipts at quotations. COTTON Market opened steady at yes terday's quotations. Sales of 4S bales at the following official quotations : Ordinary Good Ordinary Strict Good Ordinary Low Middling. Middling... , Good Middling 9lA 10 10 it DAILY KECXIPTS Cotton Spirits Turpentine. Rosin... T.. mL ........."............ Crude Turpentine C23 bales 215 casks 1,203 bb's 573 bbls Ul bbls MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamship Benefactor, Jones, Now York A D Cazaux. ' Steamship D J Foley, Price, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. Steamer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette viile, Williams t Murckison. - Steamer North East, Alderman. Toint Ca well, H M Foard. Steam yacht Passport, Pugh, New York. J ilNen. CLEARED. Steamship Benefactor, Jones. New York. A 1) Cazaux. Steamer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette ville, Williams A Murchison. Steamer North East, Alderman, Point Cas well, II M Foard. Exports. COASTWISE. . Baltimore Steamship Lucille 100 bbls tar, 24 crates tar, 10 bbls crude turpentine 25 asks spirits turpentine, 2Gi boles cotton." 52 Never- discusj vour family aiiiirs in a car. 1 he glass panes in the windows arc I do "arri' M do warps, 2 do waste, 22 UIIh "00J conductors of ouml papr, 3i bags dried fruit, 31 bbls rosin. S3 0xm co.muciors oi.souna. .tags peanuts, 3 rolls leather. 25 pkgaindSe. LOWEST PRICES. Fresh Family Groceries, Wmes and Liq nors. Pure 'Candies and Confection eries, Sauces, Preserves and Jel lies, Apple and Peach Butter, l.ussia Sardines, and a Fresh Lot ot Lim 'I bercer Cheese. A full and splendid line of Crackers. All kinds of Nuts, Apples and Oranges, tiocReryware, Tinware, Woodenware Earthenware and Willowarc. Tobaccos, Cigars, Lamps, Spices, Pickled Meats and a thousand other things eood to eat. Call ana inspect tne extensive stock. BsRossct & KTorthrop, . : 1 Insurance Agents, 23 Worth Water B dec21 L. VOLLER'S, E. Corner Market and Second Sts. : Somethins; Nice ! JILT EDGED BUTTER, guaranteed. Gilt Edged Cream Cheese, Very highest brands Flour, Pure JLard, Tu bs and Buckets, Sugar-Cured Bacon Hams, naked, Sugar " " Canvassed, North Carolina Hams. Bulk yides and Shoulders, vv esiern ana juountain Butter. Crackers, lemon and Soda, uiay I'eas, soap ana Candles. For sale at low figures, by PETTEWAY & SCIIULKEN, Brokers k Com. Merchant, ' Next North Princess and Water Streets. dec 21 Star and PostcoDV. Krlozart Saloon. Free EggKogg on Christmas Morning ! HEADQUARTERS FOR LAGER! DID YOU TRY THE NEWARK DEER ? JT Billiards, Pool and Basrctelle Tables. JOHN IIAAR. Jr.. dec 21 " Proprietor. Try Our ,ffr guaran- i dime Q. AUD EN CITY teed the fineslin the city for the money dec 21 KASPR0WIC2. JNSURE AGAINST LOSS prompt paying Companies : M Oli DAMAGE BY Finn in the following rtlubi.- HAMBURG-BREMEN, OF ENGLAND, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, OF ENGLAND, BRITISH AMERICA. OF CANAC REPRESENTED BY dec 18 Office Treasure & Collector, City of Wilmington, N. C. DECEMBER 20,1877. Bids KEEPING THE CITY LAMPS IN J.' repair for twelre months from January 1st, 1878, are invited. IIENRY SAVAGE, dec 20 Clerk and Treasurer. JOIZST W. GORDOIff&HRO. Coneral Insurance Aeents, ! 24 JVorth Water Strgf N. Ceo. W, Hugrgins. "PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JL Worker in Jewelry, 2o. 07 Market rstreet, ( Jas. B. u2as, stored Wi Ji an experience of twelve years with Bror & Anderson. Will repair Watches and Jewelry at lower rates than ever before offered here. A lot of Jewelry on hand which will be closed out cheap. BUY YOUR Christmas - Presents AT Yates' Book Store. And then walk back into hii Photograph .Rooms ana nare jour ngij faces photographed. dec 17 City of Wilmington . . - I 1 . ; MAYOR'S OFFICE DECEM3ER20, I' Pt-rsons in Disguise 6m jyOUNTED JUASQrEBADESS Cj obtain a permit t ptrtde, from lf4f H which ! will be irntcd for Cbtutmui oalr. IjLH other str,ov, found in Ihilj dusmiie will be irrctd dec 20 JOBS DAWSON, Vjor 'UBSCRIliE TO THE DAILY REVIEW. City of TTilmington, N. MAJOR'S OFFICE. I DECEMBER 20, 1?" I-''' Extract fn City Ordinance.' -ptVEST PERSON WHO SHALL FU cannon, gun, p'utol, or otter fire tit i - in anj street or allej, or upon y w fchall forfeit acd paj tea doilari for eac eTcrroOV-nee. JOHS DAW39X. dec 20 r.' A DVEKTfC IN THE wiiAiivr.Tnv tWMr)J0V& Office corner Chestnut BP dec 12

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