OP THE n LAND. FA Til Ell- j . Hiscellanoous. .. f n sli, lfw f rch nnl fair -i',r.ui:li the crystal sru If of air uirr aonlii wind floateth on her subtle " winzof helm; nl the green earth, lapped. In bits. To themaalc of her kin. ..u yearning upnr&nl fondly through the ' gHra creU-d calm ! Krra the distant tmpl strand. u h r the billow bright and bland ,wep'i:?- curllnr round the point with j from it tie M of purpling flowers, i : II wt-t Willi f rattan t sbnwera. " rappr Huth wind lingering mwrfm r-na"! I'iwnw r?f Jane. THE GREATEST OFFER OF THE SEASON. LI ark these 7T Miscall aneons. the 'I Heavenly f.uicl. I le iiti the prrfum rf liT :!, . i i . . i i r l t'li-niaeiuiiiuntKi'iin iu i languor . - r.r uur, tl a v more pnr than aSt-epV, i iitu'Iiin, half-onelou deeps N niiio.1 ana nrcnmititr. on un a- divine. -sr,r,! me. 1u"','":hin! nil me! the splendor, x) nivsti. rkarund tender. . i.i- . . r t I...... 1i..hiHl.M ,i nl tin- waters ratlins, calling. iv,!h a nameloa charm enUialliuE. setb-'etMto' mule melting on araln ,wpruy ofnound! 2t UKUtli.TO CLOSE OUT OUR eivck -I- of Winter Dress Goods, we offer : At 17 cent Beautiful and New wortf zocenta.- ; I At 20 centa Beautiful and New worth 30 cents.! ' At 25 cenu Beautiul and New worth 40 cents. At 30 eenta Beautrfal an! New worth 50 cenu. At 40 cents Beautiful aad New , worth CO cent. Black Alpacas 22 l-2c. to 81.00. Blaek'and CoIoredCastaiere.VEm' CHEAP Water Proof, 30 per cent, less than regu'ar pnee. Dress Goods ; Dr. es Goods Dress Goods Dress Good Drei Goods I,,u. ;, Umvlk me nm, nor wase me, i ... t mr Ihnuzhutri'ertake me fr.,m :ih t . -.-ttiJic faintly with her dreary What V. Ill iUC .,' Xi'ii wl-rndroppinKdew l:Jco Horn the i !a! d.m.dimnnd dimmer . Jir-st-. ;!. pr t rnatuml glimmer ; thattranrt- thNuth wb.d I rought me oi m-r "',t ! " "iu; i usini; ' Kr i-t:d-ll It spirit flyeth, n.litWry ihurmurdieth. n.i tre n-i closing round me ia a dull .Ill (o iardslnlhe Dark. Icra wa ajonnsr hot-had ia the tr;ror i Nap ?e .n'a t e" t. who Vs. ' g to action, ami lh datiea lor titae aaordicg no opportrmity. at Ire oked to fight a dnel; according T.cLccsing toconstrao eome remark o'htT ut wl older and aaporior offl irfo an'inf ult, he challenffod him. ::edl foldier. waving all oongider coit ol rant, t greed to meet the ztg man, bat on the following unu- ? - Blcaclied Cottons At GlA cents worth 8ecnts. , At.8 cents worth 10 cent. At 10 cents worth lZIlVcnt. New York Mills at 13K cents. Wamsutta at 13 cenu. I Yard wide Brown Cotton at6Xc. Ladies' Hose ! AtC, 8, 10, 12, 20, 25, to $1.50 per pair. 30 per cent, cheaper than the satce goods erer were sold. The best and cheapest stock of Housekeep ing ana uomesuc JJry VooCa in the citj. Lines Haadkerehiefs from 6)c upward. BLACK SILK. A few Dresses Imported Black Silk at $2 CO worth ti 50. TIIK TISTIMOXY OF THE WHOLE WORLD Hollovay's pills. Let the Suffering and diseased read the iouowine : i CP" Let ail wbo have been given up by Doct rs, and spoken of as incurable, read the following. ST Iet all who can believe facts, and can have faith In evidence, read the follow- KXOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Tliat. on this, tbe Twentieth day of June, in the year of Our Lord, One Thou sand Eight Hundred and Sixty-six, per. serially came Joseph Haydockto me known at such, and being duJy sworn deposed as follows : "That be ia the sole general aent for the United States and dependen ces thereof for the nnrnarations or medi- ci es known as I)r. Ilollowav's Tills and r-jSS winiment, ana mat tie loiiowin'; cer-m- cat3 are verbatim copies to the best of bis knowledge and belief. JAMES SMEITRE, Hotary Pub.ic, 14 Wall Street, New York. June 1st, I860. Di:. Hollow ay : -I take my pen to write you of my great relief and that the awful pain in my side has left me at last thank? to your Tills. Ob, Doctor, bow thankful I am that 1 can get some sleeps I can never wiite it enough. I thank you a?am and again, and am sure that you are really the friend of all sufferers. I could not help writing to you, and hope you will not take it amLFs. JAMES MI JKS, I lib Avenue D. ' ALT. EXT.ojR., iifiili L. P. zv&fC ' tin. " .3 '-j; lfl.rs - -i8 ,r. HAMBURG TRIMMINGS- i ; i -Edging and Insertions.-all new ajnd"v5ry WOOLEN GOODS, j The best stock for Men and Boys Wear re duced 23 per cent. CORSETS. I The choice of 100 f small size) Corsets for 50 Cents worth fl 00 and SI 50. KID GLOVES. ' i i Good quality at 63 and; 75 cents. Our SI 50 Glove reduced to f I 20. x terns: Thetim ehcnld be night Replace a room in cpponte coi rsor which ibej were to stand. U seconds, having pUsed their men, tire to withdraw outside of the door, iixg the oandlea with them. The rjl should ihoald ba given from r.&tut. when he who had the flrt SA'.iSSa;!! FiaBMtts. bLmikets a1 bupqt raediately xnsh in. RUGS. Tteso strange conditions were ac pud; the time arrived; and the sec zli placed the parties as agreed upon -withdrawing immediately, and leav- :z tueir men in tbe dam. Iho word was given the fire was ard the door reopened and there wod the older of the two bolt upright :tbe coiner, his adversary's ball hav- q eitered the wall so close to his head I'bis escape seemed almost miracul It vis mw the old soldier's turn to ia They wero agiin left in the dirk: - word was given from the outside. ci instantaneously with the discharge j? second rushed in to find the caal- ger prostrate upon tbe floor, not yet , intjgrecoverea uinseii Irom bis trick iivcidthe ball, which on examina- 3. it was fcuml must have killed The 7cucg. man was covered with i!a?iou, aud the seconds were over ueltaicg htm with tho expression of :r pcorn, whet, the veteran stopped This is to certify that 1 iwas discharged from tbe army with Chronic Diarrhoea, and have been cured by Dr. Uolloway's mis. WILSON HAttVJSl, New York. April 7. 1866 21 Pitt st.- The followine is an interesting case of a man employed In an Iron Foundry, who, in nourinrr melted lmu into a nasK mac was damp and wet, caused an explosion. The melted iron was t brown around and on him in a perfect shwer, and be was burned dreadfully. The i'llowing certificate was given to me. by .nm, aoout eigui, weeks after the accident f New Yobk- Jan 11. 1SGC. My name is Jacob Hard v; I am an Iron founder. I was badly burn-t by hot iron in November last : mv burns healed, but 1 had a running sore on my leg that would not heal. I tried Hollo way's Ointment and it curad me in a few weeks. This is all true and anybody can see me at Jack son's Iroii Works, 2d Avenue- J. HARDY, 119 Goereh at, cORS DISEASES OF THT fHROAXLUNQS.LrVER ft BLOOE In the wonderful medicine to which the afllict 'I are nlxu;c directed for relief, tliC di.4c.overi?r I'i'lieve he has combir.cl in futrmonv tiirc Hf Kuture's 8overein curative properties, whicii lxl has lnsti!lei into the vegetable .kingdom for healing the sick, than were ever before com bined in one medicine; The evidence of this fact is found. In the preat variety of most obstinate disCA--es which it has been found to conquer. In the cure of Brouchltito, Severe CoaeliM, and the early stages of C'oasnmption, it Uu Aptoniritied the mel!cal faculty, and eminent Shyelcians pronounce It the greatest inedieil' iscovery of the age. S While it cures iUie. sever est CoiiifhH, it strengthens the pvstem and puri fies the blood. By its creat and Utorouirh Mood-purifying properties, it cures! all Hu mors, from Uie worst Scrofula to a common lilotcli, Pimple, or Eruption. Mercurial discHsc, Mineral l'oikns, and their-efi'ects, are eraticAted. and vurorous health and a sound constitution established. Erysipelas.' Salt rheum, Fever Sores, Scaly or Koosh Skin, in short, all the numerous diseases 'caused liv laI bloKi, are conquered pv this powerful, purifying, and invigorating njedicine. If von feel dull, drowsv. debilitated, hnvp siJ- low color pf ?kin. or yellowish brown fdols on face or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste iu "mouth, internal heat or chills alter nated.with hot Hushes, low spirits, find glooniy forobodings. Irregular appetite, and tongiie coated, von are sijiuering irom Xorpld stiver, or IlllioiianesM." In i manv eases of "Lilver Complaint" only Dart of ihos pviuptoms are experienced. As a vemelv for I all such cases. Dr. l'ierce's Golden Medica'rDi- coverv has no equal, as it effects ierfect cures. leaving the liver btrer.gt.ened and LealtLy. SOLD EY DRUGGISTS AT SI PEEOTTLZ ' I i . ; ' Prepared by II. V. PIEHCE, ITI. D., Sola I'rourieior, at Uie H okld's D'jjps.vsapy. Willi a great variety of other GcoXs too numerous lojmentlon. ALL REDUCED. 1 The Bargains we now offer are u n parol - elled In the History of the Wilmington trade. The prices named are for cash as we leave no margin to allow for credit. I It is to the interest of all tp call and ex amine. I I : HEDRICK, ; ! I j I Jau 5 Northwest Cor. ilar bet Square. . ( Now Year's Annouii cement rS TUESDAY, JANUARY 1st, 187$, 1 will begin nj Grand. Annual fjlearing Out Sale. Everything marked down and sold regard- CM W CV9U ! v f I am determined to close oat the balance of mj ttock In the next thirty I ajs, and will make mj prices accordingly, j I Every attention paid to customers whether .X - a w m .ofcsoiasi: per so iast mrvounffl . , ..... - " -.cr.q.5, rairvne; you win live to crow mt. Wliero do JOU suppose I WikS at j they wiah to buy or "look around." erst nre 7 on my bands and kneea -the corner: bnt I was no nniokpr abe. Ah! Messieurs, aav what we boast a wo may we are all 'VirJiinthodark!" Give me a call. A. 21 A VXD The Mjsterjor the Ruby- Merchant Tailor and Clothier. Front aad Princeaa at!. Clothing House, dec 31 I ! , I-is Lot a little remarkable, and we -t it. Geo.xW. Muggins. TIItAPnf?AT. WATf:nilAlvKTl AND 7t philoophi3 lor Mme time JT Worker in Jtiwelrr. No. 57 Market street. (Jas. U. Uuggins' store.) With an experience of twelve yearj with Brown A Anderson. Will repair Watches and iu valne and beantv. is nearly I Jewelry nt lower-' rates than ever before uuoi puro aiuxninao? common uerr. a o ot jewej.'.y on liana wncu wui w tlosed out cheap : that while the diamond ia of pure carbon, or simnlv '-tk and opaque charcoal, the ruby. 9i5pr cont. the coloring mat iron, making np tho rest of it; tbe traca of lirao found in it beirjg Pprec-.fcbTo, Kotbing, we may tcre to pay, in nature's chemif try Eore uonde&fal than thi fact of uall, olorless, and lieleas clay be- fllUE U aiag mctaraorpho?ei by 'some hid-1 A New Pain angEs tab lishment c s. liimiL A co. UNDERSIGNED respectfully an- i ana aimod. mirinirn. i in(n vivun m w aui J e transuarentlv rlc. .t hv,"g m. Imagination e.f faiU to God a theory to aecjnnt r alt thi. iul mi progreefi iu obocus 7 can invent a theory to fit it It is t oniewhat curions v ruby, ai well as (ho diamond and r prcc;0U3 aUjnes. is o of tan found c:ated with cold: where thev arc gre ij igqliaicxoai sore to be prea- aiuxer prounces these, ber rich- together; aad it afterwird is the Ti3- of " -trt to keen them Hetier and - to .'eahibrV them aa one leer. w Re place and tho Tinfo ! IS TOE TIME AND 801. DEiR nuance their readiness to i execute all, orders f..r Y I UOUSU, SIGN AND t ORNAMENTAL PAINTIN O x " i in all its branches, promLsin c promptness and ethcieiiey ia execution and 1 ow prices. ' Roomaoa ESeoond street between Market and Dock I C. K. liURR. ADRIl Jt nor 6 t i- WILLIAMS. Extracts from Varios Letters 4I had no appetite : Hofloways rvus gave mc a hearty one." ! "Your Pius are marvellous." "I 6end for another box. and keep them in tbe bouse. "Dr. Holloway has cured my headache that wa chronic." "leave one of your Pills to my bate for cholera morbus. The dear little thin; got well in a day." "My nausea of a morning is now cured." "Your box of Holloway's Uintmentcured me of noises in the head. I rubbed some of your Ointment behind the ears, and the noise has left." J5end me two boxes, I want one for a poor family." "1 enclose a dollar, your price is zo cents. but the medicine to uie is worth a dollar." . "Send mc five boxes of your Pills." "Let me have three bcxes of your Pills by return mail, for Chills and Fever. I have over 200 such Testimonials as these, but want of space compels m j to conclude. . j FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS This instrument is especially designed for the perfect application of i i And all eruptions of the skin, thU Oint- 2. SAGE'S OATAESH REMEDY; nrcub 13 must invaiuaoic. iu nuu hcm externally alone, but penetrates with the most searching eflects to the very root of the evil. Holloway's Fills Invariably cure the following diseases: Disorders of the Kidneys. In all diseases . alfecUng these organs, vjhether they secrete too much nr too lit! le water ; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains mailed in the loins over the regions of the kiiincvs. these Pills should be taken ac cordiuiro the printed directions, and tle Oiiiiment should be well rubbed into the sm Jl of the back at bed time. This treat ment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed. For Stomachs out of Order. No medicine will so effectually improve the tons of the stomach as these Pills; they remove all acidity, occasioned either by iu temperance or improper diet. They reach tbe liver and reduce it to a healthy action ; th- y are wonderfully efficacious in cases of n ism .n fact tbev never lau in cunnff au disorders of the liver and itomach. Hollotcay Wis are the best remedy Inotrn in the world tor the follovcing diseases: V Market itrftt. Is the place to bay HOLIDAY OOOSS. rest stock, the bestOodj and the rJ: prices la the StaU. Call aad see the 4-.tnrsiaj we art o3"erlc for" the C&rUt- trie. SOL BKAR BROS, IS A 20 Market street. Lost. 1 OR NEAU THE POST ta ttt lvTk nf ma tilna OFPICC, A v v to any one ex- NOTICE. Schedule 6 Tax. A WHOLESALE AJ.D RET. AIL MER XCltANTS are aer or Botlfifd that a Pririlage Tax was levied by the 1 la Legis late re, of Fife Dollars r the same Levied by county), U addition to the SchedtLa Taxes proper. j j Wholesale Dealers a re also notified that in tiviS in their purcb-jjes tbe law no a ' com pels payment on all purchases made irithui the Sute aa well as out of the itate, (including timber, 1 amber, turpentine, r 'irita turpentine, rosin, t ad naval stores' of i&ov kind, aad eotton;a iso wood and coal dealer .) All Hotel. Boarding Houses, Restaurat'ta and Eating lloas are recuired br Uw to pa 7 a tax of One H slf Per Cent, on cross rt. eelpts. ' . I i 1 . The Tax will be due January 1st, aad pay able within th first Ua davs thereafter, oa all purcaaaea since the 1st of July; 1877. All partira iatereaied in the payment of Schedule B Taxes will save coats by attend ing to the Lame at- esace, as tbe Uw will be itnctlvea forced. J. E. SAMPSON, . dee JS-Lm-eod-frmon th Beg. of Deeds. Agne, Asthma, Bullous Complaints, Blotches on the Skin Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of the Bowels. Consumption, j Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari- tirs, Fevers of all kinds, rits. . t Gout, Headache, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or King's Evfl, Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, j Secondary Symp toms, ! Tic-Douloiueaux, Tumors, Ulcers, Venereal Affections. Worms of aH kinds, 0r dy a trau made by S?tJ Agents aalliagour Ckro- t tie owner. The finder will be rewarded 1iTi3 them at this office or at the Post S10 2 moa, Cravoas. and Reward, Motto, Script urd Text, Transparent, , Picture aad Chroma Cards. 100 samples, worth $4. sent postp lid for 75 cents. Illurjrated Catalogue free. J. IL BOP ORD'3 SONS, BOSTON, may 14 I Established 1830. Weakness frcm any cause, &c IMPORTANT CAUTIOX. None are genuine unless the aiguatcre o J. Hatdock, as agent for the United States, surrounds each of the box of FQls and Ointment. A handsome reward will be riven to any one rendering such infor mation as may lead to tbe detection of any arty or parties counterfeiting the medi cnes or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the Manufactory of Professor HoL uoway fc Co New York, and by all respe ctatle Druggiats and Dealers inlfed throughout the civilized world, in pores at 23 cents, 62 cents and $1 each. 0 There is considerable saving by taking the larger sixes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in evrry disorder arc affixed to each box. tovO-. i. i It is the onlv form of Instrnment Vet invented wilh which flnli medicine can be carried hiah vp and perfectly applied to all parts of the afiefc t ct nasal passagefl, and the chamliers.or cavities cominnnicatlng therewith, in which 'sores and ulcers frequently exist, and from which the ca tarrhal discharge generally proceeds. The want of success In treating Catarrh heretofore has arisen larcrely from the impossibilitvof applyinp remedies to these CATitiea and chambers by" any of the onlinary methods. This obstacle in tho way of effecting' cures is entirely overcome by the' invention ofthe Douche. Its use is pleasant and so simple that a child can understand it. Full and explicit direction acc-jrr: pan v each instrument When usl witli this fp...tri: ment, Dr. SageV Catarrh liemedv ctiresireceut wntucks of Cold in tlio Head " by a few appUcation.-j lz. If O S:"I PTOSIS Frequent headache, discharge falling into throat hjwl tiraes profuse, watery, Ihick'raucud, purulent, offensive, etc In oUierS, a dryness, dry, watery, weak, or inflamed eyes, stopping up, or obstruc tion, of nasal passages, rinKinr in cars, deif nesi, hawking and coughing to clear thro?, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers voice ?Uterjl, nasal twang, offensive breath, impaired or tosal aepriration of rense of Fmell and .ta.t, diz.i cess, mental depression. 1jss of appetite, indi seation, enlarged tonsils, Ucklinff cmah. eic Only a few of Uiese symptf.nn are Iil.eiy t Lc present in any case at one time. ' Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy, when u-e-1 with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Ioucne, and ac companied with the constitutional treatment which is recommended-in the pamphlet that wrap eacn pouie or tee Kemefty. is a r specinc i or mis pleai ei&c lor this loatbsome disease. It Ls in frfect ii.l and i'OSUC pleasant to use, containing' no etronr or c drugs or pouooa. The Catarrh Kemel v is sold at 60 cents, Douche at 60 cents, by aJ I Dr ngg 1 s in . B. F. FIEXCE, JIT. J)., rrop'r, BUFFALO, X. T. The i OFFICE SALOOxT, BAVTBOIt SAHS IALLEY- 11 TS TRP Pl.irK to get the fineit Oysters Game tnl all the delacacies of the Eeason always on hand.' i iTou get what ybn'call for and pay for only what ycu get at COLLINS' OFFICE 8A.LOON. 1 - nov 21 B. D. MORRILLj Undertaker, Carpenter and Cabinet-Maker, Third 8 tree t, Opp City Sal "TylLL FURNISH COFFINS and CasJcets with attendance at short notice. ! - I Orders for Carpenter work and Cabinet work respectfaily solicited and pronptlv executed. AU work raarantecd. - . cor 2? liRGML &SMTHPIAK the The Handsomost, the Best Tone Most Durable Pianos Made. - - i I - ' t -! They are Beautiful PsewoUl. Sovrc and o::b-third Octaves, with every .fm pro vemeiit 3r d fnl'.v guaranteed. 'Their i cderate price anl uniform success have won ' fur thtn the position .of a St.na;u!f Economy and Durability. Acknowlodged by all Musicians toabo.the Best. OVER IN EVERY ! I NOW IN USE COUNTY. AUDKESS, MARCKAl WHOLSSALErEICE B. & SMITH PIANO CO.. I7ew ITork Mr, RoBERTjW. S3IJTII, Agent, a 7 University Place A pril I- The following quotations represent the tiolesale prices ffenerallyL (In making up I wholesale prices eenerallyL emalii orders higher prices have teamship Lines, &di t ) be char!- 1 .... 1 Xnl S4 ... f l.i5s .... J 1 :....!. Viet. 'J..l . Y. H i ' . , ..i . . - ".ut C-jt tllustrtss tha Mdrloer of Using ' jj DAGG1XG fj.ucny.....! Double Anchori... Double Anchor)" A". Standard Domestic... BACON Xorta Carolina, Hams, lb........ . Shoulders, V Sides, V lb Western ; Smoked Ham?..... Sides,, In....... Shoulders. ........ Dry. Salted :. Sides, y lb....1..., ShonLiersJ lb. BEEF He.w6urht., BAIiRELS -Spirits Turpenuce Second Hand, each New York,cach, new..'.. BEESWAX !&.:. ...... . BRICKS Wilmiagton, Northern BUTTEli North Carolina lb Nortliern, V Ib...J .". CANDLES Sperai'Ib Tallow, V lb A dam an tin .CHEESE "Northern Factory, & . Dairy cream, i lb.. State,! 3 lb J... COFFEE Java, B ilio, y Lb..... ... Lauyra, fi I. CORN ilEAI V bushel.. COTTON TIES lb...... DOMESTIC Sheetine, 4-4 t? yar i am, & bunch FISH Mackerel, No. 1$ N o. 1 i lA bbl Mackerel, No. 2, y bb.l. No. 2, lA b.bl: Mackerel, No. li y bbl.. Muiieta, y bbij. N. C. Hening,! bbl.... Drv Cod, M ...... FLOUR Fin i bb! Super. Northern, bbl Extra do . u bbl... 0 03 Family ; " bbl.;. ' 2 City :MiUi:x,.Si:per p bbL.. T O!) ' ; . Family? bbl... 7 50 " Ex. Family V bbl FERTILIZERS . ! Peruvian Guano. d 20COIb3.5S 00 9 y Mm 7 mi CLYDE r iKlew u AND Wilmington, Steamship Line .U . ' ' 'She Steamer . I 1 7a 1 (V 'I 00 5TSi . r A. A V i is to IlOOO f "1 00 00 ' P" A.VP- U4 00 30 19 ?4 80 4. 0 & 13 33 12 j. c 1M ,.. 8 ..13 .. 7 ..00 00 00 I 75 I 50 50 00 75 00 20 00 0 00 00 CC 0 00 10 50 4 00 8 05 m 0 00 a ro 0) 1 50 S 00 ' 10 00 & 7 25 fee 1 "in 8 00 p 25 REGULATOR r CWPT. DOANE '. v 1 ' I r WILL SAIL FOR NEW YORK OX Wednesday January 2. "f v y ' i ' 1 benefactor; x CAPT. JONES h 1 WJJLL , SAIL .FROM ;NEW YORK SATURDAY, Jan. 5J OS o o CO Jteuirh'3 Phosphate Cardlina Fertilizer f frroind Boeq, . " B-niM-al " Flour . Navas2a Gdano, Completo Manure '. WhaDn's Phosphate Wand'o Phosphate, " Berger-iBrutz'gRo?. " 'Wilcox, Gibb A Co., hipulated GnanO GLUE y lb. 00 00 " 4S 00 '.' 00 00 " 00' CO 00 00 ' 50 00 00 CO " 00 CO " 00 00 " 00 CO ma- .00 UJ 3 (300 00 CO CO 54 00 40 00 45 00 4ir oo 55 00 67'00 70 00 70 00 CO 00 70 00 1VA CO & None. 75 1)5 i 10 10 03 .0 00 GRAIN Corn,etore, 561ba Corn, cargo, y 56 lbs Core, vol., busheL '. Oats, bushel.!..... ........i, Peas, co wi bunhi.. ...... HIDES Grkn, lb ......... Dry, V lb....... HAl Eastern, 100 lbs... North Jiiver, U00 lbs HOOP IRON ton , LARD Northern Ib...J... I North Carolina V LIME bbl L J.L. LUMBER Citr steafn ea'wd, Ship taff, resawedJ M ft,24 Rough edee plank. M ftJ22 00 Wesi India eargo, ftccorc- ' ing to oualitj, X ft...l5 00;;18 00 , Dressed oorine:,seasoried; 20 00 35 00 Scantiic? and boards, cbm- " mon, f) M ft..1. '.. ...15 00 23500 MOLASSES Cuba,hhd?irl 40 11 1 35 0 lb 80 62 si 00 4K 12i 50 C5 11 12K 00 00 27 00 25 00 Cuba, Lbis., K3! Suar houac, hhcls. " " bbls. V gal. (hl'j.ins Choice bb!s. NAILS Cut,4d to SOd.k'g 01 LSI Kerosene, gal Lard, . 1 Linseed. V P&I Ro.-ir, ga,!L......... PEAN UTS bushel...,... POTATOES -IS weet, f bni. Irisb, Northern, bbL.... 2 PORK Northern, city rreas.14 45 23 05 185 16 10 CO no - t -a 651 LOj 50 3 ' 1 1 1 2 41 47 27 20 C3 00 17 45 10 40 10 75 75 Thin, bbl. Priiae,. f. bbl(pitra). llurrp, bbl., i... RICE Carolina, ....'... East Ialia, & Iionh. bushef... .......... RAGS Country1, y lb" City, V L ROPli SALT Aiuni, pack...... Liverpool, eack.. .......... American sack j Marshal's cc, sack.w j Cadiz ac-k SUGAR Cuba, V fi Porto Rico, 15 00 00 00 00 CO .12 75 13 CO .CO 00 Oo Q0 . 00 00 . 75 & 6j r, 82 80 , 45 75 5 A Coifte, fi).. B y lb.. Ex C V E4 00 Crushed ft ,..... SOAP--Northern, E 5 SHINGLES Contract, VP1 00 Coaixcon 11 2 25 Cypreassar-e y 31.... 5; 50 Crpress hearts, M ' 00 STAVES W. O. bb!. M.15 CO BTO hhd. V E. ..00 00 Cyprus, M.i;.-.......10 00 TALLOW y fi. ...... r 9 TIMBER-Saippins: V M...12 00 Mill, prime per M...J...;.... Xill fjtxr pjr 3C Inferior to Ordinary.per M WHISKEY Xortb'n, per gl North Caroisa, per jral ... WOOL Unwashed, per 2)... Wnhed. rer lb ...... OAS lox oo 2 2 22 00 85 00 03 10 00 11 10 10A 12 6 GO 3 CO Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. 3J tor Freirrht EnnD'iTnntii innlv frt A. D CilZAUZ. iXg-enti i Wilmington, X7. O S. u ELD EN, Soliciting AkenL I i, VM. P. CLYDE A CO.. Oeniral Ar.nl. C BoWlinff Green, or Pier 13, N. B.,1 5e dec 31 ; ; A 1 York. u a i 1- aitDinnioFe and; 'j Wilmington, N. STEAMSHIP6UNE. C. The Steamer 3kLL .11 II- I CAPT. OLIVER, 1 . i ' WILL. SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Saturday, Jan. 6. Shippers can rely upon tLenroniDt sailing1 of tteamen as adyertised. 'T Through Bills of Lading gireo to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Sispatch guaranteed, k - For) Freight Engagements apply to ' A. . CAZAUI, Agent . Wilmington, Z7. O. U S. BELDEX, Soliciting Agexft. i REUBEN FOSTER, general Agen Corner Lee and Light Street Baltimore; 1 dec 3 I I . i . 1 . B GO the Best ER. ALE3. WINES ANd! Liqiiorfi TO H. MARCUS & SON'S. Market strret. 8 50 7 50 4 00 1 25 1 60 IS 23 0 00 10 CO 25 00 00 00 18 00 ie io 13 00 10 CO 8 50 6 00 3 50 2 25 9 20 O 30 GUN REMOVAL. r WERNER haj reciOTed bh Barber Stop on South Front Street one door North of Lis old rtand. j Ills many patron' and frit-ndf he will now be pleased to eee at No. 7, South Front street, (Cleapors old stand.) ccx iu We imp or t and bottle the be t brands of Beer' and offer rare lndaee ment! to purchasers Families supplied with Beer free of charge for delirery. - . . ; , "I ' j ' ' ' ' " ' "' H f-T arc us & Soit., 1 S7o. G, market Street. i janl i WILMINGTON, IT. a ANNUAL EXPORT TABLE. rjlHE ANNUAL EXPOBT TABLE for 177, rtill be kmed about the lit of , Jaa'ua- ry tm. I'artiMwiihir- copies "witl'pleue'' notify the nnderaigned, I dce11 JOHN h: CAN T WLL, , A DVERTIS3 IN THE nF (WeeklyVJOURNAL wrucr vnefiaa; and .Water ata.1 dec 12 i ' ' ..:' r v'ia