IV la Ik X 70 TUI3 rAl'EK "r n' ex cepted by , . JOS H. T. J AM ES, . ...iv-ir TVTAf;K PAID. " 1"- ... .... ttn . Tli-i.a alt! $1 t One moau, u vc" BDf wilt Delivered by carrier, e5Jpe.ia f part of the city. t the I . .. a, i: miu ttr Jertinfc riun tow Vi4 71 rows blended Ls- Every year; j Of thocLarmsofirienL)i.nlrfj. I ' l-'vrv I ' Every. ( the tie thai t' Until Thue to Dt My luftroiitira remind m f .Every yrr ) 78. a p HI ; rVtO TliAXK THE PODL1C OF ', Aii n for tb VERY ;nJ5toa the put ear nCtoa and iarrc jClllL patrooaje .NO , order D UTS r f- nAtrooi. ai a. a SI M at Vtsl Vfc V i the confidence ot our Pi.- in tne conuu buiinese. we iraue ivintr TRUKPOLICY Samei .Toid Burepre.entln our in order to effect a a!e, aj we firmly be- 1 21- truth Is at ALL time, the I Goods Marked in Plain Figures ! . - , nmr TrnilP PAOlJ! t rnluCi i cnmo. wH AT CLEABING SALE OWN h RODDICK n -K. .....,. jl McKoT-UOroceriee. Ac. ,? haTlh I m n w MM Mix Kaan w a a -vr A. L At rliTiBlxakeU S2.C0. NOSDC1I VALUE xj r - w w ever teen in thi market. . Jobjlot1 if cioaka'.-' r lIck BeaTer Cloxks. BouRht from lait jf at'a stoek. -t5.00 each, formerly sold from 1 1S.00 to $i3.00. . it Slseeived Inroieeof thelateit S $leT?aC&Va! S the .ame havine been detained over a monm Dy inewssouK sway or the bridge. V. Ctsei Beinnants Calico prices low. fflT BARGAINS. Lot Udici OpctaFlaaael Pleated WaiU 75 cent for choloo. ck Cash mri from 40 centj to $1.50. The MOST complete assortment tver cucreu inthu cityi .: - 9 Lck Alpaca from '20 ctnU apward. 'v bare iit made JL LABOE parchwe of WoTtted Urexa (oota saiuote ior prrca U wear, 15u wpwaru. y Dox. OeitS 8trined Socks 5 cents per pair. .' Uiiei BaTbriao Uote, all sixes, 35 cent. ' "&c! .c, ic, iVc.,"iSfc Call fend Batiify YonnelYCs ! 45 Martet St. dw 31 JOHN TVEBiEn, pOailKBLvllF BIlinMOND, VA., . per r..'!.i.'titn.lincA'it Hair Dressio? Sal ia.No; U North Froat Street, Soath of Jost:tb Moat -experienced workmen aployed in this eatab-Uhroent. . Or MufacUrer of Tonics, Haar Oil, CaWne. li5n0Tatoti,Dyes, Beaotiflert, Ac, 4e. ' ' ' Ja6- Schenck's pulmonic Syrup, TATNlTil KXrKCTOIl ArT,evcn apnnjr UtM sad a fall line ef Draft, Cigars, To- . i : ...,..... baccos.Ac. - Piw.. vvntai and- Princess Streets. r1. Wises and Llanors for inedlcinal se. tJee IT . .NOTICE. Schedule B Tax. 'j' T 1 ' j . i.'.un r m it urn ..14 LLTf IIULU4Al.z Aav mfiVTrt kerebr notlnea thax I Tax Was letkd, by the last .Lef-i- Utare.bfFire Dollars (the same.leTied by coaaty), la addition uy in o,-ueu"' ViLkviVatef are also .otified that in rirtaj la their purchases ine law bow cwu aU. nurchaae made within r:r sjrr:. .tt v. o.t of the state, n-i.iBih, timber, lamber.tmrpentine. spirit una, aaa eeiion; ai - "77V -' AUHouis, BoaHUff Hoo, IUurants aad Eatiar llousee arerexralred bT law to pay . . r ? tT.ir pi. iVnt. ea xTOSt te- lXV WB . r ceipts. . tS.-T .,m v Jan Jaaaarr 1st- aaa pay aMe witbin the first ten days thereafter, un sj parchaaes since the 1st of J'J1S7T. AU partis Interested ia the payment of V.v.4-i. 11 r.. m. urt costs br attena- isr to the same at ence, as the law will oe itrirtlT enforced. . J. K. oAiixow., dec 2idm-eod-fr month . Beg, of Deeds THE FINEST AUD LAHQEST ASSOIVTMOJTOILKT AND FAX C V Irtielea La the Citr. Cellaloid CoobJ, Brushes aad Mlrors fiingly and in feens. Erurr&4 raloa-aa Bo til a. Colornes. x- uacu, Boapv, Bracket Jiigbt Lamps, Ac. WW RODDICK all for sale low by . . JAUS a MCXDS. Dmsrut, dee Third it, Orr. City 11 ill. NLrht UM at fnt door. I out . .1 41 " " ' The Malls. ! The Malln cloe and arrivel at tiu city Pofctolllce an lullows : j j . CLOSR. Xorth era throueh inalh - cot l M Korth era through and way mails. s:oo A it Mails tor tlie c ana A. t r. -JtAllrotitlx, and routes 8upillel thcrcfrtn. - - - - - OrUO I 11 8outhera niulLsfor all points South, Ually - - - - - - u:m v 31 Western mus (C. C. I v. Wr) dally (excont KuiHlny) - 6:00 A M Fftyottevllle. and unlcc on Capo ear luver. 1 uetKiayit ana r ri- davs - - - - - 1T p M Mails for points along line of Che raw A Darlington It 1C - - - 10:00 A II Fayettevllle by Warsaw, daily, ! (exoent uiiaftyi) - 1 - - a i Malls for points between Florence and Charleton - - - - - - 10:00 A M Onflow C. II. and Intermediate of-. flees every Friday -1 t.-iw A M Hmlthvllle jivaIIk, by U-aniboat, dally, (exoent surwiuvs) - - r ai Mai 1m lor Easy Hill, Town Creek, . overy rlday at - - - - - - i:w l' AKKIVE. Northern throaph malls - - 11:00 A XI Northtprn through and way maiL. 7:30 P M Honthern malls - - - - - - A M Carolina Central Ilailway at - - 10:00 P M Malls delivered from 6:00 A. il.to azi t 1 M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 0r0 A. M. Stamp Offlceipen Iroin n a. ax. vn iz -i.. and from 2 to 5:) P. M. Money order and Register Departments open same as stamp StampR for pale at general delivery wnen stamp office Is ciobod. i f Key iioxes accessiuie at an nours, uay anu nlKht . .. ! . Malls co lice tea rrom street ooxes every aay :45 PM ' I LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements, j C P Resks Dyeing and Scouring II. G.' SMALLB0HK5, Secfy-St. .George & St. Andrew's Society.' I M Ce rV: -?ook.ASUuonerr-PhotoSr.phs - wanuerea edoul tlio toWL; distressed. :"! ice?: About this time a trial vr in Book Orna.ut the . , f ' pro Wood Las dropped a little and is selling jiow from wharf at 80 to 90 cents a load. Silence is not always golden,- since oyster are always ge'ttiDg in broils and stews. J .The annual meeting of thn lot owners of Oakdalc Cemetery) will be held this evening. The Superior' Court for JCorthanipton county convenes on Monday, the ' 21st inst., Judge McKoy prcsidingj. The wind blew at a fearful rate from the cast last night and we fear that we may hear of sonio disasters to the ship ping.' .. j City Court. I One white man, for being diunk and disorderly, -was fined $5, or fifteen days imprisonment on biead and water. lie was committed. . r !. Women disDute abcut other matters, but all agree on the merits of Dooley's Yeast Powdkr aswr excdlaice the best of all. : Grocers throughout the country keep it, and find it gives supreme satisfac tion. By using it the housewife is sure of delicious bread, rusk', rolls, biscuit, buckwheat cakes and all the delicacies made from flour. . The New enter Justice, j Our information proved correct. Hi5 Excellency, the .Governor, has tendered the Chief Justiceship to lion. v. "N. II. Smith," who his accepted it and tlie com mission is to besigned, scaled and deliver ed in due form to-dayj j Hellenic Ccmelcry- During the year just past there w?rc job .V A al ivva - whom have been removed.' Or the rcn.a der 14 were adults, their age ranging 25 to 07 years; 9 were cbil&tei whq 0 a were rrom 1 to 12 jis aireviir; good the oldest of whom was LhaJf beyond ord had been of acre. . aro . .a me strr Mr. W.' II. BlUilcao-a, of the Evaugcline Opera BoufTo Combination, arrived in this city, on Saturday and has been busy , in preparing the stage; and scenery for the performance to-night. Mr. Singleton as sures us there will be nothing in the play that thc most sensitive could take excep tion to and wo" feci justified in saying that thc performance is one tiv.t your wives or daughters could vtcirwith miptmity.- The troupe arrived .this morning and have familiarized tliemaelyes with our stage. T : j A New Enterprise. Ir. F. A. Newbury, formerly of Mag nolia, who hai recently removed to this city, will transport here his famous Rosenvink Gardens and expects 1 to have every thing in app!c-pio order by the first! of February. Uc has parch ascd tne beau tiful property on the Southside of Market street, beUvcen Eighth and Kinth, 'recently wj'br F. M. Kiug, Ki. and it w on the "round attached to this residence tha' t! rrdens will be laid out anil tne green houiM and hot houses built. Wc wel come Mr. Xcwburyjw our mid-t aud trust thathlj tentorc may vron a profitable WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, JANUARY An Amuslne Incident. Quite an amusing incident happened to one of the gentlemanly conductors ef the W..C.&A. R. R., a few mghtaago. while on his regular trip from here to iblumbia, which we think U worth re lating even though it is at the expense of our good and genial friend, Capt. W. It soems that owing to the fast schedule be tween here and Columbia on the night train very little time ia allowed for stop pages at way stations, and on tins-account women folks hare not got much time to dilly-dally by kissing each other and tay-ijiggood-bye a half dozen times without the danger of part of the crowd, or some thing belonging to it, Jbeing left, as the sequel to this incident we are ! trying to rolati nmnlv nmyp. On the OCCasion rnfprr m thn ni-ht exnress mail train I arrived at' WhitcVille. after 9 o'elock, made a short stop and took on several nassenW" There were several of the tVn nnt ivhpn the train arrived, and .n.fu Mfinwh0 first boarded tlrarS R soon as the train stopped, w..aman' withka hahv in his arms. I Pretty soon the Conductor sang out: "All aboard!", the bell cord was pulled, . the ennine blew and awav the train sped on its journey Southward. The Conductor went around as usual, collcctinir tickets, and when he approached the man with the baby, he was addressed in this wise: "Look yere, Captain ! what am I gwine : do with this baby ?" "What are you going to uo Avun wnau repueu iuo,wu- iluctor, eviaentiy surpnsou at uio u- tion. if What am I gwine to do with this yer young 'un ?" repeated the man witn the baby in hi arms. "How ao l Know 1... : .1. .-;tK it " m. wiiai. you -arc fcuiug w - v phed the Conauctor, lioidiug out ins aanu for the passenger's ticket, while in the other hand he held his conductor' punch, in a manner that suggested that the ques tion was one he had nothing to do with, and not at all germain to the subject which he had under consideration at that time-v "Well; but," says tho man with thc baby; "I gits off at the next station and I'll havo to leavo the chile on the train. "You'll do no such thing," replied thc Conductor, beginning to show some infprpsst i tho subier.t. "What have I got to do with the baby V and what will I do with a baby on my train? How came you by the baby ? Whose is it ? Where T-i l : f- ft fHo fVn-1 UlU YUU IIGL lb HUUI 4 ooivvv. v W he bean to uuiiiui t .v.v wuww.w. o seo trouble aneaa in disposing 01 baby. "Why," replied the man with . . thn bahv. "a woman at Whiteville gin it " J , - t, mi tn hold until sho could, net on the train.justasl was stepping Ion the car, took the chile and stepped aboard, ana staffs? and that's iritHj. owu mv ------ the last time I've seed the woman. But tl.aW anaiWffwine to' set off - . o - purty soon, so I h jest leave it rigntnere. . ...... nl . U . T L The Conductor looted puzzled, oust then the whistle from the engine sounded : . . . ....:L . rr r -anproacnw uie nex.uu he naoj' jumpou up auu im W. preparatory to get- b ""Ator looked worse found in a First-class FarnitaK' embarrassed. Orders promptly, executed at Bu tho station n atin- nil l mm - ' 1 u ,', k,w in supposed to be a villain, uui ce cuuiu uv Ul i S. man who brought the .baby m PP Mn andience it. He is the - 1 aA.XU m the cai jumped off. The engine whistled, thc signal to go ahead, was given and the tran was soon under iuu speeu. iuc v:- J,a nH UOLoucior returns tu c v . r fountl it yelling ; wnat to ao n aia nov .... . j . 1 J?i . 1 1 tin rl rlnvn up in m ariiiB utm -r - trying to quiet it ; but tha child would; nt hush; it evidently wanted its " mL. v.....1f,in,l!!trtr urhn mjmmy... iiieii-- . i -n mention, is a Uv Hie wa , c iuiel' : - w - single gentleman, triedjto recollect some 01 his old nursery songs, ana wu"C" j humming those e could call t mind to quiet this little suffering pieccof humanity, but agaiu our friend lailea m w nooie cftbrt. lie then tried a. mJ and commenced talking with the little baby somewhit after this wise : "Booty, tooty poor little shmg, what ue maiier a m wide de yitUe precious, uont cni, dcss u vittle heart. Anin our hero failed m his landable cfforU, and in bu oespatr, ai . - .. . a - . . i.1.u.nlinil r orprT Kta the ncx. siaiiw - tion on the road in search of th musing, mother, but no answer camd trom tD i;tT infant's maternal. a rw. , 11- A. w 1:.. -Vi '..- raMv eXCiUUg ums s.iuiij I dift-prent stations on the road anu av . numerous w ere tle inquiries Uiit were made of him in resard to tlie little infant's health until by me time the tram reacnea its aes. tinatiou, it got to be a dangerous quesuon sou me wnraju gciun-iucu iu. .itic lidtous about tlie young one'- welfare had to stand weiloa when they propouuaea me queition. We are happy to say, however, that the niotlier was found next day, hav- tos.been lets at iuteviiie wnne nurrying to say good bye to some very dear friend. 1 I Wo have an important engagement in; the country this afternoon, or we would like to see Capt. W. and congratulate him upon his success as a nurse, but we would remind our genial friend Superior Court meets herdo-tfay and that he must not get mad and do anything rasli, for tte Urand Jury migut get com 01 11. Scarlatina. This dreadful disease, sometimes com- Mni with its near relative, diphtheria. Liw rem0rselessly over some sections of our Eastern counties. . It generally chooses its victims from the loveliest and rrv.ia v!s Lw heen mournfully illustrated in the Lwn and sorrow which no-sits en- Throned in the household of our afflicted frland. Dr. V. T. Ennett of Pender. A yiolent form of scarlet fever, combined with that inexorable disease, diphtheria, has iust taken from him another of Ins children. This was a bright and lovely daughter, Bettie, four and a half years of ase. who was sick fifteen days. A large number of kind and noble hearts beat in sympathy and sorrow fur the heart- stricken father and mother whose grief is the more poignant, that this Is thu third oruuant auu prumiwus iu tneir aimosi . uioiauuua, uuWu the last' few years by the hand of disease. Qne infant, of all tlie Deauunii nowers that emitted ligtit ana joy io int-ir ouw I u. J... W.imn. wall that. hift. f. r ihnir "-piv .... -7 clustering auecuous w uuuuti- uj-u... May the od of MeYcics tern ncT the wind to the shorn lamb. . eaven." i 1 . 1 n n tt..fcc...-. TMpn'a'nbmbiiiation.which is to show U- . . niirht. comes to us highly cudorscil and udgin from the criticismes wo hav ' 1 read we feal assured that the troupe is 9 ue f tatrona''e. til them a br 0 1 . temporary says: Tha Evaneelino of last night was not the one by Longfellow, 'but the one by win Goodwin the ex-pitcher of the Harvard Base II Club. What the piece lacks there- in voesy It gains in movement. r luwjQV I IIJ1 U Sl-A 1 'VVW f j I .i.AnnAi;nif' i a riimlv American I "nro- utbuiiuv ..j 1 . . - j j x aucuuu. " ' , " " I ilk imn rrnllliu f Ui IIIlMPr- ..r0, w st hlt I , .,-, J-.. :t 1 '." '., ...'1 h.,f I iaiieU VO BUG III liaC IJliOSW v v,.u: w K,n ..tho L iFavctte boards. if aoy on word can be so called " j The - , j without taint I Kt 1 :- m n vnmilcin'k fpntiire ni TUIliHIllJ VJ1 ' ivuu v J. iC character of the LoueFishermaiMS unique. He appear in every scene and" never ut- i. i ..' , , iia:u..Mf.v ai mr can iv 111 distinctivelv American. ILTH 1ft U1U. ...-. . : I . . . .. f ' . jj Webster ".bvangenne was prct- ty, piquant and graceful. Ifer name mi.rht annetir 1 Kt the head ol the bills . t thc ..roprietie. RaVricl wasdescribed as an angel on earth, which opinion was verified by Lj Il:mc,the lawyer, who aw ni in Ult?r) liKl Th ilnet -Cio uot. llaify i'ay, o' Evangeline and Gabriel, was Aha. vocal crem of the evening, but not by any means rt fnH nf nrettv actinir as the "KUSWg MtlL'" 16 li nc. tlie SUyttter law vi r, s m h 1 of the coy-. excepting always the I Loaa Fisherman." Captain Dietrich's maac-u 1 "V VT f,r' extreme. The "Heifer Dance was 1 . OQ wcni-nJ T!ia bovrf were 1 niiiaub a -, - satisfied with a sinsle renrcseuUtion, I r a l-iirtv Jinv . . . !.... . i What tlie playgoer wanw w ". j T- t: all tti. qivpliiT. Pnt claims. Every person in the hotase I. - . . r L!.Uti ur.tar. last nigin was more -J'l'- nrpd. cican2d and Reoaired taincwi than h Tnectcd to De. rvangBUiu; i - x ps a grca.uss . Opera Uonse I 1 impersonation , of Lady I. MsacbeUs ft the Opera llouse yn Saturday! . . j refined and apprec:- alive aadience was greeted witn great applause, Janauschek has been justly w . - , i called the Qucbn of Tragedy ana ner impersonation of Lady Macbeth, one of th moat suDcrb of Shakespeare's many . . tn.Uriln. supcro cnaracvtT8,waa "v-- I I I Tq g . she must be seen. I .. . i .1 .1 . She was well supportcu auu u.tu . .. fCSexjt but willlong remember; the 'MMj delightful entertainment ac- 1 1 . CUIUVU uviu, Pish and oysiers are almost cm-iosiuea I . - . w-.nu in uua nw, - I a .... - 01 iaxe. NO. 501 j , f An Improvement- The city authorities are having a flag- stone crossing made on Market sir t, le- iweentroni aua iecomi. it boa ins just in front cf Mr. T, II. Jiowey's shoe store ami Wjn connect with the curbinc on the South side of the street in front f y.v. M , Katz's dry goods house. It will be a great c nvenience and is somothinir hj, 'ijaa'been Ions di:ed. Arrested. Un Saturday night as bfiiccr A. Elp ing was' making his rounds ou Nult street, uear the freight depot of. the W. ami. W., C. &' A. Railroad, he was requested by James Kcegan, a' white man who keeDS eroj?rerv on the street ai,OYC, a - 00 r mentioned, to go and quell a disturbance which was going on in his. back ruom The officer of the law complied with the re1uest and walkcd in' but be entered the back room he says that he was set upon by a crowd of colored men aild women, his pohcemOn s badge torn oil'i and himself pretty ronghl bandied. . In the raeaa tima Keegan remained perfectly huiet and P8 and offered the police I man no assistance whatever, nnd when callt:d uPotl hy tbc officer fr a piece of Pe to tie one ot the malclactors whom be managed to tnrow clown, tlio UUow vcr.v qtly threw him a piecc of paper twmc- Ill consequence 01 illV for cr0Wti beinj too many l"e' an managea 10 escape, but four have been ai rested since, and are now lodged in the'-' jniard;: 'house. - jaines McNeill w . . as arrested and locked three women who. bare' th(j names of DorcaS) (jaioliiie and Susan Fx-aak,1 were arrested in Kamkatie alley near th& ra51roa d tlli3 moming ,a j carrieJ to the "uard house. The - trial . comes off to-morrow mormn I The Thermometer. From thc United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the foil owing report j of the thermometer, as taken this m.-r.i- mg at 7:61 o clock : t Auirusta, Ga.....H,..45 Moblie, Ala, ...10 Montgomery Ala. ..43 New Orleans 42 New York.. ....... ...45 Pittsburgh, Pa 4: Savannah, Ga 00 Bhreveport.... 30 Cairo. Ill .M'J Charleston,. S C. ,52 Cincinnati.. J..40 ojsicana, iex .....ox, .. , (irh.,. fT -r-j Galveston 42 Havana... .......7J St. Louis Mo 34 lndianola 4j St. Marks, Fla.,....41 j Washington, 1 C 30 JacksonTille, Fla...51 Lvnchburff J9 by Wilmington, A. Ca2 Memphis, Tenn US Quarterly MeetinRs. Aibointments ofl.tev. L. S.' Burkhcad I D. D., Presiding Elder lor the Wilming- ton District for his first round the present Conference year, 1878: " ; Duplin, at Kenansville... Jan 19-JO - ... , v. mm Whitevilieand Vyaccamaw jMis- I . . . T p o" c;k.,ui0 ..t .irtff . l,Vh o I UlllJLUi caw vwv ......... (kesbury audi Cobarie Mis- sion. t Bethahv... .Feb 0-10 ' ,r. t 1 Onsjow, at Mt. Lebanon. .Feb 1G-17 Elizath at Eliza! Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown . j . Feb 23-24 Chapel... -J .Mar , 2-3 pect....... ..Mar. 0-10 Ulinton.ai unnion... L.aiar ju-14 nitrirf. Sfnu-ards meetinn-' at the rront I " -ry . - - - - - . ' . 1 ti 1 f.u, ..v, -.jj at 11 o clock a. mf .. DIED. i VAN AMRIX0E On the evening t.f tlie nth int..!Mre. AUBIE VAX' AMKlAVili, relict of the late George O. Van Amringe, aired 72 years and a months. ine lanerai win xase piace uu iu-niorruw (Tnesdav l morning, at 8 o'clock, from tne residence of Mr. George Cbadboufn, to the First Presbyterian Church, thence to Oak- dale Cemetery. The frienda of the familyj are respectfully invited to attend. 1 New Advertisements. At Yates' OOK A A) STATIONERY STORK, Yon can hare PICTURES B ITlof vour Doceaned Friends uopiea ana in- af i u.-d. I o 1 ian 14 I : : r 1 1 ti: t UveillS iUIll OCUUllUi; : I '-' t a IES. AN D GENTLEMEN'S DRESS I I J 1. - , ALSO, , i'dt, Straw and Leghorn Hit Dyed, Clean ed and Tressed in any ehipe or styje desired. C P. REMSEN, Carrie's Block. jan 11 The Greatestfludjiceinent "N CLOTHING ii atMonson A Co's Clothing and Merchant Tailoring Establistaient. Oar i rJr'Ai. Ta loirect of the low.are rapidlv clos- r ; - - ing out the i tock. jan Ji I 1 - p . liinrtfwJ? QnripfV St. Ot. AflttTuIfY S.OOCldl). -hKREGCLARMON'THLY MEETING of I . a. a W A m"lW ATIOIV i we su owgc fh will be held at the OQice oi a. pruni a Janoarv lta. ' H. G. SMALLBONES, ' ' jan 14 - S-cretarr. 11, 1873. 1'LEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receire commnmcatiort t from our friends on any and all t.snbjcets en I penerai interest but : : f. ( . Th& caae of the. writer n.ustyidu ays be farnbhed to the Editor. Communications tna?t be wnrfeti on, :&! one side of the paper. Personalities met be aroiiM..' Andit is especia!!r and particuSsi iv ujm1.: ftiod that ihe edltc-r docs nut ahvA ndwnv me news or oorrespocuJr.t. nxtioFs Mlrv " . m uie eaiionxi columns. New Advortisomontfe. 57 ck 3 Worth Tront Street. 4 1 IAVE JUST IJKCKIVKD Lbs. c. 11. rvi sm, bis 'LONG--CLEAR,' ' 10,000 5,000 . "() Tit rccs and Tubs LAIiD, pi:r SO Boxes TOBACCO. 1 " v - . T.O Firkins t-f BUTi'iOU, rfrom the Highest to ti;c Lowet 200 UlU. FLOliU, all rradtls 5,000 Lis. IX L HAMS, 1 ' , ' '-r" I ' 2,000 Lbs. - Breakfast- Sugar Cun-d ' - " ' ' . '' 1 I 1 - 1 " -2,0.0t COCO A-S' UTS, ' ... . lOO'Bbls. Nioe Ivtting iH)TAT()I Besides Every Thiiiir That You ;.. Can Xainc in the j FANCY GROCERY BOATWBIW &MCK0Y 5, 7 6l 8 Worth Front Dtroet. jan 14 '!"'' .' OPERA "SIT STILL, MY HEAKT, SIT STILL,." HOUSE. TWO NIOHTs! OXLV I i Mondav and Taesdaj Jan. 4lth and lilh. j 33van?elinc I 1 he Keignin g Novelty ft 1 A " i Pinp'c T?tr'JirQ(rQii7Q nrnnhinQtinn I iU'JU tf UAllUIUfeUUiU UUMU1UU14UU COMPRISING FIFTf I ARTISTS I Harincr plaved succAsful- cnzairemcnt of eight weeks at Daly'- Fifth Avenue Theatre, New Yord, Feven weeks at Boiton Moseam and two v. eeke at IJiun cirs Academy of Music, New Orleanii to over flowing' aadien ce?. - -. ; i r ' " MONDAY EVENING, Januaiy 14, at P. M.,, th Grand Musical Extravairanxa . EVANGELINE ! . - i GKAN'I) CHORUS AND, SINGINfJ v 1JALLET! I . 'Among, the many attraction of thij novel entertainment, are the LONE FI5IIEUMAX, i : 1 DANCING HEIFKB. ! v LIVELY WHALES, j 13ALLOON Tllir Td ARIZONA, SPARKLING AND ORIGINAL WUblC j TUESDAY EVENING, January 15th. Last niht of Rice's Eztrarazanza Combina. tion and grand producion of the mnsical spec, tacu ar senaation ' It Conrad the Corsair and his Bloomhng Bride," Popular price. Parquette and Dre?s Cir cle $1. Gallery 10 cent. No extra charjrf ior re erred seats. The tak of seat will commence on Friday uo rain?, January lltb, at ueina&erirer IJoo btor p. jan 9 ' Great Reduction in Prices! -FOR THE NEW YEAR1! Boys' & Children Clo th'inc: At Cost . JO PROFITS! We cnlj want to save oarfeltcs by getting ,thc original cott on Goods. Call and see as. 'f . A, 82ZXLZ23ZL'8, Market.su jan QUBSCRIBE. . TO THE ' DAILYUEVIEW. BOATWBIGHT & McKOF, ' ' I i - Qur ' rj ' STOGK OF LIQUORS . . - IS .CpMl'LKTE j .. Aufl Cannot lie- ExcelleJ, . . ! t one. v. f.

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