LATEST NEWS. THE WAR. Great Britain Must Fislit tlie Situation or Accept London, Feb. 8. Tho following points of tho armistice condition are ira asserted in special despatches to the London morning papers: That the railway between Adnanople and Constantinople be i paired and operated, and also the telegraph line between Adrianople and Odessa by way of Constantinople. The raising of the blockade o the Black Sea and the Danube for every thing except ammunition. . The Russians to occupy tho Black Sea coasts from the Russian frontier to Baltchik and from Missioui to Der- On the Sea of Marmora, the Kafir sians to occupy Batjuk-Tchakmakje and Techarkioj. On the Egean Sea, from Enos to Mekri. . . Theae are in addition to the points held by the Roumanians at the time of the signature of the armistice. A despatch received ;it at,, reiers bnrg yesterday from lha Grand Duke Nicholas announces taai iu acuuru ance with the understanding between fthA "Rnsaian and Turkish plenipoten tiaries free commercial intercoursa by nA sea is to 00 immediately re-establisfcel between Turkey ami TlntHia. A nrivate telegram which arrived here yesterday states that the British fleet is again leaving Besika Kay for thfl Dardanelles. Tho remainder of thAlnrkish fleet nas been ordered not to proceed to the Piiiou?, but to rpmain in readiness outside Of the Dar danelles. The Post in ita leading aiticie.t 113 1a Knfisian advance on initbiiD Constantinople: "We may ra:y upo it that the government are nov auaie that British interests nav.peen aireer ly attacked and that they'will adopt measures of their defence." The Times correspondent at' Vienna says a difficulty is expected to arise concerning the desire of Russia to ex clude Turkey from the Conference, but the Vienna correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says Russia will not object to Turkey's being represented at the Conference. It is stated, however, that Russia will not acco t tho Treaty of Paris as the basis of negotiation. Both houses of the-Roumanian Par- liament Lave passed a joint resolution declaring that they are determined to maintain the integrity of Roumauia, and will not agree to. exchange any portion of the country for terriroriol or other compensation. The Senate appointed a committee to cjraw up a protest to the guaranteeing Powers . against the retrocession of Bassarabia. The popular feeling iu London is intenselv hostile to Jiussia. xne windows of Mr. Gladstone's town house and of the Daily News office were broken last night by excited, crowds. There was. tremendous excitement outside of Parliament yesterday. Crowds were thronging the etreot sing ing "God Save the Queen'' and nick ing demonstrations m favor of tho government. Consols drpped "yesterday morning in consequence of n rumor that the British fleet had been ordero'd to Con stantinople. Thia rumor is pro! ably 1 . A l a mere euess. oaseu on mo announco- ment of a Russian ocenpatiou of Con stantinople. Consols recovered rapid ly and were quoted at tho last board at 055. Russian bonds are two per cent lower than thev were at the close of Wednesday s market An Adriancpie uespateii coniirma the reoort of the opening of the .tele graph line to Odessa. The quickest communication with Constantinople is. therefore, now through Knesia. A Cabinet meeting was veiy sudden ly called yesterday. The Lord Chan- cenller was summoned while engaged on a casein the House of Lords, 4he heaving of which was immediately sus pended. The '095 says, a telegram lias oeen received in London announcing the cessation of hostilities in the- Greek provinces of Turkey by tho signing of j an armistice upon the understanding that all causes of dissension shall be referred to the Conference, the Greek army meanwhile, remaining inThessaly and Epirus, and Turkey undertaking not to attack the insurgents in Crete. THE RETURNING BOARD. ATcrdlct of Guitj in the Anderson Case . New Orleans, Feb. 7. The jury in the case of General Anderson brought ia a rerdict of guilty. The verdict was read as follows: We find Thomas Anderson guilty, and recommend him to the mercy of the Court. Before the recess the Court referred 1 3 aq article in the morning caoer as- fl rtinsc that Wells had said "he could g ve any amount of bail, but had not made np his mind yet. The Court stated that if this was true the bonds, should be raised to $20,000 again. The Sheriff 4was instructed to seeMr. Wells about remarks ascribed t j him. Wells made the following explanation: New Orleans Pabisii Prison-, xt n n Feb7' 187S' EL. O. UASTELIiANOS : Dear Sib I have just learned, with earprisa, that I am reported as saying that I could give bail?in the snm orisri- ij uadu, uunmotuijr OL;eC5 1Q Hot doing so is for the purpose oi forcing uo ovow w i,riai uuriDg mis month. This is not true, and I am not account tble for unauthorized publication. I bve entrusted my case to you and your associates, and have been guided only by your advice. - As my health is impaired I hope you will continue your efforts to release me from farther confinement. With high regard, your obedient servant, 1 J I j 3. Madison Wells. In the matter ofj tho Returning Board prosecutions as to the agree ment that 00 onft should be prosecuted for past political offences, members of the Legislature v?ho made the agreement, which is! the basis of this statement, do not consider it apj)Jies to the trial of th9 Returning Baardj as they are not tried for any political offencp. but for the criminal one of foremcr and altering public docu ments, being the returns from Vernon parish, and for publishing the same as true. GovernorBNichoi3, it is un derstood, entertairs the, isame view, though he declines to express himself in any way or ia any matter connected with the trial. . . . It may be again reiterated, however, that there is no intention nor will there be any attempt made On the part of the authorities to indict the visiting states men. As lar as any letter ci agree ment with Anderson, of FelicanaJ and John Sherman is concerned it is not believed there ever was such a docu ment. Kellogg hircsjlf, however, did enter, into an agreement jwith .Nash to insure Anderson 1 the naval office, and this document is in existence and a copy will be foriheomidg in a few days. . . I ..j - Wells still remains iin prison, being unable . to procure mil. He is busy, preparing sojne sort of a statement, though' whatitisis net divulged. He utterly refuses, however, to make any charges which may implicate the Presi dent or visiting statesmei CAROLINA J The Louis Governor Beck hard t has .appointed 'Messrs atd Frank "Saunders Commissioners of AflidaVits for this State, both resident in Now lork City. Washington's birth-dJy will ld cele brated hy the Mecklenburg military by a grand military parade under command ot Col. C. W. Alexander, of 'the Second Ivegimect-of Stale Guards1, j I lialeigh Observer: TT authority of the Executive Committee i of the Trnstees, President Battle has employed Prof. F. A. wnson, an accompnsnqcl teacperJ to in struct the students in vocal music-. Tliis is 1.0 le wit! o .t alditionalr ;charc:c. A class of over fifty has been formed. Wadeshoro Herald: We arelin formed that Mr. J. E. Davis, w.ho Ijivetl near last Kendall's in this countv. was killed Friday. Mr. D. was oilt with his sons on Lane's Creek, who were cutting down a tree ; the tree lodged against another r'io, and tailing unexpectedly struck Mr. D. and killed him almostLinstantlv! lie was a good and worthy citizen uadesboro Herald: There was a iand - 1 slide on Mr. James Edwards' plantation one day last week, which Covered about one acre. .Land, shoes 111 this country. are something unusual and it lias caused is a sensation among tire people. ihere were not lcss than two hundred persons to see it last Sunday. Wiuiesboro Jlerald: A foivf year old chiki of Mr waters , who is a'. citizen of the northern jiortion of this count! , was was killed-by a Iightwood stump on it. "A he cheld went out withlits to get some Iightwood.-' Mr Y. di ailing gather not until notice the child' was in the stump was falling. the way Wilson Adcanc-c il-QpU y Collector Zceller seized 21 boxes! of tobacco on ? ac count oi some irregularity in the stamping The tobareo was- ship? jd to Wilson bv Express iii the nsme of : J. Yt AVI .1 x r it t- f v- ami w;is laiien irom tne -lvxprrtsa oliiec by 1. M. liouerts ami Innd in Ls jis- possev- sion. Thestum)s on the toi.apco 11 seems were all ncht. but it is clnini-il bv the officer that they were not properly put on luu uoxesanu were so auacnei 1.;. 1 .i . . as to be easily taken off and used a.rrain n violation ot tho revenue law. Iia!eih larrncr X Mechanic: A colony! ib now in process ot organization to kettle i 1 - in the vicinity of Warren-county, 25". C. the section is rich in agricultural re sources, and land can be bough j at from fctj to per acre according to location. Lrraiu, grasses, vegetables and frbit yield abundantly. It is on the failroail leadin direct to Norfolk, which is 'apout one nunureu miles distant, l-'rorn Norfolk to ew aoriv mere -is direct steam communi cation, and all farm products can' te shipped direct -to Northern markets jit cheap rates. Freight is from 30 to 4q hours m transit by fast tide between Xov York and the proposed location. I ' iiaieigu icivs : Uuring the last meet-' ll.l.' 1 IT . . . I . ing ot the Uoard of County Commission ers the sum of Sl7 ns9r,n -oa poruonca among the pnbhc .schools cf 1 r i . . . . a. tins county. The allowance gives -the rendrterl . . . . - "1. T !4,iUb an increase of 1,739. , Dunnt? the past year 72 public schools fir white and GG for.colored childern Were . i n o ne'l-a t i nri The arrount disbursed by the bounty treasurer lastyear was SUX 51.5(1. 'Vhn .7 UUIV iUlU OU IS, white, nr.- rn nrp, r.o. toi io- rn,. ; 15 nav;ng committees of 3 each, ive have total ol oio committeemen in the county Charlotte Observer: On yisterday j a s-pt-ciat engine leu ureensboro about o'clock for Charlotte, to arrive here . : ,1 1 . y. . ! 12 at 2:30 p. It was cuustuuenL v run ning at lightning speed all the! way. Juit before it came to the bridge" over D.ttie rieedy creek, five miles this1 side ofj Con cord, a man' was seen walking across the bndgeHo wards tho rapidly approaching engine. "He continued to walk at ! au or dinary space, till the engine was within uuy jaras oi mm, when he turned his back upon it and stood s'tili las if ourtin:' death. In another instant struck him and knocked h met engine ra from the and he was track into the water below; lost to sight. Our. informant klnniio confident that theiaaawas TiobertMachin formerly a compositor id Concord. , is Tf . " aiuu cannot inspire a woman with' iuve oi you, nil tier above the rim with love of hereelf; all that tubs over will h yours. sum ot 1.2eo each child in the bounty. The number of these reported ksl year Wa whit,GJ733, colored o;GC;j total, 12,307. The number now, rdndirtad is Church Services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows ; st. Paul's (evang.) lutheean chukcii,' Corner of bixth and Market streets. Iiev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D. pastor. English service at 11 a. m. German, service at 7 h pin. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Weekly service on Wednesday at 75 p. m. Catechetical instruction on Friday at 3 p. Ill: ' .. FIRST EArTIST CHUKCII, corner of Market and Fifth streets, Ilev. James B. Taylor, pastor. Sunday School, Missionary Society monthly J meeting at 9 J o clock, 1 Preaching at 11 a. :m. and 7i p. m. The ordinance of baptism will dc administered alter the nignt . ser mon, loung Mens Prayer Meeting Tuesday night at 71 o'clock. Regular Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, (EPISCOPAL.) corner ot ilourth. and Orange streets. Key. I. M. Ambler, rector. Services at llj a'm arid 7 p m. - Sunday School at 3 p. m. beats free. ' ST. JOHN'S CH-URCH,! February 10th, 1878 The Fifth Sunday after the hpiphany. Celebration at 1-1 o clock. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clociv Evening Fraver at 11 o'clock. I j - - st. Thomas' (catholic) church, Dock street, between Second and Third stree s. Jiev. Marli . Gross, pastor : Rev. P, Moore, assistant, services at 7 and Sunday Morn- 10.30 o'clock. Vespers chanted at '4 p m. dunciay School at 9- a m. Daily Mass at 7 a. m. Sunday School for colored people at p. m. j SECOND BAPTIST CHCKCH, on otii between Church and Castle streets. Preaching at 9 a m and 7i p m. uy mr. o. x". iving. rrayer meeting every Tuesday night. i . seamen's bethel, 011 Dock hetwreen Front and Water streets Kev. J. L. Keen, chaplain. Services every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. All are welcome. Seats free. J I FIR.T FREEWILL BAPTIST CHDRCII, corner Fourth and Dawson "streets. - Ser vices at 11 a ni. and 7i p m." CHESTNUT- ST. fRESBYTEKIAN CHURCH. Kev. D. J.' Sanders, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 0 a. ni. Bible Class at A o.m. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST. Fifth and on uastie, between. Sixth streets. Preaching to-morrow (Sunday) at 11 o'clock by Elder Moore Stephenson, ST. MARK S CHURCH, ; Services at 11 a m. and - 7J p. m. bunday bc'hool-at St. Uarnabas a oi p. m. Uonhrmation JUlass at 0 p. m. free. " beats FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner Third and Orange streets, Kev. Jos. h. 11son, D. D.. pastor. Morninar ser- vice 11 o ciock. ravening service o'cloc?:. Sabbath School 3 o'clock, n. in. Lecture Thursday evening 7J o'clock. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Key. CM. Payne, pastor. Preaching at 11a. m. No services at night. FIFTH ST. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH on rilth, between JNunn and Church I sts, Kev. B. R. Hall, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7- o'clock. 1 ! FRONT ST. M. . CHURCH, SOUTH. corner, of Fronjt and Walnut E. A. Yates, pastor. Servi m and 7 A- v. m. .Sundav Scl: streets. Kev.' Services at 11 a. iu mm 4.r v. m. ,runaav ftcnooi at i r tr m COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMLN'GTON MARKET ) February: 94 r M. j SPIKITS TURPENTINE Market opened quiet at o0 cents. Later, we hear that 294 cents is bid. No sales reported. l.-Ubi.N timet. Strained 110: Good Strained SI 421. Xo sales re Dortedi TAR Steady at 21 55. Sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTIXE Quoted quiet at 51 55 for Hard and 2 30 for Yellow Dip and v ireiii. tfales of receints at oiiotatinns COTTOX-Market opened qui4t. Later, we xiear oi sraaii saies at ouotatioais. r fni lowing are tiie official quotations: Ordinary , , Good Ordinarv. Cents. Strict Good Ordinarv. Low .Middling Middliner... 9K mi ' Good Middling-. DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton Spirits! Turpentine :. 284 bales 315 casks ivosm...... 988 i bbls 19? 1 Tar ...... Crude TurDentine. ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette viile, Williams & JMurchison. j Steamer. Underhill, Gillican, Smithville. O G Parsley .& Co, j Sclir Ioretta Fish: -"Watts, fermnnfh Mass, "J II Chad bo urn & Co. vitti! t-ufino t j-t' iosse, .: 10. CLEARED. "Steamship Ilaleigh, OliVer, Baltimore, A DCazaux. Steamer D Mnrchison. Oarrason. Favptio. ville, Williams & Murchison. Steamer Underhill. Gillican, Smith ville. O G Parsley & Co. Swd brig Xordbon, Bjorkman , Glasgow, Yhr l,n,v,n A l, tr - :r; r" .Y0" -CX1"J a, w iL Exports. COASTWISE. Nt-w York ;tmmsbin rrnif et ba 14s yarn. 15 pkgs mdse, 5 do roots, 1 bd iuui,uer,o DDIs crude turpt, 31 do peanuts, 8 uu inicn, nv ao tar, ol casks spirits, 664 bales j f F0BE16S. ! ' Ilambug-Lxor barque Sostes rosm. i 2,790 bbls C'lasgow Swd bris ordbou 1.970 bbls rosin. C ! J D. MORRILL, Undertaker, ' Carpenter and Cabinet-Maker, "" 14 ""V WPP' ai WILL FURISH COFFINS and Caskets : i. 1 n.u. atKuuaukc ai gnori Douce. j Orders for Carpenter work and Cabinet work respectfully solicited and 'oinptly ex ecnted. ! All work guaranteed. f feb- Come to fflTTT-l -i-. m xij J3ANNERS HANG UPON tne uutward Wall and buy the cheapest Dry Goods ever offered in I - -' ' TTT 1 Wilmington. Note the , followinrr . ' Retail Prices : 1 3-4 Brown rjotthn' 4.a rente 4-4 neavy lirown Cotton 7h cents. 3-4 Bleached Cotton 2 4-4 4-4 Cf cents. (good) 8 cents. 4-4 (best) 10 cents. Calicoes, good, 5 cents. - ' i I ' Calicoes, ycry gooil,G cents. Calicoes, best 7-cents. iWorsted Dress Goods at 50cJ 50c. at 37c, T 40c 30c it. at. 30c. at 22 Jc. 25c a- at 18c 20c at 16c. Needles 5c a reaper. Spcol Cotton Cc. Hosiery very cheap. Coates' Fins 4c A large stock of every kind of Dry- Goods at greatly reduced briceg. Our frreatlv I increasing , I CJ sales encourajre- n fn mnlfi taw additions to our sto?lr hv fiverv steamer. j feb2 Why Suffer ? "YlTH DANDJIUFF IN THE HAIR when by callinor at Ihe Fashionable and pop ular Barber Shop in basement of National UanK building you can purchase I. FurmaiiM s f:lelt)ra ted Hair Invigorator' which is bv fai . the best, that has ever been used for purpose, and EN-! TliihLY FREES th e hair from it after a few trials. There is B .'OT THE SLIGHTEST discoloring of the hai.-, but it produces a soft and pliablo state of the hair1. It is made only Dy tne; unaersiened, as-.d can be had at my 1 beg leave reepectfUi ly to refer to the eren tlemen named below who have used my iln- vigorator, and harve authorized me to do i so, as to the truth! uJji ess oi my statement, to wit: Gen. M. P. Taylor, Hon. A. n. Van Bokkelen, Capt. ). Li Filyaw and Messrs. G. J. Roney, S. JI. Fishblate, Geo. A. Peck, Z H. Kelley and m any others too numerous to inenuon. ! feb 6 ' 8PECI AL NOTICE. Excha nge Corner. AS I TJO SOT INTEND KEEPING Ilambmrrr RHcrf nors and Insertions. I now offer a lot that I have at the buyers' prices. NOTICE ALSO, ! .1 That within the mext thirtv davs I offer Win ter Millinerv and Fancy Goods at cost! Now 13 vour time. i jan 13 j N. H. SPRUNT. F. A. CHUTTE, I - ! i 17 & 19 Scnith Front Street, T, ARGEST STO -CK, Best Designs, Lowest Prices in i Parlor Snits, C iamber Suits, Lonnges, Keciinmg Unai rs, Sofas, .Lasy Uhairs, Tete-a-Tetes, V rardrobes, Sideboards, Marble and Wt od-Top Tables, Hat Racks, Cri bgf Spring Beds and Cots, Common Bedsteads,! Mirrors, "Walnut Steads, Washstauds, rand Bureaus, Common Chairs and Rqcken, Walnut Chairs and Rockers in (Treat varie ty; Mattrt'ises, Carpets and every thing usuall y found in a first-class Furniture Establishing at. jan 28 . I ' ; . . Constantly Receiving PRESH DRUGS AT SURBAOfK'S' PHARMACY. Corner Front and Princess Streets. Jf Prescriptions prep ared either night or day. - jan 28 Singer Sewing Machine A ND A FINE NO 8 ACORN STOVE For Sale Cheap, by Jan 11 3rd Street KW Market. Lliscellanoous. To -filhio Poiocy LMJoBdeps I . !'!;'. ' ;'..'" ' OF THE I Firemen's Fnnfl anfl Farmirilte Insnrance -. . 1 1 i WE HEREBY GIVE NOTICE has been placed in our hands, and and give other neccssar- attention feb 7 O GREAT REDUCTION ! in Prices at T U1U WILL SELL No. 1 Family Flour at ;-l cts i)er lb. I X jL Hams at 14 cents j3er lb. JiiXtra Cougar at 10 cents per lb, Extra Family Flour. . (Handsome at b7 per barrel. New Orleans Syrup o0c per "gallon (jrenuine Imported Havana Cigars,1 tliree tor. 25 cents. We are now receiving 250 Bbls. Flour' all trades. 4000 Lbs. Extra lEefined Lard, 150 Packages Extra Mess No. ; and No. 2 Mackerel. I 20 (Boxes Dry Salt Sides, 3000 Lbs.;I X L Hams. 40 Boxes Cream Cheese, Lbsi Gilt Edge and Medium! Butter, ! Bbls. N. O. Molasses, direct 3000 20 from New Orleans. all of which we will sell at COME AND SEE US AND BE CON VINCED! Being the pioneers in ' - ' I : we will not allow anv lietail llouse in Wilmington to. beat lis. JB" We mean business. Worth Front Street PICTUKE FIIAMES AND - ' MOULDINGS. . A LL SIZES AND STYLES. Picture II. Frames made to order at ' jan 23 Bookstpie and Photo' Rooms. Dyeing and Scouring T T! ADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS Goods DjedCleaned and Repaired. ALSO, Felt, Straw, and Lerhorh Hats Dyed, Clean ed and Pressed in any shape or style desired. C. P. R EMS EN, Currie's Block. jan 14 A JEWEL 1- - - THE PEARL SHIRT. IS TRULY f And is growing daily more popular. I keep constantly on hand a large supply and those in need of such an article of wear will find them the best Shirt I in the market for th price. : j They are Without' an Equal ! ONLY Sl.00 APIECE! A. DAVID, The Clothier. fb 1 An Inducement! T ARTIES DESIROUS of inTesting fa i. & little money BOOTS & SHOES. will find it to their advantage to call at No; 47 Market Etreet, where they will find an and Children's, Boysl and Youths' Boots and Shoes of the latest styles and beet qualitr v c -: . cm 7 . J xtYKij pais ui ouues warrantea. Children's Sho33 a specialty. TJIOS.II. No. HOWEY, Jh., 47 ilarket Street. feb 5 A DVERTISE IN TUK WILMINGTON (Weekly) JOURNAL Office corner Chestnut and Water sts. dec12 ! npstaira! BOATWBM i HOY S ; j 5, 7 & 8 jan 2S Hiscollaneoua. that the Agency for theL Com ' we will be pleased to isLUe r at our Office, No. 2-4 North Wate . J. GeDeraaranckrpnt. i GEORGE MYERS, 9, 11 & 13 S. TRONXST. CASH 1JETAIL SALES - AT Wholesale Prices! have increased our sales . - (hte Hundreii Per Cent ! I 3O0 Barrels KX . ItA FAMILY VJM'R General Insurance . v uir vwn uramis ; Very Uw. 5000 Pounds I X L Hams, ShouldeiN Strips and Dry Salt I ' i i 50 Baskets GENUINE SEIDSICK, 624 Pints, $22 Quarts. 200 Boxes i Choice Cakes and Crackers. 500 Cases Can Fruits, Vegetables & Preserves, ' If you (desire i CHOICE COFFEE our Parched is tho choicest in tile market. Only Try it. - . Our Delmonico Club IIousi,Blue Gnus, Gem, Sweet Mash and Smoky Ilplldw Whiskeys stand unrivalled in this market in quality and price. We defy compe tition. Qoods well bought arc half sold. GEO. MYERS', 9, 11 dt 13 Soath Front Otreet. jan 26 ; Coal and Wood.- J AM STILL PREPARED to famish tho best Red Ash Coal on this market. Hare also a large, well assorted slock of Wood, all of which can be had at very loweet caah rates, jan 31 J. A. SPRINGER. Fruit. FRESII SUPPLY of Malaga OrapegJ 4 Sweet Oranges, Cocoa Nuta, Banana, Call fornia Pears and Lemons just recived. Ilomtf made Candies, fresh and pure, alwaja In hand. 'At I . i i. 9. G. NORTUROP'S dec 23 Fruit and Confectionery Storef. ' Fall id, er Mil jJOW IN STORE A LARGE AND CAB& fully selected stock of Staple and Fancy Pry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats,; Clothing Fur nishing Goods, 4c., for the Fall and Winter Trade. : ."' j e These goods were selected by me personally in the Northern markets And with a. tn the wants and requirements of this section. I respectfullv invite an stock. I Wholesale Dealers are notl6d tht Tus ana win oiler them rare bargain. A. WEILL, Agent, jan 21 No. 17, Market St Mountain Beef. You WILL ALWAYS FIND THE choicest and fattest beef in the Market at I , i atau io.s, andjuatnow lam offeringjofffl beautiful MOUNTAIN BEET, Wnicn. tO See ij to hn-.nnll n.nrrnw morning and eeejifjit h not bo. I GEO. F. TILLEV. StaU No; 8, Market HouseJ dec 4 Just Received. jORTH CAROLINA1 BACON, Hams, Siddes and Shoulders; Lard, Butter and Cheese, Candles, Soapr Lye and Potash, Mullets. Mackerel and TlArHnir. Irish Potatoes. Eatinsr and Plantia Poultry, Eggs, Buckwheat, Ac Cpa eigned to be sold.. Consignments Hides, Furs, Pea, 17, Eggs, Fre?h Beef and Pork, Sweet Pbta es, Ac, solicited. I Execute orders for all descriptions of mr V j : ii A , vuai-uue ni lowest pneefl. PETTEWAY & SCHULKEN, Brokers & Com. Merchant; Next North Princess and WaUr Street feb 7 y , . 1 pASUIONABLt (nAIR CUTTING fSp X bhannir Salool 1 -Aiiwork done la (nr best style. Sharir t in cents. Hair CnrtfU' 10 cents. i5 cent. Shampc' Shaving tv Ho. 28 North P octl3 l ing 25 cent. keu 12 for 91.) at Street