THIS PAPER I? published erery afternoon, Sundays ex cepted by JOSH. T. JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPBIKTOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. One year, $5 00 Six months, $2 60 ; Three months, f 1 25 ; One month, 60 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in any part of the city, at the boTe rates, or 13 cents per week. Ad vertising rates low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and sll failures to receive their papers regularly. New Advertisements. February 1878 1 DAILY i EETIEW; PLEASEOTICE. We will be glad to receive communication from our friends on any and all subjects ot general interest.but l I l Th name of the writer nust always" be furnished to the Editor. , nimunications must be wiitten on onl one side of the paper. , i ' Personalities must be avoided. " 1 ' . I ' ' vol. 3. Wilmington, n. a, Wednesday, February 20, 187& no. 19 - ,l jv 1 , r uiuessso siatea in the editorial columns. , , ,i BROWN & RODDICK 45 . S3AXIJXX2T ST. OF FER THE FOLLOWING IN DUCEMENTS ! The Mails. The Mails close and arfive at the City x-ostoruce as follows : m , CLOSE. Northern through1 malls - - - 6:00 P M Northern through and way malls. 8:U0 A M M - Us for the N. C. and A. & N. C. i Railroads, and routes supplied therefrom - - - - - - - - 6:00 PM Southern mails for all noints South. daily. - - - - t6:00 P M Western mails (C. C. Kf W.) daily i fexcent Sunday) - - - 5:00 A M Fayettevllle, and offices on Cape ... m .- i . reariuver, a uesuaj a auu i u- days - - - - - 1:00 P M Mails for points along line of Che- ' raw & Darlington K R - . - - 10:00 A M Favfit.t-c-lllA hv Wftrsaw. dailv. I (excent Sundays) - Malls for points between Florence and Charleston For the Next Two Weeks, onsiow uVoi nces every rioay - 1 1 - - 8:00 A M 10:00 A M 6:00 A M No Commeiit is Necessary! PRICES WILL SPEAK FOR THEM SELVES ! Smith ville mails, by steamboat, . daily, (except Sundays) - - 2:00 P M Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, every Friday at - - - - - -3:00 PM akriveL Northern throntrh mails r - - 11:00 A M Northern through and way mails. 7:30 P M Southern mails ----- J - 9:30 A M Carolina Central Railway at - - 10:00 P M Mails delivered from 6:00 A. M. to 6:45 P M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9uJ0 A. m . Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M Register Departments open same as stan:p omce. .The Passport. To-day the steam yacht Passport was regularly rut ' on the line between this city and Smithvillo Her compliment of wr- ouiuern as I-ord Dimdrearr. : . "' "abater oi John and .Mar- i , J gaiet A. Cowan, aped 3 years and 7 months. The reputation of Mr si Sfejatires and friends of the family are m. mwluli II iji.n in v i i t i atrann k i . . i . ,. un I . . . V,. "":uu maerai 10-morrow ine preservers am veu ou ui SMm o.r g megreatett Of livinff comedian U1Dursaay) ' atteraoon at 4 o'clock, at St: - . , 1 It . ... " I .1 atnoc' llhn..k .1 -a r . , . tieaulator yesterday and were carrieu on ue ng laralliarl y known to our Wil; lucute lo vaKaj"e uemetery board this morning. Quito a number of DcoDle who. hv ha, i L t-' - I j nji itavei everv-1 McR'AfMirn v hi: ...... . - . . .... ... .i-l-i - - --j I vv..uln, a. , . minuiPS rnT l act spectators looked through the uuus sceara- wnere and see overvthincr itr evenlnff. of diohtheria. joiiv s ' 'e . t t r L! . I v . I .lAhn SI a1 if n ' er while she was lymg ai ner wnari ui ing; mere was as might have been expec- mbnthranVSo day.: 1C'acaern' aSed 1 morning. icu a large audience to tn-nt hfa - - , ww .w frk last night. The well-known corned v vi UTir Amer nan nnem" nmo ..l i etreeis. in fin r. a rn Kniinuiin f ',,,t - i ueiuru iu c,j . . ' - I ana acquaintances nrAiir.;foi --.. utiu iur in mrrrvinpfnnr h f u: i aucuu New Advertisemets. UMBRELLAS ! City Court . . . .i There were no new caei AX INVOICE OF OENT'd Silk and Gingham Umbrellas ' - i i pi , Also, a Simple Lot of! lM Ladies' Parasols, a few very handsome ir r-i : , I ; . tuo uroauesi ew Aavertisements. was form Mr. W 1'. Uldham, was mscuargea flo , . - -t -- " ' and the charges withdrawn. on the Sound, to come forward, chastise Li.. lt - , ... - . ' ' i liuil inprn enm-iiri Knvn v, i-i 'Rroflofl OFT o roiv f rrr-i rt I Stamna fnr uT a.t. cronpra.1 riftliverv When I T,rl f-il-o Viav tr lr pi!inrv linmn wecu Buy turtail- nV f50 rftf.fK. B?3S?1' ,A nnt :of the Imirth-provokin i ww Gents' 3-Ply Linen Collars, $1.50 per dozen, in all the 'latest styles. Gents' Wamsutta Shirts, with 2100 Linen Bosoms, 75c ; just the same as sold all over the . country for $1. Key Boxes accessible at, all hours, day and nierht." , ' V Mails collected from street boxes etery day at 5:45 P M. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. ' . -I i r.i il J 'wiuwt iuc uu iliu Uli" I iTw p oET dw te?bn- Thh cH. Eiigravea '-Visitiug' and , ... , lugits nasnes oi sentiment here and there. i i ' Z 7 i TvS 1 l 1 atiU for major part it is so supretneli WMOlllg Cards, , The case ofMary Jones the littlecolrtxl girl ,ndicrmia M . , q . .L .Tr v... ' ...i. t.i j t n.k.ln r " "" uiuaueau, buu- lAii ArL aii; SAMPLKS . wnu ruuu ucu gravest of hu- 1 posed of. Hi Honor Mayor F.shblate man i. . . u, S. JEWETT'S. has notified the girls father, who lires f " " a WCWu. leD 20 Front Street Book Store. . . , i ... "oi retrain from expressmff onr regret I : , u - o I - - ; Twenty-Five jEW STYLES of English, French and 1.? &SS GOODS. ' F. AMINE OUli J Jlwivy Wash Popliiisl at 10 cents per yard. t For Bargains in BLEAC HED GOODS call on scene If n . : Crushed'' Traeedian. ootnern s conception of the charac In referring to Mr. Sothern's perforrn- ,ftLl5d Dundry js original, bold Amecan Diagonal . Cheviots; Worsteds .1 , - -l - in rn i: .1 .. r u.v u luuiuiuua in iirKr. ijiLysimprpa jbn f 1 it j;i,T 1 1 . ance oi me "L-rusnea lracuiau, me i . , ... i. . 1 , v uiffpiavcu uv us 10 PhiUddphi. goes top. iota b. "J?! . Wre r. w!lh. . . I ' wftviiV WiiblUl IJ Vr,I LI 1 1 IV- I merits of the play as well as the acting tfoT1 -r t.a , , . . iwrnmiiA - - , ,. . 1 1110 ouuicuu;, wuo oniy nusn a I o& 1 discourses as follows: I eMno,un i . ..-. . . ' kju.v.ra 11 11 1 mm iuu r-r tt Tt iaviA-toE-.-AU: t t ui wusuwr m 1 cu 4v 1 Merchant Tailors' and When a new, distinct and enjoyable the effort to catch every word he utters, aracter is created by author and actor uxt nnf .l. ; - r ' the dramatic stage, it has good title to f ?f the 0.nt mayl be SOLE AGENTS FOR THE LA REIJE CORSET ! One Dollar a Pair ! They are made with Adjustable Double Clasps of flexible steel plates; which prevent the clasps I The box sheet for Mr. Sothern's per for- irom breaking, and are so arranged mance to-night is well filled. that they may be removed at the option of the wearer whenever the A. Shriek Goinc: Fast. MtTNinx A Hr Twentv-fivfi New Stvlea. - r " 1 i a TnD,. v nA I'loUinV, aA WoH. I cuaracier W V Mk If L 1 JJWg 1 a? I IIIUU I 1 1 I 1 dmg Cards. , 1 , L u wnruB lPf Tf lost to th6m. As a great comedian, he enby Sivagk, Treas., $ Col.-No ice to rAan(T,.tR ;. Biih a nrnatinn -lia Reserves to the full measure. Lis most. nalinnnoTt To wna Wnvo i ' I " . - . I 1 Ml! . ... -iF,L1c. , , on aprons mnstfirn pcr of Kfiii ntnrn nra uriiuani renutation. ' - 1 . - I W . y ' I iiEMEY ravage, l reas. s i.oi.r-street as- finiaheJi naintinir. or a erahd Diece of mu- The suDnort was vm-v fd,!n - v: , i i I I . . . I . J " UU111,J scasuicui iiuutu. ' ' ' lam in inhirh th f11 1 tl VfttAtl minfi i I efanMn " j A GREAT REDUCTION " ' 1 i IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS ' OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECTOR, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. Cf, i February 16th, '1878. Notice. i FOIl Men and Boy's Wear j TfT . .v, " .- r.v- uuito kouu. ve were snficiallv l -m- . i rp, .. h . n , , homage or admiration for the skill, the taken with Mr HnlUn r I ALLUttUALL with Resolution of the There were no police arrests last night. .A.f .v,- on;,ia ri;iaVn,i ; u r? KewlUl Holland s representation of A t -i ; , achievement. Something like'lhis h done e cter of nny (the Butler), and WAMeri.hillAe by Mr. Sothern in the study ami repre- McDonalds impersonation of Lord 1Sf dav of Mnrnh 1ft7ft sentatipn of his DeLacy Fitzaltamont,1 dundreary 's valet, Buddicomb, as also the ' , ' 9 The wounded police officer: Is slowly improving. , ,, , i , i the '-Crushed Tragedian," now on the Abel Numcolt of Mr. DeVerei Mr. Cur- advertise for sale all Property on which the stage of the Wz hmt j Street ihcatre Phis ley's 'Sir Edxcard TrencJiard, was poor, City Taxes for the year 1877, shall then re- r.-w:r - v ,T-- " -:T' t! WUi,e weconiess to a good deal of disan. the central figure of a life-like picture. It " T. distinct irom all others of the k l" T1' maruie . conception- and A hauakercniet nirtation is a rery i 'iii n i. ir, 4. u lrmAnA ci'TvilTr iw simple affair. It only requires' twd fools ruiiacinfr the short Silk Lacers, NO and two handkerchiefs. ( , 1 rinavrrrxT. rT "DTPPTxrn i SEAIV1S beincr required. r n t..,i, w.j n n. ,1..;. ' .5of. iL 10 ineir parts lne costumes, too, " n i ii iiiii-i n in i . i r; lLi i iv mil .vr-. iv i i ii n i vr i w n i ii 1 1 i 11. Liau u m km i a u a u n ti . is.nnt. nnlv j 1 i . ? . i - .... . - characters with which our dramas are ""ou oi ine tine role the Amer- peopled, but it is as opposite as possible MU v"uam nuuseir. to "Dundreary' that other creation of ' The ladies, as a general thing, were ud main unpaid. feb 20-5t ' HENRY SAVAGE, Treasurer and Collector. were be held at their Banking House at 11 and there is not the faintest flavor of Mr I magnificent, especially those of Closing out 100 pair Corsets at 75c; former prices $1, $1.'25 and $1.50. o'clock to-morrow morning. Sothern's own individuality in it. 1 ""f Agnes Troctor in Florence Trench- The characterization, however, belongs ard, which elicited the hearty admiration Thp sr.lir Dnnifl V &tr.0nhtr wViisti lias I tn! ihn damn r.lflSR fif nricrinal stllflip I 1 j ij Balance of Ladies' Cloaks closing been on . th. railway for, erjl y X' iS? 2hPSfe' Wall ii to be oongralulated upoa meat,' and SfdeUllE, remafains unpkit n out without any regard to cost. past was launched this mdrmng, her rcr .'i'in Va iVinkl. his company. To- niffht Mr. Sothern will tho-la if, ic'L.-.i i.- OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECTOR,! CITY OF W1LMINGT0X, N. C, February 19th, 1878. . i . . " ' Notice UL ASSESSMENTS tor Street Improve- IN SMALL SIZi: i White Cotton Hose: for' thiiirtn. Will besold at. one-thiru their value. I Ai . e t r l u I . . .. I vYuiftSM ucuuiouuo in i ii nuittn;. . i o mu.uviu nm luciBi uar oi jJUrCu. Ibio.wi'l be nlafpd in inf. nf TlrPKa linnrtR. fnrmp.rlv Rmn I n i 1 I i . . ..-r i r , n , i ' I -i i i . . . I ' i0i ut- piateu in . - rr7 i.oitouoiiUj,uw,uvuujiuu.i btiarles Kean s "L.0U13 .vi., ana jnar- ciose nis engagement in his renowned nTav ., . . . 1 . at oUC, 4UC and oUc; now T. 7777777 'ifi J lotto Cushman's "Meg Merrilies." 1 nf i.h "Prnl rl 0a:- I " ' .W9nana? or tbe Attorney for collection. -uuiion iviu vjrioves ioc, btimu hotels have had their "war." The result " 1S not our purpose to aescn be the goods as BOld for fcl. 0f this recent cutting of first-class hotel "Crushed Tragedian. It would require rnc in "VTom. v,vi- in.,no v, no I a frood dpal of stud v to do even that in a" 13rown Cotton 4c per yard. tral in the lead with ratcg , 0n(J and twQ satisfactory way. The play must be seen 4 4 Rockingham A, 7Ac per yard, dollars per day lower ,than the rest and heard to bo understood, and it will be 4-4 Lake George, 7c per yard, Good Calicoes 5c per yard. Best Quality 7c per yard. Corn Bread. the better' enjoyed by those who go to see it if they have no detailed description. Itinay bo said, however, that,1 . notwith- feh 20-5t HENRY SAVAGE, Treasurer and Collector. BROWN RODDICK feb 4 45 Market St. TUC CIUCCT Aim I ADftCCT int rillUUI MMU kHUULUl Pempert, formerly of Raleigh and Golds4 A 8S0RTMENT OF TOILET AND FANCY bore. Mr. Pempertr is a good 1 workman1 Article in the City. Celluloid Combs, and always makes "host of friends for him Brushes and Mirrors Singly and in Sens. I self. AnraTed Cologne Bottles, Uolognes, Ex tracts, Soaps, Bracket Night Lamps, Ac. all for sale low by " JAMES C. MUNDS, Druggist, dec 20 Third at, Opp. City Hall. Night bell at front door. j , j tf WW fi i t-i. . j i I auu tuo mauy aui-uaino wo ouucio iu put Ul iaiU m - i V"' suing the pet ambition of his life, bis ex- Going tot Paris. I pression of his professional , woes are so Mr. Jno. Werner will leaVe this cityi in . rontinnous atrain of lau2hter BO a few days for Paris where he iong as he is on the stage. Then tfrere is open a barber shop on the American plan, a meaning in; the play for those who pre During his absence the business here will fer, above intellect and true art, the poor To be Observed. much of the modern stage is made up. L.ippincott'8 Magazine LirrincottJ8 Magazine for March opens with the second paper of Edward King's nejtv' series, "With the Russians in One of our banks has the 1 follbwing no- Bulgaria," to which rocent , events , have tice stuck upou its door: Friday the 22nd given a special interest. It sketches the inst., being VVashington's birthday, will be J historical and political aspect of the Bul- observed as a holliday by the banks ofjthis I garian -question, as well as the character- city." Some wag has writen under I istics of the people and the country, and the notice, "1'iease specify which Wash- embellished with numerous and well Going Fast. Y"B ARE SELLING Gents', Youths' and ington." The officers of the bank think- executed eDgraving Prof. James A. Boy.' Clothing and Furnishing Goods v at ing there is no interest in it, jsays he can arrison's concluding paper on Sweden Bon : . L 1 lorms the second illustrated article, and iii ir-j i iiii ii 11 r i ri iii i . i imu ' r-uvn r duZf ' V ' will be found entertaining. af the "Ileminiscence of the J?nst Iron GMng them Away ! SCall early and secure a bargain before tbey are all sold. Tbe South itlantlc feb 5 Market 1 1 Why Suffer ? Clad Fteht " nublished in the last num it i o r Ibis excellent Southern magazine has ber, contributes an account of I the cap- again made its regular monthly appear- ture of Fort Fisher, which he saw from the ance upon our table. Tho March number mast-head of the "Ironsides," afterwards is in keeping with previous numbers,and is visiting tho scene of action, and noting as usual full of interesting,1 as well as in many details of a striking or pathetic some instances iustructi,ve reiding matter, character. "The Strange Story of Paul TTII DANDRUFF IN THE HAIR If the Southern people ever expect to en- Scarron," by Edwin Do Leon, "Europe's when by calling at the Fashionable and pop- -courage ooumern uieraiurei mey .navo a New Coal-Field," by Darid Kr, and ular Barber. Shop in basement of National fine opportunity offered them nowj an op- "Small Farce and Comedy " by Mary cant ouudinr von can onrcnase . ..... I . r I J I portumtv where no cnaritabie svmbathv nj ;n n ranav fmni T mm i I " I rf f J I ltU, i ivwai kv"xia iipUUUIi 1. i? UrlllallSKl S LeiCWra- is asked, but where real merit demands a inscriDtion." bv a German author: eivca I - - - t I . ' !- I . ' ' toil TTnlf Ttivlynrlt'r pr0per reco5mtion at' the hands of a a vivid and touching picture of Jewish ItJU Xlllir liniUiaiUI Southern reading public. i j life in Eastern Europe. "Jack and Mrs. which is b- far the best that has ' The South Atlantic, tinder its present) Brown" is concluded, and there are 'other tier uwu sseu iur m&i purpose, auu ui . . ' i . . . . TUELY FREES tbe hair from it after a able management, deserves success, and st0ries and papers of an amusing kind, making a good variety of light read- and pliable state of the hair. It is made only th& of lhose who arf desirous of ing. by the undersigned, and can be had at my becoming patrons, we will state that the Ajmivct duuu uuuer liin erst auuiijli umilm. i . . I .xr .v. . . . . I beg leave re pectfully to refer to the gen- above named magazine is a monthly pe- Wo are requested to state thatafter tbe tlemen named below who have used my Jn- riodical. devoted "to . Literature. Science dress parade by the colored militarr com. tigorator, and have authorized me to do so, I , . . , , .. I e ii - . ' as to the truthfulness of mr statement, to aD1 Axt and numbers among its contnbu- paniea of this city on Wednesday evenmj; wit: Gen. M. P. Taylor. Hon. A. H. Vn tors some of the ablest I tha22d inst the friends nf tht rnmnvn Bokkelen, Capt. D. L. Filyaw and Messrs. G. e t. . , , r" . " . v . T. TtT T- J. Boner. 8.11. FiahhUt. n. a. pcfc-. a. Southern land. Mrs. Cicero W. i Harris will give a ball in Lippitt's Hall the me5S17-nd ,nfny0therit00 Bumeroua t0 1 is editor and proprietor at Wilmington, I proceeds of which will be devoted to tmi- ftb6 J - 'N.C; forming the companies. From Florida ED TO-DAY T ECEIVE a supply of the Aground- The steam-yacht Passport in movin!g down streamfrom her late moorings op posite the V. & W. II. R., on the west side of thfi I iiiui uiiiii. I . i . I aground at Poinl Peter', but fortunately S weetest of Florida i OraDges and (Large Red for the steamer, the tide was rapidly I Bananas, Spitzenburg, Baldwin and Russo swelling at tho time and after a short de tention the Captain of the little craft was enabled to back her off. 1 ' WILL .ALWAYS FIND .SOMLTHINfJ, '. New, ( hea .& Attraclivc f 1 iii our increased salijs justifv'us ' j i Iii Onlenhu: Goods Daily.1 Apples, al(?o on hand lat S..O. NORTHROP'S.'' feb 19 Fruit and Confectionerv Stoma. Iff i i T.nnrr Tlmn About two years ago a house on Ninth, C&YQ USGQ oeiween Mulberry and Walnut streets, A ND LOW PRICES ADHERED TO, at ttaZa ( T- r' Z BURBANK'S Pharmacy, robbed of a rocking chair, an iron shoe last, water bucket and dipper, two lamps MgDY THE "OLD GUARD" half dime iwo tin DucKets and a coffeo mill which Cigar from was screwed up against the side of the house. Bryant kept very quiet about the robbery and his loss with a view of some day discovering the thief.though it was not until a few days ago that he "got" track of the goods. 1 lie has-all the particulars and has recovered the articles, but the thief has not yet been arrested. Roguery will out sooner or later. The hop which' was to have taken place on Thursday at Meginney's Hall has been postponed until Friday evening. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn- ! uUKBAIVli'H PHARMACY J Corner Front and Princess Streets, feb 19 i r ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, Ga... 47 Cairo, 111 .....45 Charleston,. 8 C....49 Cincinnati ....38 Corsicana, Tex. 45 Hattenu.. 46 Fort Gibson, C. N.41 Oftlvefton.............47 Indianola 47 Jacksonrille, F1&...54 FnorriIle.L. 42 LynchbuTg.L........36 I Memphis, Tenn.....43 Moblie, Ala..... ...53 Montgomery Ala...46 New Orleans.. ...... .57 New York ..27 SaTannah, Ga.......49 8hreveport. .48 St. Louis Mo ..40 SL Marks, Fla. 51 Vicksburg,Miai....47 Washington, j) q 31 Wilmington, N. C.42 J Hotel ArrlTals. Puimjell House. Wilmington, N. C. February 20. Cobb Bros, proprietors. Charles F Coffin, USM; RE Best, Ed Dreyfus, W A Piet, John K Morris, Bal timore; W P Moreton, S J Whitbeck and wife, Jacob Rnssefl and wife, New York; Mr and Mrs John J Pierre pont, Brook lyn; W S Siezer, Tennessee; Isaac Berg man, Maryland; B F 'Little, Richmond oountj; L T Everitt, Lanrinbug, L T Bennett, Marion county; W J Button, Bladen county; H B Snort, Jr, Lake Waccamaw; D D Barber, South Carolina; J French, Rock j Point; C M Vail; New York; M Wyman, Jr, Cambridge, Mass; J K -. Haizen, Richmond; J J Daniel, Weldon; R CITycrs, city. : V - 1 Ten Thousand I 1f noil GALLON MOLASSES, Sugar xvjuuu nouse, .ew Crop Cuba, ew iew uneans, iiakiing. 500 Bbls. Flour, all grades, 1 100 Boxes D.SJ Meats, 1 100 Bags Coffee, 100 Bbls. Sugar, 5000 Bushels Corn, In store and to arrire, BINFORD, LOEB & CO. feb 19 1 "Wholesale Grocers. For Sale. We offer for sale on easy terms: -il) Two Turpentine stills situated on apout five acres of land, together with dwelling house, garden, coopershop, store house, Ac, close to Carolina Central flail way track, near the town' of Lumberton, (2) One desirable Store and Lot, at present occupied by F. D. Capps In the town of Lum berton, NJC (3) One desirable1 Lot, in the heart of the business portion in the town of Lumberton, (O Several parcels of Turpentine lands, siuated near Whitehall, Illaden county m (5) One Horse, Dray and Harness, and one Mule, Dray and Harness, one lb. Fair bank's fcjeale, one l,U)01b. Howe Scale whiefc can be seen at our store For particulars apply to I . WUmington.N. Feb. lllWK I ; 1 1 ; : i . i Notice. HAVING DISCONTINUED the Wholo sale Grocery and Liquor Business, we hereby give due notice to all penow indebt ed to us, to settle their accounts on or before the I5th day of March next, as we shall after that date hand all unsettled chum into our lawyer's hands for collectinn. -. , e.pe3chau & vnisTrrs.iAzu. OPER& HOUSE. Tuesday & Wednesday Feb. 19 & 20. First, only and.' ar ewell aDnearanrPs city before hia return t England of in eminent tomcdian, Mr. this vt - S from by his own Company (of Ar'tifita,1 tbeil'ark Theiitre, -New York, i TUESDAY Mr. I Sothern will appeal In his world renowned impersonation of j , Lord Dundreary, in "Our American Cousin." 1 WEDNESDAY in hia new creation, the' great euceess of the current New pbri B6a ; on, entitled a j " , "Crushed .Tragedian. ; Keserved Keats at Ueicsbe'rcer'a 31usic Store, Sl.50. I General admission $1.00 and 50 centi &j L: cording to location. - I ' - Doors open at 7, commence at 8 o plock. ' ieD mi Feb. 20, 1878. The Reliable Steamer PA8K port will make retrular trinn to and from Smithville, leav- insr Market Dock 2::a) n. n. EiLZ Smitiiville l-.m a. in. until fnrthor noto J ""-"" m-xujuimxiauons never teiore oiler- i ed the public. For Tickets; Freight and hTfllrsinns annlv a "TOY Excursions annlv to 4-Ponlar Itates. i feb is GEO. XYEItS, i Agent. PURCELL HOUSE, (Formerly life National Hotel.) 'NOKFclLij , . -VIRGINIA, ' 1 . ; . J. Davis, Pr'p. RATES 53. S2 TWJ and f 2 Ing to location, , i .jjb ls-i&W6m Bank of New Hanover. ANNUAL MEETING. 'J The Annual MAPfinrJ nf4li btockholders of the ,Uank of New Ilanorer will be held at their I Hanking Ilouse in1 Wil- ' minpton, on THURSDAY, tbe 21st int.,at 11 o'clock, A. M. S. D. WALLACE, I -I Cashier. feb 11 REMOVAL. his Barbpr door North JOHN WERNER has remorcd Shop on South Front Street one or hu old stand. His many patron sod I friends he will now bo pleased to see at No. i, oouta front street luiespcr old stsntf.) SUD3CRIIJE ' TO T""'

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