LATEST NEWS, proofs Offered. WxsniKQTON, Feb. 25-John Sber tnan wrote a letter a few days oro to SSTeStor of tfi Philadelphia 'le In which he said that he received letters from Mm Jencke aud Joseph K- lndereonin which they ray that ey never averted tho. letter to the Supervisor o. Eepstra tion for the parishes of fcaat and West Feliciana, promising them lewards if they made protests which would en-T.rni-siana lleturmos: Board rr.t:r"rf vnts of the two JWJ till 1 1 VT isuu Paiam authorized by Joseph E. An derson to say that Sherman's etatement Further, I am authorized by the i at torney of Joseph E. Anderson Mt. Sypber of Philadelphia, to eay tha, he lias the evidence, documentary and otherwise, to prove that John Sherman did write a letter to Joseph E. Anaer aon and D. A. WTeber in which be promised them political rewards it they would make certain protests. And further, Mr. Sypher is ready, before the proper tribuual, to make good this ofifcr. The letter wnich was written to John Sherman by xvIih. Tr,.L-a dnA nnh sav thut she never eaid that he wrote such a letter, nut she has not now in her possession snfih a letter, iind that she never au thorized any one to say that she bad such a letter. Pope Leo XIII. London. Feb 25. The Manchester Guardian' Rome correspondent tele graphs: "The feeling is growing hero that the new Pope is not bo liberal as was thought. It certain that Cardinal Pecci anil Leo XIII. do not hold the is now belivod that the Popo will remain secluded i'n the Vatican. All diplomatic negotiations which were left in suspense by th. death of Vope Pius IX between tha Vaticaji and the Governments holding diplomatic relations with it. willl bo resnmed on an entirely new basis, the stepsalready taken therein being disregarded. The entire personnel of the Pontifical Cour t will be changed so as to eliminate hos tilities which may formerly have existed.'- The Pope has received O ivdinal Mc Closkcy. Our Indian Policy Condemned. vVAsniNGTON, Feb. 23 , Rppreeon tativo Scales, Chairman t.f the Com mittee on Indian Affairs, i a his report in favor of the bill transferring the Indian Bnreau from the Interior to the War Department, ; shows that the present management costs the Govern ment $23,05 per capita, wnileby a sim ilar calculation it will bo found that te cost to the Government of all agents and all classes and colors of In dians will not exceed $1.28 per capita.. "Within the thirty years past, sinco the bureau was transferred from the War to the Interior Department, milllions of money have been spent, much blood shod, and many valuable lives sacrificed iu the effort-. --to civilize tho straggling -"tribes. The churches have contributed their best men as agents, and good men and wo men have endeavored to introduce the arts and modes of industry among the Indians, who, notwithstanding tnese efforts, are savage still, After a full and careful consideration of all the facts and circumstances, as well as the difficulties that surround the question of what is best for the Indians, a large majority of the committee, eight, have reached the conclusion that tho pres ent Bystem is not a successful one ; that the integrity of the service, the good of the Indians, as well as great economy, require that the whole ques tion should be transferred to the man agement and control of the War De partment. Bishop Atkinson's Appointments for His Spring Visitation of 1878. Gaston, .....March 8 Warrenton, 1st Sunday in Lent, March 10 Ridgeway V... March 11 Henderson ... -.. March 1 3 Williamsboro.. . .March 24 St Peter's, Sassafras Fork, Gran ville Co March 15 Oxford, 2nd Sunday in Lent, March 17 St Paul's, Goshen.: .......March 13 Kittrells........... ...Mach 20 Franklinton...... . . (P. M. )..... March 21 Louisburg, 3rd Sunday in Lent, March 21 La Grange, (P. M) April 1 Snow Hill.... April 2 Marlboro. April 3 St John's, Pitt Co .April 5 Greenville, 5th Sunday in Leno, April 7 Trinity Church, Beaufort Co. April 9 St John's, Durham Creek. .i. April 10 South Creek... ...April 11 St Paul's,'v............. April 13 Newbern, 6th Sunday in Lent, April 14 Beaufort . ...April 16 Holy Innocents', Lenoir Co ..April 18 Kinston .April 19 Tarboro, Easter Day ... . Apr il 2 1 Quarterly Meetings. Appointments of Rev. L. S. Bnrkhcad D. D., Presiding Elder tor the Wilming ton District fur his first round the present Conference year,' 1878: Bladen, at Soul's Chapel .Mar 2-3 Topsail, at Prospect. .... Mar 9-10 Clinton, at Clinton .Mar 16-17 District Stewards' Meeting will be held at the parsonage of the Front Street Church on Friday, March 8th," 187S, at 11 o'clock, A. M. instead of February 5th. For Sale- TWO COPPER TANKS, in good order also, a second-hand BOILER. Apply at DAILY REVIEW OFFICE, Comer Chestnut and Water stret ta. nov 13 s UBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY REVIEW. CAROLINA. J Chorlotte Observer: A petition is cir4 culating here now for signer's,! asking the County Commisioners to order an election in Charlotte township to take place at the time, of the municipal election, the question of prohibition of,ldensc. About 400 signers have already teen obtained and no doubt is entertained-by the mov ers in the, matter of their ability to get the renuite. number of names on the pe tition. ' 1 ' ' I ' Raleigh Observer: j Mr. i C. Mfiu waring, Private Secretary to Col. John Robinson, President of the Ralegh and Gaston Railroad and the Bay Line Steam ers, was killed in the jaccideii); on the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad yesterday. Mr. Mainwaringj will (be re membered by many oi our citizens wno last . & in" he assisted as a stenographer. Raleigh Observer .-The 1 little colored girl who was burned to death at the fire Sunday morning was buried by the Coro ner yesterday, the county furnishing the coffin and the city the igraveJ The'little baby reported dead from being 'thrown from the window is doing well, we being misinformed as to its dying. A subscrip tion was raised yesterday i to relieve i the wants of,the unfortunate mother who is slightly injured from jumpihg,otit of the window. . . - . . I ' . Raleigh Observer: We learn.)y a private letter from Hon. J. J. Davis,! member of Congress, that each member of Congress is entitled to one box (f plants, (trees, shrubs and flowers) i'wm the Botantcjal Garden at Washington1, a'nd that Mr. Davis has donated those which he isj en titled to for the purpose of planting in Capitol Square: Others, it is thought, I -JL will do the same, and thus UU rlurner will be greatly assisted in beautifying tl park around the State i House. W e a the parte arouna tne Gtate uquse. vu are glad to see our representatives hiking such an interest in the appearance! of our Capitol grounds,-aud hopei all will send their boxes of plants to Cul. Turner. Lumberton Times : A friend pnting us from Bladenboro say's: "Mr. G. 1 L. Cal'iihau, residing near Bladenboro iu this county, caught. a very large gray eagle at h's hog pen last week. .Mr. C. had been missing his hogs and could njjt ' account for their sudden aud mysterious dis appearance. Upon go-in to the pen uc day, he saw a. large eagle have nnc of them, but was frightened away, at his ap pearance. He made a trap of, rails set it for the bird, and succeeded in' raptur ing him alive, with the assistance or, his son, F. P. Callahan, without iujurk' to either him or themselves. They have him now in a pen at their residencel He measures eighf and a half feet frim tip to tip, bill tour and a halt inches long, tnree inches between the eyes, and haa i Ugs as large as a man s arm (CharlotteObserver.) ,. i Davidson Commencement. ' Tho following youner' gentlemen have been elected by the Philanthropic So ciety of Davidson College to take 1 part iu ths ntzt commencenient in June : v Representatives ,7. W. Osborne, Charlotte, N. C; F. M. Wrilliams, Newton, N. C; A. G. Buaiiner, Ashe ville, N. C. - ; I Marshals Chief, W. IIj Neel, Char lotte, N. C; Assistants. DJH. Hill, Jr.; Charlotte, N. C; W. II. Qozart, Wash ingtou, Ga.; E. C. Smith, Ilalegh, N. C; Arthur JFo-t:)r, Union Springs, Ala. ' . - I.' ' Tho election in the Eumenean So ciety takes place nest Saturday. The ladies made $50 by the festival last Friday night. I Thedistinguished eon of Georgia, Hon. Ben H. Hill, has been; invited to deliver the annual address at Davidson College at the'eommencement in June next. , li (Raleigh Observer,") marriage of Weston II. Oales and Miss Annie C. Strong. A very large and fashionable! audi ence wes gathered together at Christ Church last evening to witaess land honor the marriage df Mr. Wesson Raleigh Gales, the! accomplished Cierk of the Criminal Court, to Miss Annie Cowan StrongJ daugher cf Judgo George Y. Strong. The beau tiful flowers, the soft light, the grand music of Mendelsohn, andj the jimplies siveetyle in which Dr. Marshall al ways conducts the ceremony1, rendered this union of hearts and hands as oy ous as it wi;s sacred. : The latterJdants were: f r Mr. Charles Brown, jof New , YorkT ana iuiss uarrie btrong. Mr. Tom T. Hay and Strorg. il ss Jennie Misi Mr. sherwqod Hay woodlj and Mary (Jo wan.' ' M ! i Mr. Henry Strong and Miss Cornio Phillips. ' l i ' i' Mr. George V. Strong', ucd Miss Sally Cowan. .. . j Mr. T. C. Worth" and. Miss Mihnie Haywood. f ' The good wishes of all our peopl fo's low the young couple in the. new life upon which they have just entered. They go north on the morning train' THOSTlV S OUTHERL AND JIVERY AND SALE TABLES, Comer Third and Princess Streets. i ' WilEfiington, N. C. S. Uorses and Vehicles for hire at rea sonable rates. Excursion parties to the bound and. country accommodated. I may 26 i Dyeing and Scouring JADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S pilESS Goods Djed,"Cleaned and .Repaired. ALSO, j - I Felt, Straw and Leghorn Hats Dred, Clean ed and 1 ressed in any shape or- style desired. .' C, P. REMEN, ! Carrie's Block. became acquainted with himi at the meeting oi tue biuuituuiuyio vi mc . G. R. R. held m this city at wmch meet . i 1 COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET I Febbuaby 274 T M. j SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market quoted easier at 30 cents bid. Later-we hear of sales of 125 casks, at that figure. ROSIN Quiet at $1 30 for Strained and 1 So for Good Strained bid. A decline of 24 cents on yesterday's quotatoins for Good Strained. No sales reported. v TAR Steady at 81 50. Sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market opened unsettled, Hard quoted at. 81 25 and Yeriow iiip and Virgin at $12 10. Sales at quotations- COrroX-Market opened dull. Small sales at the following are the official quota tions: . ) Ordinary .' 8 Cents. Good Ordinary i s . Strict Good Ordinarv. -p . Low Middling Q " Middling " Good Middling... 1 " I ' I DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton.... 384 ;bal4?s Spirits Turpentine 221 casks Rosin... J 2,C64 bbls Tar ... ' 558 " Grade 'Tnrpentine.V.V 24 1 " I MARINE NEWS. i ' 1 ARRIVED. I Steamship D, J Foley, Price, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. 1 Steamer D Muriehison, Garrason, Fayette ville, AVilliams & Murchison. 1 Steam-yacht Passport, Pugh, Smith ville, Geo Myers. , Steamer Underhill, Gillican, Smith ville, O G Parsley & Co, Nor barque Mercur, Laurenborg, Water ford, R E Heide. ' i Am Schr Kate G. Robinson, Severy, Phil adelphia, Harriss! & Howell. i 1 CLEARED. i Steamet D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette viile, Williams & Murchison. ' " ajsteam-yacht Passport, Pugh, Smith ville, Geo Myers. Steamer Underhill, Gillican, Smithville, .O G Parsley & Co. P Swd, barque Prima, Krook, Rotterdam, Williams & Murchison. 1 ! ! FOttKISN. Rotterdam.--Swd. Barque Prima 4,450 bbls rosin. , ' WEEKLY STATEMENT 1 1 0' STOCK ON HAKI) FEE. 23, 1878. Cotton ashore 3,677 afloat........... 3,925 ' Total.... ' 1 7,52 - ! - ' -.. i L i i Spirits ashore 7,727 afloat.. 1,547 Total I...... ?..... 9,274 Rosin ashore 82,6D2 afloat 7,631 Total 90,323 Tar ashore....1 8,869 afloat .723 Total I.... 9,592 '-" ! ' I - . Crude ashore 5,735 afloat .' i' Total r 5,735 RECEIPTS FORI TIIE WEEK ENDING FEB. 25, 1878 Cotton.......... .1 .......1.. 1,984 Spirits....: , 1,522 Rosin.......... j 10,832 Tar. ...1 3,118 Crude .-. 4,037 i EXPORTS FOR THE WEEK ENDING FEB. 25, 1878 Domestic. I. . i Cotton. 622 Spirits '. 90 Rosin 127 Tar.... i 185 Crude '. Foreign. I Cotton Spirits.... Rosin......!. ; . 3,025 Tar Crude .,... i List of Vessels in Port February 27, 187.. ; i il BARKS. i ' , Atlantic, 3er,' 389 tons, Schering, ' E Peschau & Wc-stermann Melvina Schutt, Ger, 339 tons, Kroger, E Peschau & "Westermann Meteor, Ncr 330 tons, Jhun, i Paterson, Downing & Co Gertrude, Br, 396 tons, Dancy, 1 Alex Spiunt & Son Normand, Nor, 216 toias, Sorensen, Williams & Murchison Ceres, Ger, 384 tons, Doellner, EG Barker & Co R!o De LaPlata, Sp, 245 tons, Auzorandie, i R E Heide Margaretba, Ger, 572 ton3, Masseilus, t E Peschau & Westermann Mercur, Nor, 165 tens, Laurenborg, 1 RE Heide BRIGS. ' Gem, Br, 281 tons, Richardson, I r Paterson, Downing & Co. 1 jilding, Nor, 234 tons, Elingsen, li E Heide SCHOONERS. Sallie Mair, iUn, 257 tons, Powell, j 1 I i Parsley & "Wiggins E S Powell, A jm, 577 tons, Williams, , I ( Williams & Murchison Menawa, Am, 211 tons, Fairchilds,' Northrop & Cumming J L Cotter, l?r, 139 tons, Thurber, I E Kidder & Sons Emily H Naylor, Am, 280 tons, Fisher, Robinson & King Stampede, Am, 145 tons, Dow, i Worth & Worth Argo, Am, 80 tons, Cooper, , Harriss & Howell H P Prescott, Am, 101 tons, Nuryman, Harriss & Howell Ernest T Lee, Am, 172 tons. Blachford, JHNeff Kate G Robisson, Am, 299 tons, Severy, Harriss & Howell S. D. MORRILL, I ' , ' 1 ' 1 Undertaker, Carpenter and ! Co,binet-lMaker, Third Sl!reet, Opp, City Hal A'Xi'ILL FURNISH COFFINS and Caskets YV with attends nee at short notice. t Orders for Carpenter -work and Cabinet work respet tfally solicited and.-promptly ct ecuted. ! All work .guaranteed. feb8 j Painting. WHERi? VOU CAN GET YOUR Paint intr d one witli dispatch, neatness an- at reasonab le rates is at d C. C. -PARKER'S PAINT SHOP. one door North of Old Jail building on Prin cess street. HOUSE, and SIGN Painting done and satisfaction guaranteed. jireat caret is girento email jobs. mar 1 16 N '-I Corrected Erery Thursday by PETTEVAY & SCIIULKEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS , AND i PRODUCE BROKERS, , . 'Wilmington, N. C. , SThe following quotations represent the wholesale prices generally. In making up mall orders higher prices nave to be charged. BAGGING Gunny 1 Double Anchor 113 Double Anchor "A" f 13J Standard Domestic. J 12 BACON North Carolina, liams,fl... UX Shoulders, y lb. 8 Sides, rb.............. 10 Western Smoked Hams. Sides, fi) 15 8K 9 8 1M 7 00 26 Shoulders. : i Dry Salted Sides, ft 7 Shoulders, V ft BEEF Live weight............ BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each... 1 75 New York,each, new....... 2 00 BEESWAX V ft.. 25 BRICKS Wilmington, M 8 00 10 00 00 BUTTERNo7tuCarolin'aa Northern, J .. CANDLES Sperm 2) Tallow, fi) . Adamantine,? set............ CHEESE Northern Factory, 2... Dairy cream, lb. State, y lb COFFEE Java, V B Rio, V ft Laguyra, J ft CORN MEAL bughel.... COTTON TIES ft DOMESTIC i Sheeting, 4-4 yardl Yarn, w bunch.. 15 25, 25 00 12 25 35 40 00, 11 14K 15K 13 33K 22 75 1 6 14 14.14 00 30 Q 19 24 1VA 4 95 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbl....l6 00 No. 1, ?Kbbl 8 75 I Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl....l3 50 No. 2, y X bbl 7 50 Mackerel, No. 3 bbl 00 00 Mullets, y bbl 3 50 20 00 9 00 00 0C 0 ftC 10 50 3 75 N. C. Herring, bbl....... 5 Dry Cod, y ft 00 8 00 FLOUR Fine, 4? bbl 0 00 6 00 Super, Northern, bbl... 0 00 Extra do " , V bbl... 0 00 Family . " bbl... , 8 00 City Mill Ex,. Super bbl... 7 00 " Family bbl... 7 50 " Ex. Family t2 bbl... 8 00 FERTILIZERS I Peruvian Guano, 2000 fta.58 00 7 7 9 7 7 CO 50 50 75 8 25 60 00 00 00 51 00 40 00 45 00 47f0 55 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 Uaugh's Phosphate " Carolina Fertilizer! " Ground Bone, ' Bone Meal " " , Flour " Navassa Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate ' lWando Phosphate, " Berger&Brutz'sRos. " ' 00 00 ' 45 00 " 00 00 00 00 " 00 00 " 50 00 " 00 00 " oo bo " 00 00 " 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb & Co., ma nipulated Guano 48 00 GLUE V ft ; 9 67 50 lb GRAIN Corn,store,) 66fts Corn, cargo, W 56 fts 72K 75 62 60 00 12 20 05 60 Corn, y el., .bushel None. Oats, y bushel...... ' 50 Peas, cow, bushel... 1 95 HIDES Green, J ft Dry, ft HAY Eastern, 100 fts... i North River, V lOOlbs.j.. 7 10 10 95 HOOP IRON y 'ton 80 00 85 00 LiAKJJ Northern id 10 1 11 12K North Carolina 32 ft....... Ill LIME y bbl 1 25 LUMBER City steam sa'wd Ship stuff, resawediM ft. 24 00 Rough edge plank. y Mft.22 00 West India cargo, Record ing to quality, M ft...l5 00 Dressed nooring,seasoced. 20 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, " M ft...... 15 00 0 00 27 00 25 00 18 00' 35 00 23 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhdgl Cubabbls., gal. Suejar house, hhds. y gal. " bbls. y gal... Orleans Choice bbls. gal. 35 38 25 27 CO 37 40 29 65 75 17 45 10 40 10 75 00 NAILS Cut,"20dto4d,Wg OILS Kerosene, gal..... Lard, gal Linseed, gal...... Rosin, " gal PEANUTS bushel POTATOES -Sweet, bus. Irish, Northern, bbl.l... 2 85 16 i 10 i 00 30 75 65 50 3 PORK Northern, city mess. 14 50 ThinJ y bbl ...09 00 Prime, bbl (extra). ...... 12 75 Rump, V bbl ...... ...:........00 00 15 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 RICE Carolina, y ft....... ! 6 East India, ft . 00 00 00 2 2 22 00 85 00 Rough, y bushel... 75 RAGS Country, i?ft..J... IK IK Cit ;ib j i... ROP 6 SALT Alum, fi sack 60 80 80 45 75 Liverpool, y sack American y sack .... Marshal's fine, y sack Cadiz y sack... 00 10 00 10 9 9 UA 1A oo 00 8UGAR Cuba, y ft Porto Rico, y m. : A Coffee, y ft..... B " yjh c y ft..... Ex c f ft Crushed y ft SOAP Northern, y ft. 9X 00 00 5 4 00 2 25 SHINGLES Contract, M 6 3 common, at Cypress saps y M 5 Cypress hearts, y M 6 50 00 0 00 10 00 25 00 00 00 18 00 10 13 00 10 00 STAVES W. O. bbl. M.15 00 K U had. y & 00 00 CvDress. M ...1 10 00 TALLOW y ft.. ' 9 TIMBER Shipping y M ...12 00 Mill, prime per M 8 50 Mill, fair per M.... 7 50 Inferior to Ordinary,per M 4 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl, 1 25 North Caroina, per gal ...! 1 50 WOOL Unwashed, per ft... 18 Wshed,Der ft. 28 8 50 6 3 2 00 50 25 20 30 THE SUN. 1878. NEW YORK. 1878. As the time approaches lor the renewal o subscriptions, THE SUN would. remind its friends and wellwishers everywhere, that it is again a candidate for their consideration and support. Uponits record for the past ten years it relies for a continuance of the hearty sympathy and generous col-operation which have hitherto been extended! to it from ever v quarter of the Union. ; 1 The Daily Sun is a four-page sheet of 28 columns, price by mail, post paid, 65 Jcents a month, or 6.5Q per year. ; The Sunday edition o'f The Srx is an eight-page sheet of 66,columns. While giv ing the news of the day,it also contains a large amount of literary and miscellaneous matter bpecially prepared for it. The Scnday Sun has met with great succees. Poet paid$l.- 20 a year. - The Wceklv 3ttn Who does not know Thb Weekly Suk ? It circulates throughout' the United States, theCanadas, and beyend. Ninety thousand families greet its welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of goide, counsellor, and friend. It3 news, editorial, agricultural, and literary department! make it essentially a journal for the family and fireside. Terms : ONE DOLLAR a year, post paid. This price, quality considered, makes it the cheapest newspaper published. For clubs often, with $10 cash, we will send an extra copy free. Address PUBLISHER OP THE SUN, nor 2 New York Citr. Miscellaneous. La aosse DES ASSUEANOES ASSURANCES ,i -i1 OF PARIS, FKAN3E. Ar1! -V. . Paid up Casli Capital Cash Assets 'i . . JOSIM ftb 181 UMBRELLAS I n ! ' -- AN INVOICE OF GEJiT'S 1 I i ; Silk and Gingham Umbrellas Also, a Sample Lot of - I i Ladies' Parasols, a few (very handsome. -.1 i ! DRESS; GOODS. EXAMINE OUIi 1 Heavy Vfasli Pij)liissB 1 at 10 cents per j ard. For Bargains in BLEAC HED GOODS call on A GREAT REDUCTION N ALL KINDS OF 800DS FOR ' Men -and Boy's Wear. i ' i . IX SMALL SIZE : i iWhUc Coiton Hose for CMlta. 1 Will be sold at one-third their value: "1 I ' ' WILL ALWAYS FIND SOMETHING New, ( Iiep & Atiraclive as our increased sales justify us ' , In Ordering .Goods Daily feb 10 A JEWEL, THE PEARL SjHIRT IS TRULY And is growing daily more popular. I keep constantly on hand a larce suddIv and those in need of such an article of wear will find them the best Shirt in the market for th price. They are "Without an Equal ! ONLY 51 .OO i APIECE ! A, DAVIDi ' The Clothier fb 1 From Florida. Received to-d.y a supply .of the Sweetest of Florida Ojj-anges and Large Red Bananas, Spitzenburg, Baldwin and Russe I Apples, also on hand at' S. G. ORTHROP'3, feb 19 Fruit and Confectionery Stores. JOHN WEMER, JpORMEBLY OF RICHMOND, VA., per sonally in attendanco at Hair Dressing Sal oon, No. 11 North Front Street, South of Purcell House,' Wilmington, N, C. None but the most experienced workmen empyedin thi3 establishment. ZSf Manufacturer of Tonics. Hair Oil. Cologne, Renovators, Dyes, Reautiflers, Ac, &c. I iaa 5. Why Suffer ? riTlI DANDRUFF IN THE nAlR when by calling at the Fashionable and pop ular Barber Shop in basement of National Bans building you can purchase I. Furmanski s Celeb ra- ted ILair Invigorator which I is br far the best that hag erer been used for that purpose, and EN TIRELY FREES the hair from it after a few trials. There is NOT THE 8LIGHTEST discoloring of the hair, but it produces a soft and pliable state of the hair. It is made only by the undersigned, and can be had at my Barber Shop under the Frst National Bank. I beg leaye respectfully to refer to the gen tlemen named below who hare use! my Jn vigorator, and hare authorized me to do so, as to the truthfulness of my statement, to wit: Gen. M. P. Taylor, Hon. A. H. Yn Bokkelen, Capt. D. L. Filyaw and Messrs. G. J.jBoney, S. H. Fishblate, Geo. A. Peck A HJ Kelley and many others too numerous to mention. - i feb 6 j . For Rent. PR0" ' NOf DpiU THEUt cf October and 3a North Water tJtreet, either separate or together : at preeent occnpild by the un dersigned. Possession can belgiren imme diately. Terms easy. Apply to E. PESCHAU A WESTERMANN. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 18, 1878. Miscellaneous. AGRICOLES ET DES GOUTE UIWCEWDIE $1,458,007,78 W. GORDOIT 6l DUO , Agents,) ii 21 North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. ORGE MYERS, 9, 11 A 13 S. PZlOZffTflT. - .1 - : ; . ... : I CASH RETAIL SALES AT Wholesale Prices ! - i - . i . ii have increascil our sales J' .Ouo Hundred Per Cfent ! v., ' ' 1 ' I1 '-,. I , 300 Barrels EXTUA FAMILY FLOUIt ; Our Own Brands : Verv LowJ , ' 5000 Pounds j 1 I X li Hams, Shoulders, (-inm and Dry Shit. , , 50 Basket i( GENUINE EEIDSIE, ( 621 PJnts, 22 Quarts. - 200; Boxes ..... J: ' j Choice Cakes and Crackers. 500 Cases : Can Fruits, Vegetables & Preserves. If you desire ' , GHOIGE COFFEE our Parcljd is the choicest jn! the , , market. Only Try if. ' t. I Our Delmonico Club IIous;,Blue Gfass Gem, tweet Mash and Smoky Hollowj Whiskeys stand this market! in quality and; price. We dely combe- , tition. Goods well bought are half sold, '':GEO.lINYERi: 0, 11 di 13 Soath Front Street. i jan-26 . I N : 1 Tl i AREi STILL ANXIOUS WITll i, THeir Already Large Trade! TO INCREASE IT, AND THEY Are MerffliM to flo So. IF BY BUYING GOOD GOODS LOW AND SELLING CLOSE will accomplish their end. They arc Receiving Daily FRESH SUPPLIES 1 of everything that you can name Should any mistakes ccctf as to Goods or Prices, they are not only willing but anxious to nie reparation. tS- They return thank to the friends' for their generous supp COME AND SEE THEM AT 9,7 48 Ilorth Front fltreet feb 25 ' ' . . Singer Sewing Macfttt PSQ A FINE 2fO. 8 ACOB-V STOTl For Sale Cheap, by . an 11 3rd 8treet Near Htfket BOATfiHIGHT H07 i !

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