LATEST NEWS. (New York Herald Cablegram-) PEACE. Signing of the Treaty at-San Stefano. March 4. 1878. The fol lowing announcement of the conclu sion of peace between iinsaia and Pur- key was received Jasi nigui. irum vv stantinople : The treaty of peace has been eigned (Sunday). "The Grand Dnko Nicholas anncunc ed the fact to the soldiers at a revievr at San Stef ano to-day. . "Russia has abandoned her claim on the Egyptian and Bulgarian tritH utes." A correspondent of the Times at San Stef ano is able to state that neither the surrender of a portion of the Turk ish fleet nor a claim on the Egyptian tribute is included in the conditions of peace, and there is no interference with the portion of Turkish revenue which is hypothecated to foreign cred itors. , ' , . Nothing is definitely settled relative to indemnity, but it will principally be in the form of territory in Asia, including Kars and Batoum, not Erzeroum. Salonica and Adrianople are not included in Bulgaria-. The Grand Duke Nicholas will prob ably visit Constantinople on Monday. It is said that he will move his head quarters to Ferikeni, within two mileb of Pera. The Daily Telegraph's Pera corres pondent professes to giva the condi tions of peace. He makes the indent nity fully as heavy as was reported on February 25 viz., one thousand four hundred million roubles, with 10, 000,000 sterling in bonds added, ihe Telegraph's list of conditions is ob viously incomplete. - St. Petersburg and Pera correspon dents confirm the report that the treaty of peace has been signed. At St. Petersburg the enthusiasm over the news of peace was nlmout un precedented. There was an immense crowd before the palace, shouting and singing "God Save the Czar." A- Pei a correspondent .says the treaty of peace was signed on Satur day. Thirty-one thousand . troops were reviewed at San Stefano. A To Deum was sung amid great enthusiasm. The Standard's correspondent at Vienna states that tho Austrian' and British Ambassadors have been in structed to protest if tho Iiussiaus enter Constantinople. The Agence Russe cites the special despatch from Vienna in ' the Daily Telegraph, of March 1, stating that the Russians were bent on entering Constantinople with, or without the Sultan's consent, and that England had notified Princo Gortschakoff that if Russia pursued the latter course the British Ambassador would bo ordered to quit St. Petersburg. The Agence Basse says thin report refers to a past phase of the crisis, since which the Russians have occupied San Stefano with the sanction of the Sultan. A special despatch to the Standard from Vienna asserts that two division of Austrians willjenter Bosnia in about ten days. The Telegraph's Vienna special says tho communication which so reassured Austria last week was to the effect that Russia admitted that the peace conditions had been aggra vated at the headquarters of the Grand Duke Nicholas, but she prom :sel notable modifications at the Con ference. Austria will not occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina if the con ditions are abandoned by which those provinces are cut off from communi otion with thereat of Turkey. Even : f the conditions are maintained Aiutria vould only resort to annexation at the suggestion of the Powers at the Conference. Hi New Advertisemets. (Sold King Found. GOLD RING WAS FOUND near the Corner of Third and Orange streets yester day afternoon. The owners name is engraved in it. Apply at this office. -inch 4 fJIO THE FRONT IN THE BOOK AND Stationery Business. Old Pictures Copied and Enlarged. Photographic Gallery in connection with Book Store, men 4 "A True Man." BY M. C. Stirling. Xo.253 Seaside Libra ry. 10 cents. "Lothair", by the Right Honorable B. Dis raeli. No 255 Seaside Library. 20 cents. "Lord Oakburn'8 Daughters," by Mrs.IIenfy Wood. No. 25G Seaside Library. 20 cents. "Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist", bv Henry Cockton. No. 259 Seaside Library. 40 cents. "That Boy of Norcott's," by Charles Lever. No. 257 Seaside Library. 10 cents. "Phyllis," by the Duchess. No. 253 Seaside Library. 10 cents. At S. JEWETT'S. feb 27 Front Street Book Store. Revolution in the Boot and Shoe Trade. TH.HOWEY, JR., No. 47 Market street, desires to return his sincere thanks for the patronage so liberally bestowed and will ir-vcfiUned the generous people of Wilmington um ue u now prepareu 10 snow an elegant and clean stock of BOOTS AND SHOES embracing the low priced as well as the nov elties of the season. I will convince all who favor me with a csll that I fully understand marking my goods at such low prices that they cannot fail to adretertise themselves. It will pay you to examine my stock before making jour purchases. THOS. H. HOWEY, Jb., No. 47 Market Street. feb 21 gUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILYIREVIEW. - 1 i at tL Th6 Mails. The Malls close and arrive City Fostonice as.iouows zj Northern through mails - - 0:00 1 M Nort hern through and way mails. 8:00 A M LlAKr, - 31 .jis ior mo . i i therefrom - -;- - "'i " " 0 00 1 Southern mails lor an points outu, p Western inails'cC. C. T. W.V dajly Fayetteville. and. omces .on uai U-AVCI'U J ' I! ) ! Mails for points along :Jini djf Che- L raw & Darlington It IjUi -! - - 1$09 A Ai Fayetteville by Warsaw, daily, (except Sundays) - I - - A Ai Mails for points between Florence r,,i rbarleston - - - - i -i " 10:00 A' M Onslow C.H.arKi intermediate oX. 1 rices every Friday - - - b:0U A 3i Smithville maiLv by steamboat, ' daily, (except Sundays) j K I , L 2:00 P M 1 Till 1 TVvurn ProoV Malis for Easy Hill, Town Greek, ; cvervKridavat - t - 3:00 P M 3 ARRIVE. 1 vnrtviom throuch mails i 4 i - 11:00 A M aronna euu iva" - - i i i'i . 1 Mails aenvereu irouiqcuui xv. i. M., and on Sundays from 8:$0 to 9:34) A. i . Stamp Oihce open from 8! A. M. to VI M., and from 2 to 5:30 P. M. Money oweraiu Register Departments open toea.i fctanip onice. - i ,. i . tamrc fnr saIp at jreneral delivery 7lijn stamp office is ciosed. I'i, , Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. 11 - Mails collected from street boxes every day at 5:45 P M. i I CAROLINA. ! i i The Wadesboro ArausWs to bb enlarged next week to an 8 page1 papcr j j Kerosene is 'ret''lcharlotte at 14 cents a gallon. , I i Charlotte Obsdie)': Capt .Ino. K. Moore breathed his last at his home iri this county night he.orc last, after ah illness of about two weeks , For the last six or seven vears Captairi Moore has beeu county survovor fbr IMecklen- "III 11. : J , Weld on News: A li.ilf i'fbf rnftoji' w.ns recently shipped over the Petersburg rail road which weighkl "iClj )ounds, beig oaii wnicn weignpu ::cyjj jiuuikis, uei- be heaviest bale shipppd from Wekloj his voar. It was- coJiisirne.:l to V. T Hubbard, of Petcrsburir. and was for- 7 r t . warded by Mr. W, II. Ilarris'inJ of illali- laivcouinv Chariot te Observer : A far load of Northern and Eastern railroad ticket agents passed through tills citi' last night via the Piedmont Airj Line, S0'1, tu a grand frolic at the '2Sew Orleans Mardi Gras, after wiiicli they! willT attend, the general ticket agents' convention atj.Tac; sonville, Fla., ou the Stbiinst, i ', Go'.daboro Messenger: J Col. ill uniphery contemplates the erection of another new store on Walnut- street, adjoining those just completed. The stord is to be 30 by! 75 feet, and we learn is to l)e occupied bv the new hardware lirm, Messijs. Smith,! j. ii nils i j Monroe Enquirec : , T lie I very i interest ing revival meeting spoil; en of in our-tiait issue is still continuing ,aml the interest manifested is "rowiiig more and more everyday. Services ate held every night and prayer-meet ing eVery morning. Up to this writing, Satjirdayj morning, there have been twenty conversions, and on Fri day night some twenty-five or thirty peni tents went forward lor prayers. Tbe con gregations are large, the! church being crowded every night;) It is expected to continue the meeting . during j the corning week, and ministerial assistance has been sent tor. List of .Letters. d - '.i The following 'is the list of letters re maining unclaimed in the Postofnce, Wil mington, N. C, Wednesday, March 1878 : I I I ' 1 ' r 5th .A Mess S A Adler, & Co, Mr General Atkinson, Jno Albro. f . B Saml Durney, .Johnliurney, JM Broadstreet, & Qb, Wm, II Bikeman, Miss Jennie M Bell Mrs Lvjcy Bethoy, Geo Bullett. - j :, C Joseph Cumfeer, David J- Cook, Anauslus Cobb, MissjDicy Coyanj . j D 11 G Dun j & I po, IVIl lpowsey, Cicero Davis, Miss Mary A Dos he-, Miss Annie Dewey. 1 . , ' 1 E Miss Mary Ellii, Miss Zilfy Eavens. F Miss L CFrcGnjan. , I G Master Jimmie' Gregory.' j! H Wm Hooper, Plato Hall, col'd, Jas II Howard, Mrs J Matildaf j Hillrhan, Mrs Catherine Haws, Mrs Drucill.a High smith, Miss Phoebo Hall dr Hill, Miss Betty Herring, Miss Sarah Hill, Seth M Hinglas. j ' : ) 1 J Write Johnson col'd, !I Jackson, Miss Jane C Johnson, Miss Louisa! Jones. airs ucorge i donQson.: I j L Saml TT T,wv sUl r ,1 fkins, col'd, -Wj . j j Ath Jessie B Lucas, Mss Marthal E Eliza Jane Lewis, Mrs I Maria'' Letvis. Miss PJ Lewis. M John McCofferty ; Henry McCall Aiiss iuarmay jucipamcl,! Miss Ida Mel ton, i '.' I David Pigford, (5) Evans Peterson, Tasbal Perdie, Jesse Tope, B F Price Andrew Pierce. , . KMaster Wm Register (2' Mr Linnol Rohinsou, Mrs Ann Buberson' Miss M E i.amsey. . j T Mr William Taylor, Susa Taft. ( - c) Miss S Edmon Smith. A L JSiwinson, Mrs Rebecco A Seigler, Mrs Betay Sass, Miss Dcna otraw. i ' I W Hanlv Whitn Wm A Whitehead, Geo Washington, Miss Minnie Williams ATr TTnt AV'nkU n " r i . , - Y-DrWFG Younjg I ! j Persons calling for letters in', above list will please say "advertised"'; if not claim ed in 30 days will be seilt !o dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. J . . j E. 11. BRINK, p il. Wilmington, X. C. Fresh Oaromels, C0C0AKUT. AND 4l PEANUT CAKDY, aiAUri ilAlLY AT j ! JAS. W. UPPJTT'Si f North Front St. feb 12 i COMMERCIAL NEWS. I WILMINGTON MA RTTTTr 1 Makctt5 I V M, i. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Marknt ouoted firm at 30 cents. .Later, we hear of sales of 50 casks at that figure. ! ROSlN Firm at 81 30 for Strained and 1 35 for. Good Strained. Sales at quota tions. ' i I i TAR Steady at 1 45i Sales at quota tions, j ! 1 I CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at 31 25 for Hard and$2l6 for Yellow Dip andVirgin, 1-5 off on Virgin. ; Sales of receipts at quota tions. ! 1 COTTON Market opened firm. No sales reported. Tne following are the official quo tations : .Ordinary Good Ordinarv Cents. I Strict Good Ordinary.,..... Liow ju.iaaiin? l... Middling U. Good Middling.... tt DAILY BBCEIPTS. j Cotton......!... j 5 bales Spirits Turpentine.... 113 casks Rosin , 1,260 1 bbls iar 486 " Crude Turpentine........... ili " MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Gov Worth WrrtVi Vurrt i Worth & Worth. i . ' ' Steamer Wavp- TinriRnn i "Pavottv111- Williams & Murchisor stearher North East, Taddison, Point Cas well,. Paddison. I l Steam-yacht Tassport, Harper, Smlthvillei Geo Myers. : C2 4- -h TT., .1 1. ill -r j 1 i t ;n oLctiiiici uiiueimu, juaLuam, fciniinvnie, O (i Parsley & Co, " ' :Swd brig Adele, Maria, St Nazaire, Gran dal, It K lleide. , : CLEARED. Steamer Gov Worth. Worth Fnvpttpvillpi Worth & Worth. Steamer Wave. TCnhpervn TTavpttovillp.. Williame it'-Mnriliiitnn i V Steamer North East, Paddison1, Point Cas- wen, lauuisau. i ! . Steam-yacht Passport! Pngh, JSmithville, Geo Myers. , Steamer i TTndftrhill duen.-n Kmit.hvillfi. j kj l ursiey &. t o. i . DION TIILY STATEMENT OF STOCK ON HAND MARCH 1, 1878. Cotton ashore 1.... 2,835 atioit 3,854 total. 7,68b Spirits ashore G,330 afloat : 2,759 Tfotal. i' i - Rosin ashore, afloat... 9,089 i 86,668 2,263: Total 88,931 Tar ashore 5,907 5,206 afloat Total. 11,113 Crude ashore 5,096 j, afloat.. Total r. 5,096 RECEIPTS FOR THE MONTH ENDING MARCH 1, 1878 voiion Spirits..;.. Rosin.... L. rt . i . I 7,649 7,311 47,323 Tar..., 10,196 21,557 Crude........... EXPORTS FOR THE 110NTH ENDING MARCH 1,1878. Domestic. Cotton.. Spirits...."; j 3,179 406 il,305 1,217 30 ltosin.... Tar,:.. Crude Foreign. Cotton. J Spirits... Kosin...., Tar 3,215 17,882 41,236 Crude .. 1,091 List or Vessels in Port Fehruarv 27, . 'i I 187-;. I 1 BARKS. Atlantic, Get. S9 tons. Sclierine-. I i E Peschau & YVesterinann Melvina Schutt, Ger, 339 tons, Kroger, I E Peschau & Westeimann Aleteor, Nor, S30 tons, Jhnii, f1 Paterson, Downing & Co Gertrude, -Er, 3,96 tons, Dancy, j . ' Alex Sprunt & Son 2STorniand, Nor, 216 tons, Sorensen, , !"'-; Williaais & Murchison Ceres, Ger, 384 tons, Doellner, EG Barker & Co R!o De LaPlata, Sp, 245 tons, Auzorandie,! i , RE Heide Margaretha, Ger, 572 tons, Masseilus, ' , E Peschau & Westermanxr Mercur, 3CTor, 1G5 tens, Laurenborg, f 1 R EHeide i BRIGS. . Gem, Br, 2S1 tons, Richardson, ' i Pateraon, Downing & Co. HiMiag, Nor, 234 tons, Elingen, K E lleide 1 SCHOONERS. Sallie Hair. Am. 257 tons, Powell. l ji r arsiey ss w lggms E $ Powell, Am,j577 tons, Williams, 1 ! Williams & Murchison Menawa, Am, 211 tons, Fairchilds, , Jforthrop & Cumming J 1 Cotter, Br, 139 tons, Thurber, ' ' E Kidder & Sons Emily II Xaylor, Am, 280 tons, Fish?r, I Robinson & King Stampede, Am, 145 tons, Dow, ! . Worth & Worth Argo, Am, SO tons, Cooper, 1 Harriss & Howell II P Prescott Ajn, 101 tons, Nuryman, Harriss A Howell ErneBt T Lee, Am, 172 ton3, Blachford, ' JUM Kate G Robinson, Am, 293 tons, Severy, Harvisa & Howel Care Used i i UND LOW JPRICES ADHERED TO, at BURBANK'S Pharmacy. TUY THE "OLD GtJARD' half dime Cisar from i.CURBANK'S Corner Fro nt and feb 19 i PHARMACY. Princess Streets. For Sale- TWO COPPER TANKS, in good orJ !er also, a second-hraxi liUlljt.K. Apply DAILY REVIEW OFFICE, Coroer Chestnut and Water streets nov 13 ! at Silver Sewins Machine A ND A FINE NO. 8 ACORN STOVE ' ! i ' - i For Sale Cheap, by ! - j i C. 23. JSVSXXS, anil j 3rd Street Near, Market, j j Corrected Erery Thursday by i PETTEWAY & SCIIULKEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND PRODUCE BROKERS, 1 Wilmington, N. C. WSOI.23SilI.Il FZLZC23S. ! The following qnoUtioni represent the wholesale prices generally. 1 In making np small orders higher prices have to be charged. TT u nnny xouDie Ancnor. i3K ;i3 13 2Y Doable Anchor "A" J Standard Domestic jstic J BACON North Carolina, ......... j Shoulders, V 2 8 10 i 15 7 7 i oiues, p 10A V estern Smoked- Hams.. Sides, V lb. 9 8 Shoulders Dry Salted Sides, J A "A 4 00 26""; BEEF Live weight... J BARRELS Spirits Turpentine! 2A i Second Hand, each 1 75 New York,each, new 2 00 BEESWAX fi 25 BRICKS Wilmington, M 8 00 010 00 n orinern .... BUTTER North Carolina & Northern, ,.. CANDLES Sperm Tb Tallow, f lb...' A daman tine, y set CHEESE , Northern Factory, B) ... Dairy cream, y lb State, fi COFFEE Java, f Rio, a Laguyra, lb CORN MEAL $ bushel.... 00 15 25 25 00 12 14 Oi 25 35 40 00 UA 14 MA oo . 30 19 , 24 12A 4 13 33K 22 75' 6 DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 yard.. V VIA Yarn,! T$ bunch 95 F1SH- Mackerel, No. bbl....!6 00 No. 1, Kbbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl....l3 50 No. 2, y bbl 7 50 Mackerel, No. 3 y bbl....00 00 Mullets, ibbl... 3S 50 N. C. Herring, y bbl 5 00 20 00 9 00 0O-0G 0 CG 10 50 3 75 8 00 0 00 CO 50 50 25 75 25 Dry Cod, y ib. FLOUR Fine, y bbU 0 00 Super, JNorthern, y bbl... 0 00 Extra do " V bbl... 0 00 Family " y bbl... 8 00 City Mi!lEz,.Super bbl... 7 " Family bbl... 7 " Ex. Family bbl... 8 FERTILIZERS I Peruvian Guano, y 2000 fts. 58 00 50 00 i 00 C0 00 00 00 51 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 55 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 Baugh's Phosphate " " 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer " " 45 00 Ground Bone, Bone Meal 1 " ! Flour Navassa Guano, Complete Manure " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 50 bo " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 Whann's Phosphate ' 1 Wando Phosphate, " ; KorororAHrntT'eUno ici gci a,ui uu euuB i Wilcox. Gibb & Co.. ma " 00 00 nipulated Guano. ....L... 4 GLUE- H.. .... 00 9 67 60 15 75 62 60 00 ! 12 20 05 GRAIN Corn,8tore,f 56fl)s I 72 Corn, cargo, y 56 fts 60 Corn, yel., y btuhei.. ...... None. Oats, y bushel...... 50 Peas, cow, y bushel... 95 HIDES Green, y fi 7 Dry, y fi 10 HAl -i-Eastern, y 100 lbs... 1 10 North River, V 100 lbs.... 95 HOOP IRON y .'ton 80 00 85 00 LARD Northern y lb....... 10 11 North Carolina y m 11 12A 0 00 LIME y bbl 1 25 LUMBER City steam sa'wd Sbipstuff,resawed,Mft.24 00 27 00 Rough edge plank. M ft. 22 00 25 00 West India cargo, Record- 1 ing to quality, y M ft.. .15 00 18 00 DresBed flooring,seasoced.20 00 35 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, y M ft .........15 00 23 00 00 35 33 25 27 MOLASSES Cuba.hhdgl 3 I 1 1 1 3, 15 00 1? 37 Cuba, bbls., y gal. 40 29 65 75 17 45 10 40 10 bo 00 00 00 Sugar house, hhds. y gal. Orleans Choice bbls. y gal. 60 NAILS Cut,:,20dto4d,'53k'f 85 16 10 00 30 75 65 50 OILS Kerosene, y gal Lard, gal .. Linseed, y gal Kosin, y gal.. PEANUTS y buahel. i. ...... . POTATOES -Sweet, y bus. Irish, Northern, y bbl. PORK Northern. city mess. 14 50 Thin, y bbl....... 00 00 , Prime, y bbl (extra). ......12 75 Rump, y bbl 1 09 00 00 00 RICE Carolina, y 3b 6A 1A East India, lb. ..... 00 75 1A 1A 6 60 80 80! 45. 75 $A 10A Q0 00 Rouffh, y bushel... 00 2 2 22 00 85 00 00 RAGS Country, y lb? City, ilb... 4. ROPE. -. SALT Alum, ? sack...... Liverpool, y sack American sacs Marshal's fine, y sack Cadiz y sack SUGAR Cuba, y lb.... Porto Rico, y lb... 10 00 10 A 9 A UA 1A 00 00 00 !Ai-Cofiee, y lb ..1 I JJ " ;W IT). c " y e ; Ex C y Tb , I Crushed y Tb..... SOAP Northern, y Si IINGLES Contract, yll ' Oominon, y M...J Cypress saps y M Cvure38 hearts, y M ....... 00 5 00 25 50 00 6 3 0 10 00 25 00 STATES W. O. bbl. M.15 00 I ROhhd. y E..... QO 00 Cypress, y U 10 DO TALLOW 3b..... 1:9 TIMBER Shipping y M...12 00 00 00 18 00 10 13 00 Mill, prime per M. s-bu 10 00 i Mill, fair per M .... 50 00 25 50 18 28 50 00 60 25 20 30 - Inferior to Ordinary,per M WHISKEY North'n, per gl North Caroina, per gal ..! WOOL Unwashed, per 3b... Washed, per 3b The Best in the World. W, a SPRUM f AT EXCHANGE COENEE, IS SOLE AGENT for the best Scissors and Needles in the World- ' Those who desire the BEST GOODS should call and select any style of R. J. Roberts' RAZOR STEEL SCIfisSORS, and a paper of R. J. Roberts Patent "P4rabold"j Gold-Eye NEEDLES. Also, Buttonhole and Gentle man's Pocket Scissors. . 1 ' " feb 2S . !. . j New Painting Establishment i c b. sunn & co. ' . ' ! r rpHE UNDERSIGNED j respectfully an nounce their readiness to execute all orders for ! i HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL j PAINTING ! in all its branches, promising promptness and efficiency in execution and low prices. Rooms on Second street between. Market and Dock. i i C. E. BURR. ADRIAN WILLIAMS DOT 6 Lliscollaneous. unAmwDTnn m ARE mm DUiiiirmuni STILL !N THE FIELD! FOR WE C,VN T COMPAJX, . I - !- Though nparly eveiy one yoii meet complains of Dull Times. But comrades in the . R e't a HQ voce r y, Line KEEP GOOD GOODS, '2 seLl'thsm OLOE l And we vert believe you will sajr, like ourselvep, "Thete is Life in the'oid Land yet". To bur customers and the public j generally we will sell even Lower thau ilje Lowest ! published irices we have seen. Our receipts of FRESH GOODS ! 1 j this week j. Have Been Large. COME, AND SEE US BOATWWGHT & MCKOY 5. 7 St 8 Ifforth Front Street. inch 4 UMBRELLAS ! I : 1 . t ' AN INVOICL: OF, GENT'S Silk and Gingham Umbrellas j Also, a Sample Lot of Ladles' Parasols, a few very handsome. I HSDRICK. DRESS GOODS ! I I EXAMINE OUR Heavy Wash Poplins, at 10 cents per yard. I For Bargains in BLEACHED GOODS call on HEDRZCK. A GREAT REDUCTION IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS Men and Boy's Wear. I ' - '!! - S22DZIZCK- , . IN SMALL SIZE iWiiile Cotton- Hoseifor CMten. Will be sold ai cne-third their value. ' : I- I .j. WILL ALWAYS FIX d SOMETHING New, Cheap & Attractiyc .1 1 . I as our increased sales joatify us In Ordering Goods Daily 1 1 i ZSDZLZCZE1 feb 13 Painting. WHERE TOU CAN GET VOUR Paint inff done with dipatch, neatness an at reasonable rates is atf C. C. PARKER'S PAINT SHOP, one door North of Old Jail building on Prin cess street. HOUSE, 5HIP and SIGN Painting done and satisfaction guaranteed. Great care is giTento small jobs. 1 may 16 I ! - A LARGER TRADE IEot Boys. i - i Hiscellanooua. 5 u o o Q O tt CO s O 31 fcJ I P til K3 to I CO Oi ! o 00 g c q q i b iin S s; B t oq " 00 & P1 S S A m 2 o o I o 8 1 L S-S-: ' j C ' r. . S ft gj "I .1. a 1 m ! 'B- : S .? S O 3 ' : I 5J- co - T m : : ST- I I S i i I O d i !,- r i lE-'-g 1! I M 'g . ! 3 5" CD I O O o CO O o a HI o o 1 Festival and Auction. rp.II i LADIES OF TUB FIRST Baptist Church will b7glad to see their ' fiicndi and all who will call, at a Flaiiyal iniNo. 3 ; I h i l i Graiiita Row, Front street, onjiTUESPAY V ' ' ' V. If , 1 7 . ; and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS,1 March - V '' I ' ' 1 h "' SthandCth. The best Ovsters, lice Cream'. 1 . , M -1, ...Kjjf Cake and other delicacies will be scrred up in tempting style. I . . ' M. ' A novel feature will be the tale of "Pound Packae-ei" "siffht unseen", tn th hTi. bidder. Come and see. I ; mch 2 ave in A' LARGE" STOCK OF Furniture and Bedding ALL GRADES) And olfer same' to Bujeisi at LowlDown . -.- Prices for Cash.1'! P. A.' SMITII & CO., mch 4 Furniture Dealers. In Store and to Arriyie. 5 CO Bbls. FLOUR, 500 Bbls. MOLASSES, 100 Boxes Di 8. Meat?, . h 50 Bbls. Pork, 50 Bbls. Sugar, 100 Bags Coffee, ' Also,Mullets, Mackerel, Rice,Soap, Starch Brooms, Tubs and Buckets. ' 1 , We make SALT a specialty. ' M BINFORD. LOEB & CO. - I " I II 1 i mch 4 Wholesale Grocers. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. Gents' Furnishing Goods. ' 1 Gents' Furniahinir Goods. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Gents' Furnishing Goods. " Pearl Shirts ! Pearl Shirts! hirts! I 1, . T Pearl Shirts J ! One Dollar I One Dollar 1 ! .' I J One Ddllar! ! New Goods, New Styles, New Prices, at ' i r ;-. " ' . ;At DA VXD . mch 4 I The Clothier. THOS. J. SOTJTHERLAND T vk- i.'--.'-i . JT I VERY AND SALE STABLES j, Corner Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, N. C. S. Horses and Vehicles for hire at rea sonable rates. Excursion parties , to! the Sound and country accommodated. 1 I " may 26 ; , y OFFICE OF ME CAROLINA CEN TRAL RAILWAY COMPANY j 1 Wilmington, N. i).t March 1 1878. Notice A LL PARTIES TO WHOM THE Carolina Central Railway were JcstljKln debted for services rendered or supplies furnished prior to the Road passiDg- into the hands of Receivers on April 5th, 1876, will please present the .same at once lor examination and payment. i I. B. GRAINGER, mch ' Receiver. From Florida- I i , . ... ..j JJECEIVED TO-DAY a supply j of the Sweetest of Florida Oranges and Large Red Bananas, Spitzenburg, Baldwin and Basse I t i'i Apples, also on hand at I 1 G. O. NORTHBOP'8, feb 19 Fruit and Confectionery 8tores.Q Werner & Prempert's Tonso rial Booms, - j JOS. 11, North Front and 7 South Front Streets. Satisfaction guaranteed. None but the most experienced workmen employed In these establishments. I -J i ! 1 Manufacturers of Tonics, Qalr Oil, Cologne, Renorators, Dyes, Beautiflers, Ac, Ac. . mch 1 i I I 1 l