- THIS PAPER published every afternoon, Sundays ex cepted by JOSH. T. JAMES, KDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. vpir. 25 00 Six months, S2 50 ; Three ww j w - months, $1 25 ; , One month; 50 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in any part of the city, at the aDOve rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal Subscribers will please report any and . il 1 1 11 filore8 to receive weir papers reguiariy. Now Advertisements. Sale f Bankrupt Stock. BROWN & RODDICK 45 XTCAXIXHBT ST. Having purchased A VERY LARGE LINE of WHITE GOODS AT AUCTION from the BANKRUPT STOCK of Ewing &. Co., of Boston, We o.Ter the same for the inspection oil the public. Great Inducements Will be offered in order to EFFECT IMMEDIATE SALES. Plain, Plaid and Striped Nainsook Mus' lins, Victoria Lawns, Swiss Mus lins, Piques, Hamburg Edg ings, Insertions, &c.f &c. THE LOW PRICES ! at which we have marked these Goods caunot fail to attract purchasers. JUST Novelties in Ladies' Neck Wear, Cravats and Bows. .We have just received a beautiful line of Black Dress Materials, all of this season's importation. Don't fail to examine them before you make your purchases. Always on Hand the Leading Cottons At the Lowest Market Prices. 44 Lake George A A Sheeting, 7 J cents. J A Tt 1 " 1 A it 1 s-2 lvoc&inguam jx. ij wuis. 4-4 Fruit of the Loom " , 10 cents. 4-4'Androscoggin 10 cents. 4-4 Hill ' 10 cents. 4-4 Wamsutta, t12 cts. A CHOICE LOT OF CALICOES, new styles, andvery beautiful colors, just re ceived. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas. In order to close out stock we have re duced the price of thoss fine PARASOLS and SUN UMBRELLAS, which were so popular last season, from $4.00 to $1.50 each. ' We have only a few left, and the best way to secure one is to call at once and make a selection. 1 45 Market St. mch G Must be Sold. MTIHE BALANCE OF MY FALL AND Winter Stock of GENTS AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, moat be sold and they will be sold, too, re gardless of cost. I go North next week and will close out stock on hand at Low t Lower !! Lowest 1 !! prices A. 8SXLXI1XI, Market si. mch 5 Prescriptions Carefully QOMPOUNDED AT BURBANK'S Pharmacy. JUNE CIGARS AND TpBACCO at - BURBANK'S PHARMACY. Corner Front and Princess Streets. fST Wiaes and Liquors for medicinal use. inch 6 Musical Instruments ! VIOLINS, ACCORDEOXS, GUITARS, IIARMOXICAS, BAXJOS, FLUTES, and FIFES, VIOLTX HOWS, IIOXES, STRIXaS,dc. , YATES' rah 11 r Book Storo & Photo. Room. M mmm m -a ' TT 'Ten Tiiousana a lear.: XY Samuel Warren. No. 274 Seaside Li- m a i mi J , m.v vtuu, "A Shadow of the Threshold", by Mary Ce cil Hay. No. 275 Seaside Library, 10 cts, The Page of the Duke of SaToy", by Alex- M 1. . O y 9 1 I anaer uamu. o. io oeuiae uunrj, 10 cents. 'Brother Jacob,"by George Eliot. No. 277 Seaside Library, 10 cents. "The Water Witcb,' by J.Feaimore Cooper. No. 151 Lakeside Library 15 cents. For sale at 8. JEWETrS, mch 11 Front Street Book Store. BROWN RODDICK r 1 1 VOL. 3J LOCAL' NEWS. New Advertisements. t'cJ.' Watson A GillicanDissolution Not . . Jkwett "Ten Thousand a year." A. Shrieb Most be; Soldi I Mdnson A- Co Boys' Suits. Manninu Hocsk Bab Lager Beer 5 Cents per glass. , h.i McMillan & Watkins Notice Dissolution. Petteway & Schulkes Bargains are Ob tained by Knowing Where to Buy. Shad are plentiful and cheaper. Now 13 the time to trim rosebushes. A man alwavs feels put out when he is taken in. The Ger. barque Violette is reported in below. 'it1 j i 1 i with! ! ends of lace White Swiss scarfs are again worn. 1 Peanuts vary from five cents! a piuj; to nve cents a quart, i r j . . Yesterday's rainj was welcome to every body and especially to the truckers. Second Btreet, .North! jof Princess, is being improved with a layer of ballast J 4- The 7 A. M. Lenten services are gen orally very well attended these pleasant Spring mornings. Dainty silk handkerchie are formed which i arc into lauies ureaKiast cans tasteful and becoming.! The style of dressing the hair with la bet ween dies is about an even thing now the doorknob and pitcher handle , pat terns, j . ! The modesty of individuals! who might be behevolent'is still of reat intensity ,and, as a natural result, so is the suffering among the poor. Read the ad. of the Manning House Bah The price of beer has been put down to live cents a glass, arid, thp drinking com munity seeni to appreciate it. ' 1 J Samuel Bowles used I to say tbiere was a sixth sense the 'newspaper! sen$e. Toere is also a seventh sense nonsense. This paragraph is a specimen of it. i f ; , ' . . . t The housewives in that section artj re oiced to know that . Mr. -R. Thorburn is about to open a bakery ' on Third j street, m ; . ; j I A young man in the fifthlWatd says it requires a very eloquent tongue; to make a widow believe that a red nose is produced by a frequent rush of blood toj the head. On one side of the trade dollar is a young lady in a nightgown sitting on a bale of cotton 'holding an olive branch ijnher ex tended hand. Who can resist Ifris silent i e , i-. i ! i uppeui tor peace c The beautiful flowering moss is now in full bloom in the woods around, the city and the young folks of the new generation seek it every day as eagerly as their par ents did a quarter of la century ago. The most enterprising 'piano manufac turers of this countryj have already prepar ed their circulars announcing that they were awarded the grand prize at the Paris Exhibition for the best and sweetest-toned instrument. ' Through travel is rather light just now. Inconsequence of the advanced season there are but few hearth seekers going Floridawardrs and as it is rather early for the spring trade there, are not many merchants as yet bound North. This is the kind of jveathef in which to take cold. Do not be deceived by the flight of birds northward, by the stidden rising of windows or by ihe sounding of accordeons at midnight.. Summer is not liere. Keep on your thick stoes, and if you wear a red flannel pen'wiper on your chest do not take it off until turkey's eggs are in bloom. 1 j Ij Ilrnipnial. Dr. W. C. Green, formerly of tl is city, but now a practicing physician in SkLouis, is to be married in that city to-morrow eveninsr, to Miss MeJlie J. Mouljton. The cards state that the cerernonv is to take place at 8 o'clock, and that a reception ii to be held at o,70S' NortWNiutli street, the residence of t he bride's parenls, jfroin 9 lo 11 o'clock. 1 , Dr. Green is a Wilraiugtinr boy, stKiond son of the late Col. Jame G. Greun, and only a few years si dee removed to St. Louii, where we understand that he has already-secured a good practice. We tec der our best wishes for the success and bappiness of himself and jhis bride. I ' To an already well established reputa tion, are constantly added the wannest praises of travellers who have enjoyed the hospitalities of the Grand Central Hotel, New York. I ' I ! ! , : I ! j -. 1 - ' j .. WILMINGTON, N: C, TUESDAY, MARCH Then and Now. It is said that the winter of 182930 surpassed, the present one in jmildness. Farmers' ploughed every month of the sea son, and no snow fell until February 2. It was followed, howeveij, by a cold, backward spring with a snow storm in May which killed the returning swal lows. Personal. ' Col. Wm. Lamb, of Norfolk, one ol the gallant defenders of Fort Fisher, was in tlie city yesterday and registered at the Purcell House. Col Lamb's visit was altogether on private business, and it was not generally known to his many friends in this city, that one of the he roic defenders of Fisher, who was so deservedly popular in this community in the time that tried men's grit, was in our midst until after his departure this morn ing. .. y.' i i i . Deserved Promotion. I i Mr. George W. Bryan, who has been telegraph operator at Rocky Point for two years, has if been appointed operator and agent at Halifax on the Wilmington and Weldon railroad. Mr. Bryan has a fine record for honesty, capacity, and de votion to duty and we are pleased to hear of hi'sj promotion. He I is succeeded at Kocky Point by that promising and clever young gentleman, Mr. William H. Newell, who is a good telegraph I operator, and quite popular, and acceptable iu his present position. I False Alarm. Last night about ten o'clock there was I quite a stir made by the Hook and Ladder company starting out with their truck and running down Market street while1 'the gong which is attached to the truck sounding with every revolution, of the wheels; caused everybody around in the vicinity to wonder what the matter was and if there was a fire where was it? But no one could tell. So the gallant Hook and Ladder boys, like the famed crown head recorded in history, turned around and "marched up the hill again," ; until they reached the Hook and Ladder Hall, when the truck was safely stored away, and the members of the company quietly stole away to their little beds. For tunate- lv no general alarm was given and the engines did not all come out. Magistrate's Court- (The coloredman John Munson,an account of whose arrest was made in yesterday's issue of the Review, found in possession of a laitern with initials of the C. C. R. W. Co., stamped on it, which he was trying to dispose of forj the whole amount of ten cents, was brought to trial to-day before J usticc E. D. Hall, and in default of bond for the sum of two hundred dollars held for trial at Jthe April term of the Criminal Court of this county. - The trial of Samuel Robinson, appoin ted for 11 o'clock to-day, was necesarily postponed by Justice Hall on account of the absence of witnes:es for the detendaat. The trial is again set for 11 o'clock to morrow. Hotel Arrivals. , Purcell House. Wilmington, N. C., March 11. Cobb Bros, proprietors. F A Jones, New York; C E Bleuen, Torledo, Ohio; J L Inches and wife, Fre denston, NB;J C Bartlett, Richmond, Va; George S Davis, Enfield, N C; Joshua L LuHsden, North Carolina; George Z French, City; D D Barber, S C; James B Turner, N B; Capt Bartelow, Capt Morris, St. John'siNB. 12th. A V Hart, New York; H J Marsh, WT Linton, Baltimore, Md, Thomas Williams 'and wife; Vernon, Oneida Co, N Y; R W Clark; New York; J P Ray, Boston, Mass; Jotn W'Hmspn, New York. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Oflice at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o clock : Augusta, Ga.........65 Cairo, 111 ..55 Charleston,. S C....68 Cincinnati. ..66 Corsicina, Tex....i.50 Jlatteras ..54 Fort Gibson, C. N.46 GaWeston 61 Indianola .....64 Jacksonville, Fla.J.67 KnoxTille.. ...... 75 Lynchburg. ........ .59 Memphis, Tenn 5G Moblie, Ala ...C6 Montgomery AU...C5 New Orleans 66 New York....!. .37 Sarannah, Ga.......65 Shrereport.. ...55 St. Louis Mo 49 St. Marks, Fla.....i00 Yicksburg, Miss.. ..58 Washington, D C 41 Wilmington, N. C.64 I Tbe Queen of the Oven. I A breakfast-biscuit or tea-roil made with Doolet's Yeast Powder's is certainly the qneen of the oven so . light, white, and delicious. Yon lift it tenderly, break it open gently, spread it daintily with fresh, sweet butter, waiting to be gracious. After breakfasting on biscuits made with Dooley' Yeast Powdeb, what' man would contemplate suicide or grumble because his wife asked him for money ? h Postal Dots. 1 The Railway Age, a spicy little paper published by piail agents and in the jin terest of that fraterLity, bontains seme items of interest everywhere, j We glean a few dots : j i The name mail agents 4s generally ap plied to every man whoj distributes mail on the railways, but there is a distinction. The men employed on' the through ' lines are called route agents; those on short lines, mail rDUte messengers. ' When jon the lines tvhere it is necessary to have two or more men to attend to the distri bution of the different classes of mail mat ter, such parties are called railway post-office-clerks. There is a difference in the salary of each. j The territory of the Uuited States is divided into nine divisions by the Post office Department, with a superintendent to each of the , divisions. North Carolina is in the fourth division, the superinten dent of which is L. M. Terrill, with head quarters in Atlanta Ga. The employes of the railway mail ser vice take more pride in their business than almsot any other employes of the govern ment. This is because each man stands upon his record. Every misseiit letter or package is reported to the division super intendent daily, aud there is no possibility of saddling the blame on the wrong man. During the year ending July lsj;,! 1877, there were distributed 675,696,858 letters, and 163,736 were missentJ It therefore follows that only one letter in evary 2,500 was missent. - ' I Mail Route to Point Caswell. The contemplated new mailj route be tween Wilmington and Point Caswell by steamer, has made some of the citizene about Moore's Creek and vicinity fearful that they will, in consequence, be de prived of mails. To all such we would say that the weekly mail between Long Creek and Point Caswell will be contin ued as heretofore. We have seen a letter from Hon. A. Mh Wjaddell to that effect, and also he has written twice to other parties in that vicinity to he same effect. The mail from Rooky Point to Long (Creek will be semi-weekly after the 1 16th inst., and as before to Point Caswell by land. We mention this fact in order that our subscribers in Pender county may ! rest satisfied on the subject of mails between Rocky Point and Point Caswell. The people in that entire sec tion are much pleased at the prospect of a new mail route, by water, between this city and Point Caswell, but at the same time jdesiro that the old routes should stand and be increased iu service. Now is the time for those in need of additional mail facilities to strike aud to make known their . wants ' to our - Representa tive. ' I Murder Will out. r Ben MicAlister, an escaped "penitentiary bird who was arrested by officer Van Soelen a few days ago I and who was held for an investigation by Justice Harris, had a preliminary examination this morn ing which lasted some three hours. jThe charge against McAlister is the murder of Mr. Ben Smith in Lumbertpn, Robe son county, some four years ago. jjThere were no eye witnesses to the deed exam ined, but by Ben McAlister's own con fessions' to his fellow laborers on board of a river fiat, which were made in a boast ing and defiant manner, he 1 let "the j cat out of the bag," and also acknowledged his guilt in the killing of a boy in Cum berland county, some time ago, for which he was tried,! and con victed only ot manslaughter. He was sentenced to the "penn" for a term of years, from which hei escaped and has since then foiled the vigilance of ' the law until a few days; zo. Relative to the manslaughter of which he was con victed, he states he killed the mau with a hatchet, and. then placed the handle in his victim's hand to create the impression that the hatchet flew off the handle striking the man on the head and causing his death. Ben his at hai command the arts and wiles of an old offender and laughs at the charge against him jas simply ab surb, and says he can prove an alibi if he is permitted to p ick bis own witnesses. He was commited to jail to await a trial atthe next term of Superior Court of Rob eson Jcoonty which, we think, convenes on Monday the 25th inst at Lumbertonj His Honor Judge Eure presiding. Mothers, Motners, Mothers. Don't fail to procure Mcsv Wixslow's Soothing Syrup for all diseases of teeth ing in children. It relieves the child from pain, cures wind colic, regulates the bowels, and, by giving relief andhfuith to tha child, gives rest to the mother. ; 12, 1878. NO. 36 MARRIED. In this city, Tuesday evening, March 12th, bjeT E A' Yates Mr- R- T. HAWES, i??iin coant7 anl Miss MARY 8. Mc CALEB, of Wilmington. ! NewAdvertisemets. Boys' Clothing ! TO ,IFTEEX;YEARS,selling at C50, $7.50 and $3 per suit. An, IMMENSE reduction. We want to close'all out. I IUXUN30Iir & CO-, mch 12 Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. Notice-Dissolution, rpHE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex isting nnder the! name and style of MCMIL LAN & WATKINS, in the Steam SaW and Grist Mill business, in Pender county, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L D. J. McMILUN, feb 27tb, 1878. JOHN WATKINS. mch 12-10t Lager Beer 5 Cents per JgEST WINES, 'LIQUORS and . Cigars. Pool and Billiard Table3 in thorough order at the mch 12 MANNING HOUSE BAR. Bargains are Obtained by Knowing I Where to Buy. TF YOU RE &.D THE ADVERTISEMENTS 1 ; i l ' "' I and will visit the different places of business enquire and examine the stock and quality, jyou will be convinced. ; I Meal, Lard, Candles, Soap Molasses, Sugrar, Coffee, Fish, Flour, Crackers, Cheese, Butter, Potatoes, Poultry, Egrgs, Ac, Ac. Pea?, Corn, Dried Fruits, Fertilizers, Ac. A Large and varied assortmen t of Tobacco, &c. Can be purchased from arid through us at bottom prices. We execute orders for-all description of Merchandise. - Receive and sell all descriptions of Pro duce. PETTEWAY & Brokers & SCnULKEN, Com. Merchants,' Next North Princess and Water Streets. . j mch 12 Notice of Dissolution. milE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE 11. existing under! tbe name ' arid style of G1LL.1CAN & WATSON has this day been 'dissolved by mutual consent, by the with drawal ol N. G1LL1CAN. j Thanking our friends and the public gen erally for their liberal patronage, we be speak for the new firm a continuance of the same. j ! N. GILLICAN alone is authorized to set tle accounts, land assumes all outstanding debts. Respectfully. 1 , The business will be continued at, the old staad by A. W. Watson. GILLICAN & WATSON. March 12 th, 1378. - r-- Steamer Passport UNTIL FURTHER Notice, will . - i Leave Wilmington, (la. m " Smith ville, 3 p. Parties can now visit fcmithville iand re turn the same day. , mch 11 GEO. MYERS. Agt. m. Bonitz's TEW HOTEL, I 11 GOLDSBORO, N. C. Board per day S2.00. Meals 50 cent3. Lodging 50 cents. , Located in the business part of the city. 3 First-class Restaurant attached to the hotel. i mch 11 Special Announcement ! New York Custbm-Made Clothing ! Having Received the1 Sole Agency in Wilmington for JSS IDevlixr Co., THE GREAT NEW YORK CLOTHIERS We are prepared to receive Orders for Custom-Made Clothing at Their i New Yokk Prices! Samples of Cloths with Prices, and fashion Plates showing the LATEST STYLES, can now bo seen at our Store. Gentlemen intending to order Dress or Business Suits will do well to call and examine our Samples, for we can supply them with Elegant Garments, at Short Notice, a LONG WAY UNDER Wilmington prices, while their Clothes wiljl have the Immeasurable Advantage of a New York Cut and Finish. ' . BROWN ..t RODDICK, mch 11 45 3larket street. Florida , Oranges. A NOT1IER LOT f tho SWEET FLORI DA ORANGES, probably the last of the season, received to-day. Bananas and Ap pies on hand. Freih Candies made to-day at i 15. G. NORTHROP'3, j inch 9 Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Dyeing and Scouring ! JADIE' i.ND GENTLEMEN'S DRES3 Goods I Dyed,JCleaned and Repaired. , i ' ' ALSO, 1 Felt, Straw and Leehorn Hat3 Dyed, Clean ed and Pressed in any shap or style desired. C P. REMSEN, ' jinH Carrie's Block. lite . -vV ml S2553U) PLEASE KOTICE. ' We will be clad ta receive eommnnirLtiAfL from our friends on any and all subjectf oi general interest.but : ' : j j ! The name of the writer must always furnished to the Editor. , . , CommunicatioM must be wiitten)onl on! ouo uue o tne paper. Pertonalitieainustbe avoided. j. ... i ,i Audit b especial- and particularly un -rtood that ie edtfor does not always endorse i we news ot correspondents, txnl n the editorial columns. JfeJ!e8.ior.crre?Poadente !ess Uo lUUd V New Advertisements ! BOATWRIGET S MOT I'll "Man wants but little hero below, ITor wants that little longl1 So wrote somo quaint old poet, but I gentlemen, you who aro! TO i posed to bo the heads bf i families let 1 1 r : ' Boatwright & McKoy advise you, if you love your jj peace of mind, don't gql horno and make the above quotation as re gards something to eatr I to your pives. If you do we verily bel ievc j you will exclaim, J i ''We wish the poet never had been born," The Good Women won't hjivQ or receive inferior Groceries ; I then the question arises 1 where can Good Groceries lie Foni ? i 1 i . n The )eople of Wilminnriori and the surrounding country havo'al- 'I f ' r.-.-iJ , Mi i - ready answered the quest iob.' by their generous support to us. CSa' Our receipts the were larger than they pasti wcelc iiavo L een for month?. 5, 7 & 8 north Tront Streets mch 11 ; i - i- . I . V 1878-1878. For Spring Tradd. STRAW MATTING, , KUGS, OILj CLOTHS. . I LOUNGES, j RATTAN CHAIRS CUJTMLS HAMPERS, &c. Buyers will fend our stock I of Furni '. ture, Ac, complete and our PRICES AS LOW as they ever were. Our stock was bought at Low Prices, and will be sold ac- D. A.SMITH & CO., '. mch 9 , Furniturl Dealers. Just In ! ! A N ELEGANT LINE OF SPRING and i i1 i Summer Cassimeres and Vjjsteds, te which lam making Dress antfluslnest Suits at prices extremely lowCa these 1 bald times. j ii Nobby antf sty Ftslflleady Made Suits, Just received, and the largest and handsomest stock of White Vests In the city. ALL NEW. STYLISH AND CHEAiY . j ji . Call and take a look Li passinar. and be sure to ?sk for the, PEAK flLRT, a Peer above Peers. i i Merchant Tailor and Clothier, Corner Front - . ; LJ . Crockery. Glassware,1 WE HAVE RENTED THE STORE NEXT north of oar Hardware Establishment. I and are having it fitted np for the purpose of ! putting in a large and well selected stock of CKOCKEItV, GL.VSSWAKE Ac which In now being purcliaed tor us at the North, i from first Iianda only, and for the Caab, which we are determined to sell at prlcea far below any ever obtained in thla market. ' , We will sell at Wholesale and ItetaU, and i will duplicate any prices that may be Offer ed in New York or Baltimore. I , l - No necessity nereafter to send North for your Crockery. CaU and examine Good and Prices. I I hWe- are stlU Headniiartera for HARD WARE and TINWARE, and have a large stock of both, which we are offering LOW. GILES At MUKCHLSON mch 11 38 North Front Ht. 3f? iv ill buiineM jou ean engage inl , $j Us I A A to $20 per day made, by say LIU a worker of either sezJ rirht in their own localities. . Particulars and samples worth $5 free. Improve your spare time at this business. Addreu firrvsnv A fVi . Port land, Uaine. xacb 6 i ' -

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