NEVER MORE. , cwpctness that can never more return ! Thou art passed out of life-arid whither The rtiuxrd-'pruned bough may heal, and cnroutanew. And some light hearts may all too quickly To sparine brave, and live without the true. ' iM,t jisome painter that yet seeks in vain -rUt lone-wooed color for his hungjy eye, 1 .lrearns it woven on Koine foreign loom. To wake and find it missing 'neath hissk-. So have we lost a glory to the tml. sprint shall come round, and all her sounds A.nil 'UvtfJt' her lips with, all ombrosial ... .vinsunsljall set earth's heart astir, s wo ivToicf, and we have rapture too, Hiit one implied chord shall no more answer it o' life's sunnv woof one thread is drawn, i vfitli's face hath bleached for us her fair one -fiower' that bloomed is fallen later lower w ill never shme as sweet against our sky. Y Uthis i)l:uiK piace, uiui u5iiuiM,t;ui . ,rlijitcr ! take thy brush, for life : th colors left tliee they : T-,ir r ii rv still the hunger atthiuu'1 J, ill . iu -, tlinro is short, are fair; 'heart ....... thV.t which is not there Henceforth, ujion thy palette ai d my life one unlilled place lies bare. THE ELECTION LAW. W yie'd much of our space to-day tothe fublication of' the . following dose synopsis of the Eiectiou Law as e utmI It iu the Raleigh Observer. In vi vr f the iuteuso interest which u0 'ii t at tHcli to t he cleat km to be ieKl .11 litis JState uext August it would be we;i, ihu fur our readers to preserve thia issue of the Review for future reference: Tin -Justice; of the Peace of the several counties shall be constituted he Board of Justices of the Peace for me purpose ot this ejection. IJoaid of .Justices niay alter Ii6 The poll ing p.-C'j. iiie Commissioners ate to make re quisition on the Secretary of Stae for i-uitable r gistration books. Tne Jioaid of Justices oa or before the lirst Monday of the month preced ing eich election (firtt Monday in July) f.hall appoint registrars for each precinct. Registrars shall be furnished with registration books and it shall be their duty to revise the existing books of registration, and for thirty "days keep open their books for new regis tration. If the Boaid of Justices for any county so direct thete may be an l tirely new registration, but this re quires a notice of thirty days in each township. REGISTERING AND VOT1KG. No one is to register or vots except in that township where he is an actual and bona fide resident on the day of election. Certificates of registration are not ellowed. The following, per sou8 are not to register or to vote: Minors, idiots and lunatics; persons who, after conviction, or confession in open court, havo been adjudged guilty of felony or other infamous crime, committed after January 1, 1877, un less restored to rights of citizenship by law. Subject to the following exceptions: all males, born in the United States, or naturalized, who have resided in the State twelve months next preced ing the election, and ninety days in the county, ore qualified to register and vote in the precincts wiiere tkey reside. The residence of a married man is where his family resides; that of a single man is where he sleeps. Nc one is to register in any precinct to which he has removed for the mere purpose of voting therein; nor unless his residence is actual and bona fide. It shall be the duty of the Registrar, or the Judge of the election, when so requested by any bystander, to swear any person offering register or to vote, as to his residence. Every person .offering to register shall state under oath his qualifications. And upon request, the Registrar the : : xi. i : i. x the oath of one elector. If an applicant for registration has previously registered elsewhere in the same connty. he shall not be registered unless he prodnces a certificate that his name has been erased from the books of his former township. No registration shall be allowed on eieouon aay, unless ine yoier nas oe- i i i . ii i i come entitled to register on that day me ist Monaay ot tne montn next SBH tjZZi tors of election (two of whom shall be of a different political party from the registrars,) at each polling-place. It shall be tho duty of the liegi?- trars and Judges of Election to attend at the pollingplace of their precm t on tbe Saturday before election T3d august j irom y a. m. tin Dp. m hear and determine challenges. and The Judges and Itegistrars shall attend at the polls on the day of elec ituu xuuieuuy, atu auusij uuu con - I I ' l 1 I'll. Mm 41 J ttuet tne election. Tney shall enter the name of every person who votes in tne pon DOOK8; certny tne same and deposit them with the Register of Deeds. un election day any person may, and the Judges shall, challenge the ote of any person suspected of not being qualified. Any .one so challenged shall be sworn ana examined as to his qualifications; . . . . and other witnesses may oe examined on oath, and the Jadges may reiect i uie voie ii uiey are eatisned that sucn I I i i 11 - - t .. . 1 s mmm fi m A a pcfsuu uui n icgai Tuicr; mv. . .L.ll i.. i auo puii Bumi ue open irom v a. m. uii euuaci. uiors Biiuii uaua in lueir ballot8 to the Judges who shall deposit them in tne boxes. immediately alter the election the iadges shall deposit the registration books with the Register of Deeds. BALLOTS Justices of the Supreme Court, Jadges of Superior Court, and Sober tors shall be voted for on one ballot.. Assembly on one Dauoc. j - . ;i n t Bal ith" County officers on one ballot lots shall be on white papar and with out device. The County Commissioners shall provide the ballot boxes for each class of officers to be voted for, ELECTION. When the election-is over, the i Re gistrar and judges of election, in! the presence of such persons as j may at tend, shall open tho boxes, count the ballots, reading aloud the names on the tickets. I If there be two or more tickets rolled up together, if any ticket has more names on it than the voter has a right to vote for, or has a device! on it, they shall be void. ) j; The counting of the votes shall be continued without'adiournment unti! completed, and the result thereof de clared ': M '" 1 The judges of election at each poll ing place shall appoint ono yf their number to attend the baeeting of the board of county canvassers as a mem ber of the board, and they shall deliver to him the original return statement of the result of the election ati their polling place. ; , j , i The county canvassers, so chosen shall constitute the board of county canvassers; the Register of Deeds shall be their clerk, unless the board ect another. j The beard of connty canvassers shall meet on the BecondjClay after the election, (Saturday, August) 10th,) at 12 o'clock at the Court-house, j and at that hour, without delay, such pf those ho are present shall elect a chairman who shall swear in the member of the Knurr! . ii it I - 1 The board of canvassers h hall at of the that meeting iu the presence Sheriff and of such persons as mav cnoose to attend, open J 1 A , and anvasB the returns and make abstracts, ' stat- leg the number cf ballots cast an each precinct for'each office, the name of each person voted for, andj the1 num ber of votes given for each person; for each different office, and shall sign the same. ' ! 1 . 1 j. ABSTRACTS OF VOTES. The abstract of the vptes for e nch of the following classesshall be -on a dif ferent sheet: I I 1. Senators and Representatives in the General Assembly, i 2. Justices of Suprem Judges of Superior Court and Court, tSolici- tOTH. t 3. County officeriS. Three abstracts of a votes eafit for Jugtices of Supreme Cpiirt, Judges of Superior Court am Solicitor?1, shall be made and signed, by' the Board 'of County Canvassers; one of which shall be delivered to the Sheriff; jbne filed with Register of Deeds; and the third forwarded by registHrea ettei? to tlie Kecretary of State nt Raltlig Two separate abstractH ot the votes cst for Senators shall be mado when- ever the Senatorial District Is com posed of morts than one pounty : one of which shall be" filed with the Reg- istor of Deeds, and the other fur- nished to the hheriff. When tho canvass is concluded the Board of Canvassers bhall deliver the original returns to the Clerk of tl Superior Court to be filed in his office; they shall also cause the abstracts to be recorded in . a bdok to be called u2 fie Election Book" to be kept in the office of Clerk of the Supeiior Court. The Clerk of-Superior Conrd shall transmit to the Secretary of State du plicates of the abstracts' of tho votes ! for all but County officers. KESULT. The person having the greatest number of votes for aDy office is to be declared elected. When the Board of I Canvassers have completed comparing the polls, they shall proclaim the result at the court house door, stating (the number of votes cast in their county for each per son voted that election. . The Sheriffs in the various Senato rial Districts composed of ihoro than SAt SS designated by law, in' their respective Districts, one week after the election, and compare the polls for Senators. and give their certificate to; the Sena tors duly elected. I y j 1 I :The Sheriff of each county shall fur nish the members elected to thfe House of Representatives aniri tiiA Senator (where the Senatorial District Ss com- - , f onv ... . . . ... gfioate of election.! I I ! (September) to be qualified. nvassers.i lhe Governor, Secretary of I State, Attorney (ieneral, and two; members of tne otate benate, h one of each po- litical parly, shall constitute the Board of State Canvassers. The Board of State Canvassers shall open the abstracts tranismit ed to the on I lhur6day fol lowing the third Monday after the j day of election (August 29 and exs I n 1. .. . 1 I uiuiuo iua iBiurus, 11 lliey uav have been received irom all the counties.! and if all havo not been received) the Board may adjourn for twenty days for the purpose of obtaining! copies. The Board shall then proceed with the can vass, conducting the same publicly in uie oi tne House of Representa tives, 'lhe Board1 shall make an ab stract stating tho pumber of ballots casi ior each candidate, the names bf ii ' a" persons voted for, I tho olfice, and tne numbers of votes' received bv eacn. L hey Bhall state wicm thev I . .. . i. . fcueriain oy the count to be elected. I 'j-k-n. a, a. i m i f auo ausitaci Bnau be signed and I.. n 41 .i . i mo eeai ot me state alhxed. i yiuvision applies at the ap- proacmng election to the election of justices ot the Supreme Court. Jndfres oi ti.e superior Court and Solici- tors, j y ! 1 L I xuy election is to be Laid oh the! nrst lhursday in August (August 8). UBSCKIBE TO THE ! DAILY, REVIEW. Members of General I II . i i ! Miscellaneous. PIANOS Retail price $900 only $260. Parlor OaeiKf, price 9H9 only $103. Paper free. D.F. Beatty, Washington, N. J REVOLVER EREE&SSS&S ridges. Address, J. Bown & Sen, 136 A 138 WooHBtf PittsDurgn, ra. i ieo jw. SKIN DISEASES Treatise on Skin Diseases, giving: symptoms, and seas cube. Sent free to those afflicted. Address, JC.S. Webster, 50 N. 5ti st ' Philadelphia, Pa. feb 27-4 w - ; 1 1 i ,' . I S50 For a CASE of CATARRH That Sariford's Radical Cure for Catarrh will not instantly re lieve and speedily cure. Referen ces, Henrv Wells, Esq., Wells, Fargo, Co., Aurora, N. Y.;Wm. Bowen, Esq., Mc. Hatton, Grant A Bowen, St. Louis. Testimonials and treatise by mail- Price, with improved Inhaler, $1. 8old every where. WEEKS POTTER, Pro prietors. F.oston, Mass. feb 27-4w $50 TempBrance RefmD AND; ITS GRIAT EEFORMERa. BY REV. VV. H. DANIELS, A. M. Profusely Illustrated witn rortraiis ana Sketches and containing oier ow 33 A . whole Temperance Library in a single volume. Agents w antea tvery wnere. Address for extra terms wu wrtmn, NELSON A PHILLIPS, P05 Browav,New York. reD37-w- Goulds Manufacturing Co. m Manuf acturers M au 9 kinds of ' Force anil Lift PUK1PS,, Pbr ViMirns, Well, Kail, road". Steamboats. Winch i U. te. fire: engines, Hydraulic Bams, AMLMXi AM BBXIiS lot Churobee, bchoou. ana nantewoaa. Corn-Shell ers, Sinks, etc. i Pomps aad Materia Lb for Driren Wells a specialty. fjatifif action gvaranteea. ' Oataloguee furnished I iVT I ' noon application, i INQUIRE FOR COUCdS PITWIPS .? W PACTTORY. Seneca Falls. N. Y. ; feb 27-4 w 1 cook. Larcrest. Best and Cheapest. Manufactured tor tne trade, bend lor sample. Thomas, kobekt, Stevenson & Co., PiiiLADELpniA. (feb 2i-4w We will senilfirtK by mml and gunrnntt their sajeumval gooa condition, 12 Hoses. 12 different varieties, for 1.00 20 Verbenas. 20 different varieties, fer $1.00 15 Basket & Bedding Plants. 15 sorts, for $1.00 Q Jeraniums. 10 different varieties, for 91.00 12 Tuberoses, all flowering bulbs, for $1.09 12 Gladiolus, all flowering bulbs, for - $1.00 8 Carnations, 8 splendid sorts, for - $1 J0 Q Hardy Flowerinn; Shrubs, 6 sorts, for $1.00 A hundred other things cheap An 60-page IUtutnted CU1om flto to l IppOoauU. Also, an Immense Stock of Fruit A Arnnmental T rees, rergreens a loRUo of trees, I fihrub8etc A 64-pagn oatalogutt of trees. etc.. ana'ie-pago pneo list rree. , 4tn yeari3ureennouge8. guu Acres feb 27 4w THE YOUTH'S C0MPANI0II, A WEEKLY PAPER FOR i YOUNG AND THE eaeerlv by the younjr folks, and read with interest by the older. Its purpose is to in terest while it amuses : to be judicious, prac tical, sensible, and to hare really permanent worth, while it attracts for the hour. It is handsomely illustrated, and nas lor contributors some of the most attractive writers in the (country. Among these are i J. T. Trowbridge, Dinah Muloch Craik, James T. Fields, J. G-. Whittier. Rebecca H. Da via, Louise C. Moultoa, Mrs.A. ELLeonowens, C, A Stephens, EdwardErerett Hale. Harriet P. Spofford, Wm. Cullen Bryant, A. D. T. Whitney, r Louisa M. Alcott. Its readin? is adapted to old and young: is rery comprehensive in its character. It gives Stories of Adventure, Stories of Home and Letters of Travel, School Life, Tales, Poetry, Editorials upon Cur rent Topics, Selections for Decla Bistorical Articles, mation, Anecdotes, Puzzles. BiograpicalSketches, Religious Articles, Facts and Incidents. Subscription Price, $1.75. Specimen copies j sent free. Please mention in what paper you 1 reead this advertisement. PERRY MASOIV & CO., Al Temple Place, Boston. feb 27-4 I F. AL SCHUTTE, X7&19 Souths Front Etreet, T ARGEST STOCK, Best Designs, Lowest Prices in Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Lounges, Reclining Chairs, Sofas, Easy Chairs, Tete-a-TeteSjWardrobes, Sideboards, Marble and Wood-Top Tables, i Hat Racks, Cribs, Spring Beds and Cots. Common Bedsteads, Mirrors, Walnut Steads, Washstands, and Bureaus, Common Chairs and Rockers, Walnut Chairs and Rockers in great yariety; Mattrasses, Carpets and eTery thing usually found in a first-claas .furniture LstabuihmsnL jan 23 19 Steamsliip Lines, &c. CLYDE'S : ' " AND , ! . : I i Wilmington, N, C,9f Steamship Line She Oteamerl BENEFACTOR, CAPT. JONES, W1LL2SAIL FROM KEWjl YORK OX SATURDAY, March 23 tsg Snippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as adrertised. For Freight Engagements apply to. XL. CASAtJZ. ilgent, 1 1 I Wilmington, rr. C. S. aHLuKlS, Soliciting Agent. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General igents, 6 Bowlins; Green, or Pier 13,! N. R., New 3mchl8 -I . alti moire ANDJ j ! Wilmington, ni.:C, STEAMSHIPQL1NE.' Tho Steamer CAPT. OLIVER, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Wednesday, March 205Q To be followed by the , D. J. FOLEY, CAPT. PRICE, Saturday March 23. S" Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing' of steamers as adTertised. Through Bills of Lading" given to and from Philadelphia, guaranteed. and Prompt Dispatch For . Freight Engagements apply te ;v - i ' A. D. CAZAUI, Agent, Wilmington, IT. C. L. S. B ELD EN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore; York. mch 18 Soartanburs & A. R. R. New Route to the Mountains of Western No. Ca. mfllS NEW ROUTE IS NOW OPSN JL to the trarelline public. Passenger trains leare daily the Depot of the G. & C. R. R. in Columbia at 12:45 p. m., and arrive at ter minus of S. k A. K. R. at o p. m., where close connection is made with four-horse coaches for Flat Rock, Hendersonville, Asheville and Warm Spriners. Passengers KWSs3n Mt. Tryon, where the fare is excellent, and resume their journey early next morning and. thereby enjoy some of the finest moun tain scenery on the Howard Oap turnpike, to be found in Western North Carolina. i Arrangements have been made with the W. C. & A. R. R., for round trip tickets at the following rates : . i From Wil. to Flat Rock and return,',$15.85. " AsheviUe and return, $ 19.85, " " to Warm Springs and return, 125.85. " to Hendersonville and return, $15,85. i 1 Vll U. U.11UU.UU) Ul 4.1 Vy. , .UU merly of the Air Line R. R., will be present on the arrival of the trains at the terminus of the S.- & A. R. R., to see that passengers are provided for and sent forward without de lay. On arrival of trains passengers are re quested to ask for Capt. Kirkland, Passenger ana Transportation Agent. , Tryjthia new route. i i D. B. DUNCAN, Pres'L julyll , , The Best in the World. M. H. SPRUN, i " AT - EXCHANGE CORNER, IS SOLE AGENT for the best Scissors and Needles in the World. Those who desire the BEST GOODS should call and select any stvle of R. J. Roberts' RAZOR 8TEEL 8 CISSORS, and a paper of R. J. Roberts' Patent "Parabold" Uold-Eye NEEDLES. Also. Buttonhole and Gentle man's Pocket Scissors. I feb 28 Oranges. OTHER LOT of those SWEET FLORI DA ORANGES, orobablv the last of the 7 9 . season, receiyed to-day. Bananas and A p- i - ' plea on hand. Fresh Candies made to-day M I I S. G. NORTHROP'S, mch 9 Fruit and Confectionery 8tores. Mk in vnnr own town. Sa Oat fit free; No risk. Reailer. if you want a bniineaa at waichi persons of ither aev can make creat pay all the tip they work, write for particulars to IL, xiALLSTi m Uo., rortiana, aiaine. mcu o. Klew v i ' i 0 THEKCELEBRATED FERTILIZER WILCOXj GIBBS & CO'S a tajo p y lated ysiinio I - ' : - Is offered on Liberal Terms, , with the4basis of 15 cents for Middling-, delivered at Planter s Nearest j I I Tojthe Farmer in buyingon these I, , he .buys the Guano, how many pounds ofj Middling Cotton j i j ' will pay for a ton, no matter how low the price ma, m ' I be, and can make his calculations accordingly. P f- 1 1 ' I I : . ' I : ; - ' v " I mi ' i: p ii - n " I 'i ' j xuu iuauiy ui -ai n s-j as has been thoroughly established j i tons weTiave sold. OurAgents sell MM SI ZZvlFORTSRS Ar7D.I)Z3ALZ2KS ZK7GUASrO.I j j j'' j !' ' Carleston S. C. and SavannahOa. -O- i We do notpubHshcerancates,as the MANIPULATEDlGuilvb is so well known from its long and extensive use, that it is unnecessarjy to do so. There is hardly , any section in South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, or Alabama, where it is not used, and instead of giving certihcates wewould refer you to tho borhood who have used it, who can 'For saleby Petteway & Schulken, Agents, jan 19 Miscellaneous. The OFFICE SALOON, DAWSON 13 ANH ' . i IS THE PLACE to get the finest Oysters jMc Game and all the delacacies of the season always on hand. . j 5Fi You net what yoa call for and pay for only get at COLL NS' OFFICE SALUUJV. nov 21 To our Friends and the I i Public Generally. N OT TO BE OUTDONE AS Regards low prices, we offer a full set of Teeth on Silver plate tor $25.00.- The si me on Gold plate for $50.00; perfect fit guaranteed and entire satisfaction in every instance. Filling and ail dental operations performed skillfully at correspondingly low prices. Teeth extracted without pain. Carr'g Tooth Paste constantly on hand. j THOS. B.CAEE & SON, dec 11 , No. 38 Market st. o UR COMBINED CATALOGUE FOR 1878 OF Everything for the Garden. Numbering 175 pages, with colored Plate, SENT FREE To our customers of past years, and to all purcnasers of our books, either GAKDE.N- INOFOK PROFIT, PRACTICAL FLORI CULTURE, or GARDENING FOR PLEAS URE (price $1.50 each, prepaid, by mail). To others, on receipt bf 25c. Plain Plant or Seed Catalogues, without Plate, free to all. PETER HENDERSON & CO., I Seeedsmen, Market Gardners and Florists, 35 Cortlandt St; New York. A GREENHOUSE AT YOUR DOOR. 1 For $1.00 we will send free by kail either of the below-named collections, all' distinct varieties : 8 Abutilons, or 4 Azaleas . 8 Begonias, or 3 Camellias, I i 2 Caladiums (fancy), or 8 Carnations j (monthly), 1 12 Chrysanthemums, or 12 Coleus, j 8 uentaureas, or 8 other white-leaved plants, 8 Dahlias, or 8 Diantbus (new Japan), 8 Ferns. 8 Mosses, or 8 Fuchsias, 8 Geraniums, Fancy, 8 variegated, or 8 Ivy leaved, f 4 Gloxinias, . 8 1 Gladiolus, or 8 Tuberoses (Pearl), 4 Grape vines, 4 Honeysuckles, 4 Hardy Shrubs, r 8 Heliotropes, 8 Lantanas ar 8 Petunias, 8 Pansies (new! German) br.8 Salvias, 8 Roses, Monthly, 8 Hardy Hybrid, or 4 Climbincr. "8 Violet (scented): or 8 Daisies, English, 11 Scarcer Uedding, or 11 Scarcer Ureen- house Plants, 16 Verbenas, distinct and splendid rorts, 2a Varieties of Flower, or 20 varieties of Yeg e table Seeds. , or by EXPRESS, buyer to pay charges, I 3 collections for $2; 5 for $3; 9 for $5: 12 for $C; 14 for $7; 18 for $10; or the full collection cf 350 varieties of Plants and Seeds sufficient to stock a greenhouse and garden for $25, to our book "Gardening for Pleas ure')' and Catalogue offered above (value $1.- 75, will be added. i PETER HENDERSON & CO., i 1C mch 6-dw 35. Cortlandt Street, N. Y. T can m&k Koney faster at work for us than at anvthin? else. Capital not re- J Quired; we will start you. $12 par day at home made by the industrious. Men, wo men, bovs and eirls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is tho time. Costly out fit and terms free. Address Trp & Co., Au gusta, Maine. I mch 6 for tLOAKI' - . . ! ' Option ofipayin in COTTQN,"od Depot. 1 1 ! terms isjplain, as he will knowwliea in s utuana is, 4l xii ii ti n n ii - n n 3 , i by the use pi thet many thousand on tho same terms as ourselvp Planters m your immediato neigh testify personally to its value. '; i -i wzz.zvzzrffaToij. ixr. Rail Road Lines, &c. Gen'l Sup'ts Office;. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AKH A GUSTA RAILROAD, . Wilmington, N.JC., Nov. 10, 1877. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, Nov. 11, the follow Ing schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, (daily. except Sunday.) Leave Wilmington 10 Leave Florence..'.........; .3 Arrive at Columbia.... 6 28 A M 10 PM 20 PM 40 P M Leave Columbia 11 Leave Florence.! Arrive at Wilmington, 3 30 P M 8 00 P M SNIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN CDaily). Leave Wilmington.. 7 25 P M Leave Florence... 11 20 P M Arrive at Columbia.... 2 50 A M Leave Columbia ......12 50 A M Leave Florence...... Arrive at Wilmintrton...., 4 Is AM. 8 45 A M: This Train will only stop at Flemington,' Whiteville, Fair Blur, Marion, Florence, Timmonsville, Sumter and Aoton between Wilmington and Columbia. SZZS THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN (Daily, ex ;cept oanaays.j i , Leave Wilmington i 11 00 A M Leave Florence 7 00 P M Arrive at Columbia 3 10 A M Leave Columbia 12 15 AM Leave Florence : 8 00 A M Arrive at Wilmington 4 .00, P M g Passengers for Augusta an bey)nd should take Night Express Train from jyVil mington. i j! I i iii. ftS Throueh Sleeping Cars on nleht trInf lor Charleston and JAacon. A. POPE, G P JOHN F. DIVINErGenera 8upt. nov vi WILMINGTON & VELDOS RAILE0AD COMPANY. ' I 1 i v OtFICH OV Ges'i. SuPEBINTKNDKIfT Wilmington, N. C, March 5, 1870. On and after Thursday, March 7th, 1878, at 12:45 P. M., Passenger trains on the Wil mington A Weldon Railroad will run as fol lows : 1 ' . - i .- i I DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, dail t Leave Wilmington, -Front St. Depot at...i.. 9 05 A Arrive at Weldcnat t...... 3 110 P M Leave Weldon... t 12 45 P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at....' 705 P M NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.! Leave Wilmington, Front St. i Depot at.1 Arrive at Weldon at........ Leave -Weldon, daily at 7 ,60 P M 3 10 A M 3 15AM Arrive at W llmington, Front St. ! Depot at la 10 AM i The Day Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Rich mono and all rail routes. ( . j Night train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. i A. POPE,! G. P. A. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt. I . . inch 7 Ii . II V '2 p JiM Harry Remit to Yocbo Mm from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Mas bood Restosed. Impediments' to Marriage removed. New method oi treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and circulars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Howard Associatiov, 419 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. An Institution having a high reputation for honorable con duct and professional skill. t a5 o 9 H BIST business you can engage In. f to $20 Per div marin hv their own localities. Particulars and akmnlp worth $5 free. Improve your spare time at this business. Addres Sruson SL Co., IVrt, land, Maine. xnchC-.