1- LATEST-NEWS. WAR ABOUT CERTAIN. shortly afterward; but nothing was then visible except a iew Doxes Hom ing down the channel.) The survivors sav thev saw toe snip buck uown xaauj as she sank. List of Letters. The following is the list of letters re maining unclaimed in the Postoffice. "Vil-! imngton, N, C, Wednesday ,Marcn 2tn, 1878 : , New Advertisements Come to ! ! Mis cellaneous. Iliscollaneons. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE still Sliaklnj twi-! and Russia Their Fists at Each Other. The Congress Farther Off than B Mrs E J Boge t, miss Laura A Ba- Ever. . Xosdok, March 25. Times' correepondent ct bnrg learns irom 1878 The St. Peters- fioiirce that CAROLINA. . ; ' Wayno county Superior Court is in session this wek." j.j i First strawberries of the season in New- bern on Sunday. ,! ( Concord Sun : A little daughter of a Mr Springer, near IlarrUbOrg, was tosssj GSSSS2 B George, J W FrCSll Family SlipplieS on the horns of a cow, last Monday, and J 'n ( T H Mrs Ella K Hill, Lewis TJollings worth.'Isaa? Ilills, (ccl'd);J E llnmphrey, Freddie Hause. ker, miss Charity Best, Jim Bird, (cord) : John Ecmlns. 1 i C Mis Flora Chestnut, miss Isabella Collins, miss Maria Covington, ! John C I Corbett, Anthony Campbell. , D Mrs Marinda Davis, Travers Daniel, Wil iam Dowhne. G Mrs Pboebe A Green, miss Louisa 1 1 GeorgeMyers' 9, 11 & 13 South Front Street, j FOR t Pen Mutual Life Insurance Company ol From Organization to December 31, 1877. Dr. To Premiums received... .$12,S14,C70 OS P i .flTM-AKfntation will proba- hpr n rm hrnken. besides receiving other no ioru -- u :v . ' h i blv be made for tne Veu injuries. j j 1 1 r - of tho British fleet in tne ea nw1nf f . observer : Miss Harriet E i TiTormnra. but the ItuBSian troops I Yinnahter of Mr. J.' A. Brad- I J-Henrietta Johnson,(ccrd); mrsSaran iil not embark now, as was intended. formerlv of this t city, ihas received moderate politicians - . - . - j,lo;:if lniiueQuai - - i i ine aupoiuiuieuu uDoiaiaun i remark that fear ot mru f- scb()l No 4 of v AAnnTT ft iiiimLnum- i ii z unociaui l nv ui1 .w Will 1UICO " To Interest received, Drofit on stocks, ec .,. 3,304.851 35 T6 Interest accrued 88,137 38 To Increase in value of stocks, M etc j....... ! 23,861 21 To Deferred Premiums,etc,net 105,221 "65 We are filling orders for Influential from of New York City. nopi Goldsboro Messenqerk Adjutant Geri oc.-the AV thronebout Russia is lass lading, purpose of an inspectio The bellicose excut-iav - Xewbern Nut Shell: AVe are pleased to Johnson, mrs Mary Jackson, mrs Alice foafVipr irt I Joyner, ijreo juuus, ioui jyara, uiso the twenty4second ward W L I 1 New and Fresli Goods and drive tbe duhuh ' mw? ' onPntaddB: "The only eral Jones and Biteadier General i bnia of oeace is in the Fpeedy aspemb- are expected here to-m6rrbw on thej lite of the Cone rets. That hope, howr Casion of the parade of tho Rifles, for K,ofrhontIlns8itt is fast fading, purpose of an inspection.! M- fixcitement is intense, OL TllllIKll n f or avAn in rs. x oi"o o tri,0 TimPR. in its leading editorial ..rtidA. saxs : "Lord Derby continnes ro?U fhotthe wholo of the treaty .u-n enhmittedto the pleuipoten ouV - . A enoinat. !!T !0 tiaries, bnt to guiu j learn irom a reliable! source that through the influence of Senator! Brogden the revenue cutter Stevens will soori be re turned to duty in thesis waters, f Charlotte Observer : 'The dollar of the Mexican daddies maintains its popularity. Merchants ! and Farmers National y ester- oh nirpss on iuv luuw. , . niL. i - -1--.1 wmUatttr inn cum uuuiua- 1 i iiu I!! "!5 tirnment to the several Bank received 5.000 by Friday nights ex ItUU . , i i il, nnKrvM'coinn I n.nn nrrl liorror rai7?nor t hPTTl hilt V rowers is eqnivaieni iu mcouyuDu.w- aim rv.j"-o r-- rf of it to thecorgrees. iias5iai8 uuuc- aay. i y fitood to have replied ina Wadesboro ratz : I Mr. S. Murrel, of Thns she declines the oniy w I Chariotte, has opened several r6ck quar- lle fands them an to ... TTTlll c on I ft on which onr govermuou - rieg -n 0Uf county plenipotentiary 10 jwruu that -England must icva fn F.nrone and cease obstruct . rz:4 nnnninawtn nf Tieace or S "T;7t meet without Eng. Memorial Assocat.on l-v, tovii His Ex land or BnBsia must act alone. be the very best quality of brown stone. He expects to work jthbm on 'a jlarge scale. - I I ; ! ' ' - Xewbeni Nut Shell : The ladies ofouij tiainer) K Mrs Rebecca Kelley. Henry S Moore, Ellen Merit O Thos P Oglesby. ' 1 1 A 1 a v T5y-rrf A"S XV TT Potrorror WpU don Ferinston, J E Pounds, i I j R0bt Roberson, Samuel Roberson, (21. J A Rasboro, Edward T Rue. S Miss Julia Smith, col'd, Miss Mag'e Steward. MrE J Smith, Daniel bcull, Charles Smith, Star Restaurant, T M Sim mons. Lewis L Sherdeh. 1 T Mrs L P Tracy, Mrs L A Taylor, rnlM. Mrs Nancv Terrv. Miss Adaliuo Thompson, Josephine Turner.! V Hhas TV Vendrick. i W Mrs Florance iWalker, Laura L Williams, Edward W Weymouth, James 0 Wade, Deling Niemeyer & Wcssels. j Y Daniel Yates. 1 1 . SHIP LETTERS. nVmrips T Rchtittz. SchrlRen : Charles W Madden, Schr Florence P Hall IPersons calling for letters in above list will release1 sav "advertised"; if not claim- in 2ft Havs will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, At Wholesale Prices. ASSETS. $16,930,741 C7 U. S. Bonds, Philadelphia, and other Stocks and Loans $2,000,44 8 93 - Cr. By Death Losaes and tndow 111 outs By Surplus Premiums return ed Policy Holder?.. By Surrendered, Lapsed, and Canceled Policies By fie-insurnnce paid other Companies . By Commissions, Agency Ex penses, Salaries, etc............ By Taxfts paid...................... By Balance of Assets Jan 1, '78 I 1 . . i-;- v: -'-.Ki: : - . : ' ' $3,842,099. 68 3,799,242 42 ' j ! -i-i I 764.U6 33 121,121 54 I 2,002vT24t82 126,713 83 6,280,723 46 6 We are prepared to Beat the Lowest Prices of all other Grocers. 99 Mortgages, all first liens. Real Estate owned by the Co Premium Notes and Loans on Collateral..... Cash on hand and in Bank All other securities.... 2,484,121 17 367,036 61 017,230 82 1 173,334 43 238,511 30 $6,280,723 46 $16,936,741 67 LIABILITIES. . j j Net Reserve at 4 per cent, tabie,$5,260,336 00 Losses not yet due 113,352 18 Dividends of '77, to be paid in '78. inc ud in g Accumulations on Life Rate ndowments,etc 1 34,716 SURPLUS, 4 per cent, basis One trial will speak foi itself. Remember you will get the BEST GOODS at ihe LOWEST PRICES, Estimated Surplus lover tho "Reserve" 'required by 1 tho laws of Pennsylvania and New York - - 65 72,318 00 $6,280,723 46 $1,212,000 QQ as GEORGE PilYEBS 9 ; Nearly C5 per cent, of the Premium Receipts has be n returned to the Fbiicy-lipld-ers since organization, in dividends, death claims, etc. j 1. lr The Interest-Receipts of the Company exceed the amount paid for Death Losses and Endowments by $G2,751 G7. , The average dividends of tho Tenn have been urns received. " beaTly thirty per cent, of the 9, 11 mch 25 & 13 S. rEONTST, THE PENN FUTUAL HAS $124!QF ASSETS Ti .EACH S1C0 LIABILITIES . . mch 11 . ! !. .J . , .. ' !,: 1 ! 1 . Tremi Five Great Fire fnsuranco Companies Five Great Countries I rv a nar.A Tlnsse. of St. Peter8- Imrg, says the statement that Russia 1 -pwinnd to withdraw flJit fom tho rica of Marmora is mkJA. Ja. w v The Czar has not absolutely declm- a f fonf Hip cocceeeion asked lor by Keouf Pacha, but made his assent dependent upon a cojition -ch . believed to be a t t p i lience. It is agsertei that Beouf and Osmau Pacha favor fcuch en. alliijnofl. There is, bowevtr, u fctrong pro-English party which oppose it. llcoaf Pacha, Oaman racba aad General Ignatiff arrived at OoiretanH tinople laat evening. T.ey will make a formal and ceremonious entry uyo the citv to-morrow and have an in terview with the Sultan. T. 1 uoi y-t known in what capacity General Igua tieff returus to Cou&tautmop e. Count Zichy, the Anstrwn Ambas sador to the Porte, has postponed his intended departure on tmrlougu be- c nriHnjl aaotcii ox eliaiTS. The St. Petersburg Goloa deciarea that the treaty of peace falls short of the aspirations of the Bnaaian people. Tho Berlin North Geiman Gazette says tho treaty dees not effect German "A'despatc'a fromVolo says the Turks aro blockading tho insurgent villages : of Mount Pdlion by land and sea Greece threatens to send troops to res cue the starving inhabitants if the Powers do not interpose. Greek mtcr t wr.iilrl prtttinlv cause war. w 4l.l (U by the 1 Turks in the sacking of the lfcesflaiian villages of Olympus, lieepina, uaua nndLitochori number many thousanus. Admiral Hornby, at the request of the cellency Governor Vance to deliver the ad dress on Memorial Day, who has given a qualified acceptance, and (will.) in all prob ability, be able to fill his engagement. Goldsboro Messenger : The Goldsboro Rifles will celebrate j the anniversary.of the company to-morrow. They will parade the town in fall uniform. The honorary members'of the company have also been requested to' accompany the parade either mounted ot in carriages. P. M. Wilmington, .N. C. noSIMERCIAL NEWS. bis ter's Book vrTT.MTNrrrrn?J MARKET MABCH 27-4 r M, . took Wadesboro Audits: An affray place on the 14th inst., between Leander SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market quoted dniiett.ssi ts. No sales reported to-day. Last tales at 28l cents. I IigsiN Market quoted firm at 81. 32 bd for Strained and SI 35 bid for Good Straine. No sales reported. 1 CRUDE TURPENTINE jMarfcet quoted ouiet at $12.5 for Hard and 82 00 for Soft Uamby and Elijah Church J two desperate) and Virgin-1-5 off on Virgin. Sales at quo- characters of this county,) ivhich resultea , tations. . f 1 throiigu the . TAR Market quoiea sieaay at a nw. cuiw he vv as in a I of receipts at quotations. j COTTON-Market quoted dull and lower cn TSTrt KftlPsXrftnorted. The following rFhe Newbernian learns that Mr. J. . b. the official Quotations: Mavsvilile. 1 on Thursday r;. A last killed an alligator a't bis landing on Good Ordinary. France-Caisse Geneiale, Assets CS-emxanV-l-Hainburg Bremen, Asset? 1 4 - - ' ' s- Canada British America, AEseta : I '.. - United States firemen's; Fund, AEset REPRESENTED BV ' in ChuTch shooting Hamby thigh. . At the last accounts critical condition. Tf ia rrnnrtea women and children massacred by tl Trirfl in the sackioff of the 'ibessalu the Whiteoak river, whijeh measured 11J feet in length. Mr. Gillett says that these amphibious monsters are quite numerous in his section, and that fe hasjlost several valuable hounds by them while hunting deer. j j Charlotte Observer: 'The new .thirty- ton Baldwin engine for the Western M. CRE. passed up that pad Fridafy. It 'will te used altogether on the mountain work. The engine is' not so (large as .was at first reported. There are a dozencn frines on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air- Line R. K. of exactly the same size arid weight. , j1 ! I Charlotte Observer : The litigants and lawyers in the case of McElwee vs Black- well, for the right to the tonacco iraue mark known as the Durham bull, were engaged all yesterday taking the deposi tions of McElwee, the case shaving been GfnVf H-nrkH OrflinarvA. Low Middling Middling.. Good Middling 3! K !CtS. it (( (( ti Mortsiage Sale. ' '!.. . ... BY VIRTUE OF, and in accordance wiin, the terms of an indenture of Mortgage mola h fltirrf Ht nf Mnrrh br iheo- doi-e Schrader and (Jeorgianca Sctralcr, Bnglaat! Liverpool & London & Glote, Asset? wiie, ana recoraeu iu iub iicio- office of New Hanover county, in I. T, I,, at naorea 7G1 to 7G4. tbe undersitrccd. aa morteacrees, I will oflcr for sale at public auction, at Ithe Court! House Door in the City of Wilmington, on FRTlA V THE 5TH DAY OF APRIL, Ap. I 1873,AT 11 o'clock, A. M., ' for Cash, the iol'owing described property named therein, viz : All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land lying in ths city of Wilmington, iN. U , and boundea as ioiiows, toiwit: lieffinninc: at a point in tne eastern ioe of Eighth street 33 feet northwardly Irom the Southwest corner of Block No. 283 at the intersection of the Northern line of the light of way of the Wilmington & 1 Weldon Kail- road Companv. with the Eastern line 01 Eighth street,aiid running thence Northward ly with Eighth street CG feet, thence East-I wardlv parallel with BrunswicE street nu feet more or less to the said line of right of wav. thence south westwardly w ith the said rient ot wav 12a leet more or lees 10 uie hpcLnmnir ; the same beiDtr ivarts of lots 4 said Of .......$27,720,140, Gold. I- .$5,244,351, Gold. $2,500,000. Gold. ! 1. H .:..$l,fC83,44S,Oold. I 1 Mi $73G,155, Gold. DAILY Cotton. Spirits Turpentine.... Rosin....; .... Tar L Crude Turpentine.... RHCEIFtS i eOjbales 1 90. casks .......1.981 ! bbls the consent of re-onened by and with Admiral Hornby, at the request 01 iub commissioner of patents for this 'purpose. British representative at Athens, nas, Qn Fdday nest; the 20th inst., he will be .iMbArl a vessel to ascertain iu truth of these reports. " As far as known up to oaturday night the North of England ironwork era had rejected the compromise joint ly urged by the masters and their own urtP. The original demand of the o ion tn RAvonteen per masiers wa - Ml i The. nuestion will now be submitted to arbitration. A DREADFUL DISASTER- Tho British Training Ship Eury dice the mch 1 jonN goudon &. duo 24 Noi-ch Water Street, Wilnjington, N. J. BOATWRI&HTIcKQi Can always furnish you with FRE: and 5 of saidi Block 283 in the plan of city of Wilmington. KERCHNER mch 25-lOt & CALDER BROS. GOODS ! Po rt Crape UDTixxe, Used in Hundredi of Congregationii for Com munion purposes. Also' 1 . Excellent for Ladies and Weakly Per sons and the Aged. tS THEIR still further ahead at Salisbury tnrou witnessess, and will close the case, w will then go beloro tne uatents for his action. I sn commissioner For the past ten days, says a correspond ent of the Nexcbernian, the village cfj Pam lico has presented quite a busy aspecc, nu merous steamers and sailing craft arriving and departing, freighting the immense amount of lumber to Jaltimore, Philadel Dbia and New York, that the Messrs. Dail Bros, liavemauutacmrpa at ineir miu ai this place ; no't'less than ten steamers and schooners have cleared from liere ir as manv oavs. carrviajr iu .liuruwru uuna r MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. V Steamship D J Foley, Price, Baltimore, A Steamer Gov Worth, Worth, FayetteVille Worth & Worth: . . , Steamer Wave, Itobeson, Fayetteville, Williams &r. Murehison. I Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Srnithville tieo Myers. I ' 4, Steamer J S TJuderhill, Latham, Smith ville, O G Parsley & Co. , CLEARED. Steamer Gov Worthl Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. ! I tt . Steamer Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. Steamer J. S. Underbill, Latham, Srnith ville, O G ParsleyA Co. ; -J1 , Steam-yacht Passport,, tiarper, oiuitu mc, Geo Myers". , , ,, . J . . Nor brig Carl XV, Larsen, Belfast, Ireland, Williams & Murchison. " CT Br schr Newport, Miller, Halifaxj r S, DeRosset & Co. ' T j ' Am schr Chromo, Wooster, St John's, P R, Parsley & Wiggins- I , Schr Ernest T Lee, Blatchford. leW lork, E G Barker & uo. Annual EVSeetins:. mHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X Stockholders of the Wilmington, Com- nrpss nd Warehouse Conmanv will be; cela at" the Bank of New Hanover, on TUESDAY April 2d,1678, at 11 o'clock. A. M. j GEORGE SLOAN, mch 23 i" Sec'y & Trea3. Sales are Tqual They therefore to their Receipts- tire enabled : TO KEEP FRESH STOCK'. fV!. CRONLY. Auctioneer I BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Hand F.re-Tngine "WILIASB" at , Anction. WEDNESDAY. March 27th. 1878, at J 10 o'clock, A. M., we will sell at Ex change Corner by order of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of this city, the ! HAND-FIB E ENGINE, "WILLAKD", (replaced by Steamer) : has six (6) men plunge, ten (10) i inch stroke, double air; chamber : in complete order, save suction, which can be arranged at siignt: and 500 feet Hose. 1 Can be seen and examined at the Engine House of the corner Fourth and Princess streets mch 18 4t-18,21,23,2G. THE PUBLIC Goods ! Will By Oootl If they are sold at LOW FIGURES i 1 ""j ' expense- upon appnea- vv e assure our Kind patrons I ilTTlH 1 1H.I1 L Bit. Prospect Vineyards, New ' Jersey. For the Springi Tiade- I TUST RECEIVED an entire new and ele that our sales this month have Speer's Port Grape Wine! more than equaled onr highest an- ,v - t . a. T.n UiaUY Uil. S,.v,iUiiui i Capsized Off the Isle 01 Nlgni w about one.half million feet of yellow pine nf Four Hundred LlVCS- inch boards, ana mere is si.ii a large wv OI III Oil IUC11 OUiuno li-au( ivi iuu.jv"" . M -v t- n n u ' n j j n. i uihi JjOSDON, Marcii X this firm displays certainly deserve success, ntine iast been received nero iuai-uiui . , " f l - i ehin inrvaice. whu iiavai nuiuiuf, , " Exports. COASTWISH. Kpw York Schr Ernest T old. iron, 119 bales cotton, 693 nuts. FOREIGN. ! schr ! Chromo 112,614 Lee 232 tons bushels pea sant assortment of Gents' Light Single Sole ticipations. ! Npvr, io t John's, Pit -Axn -1,743 400 men on Doara, uu f;7 tha south coast of the Isle of The Admiral commanding ftt Ports mouth telegraphs the following par- received irom u cuuou jiiaryaice Bishop Atkinson's Appointraents for His Spring Visitation of 1878. ....(P. M (Sunday) after- Ine Doy ana inlftrB J f Vfinfnnr? " LUO . i -4T Tn nnnHphrsae at nan- nHIIHlZiCU " past four o'clock this (bunt noon in a sudden Bquatl. U a seaman were saved. Other advices indicate that between three and four hundred lives were lost. t . 3: i rAivinp news of tha disaVter. 1 1mmediately, despatched Holy Innocents', Lenoir Co -fomftr to the scene of the wreck. Kinston a steamer to tun boouo ... TflrWn vaster. Dav. . . . rriK a .nrvninfl was tiiuu& . , - for ordinary seamen, under tho com mind of Captain Marcus A, S. Hare. She was a sixth rate, of 912 tons bur den, ana carnea war Kuu. .April 1 ....L.April 2 .... ..!... April. 3 ....... .April 5 Lent, April 7 La Grange,. Snow Hill.. Marlboro..... . . .. St John's; Pitt Co.. It. 5th Sunday in frirt Co. Annl 9 St John's, Durham Creek.1.... ..U. April 10 South Creek. J . I.... L. April 11 St Paul's, Swift Creek... ...L;.U April 13 Newbern, Gtli Sunday hi Lent, April 14 lieaulort... Belfast. Ireland Nor br is Carl XV lifVklc rnein 515?0 pn.slrs snil'its. Halifax. N S Br schr Newport 1,300 bbls tar. 100 do pitch. 287 do rosin, 31 casks spirits 2,233 6?9 Ritftra. Gents'. French Call tlana Bewea Low Quarter Gaiters, Gents' Calf Strap Ties, Gents' Goat Strap Ties, Gents' l.ow ynarier Shoes in great variety of the latest styles, made on the improved Lastandwarranted to fit in every particular. i.aaies iMewDon lies si.3. ' Ladies' Kid flippers 85c a pair, and every those whom ,wc have never sold, allow U3 to ask Four Years Old. fTHIS JUSTLY CELEBRATED NATIVE 1 i I I , 1 ; r "Wine is made from the jaice of the Oporto drape, raised in this country. Ita invaluable 'Ante ani Strengthening Properties t.re unsurpassed by any other native Wine Being the pure juice of the grape, produced under, Mr. Speer's own personal . guperviaion, ita purity and genuineness are guaranteed. '.The youngest cnua may pr;aio oi iu k- i i i " .... .i i l ii.i 41,! t;Vr,toW inw rir9. ,1 rkii SfnoV ou ouauues. ana uie - weucii. u lu uR a" "r""" V VOU IO CUllltJ illiti u jawiAXiiu ,Ba U rt .Hv.tit.crA. It MONTHLY STATE5IKN OY STOCK ON HAND MABCH 25, 1878; Cotton ashore atioat.... Total. : ....... . t.. ....... Spirits ashore..... auoat i........ Total. ...April 16 II- Anril 1R ) Atiril91 ---1 .Anril 10 Rosin ashore.... afloat. I ; Total......... Tar ashore....' I afloat.... 2,922 7,419 'r 36i 1 ,7,780 .. 74,398 .. 15,743 No trouble to show Goods. An examma jtion of stock respectfully solicited. THOS. II. IIOWEY, No. 47 Market Street. mch 25 The Cosmopolitan. j . - . - ( Market Street, South side, of Market House. TS KOWOPEN as an ALL NIGHT HOUSE Fine Wines-, Ales, Liquors and Cigars and Fat New River Oysters to be had every hour in the day or Night. JUUiN UAKUULlJ, iProprietor. and Prices. 1 Give us a trial, and wo are ,! l sureLyou will be convincecL 80,141 mch 23 ,059 861 Wilmington District. Second round in part of Quarterly Meetings as per appointments made by Total.... Airiolont cale. vith snow, prevailed the Presiding LIder, Lev; U & LurKneaa, w hvdav and extended througn D. D. 1 I il SSSond: It was particularly severe Wilmington, at Front Street, March 30-31 ???l P Srnithville, at Zionl,.t!.i I .April 6.7 Whiteville,at Swindells,. April 13-14 Crude ashore afloat 7,020 1.664 LATER DETAILS. r v TTW OP THE CREW SAVED TITHES , V.iu " w DIB ASTEB BEING PICKED UP. TjOndon. March 25-A survivor ol nn riard as over three hundred. T?itr were mcaea up uy -o Wilmington, at Fifth Street, April 20-21 , M , f The Thermometer. if i l From the United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the foll6 wing report nf tho thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock: Augusta, Ga. .45 - v.?T-.r ir. water over i;airo,iu..........-..- . schooner juwirw . Charleston,, a u. ...52 .35 Corsicana, Tex...... a . n t-tmr.tr Ahh i (IB Wu I Havana 03 vera Baveu,M a r;ra; h.x.n Turydice was under fall sail v - trhen she was overtaken by a .snow jackaonTme, FU.54 atorm accompanied by heavy squalls. Knoxrille .33 , The snn shown " again brilliantly Lynchburg.......S6 ur"r CVlu w ia exceot two. ftll nOUr, uu.k " ' . ,i viaciaoau.. ! I Memphis. Term... ..50 Moblie, Ala.. J.... ...52 1 Montgomery Ala.. .47 New Orleans.l......59 New York....4 32 Savannah, Ga'.....52 Shreveport...... 36 St.! Louis Mo M48 St. Marks, Fla 44 Vicksourg; Miss.. ..53 Washington, D C 33 Wilmington, N. C.44 1 Totl.. 1,664 RECEIPTS FOa THKjWESK KSD1N0 MAKCH 25, 78 Cotton..-.. 1,481 SDirita I165 Rosin .. ....... 9,55 Tar 1 2,846 Crude.... ....... . . . .. t 1,786 EXPORTS FOR THE WBXK XSVISQ MARCH 25, 78. TlnmpBtift nd Foreisrn. fJotton.. ,-L- L 1,738 Sninti i , 330 Kosin L ..... 20,535 Tar........ I...." - 4,764 rfrtio i 8 MOFFETT BELL PUNCH -AJsD Ico Cold Lager, FIVE CENTS PER GLASS, MAXSLN'G HOUSE SALOON.1 At mch 25 Auto. & Photo. Albums. POCKET AND BILL Cards. Violin Bows and 1 looks. Memo. Books. Gold Pens and U mt. m,Va mnnur faster at WOrK IOr US Ttn it Tivhinr else. CaPit&l HOC TC- auired: we will start you. Slpr day it.hr tli industrious. Men, wo- bovs and ffirls wanted eTerywhere to .t-rn. KnTs-iatha time. Costly out fit and terms free. Address Trpb 4 Co., Au- m.?. -menu Pencils. Playing TtaHfin Rt fin cr-a Also, Blank: Books, Pchool Books, Plain and Fancy Stationery. Bibles, Prayer Books, iiymn liooks, &c, &c . . J. W. 1 AIM. mch 25 Bookseller and'.'Photoprapher, THOS. J. SOUTHEBLAND LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, Corner Third and Princess Streets, ' ,1 Wilmington, N. C. 31.. Horses and VCSeles for hire at rea- aonanle rates. - Excursion parties . to ine Sound and country accommodated. may 28- - ; t j, 100 Bbls. Fresh ; ; .1 l Jackson White Potatoes, ! - ! at $1.90 per Bbl. is narticularly bene licial to the aged and debiliUted, and suited to the various ailments that afflict the Weaker eer. It Is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE 11ELIED ON. - ' '-.il i : ;l ZXVALIDS USE SPEER'S PORT GRAPE 1 WINE. i ' i 1 ' - FEMALES USE SPEER'S FOR T GRAPE i WINE. ' i ' I ' I" 'I V- 'J. WEAKI, Y PERSONS FIND ' A .BENEFIT j it y its use. '-r- : 1 Speer's Wines in Hospitals are preferred io other Wines. .-". Sold br Drueeist generally, who also sell peer's Standard Wine Eltteis. Trade m tlied by ail vrbolesale Dealers. 1 8ee that the signature of Alfred Speer, Passaic, N. J., i over the cork of each bottle, j I i A. SPEER'S Mt. Prospect Vineyards ,BTf w Jersey. Office, No. 34 Warren St. New Tfork. mch 22 . j. j' ' I FemaleSchpol. mHE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL Seadoa of this school will commence on THURS DAY; the 4th of October. PnpiU of all t&t received, while the same care will be bestow ed upon eacn, irom aavancea young tsaiea w the smallest child. Object teaching combined With text book instruction, is a particular feature of the school, the Principals, after . f 1 . ? I 1 T 1 I mmm I a mi f I lone ana careiui eipcnence, ubtmik um . Unlldren S lJIClfllllg i tobe the most adTantareous method of llmt. I . " parting knowledge to the young and enquir- TVT? STOCK OF CHILDREN a CLOTU- fog child. u Jy ii ? Vocal music and calisthenics free of extra ING this season is weH selected had much eharge, excepUng a trifle for the daily use of . larger than heretofore kept. No trouble to ealisthenic apparatus. j t iLjj tret anited as the styles are handsome and the 1 Musical Department tinder the supervision-: SricesLOW. ! 1 ef -Mrs. M. S. Cashing, whose lone and faiui-- My Stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods far fal experience renders her peculiarly fittbd 11 r n4K. in ihet ritv- Ths latest rrthia vork. mVitiM in Neck Wear. SilkrHandkerchiefa, t For terms, Ac, see or addreas PriadpaU. BOATWBIGHT &H0V 5, 7 CL 1 mch 25 8 IToit Front Street. Colored Half Hose, collars, iuns, eic. ST" Silk Handkerchiefs 25 cents apiece. Remember the "PEARL" when in need of Shirts, and buy no other. 0nly$l- mch 16 ' ' - -The Clothier. j sept & i -t i a week in your own town. 5 Oat fit free. No rik Reader, if you want a business at which persons of fith?r rex can make ereat pay all the' h.t vorkJ write for particulars to 1L- aLLerT A Co.i Portland, Maine, mch C.- i t- )