THIS PAPER " nnblished every Afternoon, 8undayg ex- r cepted by , JOSH. T. JAMES, EDITOR AND PEOPEIKTOE. iTHSCaIPTIOKS, POSTAGE'PAlD. on vpr.f5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three months. $1 25 : One month, 50 cent. The paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in any part of the city, at the above rates, or 13 cents per weex. Advertising rates low and liberal aETSubacriberi will please report any and all failures to receive tneir papers regmarij, New Advorti sements. RODDICK 45 IflAXLII22T ST. SPECIAL BARGAINS IX BANKRUPT STOCK f from the Recent Auction Sale of Ewing & Co . of Boston " JUST RECEIVED yE TAKE GRFAT PLEASURE IN presenting the following catalogue of DRY GOODS, which we recently purchased at an Auction Sale of Bankrupt Stock in Boston. As we are always ready to share cur Bar Cains with our patrons, we offer these Goods at prices Not Only Lower ! than such fabrics have ever been sold in Wil mington, but Far below their Intrinsic Value ! This is no Advertising: Ruse ! It is a Genuine Sale ! And every article enumerated in this lis Will be Sold at Less than the Cost of Manufacture. Lot No. 1. Figured and Striped Dress Goods Market Price 35 cents. . BROWN & RODDICK'S PRICE 20 cents. LotNo. 2. Silk and Wool (Lyons Poplins. Market Price SI BROWN & RODDICKS PRICE 50 cents. Lot No. 3. Ladies' Striped Paisley Shawls. Market Price $15. BROWN & RODDICK'S PRICE $5. Lot No. 4. Ladies' Double Paisley Shawls Market Price $20. BROWN & RODDICK'S PRICES I O. Lot. No. 5. White Marseilles and Piques. Market Price 40 & 50c. BROWN & RODDICK'S PRICE 20 and 35 cents. Lot No. C. Remnants Nottingham Curtain Lace. Market price soc. BROWN & RODDICK'S PRICE 1 5 cents for choice. Lot No. 7. V Black Victoria Brilliantines ! , Market Price 60c BROWN & RODDICK'S PRICE 35 cents ! Lot No. 8. The Cheapest Line of Towels and Table Linens ever offered in the city by Brown & Roddick, or any other house. Lot No. 9. Plain, striped and Plaid Nainsooks, BROWN & RODDICK'S PRICE 17, 20& 25 cents. Market price about double. V Lot No. 10. V Ladies' Embr'd Sets Collars & Cuffs. Market Price 50c, 70e and $1. BROWN & RODDICK'S PRICE 25c, 35c and 50c ! The above lots only comprise a part of the different lines of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS which we are selling at an enor mous discount upon value 1 Brown & Roddick, 45 Market Street, Agents for DSTTXaXXX 5t CO.. THE GREAT NEW YOBK CLOTHIERS Custom-IVIade Clothing nf thn lfnst Fashionable Cut and Finish AT NEW YORK PRICES. Samples for Inspection and Measures taken at our store, .agents wou iur Frail -ieslies' Cat Ppr Pates. OUR NEW CATALOGUE contains a great variety of the latest and most BROWN & men 21 1 VOL. 3. LOCAL NEWS. New AdTertlsements. i C. W; Yates Perforated Boaid, c. Buebask's PHAB3tAcr-UDrugsf &c Boatweioet A McKov To Heads of Families. " M See advertisement of City Taxes. Bedeick Cassimeres, Parasols. Ac. Bihford, Loeb & Co Lowj'Figures. Muhson A Co Clothing I Clothing I Henry Sayage. Treasurer and Collector Tax Notice. 1 A. Shrike Going North. S. JkWktt New 8upply of Pictures. The Board of Aldermerj meei i this erec- Eggs continue to retarij at 10 cents per dozen. Never count on your Ipririg cbickeus before thev are broiled. The blue wash on the ceiling of the Market house is already pealing off. Cure that cough o yoii may have to take an apartment in a sarcophagus. Fool's Day land lots of (practical pranks were played this foienoon pn peace ful and patient people. The annual meeting of the policy holders pf the Wilmington Mutual Insurance Com pany will be held this evening. ; Capt. Lippitt has on sale tho first green peas of the season. They are from I Ior ida and ard selling at75 cents a peck. I i From present indications we fear the "Snrincr Fever": will become an epidemic. ' r - o : - , , , Some of the Veterans seriously indisposed. are already very The Board of County Commissioners met this morning at 1' o'clock, but ad a quorum, sub journed tor 'the want o ject to the. call of the Chairman. The First 1 attalion I The following is a fall list of the staff i appointments for . the First Battalion Light Artillery, N. C. H. G., made by Maj.Flanner. Commanding: Jno. H. Allen, of Wilmington, Quar er Master, with rank of Captain; Thos. P. Deverauiv of Raleigh, Commissary, with rank of Captain; Stephen Jewett, of Wilmington, Adjutant, with rank of First Lieutenant. j , These selections are excellent; ones, one point of great merit being that all of these gentlemen have seen actual ser vice in the field. Euchred by a Hen. Arrattempt was made last night about 11 o'clock to steal and carry offjthe chick ens of Mr. 11. J. Barclay on jThird, be tween Nun and Church streets, j The thieves, two in number, got intothe coop through the roof and had "gathered them in" but in their fowl play picked up an old hen which proved j to jbcj a good trumpeter and by this means; the thieves discovered by Mrs. Barclay whoj gave an alarm and frightened them! off: without their booty The same hen last-year was the cause ot thieves being run off and has twico saved for Mr. Barclay ,his jfowls. Sacramental Wine. Speer's Port Grape Wine' is a pure unintoxicating wine, from the finest native grown Port Grapes, especially for the use of Christian Churches, and guaran teed to retain its grateful flavor and es sential qualities unimpaired for any period. much usea ior evening panies auu uy iu- valiQV ! Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having bad placed in his j hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent .cure of consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, Sand all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after j jiaving tested its wonderful curative powers in j thous ands of cases, has felt it his duty jto make it known to his suffering fellows. Ac tuated by this motive and a desire to re lieve human suffering,! I . will send, free of charge, to all who desire it,! this -recipe m German, French, or English, with full directions for preparing and, using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, nam ing this paper, W. W. Sherar, 126 Pow en' Block, Rochester,1 N. Y!.r 4w Sharp competition is the order of the day, among the first class hotels in New York. With one or two exceptions, they are trying to keep their old trade while adhering to their previous high rates. The Grand Central has reaped much bene- fii"(Tom this, by quietly "cutting" . the rates from one to two dollars per day. Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. Doa't fail to procure Mks. Winslows Soothing Syrup for all diseases of teeth ins in children. It relieves the child from pain, cures wind colic, regulates the bowels, and, by giving relief and health to tho child, gives rest to the mother. WILMINGTON, N. C., Change or Hour. The hour for ringing the breakfasV bell, according to custom was' changed this morning from half past seven to seven o'clock and turn-out bell from half-past eight to eight o'clock. The breakfast bell will ring from now until the fall season at se ven and turn-out bell at eight o'clock. Tax Injunction. We understand that Judge Eure has granted an injunction restraining the city from offering for sale for non-payment ol taxes, the property held by .W. J. Duffie and wife, Trustees &c.; and that the case will be heard at Chambers, at Elizabeth town, on the ICth inst. ! - The grounds on which the injunction was applied for will not be given for publication until the case is argued. Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine, The steam fire engine Cape Fear was out practicing at the foot of Market Dock this afternoon, and turned a good stream of water into the Maiket House, jwhich not only had the effect of cleaning ij; pret ty thoroughly, but afforded considerable amusement for several small boys around. The water started several Market .House rats from their hiding-places, and the boys gave chase, capturing and killin Or cpVPfftL Postponed. C ap. Henry Savage, City Clerk and Treasurer, advertises in to-day's issue of the Review that the sale of property ;for taxes for the year 1871, is postponed until Saturday, the 20th day of this month, at 12 o'clock. Parties who waived the advertisement cf their property for that year are also noti fied that 'unless the same is paid by the 15th Inst., their j property will be ad vertised on the 20tli inst., for sale. Swcrn In. i : ' Messrs. C. C. Walker. J, W.' King. I A. D. Lo?e, D. S. Bender and the ex-City Messsng r, Mingo U. Hill, were to-day sworn in as Health Officers by Mayor Fishblate and assigned to' duty'as follows : For the First Ward, M. C. Hill ; Second Ward,.D. S. Bender ; Third Ward, A.D. Love ; Fourth Ward, C. C. Walker ; Fifth Ward, J. W. King. The officers have the authority of policemen also- and are to be obeyed and respected accord ingy. j;''' X ! Confirmation. The Bbhop preached and confirmed at Sc. Matk's P. E. Church, colored, yester day afternoon. There j was a very large attendance, every seat being full. Rev. C. cj. Brady, of St. Mark's, read Evening Prayer I and Rev. Dr. Patterson, ot St. John's, preached from the text :. "Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life." The Bishop con firmed fourteen persons, the candidates having been presented by Rev. C. O. Brady. City Court. Three little colored boys were the only prisoners before" Mayor Fishblate 's court this ; morning and ' these little rogues, though yourg in years, are old in crime, two of them being old offenders. Their names are Robert Stevensou, Mike Peden and George Wilson ; Uhj la3t named two had . jthe honor to plead the City Court Bar for the same effence they were arraign ed for this morning on a previous occa sion. ! "The defendants were arraigned to day upon the charge of forcibly entericg- the shop of Parish Wood, ou Front street," yesterday (Sunday) j afternoon about four o'clock. Robert Stevenson was seen to enter the shop through a broken pane ol glass. Officer G. W.' Davi3 of the police force, was notified, who came and arrested the boy before he could make his egress from the shop. The two other boys were arrested upon .being accessory before the fact. It seems from the statement of the first little rogue, arrested, that the three have a regular and systematized plan for robbing houses or shops where they can get victuals. The policeman did not suc ceed in arresting Peden and Wilson until this morning about four o'clock, when he found them under Parish Wood's shop, where theyv are in the 'habit of roosting every night, so they say, upon a bed made of paper and rags. And according to the statement of the policeman, it was not without some difficulty that they were in duced; to to leave their bed of paper and rags. He used a long pole and stirred them up and frailed about with it underneath the shop, until the little vilains for their own safety were compelled to crawl out. On account of the extreme youth of tho prisoners the oldest being only twelve His Honor seemed puzzled to know what to do with them, but finally ordered that they be confined in separate cells in the Guard House until further orders. -This concluded the business of the Court for the dav. V " The best thing for cliapped lips is the essence of two-lips. MONDAY, APRIL J, Criminal Court. This court convened thb morning at 10 o'd ck, His Honor Julge Mcares pre siding. , Tho following named persons were drawn to saive as Gr&n 1 Jaicrs for this term of the court : I B. F. Hall, Foreman, John A. Hewlett, 'Jam s Elder, Ad m Browu, John A. Fanner, Edward S. Gause,S. W. lloldem Kz-kiai Hollis, N. Morris, R'chard !f. Langdon, J auu s Richardson, Joseph J Cutter, Isham Qukk, Charles W. Bradley, Joseph Doane, John H. IJomemap, Vm. Buchanan, Sr.. Henry W. Bryant. After the GratulJury were drawn aul eu juneHed the Judge delivered Lis charge. Maj. John W. . Jhmbaui, Clerk, then presented: Iris bond for the ensuing ear which was accented by the Judge, ailer which aVa few minutes before one o'clock the court took a recess until three this af ternoon at which time thHtlcUjt 'a ill be taken up and the court jwoceod to trial of the There an; b- v.v. 'hutv-'.wo I cases on docket aln ady wo. understand and i . i i theGiand Jury will in Jl probability find true bills for as many mnrv ,. Wilmington Phosphates. The Raleigh News s.iy.s : There has been very considerable interest excited in the eastern section. of our St;i!e by the recent discovery ofjbtds of phosphate on the farm of a gentleman near . Wi'nung ton A senm of abou t f ur feet in width was there found, and has teen tniccd for more than CO yards. The Phosphate is considered by competent judges to bo fully equal to that from the celebrated deposits near Charleston, S. C. Col. L. L. Polk. State Commissioner of Agriculture, re ceived on yesterday specimens of the find, for analysis. Accompanying these was a letter from the sender, a prominent gentle man of Wilmmg' on, in which he says: "Tho discovery of the uiuisu;il!y rich deposits of j green sand, and a conglom erate of coprolites andphosphatic nodules, has excited general attention. To-day, accompanied by a number of gentlemen from this city, l visited the place of dis covery, where I obtained the specimens sent you. I am satisfied thai they will be found useful for application to lands in their vicinity, and may probably admit of transportation. Prof. Ravecel, of Charles ton, claims to have realized wonderful re sults from a combination ! of one-third barrel! marl, one third ground phosphate, and one-third ground sulpher pyrites. If he is correct, this deposit may prove to lack only the pyrites to make it very valuable, and they can be easily obtain" i - ed." ! The specimens will be at once ana lysed.and it ishoped will prove as rich as expected, thus adding resources. another ii ocr A pretty fashion prevails at present long dresses for ladies, worn shortly beirg carried in the hand. , ' "Hold the fort" is the cry of the caudi. dates, and the present occupants of office will have to look out, or somebody may creep in. " - The 'heftiest" item in the Review to day will be found on the second and third pages, m the shape of the City Tax List forth years 1871, 1872, 1873, 1S74, 1875 and 187C. I The Mayor, ordered the morning of the woman, Mi discharge this vina Manning, and Bill Rivers, who were arrested last t ' i week on suspicion of being in league with chicken thieves. The fust grand Uluroiuation of the Market House tock placJ -Saturday night and was found to work extremely well. There are six lamps already in position and three more are to be Qadded this week. - i . Slandering Your Neighbors. The chief claim for support and pat ronage by some of the manufacturers of Baking Powder in this country, seems to be based on the idea of always villifying and traducing the character and quality of the goods of other manufacturers, j "Our goods, or none," is their motto. ' The manufacturers of Dooley's Yeast Pow der set up no such arbitrary claim; but they do claim to produce an absolutely pure, wholesome, and, in every way, per fect Baking Powder. Beside which, it is strictly full weight. Hotel Arrivals. PuncELii House. Wilmington, N. C , April 1st: Cobb Bros, proprietors. From 10:05 o'clock March 30th to 10:35 o'clock April 1st D M C French, United States Revenue Marioe; John M Rhode j, F C Poole, Chicago, 111; Charles C Davis, Philade'phia, Penn; Thomas li -fis'on, and Penn; James Swift, New York; C ii Jack son. Baltimore, Md; R E Vick, Caroliea Central Railway; W F English , Mount Olive. N C; DrDE Smith, Mount Olive, wife. New xorK; xx xs onorr, jr, juase Waccaniaw, N C; P D Oowan, City; G R French. City; W G Hopkins, Philadelphia. NO. 53 ! Up the Road! LAuiiisBURr,, March SOtb, 78. Dear Review: There is but little of Laurinburg to day to remind one of jt before the confla gration, some eighteen months ago, which destroyed the Railroad depot and freight building" and the business portion of the town. -Twelve or thirteen neat two story frame buildings have been and are now Pbeing erected which in size and looks arc a great improvement over those which were destroyed. Mr. T. C. Bundy is running a hotel, near the site of ths old one, and is giving satisfaction to travelers. He sets a nice table and docs every thing in his power for the comfort of his'guests. In walking through the railroad chops' I saw several Wilmingtonians who seemed to be happy and prosperous and wb9 ex pressed themselves well pleased with their new homes. The hand fire engine If'tY lard which was bought by the town authorities of this place is now in the yard of tho railroad company. The Witlard is to receive the repairs needed and a com pany will be organized in tho shops to man her. A handsome parlor car is being built in the par shop 'and--, when completed will be u perfect beauty. 1 could not ascertain between what points the car would, be run bui know that it will not be put on the lino between Wilming ton and Charlotte. An! engine has re cently been built in' the shops and named for Oapt. V. Q. Johnson, the Superinten dent of the road. The engine was built for use and not for sale and is looked Upon as a very fine one. Large substantial box cars arc being turned out the shops almost diily; ' ' - . All alung the line of the road I noticed what seemed to me to be immense quails tities of different brands of guanos. One can easily tell long before he sees it that "the thing is thar and no mistake." Busi ness at the towns where I stopped is very quiet and every onci is complaining of t.ard times. One thing I have noticed, very much to my surprise, that for most of the necessaries of life a higher price is asked than is charged for the.samc articles in Wilmington; eggs are held at ten to twelve and one half cents per dozen, and dry salt meats from ten to twelve and one half cents per pound, calico is sold for four and rive cents per yard ; higher than iu Wilmington and the same is the case with other 'goods. - 1 Quite ,a j heavy rain, accompanied by severe thunder and lightning, passed over Robeson aijid Richmond counties a few days ago, which was very grateful to vegetation and seems to have put all the farmers in good humor, at least it put most of them- at work planting and ploughing. More anon II. New Advertisements. OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECTOR, ClTV OF WlLMINCTOK, N. C., A rait. 1st, 1873. . Tax Notice. THE SALE OF PROPERTY for TAXES for the year 1877 is hereby postponed until SATURDAY, the 20th day of April, 1878, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the City Rail. . All parties who waived the advertisement of their taxes for that year are notified that unless the same are paid by the 15th inst., their property will be advertised for sale on the 20th inst. I HENRY SAVAGE, april 1-lt Treasurer and Collector. Clothing Headquarters Clothing ! -pCiR EVERYTHING; First Class in Clot ling and Gents' Furnishing Goods . 2MU2MSOBJ &. CO- apl 1 CIcthiars and Merchant Tailors. At Low Figures "jkVe offer to the trade : 500 Bbls. Flour all grades, 200 Bbls. Molasses, all kinds, 75 Boxes D: S. Meats, 75 Bbls. Bio Coffee, j SO Bbls. Sugar, I "Rice, Tobacco, Snuff, Candy, Candles, Soap, Starch, Nails, Buckets, Tubs, Brooms, &d, &c. I lilNFORD, LOEB & CO., inch 23 Wholesale Grocers. Constantly Receiving. JRUGS, CHEMICALS, Fancy Articles, I Tobacto and Cigars, at liURBANK'8 PHARMACY. Corner Front and Princess Streets. Prescriptions compounded with the utmcst care day or night. apl 1 I; : Gold and Silver TERFORATEt). BOARD and MOTTOES, Bristol Board Decoration Pictores, White and Coloreo Splints, Drawing Paper. Ac, Ac. Also, Seaside Library, and the latest Papers and Magazines always on hand. j C. W. YATES, apl I Bookseller and Photographer. Quarantine Notice. PILOTS ARE! HEREBY NOTIFIED TO bring all vessels from the Ports of Hava na and Rio do J&nerio to the Quarantine An chorage, for inspection, from and after this date, and until farther notice. .!. W, O. CURTIS, Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington, men 30-7 1 : 1878. :r:-r PLEA SE KOtlCI: i ; We will be gUd to receive communication t from our friends on any and all- wbjecU o general interest but : " -. j Tie name of the writer 'must always " furnished to the Editor. . Communications mut be wiittcn On onlt one tide of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. Andit is especial and particularly una stood that the editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents, unless Tso stated in the editorial columns. i New Advertisements. THE BEST GOODS MANUFAC: TURED IN THE WORLD For Boy's. Wekr is' our celebrated - '"ShT wide Salem, N. tassinncre, ' i - .": . vl-"-'- ' No. 1, three colors, at SI pr yard No. 2, two colors, at 75c " v ' : A n ew Jot just rccei veJ. HE D RICH. Parasols. A cheap and handsome stock of Will be open on MONDAY. Also, 4 50 Ladies' 24 inch Sun Umbrellas. Silk, at $2,G5. - HZ3DRZCZI. argains, Sorne Very Great Bargains in Vu-1 r rions Kinds of Goods. ZI3DRICI. Linen dollars m Goffs. The Cheapest Lot Ever Offered hi - Wilmington. i HBDRICZI. april 1 To Heads of Families' IF YOU WANT TO "SUPPLY ; YOUR TABLE WITH THE BEST OF T. Family Groceries ! At IhcTiOwcst Prices Try us Before Buying Elsewhere 1 ! . We Keep the Largest Stock. Sell at; the lowest Prices. And, above all,Guarantee Entire Satisfaction If Our Goods do not Hint von. roinrn !. them, and we will refund your money. Those who purchase from U3 under-, stand this, but those who do not are only tb' learn by reading our advertisement and try ing us. ' . I We never advertise what we do not carry out strictly, so hope all will understand z literally what we cay. . - We want all, we invite i all, and wc think we will please all who call upon us. : WE GUARANTEE THE Very Lowest Prices ! BOATWRlir K0T ... . ' . - .,1. - . ' 5. 7 8 Uorth Front Htreot apl 1 . ' , ' -' New Supply of pICTURES for Pottery Decoration Oref 1 100 different sheets at 8. JEWETT'S. . Front Street Book Store, mcL 2D '